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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1922)
f VKCV TWO'' rFiniORD MAIL TRTBTjfrTC, MflDFORP.. QKKOQy. SATURDAY. DECKMBKR h, 022 I. ' t inn I ! j Auhrsy (i. Smith, superintendent of thu public schools, loft lust niKht for 1 ('iillfonilii, Mo., on receipt of telegram telling of the sudden death of his mother In that place yesterday, and Focal and JLJ ; In view or the mild and cloudy' weather of ta.iay mid the prediction of rain for tonight and Sunday, tho out look for good weather on Chrhitinus is lather dubious. The highest tempera ture of yesterday,, and the lowest torn-1 perature of" tills .morning'-' wero only, three degrees apart. I Crescent i. orchestra masquerade, I Nngle Point, 'Sat..; Ooq. 30th. 239 tyCJUrityMijii jiartf !'" paylliou!,,8at! ,j Zu-t Ulg Xinas purty to-nile. Pavilion! '.. . , ' , 1!34 ' The big Christmas tree for the com munity Christmas colouration to be held on the public library lawn, was put up today and partly .decorated. The final decorations will be put on during the day tomorrow. .The tree program will begin at 5 o'clock tomorrow after noon in order that It will be over in plenty or time (or attendance at the evening services at the various! churches. With good weathor an Im mense throng of people of all ages is sermons. expected to bo present. I "Christmas party!" pavilion! Sat! You can get it at DeVoe's. tf 234 . Goodrich tires and .tubes at Colonial j January firat will be the last day to llaroaH. ' ' pay city assessments without penalty. Attention Knights!, .Grants fans 211 lodgo is bringing sonio candidates to I Confottl, terpentine baloons, favors bo proving In tho rank of knight by and Christmas gifts! Pavilion Christ- Leo Kusk of Salem, is a gueBt at the Hotel Holland. Other guests Include A. 13. Hlldreth of Oakland, Mr. and Mrs. Chester L. Ward of South Fiilli Ore., A. ti. lllckoy and F. K. Ackerinan will probably not return here until tho j of Portland, Uomer W. Maddox gf latter part of the first week in Janu ary. The many friends of Mr. Smith sympathize with him In this Christmas affliction. For Sale fully equipped electric train $15. 211 N. Peach. 234 Yes, It wipes full width of glass; and it's automatic. . Surety Vision Wind shield Cleaner at Crater Luko Automo- ' live Co. 235 j I.uper and his gold saxaphone In I Oriental Ballroom tonight! Uon't miss him. 234 I, Mr. and Mrs. S. Vilas Deckwlth ar. hived this nvorning from their home In ' Seattle nnd will spend tho holidays horo with Mr. and Mrs. F. Corning Kenly. Tho Ueckwltlis formorly resld od here, Mr. Beckwlth having been manager of the Fruit and Produce association here for a number of years. Nearly all of the churches will hold special Christmas services tomorrow with appropriate program of music and Talisman lodgo, Tuesday evening. Dec. 27. Lodgo will opo lint 7:30. Last meeting night of tho year." Everyone come. .1. T. I'orry; C. C. 234 Airs. C. N. Oilman or Grants Pass srrlvod horo yesterday to ' spend .Christmas with her daughter, Mrs. C. W ,Luman. for mas ball tonight! Let's go! 234 Tho Christmas dinner of the Copco Foruin. for over 100 children of this city and tho children of members of the forum together with many invited guests, was hold at, the Hotel Med ford this afternoon, beginning at the hour I this paper wont to press. ("ontlmioiiH I'erfoniuince Today mid Tomorrow 12: !M to 11:00 ' 1 .11. . inm LAST TAM KM VOX I (HIT i pares no Place use iioimes lor choice musio and freo dancing. Med- ..iuio insurance service. - ford Ccnter Tjet. store. Concert In Special prices on high school type-j the lltternoon 3:30 to 5:30, dancing 8 writer practice paper at this orrice. tflto0pm 234 ,'lie boosters are buying candy madej Wo have heavy wrappine paper and in Medford. j know Jiow to wrap your Christmas . . ... s packages so they will go safely throu the mall. Mail Tribune. tf Friends' of Mrs. Jack Moore will find her In the ready-to-wear dept. at tho "Medford Center Dept. Store." Tho names of teachers taking the examinations tills week at Jacksonville are as follows: Mrs. Eva Collins, Mrs. Hugh Jones, Miss Laura Cook of Jack sonville; Miss Hazel Noose, Miss Elaine Todd, Miss Mildred Million, Alius Lillian K. Heed, of Ashland; Miss Theone Carkin, Mrs. Ina K. Pur sol, 'Mrs. Howard G. King, and Miss Elvlne Flury or Medford; Mrs. Martha E. Porter of Gold Hill; Mrs. Ida West of ISuglo Point; Mrs. Anna Carls of, Hoguo River; Miss . Mayme P. Tucker or Butte Falls. This office is prepared to print liedgcr sheets, bills, etc., used on the bookkeeping machines. Don't give your orders to traveling men and have them printed out of Medford. Phone us nnd we will-call.' .j ..:! tf ' Dance, Hot Springs, Sat.'nito. 234 lie a booster, buy candy made In Medford. 234 Miss Lucille Stover, Instructor in the locnl public schools is confined to her home with a severe cold. Mattress work all kinds.- Medford Auto Top Co. Phone 104. tf There will bo a penalty of five per cent on city assessments if not paid : by Junuary first. 241 J Dance with the throng In Oriental Ballroom tonight. Big holiday dance. I 234 ' Today was the last banking day until next Tuesday, as all the bunks of j the city along with nil the other places ol uusiuess win uo ciosea on Aionuny :-( 4&- i nmnae Jleighati Believelt, - It's So- The wiitcl Melghiin di-ainii over iiiimU-.' Theodora Itli-i-t Kurt I 'mi 1 1 no Klnrke in the cast. KIXDAV AMTA STKWAHT "Her Mad Jlni-gulii" anil ' UKX Tt.Kl'JX 'llwnciuiHlo Movie;," . Ninety-nine round trip holiday ex cursion tickets to various points in In In Save 10 per cent on tho cost or admission. - Uuy n Coupon Uouk at Uio fllov Oifivy. I Hemstitching and plcoting, silk or ; cotton, 8 cents per yard. Cor. Main and ISartlett. The Vanity Shop, tf ! Crescent orchestia masquerade, I Eaglo Point, Sat., Doc. 30th. 239 Big Xmas party, to-nlte. Pavilion! ''' 234" I Tho Rovereml Father Bode, I of St. Ilonedlct's Abbey, Mount Angel, Oregon, nrrived in Medford last night. Ho will assist in tho Christmas ser 1 vices at the Catholic church. Havo your picture framing dono by Thompson, the Painter. 234 i . Say! If you plckod up a man's um brella or found one in your place of uuhIiicss please' phono 75. It's wanted by the owner. 235 The Scandinavian Socloty or Hoguo River valley will hold its annual Now Y'oar's roast In Central hall, Central Point, Doc 31, 123. Turkey dlnnor will be sorved from 6 o'.clock to 8:30 p. in. Excellent program will be ren dered. All formor Scandinavians arc cordially Invited. Page Theatre SEATS NOW The Special Christmas Day' Attraction ntiiimsaiul Night, Alomhiy, Diveinlior 23 Alatiut't' a't.-.3:0(),'!8hnr-rKviiiiiiff iU-8:20 Sharp. Miss anything else, but don't miss the Only .Mitzi Ljon Metropolitan Cast, Chorus and Opera Orchestra ' ''on'i'iiny of .")() .;, livcuiiiK Piifi's .$1.10 to jiatinoc Piicrs ofjc to A" 'fltirlndes War Tax ) Seats Now Selling at Box Office !j2.7. s?2.20 Kugeno, B. R. Jones of Ashland and Char;es O. Young and Ben F. Hunt of Portland. There are a number of large theatre parties planned for Mltzl, Christmas matinee und night at the Pago. Danco in Oriental Ballroom Wed. and Sat. Admission 10 cents. 234 We are giving a discount of 30 per cent on all White Ivory toilet articles. Medford Pharmacy. 234 E. E. ltlanchard and James T. Chin nock of Grants Pass were In Modford yesterday on business. For new pianos: Ellington, Hamil ton, Howard and Baldwin, see H. N Loriaud at Roots Music Store, or phono 091-J. 235 Gift cards with magazine subscrip tions, at the Medford Cigar Store Rock bottom prices. 234 Hear Lupor tonight in Oriental Ball room! Admission 10 cents. 234 A beautiful Christmas tree in the Hotel Medford lobby has been com' pletely decorated since . Its arrival from the woods west of Jacksonville yesterday afternoon. The Medford has an excellent Christmas tree each year und this is one of the finest trees ever brought in for the occasion Holiday masquerade ball. Pavilion. Wed. Dec. 27. Plan your costumes now! 234 Havo your Christmas packages wrapped at this office and they will reacn moir destination in good con dltion. . ,tr Sonsatlon! Tho unexcollou Lupor and his saxaphone in Oriental Ball room tonight! 234 Miss Belle Holmes of the California Oregon Power company left last night for San Francisco where she will spend ChriBtmus with friends and rein lives, Merchandise and chicken snoot one mile north of Phoenix, Sunday, Dec. 24 234 Japanese Art Store will be opened next Sunday for late shoppers. 235 Confetti, serpentine, balloons, favors and Christmas gifts! Pavilion Christ mas ball tonight! Let's go! 234 There was an exceptionally heavy holiday public market today at which big supplies of turkeys, chickons, ducks and meats were sold, as well as all seasonable produce and much mistletoe, Oregon grape and laurel for decorations. System Service Co. writes Fire and all otlior Insurance. Strong companies. Office 2nd floor Medrord Bldg. tf Expert auto repairing at 29 S. Front! St. Home of the Stephens. Star Motor & Supply Co. 236 The boosters are buying candy made In Medford. 234 Mr. und Mrs. H. R.' Prentice and children and Miss Holen Bordweli will leave tomorrow for Aberdeen and Cen- tralia, Washington, to spend the holi days with relatives and friends. While away Mr. Prentice will attend the con vention of the Tru-Blue Biscuit Co, at Portland tho last of next week, There's a busy Business College in your home town. OWN. 16.60 "motor driven horns at the Eloctrie 8hop. It Is our turn to be open Sunday (to morrow). We may have Just the thing you have overlookod. Heath's Drug Store. ' 234 ,C. E. Kallman of Prospect was business visitor in Modford. today. . Merchandise and chicken shoot ono mile north of Phoenix, Sunday, Dec. 24 ...... 234 Hot tamales and chill eon carne at De Voo's. tf Right in town! Big holiday danco In Oriental Ballroom! Only plnco to go, .234 . A big Bhlpmont of holiday favors, Christmas . packages, confetti, serpen tine nnd bulloonB was received by the Jackson County Amiiseinont Co. from Chicago today. Thoro will bo distrib utod to the many guests who attend the Pavilion Christmas ball tonight. Havo your .Christinas packages wrapped at this office and they will roach tholr dostlnatlou In good condi tion. - Mawaphil dolls, something different at HaBklns' Drug Store. 234 Big Xmns party to-nlto. Pavilion! . 231 Mr. and Mrs. M. Adler and daughter Evelyn or Portland are visiting Dr. and Mrs. O. 3. Johnson over the holl days. Mr. and Mrs. Adlpr ,aro the Parents of Mrs. Johnson Goodwin Corset Shop, 20 S. Fir. 252 All kinds of rough and dressed lumber, Wallace Woods, phone 108, 711 East Main street. Bo s booster, buy candy made In Modford. 234 ; A large number of local sportsmen expect to attend the shooting match to bo hold tomorrow ' on the Lamport place on the Pacific highway, one mile north of Phoenix and If the weather Is not bad some of tho crack shots from towns as far away as Grants Pass arc expected to compete for the prizes. Bill Bates threatened to attend this morning. Whon in need of sash and doors, call Wallace Woods, 108 or come to 711 E. Main street. V Danco. Hot Springs, bat. ntto. 231 Sunday, you can got tho box of Whitman's candy that gives a pleasing finish to your Christmas gifts, iteatn Drug Store. S3 4 Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Phelps and sou lort last night for San Frsnclsco where they will spend Christmas with rela tives. Dunce In Oriental Ballroom Wed. and Sat. Admission 10 cents. 231 A Vaciiolto non-electric clenuer makes a dandy present. Small pay niont down, balance monthly. Call Mrs. Callaghnn, phone 627-X. - E. O. Bradley has opened business at 127 North Riverside as Medford Auto Painting, with 20 years experi ence. 1 can jsuarnntee my .work to give satisfaction, estimates free. All parcel post arriving in the city William Uudge left tills morning for by 9 a. m. Christmas mornlni; will be (Oakland.- Calif.. . where lie will sneud Oregon and surrounding states were I delivered that day. The city carriers 'l tlip jliplldjiys witjj.' ,1i1b wife and his sold at tho Southern Pacific depot ' make a complete cloau-up delivery of daughter, Jeun. . r -'j , yesterday, aiyl more such tickets were mall this arternoon, and Christmas! Provide against . loss, insure with sold today. Friday's salo of holiday ! parcels that arrive on later trains will Redden ami Cnn.-idnV alBo be delivered on Sunday. '. I Dance In Or'ental Ballroom Wed. Ford, Chevrolet, Overland tlnijand Sat. Admission 10 cents. 234 chains as low as $2.25 a pair at. tho Johnston's (ine candies ut Hasklns' Busy Coiner Motor Co. tf Drug Store. . ,"' 234 tickets breaks the Medford record in such sales since before the war. Many peojile also arrived hero yesterday und today to spend Christmas with rela tives and friends. Dance In lOrleutul Ballroom Wed. and Sat. Admission 10 cents. 234 Merchandise und chicken shoot one mile north of Phoenix, Sunday, Dec. 24. 234 Big holiday dance Oriental Ballroom tonight. Wonderful music! Perfect floor! Special novelties! 231' Philip , "jerryYoung and Justin Smith returned last night rrom Eugene where they havo boon in attendance at the University or ; Oregon and . will spend the Christmas vacation in this city with relatives. Japanese Art Storo will be opened next Sunday for lute shoppers. 235 Dance, Hot Springs, Sat. nite. 234 Don't forget to pay your city assess ments before January rirst. 241 The First Baptist church announces some attractive Christmas services for Sunday. At 11 a. in. Rev. F. R. Leach will deliver an appropriate Christmas message on "The Greatest Night on Earth." The choir has sonio extra music The choir, will render the an them,' "On Christinas Morn." Mrs. II. F, Lindas will have the solo, "O Holy Night". Mrs. Leach and Mrs. Neff will sing a duet entitled "What Child Is This?" and Mr. Carlton Janes ren ders a violin solo. "Meditation." At 7:30 p. m. the Sunday school will pro duce a pleasing Christmas entertain-1 ment. There will be a tree with nj treat for the children. The church will j be specially decorated for the occa sion. ... Oriental Ballroom holiday dance to night. Perfect music, tree, fovor9. Admission 10 cents as usual. 234' Milk nnd cream at DeVoe's. tf Marlnello Beauty Parlor will be open by appointment till 8:30 until Dec. 2: .. . - 235 Mr. and Mrs. James Hartzell arrived this morning from their home in Seat tie to spend the holidays with Mr. Hartzell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hartzell at their ranch south of town. All kinds of rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Wood, phone 108. 711 East Main. Holiday masquerade ball. Pavilion. Wed. Dec. 27. Plan your costumes now! 234 Armstrong cords puts the miles In mileage. Phone 277-J, Star Motor & Supply Co. Attractive programs are announced for the Christmas services at the First Methodist churchFourth and Bartlett, tomorrow. The children and young people of the Sunday school will re ceive a "Christmas bag" at the 8unday school service instead of at the pro gram In the evening. ? . ;, Oriental Ballroom tonight! . Big holiday party. Don't miss it! 234 For Snle New Cojumbla phono graph records at half price. Victor, Brunswick Columbia, Pathe & Sonora phonographs and records at reduced prices. Music Shop, 15 N. Grape street, next to Farmers ft Fruitgrowers Bank. Phone 465-J. .. tf Dance, Hot Springs, Sat. nite. 234 For Diamond coal bricketts, phone Valloy Fuel Co. Phone 7,0. . Royal Arch Masons ' Crater Lake Chapter No. 32 Special Convocation Tues day, December 26th, 8 p. vS in. .Installation of offi cers. Visitors welcome. 237 A. F. NOTH, Secy. frThePresbytemnChurch' ;; : : '; Holiday Greetings ' to its maty -friends NPl ites yoit to its Christmas Services, Sunday, Dec. 24th. W .''THE CONTRASTS OF CHRISTMAS DAY" ' . 1 I There Were Shepherds ' 1 "rW gels from the Realms of Glory" r Shelby JjJh . CHRISTMAS .CONCERT " '. Handicraft Shop. Hemstitching Plcoting 8o per yard. Buttons covered. "A Savior Is Born This Day" Eev. V. IX. Lcucli Pnstor This was the angel's greeting to the shepherds. Accept it as a personal greeting to you, and may you find in the special services of Christmas. Sunday the joy and uplift which Christ brings to all. ' FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH - ;;' '.;:'The Friendly ChurchM ' I' . 1; tw r .t l. v .s. d an inii'tm i To the People of Medford From the Pastor and Members of the First Methodist Episcopal Church FOURTH AND BARTLETT We Offer Attractive Christmas Features Tomorrow and Invite You 11 a. m. "THE MEANING OF CHRISTMAS." - ' Two Great Christmas. Anthems . 'Arise, Shine" Maker ; "AU Glory"Everm'ore" Hughes 7:30 A Vuktido Hour of Joy and Inspiration VARIED PROGRAM BY CHOIR AND SUNDAY SCHOOL Offering for the needy children of other lands. We do not promise a-seat unless you come early. mrt' U'liopp S, . 3M