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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1922)
PSGE FOUR MEDFORD MAIIi TRIBUNE, frfEDFORD OrtRCIOy. TUESDAY, DECEMBER If); 1922 Bedford mail tribune AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER CVUnHJU EVKKY APTEHNUON UUBPT SUNDAY, BY THE '.''. MED'OKi PRINTING 00. Th Medford Bundiy Morning Bun U rurnlfthd wrinm aetunng mui aij uuj nvwipiper. Offto Mill Tribune Building, 1M7J9 North ra wrn, raons o. A consolidation of th llemoorttlo TIdim, th iMum jiii, uie UHiiord Tribune, tut bouUitru vr?oiuan, uie Atiiunti Tribune. Y R0I1RKT W. RUHL. Editor. SUBSCRIPTION TER3t Y MAIL Id Advance: . Daily, irtth Sunday Hun, fear 17.60 ' Daily, with Ruaday Hun, ouinth. . . , . . . .76 telly, without Hunday Hun, year 6.60 Dally, without Sunday Hun, month, . .1 . WrcUj Halt Tribune, una year I Sunday Bun, one jeer t 00 Y OAK BIER In Medford. A ah land. Jirkaon- ttlle, Central Point, Phoenix, Talent and on mgnweye: Daily with Sunday Sun. diontb 76 Dally, without Sunday Sun, month 06 ;v Daily,-frithout Sunday Sun, year 7.60 ' DeJIy, with Sunday Sun, one year 8.60 All term by carrier, caah in advance. OtftclaJ paper o! the City of Medford. Official paper of Juration County. Bntered aa wcond cias tnatm at M ml ford Oregon, under the act of March , 1879. MEMRRRS OP THE UHOOIATKU PREHH. The Aaaoclatrd lrrss is exclusively entitled to the ue lut republication of all newi diapa tehee iditd tu 11, or not otherwise credited In ttile 9pei. ml 1juj to the local newe published mm In. . . All right" of "republicetfon of pHe din patrhe tiiTbin Mre alio reserved. INDIFFERENCE. tT" OCTOTtS nml ministers hold 0110 thought in common," says ilJ Dr. Copi-ljirid, New York senator-elect. "They eunnot under sland why the average man is so indifferent to his preparation for the future." The doctor worries because his silly patients won't take care of their (bodies and the minister worries because his silly parishioners won't take care of their souls, when both agree that health of body and soul is mostly a matcr of taking thought, and the rules are plain. And that isn t all. if tne individual is milillcrent to tlio tilings having to do with his own happiness," adds Dr. Copeland, "what can bo expected of nations, which are simply great groups of indi viduals'" What, indeed? Since national purposes are far less clean than those of individuals, and the more people, the harder it is to agree. , Ho we blunder and blunder, as individuals and nations, merely "muddling through," except for occasional great moments of insight and clear purpose. Hut even so, the muddling isn't all waste effort. It js by their mistakes that people and nations learn. Democratic people insist therefore on the right to make their own mistakes, instead of being saved from them by paternal government. The only trouble is tliut the process takes so long. As Lord Byron aid, ','We live, to learn, yet slowly learn to live." Man's greatest enemy is his own indifference. ' " Ye Smudge Pot By Arthur Parry. Another year Is gaily petering out, and the first 1922 are the worst. There always was a familiar twang about the Daugherty, Impeachment case, and now they are going to file some affidavits. Quill Points Host hard-headed men have soft hands. Immodesty consists in being conscious of it. ''Royal flushes" refers to a modern game; "royal four-flush" to a modern king. Turkey has promised the Allies she will massacre no more Christians, the same 'to be in full force and effect until Bhe catches some. The sudden goodness of Turkey is suspicious. Tur key probably wants a loan from Amer ica. No nation has been turned down yet ... .'', The annual hog hefting contest of C.:Wlg Ashpole was Inaugurated Mon day with simple eclat. The motif, n buxom swine, dangling dainty-llko In the frigid meathouse was the cynosure of all eyes. The back vlow of the crlt ter'.ls astoundlogly artistic, measuring an ax handle across the lumbar region A finer pair of backstraps were never Installed in a hog, the whole from the delicately pointed snout to the mar celled tall being colder than a barber's hand;, when King Winter rules the roost.- I.uyers of snow white lard, enliven the gloomy interior,' anil o'er the main floor lies auburn colored saw dust. Firm and tender hands have cleft asunder, the remains, adding to the robustness of deceased. The host wore a John B. Stetson headgear, and his slickest smile, and the guests ex pressed themselves as being delighted With the wide-awake enterprise of our townsmen. The efforts of the hell-for-offlcloncy Espee, to have an iron horse on the Muln Stem crossing during the birth of a fire, have so far proved futile. THE UNBELIEVER . (Marysville Appeal) LOST Purse tjontalnlng $20 In five dollur bills. The under ' signed has no idea finder will .' ;; return, but my wife and daugh ter insist on throwing a quarter ' away In a wild goose chnso.. , Phone 315-Y, after six p.m. . Another film idol has crashed off a lllght pedestal to make a sermon. The horo of scores of horolc deeds and romantic affairs in screenland, lies, tho vli!tlm""or drugs und drink twin curses. The victim, popular and pros perous, dreamed he was a superman; he would beat thorn. That's what they all say, and all tho endings are alike. MOONSIIINBlMlTlDEri PAYS ALL CREDITORS (Hdllne Twin FnllB horald). Never again! says he. The Christmas Science church was destroyed by fire In Astoria and the (Corvallls Gnzotto Times). A printor has a lapso. . . . ONE TOO "M ANY i ;' - (Lot Angelea Times) 'James D. La Mottce, said to be , a prominent young Corona attor- jnejr, and Mrs. Myrtlo Jump, aged ' IT, also of Coronn, were arrested fat tho Rosslyn Hotol yesterday by Detectives McCauley and Williams andhold for the Corona authorl- ties, who are said to have an ab duction warrant for tho lawyer.. That place In Canada whore It was 60 below toro Sunday, could produce a man, who moving here, would solemnly swear: "1 foel tho cold horo worse than I did there." The laws of Ood, tho laws of man, He may keep that will and can; Not I: let God and man decree Laws for themselves and not for me; Audit my, ways aro nort as tholrs Let tbem mind tholr own affairs. Their deeds t Judge and much con-?- demn, Yet when did I make laws fur them? Please yoursolves, say I, and they Need only look tho other way. Ilut, no, they will not; they must still Wrest their neighbor to their will. Anil make me dance as they desire With Jail and gallows and holl-flre. And how am I to fnco tho odds Of man's bedevllment and God's? 1 I, o'jitrangcr and afraid I In world I never mrido. t They will be master, right or wrong; ' Though both are foolish, both are , strong, .'f Am since, my cannot fly To Saturn nor to Mercury, " I Keep we must, if keep we can, i These toreten 1w ot UU and wan. It is easy to love the fellow worker who is always cheerful unless he whistles to prove it. Tongue Twisters (To be read aloud) By C. L. EDSON, Author of the- Gentle Art of Columnlng. . " 1 " " " i : IboxinngI AXV AXD TIIJE MEIUIY WIDOW, A clowning merry. amlrrw, ' At n mediaeval fair. Set Mury Ami Iri'w laughing At IiIh merry unties there. So Mury Ann drew pictures Or the. undrew (sliu was smart) The umlrcu- then drew Ann Drew Into Uilklng of her art. Then Ann Drew mid the undrew Mudn it very merry plun; That tho merry merry-undrew Was to nuirry Mury Ann. So Aim Drew and the iiiun drew I'p a covenant to wed, And in luuichter ever after J.lved nml loved till they wero . dead. T EGRADE U.5. When nny district is in a ferment, one naturally expects an upris ing that will bring the scum to the top. The faithful are humble, and there never is vulgar display of wealth when the collection plate is passed. Unhappiness is not occasioned by the little you possess, but the fact that tho other fellow has more. Charm is that indefinite something possessed by the girl who hasn't enough good looks to justify a compliment on that score'. It s only fair to inform the kaiser and the widow that the maga zines ore advertising some delightful wofld tours. , Correct this sentence: "Hilly detests fat women," said Billy's wife, "but I'm going to eat what I like, fat or no fut." ' j jTherb is nothing u woman enjoys quite so much as telling the world how patiently she bears her burdens iu silence. At any rate, a bachelor never comes in and finds a woman occupy ing the chair where he likes to hang his hat and coat. You don't feel so poor after going into a great department stflre and observing how many tilings there arc you don't want. The last argument of mediocrity consists in knocking a dompctitor. Rockefeller says save it, and Ford says spend it. Perhaps it is a fifty-fifty policy that keeps us all poor. It must bo remembered, however, that if you had money enough to buy some of the things you want, you wouldn't want the things. That chap who says petrified wood is to be found only in the west has very little acquaintance with Washington, D. C. WASHINGTON, Dec. 19. Dr. Ellsworth Hunting of Yule, told the house immlgation commltte today that the admission of Near Easf refu gees proposed in the pending White' bill would not degrade tho status of American civilians. Ho advocated their entry, ho said, on biological grounds, because they would bo of higher average than tho usual run of immigrants. Dr. Esther Lovejoy of Portland, Oro., who has worked among the refugee camp3 in the Near East since tho Smyrna, disaster;, also favored the bill. ffi Bible THoiigtitSr Tbdaij LOVE MASTERS I-'EAU : There Is no fear In love, but perfect love custeth nut fear. 1 John 4: IS. yfeatherTo-morww: SNOW , AND ' COLDER Correct this sentence: "Wo are too hard up this year," said tho wife, "and I don't want you to get me a thing for Christmas." Now that the jails aro all empty, the ships all scrapped, and wars all ended, wo look forward to the new year without misgiving. Prohibition may be a failure, but you never hear of a man being wrested for driving a ear while under the influence of the Volstead net. , RipplingRhunias . j . f l 14 " -U PTiriTiM fy Walt Mason IRON JUSTICE. MY COUSIN", Charles Augustus, is sore on modern justice, be ho makes an enrncst wail; for ho was pinched for speeding, and, heedless of his pleading, they sentenced him to jail. Iicfore the peelers nailed him, before the jurist jailed him, he used to talk a lot about the locoed voters who speeded up their motors their conduct made him hot. "Mere fines will never punish these speedsters wild ahd Ilunnish," I often heard him say; "in prison let them languish; perchance such dole and anguish will make them change their way. No matter what their standing, I hope to see them landing in prison for their crimes; mere fines won't mako them wriggle; they merely grin and giggle as they dig up the dimes." ml after all this talking a peeler caught him rocking his old tin bus along, at fifty miles or faster, and since this dread disaster he says jail terms a Are wrong. "Our bulwarks arc for gotten, our institutions rotten," he says, in sombre tones, "when people law-abiding are jailed for slowly riding, and fed on musty bones. Where is our boasted freedom when men who never speed 'e mare pinched for driving curs, and jailed with common felons and fed on last year's melons, behind tho rusty bars? I do not call it justice," says Cousin Charles ugustus, "when one of high estate, n man renowned in letters, is loaded down with fetters like some cheap tinhorn skate." REMEMBER PoorCharley's Place when you purchase Cigars, Tobacco and Candy for Christmas Under new management Formerly known as ' the Rialto Cigar Store. C. F. Bowman & Son Next First National Bank. We have specialized In plumbing work for years. You can call upon us for any kind of plumbing work and get satisfactory results at satisfactory prices. Modprn Plumbing & Heating Co. Spnrta lllrig. Phone (120 Itf 26 ROUNDS i- 26 AN ALL STAR CARD AT THE NAT,,: FRIDA Y, DECEMBER 22, 8:3Q J. A.' ': dORDON BATTLING Ortega vs McKay Two Coast Champions " ": ' 10 Rounds at 150 Pounds, Ringside TOM JACK Sharkey vs Edmonston ' . 6 Rounds Catch weight bout : Battling Trick vs Donny Cummings 6 Rounds at 145 Pounds Ringside ; , ,;.;,, ROY BYRCLEY vs. KID RODGERS 1 - ?! " gPd 4-round Preliminary ' ' ,, Under the Auspices of the Medford Boxing Com missionA positive Guarantee of your money back if you are not satisfied. V. . Ringside $2.50; Reserved $1.50. General admis--sion $1.00 plus war tax. Tickets at Brown & Brown, Medford; Bowers Drug Store, Gold Hill; Ross & Ross, Central Point, and Irwin's Cigar Store, Ashland. Go Home for Yuletide Holidays -"Why not 'surprise tho folks at home with a visit at Yuletide. .It' will make them happy. '. and you, too. Plan now to take advantagc ofr . 25 Reduction : rV 'i t:. ' in , Round Trip Fares i Between all stations where one-way fare is $30.00 or less. Sale dates December 22, 23, 24, 2.r, 29, 30, 31, January 1st. Final return limit January 3rd. Frequent and Convenient Servico will make your journey a trip of pleasure. ' r For further particulars ask agents or write ' JOHN' M. SCOTT, " ..'.: General Passenger Agent LINES I . Broadway at Stark Portland, Ore. You Are Assured a Personal Hospitality and Individual 3 Attention through the combined efforts of a staff, who after years of training,-understand the needs . of the traveling public. MUSIC, DANCING and tho BEST TO EAT ' AT Arthur H. Meyers mr 3