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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1922)
BRINGING YOU HAVE THAT " f a TT1 , hfOU'LUMOTETOOT C p MM$M$ OH1 CHOW-LIN K1U 3 ft . FELLER AROOND ' tV TONIGHT' AJSD TO MAKE S -v 7" reTqJ". 1 F nV w L ''' . ATMVHOTELAN' HM, Vp V "SURE? I'M C,OHNA. LOCK KtlPfv I J Oft 14? H niiniu rvni nnmii in I rou keot atabtmbnts I fob salb i.ivestocic I fob exchange I fob sali. homes I fob sale mimcf.luvxeois I business dibeotoby , I I IK II III I Ll I X I llll I I ! 1 ----- . - - uuumi LAI LUUIUIUO FATAL TO NINETEEN CAMAGUEY, Cuba, Dec. 13. Search was continued today In the ruins of the Estrella Sugar Central, wrecked yesterday by a boiler explo sion, for six bodies believed still to be hidden beneath the wreckage. The death here of two of the In jured has brought the toll of fatali ties to 19 while some of the serious ly Injured brought from Sespedes, the little town In which the wrecked cen tral Is located, Is expected to die. Most of the victims are Spaniards. The plant Is valued at $4,000,000. Secretary Wallace to Speak WASHINGTON. Dee. 13. Secretary Wallace of the department of agricul ture has accepted the Invitation of the executive council of the national coun c.11 tor Farmers Co-operative Marketing associations to. address Us meeting here tomorrow.' He will speak on "governmental co-operation with the farpier." ' HELP WAJTTEl) MALE WANTED Man to cut wood on shares close to town. Phone 553-J-2. 226 HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED A woman or girl to do general housework and help take care of baby. Call A. V. Aya, Hotel Medford, or at 187. 227 WANTED Girl or woman for general housework. Phone Doit Boslwick, Applegate. Address Williams, Jose phlne County. , .. - 225 WANTED Housekeeper. Phone 244 or call at the Pantorium. 228 WANTED Lady to handle corsetry in Medford. Box W K,. Mail Tribune. 228 f-'T WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Young man wishes part time employment. References. P. O. Box 557. . . .229 WANTED Position general house work. Phone 31-X-2. 225 WANTED Light housework by mid dleagcd woman. Call Red Cross. 225 WANTED MIBCBIjIiAKBOUB WANTED Will pay. cash for good phonograph, Brunswick preferred. Address Box X, Mall Tribune. 225 WANTED $2600 on real estate. V. O. , Box 691. 225 WANTED to buy pasture, small or .. large class. Frank Randier, Jack ..' sonville. 227 WANTED Apples for Canning. Rogue River Valley Canning Co. 225 WANTED A gentleman to room and board. . Phone 935-R. tf WANTED To buy corn. Phone 597-J-3 - tf WANTED All kinds of guns to repair and Baw filing. Upstairs 22 8. Grape. J37 WANTED Cash paid for peltB, hides, wool and furs. Johnson Produce Co.. 241 N. Fir St Phone 97. tf i ,i WANTED Houbo moving and repair y,' tng. Phone 488-M or 488-X. ' tit k vrfn e.n t i.nH itt WANTED Small house I oaa buy like rent X23 care Tribune. , FOB BEST ITOPBICKKKHTNO '':.): : BOOMS FOR RENT Modern housekeeping apartments; no children. Call at side door. 632 8. Ivy . 226' FUR RENT Three furnished rooms for light housekeeping, with sleeping porch and garage. Phone 547-W. 1 225 FOB BEST MIBCEiXANEOUS FOR RENT Oarage at 1103 W. Tenth Bt Phone 82. tf FEBIi FUN KB AIi BOMB 7 is :' At Yoer Bervlee Day o IHsAt lmfBi-nuCioa utMuiiy utvea nor. flth and Oakdale ) pi ftirflM Fbom f UP FATHER FOR RENT Furnished apartment with bath. 146 S. Ivy St. 225 FOR RENT Apartment, 124 King St., corner of Tenth; also car and trucn storage. FOB BBOT. ROCSBS FOR RENT Modern 7 room furnished house five blocks from Main street.' Phone 191-L or 814 after 6 o'clock. 225 FOR RENT Five room furnished house, water pair, $32. Inquire 435 N. Bartlett. 225 FOR RENT Three room furnished bungalow. Piano, electric lights and telephone, one mile from town, rent $15. Call 7-F-4. 225 FOR RENT Six room partly furnish ed house. Phone 292-Y. 224 FOR RENT Houses. Brown White. tf FOB BENT nTBNlBHKD ROOMS FOR RENT Comfortable furnished sleeping room with bath privileges. 325 S. Riverside. Phone 701-J. tf FOR RENT Room with board. 223 . N. Central. 228 FOR RENT Rooms, men only. $2.00 per week. 445 S. Front St. 226 MONET TO IO AS MONEY TO LOAN on improved ranch security, $5000 or less, 6 per cent Interest O. C. Boggs, Attorney for State Land Board, Jackson County. FOB BALE -LIVKSTOCK FOR SALE Large type 7 months old Poland China boars; also Tancred White Leghorn pullets, now laying. Ernest Webb, Central Point 228 Easy Shifting Run up oti our Grease Hack and have the Sticky, Heavy Grease drained out of your tranmission and replac ed withValvoline Semi Fluid Gear Compound. Crank Cases Drained Free JONES & KIRKlPATRICK I Next to Nat. BEAUTIFUL EDGEWOOD PARK i A CHRISTMAS SUGGESTION A deed to a beautiful wooded lot on Rogue River for your sum ) . i - .mer home. Location 20 miles from Medford on the new Crater Lake High way, 800 feet off of the highway. County road to back end of all lots. Located on finest stretch of Rogue's fishing water. Lots 100x300 feet., Price $100.00 cash or $125.00, $25.00 down and monthly payments. LAST CALL My first ad said that prices would go up $50 Janu ary 1. These lots will be worth more in the spring. Buy before January 1, for the prices will positively raise then. D. 521 W 11th street MEDFORD MAIL ' TRIBUNE, FOR SALE Nine pigs, weight about U nounds. i., miles northwest or Central Point. Win. Bohnert, phonejl 194. 22G FOR SALE Ono old registered and one yearling Hereford bull, $ti0. Frank Randier, Jacksonville, 227 FOR SALE Puppies, beauties tor Xnios presents.. Phone 591-R-l. FOR SALE One team good work horses cheap. Schuchard Orchard. Phone Oll-R-3. , 228 - The Best Home Bargain in Medford Best close In location, fine home surroundings. A beautiful southeast corner. Splendid 7-room house, large bath. Extra down stairs toilet, 4 bed rooms, aft with closetB. Will sell for $1,500 less than offered for it last year. Small cash payment; balance monthly payments. -If not aold In one week will lease by the year or longer. .Would take a late model little used car as part payment. Call afternoons 704 West 10th St., to see property, or Phone afternoons 637-R. SACRIFICE NEAR MEDFORD $1000-41800 Terms Five acres. Irrigated; 4 -room furnished house; fine cow, chick ens, hay, wood. House just as mnt nnil cozy as can bo; phone, dec. trie liAhls, bath, sleeping porch, good ' bom, nearly 1 acre in strawberries; water riht paid up in full for whole place; flno family-orchard. Forimin(Mlinte sale $2800 $1000 cash. Bnlanco terms. Firsf person that sees this will tnko It. Call me up. Phono 784-L 3. O. BABXES $5000 ANNUAL INCOME And more can be made from thU splendid ranch it it is reasonably operated... 60 acres fine bottom land with full paid wator right Fine producing pear orchard... All land adapted to the growing of alfalfa, potatoes, onions, cabbage and all other high value crops. BeBt surroundings; school and electric power facilities at hand. Price lower than any similar property in this valley $200 per acre; reasonable terms; no trades. Pear crop alone should pay for prop erty In three years. If you want a real producing property at a remarkably low figure come and see us. rhone 283 ' EXCHANGE OPPOBTUNITIES 6-room modern semi-bungalow, Medford, to trade for larger city . home. Will pay difference. 10 acres Improved, all in fruit, paid water right, close to River Bide, Calif., to trade for Modford or Ashland home. 12 acres, all bottom land, with paid water right, 1 mile from Medford; improved, all in alfalfa. Want to trade for dairy farm and pay difference. , 1 acre, lots of fruit, at city limits Modford; equipped as chicken ranch, five rooms, city water. Only $2500. Will trade for house close in. NEE US TODAY FOUR-SITE SALES AGENCY j Real Estate Business Opportunities Insurance Medford Bldg., Modford, Oregon E. MILLARD, Owner MEDFORD OKEfiOX, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER FOR EXCHANGE One Overland 90 truck to exchange for wood. Jesse L. RlchurdsOn, Control Point. 225 FOB SALB AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Model 63 Cadillac, 7 pas Bonger. 307 N. Peach St. 227 FOR SALE 1922 Chevrolet, two new Kelly cord tires. Inquire Sll How. ard St 227 FOR SALE OR TRADE Two-ton truck, good running order, cheap. Box 63, Mail Tribune. 226 Nosh Hotel Corner J. W. DRESSLER CO. 123 East Main St,' Medford Phone 133 FOR SALE New threo room house, with sleeping porch; modern oxcept heat. Small payment down, rest like rent. Phono 418-Y. 226 FOR SALE Five room cottage cheap, on pavement cIobb in; will accept car in. trade. F. L. Clark, 127 N. Riverside. 230 FOR SALE Good five room plastered house on pavement cement walks, lawn and shrubbery. Call 205 W. Jackson. 228 FOR SALE Houoo containing five apartments, all furnished, close In, paying well; $1000 will handle. Ad dress Box 86, Tribune. 228 FOR SALE Houae, five rooms, bath. 436 Grape St. $2250 cash or terms. . Mrs. L. R. Bingham, 2631 Shlloh. Sawtelle, Calif. 226 FOR SALE Must Bell, attractive rive room bungalow, modern except heat Three lots, garage, chicken house, wood bouse. Terms. Eee owner. Phone 48S-Y. 234 FOR BALK Houses ana bungalows. turnishod or unfurnished; alc acreage. Insurance. C. S. Buttertield, Medford Natloual Rank Dldg., Phono 889. FOB SALB Ue.HU ESTATE FOR SALE 280 fccres logged off land near Butte Falls; will sell cheap and give terms. Big Pines Lumber Co. FOR SALE Stock and dairy ranch. 160 acres, fenced, buildings, home orchard, stroam, and well of water, near R. R. station and paved high r way. - Terms. P. O.' Box 644, Med ford, Oregon. 225 FOR SALE 1514 acres of land. Im proved, with bearing orohard of apricots and almonds; buildings and pumping plant; water enough to Irrigate the entire place. One mile east of Red Bluff, Calif., on the state highway. Inquire of owner, A. P. Barrow, Red Bluff, Calif. 220 FOB SALE MIBCBILLAlSEOrjS FOR SALE Second cutting baled I alfalfa hay, $24 per ton delivered, cash. Monarch Seed Co. Phone 260-529. tf FOR SALE OR TRADE Waterloo gas I engine. 12 h. p. W. E. Butler, be- 231 FOR SALE Porsian kittens; also Bronze turkoys for brooders. Phono . 539J-1. , 231 FOR SALE One-eighth horsepower oloctrlc motor. 1205 E. Main. Phone 746-J. 127 TOR SALE Canary blrdB. Phone 226 653-J-2. FOR SALE Now Columbia phono graph records at half price. Victor, Brunswick, Columbia, Patho & Bo nora phonographs and records nt ml need prices. Music Shop, No. 15 No. Grape St., next to Farmers ft Fruitgrowers Bunk. Phono 466-J. tt TOR SALE Schaffer piano, and hall tree. 407 Boatty St. Phono 690-H. 230 FOR SALE Alfalfa 691-R-l. hay. Phono FOR SALE Five ton wagon scales. Phone 611-R-3. 228 TOR SALE Got that Xmns popcorn nt Public Market Dec. 10th. 228 FREE! We pay entire 1923 licenses on any car bought of us for cash during balance of month of Decem ber. A real saving. BUSY CORNER MOTOR CO. V,. 1922 By George McManus FOR SALIC Two gecso and ono gan der. Phono R-13-X. 225 FOR SALE Good used piano, easy tonus. P. O. UOX 657. 2J. FOR SALE Almost now baby sulky a ml uasinctt. 1J .N. Onuisu. 1'bune 333J. 226 FOR SALE ('huap, sewing machine, bed, small table, chairs, and kitchen utensils. t'Hll 243 N. Ivy. 231 FOR SALE Karmors blasksmith shop Deere bimlf r. irrnln drill, all in good shape. J. Wnttenbarg, Eagle Point. FOR SAt.K Orchard run Jonathan apples, 75 ccnti per box. Connern Packins House. 226 FOR SALE 43 White lotrhorn hens and pullets and 2) small chlckcnu, entire flo.-k $45. Mrs. M. D. Jones. Jacksonville. 225 FOR SALE I'lnno. Will take phono graph as t'.-tr; payment; easy terms. Phone 691-J. 225 FOR SALE Worcester, Doulton, and Coalport chlua. Phono 456-Y. 227 FOR SALE 100 tons hay at $20 ton, heavy timbered feod grounds with miring water. J. C. Cass, Jackson ville. Phone 304. 227 TOR SALU Potatoes, Nottod Gems, $1.00 per hundred nt ranch. J. C. Herring, Central Point 207 FOR SALE A Ludwlg piano. Phone G34-L. Call 227 FOR SALE Front Rank hot oir fur nace at the price of a good heating stove.- This furnace Is In good ccn dltlon, large enough for a alx-ro'-m house. Call 20 business hours, tt FOR SALE Three used plnnos. See me beforo buying. II. G. Launspach, office Weeks & On. .tf FOR SALE Two General Electric motors, 85 b. p., 40 degroe, 60 cycle, 2200 voltage, complete with compen sators. . 1 Tocoma logging engine, 10x15 with line. Big Pines Lumber Co. FOR SALE New pianoB, best quality, prices and terms. H. G. Launspach, phono G46-R. Office Weeks & Orr. W. Main. tf FOil SALE Turkeys for breedors, f-.v-m Mr. Wright's stock, Washing ton. Fat geess 80 oents dressed, Href 10 and 12 cents. Phone 7-F-ll. 236 FOR SALE Baled alfalfa hay In wnrehouso. First class and clean, $26.00 per ton. Rogue River Valloy Canal Co., 204 S. Fir St Phone 129J-2. . - 231 BUSINESS D1RKCTOBY Abstractors MURRAY BROS. ft GREENE Abstracts of Title. Rooms 8 and 6, No. 32 North Central Ave., upstairs. Jackson County ABSTRACT CO. The only complete Tltlt System In Jackeon County. Abttraott of Title and Title Insurance. WATSON & KELLOGG Reliable Jncksnn county abstractors of titles, Gold Hill, Oregon. Attorneys O. a BOOOS Lawyer. Specialties In Real Estate and Probate Law. 30 North Central Ave. A. E. REAMES Lawyer, office In Liberty Building. I. E. KELLY Lawyer. Resumed practice of taw. Office with Porter j. Net:, Mearora r-at'i uoi mag, Building Materials MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK A BLOCK WORKS Specialise In all kinds of oement building products Cor. Fir and Tenth Itrneti. Rxpcrt Accountant WILSON AUDITING CO. B. M. Wil ton, C. p. A, Attention given to any thing In accounting and Income Tai requirements. Look Into our simpli fied accounting method. Liberty HIclK., Medford. Phone 167-R. Money to Lonn . 11. ANDREWS Buys and sells mortgages and lonns money on good security. 31 N. Grape St Phone 63-M. 240 S Auditing. Cy Accourdmi !? VSTEMXcRVICEiO: m. r. ticiiTiitrr tail noof MeAfortl rlklg PAflE SEVEN ' " Chiropractic Physician DR. JOITETT P. BRAY Scientific rhlronrnctic adjustments. Hours 9 12 ard 2-5 .except Thursdays. 313-315 Medford Uldg. Office phone 20,'re8 phor.e 4!)4. "Keep Smiling." : DR. HARVEY P. COLEMAN Chiro practic and Electro-Therapy. 427-11 Medford illdg. Phone 965. . : DR. A. R. H BOOKS Neo-EcleetM Physician. DR. LOUISE E. HEDGES Naturopathic Chiropractor. M chnno Therapy, Spondylotherapy, Food Sciences, Chlropraotio. Office: Stewart Bldg., 235 B. Main St Phones: Office, 170; Res. 170-J-2. - i if- DR. E. W. HOFFMAN Chlroprac)tio Physician. Olflce hrs. 9 to 12, "2 to 6. Suite 203-0 1-05-06 Liberty Bids. Dentists DR. O. J JOHNSON Dentist 228 B. Main St, over M. M. Dept Store, liet"nrd, Oregon. Phone 609; re 1002-V. Office hours 9 a. m.-6 p. m. Evening and Sunday by appointment Farm Loana FEDERAL FARM LOANS NOW Shi Applications should be on file by Dec. 25 for December appraisal. E. H. Hurd, Secy-Treas., 402 Medfor Bldg. ' Monuments THE OREGON GRANITE CO. McW moots. E. A. Hicks, general manager. P. M. Kershaw, sales manager, lOt E. Sixth St., Medford. tl'' Osteopath DR. F. G. CARLOW. DR. EVA MAINS j CARLOW Osteopathics Physlolan 416-418 Liberty Bldg. Phone 904J-I : Residence 26 S. Laurel St - " Mi. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia Physlolan. Special attention glvea to eye, ear, nose and throat. 101 L'.berty Building. Phone 496. Physicians and Snrgeona . - DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician an Surgeon. Practice limited to ey ear, nose and throat iSyes leieat tlfically tested and glasses supplied Oculist and Aurlst for 8. P. R. B, Co., Modford Bldg. Phone 667. DR. WM. W. P. HOLT Physlclaa and Surgeon. Offices Medford Bldg. Phone 165. Residence 118 St Phone 105-J-2. DR. A. BURSELL Physician Mil Surgeon, 312 to 314 Medford Bldg, Entrance 36 N. Central Special attention to spine. Phone IS. DR. LINCOLN KALLEN X-Ray ipec lalist Medical and Dental X-Ray Diagnosis and X-Ray Treatment Laboratories 211-218 Liberty Bldg, Office hours 9 a. m. to 11 m. 2-fi pjn. Telephone: Office, 61; residence, 61-J-8 . Piano Instruction FnBD ALTON HAIQHT Teacher t Piano and Harmony. Composing, Arranging. Studio 318 Liberty Bldg, Phone 72. Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO., hat the best equipped printing office; in Southern Oregon. Book binding, loose loaf ledgers, billing systems, eto. Portland prices, 7 N. Fir St Public Accountants HUGH R. ROBERTSON ft CO. Mem ber American Institute of Accoun tants. Public Accountants and Audi tors. Portland, Ore. and Minneapolis, Minn. Address: 1517 Yeoo Eldg Portland, Ore. . i . Bug Wearing MEDFORD FLUFF RUG WORKS makes fluff rugs from old and Torn carpets and rugs. Phone 510-11. Tot Pine Bt Transfer EADS TRANSFER ft STORAGE OO Office 43 North Front St Phone 815. Prices right. Services guar anteed. DAVIS TRANSFER AND 8TORAOH CO. Anything moved day or night Service guaranteed, tt B. Grape. Phone: Office $44, or reel donees 647-R or 206. tf trpholsmrfng . WEIS Upholstery. Manufacturer of overstuffed furniture. Full llae . of materials. Draperies mad to order. We do all kind of taot sterlag. We deliver end will enll and show sample... Paon If I Jacksonville. Ova - A. N. THIBAULT Upholstering, re glueing and reflnlshlng. Work doae at your home. Telephone K9-R. R. 3, Box 44A, Medford. 211