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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1922)
o e 9 to t i :s MEDFORD MAIL' TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. DRKGQy. , T LIESI ) AT. 1 ) KC K . 1 1 $ FA 12. I m PAGE THREE" TiJEE celebration Ono of tho gront events of tho local Elks lodge) ia the annual CliristmnH tree of the orfc-unizutlon. which will be held at tho templo Thursday even Ins. December. 14 and which every resident Elk ln. tho county is expect ed to attend and do his bit in fur nishing Christmas Joy for tho worthy poor and needy. ' Not only will tho lodgo provitlo a Christmas dinner for- every poor family within tho Jurisdiction of the lodge, but the children of- the poor will bo remembered in some little way that will gladden their hearts. Tho Christmas tree doings will besin early Thursday night and will last until midnight or thereafter, and henco- every B. P. O. E. member ban ishes all other dates except this one. The Christmas tree committees of the lodge are as follows: Soliciting committee Lewis Vi rion,' Ben Holler, O O. Alenderfcr. V. A. Gates, Geo. T. Collins, Will War ner, IX. a. Bardwell, W. H. MoGowan. - Changes Committee -H. C. Jerome fiocly V.-Hall, Paul McDonald, Earl Ilrowno, J. J. Buchter, Robert Hoyl, George Eohnert.- Investigating and Distributing Com mittee 'H. a.' Nicholson, O. M. Sels by, George Ends, George O. Roberts, A. B. Cunningham, N. 8. Bennett. Grants Pass- Committee Al .T. Martlneau, Frank Coleman, F. E. Wood '.' Gold Illll Committee yf. D. Bow ers, H.' D. Reed. Eagle Point Committee Will Brown, Qua Nichols. :. . Central Point Committee Kenneth Beebe, John E. Boss. Phoenix Committee M. F. Sheets, Andrew Hearn. REBEKAHS SELL SEALS Tho work of conducting tho salo of Christmas" seals is in the' hands of the club and lodge ladies this week Tho P. E. O. members report a, very successful day's sale on Monday. Tho Pythian' Sisters and Rebeknhs are In chargo. of the sales today and the Wednesday Study, club will conduct the sale -on Thursday, . Dec. 14. SAYS OPPOSITION TO LAKE-TO- OCEAN TIGER PLEADS AS DIRT F CHICAGO, Dae. 12. Opposition to tho lake-tp-oceaa project in New York state and parts of New England Is crumbling, according to the report of C. P. Cruig, executive director of the Great Lakes-Tidewater association to day beroro the annual meeting of the council of states. He added that activ ities favorable to the project were In creasing in the middle-west and Canada. "A campaign of education among the people is necessary to carry the project to successful completion, ac tion by congress and the Canadian government, and so far. as the middle west Is concerned, this should be done in the next six months," snld. Mr. Craig. The estimated requirement for the work from January 1, 1923 to June 30, 1923, is $58,250, which Includes $0000 for special hearings and research work, according to the report which also allots $191,000 for carrying on the work should it be nocessary from July 1, 1923, to June 30, 1925. This sum, divided by states includes: Montana Idaho, Wyoming, Utah and Oregon, each $3000. ':-The "announcement that Frank Branch Itiley will be the speaker at the noonday forum at the Medford hotel tomorrow is positive assurance of a large attendance. -.Mr.. Riley's message of lofty moun tains; - ocean headlands - and other scenic beauties will be as interesting nnd Instructive to you as It has been to thousands in tho east: R. A . M. Crater Lake Chapter No. 32 Special convocation Deo. 12th, 8 p. m. Royal Arch Degree. Refresh m e n t s served. Visitors welcome. A. F. NOTH, 224 Secretary. IE GIVEN TEN DAYS Georgo Tucker, arrested Sunday morning on Main street for intoxica tion, nnd collector of . evidence in liquor violation cases under Prohibl Hon Enforcement Officer S. B. San defer, was sentenced to serve ten days in the city Jail, by Justice of the Peace Glenn O. Taylor this morning, on a plea .of guilty. According to tho court, Deputy Stnte Traffic Officer Joe McMahon Is considering filing a charge of driving an automobile while Intoxi cated against Tucker, nnd a further Investigation of his activities arc said to be under way. Tho testimony showed Tucker to have been under the influence of liquor at two Satur day night . dances. ' besides the Main street appearance. . Officers Btato that tho county pro hibition officer refused to come to his rescue, nnd provide ball, CHICAGO, Dec. 12. (By the As sociated Press) Oeorgos Clemen- enu, speaking as a "dirt farmer of 'ranco"' to farmers of tho United States yesterday, urged them to sup port the re-entry of America into European affairs, not only as a' con scientious duty but ns a good business stroke. Isolation," ho exclaimed! "what does isointion mean? You know what it meant with your last wheat crop more wheat than America could eat With' low' prices so that you didn't now what to do. 'At the same time that your prices were down, Russia and Austria and Oermany and France were .hungry and couldn't cat because they could ot pay." 'They couldn't pay," Clemeneeau declared because of the unsettled con ditions in Europe, directly trnceablo, he asserted, to the fact that the .'nited States left Europe after tho war 'without , helping enforce the peace treaty. If there Is a crisis In Europe now," ho continued, , "it is ' beeaUHO America disinterested horsolf from the- treaty. 1 don't ask you to send gold or soldiers, or diplomats sometimes I think diplomats are worse than soldiers 1 only ask you to send us tho. good word and 1 nm sure -peace will -be" restored. Let the Turkish nnd the Russians and tho Germans see that America la In the moral field, the talking field and all will be well." Tho Tiger spoke before' about 300 delegates to the American' Farm Bu reau federation, ' representing 47 states. Clemeneeau wns Introduced by President James H. Howard of the federation. The Tiger introduced himself-as a farmer, the son of a farmer and the grandson of a fnrmcr. Stating that he was a "dirt farmer, brought uo in the mud as your brave BOldlers were France." Declining that he, like all the other farmers of Franco who made up sixty per cent of tho population, were for "peace always peace," he said France had gone to war because uermany had forced her Into it. 27 i Card of Thanks We wlBh to thank the many friends who so kindly contributed the beauti ful floral offerings and assisted us In our: recent bereavement of our brother. MR. AND MUS. GEORGE ' ; BRUMFIELD AND FAMILY". DENVER, Colo., Dec. 12. The cold- est weather of the winter prevailed last night in the northern part of- the Rocky Mountain region with tempera tures ranging from 12 to 27 'degrees below zero In Wyoming' and Montana while generally coiner weather was forecast by the district wealher bureau for today In the southern states of the region. Relief from the severe cold wave that gripped Montana and Wy oming. was predicted by the weather forecaster for today. . - ; Miles City, Montana; was the coldest point reported last night, the tempera- lure there being 27 below zero. Temperatures of from 12 to 16 be low were reported in Wyoming. BRONCHITIS! mm ' :j V.i i Often the result of a "little cold" often the forerunner of grave and serious diseases. Don't have it! Keep yourself free from "little colds "with BINZ Bronchi-Lyptus. It relieves Bronchitis too. Safe and pure. No narcotics, no alcohol. Keep a bottle handy. BRONCHI-LYPTUS v I - I TRY YOUR DRUGGIST FIRST See the Christmas Boxes at the MARINELLO SHOP And the latest in Bob ' Curls, Side Waves and Switches at Hotel Medford, First Floor. ' ' FOR U S: HELP ORTEGA AFRAID GORDON M'KAY T MIX IT Father of Little Children Murders Wife, Then Suicides Plllf Rattling' Ortego says, he is going to settle an old score with Gordon Mc Kay when they meet in the roped arena Friday, December 22nd. There has been more or less bad blood between the two ever since they met last yenr over the 15 round route In Colorado, whore Orlegn says he was given a raw deal. McKay Is a clever boxer, while Ortega Is a glvo and take fighter. Says. Ortega: "1 have boxed and beaten just as clever men as this McKay. 1 don't consider him a bit more clever than Marty Tnssell or Ted "Kid" Lewis. I beat both theBe boys and 1C McKay will stand up and fight, I'll beat him too." Ortega with his sparring partners is working out daily at 2:30 at Brown's old gymnasium. BOSTON, Dec. 1'2. The engagement ot Frank Chance as manager of the Red Box was announced today. Instead of selling players he will make every effort to build up the club, he said. "Doc" Flnley of the Los Angeles club of the Pacific Coast league will come to the Red Sox as trainer. Hugh Duffy, former manager, will be retain ed as scout. i LOS ANGELES, Dec. 12. Frank L. Chance, who will manage the Boston club of the American league, before leaving for Los Angeles recently for the east signed Orvie Orvnll, formerly of the National - league to become Clmneo'a assistant In tho management of the Red Sox, according to Btate ments 'published, here. HAVR'l!, Mont., Dec 12. John Hays, a rancher of this vicinity, killed his wife and himself early this morning according to a story told officers by his 16-year old son,.- leaving six chil dren orphans. The' 15-year old boy, the oldest of the children,- fled into the night with the mercury 30 degrees be low zero in search of help while the two youngest - slept soundly.: through tho tragedy a: few .-feet awayv'undis- turbed by the shooting or the- commo tion which followed. , The shooting resulted from a quar rel over a. separation between his father and mother, the-boy said. BUFFALO Tom Gibbons1 of St. Paul knocked out Joe Burke of Detroit. DETROIT Bill Shade of San Fran cisco outboxed Andy Sclimader ' of Omaha, former light-hoavywelght champion of the navy.; PITTSBURGThe Pittsburg Pirates have obtained inn . option on, George IJoehler, pitcher of the Tulsa, Western league club. ..'.' y. IS GOOD IN WINTER . I.-. - : . ...... . Discovered1 the secret of easy starting and floxible- operation dur ing tho winter months I So claims Wm. von der hellcn of Eagle Point, Oregon.' "And It really Isn't a socret after all," he says, "It's merely a matter of -using an' oil that stays - fluid In oold weather."- Von der Hellen, who is thoroughly posted oh matters pertaining to the correct lubrication of the modern automobile, says that motorists nre finally beginning to- appreciate the Importance of using a low cold-test oil in; winter. The cold test of ah oil Is the tem perature at which an oil congeals and ceases to flow. "If tho cotd test Isn't sufficiently low, tho oil will not remain in a fluid condition during the cold weather," says von der Mellon, "Be cause of the congealed oil film on the pistons-and bearings, the engine is hard, to start. Also.' oil too thick to now rreciy cannot be pumped or splashed to all bearing surfaces, This may cause burned, out bearings, scor ed cylinders, and' Ineffective piston seal with consequent loss of .power." e recommend Zerolene No. 1. 3 or - for-winter" motoring," concludes von der' Hellen. "It has the lowest cold test of any oil we have discover ed. It flows freely In freezing wenther and safeguards the englna under all conditions." Q. A. R, Meeting Notice Is hereby given ihnt tho annual meeting of- Chester A. Arthur Post No. 47. Grand Armv nf thn p. public, will be held at the Legion hall n Aiearora on tne nth day of Decem ber. 1923. for thfl nurnnf nf nidptinfr officers for the coming year. Meeting Will ne at Z:3U O. m. All mamhora nro requested to bo present. By. order of WM. HAY 8. V. Commanding post Troubled With Weak Kidneys "Have been troubled with weak kid nays since childhood," writes Mrs. O. Hyde, Denimnln. Michigan. "Now past forty and hate had terrible backache and that tired out feeling, hardly able to d my worlt. By using Foley Kid ney Plu! accompanied with Foley Cathartic Tablets I soon felt like a new person." Backache, rbeumatlo pains, dizziness and blurred vision are symp toms of kidney trouble. Foley Kidney Pills give quick relief. Bold every Be Cured to Stay Cured I GUARANTEE to per manently cure your Piles without cutting, burning, stitching, anaesthetic; con finement or unpleasant after-effects. My patients are reputable men and women in every walk of life to whom' you may refer about this painless, non-surgical cure. , If you are a sufferer from Piles, Fistula; Fissure or other rectal - disease, call or write today for my FREE booklet. Cost of treatment returned if I fail to cure your Piles. DR. CHAS. J. DEAN IND AND MOnmSaN PORTLAKD.OMOOH MENTION THIS PAPER WHEN WRITING WATCH YOUR BATTERY HUK0T.O-UTB HATTKHT 8TATKW , " For Quick HcrrVr Fbutui 110 RUBBER BOOT REPAIRING HALF SOLK8 AXD HEELS Medford Vulcanizing Works Splc and Spari garment for the Holiday have ui Dry Clean them now. A STROMBERG Carburetor for any make of car can be obtained at an Official Stromberg Carburetor Station Come in and see the Stromberg for your Ford. It's a wonder. Carburetor complete $15.75 Williams & McCurley Opp. Nat Garage Phone 615-R Small Christmas Boxes FANCY APPLES 4- i These small boxes Fancy Apples will make fine Christmas Gifts especially for Eastern Friends. ' v;;1' u; ;u 'i,; Leave address and we will send them for you. V Personal Attention Prompt Service Hw E . M a r s h : Phone 252 GROCER . j Phone 252 TV 1 liontJ et warm itp yourmgne A poor cold test oil will not lubri cate your motor in cold weather. It congeals in the ojl reservoir and is not responsive to the action of the pump. Therefore while your- engine Is warming up, it is running. practi cally without any lubrication. The result: worn bearings, scored cyl inder walls, and drain on batteries. Zerolene for Winter Lubrication Zerolene No. 1, No. 3 and No. 5 flow freely at zero, so that the en gine bearings get oil even' when the motor is cold. The correct body of Zerolene will make starting much easier oh your battery, elim inate the danger of burnt out bear ings and noticeably increase the power and responsiveness of your engine. Consult the recommend ations for winter lubrication as shown in the Zerolene Correct Lubrication Chart STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) raciion .i i :.r:-.' )-. more nciwprRehppd ksf&tion and wear timi(brnxtluk1cG!on i h m m m m mm m vitm f where. - Atlr. I 111 f PHI HIISSSU II I l llll) I i 4 - 7 5