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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1922)
MED FORD MAIL TRIBUyi1:, MEDFORD ORKfiOy, AVKDXKSDAY, DJ-'KMtSER 1.,, 1922- LIFE INSURANCE E MANN'S -THE BEST GOODS FOR THE PRICE, NO MATTER WHAT THE PRICE MANN'S $ MANN'S DEPARTMENT STORE WASHINGTON. H. C, Dec. 12. A court decision will bo necessary to determine whether Mrs. Elvn, L. 8fik of Medfurd, Ore, Is entitled to me payment of n $10,000 insurance Doliey carried by her Hon. First Lieu d'jinnt Harry I- Kpock of the United Htates army nlr service, who was filled, in a flight on Soptembor 4 page emitt COURTS TO DECID mm ' Lieutenant fepoi-k served first ns an enlisted man and was discharged ns such June 25, 1918, that ho might dccpt .a commission. Ho had pre viously, requested the deduction of the insurance premium from his monthly cay. but failed to renew tho author! .2uton: when ho was commissioned an 'of fleer. Tho deduction was made, however.' for soma reason, until April 1921. after which he rocolved his full watery. .The controller-general has rulca.tbn.1 because no deductions wtro nudo in' the months preceding his Kept up to the officer's dontli. The authorized by. the policy holder tho policy was lapsed. . ftenator Stanflcld contends that deductions having been made do spile any authorization for more than two years, it was tho fault of some one .else that the premiums were not kop .tup to tho officer's death. ' The veterans' bureau said today that the Question must bo settled by tho court COLD SNAP IS SLOWLY BREAKING roitTI..AND.- Ore., Dec. 13. Blight moderation In the cold wave in Oregon was forecast today. The mln .tnium at 6 a. m. today was 19 above the ? same as yesterday and tho weather bureau predicted a minimum of .2-4 for tomorrow. Baker, in eoBt 'riV ..Oregon, reported ten above to day.. .against two below yesterday Hulcm toduy reported 18 and Eugcno 51. ' ' Boy On Dob' Sled Killed. 8BATTLB, Dec. 13. Konnoreau ISo(tij. 18, died today ns tho result of Inlurtcs suffered lust night when -luhjro: hob sled ha was piloting col lided With a telephone pole on a steep pill,; Dolby's death wus tho. second Jromj Coastliig In three days. . ; OREGON CA8E ENTER8 PROBE (Continued tram Page One) jforo sent out to ascertain the views pr inclinations of any- men selected lor -the -Jury." . . v After the jury list was obtained .by the regular court officers, ho con tinued,' tho Jury commissioners '"came to Portland nud ha aud the c'.ork went over the lints and revised l)oni' and, placed the saloctcd names jn toe box." i ,-..,-.' lH, a subsequent letter lio wrote that "If from somo sources or by rtme 'methods unknown to me, Mr. Burns or Ills agents obtained copies of the list of names of mon Intended jot tho Jury box which were In the ipC'WesMlon of tho clork or the Jury icommisBlonor bororo the Jury vox 'Wat' filled, aud agents were Bent out to obtain confirmation about tbe mon Wanted on thoho lists, I am still cer tnlii of this, that the clerk and tho (Jury commiSHlnner accepted no such information and hcodod uo advice irom, any source. REFUSE ARMENIANS HOME V (Continued from page one) I ho minority question Is displeasing to. tho allies. The powors would like .to wov somo definite) itnderstnnding on rthM troublesome question formulated at 'the Lausanne conference so that. us -Ambassador Child said yostorday the populations nnd races which ore now living In tenr mny tool tno pres enCo of protective guarantees for Ihelr future safety. Ambassador Child, In his address ,im tho minorities question, said the ,1'oprctientntlvcB of the United States .believed that tho ends to be sought .were "prevention, rnthcr than mero relief and guarantees of safety for minorities, rather tlmn mero succor (la the j misery, nnd permaneneo of 'Joint nrtion, rntner tnan a more Vlfnsrnotllc keparnle activity.'! .' LAX-HAN NK, Dee. 13. (ny tho As- sorlated Press) Uolshnvlk Itussln Is beeping up the same pace In tho way of protests at Lausanne In which sho set -At' Oonos. . The Russian experts .yesterday-. walked ceremoniously out of the niiiollng which was dlscuiislng tho- Unriluiiulles and tho Hosphorua as a .protest against tho alleged ex clusion of the Ktisslans from im portant periods of tllu straits nego tiations.. ... ' )ater tho Itiissinn delegation of , filially notified the three presidents of the ronferenre of Kusaln's unaltor nlilc dntormlnntlon to abandon none of her rights In tho negotiations over the straits which directly affect her vital interests. CONSTANTINOPLE, Dec. 13. Charles R. Crane, former I'nlted flute minister to China, was re. reived In audience by the caliph yes terday. Abdul Medjld said that Tur key looked Instinctively to tho 1,'nP- od Htntes-for friendly guldnnee an 1 lenmmerclal support and asserted that America's participation In tho nun no conference was a good nugury 'ror peace. ' Mr. Crane leaves lor Colro'todsy. I' -' IlillkV Is Iterotiimmidcri. WABHINOTON. Dec. S. Hearings tin the noinlnntinn of Pierce llutler, i St. Paul 'attorney to , be an assistant Justice of tho supreme court were tonelUdeiT late today by a senate Ju licisrY - subcommittee which then Yoted unanimously to recommend Mr. fitttlrs" .confirmation. i ; f. t - . . t , Hosiery An excellent line of wo man 's Silk Hosiery, plain, fancy lace aud clocking. Each pair packed in in dividual box. ' ' ' Women's all Silk Hose in black and brown, $1.73 grade. Special, pair . - $1.25 Women's Full Fashioned Silk Hose, all colors. Special, pair ........$2.00 - ' . ,- Lii France Silk Hoso, al colors. Special, pair . ?2.50 Sjllfand Wool lo, pair ;l..25-to ?3,5Q;'. Umbrellas ' - ' T ' Splcudid quality Silk Uin brellas for women in a good assortment of new est bundles. ... Cans Bros.' celebrated Silk Umbrellas iu black and colors, with, faney handles and tips. Every one guaranteed to wear. Priced from $5.48 to $15.00 each Children's Umbrellas, from $1.00 to $3.50 each Linens ' Art linens, stamped for embroidering.- Also a fine collection . ot- finished pieces that arc ideal for gifts. ; . 1 . ' J Derrj'valo ' Linens, tin most beautiful ' linens . made, - in' Napkins and Sets, from : ;....$6.98 , to $15.00 v -. Rctiutiful new Liueu Tfw els from, euch.....,..S5 $1.50 New Japanese Cloths, all sizes, from $1.13 to $3.48 each ' See bnfThpcstry Tabic Kunnttra.. 5 2l Just 9 . . . - -. , . . , Njiic da-s full of preparation, joy aud antic ipation. Nino days in which to again deni onstratc that a store, which has at hoai-t, the interest of its customers, can rise to the oc casion of rendering the' greatest service at the time when a greater service is needed aiid expected, i . . , ' ' Men's Gifts If the present you select is 'something lie can wear, you need not give the mat ter further thought as to whether he will like it or not. Dress' Shirts, $1.25. to $5.00 Kid Gloves, piiii'....$1.2Jv . to $5.00 Bath Hobes $5.98 to $15.00 Knit. Ties, eneh 50 to $1.50 'Kerchiefs You will do well - to go over -our gift list and ; cheek as ninny names as possible, for these arc ex ceptional h a n d k ere h ie f values.' Chiidreu's Fancy Hund Verchiefs, three in a box, box 29 to 75? Women's Fancy Hand kerchiefs, three to box, from, box 50f to $2.50 Initial Handkerchiefs 29f to 69 each Days ifto Christmas DOLLS Buy Your Dolls The most beautiful line of DolJs in the city. Sole Agents for Madame Hcn dren's Talking Dolls. ; 100 new Dolls, up to $1.50 values. Spe cial, each $1.00 50 new Dolls, up to $2.00 values. Spe cial, each $1.50 Two dozen Dlls, all good styles, up to $2.00 values. Special; each....: $2-00 New Dolls, nicely dressed. Special, ; each ;..:..;....r..'.:......."...'..'..:......'."....-..'...$3.50 Some exclusive new styles iu Talking Dolls. Triced from, each.. ....$2.50 to $10.00 Sec ouii line of Clown Dolls and Bun nies. Priced from....50p to $5.00 each Every preparation has been made, : assort ments have been skillfully selected and' sir ranged so as to eliminate' as 'far as pbssiblo all useless shopping and looking 'round. Truly, this is a .Christmas store in every sense of the worth Shop early. "ISHou the. morning whtnever possible. ; ';: ".' - ;.,''; ;';' Slippers .'C All kinds ' and all sizes for men and womftn. jVIakc it a habit to give more slippers and you 11 please more people.' , ' ; ! Children's Slippers from : $1.75 ,.'( $2.00; '".. t '.: ; . i . '' '' . Women 's Slippers in r oil colors, new styles, from.: pair ......$1.75 to $2,75 jren's warm Slippers, all colors and - styles, from pair ....$2.00 (o $3.00 - Gloves y . "' . , - v , .'"' ' These . , aro excellent gloves. Fine, serviceable, and tit. perfectly.' ; Two .unusual values for 'gift seekers. '-..' Women's . Kid : - Gloves, from, pair $1,25 to $3.50 Long Kid Gloves, .pair $3.98 and $4.98 If in doubt as to the siz buy Glove Certificates. Handbags . She will be delighted with one of , tljcse .' Ijeautiful bags wjiich ha vo arrived for these special offerings. New Hand; Bags and Van ity; Cases- for ; children, From 25f it $1.25 each New Yaoity; Cases, and Handbags ' for;-" : womch: Priced frohi'caciji' ;$1.25' . to $10.00 r . . '-.v . ; .. Special all; Leather Hand -j - . i . ,. . Bags for women; Special, each ;7;...:;..:,:..:..$i.25 ':" Jeioelry . ' ' ; . ' .-. .. '.,'..' ;-;'.'., .:. Little trinkets which cost Very, very 'little, :lfct con vey, tho same though t, bnd sentiment, as wpuld some thing, more expensive.' ; Beads in all colors, 69 ''... to $2.50 . ; : V, ' -' ' '-.'. - New Bracelets, from 75p -.'tofa:.56"i.:.;'', ' New Ear 1 Rings, from pair .... .J.eOtf to $3.50 Sec our. new Hue oi fancy Combs, each.!....,....,;,. .69 ". ' -1'to ,$3;5o;,''. .; Perante, . . ' ' ' .'' -' ". i ';?;" v, Toiled .Waters' ; aiid . fino Extracts of ordy;;'thq ' best gi-adcs.' Smaller.-. quanti ties sold Jf desired.1 ',, ; -- v -' fc ' f T ,- .- ivt Colgote s Toiet; Articlos from .25f to $5.00 Put up !in ; j :noji ; poxei Mclba Perfumes and Toil ct articles, put up in faiviy boxes. Priced from 50 to $2.50 Fancy Japanese I'.iskets. priced from, each.. ... .50 " ' ; to $15:00 : - ,'.-. -.;; : - '. ' " '..- J '. . - I.'- , : 1