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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1923)
4 r BRINGING 1 MR.JlC? M KNOW -HE MOST I OTW THIN, FOR- gfc$ otherdeop-the IWrfifc tojWCT btbOMVHERE J ife XOO THAT t pyM "THE . p M D T F' J L j BOSTON, Jan. 10- " Expressing iho, belief that Eamon DeVulera ia in this country, local members of the American Association for tho Kccok nltion of tho Irish Itepublic nnnouuc od today that ho would bo invited fo attend the stato convention on Jan . luary 28. ; - Francis J. Horpan, chairman, of the 'publicity committee of tho nssocia 1 vfion who made the announcement, emld this would be the republican Chief's first public appearance on the present visit to America. He added that it was expected that DeValera would take part in several private conferences, without revealing his t jhorea bouts to the public. 'death sentences ;; LONDON, Jan. 10. Advices from Lucknow stato that the death sen tence has been imposed on 182 In dians accused of murder and arson as a result of tho non-coopcratlonist j rioting at Chauri-Chaura last Feb , ruary. :vo"nnitave-dWeifty-m-Tc-Ts5l1s-j were originally held on tho charges. ' O'tthls number 47 , were acquitted and two received two year prison ; terms. Tho others died while await liig trial. ! : F STILL IMPR0V1N i- ' y PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 10. The TyUlnnietto river which Inst nlsht 'reached the crest of tho highest win- ; tor flood since that of February, .1890, receded six inches during the Anight and stood ut 24.8 feet this Jnoniintf. Portland's bridKes , withstood tho onslaught of the torrential current. lrhich carried lops, driftwood and houseboats apainst tho supports. One .bridge, tho Burnside, whose draw rest was damaged, lias been ordered ' closed indefinitely. '' Conditions throughout the state were reported Improved today with wprk on repairs continuing. Tlail jroad service wus reyumed on nearly ill lines. ' ' Vj : GO TO DEATH i 1 BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Jan. 10. Entering tho pit after a warning that it was dangerous, five miners Diet death in Dolomite mine No. 1 ol the Woodward Iron company near here early today, in a gas explosion Tho men were instantly killed, ac cording to reports to newspapers jhere. Four were negroes and the linn; w. E. Lewis, wimo. Market' News ' Livestock i PORTLAND. . Ore., Jan. 10. Cat tle weak undertone; receipts 339 llogs and sheep nomlnaly steady; no receipts PER1( FtTKEUAIi IIOMH At Toor Service Ir or Night Intoratstlon Cordially Otrea Oor. th aad Oakrtale UP FATHER Itutt PI PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 10. But ter slow, weak. Extra cubes 4 2 43c; ordinary grades 4041c; car tons 49c; prints 48c. Butterfat steady, plentiful. Bids 4S49c. de livered. i Portland 'Wheat. 1 PORTLAND, Oro., Jan. 10. Wheat: Hard white; bluestem, Baart $1.4 3; soft white, western white $1.23; hard winter $1.20; northern spring $1.22; weateru red $1.21. . San Francisco Markets SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 10. (U. S. Bureau of Economics.) Eggs, extra pullets 4 3c. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. , 30.--(Stato Division of Markets.) Fry ers 2630c; broilers 2738c; henB 20Q30c; live turkeys 3032c; hares, live, pound lS20c; jackrabbits, dozen $2.503.00. .. . Liberty Bonds 3's 101.16; first 4's blank: sec ond 4's 98.34; first 4's 9S.92; second 44's 98.40; third 4 's 99.02; fourth 44's 98.78; Victory uncalled 4's 100.00; U. S. Treasury 4'A's 100.00. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Work by day with com pany. Cnll phono 93. ,. i.. 270 WANTED Place to do general house work and cooking. 105 S. Grape. 217 WANTED TO RENT 25 to SO acre good alfalfa ranch on shares or cash rent, with house and barn, close to school. Partly clear for gardening with irrigation. Phone 1007-Y, Jled ford. , . ' . 252 WANTED To buy a good second hand piano: will pay cash. Box 25, care Mail Tribune. 247 WANTED Three Hroum Leghorn cockerels. Box K M, Tribune. 248 WANTED Bunch of Durham or Here ford stock cows. Sprlngwater Ranch, Route 4. Box 35. Phone 17-F-21. 24S WANTED-rTo buy three to five thou sand gallon oil storage tank. Hear Creek Orchards. 247 WANTED Window sasu for hotbeds. Phone 8S6-X. tf WANTED Surplus; waste, refuso, squasu seou any quantity, wuoie lowest price. W. Rohm, 60 Tine St., Now York City. 254 WANTED To buy corn. Phone 697-J-3 XT WANTED Cash paid for pelts, hides, wool and furs. Johnson produce Co.. 241 N. Fir SL Phone 97. tf WANTED House novlng and repair ing. Phone 488-M or 488-X. FOR RENT FT7RN18HKD ifoOMh FOR RENT J'urnislied sleeping room with bath privileges. 32a S. River side. Phone 701-J. ' tf FOR RENT Room with board, $35.00 a month. 223 N. Central. 250 FOR RENT One steam heated room with sleeping porch and kitchen. Phono 674. tf FOR RENT Furnished room, steam heat. Gentleman only; also garage space. Phono 92-R. tf FOR RENT Sleeping rooms. 204 N. Ivy. 247 FOR RENT Furnished room with bath and heat. , 340 S. Riverside. Phone 217-L. 251 AUTOISTS! Let Us Figure on Your Overhaul and Rebore Jobs Wn reborn Ford Blocks by tho new price M'hcilulc. S(i.(H for lilork brought In to us S.OO when included in ovcrludil. $10.00 for trartor blork. 20 per rent discount on all other re- boi-e jolN. I)n f.nvn Pislnim linvn flronieil In prim ..practlrully,on.. a'l stnndnrd mmlels, making uicm with out doubt, tho lMwt piston buy on Ibc market. Best Equipped Shop in So. Oregon for Cylinder Reborinir Our mnrlilno reliores fnm 2 3-8 to S inches In diameter. Riverside Garage ifEDFORD MAIL TRTTitTNE. F; .IK.T rAHTIKNTS I FOR RENT Furnished two-room housekeeping apartment, first floor: adults only. 325 So. Riverside. Phono 701-J. FOR RENT 2 furnished apartments. Call 113 East 11th St., phone 903. 252 FOR RENT 3 room furnished apart ment, also 7 room furnished house, No. 15 N. Grape St., phono 4G5-J. tf FOR RENT Furnished apartment with bath. 1-IG S. Ivy St. 219 FOR " RENT Modern honsekeping apartment; no children. 532 S. Ivy St. - 250 FOR RENT Apartment, 124 King St., corner of Tenth; also car and truck storage. FOK RKN1 HOUSES FOR. KENT Furnished hou. 4 rooms modern. Phone 938-M.j 249 FOR RENT Furnished house close in; no children. Pliono hub. FOR RENT Three room furnished house.. Call 999. The Oaks. 248 FOR RENT Modern house. Phone. 334. . 2 FOR RENT Cheap, furnished five room bungalow on pavement. 102n W. Tenth'. Phone 900. 249 FOR RENT Six-room house, modern conveniences, close m, no small children. Inquire 31G N. Central Ave. 1 217 FOR RENT Houses. Brown ft White. -'.'. i tf REBORING NEW PRICES ON REBORING FORD BLOCKS Blocks brought in to us for reboring ... $6.00 When included in ' an overhaul $5.00 Tractor block . .$10.00 We solicit all Ford re pair work. " ' ! Best equipped Ford shop in Southern Oregon - C. E. Gates Auto Co. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 1 10 nc-iTS, irrigated, six miles from Klamath Fulls, close to Rail load, half mile to school. Hiw bam equipped for -" head milch cows, I room house, A SNA I at $7000. Farm loan :MM)0. Will sell on good terms or t rutin for city projierty, timebr land, di-y land or logging equipment. 1 WE TRADE PROPERTY ANYWHERE ' Sec us today. 7 - 1 POUR-SITE SALES AGENCY Medford Building HOUSE $300 , You don't have to rent. I have a modern C-room house on one of the best streets in Medford I'uved. Fine homes nil around it. Extra large lot; garage and woodshed. Price $-'500.00 .MOO.OO cash, balance like rent. This includes city assessments, paid in full. Phone 784-L See J. C. Close in Bungalow Home This close in modern six room bungalow sits on a 50x100 East front lot and contains largo living and dining rooms, 3 large sleep ing rooms, large kitchen, puntry, three closets, two screen porches and large front porch, hath room, fire place, fruit closet, large store room and wood shed; sits well up from tho ground on concrete foundation; constructed of the best material; full set concrete walks; beautiful lawn; some fruit; beautiful shade trees; all' paving paid. Priced at less than cost to build now $4800. We are offering four 3-acre tracts near Medford on good road; Irrigated; suitable for poultry, berries and vegetables, at $300 each; cash payment $100, balance to suit. Phono 2S.1 J. W. RRKK.SLKR CO., 123 E. Main fit. MEDFORD, OHKOOY. FDXKsDAV. JANUARY 10, ROOMS i TOR RENT Furnished light house keeping room. 3113 E. Jackson St. Phone 211. FOR KENT MISCEJjLNKOUS ' JFOR RENT Garage 110,3 W. Tenth ' tf St. Phone 82. MONEY TO liO.n MONEY TO LOAN on Improved ranch security, $5000 or les(., 6 per cent lnterost. O. C. Boggqi Attorney for State Land Board. Jackson County. BUSINESS trPOJtTDNmE8 FOR SALE Good paying restaurant at a bargain if taken at once. Drop in restaurant. Gold Hill. 250 FOR SALV) Good business opportun ities. No. 15 -N. Grape St., phone 465-J. tl" FOK EXCHANGE ! TOR TRADE For property in or near , Medford. . 200 acres farm land . at Woiser, Idaho,; TO acres under culti vation. Inquire 502 Maple, Med ford. . . 2411 liOST LOST Saturday night a brown kid gauntlet glove for right hand. Phono 819-It. :....." - . 249 LOST Ladlos wrist watch, engraved G. K. on back, return rewurd. 219 S. Ivy St., Phone 000-L. 245 FOR 8AL1V HOMES FOR SALE Houses ana bungalows, furnished or unfurnished ; auc acreage. Insurance. C. S. Butterfleld, Medford National Bank Bldg., Phone 389. ' ' FOB BALE MVESTOCK l FOR SALE Shepherd pup, roal beuty, full-blooded, $5.00. Phone 591-R1. 250 FOR SALE Fresh Jorspy cow. good milker, sixty dollars. Springwutcr Ranch. Pliono 17-F-21. 248 FOR SALE OH TRADE Registered Duroc Jersey boar four months old, weight 120 pounds. See Gus Brom mer, R. 3. 247 FOR SALE Heifer, fresh lii( March. $40. May be soon at G. R. Lindloy's residence. 247 FOR SALE Five or six extra good cows. E. E. Lorton, Tel. 392 Jack sonville. r 249 FO RSALE 50 Angora goats at $2.60 a head. J. S. Weeks, Eagle Point. 201 1-TON FORD TRUCK Good condition. Bargain nt $:iT0.00 Crater Lake Automotive Co. 12!l S. Front St. ' Medford, Oregon BARNES Nash Hotel Corner FOR SALE Puppies, real compan ions, t-cane biii-it-i. FOR- SALE Young purebred Jersey uuu at bargain. J. A. Manke, K. 1. Medford. -248 FOR SALE Wennod pigs. C. C. Hoover. uSd-K-0. FOR SALE Fox terrier puppies. Phono 201-.I. ' 2i; FOR SAL -ICEAIj ESTATE FOR SALE 10,000 acros of land con sisting of alfalfa, grain and stock ranches, orchards and tlniborland, some irrigated; also mining proper ty. All property must and will be sold nt soino prlco, some as low as $1.00 per acre, 5 to 10 years time. T. W. Miles, Attorney, Jackson Co. Bank Bldg., or Gold Ray Realty Co., owners, 15 N. drape St., adjoining Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank. Phono 4C5-J. FOR 8AMv MLSCKLLA.VKOl'S TOR SALE Haled alfalfa hay. $20.00 FOR SALE Dry fir wood $3.00 a tier. 235 N. Ivy. 252 FOR SALE Ono used range with reservoir, $35: one cook stovo, $12; new ranges at big discount; several good used dressers cheap. The Medford Exchange, 211 W. Main, Phone 931. 219 FOR SALE Rabbits. Cull 002-11. 24S FOR SALE Bald and beardless barley Cloan BIu Club seed wheat. Spriug water Ranch. Phoiio 17-F-21. 248 FOR SALE Wool and pliad pieces for , quilts. 719 S. Central. 250 FOR SALE Portable bouse, horses and mules. 607 Pino St. 250 FOR SALE Dry pine wood $2.00 pel- tier, on highway. W. L. van lloutc Gold Hill. 20 -H- FOR SALE Corn, also saddle pony. Phone 639-K-l. 49 FOR SALE No. 1 oat hay, h lnlf ailc F-2. ilS ft soutli on Peach St. I'hono 5 FOR SALE Two cream BcpanvYr3, ono DcLaval, ono Sharpies. Injmtrc Bert Slanclirr, Phoenix. 247 FOR SALE Clark's Seedling 7traw- uorry plants; inspected; tho famous Hood River borry. A. H. Wlllott. Phono 403-R-4. It 247 FOR SALE A No. 1 oat hay7ono-half mile south of Phoonix on highway. C. Carey. ' 1 FOR SALE Balod alfalfa .Utiy, $23.00 ton. Rogue Rlvor Valloy '(Canal Co., 204 S. Fir St. Phone 129-0-2. 201 FOR SALE Second cutting baled ' alfalfa hay, $24 per tea delivered, cash. Monarch Seed Co. Phon 200-529. II ' tf - FOR SALE New Colilubla phono graph records at half frice. Victor, Brunswick, Columbia Pnthe ft So- 1 nora phonographs aid records nt reduced prices. Mur,)a Shop, No. 15 No. Grape St., nextto Farmers & Frultgrowors Bank. Y'hono 405-J. tf FOR SALE Good SrVJond-hnnd steel cables over 200 ft., low price. Inquire Medford Hlelg. Jnnu.or.. tt FOR SALE Two' General Electric motors, 35 h. p.,iI0 degree, 60 cycln. 2200 voltage, coniplote with compen sators. 1 Taa'iia logging engine, 10x15 with lln'ii Big I'lnoB Lumber 022; Chevrolet Roadster LIKE NEW SACRIFICE PRICE ' Will consider trade. 1 :ri .1 BUSY CORNER MOTOR CO. 102.1 By George IT'O NUCE N' CCOL DOWN ItS THI'3 I H.D TC lf23 ov ikt-l FZA-runr: SenvxS, Inc. FOR RAI,R FOR SALE '1920 l.pxlnst:n a-d i Buiek Touring car, also l!ui.:U s:e:;l wagjii or would train for hiiiuIUh eur or stock: Phono 40.V.I. t." FOR SALE 1923 'hvrlcl would tiado for Ford I!u,;. 405-J. ; car or I'll- lie IP for S.VLHJ-r:.T;;Y AMI ECUS FOR SAL!'! Turkeys KoMlns $7.00, htm Hartzell. 4W-J-1. for brvdim,', I.-..01V W. J. FOR SALE Po iking' rrdors now for , baby chicks um-1 hatching e;rgs fron ' prize winning Rhode Island Reds and from Wjite LegliornB Tancrod Royal, j Rod Wing . Poultry Yar.l, Phone tijj-Y. 281 FOR SALE 01! EXCHANGE Tinea Roso Comb Whltn Wyandotte C-'ck-crels. I Phone 801-.T. 248 FOR SALE Pedigreed Whito Lemicrn cockerels. Whito Wins Poultry Farm. Phoenix, Oregon. 200 FOR 8ALE- St. R. I. Red hens. 421 Oak 251 FOR SALE White Leghorn hatching oggi, day old chicks, eight weeks 0 d pullets. Warner and l.aunspach, 59 s. Oakdalo Ave., ph-me 09'J-M. FOll SALE Eight young thorough-' bind Mammoth I It-Dime turkey tuns Br breeding, or will trade for one. (Car old touiB uf eriual stqek. N. til- j 5hg bettor on tho enst See turUe-- I nt 28 llonova St. Tel. 05(1-1. " tf I IJOIt SALE Barred Rock 0 ickoi o'.s. ' prizo winners. Booking orilois fill Jsettlng eggs. Buckeye loculuitiir! 1 and brooder, sixty-egg capacity. A H. Willett, phono. 403-R-4. I '.'IT. FOR1 SALE 126 pullets $1 00 '. e i :h. : ' Inquire Campbell Ranch, no fi Talent. ' ' i 217 FOR SALE Turkeys, ,' Mammputh Bronzo toms for breeding' purposes. R. B. Zimmorman, wost of Central Point, Oro. 217 Rl'SINlCSS UIHKCTOKY Abstractors MURRAY BROS. &v GREENE Abstracts of Title Rooms 3 and 5, 1 ,,NQi.3S,( North .Coutral Aye., up- .. stairs., f, . r- . Jackson Oounly ABSTRACT CI). Tho only com pie to Ti tle System In Jackson County, ' . Abstraeto of Title anil ;' Tltlo Insurance. : WATSON ft KELLOGG Reliable Jackson 'county abstractors of ti tles, Gold Hill, Oregon. Attorneys O. 0. HOGGS Lnwyor. Specializes in Real Entalo and Probate Low. 30 North Central Avo. A. E. REAMER Lawyer, office In Liberty Building. Kxport Accountant WILSON AUDITING CO. K. M. Wil son, C. P. A. Attention given tu iinythlng In accounting and In cotno Tux requirements. Look Into our simplified accounting method. 'Liberty Bldg., .Medford. .Phono 157-11. WE JSIEED YOUR PATRONAGE We will give you un excelled service at no additional cost. When you think of Tires, Oils, Greases or Accessories, think of JONES & KIRKPATRICK Next to Nat. A Real Service . Station snotiTT SAuf!tln.3 O Aceourvttna YSTEMXeRVICE(0: J 1 to u raivce I iwea tnoJ M M.-P. McManus KEEP ccoti -while, "cog BUSINESS DIRECTORY Building Materials VmFORP. CEMENT BRICK & BLOCK WORKS Specialize in all 1'imls of content building products. Cor. Fir and Tenth Streets. Chiropractic Physician Dlt. JOl'ETT P. BRAY Scientific ('h'ropru'ntic adjustments. Hourj 9-12 and 2-5 except Thursdays. 313-315 Bedford Bldg. Office phone 29, res. phone 494. "Keep Smiling." ' DR. HARVEY P. COLEMAN Chiro Iiraitlc and Electro-Therapy. 427 28 Medford Bldg. Phone 905. tf DR. A. R. HEDGES Neo-Eclectlc Physic'an. DR. LOUISE B. HEDGES Naturopathic Chiro practor. Mecliano-Therapy, Spon dylcthera'py. Food Sciences, Chiro practice. Office: Stewart Bldg., 235 K. Mo'n St. Phones: Office. 1T0; Res 170-J-2. DR. E. W. HOFFMAN Chtroprae tic Physic'an. Office hours 9 to 12. 2 to 5. Suito 203-04-05-06, Lib er'v Bldg. Office Phone 680, Res. 1 027; Dentists DR. O. J. JOHNSON Dentist, 228 B. Mn'.n St.. over M. M. Dept. Store, Medford. - Oregon. ' Phone 669; Res. 1002-Y. ' Orflce hours 9 a. m. li p. in. Evenings and Sunday by appoint mept. .- ' ' Money to Loan J. R. ANDREWS Buys and sells' mortgngos and loans money- on ' good security, . 31 N. Grape St.. Phono 53-M. . 246 ' Monuments THE OREGON GRANITE CO. Monuments. E. A. Hicks, general manager. P. M. Kershaw, sales inanaEcr, 103 E. Sixth St., Med- ipru. tf Osteopaths DR. F G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARl.OW Osteopathic Physicians 410-418 Liberty Bldg. Phone 904-J-3. Residence 26 South Laurel St. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathlo 1 Physician. Special attention given to eyo, ear, nose and throat. 800 Liberty Building. Phone 496. Pliyslelnns and Surgeons. DR., J. J. EM MENS Physician and Surgeon. Pructlce limited to eye, cur, noso and throat.' Eyes scien- ' tlfirally tested and glasses sup riled. Occullst and Aurist for S. P.'R. R. Co., Medford Bldg. Phono 567. , . DR. WM. W. P. HOLT Physician and Surgoon. Offices Medford Bldg.. Phone 165. Residence 118 Genesee St. Phono 165-J-2, 1 DR. A. ' BUHSELL Physician and Surgeon, 312 to 314 Medford Bldg. Entrance 36 N. Central. Special , attention to spine. Phone 29. . i I'lnno Instruction FRED ALTON HA1GHT Teacher of Piano and Harmony. Composing, Arranging. Studio 318 Liberty Bldg. Phone 73. Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO., hal the best equipped printing office In Southern Oregon. Book binding, looso leut ledgers, hilling systems, etc. Portland prices, B 7 N. Fir St. Publlo Accountant HUGH R. ROBERTSON CO. Member American Institute ot Ac countants. Public Accountants and Auditors. Portland, - Ore., sn l Minneapolis, Minn. Address! 1617 Yeon Rldg., Portland, Ore. ' Rug Weaving MEDFORD FLUFF RUG WORKS mokes fluff rugs from old and worn carpet and rugs. Phono S10-M. T06 Pint) St. - . Transfer EADS TRANSFER fc STORAGE CO. Office 43 North! Front St, Phone 315. Prices right. Service guar anteed. 1 1 DAV18 TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. Anything nvpved, day -or night. Service guaranteed. 89 8.' Grape. Phone: Office Hi, or . residence, 64 7-R or 06. ' Upholstering , WEI8 Upholstery, Manafaoturer ot overstuffed furniture. Full line ot materials. Draperies made to order. . We do all klads ot uphol stering. Wo deliver $tnrt will call 2nfl Floor slmlfnnl nichr. mm naow samples, 'iliouo V4a Jocksonvllle,-Ore, 1 1