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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1923)
T 4 TTT 4 UT lO DTOP fTTTTJli'.IP , . .'Ut MEDFORD MATH TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, ORKOOV. TUESDAY, .TAX TAR V in, 1f)'2:l PA'OE THREE mTTTTTr(T"i TT QUIT TOBACCO So easy to drop Cigarette, Cigar, or Chewing habit Vn.tA.Pnn a k..l,r.,t tliAiiennile tfl ireak the costly, nerve shattering to- longing for( a stfioko or chew, just lact it harmless No-To-Bac tablet. in our mouth instead. All desire stops, ihortly the habit Is completely irnkim. innl vm 1110 lit lir off men- rUly, physically, financially. It's so Mini' u, 1. .,).. ,. Iinv Tn- rTo-Har and if It doesn't release you irom an craving lor toimcco in any form, your druggist wilt refund your money without question. Adv. LOCAL FARMER'S ED ANDREWS TO NEEDS. TOPIC AT i APPEAR HERE IN" . 22 Mann's ANNUAL JANUARY REMNANT SALE Thursday, January -18 i m . Remnants of White Goods, Wash Goods, Cretonnes, Sheetings, Linings, Silks, Woolens and Laces at Less Than Cost. Blue Front Fixit Shop HI S. Holly St. "WE FIX ANYTHING" I'huiy) 434 Razor Hindu Shnrnenlng HEAT WITH COAL , 1'lnce Your Oriler Now for" ,, Quick Delivery Hansen Coal Co. : (Successors to Ends) W4 8. Fir St. Pliono REAL BARGAINS In Serviceable Used Cars Crater Lake Automotive Co. 123 South Front St. Both business men mid farmers have ut last come to realize that for cither of them to ho successful, they must work together. This was force. ably brought out at the. inevtiiiK of the farmers held nt the public library last Saturday nfternoon. In order that the members of the Medford Chamber of Commerce may understand the problems of the Jack son county farmers and In order to bo advised of what tho business men might do ns their part of this pros perity program, tho forum committee has invited tho new president of the Jackson County Farm llureau to ad dress the members forum tomorrow noon nt tho Medford Hotel. A. C. Joy has lonnr been a recog nized leafier iimnnK the farmers of this county. He thoroughly under stands local conditions and can speak nuthorltively for tho farmer. The new program of the Jackson county Farm Hureau is sound and it lacks only tho support of tho business men to carry to a successful conclusion and this support will undoubtedly be Klven as soon as the business men are officially requested by tho Farm llu reau to assist 'thorn in this meritor ious work. For some time past the many friends of Ed. Andrews here in the valley have been reading" of his 'ap pearance in Seattle, Portland auJ other northern cities and have boon anxiously look Inn forward to his pay ing his old home town a visit. Man ager Hunt of tho I'ase Theatre at lust announces tho Amorican Light Operu Co. in a short season of comic opera In which Kd Andrews will star as comedian. The Rogue Illver valley never had a more ardent booster than Kd Andrews, as ardent a booster as Ed Andrews. Ho sang the prulses of the Hogue Kiver valley wherever he could get an Babbiting, Welding, Repairing and Lathe Work REASONABLE RATES ' Crater Lake Automotive Co. 123 South Front St. i'Tlwlr preservation, fj protection by our p skilled optical service. & For better glasses, see SEEDS We Are Headquarters for nil Farm, Garden and Flower Seeds Ol'R TWO N17V TAPI.K PK.S Ill-it ish Mon nnd The Lincoln (Pkt. 15c; lb. 60c) Post paid. NEW CAT.MOO XOW READY C.GMorse&Co. 749 FRONT ST. Retail Store 115 Market St. San Francisco , CaL Tho mon of the rreshytorian church are reminded of the. men's supper at the church parlors on Wed nesday evening at C:30 P. M., promptly,-to be followed by addresses from two visiting speakers of note In the interest of the men's work in the ehurches. Dr. Weir from Chicago will bo the principal speaker. He is the chairman of our men's work committee under the general assem bly. He makes a fine impression wherever he goes. Dr. Campbell of Los Angeles, has charge of the men's work on the coast. Visitors from the Presbyterian churches near by will be guests. From present reports, about thirty visiting brethren wi 1 be present. A strong delegation from the men's brotherhood at Phoenix, which is the only organized men's work in the Presbytery, is also ex pected. Tho ladies are planning chicken pie supper nnd no main member of tho church or eongroga tlon will want to miss the good things of the evening. LlLA I- 1 IE MEDFORD TOSSERS TO PLAY COTTAGE GROVE Ed. Andrews audience and from all reports he never loses an opportunity of puttins in a good word for this valley and It is needless to say that his many friends will not lose the opportunity of seeing him In the different char acters which he will portray here. The American Light Opera Co., with a cast of 40 people Including a fine group o( stars, a real singing chorus, orchestra, Bcenery, etc., is prepared to S'v standard operas in a way will meet the demands of .criti que and layman' alike. There will be Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (matinee and night) per formances as follows: Monday, Jan. 22, "Bohemian. Girl"; Tuesday, Jan. 23, "Mikado"; Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 24, "Chimes of Normandy" and Wednesday night, "Pinafore." j , , . ror.TI.ANn, Ore.. Jan. in. The Pacific Coast b-amie schedule for 1 1123. was ndnpted unanimously this morning at a meeting hero nf the members. Salt I-'ike City was given permis sion to open the season at Fresno, C'al.. instead of on its homo Kl'ounds and to continue there the second week if agretable to Portland. Holiday and olos.ntf week dates of tho 1913 schedule were announced as follows: Memorial day: Sacramento Portland: Oakland at San Francis. Salt Lake at Seattle; Vernon at Los Angeles. July 4 Vernon at I'oilland: Oak land at Seattle: Sacramento at an Francisco; Salt Lake at Los Angeles. Labor Day Salt Lake ut Portland; Sacramento at Seat'le; Oakland at Vernon; Los Angeles at San Fran Cisco. Admission Day Lofj Angeles at Oakland; San FranclBco at Vernon. Pioneer Day Sacramento at Salt Lake. Closing Week Portland nt Seat tle; Oakland at San Francisco; Ver non at Los AngeleB; Salt Lake at Sac ramento. , Opening dates wero announced as follows: League opening April 3; Portland at Sacramento; Seattle vs Salt Lake at Frosno; Vernon nt Sun Francisco; Oakland at Los Angeles. Week of April 10: San Francisco at Oakland. Week of April 17 Seattle at Port land;, Lob Angeles at Seattle; San Francisco at Portlnnd. r Winter Driving use MISSIONARY MEETING The Medford high school basket ball five which defeated the alumni quintet in a rough scramble last Sat urday night will meet the Cottage Grove high school basketball team at the Nat tomorrow night In the first interscholastic game of tho lo cal season. Tho girls' preliminary will Btart promptly at 7:30 aud seats are now on sale at Crownon's. The Cottage Grove team was de feated last night at Ashland In the high school gym by a score of 39 to 30 by tho Ashland high school five and will meet that aggregation again tonight. Spectators state that last night's game was fast and hard fought and that tho Cottage Grove team has an excellent man in the for ward who made 21 of their 30 points. The local team will meet tho Weed high school aggregation Friday night at the Nat. and the Weed girls will play the Medford girls a preliminary. Weed has made a good record this season in Northern California, having defeated Redding, it is understood. ELECTS OFFICERS A very interesting missionary meet ing will be held in l'hqenlx at the home of Mrs. Malmgren on Thurs day nt 2 . m., when the Presbyte rian Missionary society will bo the guests of tho Phoenix society. In ad dition to the program prepared by the Phoenix society, which Includes seve ral special features, as well us regu lar topics, Mrs. Volney Dixon will give u short report of tho synodieal meeting wtych sho attended In Port land. GoocJ music, readings, tho play let. "Thanksgiving Ann," will add to the pleasure and profit of tho meet ins. All ladles of both churches arc cordially invited to attend, as the at tendance is not limited to members- Cut This Out It Is Worth Money Cut. out this slip, enclose with 6c and mail it to Foley & Co., 2835 Shef field Ave., Chicago, III., writing your same and address cloarly. You will receive In return a trial package con taining Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound for coughs', colds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills for pains In sides and back; rheumatism, backache, kid ney and bladder ailments; and Foley Cathartic 'Tablets, a wholesome nod thoroughly cleansing cathartic for con stipation, biliousness, headachos, and sluggish bowels. Sold everywhere. , Adv STARTS, STANFORD STANFORD UNIVERSITY, Jan 10. Baseball practice is now in full swing here with moro than thirty players trying to make the Stanford nine. Harry Wolter, formerly out fielder of tho New ork ianks, re cently appointed Stanford baseball coach, is whipping' his material into shape, fdr the first real games of the season with University of California and tho University of Southern Call fornia. . During January, February and March tho Cards will play with local teams and will moot tho University of Southern California at Stanford on April 4 and 0. On April 7 the Cards will tie into tho University of Cali fornia and for a three game series, playing the first and last games here with the second game being staged at Berkeley. SikI orreml Match. PARIS, Jan. 10. Battling Siki has been jiiatched conditionally against Harry Greb for a bout next May, ac cording to tho Journal. The match is subject to tho condition that SikI previously defeat an opponent whose name will be announced soon. Tho newspaper says tho purse for tho pro-, posed bout will bo depositell at the French; consulate a t Boston. Framo-Up IiifdstH Slkl. PARIS. Jan. 16. Both Battling Siki and his new manuger, M. Broui thet, maintain their allegations that tho fight between tho Senegalese and Georges Carpentler was framed, not withstanding the report of tho boxing federation ,. conimitteo which said it had found . no evidence of a frame-up. When Interviewed by IAuto, Broul thet asserted that ho would produce full proof of his charges on Febru ary 15, when civil tribunal will hear tho action brought against the fede ration by Siki for depriving him of his title. Basketball Horn i It. TORTLAND, Jan. 16. Lant night's basketball results follow: At Eu gene University of Oregon 47; Whitman college 27. At Berkeley University of Cali fornia 27; University of Nevada 12. At Logan Utah Agglef! 42) Mon ianatana Stale college 27. At Pullman Washington State college 38; University of Montana 14. to 0v tv"V AC0 i tM 1 vM - ft& ..1 c.Vve cW9- V1V C6 . .t.tS. 8e .tC ofv 7erolne food cod Ut oils now frrrly nod lubrical per (cttly in to weather - prow A the ber ing increase the power and flekibiUiy ut your cugiuc. 1 Equip Your Automobile with an INTERSTATE ' "The Signal That Never Fails." No Springs or Complicated Parts. No Electric Magnets No Cost for Upkeep. No Chance, to Fail Nothing to wear out. ' No clralt on Storage Battery No Repairs. T1IK 1XTEHSTATE SIGMAL is fiuluisctl ly the City of Medford, and the Secretary of tho North west Association of Motor Vehi cles Department. It stops all argument ; relieves you of responsibility You can't af ford to be without it. Costs but $4.00 in Medford B. W. MEADOWS 45 S. Front St. Medford Oregon JtB 1 cXH NOTICK. Through an Krror Our Office Telephone Number was omitted in the new Directory.- IT IS 77 nit. n. e. jrur.PHT. t Dentistry and X-Itay 2nd Floor Medford nidi. PIPE FLUSH Quickly dissolves all olwtructlons In clogeI drain anil sewer pines 1JUY IT TRY IT . For Sale By I A. I,. VROMAX. 113 8. Front St. WATCH YOUR BATTERY I'KKST-O-LITB BATTKRT STATION Knr Quirk Servlrr riinno 118 H. W. CONGER UNDERTAKER SuecoMHor to Weeks-Conieor Co. MHlforl. Ore. At the annual meeting of the Cen tral Point Nation!) I Farm Loan asso ciation held at Central Point. Ore January 9th, the following officer? wero elected: F. L. Lane, president; J- W. Biik hol5(, vice-president; Frank K- Up ton, secretary-treasurer; W. II. Nor cross, George Merrltt, and A. T. Kl lestnd, wero elected loan committee. The report of tho secretary-treas urer was read and approved showing that the association was In sound fi nancial condition with no delinquent members and no debts, nnd that It had ample reservo funds for Its needs. LINDAS FILES BRIEF U. F. Mndas filed today his brief for plaintiff In tho supreme court In the case of Karl II. Fehls vs. City of Medford, City Attorney Fred W. Mcars la preparing tho brief for the city and will file it In the next few days. This suit Involves the constitution ality of tho charter amendment known as tho amended Hanson Plan and the right thereunder of the City of Medford to issue deeds of pro; eny sold for delinquent assessments. COUGH EPIDEMIC IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD?. then begin at once to protect your kiddies against it. Get a bottle of B1NZ Bronchi Lyptus and give them a- sip three or four times a day. This keeps little throats free from germs. It is pleasant to take arid as safe as milk. BR0NCH1-LYPTUS TRY YOUR DRUGGIST FIRST. When Time Means Money T"V3N'T Blight the preparation of vour seed-teda in order to XJ plant on time. Better seed-beds mean more bushels per acre. Fordson power and the Roderick Lean Automatic Engine Disc, specially built to work with the Fordson, will get your land into shape for planting in plenty of time. 25 acres a da , can be covered with this compact, one-man outfit, The Roderick Lean Automatic Engine Disc prepares a deep, level and finely pulverized sed-bed in one harrowing. With the Fordson it provides the most rapid, thorough and economical means of getting your spring tillage done. We will gladly show you the many advantages of this equipment. C. E. GATES AUTO CO. t