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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1922)
V PSQE FOUR MEDFOIiP MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFOItD ORECON, WEDNESDAY. DECEMr.ET? 20. 1f)22 Medford Mail tribune AX INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER UaUNHKJi EV'EKY AFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDAY, BY THE . MlDroBD PRINTING CO. Ttaa Medlord Binidny Morning 8ns la tonilifatd mmidm awtruiff t Mtfo uj (Uiij oampaper. OMlM MaU Tribune Building, I6-17-18 North fit atiet. Pboa 76. 4 conaoUdarJao of the Dcmocratlo Time, tfae rdlon) Mail, tlia Utdlord Trilniua. tha Bouttiuii Orasuulao, Ttic AabUod Tribune ' ROBERT W RUHL. Editor. SUM PTES 8. SMITH. Manager. SUBSCRIPTION TERK-Sl IT UAa In Advance: Dally, with 8unda gun. year '. , ' Daily vita Sunday 4un. month.... bally, without Sunday Nun. aar , Dally, altbout Hunria) rtun. nunO,.. Weakly Mall Tribune, one year.., atuMar nun, one rear . ..17.50 .. .7(1 .. . .. o .. I D" 00 SAVING THE PARKS. V OAfiRIKR la Mrdford. Aahland. Jackaon nil, OntrtJ Point, fboenu. Talent aiul on H.cfawara. Daily with Bunday Sim, nooth , Daily, without SuDday Run, month,... Daily, without Suwday Sun. yar IfeJIy, with Sunday Sun. one year Al) ttnu by farrier. rab in adranctj. '. .1ft 1.69 6.6f (Wfirial paper oi tti City of MHnrd. upn of J' ofi County. Rntard a abound cliw niatiet at Jtlttfonl 0irnn. under tot- art of Marrb 8, 187B. HWBEHH OK THK ASSOClATKIl TREKM. Tr AtwoHaOd Pre, i axcluslvfly entitle to f UN (t repubf (cation of all newa d.ituaU'hfa erWIt-H in it, or not other lae credit-! in thia pa-t. J iIm. to th local news pubHahfd artHB. a lt Hfhta of republication of apfdal dfa ttiiv ct-rein arc also rtwrvrd. f i Ye Smudge Pot By Arthur Perry. ' Taead pencils have been sharpened, sad fountain pens filled, (or the an nual construction of a railroad Into the Land of Tomorrow. The line will ex tend to the end of the rainbow, and Instead of whistles the engines will be equipped with silver chimes and pipe organs, it Is the long awaited devel opment of the world's greatest Next Year'country. THE fifflit to keep tin? national parks freo from exploitation by private interests will bo continued in tliu present session of Congress. AVater power interests are determined to convert some of the great Mreams, scenic falls and forest areas in various national park proper ties to their own private use in developing light and power projects. Jt is said that many of these proposed schemes would utterly destroy regions of surpassing natural beauty rightfully belonging to the people as playgrounds. , The secretary of the National Purks association suggests that if people would translate the proposed projects into terms of the parks near home, they would appreciate better the danger confronting the national parks. Nobody wants the village greens of the smaller towns or the beautiful parks of the larger towns laid waste, their trees cut down, their streams and falls' deflected and their open spaces filled with. power plunts so that private concerns may profit. This i just what the water power interests propose to do in the national reservations. " Quill Points Tongue Twisters (To be read aloud) By C. L. EDSON, Author of the Gentle Art of . Columning. - In the Near East, it was oil that put the greed in disagreed. The man who shoots the bull usually is a calf and easily cowed, Kcmal doesn't need 1o rattle the sabre so long as he can rattle the Allies. Only five more, days until we get our annual contribution of bed room slippers. The only real difference is that one is called a subsidy and the other a tariff. Approximately 134,000 people voted for Walter M. Pierce for governor, all of whom now insist on being appointed to a political job. Our great religious and moral center, and guiding star, offers $:50,000 for a Jack Dempsey-Jess Wlllard fight, but could not hustle up $3500 for a football game. The fight will concentrate all the advertising In one spot, and the football game would have smeared It over the state. Corvallls acted while Portland stalled. Let us sing a song, and co-operate for the world's fair In 1927. What is Henry s objection to oilr financial system? It seems to absorb the Ford output. In due time we shall wish a merry Christmas to everybody except those who call is Xmas. fli, APPROPRIATE (Baker Herald) ',i . . The remains will be shipped ., -id' Richland and funeral services ' will be held at the family home In Eagle Valley Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock. ,.- ' .'Oh, what are the cold waves .-saying? Oh, they say "Where's the coal?", ' " Hell hath no fury like a woman jwheh you track mud in her house. . Not satisfied with designating Ore gon as the fool of the family, there Is a tendency to also hold her up as the ideal horrible example. , The bill before Congress that takes the pake, 1s the one that provides for government control of the selling of farm products, the farmer to be paid (Or what his crop ought to be, not what It Is. In the spring, an oxport comes along and estimates the crop, and pays the farmer then and there. If there is any deficit, the expert Is fired. Tho farmer has been robbed long enough. Pass the bill. What the country really needs Is government control of whis kers and monkeywrenches: 'Some of our slickest-hatred citizens are going to make it Marry Christmas. That Chap who says women may be expected to make greater strides in the future, basn 't noticed the new skirts. Correct this sentence: "Thirty days for reckless driving." Note It doesn't need correcting. - ' . The cars have distinctive names, but pedestrians are listed under '.lie general head of "traffic." A doctor's wifo should be happy. Ncription of her symptoms. He will listen patiently to a de Tho -Ctci'mans, really are superior, their debts by making more money. They are the first to dodge The war wasn't entirely useless, noble lineage to earn their living. It taught a lot of persons of It always works that way. And you will notice that Wilhclm fre quently leaves home now that ho is married. , , , . We have no Near East; and the only Near AVest we have is that pictured iu Wild West movies. A beauty contest is like a presidential election, merely the most beautiful in tho contest. The winner is That feminine criminal who sawed tho bars without making a noiso must have found them about as soft a stho average jury. Any successful new party must be formed of 4 per cent discontent 7 per cent idea, and 80 per cent campaign contributions. ; A LADY TALKS ' When he was a boy ho swallowed a dictionary, and has been coughing It up ever since. Ho says to me: What would the beautiful female and god little girl like to have, tor ChristmaB? I said, If I am the beautiful female and good little girl you have In mind, move to Arliony", and make It snappy. Ho askod me what, and I told him what. Wally Held conquered dope, and ho ought to be able to resist coining In here. I Insulted him awful lust yoar, and he packs In a $60 wrist watch. . If you don't sow, you won't reap. I treat ed him nice for six months once, and all he did was cuss the panenkes. I've got a long head on me, everybody says that knows me. If the agricultural bloc wishes to impress the country with its wis dom, it mustn't put its faith in amendments to the constitution. THE SINGERS With blare of horns and crash of drums The Salvation Army brass band . , comes, Tramping tho streots In the bitter cold Telling the story so often told. A dozen lu sober cap and cloak, Women In modest cape and poke, A boy of ten with a new cornet, A girl In her 'teens .who cun't forget. Rough voices singing the old, old song, Homely hearts lifted away from i , wrong, ' Valiant souls, their faith confessing. Pleading with all to share tho bless- Christmas Eva tn a dingy town ,Tne wind is cold and the snow sifts down; Tot Christ Is remembered by all who . '.;hear, . . The" Army's singing has brought - them near. , . (Farm Life) Another sad little failure is tho husband's effort not to appear in terested while his wife retails the latest scandal in their set. Correct this sentence: "I hope," said the little boy, "that Santa Claus won't bring mo anything that I can make a noise with. That Arkansas man who got a dog license instead of a marriage licenses probably felt that ho was going to lead a dog's life, anyway. An executive really hasn t anything to do except wonder where business is coming from and where the pay roll is coming from. Ripplingl?huRKs '.' f .IA 11 won rravon t TALKING- SHOP. 1 ' SAFETY FIR8TI .. (Corvallls Oaiette-Tlmes) " ' "8onBS In the Dark." whatever they are, will be one of the fea ture at the First Methodist church tomorrow evening and an address based - on Van Dyke's noted book. "The Other WIbo Man" will be another. W1IKN guests remove their bonnets and sit around my fire, I do not talk of sonnets, or of my super-lyre. I know Hint one who twitters of "shop" makes people sad; I talk of Wahoo Hitters, of Shumway's Liver Pad; I talk about the weather of hunters and their camps, discuss the price of leather, and bar ' gain sales in stamps. I know how people bore me when they dis cuss their trade; they throw a shadow o'er me that takes fl month to fade. The butcher seeks my shanty, what time the night wind moans, and tolls mo and my auntie long tales of blood and bones. Tho grocer to my dwelling has ambled once or thrice; he wearied mo by telling of predigested rice. The doctor talks of curing a cancer or a eold, nor notes that I'm enduring largo agonies un told. The tinsmith is a spieler whose theme is motor cars; the town alfalfa dealer discourses of cigars. And, by tho glowing ember, I fain would talk of song, but always I remember that such a course is wrong; if people seek my palace to while nine hours away, I'd show a deadly malice by talking shop all day. Mothinks there's nothing meaner than boring friends Willi "shop" and so I talk of weiner, and hay and lemon pop. THE DRUG STORE BLONDE Miss Tudor tvas a rider in a fa mous circus show; r-or a pet she had an adder, and the adder loved her so. She fed the adder dodder It's a plant that lives on air. Could you find an adder fodder if you hunted everywhere? Miss Tudor bought some madder, It's a color rather rare, And it made the adder shudder when Miss Tudor dyed her hair. Her hair was soft as eider when she tried her madder dye, Then It had an odder odor and was redder than the sky. The adder couldn't chide her, it could only idly stare, But a sadder adder eyed her when the rider dyed her hair. I COMMUNICATIONS PORTLAND, Ore.. Dec. 20. Jess I I Wlllard last night permitted two box- ers, Scotty Messer of Tillamook andi I Ben liarnson of Portland, to flatten' j themselves out against him but Wll-i lard did not have to do any boxing. J In preliminary bouts Hilly Gardeau' won the decision over Hilly Marvin in' eight rounds. Both men are from Portland and are middleweights. Bud Fisher of Portland won a de cision from Bill Bletch, Portland, in' ten rounds. They met at catchweights.l In a whirlwind finish of a ten round' go, Joe Egan, Boston light heavy-j weight captured the decision from Jimmy Darcy, Portland.- . WASHINGTON 0 OUT AFTER STUDENTS SEATTLE, Doc. 20. -More practical cooperation by alumni in making con ditions at the University of Washing ton attractive to prep school stars is desired by Enoch W. Bngshnw, direc tor of athletics and head football coach according to an article published to duy by the Seattle Post Intelligencer. "The Little Giant." says the article, "Is playing the game as It should be played, as the authorities of tho uni versity want it to be played. The so called 'athletic scholarships' are not offered to players coming to Washing ton." More Jobs, declared tho Post Intelli gencer sports writer, must be found for athletes at Washington. Bagshaw Is said to desire the alumni in each Washington city to organize for the influence they can have over high school graduates. It 1b suggested undergraduates help get jobs for needy students. LEASES TO JAPS SEATTLE, . Dec. 20. A : protest against endorsement reported to have been given by the Yaklina Ministe rial nssoeiulton to efforts by Japan ese, to extend leases on hinds In the. Ynklma valley was telegraphed to A. 11. Fall, secretary of the Interior, laRt night by rtninier Kobln post, Amerl- ' can Legion, of this city. ; : ' ' Tho telegram asserted that the ', clergymen were Influenced by "a, sal aried loeal agent of Japanese." Secretary Kali's stand against "ex-, tension of lands to Japanese, was com mended by the. post. , , :', . Assassins' Trlul Set. , - WA1ISAW, Dec. 20. The trial. .of Niewadomski for tho assisslnatlon of. President Narutowlcs last Hnturday li..u K.inn oi.t fnf llix-nni hnr 29 hpfnrn a civil tribunal. A six weeks period or mourning ihih uuh jiciv.-hwku iu, tlin rrinntrv whiln federal emnlOVeH will he In. mourning two weeks. Copco Forum Dinner Party STANFORD. UNIVERSITY, Cal Dec. 20. Victory by not more than To the Editor: In the personal col- one touchdown and possibly by only umns of last evening's Mall Tribune' one nolnt- haa beeI Predicted for there appeared a notice to the -I,?,- 17, that the California-Oregon Power com-, Glenn Warner, coach of the eastern pany was giving a Christmas dinner at Panthers, according to a telegram re- the Hotel Medford and that the affair' ceived hero today from Pittsburg. was in tho hands of the Red Cross. t Warner fears his men will enter I wish vou would nleaia correct this game-over confident, the wire l wish you would please correct ttiis saId Tne Pantnerg have beell p,.ac. announcement as the dinner nnd tlcing on an Indoor track and will Christmas-party are not being given leave for the west tomorrow by the California-Oregon Power com pany, but by the Copco Forum, a club consisting of the employes of the com pany, the dinner nnd party being for the families of Forum and other employes of the com- CHICAGO, Dec. 20. Baseball Commissioner K. If. Landis today- announced that part of the proceeds "b .......,. : ., the members of the Z u'"wu' "8 enes 116 Bame at ,,ini,.mm. , York on October 5 last, had pany and about 125 children, the invit-' been distributed to three national or- ed guests of the forum. ""'"'' "le American region. All of the invitations, to the number,' ""'j'" ul '"reign ars or me of about 125. have been Issued and all a"u "isapieu American ine orm war, each of the arrangements for the entertain ment have been completed. C. A. SWIOART, President The Copco Forum. Veterans of getting $20,352.10. The remainder was distributed by joint action of the two New York clubs to New York charitable organizations. Court News (Furnished by the Jscksoo County Abstract Co.) LOS ANGELES. Dec. 20. Chei . Dolley, regular quarterback of the University of Southern California ! football team may not bo ablo to play , in the nnnual east vs. west contest j ngaliiHt Penn State college at Pasa i tlena New Year's day, because of an j Injured knee, according to Coach Elmer C. Henderson. unuey nrsr. nurt nis Knee in tne gnmo against the University of Idaho and U has again been injured in prac tice. Dolley will not bo ablo to prac- Est. Henry Harf Admitted to pro-' "u" n'"' V.,ii saw. . . , Harold Galloway, second stifing quarterback, probably will call signals Marriage License Guy J. Holman and Ruth Jass Omar Rletmann and Elaine Freeland. Probate Court Olive' bate. Est. Ella May Kerby (minor). Ad- ,or lllo Trojnns. nutted to probate. " Est. Jacob Kubll. Order. Est Marion E. Nichols. Order. Est. Mtry F. Kirkpatrlck. Inventory and appraisement. - Est. Lizzie B. Kincaid. Order. Est. Otis Hill. Proof of publication. Drifted Snow Flour $2.00 per sack Less Than Present Wholesale Prices Drifted Snow is a hard wheat flour and there is none better. "We have 2,000 sacks of this celebrated flour; pur ehtised before the advance, that we will sell for $2.00 per sack, delivered in Medford. Better get yours now; ' Buy a Practical Gift Flour Hutchinson Mumsden ALBER'S Circuit Court Albert F. Horstkorta et ux vs. Frank E. Morey et al. Motion and affidavit. order. James P. Drew vs. James P. Hansen et al. Order. A. B. Ctdy et al vs. Lester H. Fay Notice. Joseph Clements vs. Janet Clements. Waiver. LOS ANGELEfS.l Dec. 20. Joe Benjamin, lightweight boxer of San Francisco, says he plans to leave In a few days for Tacoma to moot Mor-I Ban Jones, Tacoma lightweight, Jan uary 4. He will also meet Jimmy ! Sacco of Boston at Portland Janu- j ary 10 and as soon as ho returns from tho northwest he will peek a! return match with Phil Salvadore, Saernmento lightweight, to whom he! lost hero recently, ho says. EGG MAKER CINCINNATI, Ohio, Doc. 20. A pro-! posed trade wherebv .Tnspnh PnrnoaJl pitcher of the New' York Giants, would Adam become a Red and Adolgo Luque, right handed hurler of the Cincinnati club Pacific Mutual Lite Insurance Co. vs. I would go to the Giants, has been i HI Goodwin vs. Busy Corner Findings and conclusions. Harold W. Bingham' et al and ordor. Pearl M. Motor Co, Decree. Delia Hall vs. Ben Hall, and conclusions. Decree. Daniel E. Florey vs. Hatty Floroy. Motion. , O. J. Johnson vs. E. H. Lamport. Undertaking. N. II. Latimer vs. Jackson County. Notice and motion. Answer. Sadie A. Allen vs. Chas. L. Allen. Motion, order, amended reply. L. A. Murphy (guardian) vs. Henry F. Whetstone et al. Answer. Pacific Mutual Llfo Insurance Co. vs. H. W. Bingham et al. Foreclosure. A. W. Walker vs. Fireman's Fund Insuranco Co. Order. Jesse Wlnburn vs. , F. C. Homos. Demurrer. , i Waltor Bowno ct. nl vs. Charles Dean. Demurrer. Frances Bosqul vs. John W. Bosqui. Findings and conclusions, decree. C. P. Good et ux vs. Albert S. Sar gent et al. Default, decree Harry M. Bordwell vs. Sunnyslde Orchard Co. For receiver. Sullivan Lbr. Co. vs. J. T. Gagnon, For money nnd damages. Leo Phipps vs. Chas. U Allen et al. For money. ! City of Ashland vs. 1 John Orestad vs. Wm. D. Hughes. Foreclosure of chattel mortgngo. 1 Petition turned down, It was learne dtoday. The 1 ueai wan proposed by Manager Mc-ij Graw of the Giants, It was stated. BLOOMINGTON, 111., Dec. 20. Tho! Findings Chicago Americans obtained Roy woooworin, second Daseman or the Bloom Ington team of the Three 1 league. Bible T7ioujhlr Sr today THE OXI.Y WAY. 1 am the way. I Me truih mid the life. .luhn 14:1(1. Real Estate Transfers Sherman Wooley ct ux to First State Bank of Eagle Point. NW of SK sec. 26, tp. 36, 8. R. 1 W. $72S R. F. Willis et ux to W. C. Rice ot nx, lot on Laurel St., Med ford 1 Lena Welshor vs. Omer 8. Welsher, land In sec. 4, tp. 37, 8. R. 2 W 2000 C. W. Palm et ux to John Conlon, lot 1, blk. 3, Palm's Second Add. Medford 10 Murk Ray Koontz et ux to Mil lard D. Olds, tlmbor on WH of SK sec. 10, tn. ,15. 8. H. 3'E 1000 H. W. CONGER UNDERTAKER Successor to Wocks-Congcr Co. Medford, Ore. Christmas Gifts That are Useful Pillow Tops Table Runners Gowns Nighties Centers, etc. All models Until Christmas at 33 1-3 Discount at The Handicraft Shop IT WILL PAY YOU TO KNOW IT This laying mash today leads in volume of sales all of the various brands of . mashes made on the.. Pacific Coast. v : - This is a warm endorsement of its high quality.' Feeding tests gave it a first Coast-wide reputation. This has been greatly increased until today this feed stands in the highest esteem of almost every poultry man Because IT MAKES HENS LAY L V j There's, a reason behind the phenomenal sale of Egg-Maker. It is the first truly standardized poultry mash made in America.. Its formula is un varying; its chemical nature unchangeable. It is scrupulously made in the Albers Mill to this end. It is daily inspected so that it can be safely guar anteed. ' , ; i A SUPERIOR MASH Monarch Seed & Feed Co. Sole Agents Phone 260-529 317 E. Main St. RURAL AND CITY DELIVERY, AT YOUR ERVICE " Let Us Help You Solve Your Gift Problems Westinghouse' Automatic Electric Range, Thor Washer, Hoover or Royal Vacuum Cleaner Westinghouse Waffle Iron, Curling Iron, Percolator.' ' ' i i Sew Easy Motor, Grills, Toaster, Irons People's Electric Store 212 W. Main St. Phone 12 Medford, Ore. A. B. Cunningham O. 0. Alenderfer ,...-,. .m vmtv nammim n--r m -T-.--PrTw - - p-.. .T:----r . .--f..,, .u, - - , VS. ----- 'Ji-T'.S . XT gr:?. T 1 ' - l-..l'nwmwi. ... , FT