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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1923)
PSGE FOUR Medford Mail tribune . AM INUHPHNDKNT KKW8PAPKR PCHUHHISD EVEKV APTEKNUON KJCCJtPT , . SUNDAY, BY TUB ' MEiirOKU PRINTING CO. Ttw Hodford Sunday Horning Sun ! furnlibcd MMriMn a&Ariug a set on 01117 ovwiimpci. Ottlc MU Tribune Building, 16-17-lt North nr street, rnon 1a. A Mnaollditlon of the Demoarttlo Timet, tbe Medford Hell, th MM ford Tribune, the Southern Oragonlan, iue AihUita Tribune. ROHERT W. HUH!, BUM ITER 8. HMI'JU, Editor. Uenager. SUBSCRIPTION TERMS: Wt If AIL Id Advance: DeJlj, with Sunday Sun, year $7.60 Dally, with Sunduy Sun, month 75 Dally, without Sunday Sun, yaur 4.60 Dally, without Sunday Sun, month 06 Veehly Hall Tribune, one year t.00 Sunday Hun, one year t 00 Y CARRIKH 111 Medford. AahUnd. Jacluon- rllle, Central Point, Phoenix, Talent and on Daily with Sunday Sua, mouth .76 Dally, without Sunday Sun, month 66 Dally, without Hunduy bun, year 7.60 Dally, with Sunday Sun, oue year 8.60 All terma by carrier, oaah In advance. Official paper of the Olty of Medford. Official paper of Jackaon County. The only paper between Bugent, Ore., and Sacramento, Calif., a dt stance of over A00 miles, laving leaned wire Associated Freaa Service. Sworn dally average emulation tor tlx monthe ending April 1, 1022, 8628, more than double the circulation of any other paper published 01 dnmlated in Jackaon Co-uity. Entered as second ciaaa matter at Medford Oregon, under the act of March 4, 1878. MEMBERS OP TUB ASSOCIATED PRESS. Tbe Associated Wese is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all newa dispatches credited to it, or not otherwise credited in thla paper, and also to the local nws publiahed e ere In. All rights of republication of special die patches herein are a too reserved. . Ye Smudge Pot I By Arthur Parry. A Nevada bank cannier lias vlo- latod the rules, by skinning out with all the loose change, and his own wife, I The French occupation of the Ruhr Is offset somewhat by the arrest of a Kldgefleld, Wash., Bchoolma'am, who atrociously and diabolically paddled a 13-yeorlold gal. ( . , . Hanging of the beautiful English woman, for tho murdor of her fiua- 1 1 l .nmnli, nf 4 lin 1-tfrlll atnrtl. ness ot British law, and ought to be a ": , . . n .i. ii-...,.n gents, who really need hanging. BROTHERLY CONSIDERATION V (Pendleton Oregoninn) Takon by mistake from Knights ot Pythias hall, basket contain ing 5 doz. clips and 0 doz. plates. Finder phono 1100 or 37. The state owned and operated bean ery for the loglslators'ls a stoi) aye! a broad Jump towards economy, and a foW more slmllnr leaps, will leave Oregon with no taxes to cuss. A large number of farmers aro In our. midst attonding tho Farm Woek lectures, and there will be a shortage of.sass, back talk and impudence In this perpendicular otilumn, unont agri culture, In any manner whatsoever. Great tracts ot standing timber to the eastward, were turned into neat piles ot lumber Tuos. by a cotorlo of citizens, nil seated. . i. COCK YOUR EARS. (Eugene Register) Cornet was lost at high Bchool December 12. Liberal reward for information leading to roturn. Anyone hearing strange cornet re- . , port to Mrs. J. A. Flnnlgnn, 177 East Ninth. Phono , 738R. ,no v.v.u .-... BU. """" " toraergenoral have alien at. They oti. ..i..!i n.nn tliA or. were iuu por com wiuu. uut fimm - vertlslng for a congressman, the pub lic never heard 'of boforo, and will nover hear of ngnln. . ' m.l, I j... n,,na nn,l iniB IS UUIIJ ,ui juu. - was highly appreciated by nil. though thero is a d! Terence of opinion.. whethor Gov. Pierce or President Harding brought it about. it la still maintained that Jack T.M .... flirht Inaa Wll. uo! o - lard, tor tho heavyweight title but some old man money, A number of people In this region have taken Dr. Couos prescription "Day by day, en every way, 1 am got ting better nnd better," and have the meanest colds in their hiHtory. QUITE UNEXPECTED (Niles (O) News) Miss Helen Cnln, of Addlngham. held the lucky number for tho Ford cur nt the fire-house fair. Miss Cnln has been 111 ever since. (Sub. SAK.) Hunters were out In full force today nftr rabbits, including a number of city officials. (Media (Pu) Record) (Turned In by T. R. Y.) Bring tis a city dad. "WHAT SHALL T1IK WORLD DO TO BE SAVED" by Prof. H. J. Krnmer LLD. (Harpers Mag.) Another Great Wnr ought to do It. For Infanli, Invalid A Childna The Original Food-Drink for All Au. QulckLunchHome,OfHcciFountin. RichMilk, Malted Grain Extract inPow der Tbletform. Nouriihint-NoeooHni. fiT Avoid Imitations ud Substitute JJyS. Milk .AM m V U ft ,4Jl Editorial Correspondence SALEM, Jan. 8. The Oregon senate never oponed more dramatically than It did today, moro melodramatically, one mlKht add. Why no olio was mur dered only a veteran of such perform- ames could understand. For tilings were said which anywhere but In lexis lutlve halls, would have demanded sat isfaction, it not via the six shooter, at least with a punch to tho jaw. With tho upper chamber jammed to the window cornices, with a mob surg ing outside against locked doors, Sen ator Joseph of 1'ortlund for nearly two hours carried on an attack acainst the election of Senator Jay Upton of East ern Oregon as President of the Sen ate, which for Bheor blood-curdling In vectlvo and downrlglit character mu tilation, has, we venture to say, never been equalled in tHo political history of this state or any other. "A liar, a seducer, a crook, a de faulter, a shyster, a man you could not trust either iri tho presence of your money or your wlfo, a swindler of the Insane, a robber of the dead such was the picture, drawn by the Multomab senator, as he read page after page of evidence, and finally with his eyes flashing. Ills face livid with passion, ho smashed his hand, once! twice! three times! on his desk and In that quiet room each Blnp was like a, slap In the face, and turning to his fellow senators shouted "And you would eloct this man President of thp Senate of this state, u prospective uovernori For shame! For shame! ' For Shame.' " Yes, for shame. Hut shame or no shame ten or fifteen minutes later he was elected, elected by the same vote tho political history of this state as that he said he would bo elected by, I the most spectacular and unprecedent and such is tho power of the political jed opening of any legislative body In habit that it is a fairly safe bet that if , tho history of tills state. Those who murder hud been added to that list of crimes, and had been supported by evidence as Senntor Joseph offered to support every charge he made-the The slate had boon mado up, the pledges had been made, the steam roller had started down the hill, and at that stago of the gamo no human power could have stopped it. During that perfect deluge of denunciation dolivored with all the fire of the Latin race, and all. the arts of the finished Jury lawyer, not a senator as far as Jury lawyer, not a senator as far as wo could see batted an eye. Senator Hare now and then chewed gum at an increased tempo, Senator Hall of Coos, sitting next to Upton, pulled a little . faster on his long cigar, the slight smile on Senator Upton's face at the most torrtflc climaxes, drooped jiiBt a trlflo, but as a whole tho senate sat I unmoved some looking ovor papers and files, others wandering to the i ante-room to limber their legs, still othors like Senator Corbott of Port- ap- They was coming. Joseph was going after Upton rough shod. All efforts to steer him hud been un availing. They had heard most of thorn Joseph talk before. They know he .could no moro talk without being abuslvo, than a rattlesnake could strlko without being vonenious. So tho entire performance was dls- counted. But not so with the gallery. They took everything ut lis face value. They hoard one senator of the Btate ot Ore gon shako his fiugors In the face of another and call him a liar and a crook a man who should be behind the bars and they nto It up. For two hours a crowd ot men nnd women list ened to that speech, many of them llstoned standing up nnd yet you could havo hoard a pin drop oxaopt when the mob outsido would push the door open a crack to lot somoone In or out ; doork ft fopl)lo bllt doorkoeper, valiant G. A. R. man, would havo the devil of a time getting it shut and locked again. Yes, was sensationnlly dramatic. It was TNT. Nothing hotter hns -, ,,, ln s,im ah vnl t forKOttn. Ti, political novice " cun't understand that. Ho can't pic ture Senntor Upton ever speaking to Senator Joseph again In the Bennto or out of And yet If by any chance Senator Joseph should put ovor nn- o(hor )roa(I(li(llo (Uu.lnK ,' R09slon ,ll(t RipplingRhi)iros 7mm THE CRIME WI1KN T itiii) (lie Onily (Ult'st, published in our busy town, fiintoils unllu'r in my breast, mul'l spring a weary frown; for so mnny stories trent of assassins in the street,. sluuilinc voters unit repent, 'knocking harmless people down. I hnve often sigh ed nnd snid, to niy second cousin Juno, " Decency, 1 fear, is dead, virtue in its shroud is lain;' boys who should be rending tracts shock the city by their nets, mid perusal of the fuet.s gives my inmost soul n jain. liirls who should be singing hymns go to midnight .jamborees, dancing with the .lakes nnd dims who hnve records worse than cheese; godless people hnunt the slum, ped dling out the Demon Uiini; nil the world is out of plumb, morals have become a whee.e." Hut my second cousin .lane doesn't seem at till disturbed; "1 have heard," is her refrain, "nil the piffle you have blurhed ; true, the sinners hnunt this vnlc, look ing for illicit kale, but the cops lire on their trail, nnd they'll nil be pinched nnd cuibt'd. For eneh criminal nbroud there lire scores of honest jays who accumulate ti wild in the good old honest ways; nil such units lire overlooked when the yellow news is cooked, for such people lire not booked in the jnil for sixty days. There are tales of seven guys who've committed evil deeds, nnd the moral voter sighs nnd hns spasms ns he reads; in de hpnir he walks the floor nnd forgets the seven score who nre drill ing pnsl his door, traveling where virtue lends." MEDFORD MAlfi TRIBUNE, this time for an Upton measure, it would surprise no oue familiar with the political psychology, to find them exchanging cigars and remarking pleasantly on the weather. Not that Upton Is ever going to for get o human being could, he is a personal enemy of Joseph's from this time forth, as fur as real life is con cerned. Uut a state seiiato, ladies and gentlemen, is not real life. It is drama. Just as a man can curse a poor de fenseless woman and seduce her pretty daughter, on the stage, at ten thirty and then take her home an hour Inter and walk the floor with the baby to allow her beauty sloop, in other words, just a man can bo a deep-dyed vllllan on tho Btage and a meek and perfectly domesticated paterfamilias off of it, bo in this political game, men can do all sorts of things, and say all sorts of things and. for the time at least be lieve all sorts of things, and then 24 hours after or 21 days, later, admit that It was all or lnrgcly make believe. Us nn odd example of the histrionic urge and mass psychology. Take thirty men, perfectly sane, and put them in a room together to do some thing with the people as nn audience, and they will not individually or col lectively act perfectly sune. Some thing gets into their blood. And nine tlmeB out of ten only oratory can bring It out. And yot oven grunting this peculiar atmosphere surrounding all political gatherings, this fight against the elcc tion of tho present President of the Senate, will, we Imagine, go down in heard Joseph's speech will nover for- got it.. Those who hoard Gus Moser who, rubicund and prespirlng, presided follow Joseph's phllliplc will never forget what he said: "I do not believe a senator here believes thu churgos brought ngnlnst Senntor Upton. They are not true. And I may say this. Senator Upton was never Indicted for attempting to bribe a juror!" That for Josephs! And the Portu guese attorney, handsome debonair, cool as a cucumber, merely lit a fresh cigar, and walked "but of the senate. with a yellow slip in his hand to show that he was called to the phone and was not running, And then with a few feeble and commonplace remarks they voted, Judge Dunn voted for Eddy, Eddy voted for some one beside himself but not for Upton, Senator Upton voted for himself. The big show, at least tho first act, was over. The great joke, coming up to Snlem reforred to water. When the train passed a lake with rows of pink tipped peach trees sticking out about nn Inch llbovn flip RiirfnpA nnmn nnn nnfil "Thnt man believes in Irrigation."- Then. everybody laughed. . I When we wero switched .off at Albany and shunted past Corvallis to. Gerlinger Junction and observed a motor boat along what was the Pa-' clflc Highway, chickens roosting in the tops of troes. wishing theV were ducks, farmers In row boats driving cows through tho waves to dry land or trying to, some one said "There Is nothing dry nbout tli'ls section of Ore gon" and everyono laughed again. Even D. M. Ixiwe who was on the train en route to see the Govornor mado several humorous allusions to the wot nnd dry question. , Fortunately H. L. Walther was also along, coming down to resign as a member' of tho Fnlr Board, and so wore J. D. the s. ,.. , Farrell, tho president of in his special car, and Supt. King also in his special' car. That makes two special cars. Mr. Walther Invaded the peclal cars nnd hud tho potentates hold the gas jitney nt Ger linger so we arrived In Salem shortly after tho noon hour. It wns a Btrange nnd rather beau tiful scene from the car window last night. Thero wns a moon nnd the waves rippled through tho trees and splashed against tho Pacific highway signs hard pavement under 10 feet of water. Far oft one could see n lighted window in the upper story of a house , & J NEWS. MEDFORD OUIXiONV and darkness below, lint all that Is another story and probably by the time tills Is published an old one. John Barrymore at Page. Sherlock Holmes is the best known character in fiction- of the present generation.'if not of all time. In every language the words, Sherlock Holmes, mean n detective of uncanny insight. In tho realm of the imagination, ho is a commanding figure, but a figure that has not hitherto been available for the screen. "Sherlock Holmes," with John Barrymore in the title role, opens at the Page theater today. It Is an adaptation from the stage play fashioned about Sir Arthur's famous character by Villiam Oillutte, which that actor used for yeara on the speak ing singe. John Barrymore Is the most' roman tic and picturesque figure on the American stage scion of a theatrical family, who has of late years proved himself possessed of liistronic genius in a high degree. He has youth, mag netlm and an uncanny power of sub merging himself In the character of any role he plays. 'His selection to act Sherlock HolmeB in the .tloldwyn picture was a managerial inspiration. He Is Sherlock Holmes in tho picture just as he was Richard in the Shakes- Poare play, jut as he was Glanctto In The Jest" and just as lie was both Dr. Jeykll and Mr. Hyde in tho screen version of Stevenson's masterpiece, in which young Barrymore demonstrated that he Is a consummate screen actor, rivaling In shadow-land his acting tri umphs on the speaking stage. Strongheart Lat Time Tonight. For thrills, both melodramatic and emotional, there has not been a mo tion picture production made in years that can compare with "Urawn of tho North," Btanlng Strongheart, the won- dor dog, .which 'closes 'tonlght at the Rlalto Theatre after a stay of four dnvn. ff "The Face In tha Fog" Coming "The Face in the Fog," a massive ftroduction is coming to the Hialto Theatre tomorrow. Lionel Barrymore, Seena Owen and Lowell Sherman, head a fine cast. The story deals with the efforts of a band of Ilussiun crooks to stoal the Romanoff diamonds and graphically shows now they were out witted by "Boston Hlnckie' 'Dawson, reformed American crook. Musical Comedy January 12. , A musical comedy with n real plot and logical action. That's the claim of the producers ot "Oh Look," the Now York Vanderbilt theatre success, which conies to the Page Theatre Fri day night, Jan. 12th. "Oh Look" Is the musical version of James Montgomery's farce "Ready Money."- Mr. Montgomery will be re membered ns the author of "Irene,' which scored a big success at tho Page several months ago. But, tho plot isn't all there is to "Oil Ixuik." The cast direct from New York, is headed iby Harry l"ox,' of the nation's foremost comedians. The chorus was picked in Los Angeles. The lyrics nre by Joseph McCarthy and tho music by Nut Goldstein and Harry Carroll. In tho cast with Mr. Fox nro Ethan Allen, Harry Hoyt, Dave Jones, Luther Yantes, Violet Mayo, Muriel Hudson, Ethel Mnitelle, Agnes San Ford. Tom Miller, Herbert S. Scars nnd Wilbur Hlgby. The Los Angelos girls in the chorus are Elizabeth Reed, tloldy Reeves, Viola Hlnck, Lova nrown, Elaine Collins, Hetty Alexander. Peggy Martin, Hope Harper, Lnurel Winston, Paillette Roadina and Alal Powers. silk Mcrehanls Hero. SKATTI.E. 10. Ten of the lending silk iinichnnts of China nr rived In Heat tie Tuesday on the steamship Jefferson from Shanghai. They compose a commission sent to the tnteinationai silk exposition, to open In New ork City, KeDrimry j Willi them they are bringing "Ilk and silk itrtlelo,-rt nt linn. Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION i r Wife INDIGESTKWi rV!- Sure Relief Elf. -A MS 25 rd 75 Package Evryvhr WEDNESDAY. .TAXUARySo. '192: J Tho California Oregon Power com puny has juet announced that author ity hus been granted them by the Oregon Corporation Commission and the Railroad Commission of the stu of California to issue an additional block of their 7 per cent preferred capital stock. In August, 1922, this company re ceived permission to issue and sell 6000 shures of its stock, which was entirely disposed of about two months ago. The authority now received does not permit the sale ot this stock at .less than $95 ptfr share nnd tho com pany is nt present offering tho stock to its consumers and friends at that figure'. The company is selling this stock either for cash or under its special savings plan of $5.00 per shnro per montli, interest being allowed on all payments as made. This stock already has quite n, gen eral distribution In- the territory served by the California Oreiton Power company nnd the compnny has many stockholders In tho Kogue River valley. - Jiggs Free Seat ' i Drawing Contest N earing the Close The time is drawing near when the Jlggs drawing contest for free seats will close and the winners will be an nounced. The Mail Tribune is offer ing a number of seats to the Page theatre, good for Jan. 15, when-Bringing Up aFther "On His Vacation" will appears there to the boys and girls who attend the grade or junior high school. All that is necessary is to draw a picture of Jlggs, taken from the above picture, fill in the missing lines but do not trace or draw through a thin paper, and mail, together with your name! age and school that you attend, written very plainly on the face of the drawing sons to reach the office of the Mail Tribuno not later than Jan. 12th at noon as the contest will close at that time and the winners announced on Jan. 13. The prizes will bo seats to see the musical comedy "Bringing Up Father" "On His Vacation." First prize 4 seats; second prize, 2 seats, 3rd price, 2 seats;' 4th prize, 2 seats. Annual Banquet l Lincoln Club On Monday Eve. Feb. 12 . A preliminary mooting of the Lin coln Club wns held last nfa?ht at the call of F. P. Farrell, president ot the club. It was decided to hold the usual annual Lincoln Club banquet at the Medford Hotel, Monday evening, Feb. 12th. The following commutes were appointed: Program and Invitation Bert An derson, chairman, V. Vawter, H. A Cunaday. Tickets J. W. Wakefield, chnirman Dr. W. W. Howard. C. E. Gates, O. C. Hoggs, Dr. Elliott. F. M. Wagner, Mrs. Louise "Perozzl, Harry Tomllnson, T 11. Simpson, Fred Holmes, Con Loever R. H. Pnxson, C. M. Speck, Olln.Arns pigor, Martin Mowers, K. lieebe, J. B. Coleman, C. Florey, W. J. Hnrtzel and Mrs. Sam Sanders. Decorations Tom Swem, chairman, C. Y. Tengfald, Hill Coleman, Paul Mc Donald. Banquet George Gates, chairman Elmer Wilson, Cole Holmes, lien Hil ton, Don Newbury, George Hilton. Nominating Glen O. Taylor, S. Sumpter Smith, P. M. Kershaw. Publicity S. Stimpter Smith. The chnirman of each committee Is requested to call a meeting of his com mittee nt once and got into action. Any information desired will be fur nished by President Farrell. PAIN GONE! RUB SORE. RHEUMATIC ACHING JOINTS Stop "dosinR' rhoumntism. It8 pHin only. Ht Jambs Oil will atop nny pnln. nnd not onp rliiuinm tfsm en so in fifty requires interiml treat imnt. Rub soothing, penetrat ins St. .Iiu'obp Oil rl;;hl on tho tender .spot, and by the time you siiy Jack 'Uoblnaon opt comes tho rjieumatie pitln nnd distress. St. Jacobs oil 1 a harmless, rheumatism liniment whleh never disappoints, nnd doesn't buri) the skin. It takes pain, sore ness nnd stiffness from aching Joints, museles and bones: stops sciatica. UnnhnKo. backache nnd netyalKla. Limber up! Got a smnllfrinl bot tle ot old-time honest St. .Jacobs Oil from nny dniK store, nnd in a mo ment you'll be free from pains, aches nnd stiffness. ton't suffer! Kuh rheumatism nwny. Adv. DON'T FORGET H'd'we Co. JfOTICK. ThronKh nn Krror Our Office Telephone Number wns omitted In IliO new IHrecrorj'. ' . IT IS 77 nn. it. k. muiipiit. " Ifentiatry ml X-Kny 8di Floor Medford Mdg. SPARKS FROM TODAY'S WIRE , NEW YOKK-tA wae agreement restoring seniority rights and provid ing back pay for nearly 10.000 men woo struck lust July was signed by the Order of Railroad Trainmen. NEW YORK Albert E. (Dud I John son, husband of Pegsy .Marsh, English dancer, died. - NEW YORK Refugees from the Smyrna district who arrived here, de clared Uaynard Uarnes, American con sul, drovo refugees who sought safety under the roof of the Smyrna theatre, into tbe street where they were killed. WASHINGTON The senate voted an application for extension of the telegraphic market report from the de partment' of agriculture throughout the south and PuCific coast. SOFIA The Turco-Ilulgarian fron tier haR been closed in order to' carry out Turkish troop movements toward the Greek front. COBLENZ To avert trouble Ameri can soldiers in the Coblenz area have been ordered to be In the barracks befpre 11 o'clock each night. With Medford trnde is Medford nmde. Thoroughbred! Swift light in action, with the ease and grace that go to make up per fect form. And a wealth of stamina, that reserve of' endurance which a winner must always have. It isn't a mere coincidence that the leaders in so many lines of business are using Royal Typewriters. You can't get, very far in a great business race with less than fine equip ment. , . Medford Book Store N. Central Street ' - Clean-Up Sale Underwear And other Heavy Winter Goods and Odds and Ends of stock we wish to close out to make room for Spring Goods. All at prices less than half the cost to manufacture, and to give the people of Southern Oregon an opportunity to buy high clas3 goodf at bargain' prices. New hrory wool nnd cotton niived I'nlon Suits, $1.nS. Salo price ONc New heavy wool nnd cotton mixed I'nlon Suits, $2.05. Sulo price l)Hc New heavy wool nnd cotton mixed I'nlon Suits :1.50. Sale price OHc New heavy cotton fleece lined I'nlon Suits, $1.50. Sale price l).Sc New heavy cotton flccd lined Union Suits $2.50. Sale price OHc Now nil' wool Irish Frieze Ovei-conts, $1 1.50. Sale price $l'-.5(l New nil wool Irish Frieze Overcoats, $15.50. Sirfo prico $1,150 New inH Mask Ilaincoats, $0.50. Sale price '..$1.X5 New Ilnynster Rubber Conts $0.50. Sulo prico $1.H5 Kerlatm Army Itain Couts ...Sale price $1.00 Slicker linln Hats (jllc ' Kecluim Army Overcoats .-. $:j.75 to $0.75 New Cotton Double lilankets $1.05 Heavy Wool Army Socks 25c Velvet Tobacco ""!!!"'."!!!".!!"""'.7lc TRADE AT THE ARMY STORE AND SAVE MONEY l United Army Stores " 32 Central Ave. South , Silliman's Trade School LEARN TO MAKE CANDY , Why work for . Wages? ' Do your own boss. He a practical candy maker and work for yourself. . t THE CORRECT ART OF CANDY MAKING Taught in 30 Days. COSTS YOU ONLY $100 One of the best trades you can learn. Lots of good openings for a good Candy Kitchen. - I started in 1915 without a dollar You can do the , same. CLASS STARTING NOW. Factory North Holly and.We3t Second E. C. SILLIMAN of Silliman Eros., Chief Instructor SAGE TEA KEEPS-, YOUR HAIR DARK When Mixed' With Sulphur It Brings Back Its Beautiiui Luster at Once. , ' Cray hair, however handsome, de. notes advancing "fte. We all know the advantages of n youthful appear ance. -Your hair t Jur charm It makes or main the face. When It fades, turns gray and looks streaked. Just a few applications of Sage Tea and Sulphur enhanoes its j appear ance a hundred-fold.. , Ilon't Htuy gray!' . A-ook young! Either prepare the recipe at-home or. Ket from any drug store a bottle of "Wvcth's Sage and Sulphur I'om pou'nd." which Is merely tho old-time recipe Improved by tbe addition of other iiigredlentsi Thousands of folks recommend this ready-to-uso preparation, because it darkens the hair beautifully, besides, no one can possibly tell, as it darkens the hair naturally nnd evenly. You moisten a sponge or soft brush, drawing this through (he hair, taking one small strand nt a time. l!y mornins the gray hair disappears; after an other aplicatinn or two. its natural cokr Is restored nnd it becomes thick, glossy and .lustrous, and you appear years ynimger. ' Adv. v. t -- !,,