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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1921)
'A $40,000 BURIED TREASUREAROUSES KIN'OMAN, Kansas. The farm of Jolm Ford In the wmtliorn part of this county is the f buried treasure mystery which is periodically revived by persons .who go 'there seeking a chest containing $40,000 In Bold. The story Is still fresh in the minds of the Older settlers here, many of whom say they believe the chest occu pies the cache whoro It was secreted fifty years' ago by in army paymaster when he and tils detail- were attacked by Comanche Indians and later killed. The paymaster and his men were 1'iiroute to an armp post to pay the KANSAS SEARCHERS iKoMiers. ., They are supposed to have been camped pear two big springs on the Kurd farm when the attack was-mude. Jtoth springs were .Well known stop ping placeB in the day of the' prairie schooner . and cattle trail and It is to llicm the perseut day treasure seekers go lu their quest of fortune.. The in formation of all seems to agree on one point that the gold was burled near the springs but each person-has a dif ferent report as to the exact location. Years ago many Indians .went there, to search; insplredy the tale of an old Oklahoma Coninivche, who claimed to have been in' the tand-that massacred the army men. But with; his ile.ath the Indians oJpe$pitlInfe:jV i"f;7 Howavar. thefiifre' cohtlnues lo. at-' tract the? witeaal'iailiilj jjqajja&.'a' suminer ittsg0V;Qtfit ;stiijj jjjrosijectbr fulls to BBHiifl inieWidttya.Bulvltig here unci poking "third In' the' earth aljout the old BflllBgSl"!'"'-'". -il.hM of" ft i ".v'clo' 6 i."" 1 ' '., -, Typical" Wash,burn Comedy ', His "klckless-kisses" and pepless wooing causod allithe"trouble! . , Doth'' his father and his girl were disgusted because, his love-making had all the fervor of a bottle of lemon soda. . , Dad was somewhat of a Btepper in his early days and to make his son wake up,, creates the impression that lie is after the same girl, with malri liioniarihtent.. . , ' .. , . And then .things happen thick and fast to make; "An Amateur Devil" un entertainment that will surely be en Joyed by local playgoers when It comes to the Hlalto theatre for three days beginning tomorrow. - '; ....At. the Page-,; ,': - .' ' i Did you go to a boarding school and do you remember . the daysyou put 'in doing a lot of things you hadn't ought to have done and neglecting a good many that you should , have done, in cluding getting your lessons? If so you will especially enjoy "It's a Great Idfe," the picture adapted from, the Mary May, Roberts Rinehart story, "Empire Builders," which comes to the Page theatre-fop a three days" en gagement beginning tomorrow. , "It's a Great lilfe" is' jast the kind of humor haU Americans' Jove, the kind that made,'Msrk!irraln famous. In Stoddard, a role, playfed'by Culler. Lan dis, remembered, for" his good work in many recent. Gbld'wyn.-plctirres, espec ially "The CMfT from'-Olifslde"," and The Wop, a paft'whlch' Howard Halston, the wonderful child actor who played w'ith Mary 'PlckfoW, area-hew-edltlon" of tlte Immortal Hitck and Tom. They are boys, rdl;bpys,- full of Ideas, build . ,. ( . . - - ."' , j -. " ' ..' ' ... ' '. '' ', ' i-. ' ,' . , '"' "" , .', -vt ' ''' ;'- ; '"' !i ' ,i('il-"(! ' ":; 1 ' '!",i S'lli 'HIT ' pW-j '' '''' '" . " ' ' . ' . : " ''.'-' : ' ' " : ;,,,'- , I , 'i I '' s ''-. . ' -' f.-'iilul'-'l Krt ' '!--: -iii.l l It 1 II v oil'- -' : WXdfiQW- B ARE. ' ABOUT - YOUR ':.F AR ? : 1)' YU-CMiRE: : ABOUSP YDUR MONEY? i " ' .. K V.W:.1 -- ' - . 'r-.V- . - ' : '..:..'.-.-,--- ' ' . - . '. - ' ' . i- -' -. -. -: ' yiuiariprotecVyour ! tion and ibe able to make more inohey is to the day you must - --j ' ' ;' ... : ;' ' "' ' , . -v':.! v The' rains of the past four months have put - V ' : ' . . . v:-,-r'-- "Vt- "I '' " " ' -7 : - ; ' 7; 1 ; 1 ; 1 ; ; ; " V PATTON AND ROBINSON, INC. JOHN C. SIGNOR HUBBARD BROTHERS Samson Tractors, Trucks and Farm Machinery . , :. ' Fageol Tractors ' '-. v " , Cletrac Tractors . r-, ; -, il2 South Rivrs'ide ' ' Medford ' Nos. 221-241 North Fir St. Y, ' ' ; v '; ; Medford, Corner Main and Riverside, Medford, '- '''' ' . 11 '. .. . . .. p iug air unities, rulling In love, puppy love of course. -and doing all those things which make us smile when we look back to the days of our own youth. BIG FISH FLIES FROM HAVANA, Feb. 23 A unUiue hydro airplane bearing the name "Dig Fish, ' constructed to represent a shark, ar rived from West Palm lleach, Fla., to day. The nine passengers Included the wife of Orestes Ferrara, a former speaker of the Cuban chamber of deputies, and the Marquis de Ksqull achc, a cousin of the king of Spain. EAGLE POINT EAGLEIS By A. C. HOWUU Jack-Goln, the agate man, arrived I' from T:irulifli,l,1 Uni,,,.,!,,, i,.lr' his room In the Suhnyslde where he I had been to visit his mother. While ;away he disposed of quite a lot of agates in the rough, and bought a part of the machinery to put In his shop that he- intends to open he'r.e. He has here already some 200 pounds of agates 'that he has picked 'up on the agate fields around here. F. K. Edler of Lake Creek who went to Medford during the week, re turned Saturday and went up home on the Lake Creek stage. V . Wni Perry, our new road supervisor and wife, went put to Mrs. Perry's-par-ents,' F, J. Ay res, Saturday morning. '- Fred Pettygrew, W. H. Crandall, V. S. Ilaker wero among the business callers Saturday. ; Thomas Cook and wife of -Hutte Falls, moved Into the Thomas house Saturday, and Mrs. JoBeph Geppert and Miss Hogan who 1b teaching her third or fourth school term :ln the Crater Lake school district came out on the Hutte Ftfls stage and went out to Medford the same day. Mrs. Cal Thomasou of Medford who had been spending a few days visiting rriends and relatives in Hutte Falls, also came out on the stage and brought her son with her. ' ' r . MlssJoyce Von der Hellen of our town, also went to Medford Saturday to take in the show and visit friends. Sunday morning came with a drench- I lng rain and the rain continued about all day causing the streams to rise very rapidly but doing no damage that I have heard of nny farther than to put everything in the working line on an other standstill, and the farmers are fearing for their sprlffii? crops, v Our Sunday school was very lightly attend ed on account of the heavy downpour. Hut in spite of the rain, mud and rough roads we had here Mr. H. A. Von Scoyoc and his two daughterarMlsses Margaret and Vara of Medford, stop ped here for dinner' and then went on up to Lake .creek.-..Wo, also had for supper Mr. and Mrs. Ira Tungate and son and O. M. Hughes ,and A'. M. Oden of Biitte Falls'. After-slipper there was a company -went - tb Medford and among them'-were the two Hughes boys and Mr. Oden, Ira Tungate and wife, but Mr. Tungate returned to the Sunnyslde leaving sMrfl. Tungate ' In Medford to have -sorrto Alental work done. .' . ; '."- '' -' ,i Sunday evening;' P P.. . Parham and F. C. Drews of-Pfirt)indi cam! In and took rooms'. ' They: Hr railroad men df Portland wlw.pame, spend three days In ontt 4tgne fle.l(i!i. They are both;ln the. employ of. tlie O. W, R. i N.'Co. ' Mr. Drews fi head' timekeeper In ' thb'"'. PoHiajtdrb'ttiijei ijie' ; being a pioneer railroad man as he has worked for the sanie company 'fbr'-'tho' paat TiS years continuously and while', he is an old railroad pioneer ho Is -not an old start Ask Ybiir Neighbor, iWho Has a TractorWhat He Thinks About " i i and ; Act According IMEDFOTTO IFKTT, TKTBTTNE. man and dearly loves to get out uud romp over the prairie and gather agates just for the love of the sport. He has a very large selection in his cabinet running into thousands and his friend, Mr. Parham Is also very fond of such curios as agates, shells, etc. They remained here until Tuesday noon go ing out on the Butte Falls stage tak ing wnn mem aooui ail tne rocks they nm,M l.-m.lln 1-V,.. ...... i . i. .., :.. I .........v.. .uo, uuiu i.iiuiuuiK to come out agum next summer and speua several aays urlngmg their fam- ...... ,.,. , d,,vumub ui ie "sl muusuy in roruunu mey mane the statement that, the agate trade amounted to 1!50,0U0 a year. John Foster, one of our old boarders of years ago came out Sunday and re-; malned until after supper, Carl Von der Hellen of Wellen, came in on the Eagle Point stage Monday morning. Mrs. Win. Beale and Miss Hogan, the Crater Lake school teacher, came out .and went up on the Butte Falls stage Monday. Marshall Mintor came in Monday on his way to Medford but stopped long enough to have his horse to wua rid ing shod. . Hick Daley and family of Fort Jones, Calif., was shaking hands with his old time friends. Dick is one of the Med ford boys whose mother nmy well feel proud of him. 1 was aboyt to overlook the Item that we had a ehlvararl party in our town Sunday night. Mr. Iemmie R. Cook and Alice Ray of Fort Klamath came out to set up housekeeping In the McQuail house recently ,Bold to A. H. Thomson of Lake Creek, and the result was their friends gave them a little social. ' Mesdames Rosa Smith, Jessie Ham- mel, and Mattie Courtney called on the Sunnyslde proprietor and daughter Monday afternoon. Tuesday mo'nilng Mr. J. V. lion-tan, superintendent of the llutte Falls fish hatchery, and son H. J. llerrlan accom panied by Mr. Hand from Kansas came out from Medford to look after the fish eggs he baa In process of hatching. He has not been as successful catching fish as was desired on account of the changeable weather and high water, but he has n nice lot of eggs already- and he and his son were removing the non-fertile eggs from the vats explain ing that the dead or non-fertile eggs Would decay and the fertile eggs would adhere to them and thus cause them to die. He is required to keen an ac- I nniint nf tha nnmW f arrcru lm ,..l,n. and the number of non-fertile eggs he I takes out of' the: vols and make a monthly report .of every Incident con ! nected with the entire process. Dr. Holt, formerly our. local doctor but how of Medford, came out Tuesday Hovey, one St. Mark's Episcopal Corner North Oakdale and Fifth St. ' 8 a. in. Holy communion. 10 a. m. Sunday school. 11 a. ni. Holy communion. 1 : . Wm. B. Humilton, Vicar. :, Evang.-Luth. Zion's Church' - Fourth St. below Oakdale -A ye Her. Dr. ft-.- Morehz-deserl paa'tor." ' : Res. Dlji West Fourth: St'. '-, v-- ' ".-,'"- ' Ocull; " " ..J ' ; ' Sunday ;sohoof 10- a. ,'tri. -: ""' '.'' i 'Divine service 11 'm. ."' t ' Cateciierlcnl ' Instruction for coitfh- matioii every Saturdny'nfte'rhoon af 2' o'clock. ! - 1 . - ' First Methodist Episcopal Church . Anthem, "Christian the Morn Breaks Sweetly O'er Thee" by Shelley. Solo- ! morning to see Mrs. J. W of his old patients.' B more necei'sary now than ever before.' All you have to do to gain this protec buy a good' Tractor. Order your Tractor nowT Dealers are going to be short on delivery soon. Don't wait unti you will be thoroughly acquainted with i into the field prepared to get more, satisfactory results. . ' .,; ; : , .' . s : ' : : "'. ,' ' '.'' "' ' ' ' ,.:! the ground in wonderful condition and in order to gain time and save money in putting in your crops; you should have a f rario'r Nothing is more handv. economical or necessary on a farm :V-, MTCDFOttri. OKTtfrOT. "8 ATTTCT:Y. TTCBiWARY 2fi. ists. Mrs. Van Si'uyoc and .Mr. Vroniaii. ! Mezzo soprano and tenor duet, "O Sacred Head Now Wounded," by Sawyer. Mrs. Pierce and Mr, MacDon ough. Pianist, Miss Matie Vronian. Organ ist, Bernard Roberts. Director, Mrs. Mae Jordan MacDonoiiKh. Catholic Church . . . south Uaxuate avenue. Flm mass Smuilv n, a. seoona ,llass at 10:1)0 a. evening services at 7::!i) p The Rev. Jamei P. Towey, I'auliit ! Kather will preach a: high mass on - The Rewards of Loyalty", and at the ! evening services -on "Christ and the church. This week's mission will close Sun day night. Rev. John Powers, Rector. Fourth anifBai'tlett. J. Randolph Sasnett, Pastor. Office Phone SC8. Bible school 9:40. 1). F. Lindas, supt. Rev. J. A. Smith will address the school. , ' . Morning worshlWil a. m. Sermon, "Between the Altar and the' Plow.", .Epworth League: 'Social hour 5:30. Devotional meeting G'lfi.' Evening service 7:30. Sermon, "Auction of Solds." .Morning and evening sermons Rev. J. A. Smith, D.D. Revival. continues next week. by First Christian Church Cpr. Ninth and Oakdale. Dell Ely Millard, Minister. ' Bible school 9:46.. -Herbert llerrlan, supt. . ,. Preaching service 11 a. m. Subject, "The River Jordan." A hearty wel come to strangers to worship with us. 0:30. Young People's service of Christian Endeavor. All young people cordially Invited. Evening servlco 7:30 p. m. Special music and a pointed message on "Be setting Sins." You will enjoy tills bit. vice and u hearty welcome Is extended ! to all. "The Homo Like Church." Main Street Methodist Church James E. Conder, Pastor. , Sunday school 10 a. m., Mr. Lovett, supt. If you on your children arc not attending Sunday school we shall be! glad to have yon with us. i Sunday school is a good place for your whole family. Preaching: Morning at U and even ing at 7:30. The pastor will apeak at each service. Miss Davis will sing at the morning service and Mr. and Mrs. Bobb at the evening. -.,). Epworth League at 0:30 p. m. These services are conducted by the young people and are a source, of real Inspir ation to nil who attend.-.;. If you are not attending church why not? You will always find a.cordlul welcome with us. First Church of Chrltt, Scientist Branch of The Mother, Church, The First Church of ChriBtu, Scientist, it Boston, Mass. ,, , Services are held every Sunday at 11 o'clock. Subject for Sunday, Fob. 27, "Christ Jesus." . ' Sunday school at 9:43. ' All undor the age of twenty are welcome. - - Wednesday . evening meetings, at M , U&w's This? vte pttor .pijB Humlf&i Dollars RewaWl r.trahy-cii8v of Catarrh that canaot cured by .tlajl's patdrrb MedlcUw. ' , Unll'Ji Catarrh Med Hire itoa been'taWeh by Ctttarrh wffertra (or -tlte past thirty ;lve yearn, ibjitl haa tyjeortle known as the aioat teliall . remedy Cor Catarrh. tHall's CatairH' lledlelnA acta thru the Blood o'j the Mucous aurfucift, expelling'1 the -Pol on frn'm-.thfl Dlcoya and .healing the dis eased portion A'fter yot( have taken Hall's Catarrh Medicine for a short time you will boo o jreat Improvement In your nenoral .lenlth RHut tnklftffHan's Catarrh Medl ine at one and fret rid of catarrh. SenO tor teitMmonlfjIn. free. Y, J. CHKNKi & CO., oiedo, Ohio. Brti.i i,:' hii iru?-i8t. 7fift. .. . - - i . ? 1 1 : L . ,- i - (;. which testimonies- of Christian Sciuuoc healings are given, at 7:30, church edi fice, 212 North Oakdale. The Reading Room which is in the M. F. & H. Building, is open from one to five daily, except Sundays and holi days. All authorized Christian Science literature may be read, Jjorrowed or purchased. I The public is cordially invited to the services and to visit the Reading Room . Free Methodist Church Cor. Tenth and Ivy Sts. Mlsa Rhoda 11. Burnett, pastor. ; Res. 337 W. Tenth St. Phone 420.' "Be not deceived; God is not mock ed. Whotsoever a man soweth thill shall he also reap." Wo are sowing seed every day. The final reaping duy Is coming. What will your har vest be? .i . Wo Invite you to our church to heAV the gospel. I '' ' ' V : "' ' ' I ORIGINAL COST v . ..urnQ In making your original investment in this car, you receive the benefit of the;-, manufacturing savings estimated at 20 to 25, made possible i by 'conf'r plete manufacture in the new modern $20,600,000 Studebaker plants at n- l!,,, Soutli Bend, Indiana, because ...... .., .udmii, (a) the price includes but one manufacturing profit on cast-;,. 1L1 v!iu ings, forgings, stampings, motor, axles, transmission, frame, ' body, top, etc . ; ' , (b) the amount of overhead expenses included in the price is . very smalL (c) excess weight is eliminated without sacrifice of durability or quality. The shipping weight of the car, 2500 pounds, is distributed equally over the four wheels. OPERATING SAVINGS la operating this car, you receive the benefit of the economic, advantages . arising from its superb design, skillful rxtanufactare, excess safety factors, and high quality, because . . (a) it will go from 12 to 15 thousand xnOea on the standard 32 x 4 cord tires. ' ) (b) it will go from 18 to 22 miles on a gallon of gasoline, -' -'(c) it .will render from 8 to 10 years of satisfartory service. BECAUSE IT'S A STUDEBAKER Models and Prices:. . Touring Car - $1485 Landau-Roadster 1630 ' Sedan - - . 2150 o. 4. South Bend. Indiana - "1f)2f Sunday sehool at 10 a. in. and girls are. invited. Mrs. Nuff, supt.' ,1'reachiug service at 11 a. in. and 7:30 p.m. "The World's Testimony 7:30 p. m. Class meeting at 12 noon, to the Christian Life," a message 'of Young People and Children's meet j more than ordinary interest. ing G:30 p. m. Anthem, Morris, "Onward to vio- Prayer meeting Thursday 7:30 p. m.j(ry oung Peoples lllnlo htuily claso meets at the parsonage Friday p. in. 1:30 First Baptist Church ((The Friendly Church." North Central and Filth St. 0:45 a. m. Bible school, P. W. Mears, Supt. Our school is growing. Drop in Sunday. 11 n. m. "Tests of Loyalty." Am hem, Uabriel, "Send the Light." Bass solo. Bracket t, "O Eyes That are Weary," Mr. Walker. 0:45 p. m. B. Y. P. U. Lncilo Gould, leader. An Intermediate 1!. Y. P. U. will bo organized same hour Sunday evening at the Carey Cottage. Hoys HITTSON MOTORS ' ' : S. Fir St., Medford "' ' it by the time you will PXflfi FIVE Soprano solo, Dana, "Flee as a Bird,'' Miss Myile Davis. ;''' Wednesday 7:30 p. m. Quarterly mis sionary prayer meeting. A large at tendance is urged. ' Thursday C p. m. W. G. G. banquet at Carey Cottage. '- ; 8 p. in. Choir rehearsal. Mr. Walk er, leader. Prof. Halght, pianist. -i A stereoptleon lectin oil "Old and Now China" will be given Wednesday, evening under the direction of the Golden Link class. The views will iqV tcrest and please. Sunday will be a good day for all who worship with us. Plan to be out; Strangers always find a warm wel come. Frederick R. Leach, pastor?'.: until need it, and can go It i ....... . . iti itT lu ;lrt hi:"' 'Hi-