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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1921)
MET.FORD MAIL TRfniTNF,, MEDFOUD. OU!0(!OX, WEDNESDAY. FErRTTARV Ifi.- 102T TAOE SEVEN T SATURN RING HAS ATHWESS OF 2TH0USAN0MILES CAMBRIDGE, Mass. Th6 inner ring f the planet Saturn, known to astroii inierB as tlie "crone ring" oil account nf the fact that It its much loss brilliant than the others, has a thickness. o 000 miles, while the other rings are very much thinner, according to ob3er- vulipns made by Professor William H. Pickering of Harvard at the Harvard Astronomical Station at Maudevillc, Jamaica. Tho thickness of the rings of Saturn Is a matter which has Jong attracted the interest - of. astrononiors. : This planet is surrounded by what appears through . a small "telescopo to be a single flat ring of exceeding thinness. Through a larger telescopo this fs seen to be In reality three concentric rings. . Every sixteen years or so the earth passes through the plane .of these rings,' which are, then in a position edgewise to the earth, t So thin are they that for a while they disapjicar and cannot be seen uritiljithe earth moves out . of. their plane. This phe nomenon occurred on November 7 and will occur again on February H 2 "and August's v0f thls;'year, ". after which thierq..will;io"iio.opporturilly, .xf '-observing It'aghtivfbr sixteen years': ';' "Professor. .Pickering reports that' he observed the rings just before-, and afjter the'November transit, and found the -in-nof,'Hing-Ttq i be; thicker than the u(Ji'eiiTstiittttortt-toibft 2000 miles thick., .,.He als i-eports that, in the opfer edge' of'1 the second ring the meteors. seem to be more concentrated than elsewhere. '. .' Astronomers believe these rings to bo composed of Innumerable small me teors revolving in dense swarms about rtho middle portions 'of the planet. Professor Pickering hopes to make further observations during the Febru ary transit... Ho is also' engaged in studying the canals on the planet Mars nnd in searching for tho still undisebv ered planet which is believed to re volve around the sun'rfar oiitsido the orbit of Noplnno, UieJoutermdst planet yet! discovered. In the solar system. . BOLSHEVK! CASE; i STARTLES FRANCE PARIS,sFcb. V -The arrest, of two members of-the chamber of deputies vho have been, Involved In a commun- iL plot against the French government' JS .imminent, according to reliable In formation from sources connected with '.the, investigation -into communist ac tivities hpre. - ''The deputies alleged to bo concerned were prominent In the May day riots of 1920. ii'V.-rv; ':' " ;.The French press today is devoting juiiuii ijuue lu me uiwi, wiiiuii ii cnui- ;papors declare that the documents selzedi leave "fld doitbt that perioct co hesion exists between Moscow and the propaganda. in- France which is being .directed from the soviet Russian cap!- IjivcKtock .,. ... -i- F6S: Ki-.iiCat- ftlpj.nonilnally Sliadyi no receipts. , Qiiotalions ucliSogid;" j , -f!', t ; ' Hogs steadyVvrAccip U-2 2 f. Quota tions unchanged except: rough heavy, ' C.aO)!). 00. v, . " . i , j Sheep steady;. -receipts 100. . .Quo tations unchanged. . ; ;f.,w:r ;v : ' i. - Jlntter . - - i .PORTLAXD, -Ore,:i5( 'Butter steady. Extra cubes 4f-nc; car tons ,54c;,. prints , C3c; lmtterfnt steady. Nro; 1 churning cream 4 Charles E. Hughes " forrmmtt twniut a swim. wm. Protablo Secretary of State In the Hardinp cabinet, . v M " 1 I "Cascarets" .for Constipation .lust think! A pleasant, harmless Cnscaret works while you sleep and bus jour liver active, head clear, stomai-h sweet and bou'els moving as, regular as a clock by morning. No' griping 1 or inconvenience 10, 2.5 or 50 cent bbxei Children lovo this candv cathartic too. 33c f. o. b. Portland; undergrade? 4 8$' 50 c. . v, . Hay iumI (train. Uar ley, f'J'J(&'3U; oats, '$3: 2(t? 3-1; corn. No. 3. yollow, SolHjJJl. MiUrun, ?3-Uj)35.- ' ' Hay, buying prk't? timothy, $ 27 'f? 2 S ; alfalta, $11) ((( 1 .50; ffruin,$23; clover l$2d;,stt"uw. 415. CIllCAyO.'Fcb. 15. Profit taking hy .holders, with facie, of support canned a sharp dowii turn today hi tho price of wheat. v The market rallied suddenly on' a dispatch from Pnrin, Texas, saying the- country -was alive with green , hugs, but purchasing power soon kh-V out again. Opening priced which ranged -from half to 3e lower with .March $1.72 to $1.73 und May $1.64 to $1.04 Mr. were followed by a quick rally and then "-toy a rc- newnl of weakness. . '-,,-" Corn displayed eonsidcrublo . re ciatlnp capacity. After opening un changed to l'itc lower, including May at 71 to 72 fcc; the market' fluctuat ed mostly within the initiaWliniits. Oats started iuarter to c off May 46 lie and held to about that range. Provision were "easy, in line with hogs and grain. ' - ' i : i ' N..T, Stocks - .NEW OitK; Feb. 16. Today'3 dull . and heitunt stock market de-. rived almost sole impulse, from tbv profes-sionul element, public . iirtei-9st again being . oxccedi'nEly light. Sale.1: approximated 500,000 shares. . . The. market developed a more un certain tone at mid-day., investment rails and tobaccos - slrensrtheninir, whilo oils, chemicals and sugars yield ed to Increased p'ressurer Mexican I'otroleum, Allied Chemical, South Porto Kieo Sugar were' especially heavy the latter" breaking sharply on announcement of the reduced divi dend; V jyilB-Chalmera . American Jleet Sugar American Can American Car '& Foundry ...... American Hide & Leather .pfd. American . Iiitcrnational 'Corp, American Locomotive American Smelting & Ref'g. . . .' 37.G la.fc 80,8 1M.2 . -'(S'l'S :;,.4:i.p .:4)3.2 . ,S1.3 .-100. '!'' 7.7 : 39.8 . K 06.0 . '" H2. American Supar . . American Sumatra Tobacco American T. & T. , American Wotden . .:. Anaconda Copper , Atchison Atl., GiiU &i"V. Indies-,..., Baldwin -Loconibti-vc . . Baltimore'' & Ohio . .' Bethlehem -Steel "B . .s. . ., 34.2 6S.6 , jlT.S 30.5 ..-76. i . 69,5 -.'-28.2 27. ;8 ; 23.. . ) 28. i ' 72.7 .' l"9C. . ' 24.2 . 13.5 . 132.: . 14.5 : ;i- 3s. B Canadian Pacific r. . '. Central Leather ..'..I.....'. Chandler Motors Chesupeake & Ohio ........ Chicago, Mil. and St. Paul Chicago It, I. & PttO Chlno Copper 1 . '. ... . . . Colorado Fuel Si Iron Corn Products Crucible ttteel Cuba Cano Sugar Erie-.-..... ..,v.-i.'A.w General Electric . . General Afotors ; . . . floodrich Co. . . w . Great Northern pfd 1 1 ! 77.; ' 30. 88.8 30.. 51.5 Great Northern Ore Ctfs Illinois Central (bid) 7-...;'... ! Inspiration Copper Int. Mer. Marine pfd. - . international. Papej. . ;-'. ,..'. Ivennectitt Copiier , vi . . Unilsvllle & NaHhvillo Maxwell Motors , ', Mexican Petroleum Miami Copper (bid)' -f Middle States Oil Midvale KteeU . . Missouri Pacific ,. Nb" York 'Central . . - N. Y. N. IT. anil Hartford ... Norfolk & Western Northern Pacific ...... .. Oklahoma Prod. & Hcf. Pan AiHerlcan Petroleum . . ; Pennsylvania ' l'cople's Gnu" . Pittnburg and Wet Va. (bid)' v. Hay, Consolidated l?oppty Reiidinp ..... .v. .7.;, ..... ' DS.8 19 6 100. 5.2 10.' 3 IS. 6 3i.r 1S.3 73. 20. :do, , 81.5 3.S Jrt 38..-I : 29. 14. 70.' IB Takes Longer SonieUirtea to Pick Out n. Comfortable : House Than It Docs n-'.' Suit of ('lotlio nml It Should. ' , We have a. list of houses for rent that It will pay you to look over. 'When am you Intending to move?' Cbrnmunicato with us nnd we will ni-pist you In select ing the nroW home. . We jiavo a lance list realty for. linmedi ite oi.'cupaniT- -, rr"1- 1 Itt'P. Iron & Steel Royal Kiiti h, N. V. . . . : Shell Trans. Trad Sim-lair Con. oil i Southern ra''ific Southern liuilwviy Standard Oil of X. .1. pfil. . . . Studebakor Corporation . . . . Tenneiusee Copper Te xas Co . , . Tcxim t l'acifie '. Tobacco Products Transcontinental Oil .Union Par ifie . . . I!: S. Food Product) ....... V. R. Retail Stores V. S. Ind. -'Alcohol . . Vnlted Slr.ti-r. Rubber I'nited Stati-a Steel Ctah Copi)e:- Wcslinpbouse Klccti-h "... . . . . Willy's Overland , Ainr-rieftn Zinc, Lead and S:ri. Ilutfe and Superior ... Cai.C. Pt'tivleum Montana ' Pov.vr (bid) Sliatuielc.' Arizona (bid) . . . . . Pure Oil ,. .... Invincible oil .... . cncral Asphalt .......'.. i . . . c;. i; : . 41. 7K.' ll. tn.-O . !. S.i l::.: j ''' j !.'"o I - X' fi- s-i.o 5 5.C Jii. S. 11.2 1:1.5 4 0.2 - B. 31. TALENT TALK - Quite a few from Talent were In Jledl'ord Thui-sdny. evening to witness thfliiasUetball gameB between iMedford and Talent, both, men's Sind . boys' yearns playing. ; -t . - Tho article printed in the paper Jan. !2, after Medford men were up and played With the Talent team tell ing what a "rough bunch": tho Talent squad was, must have had some affect on tho people of Medford as a small crowd turned out. What few wore present could plainly see whore the roughness came from, and tho Talent visitors regreted that Medford did not turn out so they could seo what a clean game tho Tf,ont men do play. " Phoenix played Taiont on -the Talont floor Friday night. Tho Talont girls team played "unusually well' and won the game. The Phoenix boys played a good hard game but were unablo to mnke baskets on account of the closo guarding of the Talept; boy3. CSlnswjw, Strattou and (Jlenn uunn am good guarding whilo Harold liurnett, Kills Hoeson and Floyd Purvis were excel lent Jn making baskets bringing the score up .In Talent's favor.. Mrs. J. Hearing returned home last! ' week: aftor a month b visit' with her, daughters at Marysville, Calif, She was accnmpnnle'd homo by her daugh ter, Callie Swaub and little daughter Dorothy. ; ,; 1 There wal born to Mr. and Mrs. Arclo Estes of aiendale,.Oro., Feb. .4, 4a fine baby cm. . Mrs. Gunn who has undergone two operations this winter Is now confined GS EXCITE YOUR KIDNEYS. USE SALTS If yottr Back is aching or Bladder bothers, drink lets of water ! ' and oat loss meat '. - ' When your kidneys hurt and your back ifeels sore, don't got scared and proceed to load your stomach witli a lot of drugs 'that excite tho kidneys and. irritate the entire', urinary tract. Keep your kidneya cleaiClIke you keep your bowels clean, .by Hashing them with a mild, harmless salts which removes tho body's urinous waste and stimulates thorn to their nor mal activity. The function of the kid ncys is to Alter the blood. 1 In 24- hours they strain from it 600 grains of nciif and waste, so we can readily understand the Vital importance of keeping tho kid neys active. , ' ' Drink lots of water--you can't drink too much;. also get from any pharmacist about four ounces of Jad .Salts; toko a tablcapoonful in a glass of water before breakfast each morning for a fejv days and your kidneys will, acfci fine,. This famous saits is 'm&do from tho cid of grapes and lemon juice,, combined with lithia, and has been used, for genera- , : . l .. .. ; 1 . .. l i t. : .( neyB; also to neutralizo tho acids in urino so it no longer is,a source of irri tation, thus ending bladder weakness. ' ' Jad Salts is inexpensive; cannot in jure; makes a delightful effervescent iilhia-water drink which everyone should take now and then to keep their kid neys clean and active. Try this, also Keep up lue water arinsing, ana no dimbt you will wonder what became of your kidney trouble' sod backache BUSINESS INSURANCE " . Agninst mistakes, leaks nnd Ioshps, Ifi uvallublo to you by tho uno of , , ' ! . . , SYSTEM, our buslnomi J' INCOME TAX Returns correctly prepared. - Bookkeeping" and other business i, difficultlcB satisfactorily adJuBt ' ed. Consult u. Cy AodtirI J Accour1ir3 Y5T!l,ERVlCFJ0' gp IriSurarxCa ' !rve3tnets jcy M. P. SCUMITT, Mgr. - 1 I'lmlin r.SI ' MlHTly Hldg. $275.00 FORD TRUCK I With covered body, cab and windshield. Practically new $700 Patton and Robinson. Inc. Tel 150 112 So, Rjver3ide BARGAINS 11 FORD TOURING 1 1 j to bet bed nnd hef (vip.dillun ls'rci)rt led as serious. llov. Hiinipies. pasinr of the Raptlst church, returned home last week from C'loverdalo whero lie was holding a series of ineotings. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tiyer of Grants rss were guests at- tho fainiiy-ho:ne Sunday. Mrs. Marion Trycr was a guc3t of Mrs. Kate Hoffman of Jacksonville Saturday. Central J'oint basketball team will T"'' on tho. Talent floor Thnrs- da? evening. GRAY HAiR BECOMES .. Try Grandmother's Old Favorite Recipe of Sage Tea and Sulphur. Almost everyono knows that Sage Tea and Sulphur, properly compound ed, brings back tho natural color and lustre to the hair when faded, streaked or gray. Years ago the only way to got this mixture was to mako It ot homo, which is muasy and troublesome. Nowadays wo simply ask at any drug store for "Wyoth's Sage nnd Sul phur Compound." You will get a larpe bottle of this old-timo roclpo improved by tho addition of othor ingredient, at very little cost F.verybody uses this preparation now, because no one can possibly toll that you darkened your hair, as it does It so naturally and evenly. You dampen a sponge or soft brush with It and draw this through your hair, taklnsr ono small strand at a time; by morning the gray hair" disappears, and aftor another ap- S Mention or two, your hair becomes oautifuliy dark, thick and glossy and you look years younger. Wyeth'o Sago and Sulphur Compound Is a delightful toilet requisite. It Is not Intended for the cure, mitigation or prevention of disease. - - WAX-TED SITUATION'S WANTED Work on farm by young married man. Address J.'A. M., care Mail Tribune. : ' " 284 HKXV WAiVlw MALE YVANTED Men with Ford car in Rogue valley fruit dltitrlct. Very ' liberal hay. Amerloan Fruit Grower, 316 Board of Trade, Portland, Oro. : . . 282" HEIir WANTED FEMALE WANTED Woman to do light house work. Phone 749;J'. . 282 WANTED French" nursewho can give French instruction to. children five and eleven years of age. Mrs. Dolroy Uetcheil. Phono' 521-R. , 284 W ANTED Lady to cook : in , camp, small crew. For. particulars write P. O. Box 698, Grants Pass, Oro. 287 help wi-f ricri,, Male and Fjnnmle' CLERKS, (men, women) over 17, for - Postal Mall Service. ' $125 month. Experience -unnecessary. For freejFOR SALE Good ranches, Leonard, (former Civil Servlco Ex- amlner), 758- Ecmltaljle 'Hldg., Wash IngtoilD. C.' .. 2K0 AVAKTCD SIISCElLVJvEOtS ! WANTED Four or, five room 'modem, ' furnished or Unfurnished cottago n outskirts of city Ly permanent party anything respectable considered. Call llpokkoeper, 51. ; ' : 280 WANTED Cnmplng' outfit 8x10 or 288 10x12 tents- Phone 685-J-3. WANTED Body for Ford bug, road ster or touring, box 39 Mall Tribune. ' . .. : 282 WANTED A chance to writo your' fire insurance. Climon'ce Pierce. Phono' 517-L. . ":,; s 283 WANTED iOO Medford women to ex : chango their oid machines for latest , model . "Singers", at. the now low price. Singer Sewing Machine Co., : 1.0'S. Fir.. Phone 216-11. ..... ., . 291 WANl'ED Old sewing machines . to repair and adjust, Pifono 215-R. . ... .... :r, ' WANTED Shoe repairing while you wait ut the "Model Root Shop." 21 ' S. Central Ave. Quick service, quality-work. E. N. IJlden, prop. WA.NTEU House moving and re- pairing. Phono 488-M or 488-X. tf '- KSTItKr Kb -j STHA V EI-From ltoicy Anil, one boy inare branded bar ovor C. M. on right shoulder. Oim roan horse colt branded bur on loft shoulder. Ho ' ward for Information leading to ' their recovery. Notify Dr. Oitzcn or 'phono 314-R. Medford. , 280. H1K it KMT I'llt.MSIIED liOO.MS Foil ItENTsieciiins . room. 315 S. Riverside. - - - 384 1 : FOR REN T Furnished room $2.00. per week. Phone 930-R. 4.15 S. Front FOR --RENT Sleeping rooms, hot and cold water, bath any time; use . of wash tub and ,lroi). Large gar age; one block from -library. No. 604 W. Tenth. POOOOOCXOOOOGOOCXOOOOOOOOOI I Used Automobiles 1 ' For Sale. One good Chevrolet Touring ........... ...$450 One 1916 Ford De- Uvry 150 One v Studebaker Touring 650 One good Oakland ! Touring 850 It costs you "iiotliiiijj to look at these harnin.H. ' Tumy Motor Co. 123125 So. Front Street pmqoqooqq . FOR KF.XT llOUSHS- FOIt KENT Furnished" house, fmr rooms and bath. DeVoe's. tl'-1 ' , MONKY TO fit)AX TO LOAN" .1. II. Andrews loans money i on -real .estate and "idiys morl"ai;f and Liberty b:mds. Phono G3-.M. m1 North tirap'! strivt. FOR HUNT nolrSFKKEPtNG OMS . toll ltIi.NT-'rwo or lliveo rooms fur nished, for llnht housekeeping. Adults. A sleoplng room, healed, hot and cold water, bath. 2'.'1 N. Holly. . . 2S1 FO Pv R KN T Fn m i s bed rooms. 216 S. Ivy St. liousekcppi-ii: 2S(. l'Olt SALK KUAIi KSTATI FOR SALE .Modern 0-room house t:n pavotnent, corner lot, cast front. See owner, 423 Heatty St. . Ssr, FOR SALK 213 aero farm, beautifully located on Rosehurs-Coos Hay high way, 120 or 130 acres tillable. Fine business location lor tttorc and P. O on farm. 'Also school house. Write or call on nulla P. 0., Olalla, Ore Mrs. J. P. Dews. 280 FOR SALK Modern ti-rooin brick house, sloeping porch, fruit bnuHe and garago. 4 lots. All for $1000. Terms 1f desired. . lnquiro Josso Richardson Feod Store, Central Point, or Drown & White, Medford. - . 2SI FOR SALIC Ily owner, modern home, five rooms, bath, panto' and porches East front, paving payed, nice lawn, roses and berries. Will sell furnish ed or unfurnished. No reasonable offer refused. Somo terms. Call 30 Cottage. . 2S4 FOR SALE Northeast V. of Smith east 'i section 24, Twp. 3S, Range 2 West Willamette Meridian, for $800 l- About six miles from Medford. Part- - ly Improved and cleared. Writo Coo. PratL Box 039. Marshfield. Oro. 280 FOR SALE Small house nnd two largo lots next U) , .pavement . in Phoenix at a bargain. Call Apparel Cleaners & Hatters, 103 NY Central . 280 FOR' SALE Modorn nine-room resi st dence, all necessary outbuildings, closo In on 'a good , paved street, large lot, all assessments fully paid. - Resides furnishing home for owner property brings In a.monthly Income of $17.00. Price $4000, terms on ' about- half. Address W. W., care ; Mall Tribuno. ' ; ' 2S0 FOR SALE Modorn G room house ; and iwo lots, aBsessmunls paid., Ad ; dress Box 95, Jacksonville, Ore. 281 FOR SALE 40 acres ulfnlla ranch, , about 25 acres under irrigation, two . ' miles from Roguejllvor.'. J..M. Carl ton,' . '- 284 fl'-OIl . fiA T .TO-i niinn-illnwn nml nnllitirOH ' See us before purchasing. Medford! ' Land & Insurance Agency, 220 W. Maim, r , . . . : tf Seo us g. J.-U. Andrews, 31 , N. Orape St. Phone h3-M. tf ll'Ult HALE Leasb nnd.sxchange real . nclnto ClrAA niu lYoallv Piimiuinv lOR SALE "Houses and bungalow. furnished or unfurnished; also acreage. C; ' S. Butterfield, phone 210. - . !' ' -' I FOR BALD ULtKHTOCK FOR SALE Four Now Zealand does ' and pedigreed buck, , an compart ment, hutch, all for $12.00.' 120 N. :. Holly. . , 282 FOR SALE Registered Poland China : boar at, n bargain; Leonard J. Free i' man, Conlral .Point, Ore. . ' 280 FO 11 SALE Young cow, just fresh. Call evenings. E. L. Lane, Central Point. Phone 13-3. . : . 282 FOR. SALE Jersey cow, will , bo fresh . In July, giving now 2 gallons a day, - tests 0 per cent. , Price $00.00. E. J. White, three miles west of Phoenix. ' 280 FOR SALE Ooo work horse, single .wagon and harness. Walsh's pluco, one mllo northeast of Medford, on Crater Lako road. . 283 FOR SALE Tenm of big sound rnulos, 0110 fresh cow.- Mlravistu Orchard MI7-J-3. 't v '.. .- FOR SALE Twenty of the finest milch cowa In southern Oregon. Will Bell sopniulely. Also, now DoLnvnl Separator. Walsh's place, ono mile northeast of Medford, on Crater Lake road. ' . ' 287 AUTOMOIUM-'S FOR SALE Light six cylinder touring car, or will trade on improved city ' property. Phono 272-R after 6 p. m. tf FOR SALE-One Rco touring car, in ' Koud mechanical order. " W.'II; Nor- cfiss, ('entrnl Point, Ore. ' 285 nil 5 E L L THIS WEEK liCshiUfuI, modern, nut of the onii- ttiifv (i-rKini hiitiKulow,. with huso iiii.'iit.'.'All in very fjnu cimdilion on a good piived Htreet. Am lonv- fiiitr 'toWti Biiti. will give some out a n-rtl hiirgiiin;' Good Terms.. .. j t Add rest Owner - l'' ' B0X. E. W., V; ) ' C'aru Sun . "L If yonjr looking for good city property, we have it.' If you wanl much property, see us; ' The Owl Investment Co. G. F, Wertz, M. F. , Bldf, ion sale i"onrn and kvg FOR SALK 100 O. A. C. White Leg horn hens, pullets. Call it-F-4, Jaek sonville. . 2S2 FOR SALK Whcile Leghorn egg) from thoroughbred chickens. Phone 7-F-12. 2S: FOR SALK Wlille Plymouth Ruck laying pullels, $:t.fli) and $1.00 each. One new 1021 Master incubator, 230 egg capacity. C. K. Morton, or. AalilaiHl and Kuelid St., Ashlaud. 28:! FOR SALK Thoroughbred White Leg horn pullets. .The famous Isaacson I Htraiiii hsl lay(r on the Paeifitr Coast. 2-"2 S. I lolly. Phone 217 -(.. , . 2S2 FOR SALK S. C. White Leghorn eggs from lirst-elass stock, 1.1.0 for set ting of 13. Get them at Mail Tribune office. tf FOR SALK White Leghorn, White. Minorca hatching eggs, 8c each; heavy laying strain over 70 percent In January. Crane, Applegate. 2S2 FOR SALK White Plymouth Rock hutching egga. Flshel strain. $2.50 and $5.(10 a setting. C. I'l. Morton, 501 lCue.Ud Ave., Ashland, Ore. 280 KOR' SALE O. A. CV strain llarred Hock egga for hatching. Phone 5-F-2. T. K. Pottenger. ' ' FOR SALK White. Leghorn . baby chicks from stock with an immense capacity for laying eggs. $20.00 per 100. Also custom hatching. Rogue " River Poultry Farm. Phono 201-W , . 290 FOR RALE Marred Rock eggs from O. A. C. host laying Btraln. Phone US5-R-3. - - ' ..- 201 FOR . SALE Oak Ilolgltts Tnncred leghorn chicks, $1S per hundred. Eggs $5.00. Dresslor. Sciunre-Denl Electric Hatchery. Phono 951-L. 283 FOB SALE M ISCICLIjAN EOUS FOR SALE Rest grudo alfalfa hay, $18.00 '(lor ton, 3 miles west of .Med ford, 1U. miles from Jacksonville. Phono 0S5-R-2, L. D. Harris. 278 FOR SALE llearilloss barley, host tor spring seeding, $2.50 per cwt., ton lots f 15.00. Delivory at Ed llanley Ranch. . L. D. Harris. Phone OSG-R-2. -i i . : ; "' -. 128(1 FOR SALE Ivory enameled bedstea! rntan trimmed with mattrcBS : nnd springs complete; $45.00 4f taken be fore Friday morning, Inquire 48 . Orange,-1 - '.-r - ' 279 r FOR SALE Good rocloa'ned beardetl seed barley,' $2.50 lien cwt., $48.00 per ton. Phone 889-W. J. E. Judy. 3: FOR SALE Ono green bono grinder, ono' lluclicyo 60-ogg incubntor and feeding and .drinking cups tor baby chicks. Also laying hens. Call 543-.I. ,., . - 285! FOR SALE (Superior) .Brldso-heuch range, polished steel top.. Water colls. First-class condition. Phono 13S-R. . .. ... r. . 281 FOR , SALE Antique' -"Cherry desk, -. spinning wheel, flax wheel and reel. ' Phone 706-X. ,119 S. Ivy. ,. ' ,- i 283 FOR SALE A few hales ef wheat straw left, will deliver to your place In city for 75c per halo. Make your hens soralch for their feed those cold days., Phone G29. 1 : -. . tf FOR SALE Superior Riidgo .Hack rnngo, polished steol top, water coils, first class .condition.'. Phono 138-R. ' I " '- 280 FOR SALE Two fwolvo Inch John Deero tractor plows. Foothills Orch ard, phone 611-J-4 .' , ' 283 FOR SALE Ono Prcmo kodnc. Film pack style, sl.o Vs, hy B!i .complete with tank for developing films. Call anil seo it at 213 N. Ivy St., Medford. 280 FOR SALE Hay. Tlneo Onks. 4U8-J-1 1 .... . 283 FOR SALE Flno I,udwlg piano, first class condition at a hargain. i823 S. f.'fciilral Ave. ' ' ' 282 FOR SALE Good onallty alfalfa hay, well enrod. Alfred llowman ofi high- way, two miles north Centrur Point. Phono lllxxl. ' ' 280 FOR SALE Pianos..- 1 can save you ono -hundred dollars on a now nlano. Phone 6!)1-J. ' II. N. Lofland. . 282 FOR SALK 'Alfalfa seed 425 per cWt. Jesse P. Richardson, -Central Point Feed Store. : 282 FOR SALE 1921) 3 "A ton Attorhury truck run ahout 'MM) miles. Will sell for 11500 under new price; - A real buy for someone. .Will give terms to responslhlu party. For further In formation call 8U1-L. Mr. FOR SALl'-220 gallon Dowser gaso line pump and tank. Rivorside Gar age. - . , .-,' v -i ' 299" FOR SALE Seasoned wood by (inr or cord. Must be Bold soon. Prompt delivery. G. A. Scely.' 917-L, and W. E. Blair, 890-X. 297 FOR SALE High Bcorlng Light Ilrah mns. Call C. Cary, lli-F-11 or address Talent. . 230 FOR SALE--200 pair now shoos at coc'.. Sucond'hand shoes and shoe repairing at tho Medford Shoe Hos- . pilnl, 119 E. Sixth St., Medford. FOR SALIC L. C. Smith typewriters, Dnl'on Adding Machines, Chock Writers, riblionB, carbons and pa pers. All makes typowritora bought, uold, cxclintigod, rented and paired. Valley Sales Agency, Sparta Illdg., Phone 1X8-WV tf FOR SALE Good trailer. 113 8. Front. FOR SALE One 6-hor?o Aluio sta tionary engine like new. 2 2 ii. One 6-foot orchard disk, usod one oason, Jo0. One 8-foot orchard disk, used one season', $75. One 10-Inch gang plow, just like new, 175. C. 12. Gates Auto Co. tf' FOR SALE Sand, gravel, sediment I and dirt. PlnwInK and teaming I work douo. Phone 912-J, Samuel Btiteman. 202 Manle street.- BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Abstractors. M URIt A Y TtlK)flT&4 I '.TcRf3 Abstracts of Title. Rooms 3 and' 5, . No. .22 North Central Ave., upstairs. JACKSON COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY Incorporated 1904. Ab stracts of Title, Title Insurance. Architect ti. 10. TICKTS Licensed Sissrm, California. architect. Auto Supplies LAIIER AUTO SPRING CO. We are operating tho largest, oldest and bost-euuipped plant in tho . Pacific northwest. Use our springs' when others fall. Sold under written Ktiaranteo. 3t North Fifteenth St., Portland, Oregon. Attorneys. i'ORTER J. NKFF A t lorney-at-law. rooms 8 and U, Metlford National Dank Rnlldlng. A. E. R E A M KS Lawyer, Oarnett- Corey Building. . ,.--...- O. C. nOGOS Real estate law ana settlement of estates a specially. 11. F. , LINDAS Attorney. General, Practice. Patents a spoclnlty. Stewart jlldg. WINFIELD R. AYLORI-Lawyor. -Room 7 Palm block, -107 East Main St., Medford. .. 4 , G. A. CODDING Lawyer, Medford National Dank Jlldg:- !!, ij,iy'. -n'-i Building Materlalsilw: MEDFORD CEMENT. IVRIOK & HLOCK WORKS specialize In all .kinds of cement building products Cor. Fir and Tenth, streets. .i- . '; Chiropractor, DR. A. RURKLUND Chiropractor. Spinal Adjustments. - 204-205 Sparta Illdg., ' cor. : Main and Riverside. Office phono 285. ! -;..-...! . Dentist. DR. V. R. KAUFMAN, Dentist. Office In Spnrtn Unildlug. ortlce hours 8 to 12 a. m., 1 to 5 p. m. Evenings by appointment. Phone 285. , ... ,j . Expert Accountant. WILSON AUDITING CO. Ii. M. WR son, C. P. A. Attention given to ' anything .in Accounting nnd Income . Tax requirements.. Look into our. simplified accounting metho'a. 14b'. erty Hldg.; Medford. Phono 167-R. .'.''"" IVAN IdVINGSTON Incorp orated Accountant. Auditing, Systematic ' Ing, Financial and Income Tax State ments. Address 811 S. , Sixth St, Grants Pass, Ore. ' 27' 1 ;' '" Fldejlty and Surety B"d. . - ' FIDELITY .AND SURETY BONDS We , exocute all forms of bonds. . McCurdy Insurance Agency. . ' U: ' ' ', I ii..', ,' -4. ' Instructlen In Mdsio. ' r ( : j-RED ALTON UAItillT Teacher oi piano and harmony. Haight.MuBlC Rtudlo, 318 .Clarnett-Corey Bulldlna Phono 72. ' '' ' r-i- Physicians and 8urgeons. , --t DR. A. UURSELI Spinologlst, Phy. slclan and . surgeon. Spinal adjust ntcntti, general treatments end ding noslB. 300-10-11 M. F. & IL- Bids. hjtevutor to intra noor. rmons . DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and surgoolj. Practice limited to eye, nnv nran nirl Ihrnnt' 1'lvftB sclcntlf- ically ' testod and glasses supplied. Oonllst and AuriBt for S. P. R. R. Co M. F. & 11. Co. lildg. 1'none 67.. DR. F. G.' CARLOW, DR. "EVA- MAINS . CARLOW Osteopathic Physicians. ! 41(5-417 Gnrhett-Corey"! 3I3gA Phone 904-L. Residence 20 SrXailrel J6. V DR.. wJ ; JJOWARD Osteopatnlo; PhyBician. special attention given tir "eye, isai1,' nose and throat. '303 Liherty hullding. Thone 496. ' " DR.-HARVEY P. COLEMAN Cairo-- practlo and .Natural Palnlosa iloth odSi Room 128. M. IY.& IL Bltlg, Phone 905. ' ' " ' ''' "- :. " JAMES c: , HAYES Physician , and Surgeon; office hours 11 to 12 a.-m., 2 to i, 7 to 8 p. m. Sparta huildlng; residence 1405 W. Main. . Phones: Offlco 6(13, res. 492. "Specialty," . Medical and Surgical Diagnosis, tl ' Dr. WM. V. P: HOLT Physician and ' Surgeon. Offices M. F. & 'H. Bldg. Phone 165. Resldenco 118 Genesea St. Phono 185-J-2.- ' DR. SC11EIJ-ER Osteopathic Physio". laiu- Kootns 4 1 ttoiiin urape. Printers and Publishers llElJl'Oltl) .PRINTING (U), has the bent eiiippod printing offlco In; Southern Oregon. . Hook binding, t loose icar leiigors, onnng systems, , etc. Portland prices. 27 N. Fir SU; Public Accountants ALAN BRACKINREED, Room ' 9 V. E. HAYES; Room ' 10 Jackson, County Bank Bldg. Accounts, fed eral tax returns, business counsel. ; . Rug Weaving. . . MEDFOlin 'KLT'FF RUU WORKS makes fltiff turs from old and worn, i cnriiets and rugs. Phone 610-M.t 70&-Plne St. ; Tent and Awning Work MEDFORD TENT AND AWNING : WORKS 12S N. Grape St. Phon. 443-Y. i B.t Rm-ger, Prop., : -,' . ' ' Transfei EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. ; Office 42 North Front St. Phone 315. Prices right. Service guar anteed.' ' ' - 'I ,,,- L- - - DAVIS TRANSFER Any thing moved day or-night. - Service guaranteed Fulr treatment. J04 S. Fir. Phone:i oiiice m or res, vtT-ii-?"?, y