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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1921)
MlODKOlii) MAIL TRT1J1TNR. fEDFORD,' OUTXiOX. WEDNESDAY. VFX.nrAKY T. W21 PACIH FIX . T- 1 t MRS. AKIN SUFFERED SINCE SHE WAS GIRL Portland Woman la Entirelv!o tK.,1 CHonl, rn- wucvcu ui ouu;udbu ble and Sheurnatism by j 1 c , iaZUEC, blie jayS. . 'T wish r-v.-rV lrlt rnrtn, woman and child In I'ortli;d kw;w what 4 I(now about Tanlac," Haiti Mr. H. O. .kin, of 4tib Maiden avf. Portland, Ore. "I RuTfvrvil from, Htuir.arh vrouhh jractical'y all my lif;. jVIu-n a tfU'l J waB dhvayw hothorvd with indtK'M- tlon nnd v.Uk h ad a h M. The pain.j m t lift pit of my rttomach wan Him ply awful, and oftt-n 1 had to Rut up in ihc nit;ht and walk around on account of the pretifHJJ-o of k;:k around my heart. My appetite wuh poor 'and I had to be? very careful about what I ate. I v,a:i i ' We Dot Not Rush the Work Nor there any arel!SKncfis'ih our prescription der partincnl." Skill, accuracy arid the best materials j.;&rc ysx.'d jn-foli.o.yirjg tlio Doctor's ordei-s. We giv.e you all 1 lie . service, possible. We fill your prescrip tions Jo th(! culire satisfaction of your Doctor and "(yourself. , HEATH'S DRUG STORE The San Tox Store ' 109 East Main Street. THE STAR IMEAT MARKET MEAT, FISH AND OYSTERS , Specials for Thursday and Friday Fresh Side Pork , . . . ...... Lamb Chops .... . . . . Hamburger Steak ................ Country Bacon . . . . . . . . , : We Have Lots of Smelt -' , 314 E. Main We Deliver Phone 273 GROWERS We will handle the best line of Spray Ma terials. . ( . ' ''' ; '' ' ARSENATE OF LEAD 0 BLACK LEAF "40" : : LIME SULPHUR . SPRAY OIL EMULSION You will save money by purchasing your re quirements from us. For terms and prices see Bard well Fruit Company Phone 124 Whse. 445 So. Fir St. SYMI'ATIII'lTIO SKIIYICH : .Rendered, la a Qulot Dignified manner at THE PERL FUNERAL HOME Your loved one Is taken Into tho Homo whoro there la alwayi tnnm ono Willi them. Our Residence la on tho Second Floor. ' AV6 are Licensed Kmbalmors and uro prepared to uinkq shipment to any part of this United states or Koreltcn Countries. We will tako complete churns ot any Service and mnko all nrrungemonta. I.ady Assistant, l'liono 47. . tirnor of Sixth and Onkdale." Ono Muck west of PoHtofflc. GRANTS PASS INTEUURIJAN I'iffoctlvo t)ctol)r 1M IJCAVK MKOKOHD. ' 1Q:00 a. m. . , 1:00 p. ra. i 4:30 P. m. Car atop at all Inlormodlate " Office and Waiting Kooma: Medford. B South Front. Nah Hotel Bldg... Phone 30. OranU Pass: The Uouoounlvr, Phon 180. . " Wb aiso operate atalce llnea from, Medford o Aahlaod. PhoeiiU. TalMiit, 'CalAral Point, Jacksonville. imdiy ?riin!d up with rhuumutj; ! could hardly walk and it wa. all H could do to turn my head. j -riit -a my condition when i be- ; K" taking- Tan lac and my Imjrrovt- Imtnt with fhe very firat' bottle win ! jimt wonderful. 1 continued to ttkq i ll until It iut an end to all ri.y ! trouhlcH. . - "Ever nlnce I have taken Tanlar: I i have Ihtcji a well and happy woman.. and even with the care of my baby I i do all my houHcwork and nvcr Ittvl tin-d. I have gained eonHidt-rably In weight and iV"l better than I ever ro- me mber feeling before. Tan lac 1 nold In Medford y Vost Hide I'harmacy, In Jack Hon vllle by J. W. ItoblriHon, In Koeue Hiver by V. S. Cary, and by leading druKhita in - every town. Adv. 8 20c .25c .20c .30c - MEDFORD AUTOCAR CO. point). -Dallj and Sundar. I.EAVK OltANTS PASS. 10:00 . m. ,', 1:00 p. m. . 4:30 p. m. NUTRITION CENTER FOR CHILDREN IN ASHLAND, GROWING ASHLAND, Feb. 16. The proficlch- cy with which the newly organized Child Care and Nutrition Center -is being conducted is being exemplified by clinics at Intervals. This new move ment 'was established by, the county nurse and home demonstration agent, and Is an outgrowth of the child con ference which was launched In this city during the Mid-Winter Fair last December. The gatherings are hefd In the basement of the city library on the second Saturday of each month. About, the time of the winter fair, nearly, thirty children, . "by proxy," successfully passed the entrance- ex aminations to this university of, hy giene and physical welfare. The suc cessive meetings held are for the pur pose of a clinical opinion ' as to tho relative gain made ,by the little ones under prescription as afforded by the Nutrition Center, and thus far results have more than Justified the wisdom of Introducing this practical phase of welfare effort . , . ' Ashland creek is a 111111 of beauty these dayB, Its heavy volumo of water during the ordinary winter season be ing augmented by the prevailing heavy rains and melting snows. Standing on its bunks, watching the full crest of tho overflow, one. cannot help con template extremes ns occurring In the water supply nt this Benson by. way of contrast with February and August. Those inclined to figures, so experts say, cati easily" demonstrate that the creek's flow at present Is the equiva lent of nearly 500,000 gallons every hour. The Free Methodists have recently concluded a month's revival effort con ducted both by locttl and Imported talent. . .. . Tlie local basketball game betwee'n alumni and pjsent day. members of the hlitli. school restdted in a victory for tho class of 1921. In the first heat tho nlumnl led 10 to 8, but the second halt wltnessod . their defeat by . the score of 25 to 20 In favor of' the regu lars. . Lately returned from San Francisco, pursuing civil service work, ICarl Dn huff has entered tho railway mall ser vlco on the Ashland Portland schedule.. Tho llapti'sl pustor preached a matri monial sermon last Sunday., evening, tho text being from the first epistle of Walter to'ABhlnnd maidens, reminding tliein of "The young man worth while, ;tlie kind a' young woman should marry.'; ' ' As representatives of young people's societies, Mabel Trott and Nellie, Uakq attended thq Christian JSndeavor con vention at Corvallis Inst week, repre senting the Presbyterian unit of that organization. Victims of the recent auto accident, which occurred near Jackson Hot Springs last Saturday, are recovering rroni nn oxporlence which well nigh might Jmvo proved a truspdy. Tlie party wore on tholr way to the Lincoln banquet at Medford, Including Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Looacley, Mr, nnd Mrs. J. M. Wugner, nnd Miss Lydla McCall Thoro was no collision with another moton but tho car swerved from its course,' colliding . with obstructions, several ot Its occupants being Injured, Mrs. Loosoley tp the extent of necessi tating her removal to the hospital. ' As an advance guard to tljo Y. M. C, A. movement thruout Jackson county, VVInfiold Scott Hall has been In-this vicinity of Into consulting with, .the chamber of commerce relative to spe cific phases of the wor.k In hand, also addressing high school pupils. The visitor- ranks as' an educational pro feasor, and Is connected with North western university, the noted center of learning In Chicago. . Mrs. Dr. Hedges, of Kverett, Wash., Is visiting old home surroundings here, b,oing greeted by scores of relatives and friends. Formerly Miss ICItty Jill Hon, sho Is well remembered In soclnl circles by tho resldonts or an earlier period In this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs.' A". A. Hropks, ot Evcr ott, Wash., wcro visiting old time mutual acquaintances last week, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Rogers, living on Walk er avenue. Tho visitors were on their way to California with thu objeetivo.of looming . there permanently. Mr. Ilrooks Is a cousin of tho late Rev. Phillips Ilrooks, noted divine, author and lecturer of New England, In his day. nnd generation ono of the most eminent of tho clergy in the Episcopal' or any other denomination. Tho visit ' Try Miisterole. See Hot? Quickly It Relieves Yon just rub Musterole In briskly, find usually tho pain ft gone a delicious, sootliinRcomlortrohiestotakeitsplace. Musterole is a clean, white ointment madewithoil of mustard; Use it instead of mustard plaster. Wilf not blister. Many doctors SridWirseause Muster ole and rocommejid'it to their patients. They will gladlyfcll you what relief it gives from sow' throat, bronchitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, congestion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lum bago, pains and aches of the back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, colds of tho. chest. Always dependable. May-Cloy, With Kolb & Dill, Page, Sun. "5 i, X. t V t r w-v ing Brooks Is a practical miller,' to the manner born as to that industry de veloped Hi a marked degree in his Xor- mer homo stule, Minnesota. : Funeral services of Mrs. Jennie Mee, who died In this eily.last Saturday, were held at the family homo on Sec ond street, Tuesday afternoon, inter ment being In ' Ashland coinotory. Members of the Eastern Star order at tended in a body. Tho deceased was the widow of thp late Frank Mee, nnd passed away after prolonged illness. Sho was, a member of tho well known Ilooth fiyiilly of tho Willamette section her father having been a noted pioneer minister of tlie gospel who pursued the calling thruout various localities in. Oregon. . . The'Flrst National bank, In addition to its chime clock and oilier burglar alarm devices, has supplemented these by the installation of Anakln locks on Its vault doors. Tho Citizens bunk bus added a second ledger and posting ma chine to Its bookkeeping dcpurtiiynt, a marvel In the way of automatically expediting w;oi:$ in the counting room. Not to bo outdone by tho . financial establishments,:-a freeholder on Baum street sometime since Installed n Rhode Island Red time' lock on his chicken house, which gathers the eggs from each trap nest, counts and mar kets 'em. . i The eternal trianclo Involved three realty deals lately, railroad men I being connected With all of them. Initially W. S. Eastman sold his Oak street ranch lo Torb Sanford, who in turn disposed of his residence proporty on High street to Geoerge . Gillette, who will move therein, renting his for-. mer home, next door, to Eastman. S. B. Powers, who for tho past few winters has been coming to Ashland with his W'lfe to pass the winters as a change from climatic Conditions In the Willamette died nt the Vondonio room ing house on .Tuesday.-- His remains were taken to ,Shedd, In Linn county, for interment. . . ' . Federal inspection of First company will , be souiewhut delayed this, year, and will not occur until all the other military units thruout the state have passed mustor. When It does take place, howover, the adjutant general of Oregon will bo remforced by Inspec tor-Instructor Duzenberry In the per formance of that duty. Nearly a dozen standard works, spe clfienlly dealing with yavious phases of education, are available to teachers and others at the city library, these volumes being Incorporated In a stan dard reading course. The Masonic order has decided not 'to purchaso tlie second story tooniB over the State , bank. However, the committee to whom the project wits re ferred, suggested tho feasibility of erenlng a third story tin the Masonic block proper, an improvement which was Incorporatted In the original plans when the building was enlarged about ten years ago, a substantial and need ed addition which should hare been mndo at that time when conditions were far more favorable. Job Tozer. having leased his old homestead on Laurel street, has gone to Petnlmna, Calif., to remain with his son Pert Indefinitely. AFTER ELEVEN DAYS WATJKEGAN, 111.. Fob. 15 . Miriam Rubin. S year old "talking glii" of Wuukeann suddenly stopped talking at noon today after sho had chattered al most continuously for eleven days.- The child appeared to be stronger anihmore refreshed today after sleep ing most of the night,, than she had since beng stricken with tho pmszllnt malady. Soon alter 11 n. m. she fell asleep and when she awoke thirfy-fivo minutes later sho talked only .when ad dressed or to ask tier nurse for water. Her toinjwratui-o returned to normal. Sugar wn3 introduced into America by the Spaniards iu 10-0. J-fTT, f Hi -i. j 4 t fit - 7 jt ret j 2W ' t y s SAIV1S VALLEY IS TIRtB TO DEATH HER SAMS VAbLS. Feb. 15. .The con- ttnuoun rains are very donpnliing to j our farmers and also to those travel-) ins the highways. Several times the J roads hnve diiedsufftriently to give hopes of soon seeing the road work ers out when within a few hours timo wo 'find, ourselves floating, in' lakeq. 1 However," we hope!, to see something done 'soon, as our roads ara a dis grace. According t& the location they are the poorest in tho country and yet wo hnve somo of the heaviest -tax payers therein, who are anxious to see 'a fair portion - of tho . county's money expended here-,or at least enough, that the roatjs i may be pass able, if nothing else.; .It is often a thrice dally occurrence for. a car to men labor..'" - be pulled from the 'mud by teams or A snappy play, entitled "All a Mis- ... take" will ho given at the Vpilhite hall, Sams Valley, February 19 under tho auspices of the Ladies Industrial club, v Tho eight characters all play an important part In mixing things up in a way that proves true to the title arid it is .expected that all tho witnesses will get their money's worth whon attending this play.. -'' A small charge of 2jc for adults I'ntiri 1 fie fiir fliUHrnn t ntttoA tlm fund "to goR furnishing the assembly hall of the new school" building, Mrs. M.- E. oi'dner, wh6 han been suffering for some-.time from blood pressure was to be taken "to Mod ford last week to. tho home of Mrs. Reaiyes to no nearer tno doctor s am. it Mrs. Gardner improves sufficiently, she will leave with h,er sister, Mrs. Shat- toek, for the hitter's home in- San Francisco. Mrs. (Sardncr'a househ'.-lti furnlHhingH as , well as one of . her 'jliomes here, was disposed? of. prepara tory io inis mange, . The Uulovson family, who lately purchased the Miller homo -for the sum of $8000' arc now permanently located in their new home. .Mr. and M'WB. Miller still reside in one of the homos-on tho ranch, where, shb will remain until fully decided on their new location. , Miss Ketta Edington has made' sev eral viMts to a Medford dentist lately, where she succeeded in getting some necesMary work completed. Miss Mario and AVni. Straus attend ed the hard time ball given at kaglo t'oint Saturday night. Mrs. J, A. Cook and Mrs. Brown, we are sorry to report are both on the sick list this week. ' -Throughout the community, deep sympathy -was felt for Mr. and Mrs. Charles IMpes over, tho loss of their son. I-owel, who passed away recently at their Willow SpringVi home. They all wero residents of this district many years where they were highly thought of. BETTER THAN Thousands Have Discovered Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets Are a Harmless Substitute ' Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablet3 are the' result of Dr. Edwards' determination not to treat liver and bowel complaints v.ith fcalomel. For 17 years he used these tablets (a vegetable compound mixed with olive oil) in his private practice with great success. They do all the good that calomel docs but have no bad after effects. No pains, r.o griping, no injury to the pirns or uansjcr i'rom acid foods vet they stimulate tlie liver and bowels.' Take Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets when you feel "logy" and "heavy. ' Note how they clear - 'it' Vrn a.-vl perl; u;j tlie spirits. GOOD CLOTHES I Make Them KLEIN TAUjOR ISvS Lost iUa St, . ' Simply and tersely stated, Motheb's iirpUes a Jnena ana neip io mwjit".. ; ;; It has been made and sold for more than half a, century. If it did cot possess the value claimed for it, Mother's Friend could not possibly remained on the market. For only that which, is really worth while aod beneficial can survive. ,, '- The mothers who appreciate Mother's Friend the most, and who ate loiiijt in their praise of it, are those who unfortunately did not use it with their first baby, and who, through its use with the second one, were able to fully realize the relief it gave them. " ' DIDN'T EVEN NEED THE DOCTOR "Dear Sirs: I om willing anil nur.lov.a to tell nnr mother, bout Mothci's Feuxd. It did nie so mud) guod tbut J irouldnt be without it If It cost IS.00 a bottle. With my first two children I had a tfortor end a nnro and then U:ey tad to use instrument but with my Tail two children . 3' only had a burse: we Ind no lime to get a doctor be cause I wasn't very sick ai:d only silf about tea or fllteen . minutes. . , ... , ' . "Any mother enn write mo nnd I will on.y be too glac to rive her ndviee. Vou trulj jxMAM, -IJ Palm St, Scranton, Pa. SICK ONLY THREE HOURS, "MOTHER'S FRIEND" USED, COMPARED WITH FOUR . DAYS SUFFERING WITHOUT IT "Before "using Mother'! Fweno I suffered from VTednes il ay 'till Sunday. With my next child I liesd Mot'Iiev'u 1-riend ana waa sick omy uuouc rnreo noure. , ' MKS. OLIVE VANDES, 10 Grape St, Oalllpolij, 0. ..... For eatuahle iooVcf "MOTHERHOOD and The Baby" free, ill tn coupon bdov and mail direct to mak.uj cf Mother's Friend. ' , WARNING: - Jlootcl using plain oth, gieata and subiiUutct theu ad only on the ekjn and may ceuwe ham without doing good, , . . i . . ' . ' ; Used by Expectant Mothers : for Three Generations. - Health and . Happiness for Women good health, strive after happiness as she will accept tlie advice of thousands of women, who have been benefited, she will take Dr. J. Bradlield'a Female Regulator a tonic for women and for troubles peculiar to their sex, which has been sold by drug stores for more thanoOyeut Dr. J, Bradfield's Female Regulator is put up in S1.00 bottles. . - ill . - ,n hi MRS. HOUSEWIFE Do ybu. realize that'' prosperity- depends largely upon yOUR. good judgment? Wheii you buy Qregon-raade." produets you help keep some payroll going and the 'prosperity, of j'oui-. own family groving.' The women do 90 of the buying, Yet; we find by those ''Nationalized'' accounts at the Fii'st National that an ever. increasing,' per cent also do the saying. , " fie First Naitoi flRFORD YOU CAN GET MOST ANY OLD THING AT MOST ANY OLD TIME AT DE VOE 8 ill . .. THE li N I V E R S A L. C AB ' ; I 1 j The Ford Sedan V ' ' I il l " "n ','a, c'"' t'", .entire family tolitlllc nwj " III I ' day In the year, ltoomy and comfortable entirely III I llll - enrloscd hud wnini In whiter, open nnd cool in ; III H ill ' fi"",m,'' " liosfesses the beauty, nnd luxury of 111 B HI an eleelric wilh the (liiiability aul econl)uy of the HI I llll .' "0 In nnd see this nevr sechui youiH bo 1m- ' III I - pressed. ' iiuve. n tleinoiistiiitlon and you will he III H llll convinced that this car represents the most piac- III H llll . ticnl motor value in the liht car field., . ... HI . ' rC. E. GATES AUTO CO. , J.-" ' ' II ?- Cor. atctii avj Ul3liW''-T Friend is just exactly vvh:d the oin, r '3 BRADFIELD RECULATOR CO, ., Dept. 28. Atlanta, Ca. PleasA send me yaur FREE booltJ let ca MOTHERHOOD and Th. BABV. Name sLLLJ-.'ji' swr. f. D-.u-i-i.I-Jl-I' Town , ,.St.t...... may. it is bevond her reach. If hi OREGON Plumbing and Heating Quality . Sorvice Wm! Hammett .42 S. Central Phone 659 U c ft.1 oniei t tl hail 000 erj uti Picl Asti Jam T Is i he plai thr slm Thi to I pas rln edi the an mc no wi At thi in; '1