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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1922)
PAGE TWO MEDFORD MATE TRIBUNE, MEDtfORD, DRKfJOX, TUESDAY, DECKMHEtt 12. 1022 Woodland ! j Personal Peter Old, the Crater Lake national park ranger, telephoned here from' Anna Sprint camp this morning to Superintendent Alex Sparrow that the I Biiow depth at that point was five feet. I This means that the depth, of snow at Crater Lake, which Is five miles above, is from one-half foot to one foot more than at Anna Spring camp.1 : ! j . A big dance, Rogue River, Oregon, Dec. 15. 1922. Everyone Invited. Neal son orchestra, 5 pieces.' Tickets $1.00. Lunch extra. ' . t . 225 A few suggestions for Xmas gifts' that will' please mother, sister or sweetheart: a fancy ,comb, beauty box, or toilet water, powder and many other articles not mentioned. See our line before buying. Prices right. Medford Ueauty Shop, 4th floor Medford Bldg. 227 1 The Oriental Itallroom , is right in town. Comfortable and convenient. Dance there Wed. nlte. Admission 10 cents.' ". ' ' ; , -'; 224 Local merchants complain that dur ing this busy season so few people dpi their shopping early In the day when I hoy could have a better chance to look around and be better waited on, but come in flocks In the afternoon. The early forenoon is an especially good time to do Christmas shopping. Aubrey G. Smith, superintendent of -schools, has pu chased a new Ford sedan.'' ' - . ' ' 1 Your photograph Ib the Xmas gift of ' sweet remembrance, rich in sentiment and pleasant memories. You will please all' your friends at small expense if .you take advantage ot our Christmas offer.' 204 East Ajaln and Central, Mackey. 226 .Olympic feeds, Cen. Point Feed store . i- ',.. . . 231 The Oriental Ballroom is right in town.' Comfortable and convenient. Dance there' Wed. 'night. ' j'" 224 Claud, SavAge 'of,1 Creeeeht City, ar rived in Medford Monday and will make an Indefinite stay )n this city. ' The fifteenth annual sale of Christ mas seals is how. cm. I; An Investment in seals means an i investment - in health. 'The ratio ot proceeds Is larger for Jackson county this year'than ever before whtdlf means th'fit the local sale wlI. recelvp.;a greater; lipe'tlis than ever beforo.' ','; ..'. '.' ',' Buy Bubble books for the children's Christmas-rohly ll'.DO at the Palmer Piano House.-'; ' ' ! 226 flemstltcliingj and' piloting,' silk or cotton 8 cents per yard;' Jor.' Main and Bartlett.'; The' Vanity, Shop. ', tf Merchandise ' Bho'otlhgJ ' hiatck . one mile north or f noenix,' ainiaay, uocem her 10th. " -. ,,'' XW1. ,229 J. A. O'Brien of the Apphgate was a visitor in the city Inst week. : An Kdisom phohograph atd rectirds for sale at 821 Bast Jackson.- Just as good as new.' 226 All kinds of rouirti and dressed lumber. ' Wallace -Woods, phone 108. 711 East Main street. - ' - ' ; Dance at Jacksonville Friday night. Orth's hall. Peerless orchestra. Tick ets $1.00. : Spectators 10 cents. Danc ing from 9 until; 2 o'clock. ' 221 The nows , that"' Gpvernof-Eclect Pierce has decided to appoint as his socretary, Ward Irvine, " son of the editor of the Portland Journal, was re ceived with considerable Interest here as elsewhere throughout the state. It la known that bne well known Medford man, a democrat, would have liked tills appointment and had made 'feeble efforts to have it come his way,'1 and' another Jackson county resident, Bort Moses of Ashland, author of Snpaml Salt and secretary of Jesse Wluburn, was also talked of for appointment to this Important' position. ' . '' ' Davenport, rocker and chair in blue end told roso tapoBtry, first-class work mid riiatorlal, $179. A flno Christmas present. J. Wels Upholstery, Jackson ville, Oro. Phone 202. 226 Auto Insurance, Brown & White. 10 cents is opt.n sesame to the Orien tal Ballroom. Bee" same Wed. nlto.. Dance in an up to date ballroom. 224 J William NIcholBoit left today by the fclnmuth Falls stage for a short visit at his ranch In' the Fort Klamath coun try. , "-,' Milk and cream at DeVoe's. ' tf Pavilion dancing party! Wed', nite! ' ., ,,. .. ' ; ( . 225 Snappy foxtrots, dreamy waltzes in the Orlontal Ballroom Wed. night 224 Dance VflUi. tho crowd in the Orlen. tat Ballroom Wodnosdny, night. 224 Medford is fortunate In having such mild 'weather In comparison' with the unusually 'cold temperatures prevail ing In the northern and other parts of the state. Tho minimum here this morning was only Slty'degrees above. The Ashland Elks have decided to furnish a room in the community hos pital of .that City and have appointed committee to. buy the necessary equip ment at an expense of about $jr0. The lodge-also. decided to give ISO towards the purchase of an ambulance which the citizens 'of that city are endeavor ing to buy for public use. ! Merchandise shooting match one mile north of Phoenix, Sunday, Decem ber 16th. ' i 229 Auto Insurance. Brown & White. - Joe O'Brien's new barber shop at Medford Hotel. ' ' tf Miss Maude O'Brien of Seattle, who had been visiting ht-r mother, Mrs. 8. C. O'Brien of South drape street re turned to that city last week. f have a lease on a 10-room rooming house in Portland. Want to trade lease and furniture, also furniture for four rooms mors,' also bath house and all equipment. Bath house will net from 12300 to $1000 per season. Want rooming House In Medford. Whnt havi you? Address 3. Mall Tribune. 230 There will be regular conimnnlea llon of Rame Chapter No. 6, Wed nrwUy December 13, at 7:30 p. m. Election of officers. ' 225 New piano and phonographs, . 0. Lanfipcb, rs. phone 646 ft. Big Hook t Wk Orr, W, Main. (f Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Stephenson of (Slants Puss are guests at the Holland hotel. Others registered there are Dorothy and Mary Knupp of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, T. K. Tnichone of Pro volt, Roy Opple of Sun, Frunclsco Mr. Itedinger of Spokane, W. W. Carroll. George llanna, Walter S. Smith and L. E. Kitson of Portland. Dunce in the Oriental Ballroom Wed. nito. . Oadmtsslon 10 cents. Entire evening $1.00. Single dances 10 cents. 224 System Service Co. writes Fire and all other Insurance. Strong companies Office 2nd floor Medford Bldg. tf There's a busy Business College Id your home town. OWN. ' The first of the Christmas mail be gun to arrive here from the east Mon day according to Wm.'J. Warner, post master. Dance in the Oriental Ballroom Wed. night. Admission 10 cents. 224 you can get It at DeVoe's. tf Yakima Netted Gem potatoes, No. 1 grade, $1.60 per 100 lbs. delivered free. Hutchison & Lumsden. 232 r or the purpose of perfecting an as sociation for southern Oregon, breed ers of Hampshire swine in Jackson and Josephine counties will meet this evening at the- Oxford hotel, Grants Pass. The meeting will be attended by all of tho prominent breeders of the two counties, numbering about 3f, many of whom have already' obtained recognition as growera of extra fancy stock. C. C. Cate, Jackson county agent, and B. W. Cooney, county agent of Douglas county Will be present. Pavilion dancing party! Wed. nlte ;..,-.' ' , 225' Two can ride as1 cheap as one In a Nash Taxi. Call 96. ' . 224 Hot tamales and chill con carne at De Voe's. . tf - Some of the busiest pepple In tho state are taking the time to sell the Christmas seals to help the fight for health in the state. Every citizen can help the fight by buying seals. : 1 Dance in the Oriental Ballroom Wed. nite. ' . "..': 224 ' Goodrich tires and tubes at. Colonial Garage. When better automobiles are built. Bulck will build them. tf : C. H. Franks left Sunday for Mo- dosto, Calif., on a short business trip. . Victor Johnson accompanied by his family will leave Wednesday for Port land, where they will spend the winter. The Loves of Pharaoh would have loved the' Oriental Ballroom. Dance thore Wed. night after the movies. , .,;;' 224 . Good potatoes $1.00 per hundred de- lvered. . Warner, Wortman & Gore. '..-' . , -. 224 ' A lasting Christmas present for the 'family, a Toggenberg milk goat, that will give a clean, healthy Bupply of milk. Mature does coming fresh and doe kids from heavy milk stock. Come early and' got your pick. R. H. Holo- peter, Jacksonville. 227 'The annual meeting of and election of the Ashland post, American Legion. will be held tonight. For Sale New Columbia phono graph records at half price. Victor Brunswick Columbia, Pathe & Snnora phonographs nnd records at reduced prices. Music Shop, 15 N. Grape Btreet, noxt to Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank, Phone 465-J. , tf The Christian church orchbstra and Rov. D. E. Millard furnished the musi cal program broadcast from the fair grounds radio station, It. F. A. Y. by Virgin's Radln Service Inst night. This office Is prepared to print ledger sheets, bills, etc., used on the bookkeoplng machines. Don't give your orders to traveling mon and have them printed out ot Medford. Phone ub and we will call. ' tf There's no place like Holmes for complete Insurance service. Mecca ot all dancers to the Oriental Ballroom. Bo thero tomorrow nlto. Admission 10 cents. 221 Local football funs are strong in their hopes for a porlod of dry weather between now and the first of tho year, ns It Is felt that Medford is at its best vihon playing on a dry field. Special prices on high school type writer practice paper at this office, tf Wrapping paper, cut to fit any size paper holder, from wblto print papor, at this office at prices much below the regular wrapping paper price. Call at once or phone 75. tf Good potatoes $1.00 per hundred de ivered. Warner, Wortman & Goro. , 224 Ploase make your appointments ahead during holldny. season. We thank you. Medford Beauty Shop, Phone 101-L. . 229 Say It with Christmas Seals. Miss Luclllo Abbott is expected to return at tho end of this weok from Sun Joso where she Is attending nor mal school, nnd spend the holiday with her parents In Medford. Hemstitching ' nnd ' needing at Deuel's..' HO Alt kinds ot rough and dressed lum ber." Wallace Wood, phone 108. 711 East Main. " Dance In the Oriental Ballroom Wed. night. Admission 10 cents. 224 Frederick Snyder of ' the Snyder Dairy company will leave this evening for Columbus, Ohio. ' The little dainty ribbon gift that everyone loves to receive. Handicraft Shop. 223 Pianos and phonographs for sale or rent. H. G. Latinspach, phono 646-R Office Weeks & Orr.' tf Hoar Cnrl Ixvnlaud sing "Baby Blue Eyes," that new fox -trot sensation! Pavilion party! Wed! 225 W. I.. Greenleuf of Gold Hill was a Meclrord business Visitor today. Yakima Netted Gem potatoes, No. 1 grado, $1.60 per 100 lbs. tlellverod free. Hutchison ft Lumsden. 232 Armstrong corns puts the miles In mileage. Phone 277-J, Star Motor Supply Co. Dance Wed. night In the Oriental Ballroom. Admission 10 cents. 224 C. E. Kallman of Prospect. Is a busi ness visitor In Medford today.' Idlest fiction Marshall, Kyno, Our wood, Medford BcoK Store.- '$U' Curl Loveland, tho soloist of the Pavilion orchestra, has just received a new Bucscher saxophone of the lat est type. Mr. Lovelaud was for years connected with the leading dance orchestras of Seattle. Good potatoes $1.00 per hundred de- Ivered. Warner, Wortman & Gore. . 224- Sash and doors. Medford Lumber Co. Hear the Oriental Ballroom orches tra play the latest terpsichorean nov elties Wed. nlte. You can't keep from dancing. 224 Dr. John F. Hart of the United States navy, who was called here last week by the death of his father, Dr. Henry Hart, will leave for his post of duty at the Bremerton navy yard this evening, accompanied by his young' daughters. Murgerle and Bllzubeth, who had been here since last summer when they arrived accompanied by their parents from Samoa, In the South Sea Islands where Dr. Hart had been stationed for over a year. : Take your kodak films to Palmer s studio. First class work and prompt Yakima Netted Gem potatoes, No. V grado, $1.60 per 100 lbs. delivered free. Hutchison & Lumsden. " -' 232 We are selling all fancy goods ut great reduction. Buy now, don't wait until after Xmas to get tttla rate. Medford Beauty Shop. s; 229 The war of tuberculosis on mankind Is more deadly the wars of conflicting nations. Help fight this war' by buy ing Christmas seals. ' Yakima Netted Gem potatoes, No. 1 grade,' $1.60 per 100 lbs. delivered free. Hutchison & Lumsden. 232 We go anywhere, any time. . Careful drivers. Nash Taxi, call 96. 224 Don't forget the Arts. Class at ' the Y. W. C. A. tonight at 'Beven thirty. All girls and women are invited, Arthur Middleton, famous Metrop'oll tan baritone will appear here ,ln con cert program, Jan. 4th. ' 1000 feet E'-eam radiation n the Oriental Ballroom. Balmy as a night in June. Dance there Wed. nlte. 224 Provide against loss, Insure with Redden and Canaday. Yakima Netted Qem potatoes. No. 1 grade, $1.60 per 100 lbs. delivered free. Hutchison & Lumsden. ' , 232 The Oriental Ballroom has been en gaged by the D. O. K. K. for their big ceremonial on Friday, Dec 9th. The resplendent decorations will make a perfect background for the impressive ceremony 'used by the Dokies, blend ing harmoniously with their' colorful costumes' and uniforms , A -r record breaking attendance is assured as a large numbor of novintes will cross the burning sands to become meaffor the tiger. Pavilion dancing party! Wed. nite! - " ' ' -,225 Mattress work an. kinds. Medford Auto Top Co. Phone 104. , ! !i tf ; Goodrich tires and tubes at Colonial Garage. Wilfred Mlksche returned 1' Sunday from Portland where he had been visit ing for the past .week. For Diamond coal brlcketts, phone Valley Fuel Co. Phone 76. The Oriental Ballroom offers every convenience to Its patrons. Dance to morrow nite in town. Park-on tho pavement near the Nat.' 224 The Just Polks club will meet Wed nesday night at tho First M. E. church utter the church supper. ! 226 Nominations for office will take place at the Crater Club meeting In the American Legion hall tonight and all mombers aro urged to be present.'' Goorge Bnrnum, who accidentally shot himself through the knee Sunday forenoon, Is reported as resting easily at the Sacred Heart hospital and an X-Ray will be made today to dotnrmino the extont of the injury which the bul let may have caused to the bone. Good potatoes per nunarea de livered. Warner, Wortman & Gore. 224 $6.60 motor, driven horns at the Eloctrio Shop. Dunce in the Oriental Ballroom Wed. night. Admission 10 cents. Single dances 10 conts. Entire ovenlng $1.00: 224 Aro yau putting a Christmas Seal on irarsonal lettei'i this month? For Salo Singing canaries. Sli-Y. tf Lime and cement. Medford Lumber Co. Evory jewel needs Its setting. Ladies like tho Oriental Ballroom. 224 Mrs, F. W. Bartlott, representing the Hnrtlott fur store ot this city, will be in Grants Pass on business Wednes day, Thursday und Fridny Have you tried that big milk shake at DoVoe's? tf Sash and doors. Medrord Lumber Co. The Oriental Ballroom has a hard wood cushioned floor. Best In the west. Dance there Wed. nlte. Admis sion 10 cents. Entire ovenlng $1.00. single dunces 10 cents. 224 W,- H. Muirhoad or Gold Hill was in Medford this morning attending to business matters. A four Inch asbestos cushion gives spring to the magnificent maple floor in the Oriental Ballroom. Dance there Weil. nito. 224 Handicraft Shop. Hemstitching Plcotlnt 8o per yard. Bnttoni covered. , . . - e CANDIES You have a Candy Factory in your Horn Town. We ask for your patronage. Our goods are Good, our Prices Right. , t ,i .i . it . ; Robert C. tee of the Wllnmette uui- verslty is a guest at the Medford hotel. Othpm ree-tutnrpil thprn urA I. ' Rex and T. G. Lewis of Engono, J. E. Exline of Olympia, Wash., Robert Han some and family of Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Seaugh of New Haven, Conn.', J. R,Tlell, T. G.'Lewis und R. (1. Bowman, of " Poitlund and T. M. Sdieele of San Francisco. Every jewel needs Its setting. Ladies like the Oriental Ballroom. 224 Good potatoes $1.00 per hundred de livered. Warner, Wortman & Gore.' 224 Call 96 or get car In front of Nash Hotel. Day or night service. We go anywhere, any time. ' 221 Ellis E. Davis pleaded guilty to op erating a motorcycle without a license and without a headlight and was fined $15 in Justice Glenn O. Taylor's court. Monday. The arrest was made by Traffic Officer McMahon. Mecca of all dancers is tho Oriental Ballroom. Admission 10 cents. Dance Wednesday night. 224 Ford, Chevrolet, Overland 1 tire chains as low as $2.25 a pair at the Busy Corner Motor Co. tf Good potatoes $1.00 per hundred de livered. Warner, Wortman & Gore. ;' ; L .' 1 - ! 221 The Sophomore class basketball team defeated the Freshmen of the local high school yesterday afternoon by a large score. A number of high school students and others Interested in high school athletics witnessed the game. - For Sate Good sound Spltzcnberg apples, $1.00 per box, bring your boxes. Also extra fancy Newtowne, packed, $1.75. E. F. Guthrie, 232 Jacksonville. 240 Special rates by hour. Why not do your Xmas shopping In style? Phone 96. - 224 Big celobi atlon in the Oriental Ball room New Year's night. 224 Bert Vertin, employed by the Mon arch Seed and Feed company left for his home in San 'Francisco this after noon. - Christmas gloves with very low prices prevailing as we are closing out this line. The Busy Corner Motor Co. 234 All hair goods reduced this week. Medford Beauty Shop, 4th floor Med ford Building. 229 Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Bryant of Mon tague, Calif., were in Medford Monday on a shopping trip. Patterson Crater Lake pictures, hand' colored In oils. $1.00 to $15.00. Very adaptable for eastern friends Medford Book Store. 224 The local American Legion post plans to hold a big New Year's dance and all night cabaret at the Nat in the Oriental ballroom on the night of Jan uary 1st. Need a taxi call 96 day or night. 224 Call 96 taxi, day or night. Driver on duty at all hours. 221 Furniture repaired and made to order. . Work called for and delivered. If It's made of wood w make It. Wm. Bradley, phoue 1D9-L. - 232 Tissue wrapping paper red, green, white, holly, silver.' Medford Book Store. 224 Mr. and Airs. Ered Mears left this afternoon for Oakland and San Fran cisco where they will visit Mr. Mears' sisters. Following their visit in the Bay, djstrlct they will mnke a trip to Los Angeles and Redlands. While In the latter town they will visit their son Fred Mears, Jr., who Is attending the University of Redlands. Hear Curl Loveland play that won derful new Buxaphone! Pavilion party! Wed. 225 Expert auto repairing at 29 S. Front St. Home of ' the Stephens. Star Motor & Supply Co. 236 Over stock on CHRISTMAS CARDS All 10c cards 6c All 5c cards 3c All 15c cards 9c 12(10 samples to select from. Vrom five or the best card shops. MEDFORD BOOK STORE 34 Xo. Central TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Five room cottage cheap, on pavement, clone in; will accept car in trade. F. L. Clark, 127 N. Riverside. , 230 WANTED Man to out wood on shares close to town. Phone 553-J-2. 226 FOR SALE-rCanary 653-J-2. . ' birds. Phone 226 FOR SALE New three room house, with sleeping porch; modern except heat. Small payment down, rest like rent. Phone 443-Y. 226 QUIT TOBACCO So easy to drop Cigarette, . Cigar, or Chewing habit "No-To-Bao". lias nclped thous ands to break the costly, nervo-stint-tering tobacco habit. Whenever you havo a longing for a cigarette, cigar, pipe or for a chew, just place a harmless Ko-To-Bnc tablet In your mouth Instead, to help relieve that awful desire. Shortly the habit may bo complotoly broken, and you nre bettor off mentally physically,' finan cially. It's so easy, so simple. Get a box of No-To-Bac and if it doesn't release you from all craving for to bacco; in any form, your drugRlst will refund your money without question. : ' Adv. Give "Rust Craft" Practical Gifts Daintily Boxed with Verso Priced 25c to $1.00 A FEW IHMTLAU M'MJSKKS Pie Dough Trimmer ' Parcel Pout Isabels My Telephone Calls Handy Purer Comb Cleaner Milk Bottle Openers . Cigarette Holders i Stjpllc Stick - W indow Wellies Darning ltiill Paper Knife of Cnrvml Bono Measuring Soon Hot ' (ilnxs Cover ami Coaster .Shoe Shining Kit Pan (irenser J'flly Una; anil Strainer l'eter Pastime IU7jlci Olive Tongs Tonstlng Forks Cake Satiiln Norkllo Pm-wer " .lumping Hope 1'ipo (Teoners Ulna Fruit Knife Scissors Shnrpcncr " ' Swem's Studio T lie Shasta Hemstitching, Pecoting 8c per yard. Work . finished want it. when you THE VANITY SHOP Cor. Mais and Bartlett. REMEMBER! ' Dl j" TODAY i . I t The most gorgeous settings ever seen! The most I spectacular thrills in II i "THE LOVES OF. PHARAOH" i - : : nr STARTING WEDNESDAY A MAN'S FLAMING ANSWER TO, "THE SHIEK" : MILfON S I L L Produced by the man who created "The Shiek," you 'wili ,'" I '. A V see a photoplay replete with thrills, romance, pathos, blood- ' Ca I A quickening adventures and mad-rubhing climaxes. . ' "H. 'i 'h i W , . I I r- I REMEMBER! 11 Big Holiday Sale Used Gars 1919 Sedan, a wonderful buy $412.00 1921 Ford Touring, new tires $287.00 1920 Ford Touring, Hasslers, speedometer . .$284.00 .... 1919 Ford Touring, Hasslers, new top $268.00 1917 Ford Touring, new top, good tires .... .$168.00 1914 Ford Touring, new tires, Hasslers .... .$107.00, C IF YOU ARE THINKING OF BUYING A CAR FOR XMAS, YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO MISS THIS SALE I Terms 40 Cash 10 Months On Balance. ' OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 8 O'CLOCK C, E. Gates Auto Co.