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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1923)
annDFOTm wan tribune. MEtnroim oiieoon, satttrday, January . PAGE THItEE News of Jackson County CENTRAL POINT E .''CENTRAL POINT, Jnn. 6. .(Special Correspondence). , Early last Sunday morning a Bevere windstorm visited Central Point and caused much dam age. The large barn belonging to 'rank Cochran was blown down smashing the hood,' windshield and top of his Chevrolet oar, which Vas in the barn.- His milk cow barely escaped death as only a few timbers held the fallen wall from the animal, the boards had to be pried loose to get the cow out. A large water tank standing near the house was also seriously damaged the wind being of such force that it bftfit it double. A small barn belonging to Ira Orlgsby was totally destroyed the. boards on which his cow stood were hurled twenty feet. A chicken house owned by Jesse Richardson was blown over, and one belonging to Mr. George Wallace was blown over at the same time. Many trees were, uprooted and poles blown down, Interfering with traffic. Mrs. Blanche Crosson of Medford has opened a dancing studio in the Central Hotel building. The opening class was held Wednesday evening, t fair attendance being present includ ing many from Medford. Fifty cents for the gentlemen and twenty-five for the .ladles Is the - admission being charged to class dances, which are held.In;the dining room.. Before com ing here Mrs. Crosson gave lesBons In Medford and still has Saturday night classes there. Miss Hess HeTrler of Santa Rosa, Calif., spent a short visit with her grandmother, Mrs. Wright of this city and her aunt, Mrs. Prank Cochran. She returned to her home Tuesday. - Miss Nellie Moore of Medford, was a visitor at the home of Miss Doris N'eathamer nnd Will HI11U and fam ily wore dinner guests at J. E. Smith peters' Now Years. Mrs. R. Carter and Roy Carter were Rogue River visitors Tuesday. ' Mr. nnd Mrs. Merlin lief ler re turned to their home at Crescent City California last Tuesday . after spend ing the Holidays with Mrs. Hollers' parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Ell Baker. T Mr. and Mrs. Howard nro Clients at "' the Rlchman homo this week.. They stopped here for a short visit. They nro traveling oy auto from their homo In Wisconsin to Se attle, Wash. . The Pine Grove school and coinmu- I nlty club guve an entertainment at the Pine Grove school Jan. 4. The evon I lng was spent with a number of reclta Itlons, also a spelling match, after which refreshments were served and a TALENT CANNERY 10 START AGAIN WILLOW KPPtVfiK,. K Fmnlc Stevenson Has purchased 8001111 ttme was enjoyed by all. tho ten acres at the corner of the old I The next meeting of the club will be road and Scenic nvo., from A., Falch held Jan. 17, which will be a hard time of Heuldsburg, Cnl. Mr. and Mrs. 'social; also a box supper. All ladies Stevenson Intend to Improve tho are requested to bring boxes. Priies Placo and muko it their permanent wllj j,e given for the most appropriate home. . .., W.lLUIIICff. r P. G. Horar made a business trip to Tho Wm. Hover homo was tho ' " . I IIIVI J t.lllllU KUllirilllK VII - . .... . Christmas day. They had as guests. Meurora mis ween. Mrs. iHovor'H parents. Mr. and Mrs. r ' J. R. Bowen has returned from a Millard of Jacksonville -.Two sisters two weeks business trip to Idaho, and their families from tho Wlllam- " Mr. Kelly and fumlly have Just etto valley and a brother and family moved Into their new home on the from Central Point. There were 30 Orr ranch.1 In nil. 10 of whom were Krandehlul Llttle M)sta A1Ce Cognn has been dren of Mr. and Mrs. Millard, Sr. very , ,,ately Ba ,1M ot becn oble A delightful New Year Eve party to attend school. was neiu ax ina c. is. uoia.s' noma, east of Central Point - when tho Charles Tnylor and W. A- Thompson families helped those" genial people celebrate until well Into tho noy year. The Scandinavian banquet held on New Year's evo at Central Hall In Central Point, was well uttonded -by members of that society, from this vicinity., AH report a most enjoyable time. . - , '. , . Roy Nichols was one of the lucky inners of a big roast in the.Ashpolc guessing cojptest and It graced tho family dinner table Inst Sunday when Mr. and Mrs. Nichols entertained tho fullowliiK guests: " Mr.' and Mrs. C. V. TALENT, Jan, 6. Oaniel Stump died Thursday morning, Jan. 4 at 10, nt the age of 78 at the home of his daughter Airs. C. 15. Stltos at Tulanl, Ore., after 5 months Illness. Ho was born In the state of Ohio, moving to Talent Hi years' ago from St. Louis. Mo., where he has resided ever since. Ho was a Civil War veteran. Ho loaves two sons and four daughters, John W. Stump, Win. M. Stump, Mrs. C. K. Stltos, Mrs. O. W. Burnett, Mrs. Wm. Crosby, Mrs. Marlon Dozier all of Tal ent. His wife Sarah J., preceded him last' May. Funeral services will be held at the Brethren church t Ash laud, Iowa und Mountain avenue, Sun- dav 2:30 p. m. Interment In Mountain1; View cemetery. Talent has for their marshal now Mr. N. Pace. Mr. Vogeli has served as marshal for quite a while and was a good serviceable man who tried to do right by everybody. The cannery expocts to start work : Jtnrv.v Pliintnn nnd Slil Smith are Kal Munauj unci uiiuk out trapping this week Home Ownership f Means the end of wasting' money by pin ing vent. y It ninkes n man thrifty. " It makes a Letter eoimnunitv in which to live. It protects and shelters his loved ones. j It is the beginning of self-respect and lays the foundation for financial success. ' ' Waving a certain amount monthly means the accumulation of a fund which gives protection to you in old age, or an education to your child. . - ' J1 What more can a man wish for -J ' V ' t Jackson County Building and Loan Association & KIDD, President. O. O. HOGGS, Secretary T ? ? ? ? ? y y ? y y t f t t t y O. M. Charlie Patterson has been sick this week with a cold. Hubbard the first of the week. Tomorrow Is tlte date set for the installationof officers of the Woman',) Relief corpB, all the members of the G. A. R. and W. R. C. with their friends are invited to come and bring a basket for dinner as the installation is to be held In the afternoon, i Mrs. Ira, Grlgsby, who hag been visit ing her parents at Eugene returned to her home Monday evening reporting a good time.' Misses Doris Hubbard, and. Marie Wright of this city were business yisi tors in Medford Thursday afternoon. Clifford Peart, student of. the local chbol TsalTpresent sojourning in Copco, Calif., whdre hels visiting his parents formerly of thls.clty. VMlss May Johnson of this city, will leiive Sunday to resume her duty as teacher In the Merlin schools. Mrs. Stevenson and daughter, have returned to their hbme in this city to resume school teaching. Grants Pass visitors In this city at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John John son -were Mr. and Mrs. E. Challson, E. E; Erlckson and faintly, S. Sperry, Albert Bnyder, Mr. and Mrs. Brlnker nrjf and Mr. Johnson. A i ' . fa. E. AVadsworth, popular conductor ofHhe Southern Pacific railroad from Rofeeburff spent Wednesday in this ilt4 'visiting friends. . t.ManyCentral Point .people, attended the. dance given at. Tolo, among them being Mr. and Mrs. 9. Brlstoe. Clarke McDowell, Mr.' and Mrs. Lester and children, Forrest Pickett, Jacob Myers and .wife, Mrs., Wajva Cummings and others. '.''' C". . Rosencranz of Gold Hill, Ore., bought it tract of land from Sterling C. Mtnnlck the first part of this week. Mr.' Rosencranz is at present employed at the cement plant, b"t will move on his ranch next spring. . Mr. nnd Mrs. Jack Maneely and son of Medford, Oregon spent New Year's day at the home pt,Mrs. Maneely s par ejtts. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson. vThe Central Point schools will open Monday after' a' two weekB vacation. As yet most of the teachers are away but will probably' be here ready for Mondav. ' George. Martae, former high school student of thls'clty hut now of call fornia. spent the 'last -week vlsltln friends and acquaintances in this city, Mlssv Vlolot Scott of thls .clty Is con fined in her home on account of tAtlsllitis. ' . I ' . Mr. and Mrs. Burehlll of Colombia, Sooth America, but more recently of Albany are visiting at the home of Mrs. .Burchlll's parents, Rev. Beattle nnil wife. ; ' - . ' ' Richard Hay Is' being confined at his home with a severe case .ot grippe, but It is expected he will soon be well : A good steed attendance was present at the annual meeting or tne ocanm navtnn society of the Rogue river val ley. Turkey supper was served frotn 6 to 8 after which the evening was siient in different ways till a late hour at which time they watched the New Year In and the old one out, The Odd Fellows lodge of this city are planning to give another dance in Central hall In the near future. Bert Rostel was on the sick list the first nart of the- week with throat trmihio hut is now' very much im Mm Henrietta Hurley was a busl The Misses Eula nnd Lucy Foollers returned to Medford nnd their school duties Monday evening after spend' lng the holidays with their parents near Trail, ' . , i We wore sorry to hear of tho death Nichols and the Charles Nichols, qf jir. ym. Cushmnn, ono of our family of -Willow Springs and Mr. oldest residents.' Ho. passed away at and Mrs. Bert Nichols of Phoenix. , the homo of his daughter, Mrs. Joo Randolph Manning Is spending a Roe at' Gold Hilt. mnnth at Santa Barbara, Cnl.. visit- Vo were glad to see Mrs. Ram lng friends. . '.;: I.Geary again after so many yearn. Willow Springs school opened last . she arrived at her brother s (Dave Tuesday morning after a., ten day's Pence) Wednesday evening from holiday which the children . thor- Canada. She expects to settle, In our oughly .enjoyed. '-!.- - community again. Her daughter. The little son and daughter of Mr. I Clara nnd little grandson accompa- and Mrs. Ralph Cowglll are 111 with nie(j her. colds, Ralph, Jr., tiiUe seriously so, jirs. rwin Howo Is slowly recover and under tho doctor's care. Pearl lng from her illness and hopes to Hover has also been sick for tho soon be up again. past .week, but Is improving. . Miss Enid Middlebusher attended The wind storm of last Saturday ji, dance at Eaglo Point Saturday ight-blew down the Fred Wolff nj,'it and was a guest of Miss Fran- bnrn and unroofed Hugh Porters nay ceH Greb. barn. No other damage was report-1, -ve are glad to say Mrs. M. E. od In this vicinity, but near Central Middlebusher has recovered suffic- oint a number, of buildings were lent to discard her crutches. wrecked. . ' ' ' . Clauds Ragsdalo left Saturday for Herbert Harris, left Monday, morn- ( corvnllls to nttend school. Ho plans lng, after a two weeks visit witn nis t0 tne up forestry work. ' parents to reBume his studies at Cor-1 - k. V. Blunkall left Saturdny for vallis.. Miss Leah- Parker left Won- chico, Cal hiB ol home, after spend I I I Tnin urMO I mail rvn if IIHHh MMHV ! cation. Mi-B. Pearl Barrett entertained at dinner New Year's her parents, Mr., and Mrs. Sloppy, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Gardner nnd Mrs. Gardner, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Burk and son Marvin of Medford, and Joo Barrett. Wm. Stump expects1 to move hiB family to Los Angeles, Calif., in tho near future. Harry Mason who Is suffering with tuberculosis of tho throat and lungs is under tho care of tho Rev. Reed of Talent who is n retired doctor, and his condition Is Improving. His many frionda hopo for a complete recovery. REX CAFE day evening, for tho same place, after spending the holldays'at. homo. The H. H. -Pomerjene family, who spent the holidays at their home here, havo packed up tneir . nousenoiu goods and will ship them to San Frnnolsco. Mr. Pomereiie and his son, Henry Wade, left for that city; the first , of tho week. v Mrs. Pome-I ehe, who has been quite in, witn in grippe, will remain In Medford until she Is strong enough to travel. Mrs. Clydo Richmond's motner. Mrs. Roberts nnd sister, Mrs., aiyruo ; Wbod of Salem, left for their- homaj Thursday, after spending the holidays with the Richmond family, rney are Certainly Justified in, saying "they never. sw. it wetter m ine vmmm- etb valley." -. ' ' I The stockholders or .iras ieiiiui, line, No.; 19, held tneir nnuai nim-i lng last Friday . evening.- John Anderson was elected presioeni, j. W, Elden, vice-president and : Paul Shiarer secretary for the coming year. The J. J. uropny iamny ui aonvllle, Mrs; M. J. Burrougns nnu son nd daughter of Medford and the J. W. Elden family, wore New Years visitors at the W. K. ranter nome. A. V. Carlson began tho new year right by purchasing a car. no in busy these days learning to drive it and Is making good headway In spite of the slippery roads. One of tho cleverest ana mosi ae-i lightful of the' holiday eniertnin mcntfl was the "wntch party" given at tho hospitable J. W. Blrkholr. lomo on New Year s eve., mere never a dull .minute from the llmo n. iMiosts arrived until , .they bade their host nnd hostess . n - reluctant gnodby In the we small hours of the morning. Old fashioned games were played and the company- . sang nether tho good old songs ot nn The hostera served supper and Just as tho midnight hour struck, Old ramer ............ with' his flowing wnite oearu u... well---orn scjthe nnd bade them nil farewell, passing out Just as the smil ing little New icnr eniereu gifts for everyone. So ended a pieun- ant year and negan n.n cheer and good wishes for all. lng tho 'past six "months' in' southern Oreiron.-. - ------ -; - " Mr. and -Mrs; A. T. Poole ' nnd daughter, Mlnlo, Were Modford callers Monday. Minnie exnects to nttend Severe Cough After Influenza "After an attack of the 'Flu' which left me, with a severe cough nothing seemed to relieve me until I used Foley's Honey and Tar," writes Mrs., K. D. Drake, Chllds. Maryland. Coughs resulting from Influenza, Whooping Cough, Asthma, Croup. La Grippe and Bronchitas are quickly, relieved witn : Foley's Honey and Tar. Contains no opiates ingredients' printed on tho wrapper. Largest selling cough med- j Icine In the world. Sold everywhere. high school at that place the balano of the year. -.... Enid Middlebusher, Mrs. Owen, and Mrs. .E. E. Ash were very -pleasant callers nt the Howe home Thursday. PIPE FLUSH Quickly dissolves nil obstructions In clogged drain and sower pipes . BUY IT TRY IT For Sale By A. T. VROMAN, iia H. Front St. to. long delicious EVANS VALLEY it., ts. Rlchman was a . Medford ..t.imw Thtiruriiiv. ' Mr. and Mrs. Carls returned home '.-,in..d from Grants Pass, where they havo been tho past week. -, Wnlker. from California Was In this locality Inst week, buying entile. Ho bought a. bunch from the vn(hnmerii nnd Chns. Owens. Mr. Hmlthpeter nnd, Jim Nenthamer were Gold 5III1 visitors i"uij; u.. rtoiivorlnirx dressed ooei and pork for Mark and John Neat homer. . Chns. Magerlo, road supervisor H this district, was looking over th( .J ThiifBflAV. .Chns. Owens. Henry Baker, Mark vnnli Neathamer drove a ARTHUR M1DDLET0N AMERICA'S GREAT ; BASS-BARITOUE PAGE THEATRE MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY 8 Seats on Salo Saturday, January 6 Mail Orders now Lower floor, $2.00; Balcony $1.50, $1.00, 50 cents. im nunc - - . ' ,,,. p. Thurs- no vlaltor In Medford the first part ot '",4" 'hey we o loaded' on the thl week. ' " V . IdL " .binned to California. Miss Atnbrey Inlow waa the hostess ' . WM transacting business in Medford last Wednesday. There Is no school in tho Mnyso 4ltrlrL lnis weeit, . of a hart given nt her home Monday evening; a goodly number being pres ent. ., With Medford trade la Medford made. Creek tenehor,. Mark, Mrs. .Carls. Is sick. , John, Jim und Mrs. D. E, Will YOUR Key Unlock the Kitchen Cabinet at Mordoff&Woolfs ':; . . .. WE ARE GIVING THIS CABINET AWAY FREE Will It Be Yours? Bring in Your Keys Now! Open Under New Management Try Our Waffles and Coffee TOMORROW MORNING MADE WITH OUR NEW ELECTRIC WAFFLE IRONS MEALS AT ALL HOURS . f STEAKS A SPECIALTY GOOD CUP OF COFFEE FR6M COUNTER 5c "i Patrpnsof The CaliforniaOregonPower Com pany who have adopted electric cooking say it's the greatest of all time-savers for the home and the cheapest Hundreds and hundreds of our patrons now cook electrically for a small charge over what their home lighting used to cost them. The cost of electric cooking is in general as cheap or cheaper than that of cook ing with wood or other fuel. This economy is due in part to our special cooking rate. The roasting of poultry and meat has always re quired frequent basting and constant attention. But in the electric oven, the rich juices of the roast are re tained, shrinkage is reduced and basting becomes unnecessary. After the first quick heat, the current is reduced to a small amount and cooking is finished by means of the stored heat on the tireless cooker principle. Our local bfHce will be glad to discuss with you the company's low cooking rate and some of tho many other practical advantages and economies your neigh bors are enjoying. Or, ask your electric dealer to ex plain the convenience and economy of the electric range, and the easy payment plan whereby you can have one installed right away. THB CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY VcALIFORNIA OPIGOtil POWER COMPANY YOUR PARTNERS IN PROGRESS ' ii, 4 ' f. V'r ,'"V 7