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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1923)
PAGE FOUli SfEDFOrvD SCSIE -TRIBUNE, - SfEDFORD OREGON'.-SATFRDAY. .TANTARY (. 192.1 Medford mail tribune AN IKDEPBNDSN'T NEWSPAPER CaUJKHRD tVKHY AFTKKNOUN KXOtPT HUN DAY, BY TUB MIDFOHO PRINTING CO. Tb Medford Sunday Morning Son If foralaaMtd moan ow-uinf ft tteiao qxj fuuy Mwappr. Offle Wall Tribune DulldiAfc StVST-tt North nr atrNV. nooi 70. A eoMolldatioa of tbt Democratic Ttma. tb Bedford Hail, th Wedford Tribune, the tkmUiaro VrtfODUD, ice auium irtbiut. ROBERT W. RUHX, Editor. 8CMPTKH 8. SMITH, Manager. SUBSCRIPTION TERMS. T MAIL In Adranc: Xailj, with Sundij Sun, fitr.,... Dei), wiU Surxjkjr Hun, month... Daily, wltbout Humlajr Run. jw.... iHlly, without 8uhUj Hun, ewnth Weekly Mail Tribune, om ear..... bunder Hun. on r T CAR BIER In Medford, 7.50 .75 .fli 1. 00 1 00 AabUnd. Jtcksotv fbocnix, Tftiut and oo Til la. Genual Point, Daily with Bander ftaa, onth Tft Daily, without Sunday Sun, month OS Daily, without Hunday Sua, yrar T.6Q Dally, wiU ounday bun. ona yer l.ftO terms by carrier, caah in advance. Ail Official paper of the City of Hr-dford. Official paper of Jackaon County. Tht only papr brtmi Euffen, Or., and ftacramento, Calif., a diatanc of over 600 mile. BATiug leaaed wire AaaociMU-d Prcaa Serrice. Bworo daily aferae circulation tor itx montha ndifif April 1, 1t2l, 3528, mora than doubie ma circulation of any other paper publiabad oi Irlmilated in Jackacu County. Entered aa eecond cia matter it lied lord Wfoo, under the act of March 4. 1870. MEMBERS OP THE ASSOCIATED PRP.Nfl The Aaaociatrd PrrM la excluaively entitled to (fee uac tor republication of all newa diapatchea credited to it, or not otherwise credited In tbia paper, and aiao to tha local nwa nubliabed Mr-Tin. A U right of republication of pedal dla- urrviu are aiau reserrea. aatcnea Ye Smudge Pot By Arthur Parry. The release from stato prison, by pardon and parole, of 02 gentlemen of varying degrees of moral toughness, during December, one of whom ha already managed to get back In his former cell, is offset by sending a 12- year-old girl from Lane county, to th , reform school. It's a wonder the des Ierate child did not beat out the brains of the matron with her doll. There lias been no murder worth mentioning for some time, but the Louisville, Ky., beauty who nearly Choked a romantic millionaire to death with a silk sock, might have made something out of the Incident. .Investigation of alleged irregular ities In Salvation Army war work Is threatened. They will be charged with accomplishing something, and getting somewhere near ' the front line trenches. Their distribution of coffee and doughnuts in.tlio danger zone, looks small alongside the outfit who wanted to build an athletic stadium In Paris after the war was over. '.Taxes (surus hellus) will soon be. due.. . A niovo is on foot to have the build ers of the million dollur resort hotel at Ashland, compromise with the Med ford constructors of a railroad to tho Paoiflc ocean, and erect a section houso. ' ' A NAVEL ENGAGEMENT (8lsklyou News) 'Your Dray correspondent Is the recipient of a bag of delicious oranges, a Christmas gift from a friend, "a lady friend." My wife likes oranges too, but I dunno If she'll like these. .,;., PAINT AND POLITICS (Congressional Record) Mr. BLANTON. Mr. Chairman, utter the war ceased I was hopeful that we would Btop the habit of granting $5000 automobiles to various of our public officers. I think wo ought to quit it. Wo pay our cabinet officers J12.000 a year, $4,000 more than a representative or senator gets. Thon we grant them those JuOOO cars, and maintenance, and then thoy draft a. civil employe, who draws another salnry from tho govern tnnnt, to drivo the car for them in many cases. This provision shows conclusively that tho secretary already has a car furnished by- the govern ment It has not been long since It was bought. If the committee will look it up thoy will soe that it has bean ued by him only a comparatively short tlmo. Yot this (5000 is not to buy a now car, but it is Just to pay .the difference between his present car and a new one in exchange. I lmvo a car, which I had Co pay for myself, that 1 have been using a couple of years. It 'stands over ut the House Office building every day, put in the weathor, and, of course, it wan not looking very good. So I took It to tho KtudHbakcr Co. down here to boo what they would allow mo fur It In excliango for n new ono. Thoy said thoy could allow me only $500 Tor it. That Is all they would allow mo, but I took It to nn expert painter and paid Mm $f.o; and he paint ed It for mo. and It now looks Just as goon as a now ono and I am going to drive it two more years. I should think maybe tho socrrtary could have his car painted up, anil It would not cost this government $5000 more In oxebnngo. I am not plcayunlsh. 1 be lieve In follows spending their own money just as extravagantly ns they want to, but 1 do-not think wo ought to spend this f .'u00 of public money to enuhlo our secretary of the interior to exchange his car, when tho money comes out of tho people's taxes. We ought to quit It. llow long are wo going to keop it up? It Is Just a con tinual Increase of the number or offi cers for whom we allow theso curs. 1 think the tlmo has come when wo ought to pin right down and cut them off. Let them furnish their own cars. Jit them furnish everything else thut other peoplo furnish. Pay them their salaries, but whenwo pay them their salaries let up stop and not just keeo adding, these extras year after year. I think it ought to 60 out. THE LAUSANNE OPERA BOUFFE. t ' FKO.M this distance the Lausanne conference appears rather u faree. There is a great deal of talk about this and that untl the other, and today the Turks stalked from the conference because of allied insistence on an Armenian Home, but somehow the reality of the protest fails to register. In fact, ns far as the press reports nre concerned, there lias been little reality .from the first. This latest development looks merely like another dramatic gesture, a feeling out by the Turkish delega tion, to bring the allied cards on the table, and expose their offensive assuming that they have one. The plain truth seems to be, that tho Turks, with their army fighting trim and their troops "rarin' to go," have the allied diplo mats at their mercy and know it. The recent break between England i.nd France over German reparations, the virtual retirement of Great Uritain from aggressive participation in European affairs, merely renders the Turkish position all the more impregnable. ;o country in r.tirope wants war witn the lurks. Jtussia is frankly lier ally, France to say the least, is benevolently neutral, and all this talk about the sacred rights of Christian minorities, a home for the Armenians, and security for the Greeks is good, ns far as it goes, but it doesn't go much farther than the Lausanne Casino. . Of course, at this distance, definite judgment is hazardous. There may be more to the conference than appears on the surface. But as the reports have been cabled from day to day, it looks as though the tntire performance were nothing more than u process of beating time to camouflage the inevitable. Ami the inevitable is that ns no Christian nation stands readv to fight the Turk, the Turk is going to get what ho whiits, with the possible exception of complete control of the Near East oil fields. As secret diplomacy goes, oil is something worth fighting for, cither with guns or with money. Christian principles and minorities nre not, So the conference, ns a whole, looks rather silly. It may drag on many more weeks, it may break up tomorrow, but the finnl out come will 'not be materially changed. Turkey, for the time being at least is to have her place in the sun. Quill Points A conservative is one who would rather be safe than right. Dangerous demagogue: Anybody who threatens to disturb nests that are feathered. . When a man says that he is a hopeless old bachelor, he means that he thinks he isn't. As the world grows wiser and wiser, it finds more and more ways to make a fool of itself. The bar-keeper was wickeder than the soda fountain clerk, but he didn't shake his hair back at intervals. Europe has her tips and downs. The diplomats are always up to something and the people down in the mouth. St. Mark's Church Cor. North Oakdale and Fifth Sts. f a. m, Holy communion. 10 a. in. Sunday school. 11 a. m. Holy communion. Wm. Ii. Hamilton, vicar. Catholic Church South Oakdale Ave. First mass Sunday at 8 a. m. Second mass at 10:30 a. m. lienediction after second mass. Ilev. John I'owers, pastor. English Lutheran Mission Pastor will be engaged in special work in the northern imrt of the state for two weeks, and will therefore be unable to hold divine services on the next two Sunduys. Services will be resumed Jan. 21. ft. Traiitmann, pastor. Evang.-Luth. Zion's Church Fourth St. and Oakdale Ave. Rev. Dr. W. R. Morenz-Oeser, Pastor. Res. 518 West Fourth St. Sunday school 10 a. m. Divine service 11 a. m. Annual meeting of tho congregation. The Rev. F. W. Bussard, supt. of mis sions, will be present. , First Christian Church Cor. Ninth and Oakdale. . D. E. Millard, Minister. Sunday services: Bible school 9:45 in. H. J. Ber rinn, supt. Preaching 11 a. ni. Sermon, "Walk" Ing in tho Light." 6:30 p. m. Christian Endeavor ser vice. '7:30 p. in. Evening sermon subject, "How We Are Saved." Special music and a hearty welcome to everybody. I Main St. M. E. Church, South Coy R. Sims, Pastor. Biblo Bchool 8:45 a. m. Dr. Frank Roberts, supt. .Morning worship 11 a. ni. Subject of the sormon, "Qualifying for the Christian Race." Epworth league devotion and study 6:30 p. m. Miss Verma Peters will lead assisted by Miss Jennie Eicher. Evening service 7:30 p. m. Dr. J. P. Bray will preach the sermon at this hour. There will bo special music at both services. The public is cordially Invited to at tend these services. Evening: Instrumental trio: (a) "Sluuibe Song." Eppinger. lb "Mels trsiuger." Wagner, .Mr. Jones, .Mr. Root. Mr. Scott. Soprano solo, ".My Task," Mrs. Scott. Wednesday 7:30 p. m. Prayer meet ins. Thursday 7:30 p. m. Choir rehear sal. Don't drive your boy to church go with him." Frederick R. Leach, pastor. S. M. Scott, choir director. ' First Methodist Episcopal Church Fourth and Bartlett. J. Randolph Sasnett, Pastor. Office 21tf First National Hank Bldg. Phone 9SS. Res. 27 N. Orange. Bible school 9:45. An efficient school of religious education. Prof. N. H. Franklin, supt Morning worship 11 a. m. Rev. S. A. Danford, D.D., will preach the sermon. Basket dinner at 12:30 for all who care to bring their lunches and remain for the afternoon meeting. Quarterly conference 2:30. Reports from all departments. Epwoith leagues: Junior 5:30, Sen ior 6:15. Evening service 7:30. Sermon, "What Is Faith?" by the pastor. Mid-week devotional meeting Wed nesday evening 7:30. Loyalty circle will meet witli .Mrs. H. W. Conger, Tuesday afternoon, -:30. Queen Esther clrole will meet with Mrs. F. F. Burke, 53 Rose Ave., Wednesday aftornoou 2:30. The W. H. M. S. will meet with Mrs. C- W. Whlllock, 714 W. Tenth, Friday afternoon 2:30. Morning: Anthem, Cod, .My King, (Schwarz). Soloist, Mrs. Van Scoyoc Quartet, Lead, Kindly Light, (Wil son). Mrs. Van Scoyoc, Mrs. Hoffmann Mr. MacDonough, .Mr. Vroman. Evening Miss Matie Vroman, pian ist. Mr. Bernard Roberts, organist. Mrs. May Jordnn-MacDonoush, dlreo tor. en arwnlc. This 1 now l"'ul" V'"! the department of agriculture called a in New Vork on D-eem-l r 1.1 to devis a method f obtain ing adequate supiilie of the ebenii- '"'i-he situation l largely out of the hands of producers who obtain arse nie as a byproduct from the smelting of copper, einuubar and lead ores. I'onniiuently. arsenic production Is limited bv the output of copper, ouicksllver and lead In tho Cnlied States. A few companies, whose hk greBate yield of arsenic will be rela tively small, plan to make arsenical chemicals directly from the ores ns a major product. Hy far me laigesi producers, principally on the Pa cific conat, manufacture a high-grade white arsenic recovered from the smeller fume In bnghousea or by pre cipitators. One of the early Incentives to the production of arsenic in this country was the elimination of smeller smoke nuisances, and though this is still a minor reason for maintaining nn out put, the price nt arsenic is sufficiently attrac tive to make its production de sirable In this region. Although at the present time, miners are not paid for tlie arsenic content of their ores, and are sopie timrs penalized for the presence or that element, a continuation of the present price level would encourage the handling of arsenical ors now treated with reluctance (However, the only way to stimulate arsenic production through prospecting and mining is to offer a price inducement for its production. Such a move in this region might have a beneficial result in relieving a shortage to some small extont. . . A. E. KELLOOO. Oold Hill. Oregon. Jan. -3. lilSH. CORE THROAT V Gargle with warm salt then apply over throat-? 18 S Tongue Twisters (To be read aloud) By C. L. EDSON, . Author of the Gentle Art of Columnlng. What the world needs is a windshield glass that will make tho ear or pedestrian out in front look like a tack. Correct this sentence: "You, look rather dowdy," said the hus band, "and I insist that you buy some new frocks and hats." Still, oil and water mix about as well ns oil and altruism. The Turks won't enjoy hell much. There arc no Christian minori ties there. In case of argument, one man cusses louder. and the other is in the right. If tho brnin doesn't entirely fill the skull, nil available parking space is used by prejudices. The fool driver watching a fair pedestrian's ankle should re member tho warning, "Dangerous curve ahead." won't people also demob. bring peaeo and tranquility unless the The only proper place for a middleman is between the devil and tho deep blue sea. Some unfortunnto men speak their last words as they are led to the scaffold, and others as they nre led to the altar. Correct this sentence: ''Here," said the cake-eater to the' homely woman in the cur, "won't you take my seat, please!" RipplingRhurcos ft Walt Mason MEDICAL HELP. ""W-STfi-j.-l 5X339 r" 11UKK are so many kinds of does, I scarce know what to do, " when fell disease my system rocks, the rheumutu or flu, the measles or the chicken pox and I am sad and blue. One doctor feeds us hefty pills that have a mothball taste, and liquid medi cine he spills inside oiie's bulging waist j his potion either cures or kills, and tines the trick in haste. Another laughs at pills and tlope in loud mid strident tones; le says when sick our only hope is kneading of the hones; he is a man of breadth and scope, and viselike hands he owns. One doctor is a crank on air. fresh air. he says, will heal ; for spavined limbs or falling hair, fresh air and linseed meal; for any ailment, anywhere, ozone's his endless spiel. "Suggestion," nays another. doe, "will soiling disease's knell; if you have cylinders that knock, come, see me where 1 dwell; I'll spring suggest ions in a flock, and they will make you well," Some doctors keep within their shacks sword, cleaver, saw and lance, and when we've spasms in our backs, and to their wigwams pranee..lhey want to cleave us with an ax, eollcvting in advance. The doctors have so many schools 1 scarce know which to choose, when fever heats or ague -cools my weary bones and thews; so many pills, so many tools, so many eurlyeues! The Methodist Episcopal Church Gold Hill, Oregon. A Union of Ail Denominations. Dr. M. M. Reld, pastor. Sunday school Sunday morning at 10, A. E. Kellogg, supt. Devotional and .workers service at 11. Evening sermon hy the pastor at 7:30. Subject, Modern Armor for Present Day . Warfare," taken from expositions of Sunday school lesson. Mid-week lecture by the pastor Tuesdny evening at ' 7:30. Subject, "Mental Analysis of Man." Special invitation extended to the public, to attend all these meetings. First Church of Christ, Scientist Authorized branch of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, In Boston, Mass. Services are held every Sunday. at 11 o'clock, church edifice, 212 North Oakdale. Subject for Sunday, Jan. 7 God. Sunday School at 9:45. Applicants nnder tho age of twenty may be ad tnitted. Wednesday evening meetings, which include testimonies of Christian Sci ence healings, at 7:45. The Reading Room, wnich is in the Medford Bldg., is open daily from 1 to 5, except Sundays and holidays. All authorized Christian Science literature mav be road, borrowed or purchasod. The public is cordially invited to attend tho services nnd visit the Read ing Room. THE COTTON BATTEN CAT Pretty Kittie Creighton Had a cotton batten cat. This cotton batten kitten Once was bitten by a rat. The kitten that was bitten Had a button for an eye; The bitin' of the button Made the cotton batten fly. The rat continued fightln', And was busy (at this writin') Sending Kitty Creighton's bitten Cotton batten kitten kitin'. H. W. CONGER UNDERTAKER Successor to Weeks-Conger Co. Medford. Ore,. Blue Front Fixlt Shop Holly St. ' "WE FIX ANYTHING" Phone 4,"4 Rasor Hindu Sharpening Vaiori71 Qiw IP MUlianm (Jud yeJJ ia-bert cjniuty Jwlry Kapxttu luSataiaT. DaflafanHntl laaAj a. . m .T wnoiv. www soui CU h Mall us your want. MARTIN J. RCDDT HEAT WITH COAL Placo Your Order Now for Quick Delivery , Hansen Coal Co; (Successors to KatU) 84 8. Kir St. J'hono 2:1W FARM IMPLEMENT REPAIRING Spray Rigs and Engines Williams Implement Service 28 S. Bartlett WATCH YOUR BATTERY PREST-O-LITR BATTERY STATION For Quick Scrvtee Phone 119 Babbiting, Welding Lathe Work REASONABLE BATES Crater Lake Automotive Co. - 123 South Front St. RUBBER BOOT REPAIRING HALF SOLES AXD nEELS Medford Vulcanizing Works NOTICE. -Through an Error Our Office Telephone Number as omitted u he new Directory. IT IS 77 dr. n. e. Minpirr. Dentistry and X-Itay 2nd Floor Medford Itlila. COMMUNICATIONS Rov. Presbyterian Church Main and Holly. E. P. Lawrence, Minister. 25 South Orange. 9:45 a. m. Hible school. New equip ment, all bills luild, regular teachers largo school, Join us in Hible study. Carl Brommer, supt. 11a.m. Morning worship. Sermon. Prayer, tho Christian's Vital Breath." Quartet, "Consider and Hoar Me. Dy l'fluger. Sacrament or the lortts s'jpper and reception of members. Evening servlco 7:30 p. m. Subject. Answered and I'nanswered Prayers." Hood congregational singing. New, song books. Intermediate C. E. 6:30 p. m. Topic, Tho (liiide Hoard Psalm." Senior Hthle class, Clydo Hillis lender, u:30 p. m. Sunday. Week of prayer. Monday, January 8th to the 13th. Monday, Wednesday. Friday at 7:30 p. m. Tuesday nnd Thursday 2:30 p. in. Firat Baptist Chureh "Tho Friendly Church" North Central and Fifth Sts. :45 a. m. Hihlo school. Avnrd Whitman, supt. Join somo class Sun day. 11 n. m. Sermon by Rev. A. M. Jetty. D.D., of Portland. An inspirational speaker. 4 p. m. Meeting for the Women, nd dressed bv Mrs. O. C. Wright of Port land. A good attendance is urged. 6:30 p. m. Senior and Intermediate, 11. V. P. V. Miss Fern Daily win speak on Hawaii, whero she has spent the past year. 7:30 p. m. "Heredity and the New Yenr, or How to Make Had Men Oood." Music: Morning. Violin solo. "The Swan." Saint Saens. Prof. Carlton Jane. Soprano solo, "Show Me Thy Ways O Uml." Tnrrante, Mrs. Lorraine Sett. Regurding Arsenic in Ore. To the Editor: . . That which has been a curse to the mining industry of this region has apparently fallen into the laps of the mine owners ns a blessing. 1 am re ferring to arsenic which appears in large quantities In nearly all the .ores of this region, especially the cinnabar and copper. ores. Arsenic in a crude form made our cinnabar ores refrac tory to such an extent that the ordi nary modern furnace and equipment erected in the Gold Hill district was niado useless, until government ex perts, came to tho relief of the and worked out a system of recovering and hnndlng the arsenic, which was so simple that the . opera tors were .astonished at the discovery. Now these quicksilver operators are possessed with a world of wealth in arsenic as a by-product in their mines. Tho nrsenlc jnnrket Is enjoying a boom far surpassing the hopes of producers n few months ago. Com pared with an average value of white arsenic of slightly over 6 cents a pound for the last 20 years, tho price today is over 12 cents fur future ship ments nnd gspot tonnages command even higher . prices. The sudden de mand which has arisen is due to the cnll for calcium arsenate by southern cotton. growers, who find that chmi cal exceedingly useful In combating the ravages of the boll weevil. The demand for whlto arsenic has literally swept producers off thoir feet when they saw nn opportunity to contract for the disposal of their output many months ahead at theso prices. Prices have naturally gono skyward under the influence of tho force of supply nnd demand, lrres-1 pective nf the absence of any tariff BIG SHOOT - At Eagle Point SUNDAY, JANUARY 7 TH TRAP AND TARGET 1 SHOOTING ' All kinds of Merchandise, etc', given as prizes v ... l"1 -:'':-Ti FUNERAL SERVICE ' 'V ; Including every attention that can come from the hands of a Funeral Director. Removing remains to parlors, use of chapel, Funeral service and all other service (except em balming) rendered without charge. ' Our show rooms are stocked with the best money can purchase, and at prices positively guaranteed satisfactory to all. -; CONGER FUNERAL PARLORS Successor to Weeks-Conger Co. m Have You Seen Them? The Famous FARRAN-OID Fan Belts The Belt That WiU Never Stretch or Slip, and Is Oil and Water Proof Guaranteed A SIZE FOR EVERY CAR IN STOCK Drop in and Let Us Show You Why the Tarran-oid Will Save You Money ' A Full Line of Accessories and Tires Everything for the Auto THE AUTO SUPPLY CO. - - --'. I Doc Wright 31 N. Bartlett Phone 62 Service and Quality it evening