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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1921)
, , I MEDtWD MATL TRIBUNE, MEDFOUD, OTiP'flON. THURSDAY, FKP.RUARY n, 102t PAGE FTVFJ Livestock ; 'PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 3. Cattle nominally steady; receipts 16. Quo tations unchanged. ' Hobs lower; receipts 205. Prime light IU&11.25; smooth heavy, $10. 56 i,U; rough $79.25; fat pigs, $10 ; 11.26; feeder $10 11.25. . Sheep steady; receipts 236. Quo tations unchanged. 1': Butter ; VPOTtTLAND, Ore.. Fob. 3. Butter firm. Extra cubes 40c; cartons 4Gc: prints 45c; half box lots half cent njoro; less than half box lots lc more. .' Butterfat No. 1 churning cream 43 '46c f. o. b., Portland. CHICAGO. Feb. 3. Pnttlnir a ban nn the use of Argentine quotations here tended today to give an advantage to bulU In the wheat market,! but the ef fect failed to last. Notice of a. bank ruptcy in the New York, flour trade had a depressing influence. Opening quotations, which varied from un changed figures to 1'c higher, with Aiarch $1.66 to $1.57 aud May $1.4614 to i-47 wore followed by setbacks all nrouiid to well under yesterday's close. Corn after opening c off to a like advance, including May at 65 to 65 c hardened somewhat and then under went a genera! Bag. Oats, starting unchanged to a shade lower, then scored moderate gains and later headed downgrade. Higher1 quotations on hogs gave firm ness to provisions. N. -Y. Stocks - NEW YORK, Feb. 3. Tight monoy and an absolute lack of public inter est ;. characterized today's stock mar- i 'ket, leaders showing declines of 2 to 6 points. Sales approximated 500,.- 000 shares. Allis-Chalmers 33.6 .American Beet Sugar 41.5 American Can 29.3 American Car & Foundry 120.7 American Hide & Leather pfd. 40.8 American International Corp. 43. American Locomotive ., 81.5 lAmerican Smelting & Rcf'g. .. 41.2 American Sugar 9(i. American Sumatra Tobacco .. 78.7 :Amcrlcan T. & T 'American Woolen 05. Anaconda Copper 38. .Atchison . . . 81.2 Atl., ulf & W. Indies Cl.f. Baldwin Locomotive 86.7 'Baltimore & Ohio 33. iBothlehem Steel "B" 65. Canadian Pacific 115.2 .Central.. Leather 39.2 Chandler Motors. 00.2 Chesapeake & Ohio , 5S. Chicago, Mil. and St. Paul ... (',, 7 Chicago, R. I. & Pac 25.8 " Chino Copper ... .'. ......... " 22. Colorado Fuel & Iron 29. Corn Products C!. Crucible Steel S9.S Cuba Cane Sugar 21.3 Erie 23. General Electric 127.2 General Motors 14.5 Goodrich Co,, ................ 40.3 Great Northern pfd 76. Great Northern Ore Ctfs. (bid) 28. B Illinois Central 88. r. Inspiration Copper 34.3 Int. Mcr. Marine Marino pfd. .. 50. International Paper 57. Kennecott Copper 19. Louisville & Nashville ' 897 Maxwell Motors 5,2 Mexican Petroleum ..; 153.8 Miami Copper (bid) 18.5 Mlddlo States Oil 13.2 MIdvale Steel 30. 5 Missouri Pacific g'j New York Central 70.2 N. Y., N. H. and allrtford ... 19.6 Norfolk & Western 98. Northern Pacific 84.7 i'Oklahonia Prod. &. Ret. 3.5 Pan American Petroleum 72.2 Pennsylvania 4 0. .People's, Gas . . ....... . 36. "Pittsburg and West Vu. 2 8.7 iRay Consolidated Copper 13.6 , Heading .. . ... . . , , 80.0 'Hop.1 Iron & ''Steel..' .64.6 Royal Dutch,!?,". -T. ... ... .... . 69. Shell Trans. & Trnd 38.5 Sinclair Con. Oil 22.6 Southern Pacific 95. Southern Railway 21.7 Standard Oil of N. J. pfd 108.5 Studebaker Corporation 66. Tennessee Copper 8.2 Texas Co. ..'..' , 42.2 Texas & Pacific 22. Tobacco Products 63. Transcontinental Oil '....' 9. Union Pacific 118. II. S. Food Products 22.6 X). S. Retail Stores 63.5 It. 8. lnd Alcohol 67. United States Rubber 67.6 United Slates Steel 81.3 Utah Copper 55.6 Westing-house Electric 44. ' Willy's Overland 7.3 American Zlnz, Lead and Sm. . . 8.5 Butte and Superior (bid) .... 13. Cala. Petroleum -. . . 33. Mdntnna Power 53.5 Shattuck Arizona 6. Pure Oil . . 34.5 Invincible OH , 24.2 General Asphalt 64.5 His Trouble Is All Gone "I was affected with pains all over my bac,k and kidneys," writes Charles McAllister, 1 Clark Ave., Kearney, N. J. "After three or four doses of Foley Kidney Pills I became all right and my pain Is all gone." Foley Kidney Pills relieve backache, urinary Irregular ities, rheumatic pains, Btlft Joints, swollen muscles and other symptoms of kidney trouble. It is a splendid medicine, prompt in action, and always helps. Contains no habit forming drugs. Sold everywhere. Adv. Card of Thanks We wish to thank the many friends and neighbors, who were so very Icind to us In our recent during the loss of wife and mother. Also for the beautiful flowers. GEO DAYTON FRANK LAWRENCE AND FAMILY CLAUD LAWRENCE AND FAMILY MRS. GEO. AUSTIN AND FAMILY. 1 2W MOTHER! "California Syrup of Figs" Child's Best Laxative 1 Accept "Calltorma" 5yiup of Figs only look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harmless physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Children love its fruity taste. Full directions on each bottle. You must say "Cali fornia." Adv. Medford will have another up-to-date ladies' ready-to-wear store to be located in the room now occupied by the G. L. Treiohler Motor Co., in the Liberty building. It will be known as the Colonial, will be opened about March 1 with a complete lino of new spring goods by Mr. and Mrs. John Olmslead. Mrs. Olmstoad has had considerable experience in this lino recently with a large establish ment in San Diego, Calif. They own their own home in Medford, have great faitll in the valley and the city and have never been satisfied else where since they sold their former business here a few years ago. WATKINS WARBLES A heavy wind visited this region about a week ago and shook many of the buildings along the river. About four Inches of snow fell in a few hours Saturday and much more In the higher mountains. Pat Swayne has made several bus ness trips to the valley lately. Etta Winnlngham has returned home after an extended visit In south ern California. John Byrne dehorned his cattle at Pat Swayne's ranch last weak. Mr. and Mrs, Mark Winningham drove to town on business. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Lewis of Pros pect are visiting relatives 011 the river. Polly Watkins has been quite ill the past week. ELK CREEK Mr. and Mrs. Jene Howell left Sat urday for tboir vacation. They in- tond to visit Mrs. Howell's father, who is very poorly. Mrs. S. W. Hutchinson spent Satur day and Sunday of last week in Med ford. A seven-pound girl arrived at the home of Mr. and Mih. Oscar Stewart Wednesday, January 26. - Mr. Ralph Watson is cutting wood for the Stewart brothers this week. Mr. Floyd Hutchinson has been appointed assistant fish culturist at the U. S. fisheries stationed just above Trail, Ore. Mr. Thomas, who is on the Ryan place, has been hauling hay from the Todd ranch. A. F. ii. A. M. Special Communication Med y foid Lodge No. 103, Friday evening, February 4th, 7 p. m. Work In F. C. degree. By order of the W. M. L. E. WILLIAMS, Secy. 270 Notice To all my friends I wish to announce that I have a shoe-shining parlor in Brown and Brown's. Try me out. Prompt attention given all work sent In by ladles. RAY RLACKBURN. 270 : STOMAGHJJPSEJ? Get at the Real Cause Take Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets That's what thousands of stomach sufferers are doing now. Instead of taking tonics, or trying to patch up a poor digestion, they are attacking the teal cause of the ailment clogged liver and disordered bowels. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets arouse the liver in a soothing, healing way. IVhen the liver and bowels are per forming their natural functions, away goes indigestion and stomach troubles. Have you a bad taste, coated tongue, poor appetite, a lazy, don't care feeling, no ambition or energy, trouble with undigested foods? Take Olive Tablets, the substitute for calomel, Dr- Edwards' Olive Tablets are a purely vegetable compound mixed with olive oil. You will know them by their iSive color. They do the work without griping, cramps or pain. Take one or two at bedtime for auick relief. Eat what vou like FAT PEOPLE GET THIN Whf bt wttTot wjwn Tm mUM Mill rrtae 10 to CO pourxll. (wi.ltMff rci nml Wl bj Uio mnirtu'.rr nfnt. ir. mitie Kmin m. !? VM fl '! Oit taill ! 01 KORfIN ubul ttWMH.oevd tftrnt tl UM druMUO foi 0 dlm-uaui unJr ,4u-ff)intl futrtnleo. BrosKuro Wll to mtIM tou f RES by KOftd M., H It !!! X.N TffL N. T. Last Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Elden entertained informally for Mrs. Elden's sister, Miss Millcent King of Rockford, III. Miss King is an army nurse, and since her return from over seas has been stationed at Camp Grant. She has been transferred to the Philippine Islands and was here on a five days furlough from San Fran cisco from which point she sails for Manila on Feb. 5th. Miss King's many friends regret her short, stay here. There were a number of impromptu affairs given in her honor.v She was'a dinner guest nt the J. W. Eldon's on Sunday, and Monday Mrs. J. W. Birk holz gave a delightful luncheon. Miss King related many interesting reminiscences from her wonderful ex periences on the Mexican border and in France and other army campB. W. A. Thompson is having his barn remodeled and more storage space added so as to havo room for tho com ing hay crop. The many friends of Mrs. Clyde Richmond will bo glad to hear that there is a decided improvement in her condition. Mrs. Richmond's sister, Mrs. J. A. Wood of Independence, Ore., came last week to remain until she re gains her strength. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bowman have had as a house guest for tho past week Mr. Bowman's cousin, Mrs. Nelsou of Denver, Colo. Mrs. Nelson has spent the winter in southern California. She left here Wednesday morning enroute for home by the way of Portland. O. S. Welcher and Wm. Bonhart arc busily engaged in hauling gravel in an attempt to keep their heads above water. Sam Anderson who was ill some time ago with pneumonia, has never fully recovered. He is still confined to his bed part (if the time and is very weak. CORNS . Lift Off with Fingers Doesn't hurt a bit ! Drop a little "Freezone" on an aching corn, instantly that corn stops hurting, then shortly you lift it right off with fingers. Truly ! iifour druggist sells a liny bottle of "Freezone' for a few cents, sufficient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and the calluses, without soreness or irritation. Notice of Private Sale Notice is hereby given that tho undersigned by authority of an order made and entered by the Honorable G. A. Gardner, Judge of the County Court of Jacltson County, Oregon, on the 12th day of January, A. D. 1921, will on or after the 25th day of February, 1921 at his office in Jackson County Hank In Medford, Oregon, proceed to sell the real property belonging to tho estate of Jane Carroll, deceased, at private sale to the highest bidder for cash sub ject to the approval and confirmation of the said Court, and said real pro perty is described as follows, to-wlt: lot No. 4 in Mock No. 25 of the Old Plat of the Town (now City) of Med ford, Oregon. GKORGE It. MNDLEY, . Executor of the Last Will and Testa ment of Jane Carroll, Deceased. 18 Acres Bear Creek Bottom IRRIGATED Pear Orchard Fine Home Place IT IS NOW Paying The Price Is Right $7600.00 YOU Better See This BECAUSE IT'S THE BEST OF SOIL. IT IS ON PAYING BASIS. IT IS CLOSE TO MEDFORD. IT HAS LOW PRICED WATER. Page-Dressier Co. Phone 282 Nash Block For Any Kind of Real Estate The Best Fire Insurance 1 ra i ui-it 1 0 11 ur ri 1 AlOMZOQ.BUSJ fORTKH'T AND WHftTUFIE ON ' OF T8LETS Over 1 Million TabteH Taken Daily If you want to have food health, feel vigorous, and have that heulthy complex ion,. Vou must keep your Kidneys, Liver, and bowels free from impurities. If they have ceased to function properly take BLISS NATIVE HERBS TABLETS, a cathartic made of roots, herbs, and barkaX. They do not cause harsh griping pains, or leare you with that tired exhausted feeling. MONEY BACK GUARANTEE in each bo. 4. O. BLISS CO- WASH.. D. C f LOST LOST--Between EhrIo Point and Kceso creek on Tuesday, Feb. 1st. my overcoat. The finder please leave It at Geo. Brown & Sons' store or at my camp on Reese Creek, R. U. Price, Eagle Point, Ore. Ii70 LOST Sunday night, black hamlba containing money and chock, on Twelfth, Newtown or Dakota Ave. Return to Dakota Ave., reward. 209 LOST Thoroughbred Hereford bull, branded AM connected with bar under it on left hip. Kinder notify H. A. Meyer, Lake Creek. 271 WAX TBI) SITUATIONS WANTED Position as foreman on orchard by experienced orchardisl. I)ox 73, It. H. No. 3. I'bono 571-R-3. t,. 274 WANTED Hy lS-year-old boy, situa tion, any kind of work. Address l!ox P. H. L., Tribnno. 270 WANTED Any kind of work for boy 11 after school and Saturdays, with . or without wheel. Box 46, Mail Tri bune. - 270 WANTED Typist desires poslllon; knowledge of dictaphone. Insuranco experience. Phono 620. 270 WANTED Position as camp cook for small crew of men. llox C, Mail Tri bune. 270 WANTED Dy man and wife position on farm or as motor truck driver P. It-, Mail Tribune. 2611 WANTED Work by experienced cook and housekeeper. Call at 227 E Ninth St., cor. Hartlett. 270 where in valley. Am prepared to do uee giaiuuK mis sprum. .;iareuce Pankey, Central Point, Oregon. 270 HUM WANTKl) FKUAIjK WANTED A second maid. Phono 171 Mrs. Den Sheldon. tf WANTED Good cook, no washing, good wages. Phone 941. Mrs. Geo. A. Mansfield. ( 271 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED 500 Medford women to ox change their old machines for latest model "Singers" at the new low price. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 10 S. Fir. Phono 215-R. 294 WANTED From owner, a 5 or 6 room modern bungalow; east side preferred. Ans. Box 44, Mail Tri bune. 269 WANTED To buy milk bottlos. Phone 6S5-H-3. 270 WANTED Old sewing machines to repair and adjust. Phono , 215-R. . .. 294 WANTED To buy good socontl hand writing dosk. Address Dosk, care Mail Tribune, stating kind of desk, where it can be seen, price, etc. 269 WANTED Now is the time to do rose pruning and spring gardening. Have your work done by un experienced man. Phono 00C-J. 273 WANTED To buy stock hogs. Phono 332-Y, Ashland. Welborn Beeson. 272 WANTED To buy alfalfa hay, In vicinity of Jacksonville. J. A. M care Mall Tribune. 270 WANTED To trade melody grand piano, mission Btylo, for good team and harness. Phono 371-R-3, Ashland. 271 WANTED Nicely furnished house; must have four bedrooms. Box 25, Mail Tribune. 271 WANTED Good clean, rags. Medford Printing Co. WANTED Shoe repairing while you wait at the "Model Boot Shop." 21 S. Central Avo. Quick service, quality work. E. N. Bldon, prop. WANTED House moving and re pairing. Phono 488-M or 488-X. t: MONEY TO LOAN TO LOAN J. B. Andrews loana money on real eatate and buys mortgages and Liberty bonds. Phone 63-M. 11 North Grape street. MISCELLANEOUS WE HAVE 'E.I Surprlso pear, Japan root. Trees, flowers, shrubs, berries. Yakima Valley Nursery Co., A. S. Abbott, local salesman, Medford. 272 Used Automobiles For Sale One Ford Delivery $185 One Chevrolet Touring $490 One Maxwell Touring....$650 One Studebaker Six Touring $750 One Oakland Touring $1200 Tumy Motor Co. 109 S TTfATif Of KOK Illi-VT I-I KMSIIKD liOO.MS KOK RENT Large comfortable sU'ep paiu I-701-J. 2i'.'.i ins rooms, newly papered and cd. 3-u S. Riverside. Phone TO KENT Uoom with bath. Will Kive two moals, home privilege to riKht party. Jl. 1!., care Mail Tri bune. 270 KOIt RENT Lodging rooms. -101 K nun St. airs. J. Jtent. 2ii FOIl KENT Furnished sleeping rooms sj.imi per week. 440 S. Front. Phone 930-It. 272 FOU KENT Uirgo outside sleeping room wnn stove. 2-'2 B. Holly. Phone 217-1,. 20S' FOU KENT Sleeping room. 315 S Itivorside. 271 FOU RENT Sleeping rooms. hot and cold water, balh any time; use of wasli tub and iron. Large gar age; ono block from library. No. 604 W. Tenth. FOK RENT TYVRMS FOU RENT Ranch 1G0 acres, 80 in cultivation, all fenced. Money rent. bee O. M. Cornltius, phono Gll-J. 271 Hill S.U.H UKAT KKTATK A REAL INVESTMENT SNAP Two story, 11 room house. Rented in apartments and all apartments rent ed. Path and electric lights. Clone In. $1500 cash will buy it. Pays big interest. See me at once about this. Lindas, 235 E. Main St. FOR SALE Soven room modern house on W. Main, has two sleeping porches, largo lot, garage. See K. II. Janney, phono 41 or 730-L. 272 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE for cattle, eight acres irrigated, with buildings, close in. W. E. Mann, R, R. 4. 271 FOR SALE Furnished 6-room hotiso. bath complote, woodshed, large screen porch, garago. Tortus, $3250. 5- rooni house, toilet, bath. Terms, $2150. 6- room house on paving all clear, $2500. C. S. DUTTEUFIELD. Phone 216. . 269 FOR SALE OR RENT Furnished cot tage, from owner. 209 W. Jackson St. 269 FOR SALE Dungalows and cottages. See us before purchasing. Medford Land & Insurance Agency, 220 W. Main. tr FOR SALE Small alfalfa ranch, irrl gated. Ideally suited for chickens and small dairy ranch. 27 acres 2000 dollars. 1 miles from Talent. Phone 332-Y, Ashland. Wolborn Deoson. 272 FOR SALE Six room modern home. on pavement. Garago, chicken house and yard, fruit and shade troes, bor ries, corner lot, oast front, all assess ments paid, price $2800. Call fore noons, on week days only. 423 Reatty St. 271 FOU SALE Nice home. Bunenlow built-in features, 5 rooms. Modern conveniences. Terms. 618 Bentt.v St., Medford. 269 FOR SALE 25 acres, 314 miles northeast of Medford. Sultahlo for fruit, berries, vegetables or poultry. Good buildings. E. A. Brumbaugh, Route 3, Box 143. 271 FOR SALE 18 acres on Jacksonville boulevard opposite Oak Grove school houso. Price $2500. Address Nood ham & Purely, Lyons, Kansas. 273 FOR SALE Good ranches. See us fooforo buying. J. B. Andrews, 31 tl. Grape St. Phono D3-M. tf FOR SALE Least, ana exchange real estate. Gold Ray Realty Company. FOR SALE Houses and unngalows furnished or unfurnlshod; also acreage. C. B. Buttorfiold, phone FOB BALH LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Team of big sound inules one female Airdalo. MiraviHta Orch ard, 597-J-3. FOR SALE Two thoroughbred Ches ter White cows. Weight about 150 lbs. Guy M. Martin, 5 miles south west of Medford, on Griffin Creok . 270 FOR SALE One small maro, dandy single aud double. Driver. Also 3 .year old Hereford bull. Phono 19-X-10, box 105, Eaglo Point. 272 FOR SALE Fresh Jorsoy cow. Wag ner llntto Orchard. Phono 14-F-4. 272 FOR SALE 50 head of lambs in good condition. L. D. Tucker, Brownsboro, ore. 271 FOR SALE Twenty of tho finest milch cows in southern Oregon. Will sell separately. Also new DeLaval Separator. Walsh's place, one mile northeast of Medford, on Crater Lake road. 287 TAKEN CP- TAKEN UP Black heifer, white face. both ears swallow worked aud under bit. Brand right hip 2L under bar. Phone 597-.I-3. BUSINESS INSURANCE Ajfflnt mlfltakcH, lnakn and Iohhok, in avallablo to you by tho use of SYSTEM, our bufncn INCOME TAX Returns correctly prepared. Bookkeeping and other business difficulties satisfactorily adjust ed. Consult ua. 7 Aud'tlna Accourtltj SJ MSTCfWRVICEip; gjf Irvsurarvce lrvestmeilsy sr. p, Phone ftHI SC'IIMITT, Mgr. Liberty lllilsr. FOR SAMO Misci;i.i,AN'uors FOR SALE S used "ilrophead" sew ing machines in A-l shape. 10 S. Fir Phone 215-11. 271 FOR SALE Dining room set. two Wilson rugs, two rocking chairs. Phone S27-1I. 271 FOU SALE Unit' Knelt hatching eggs. Phono 930-Y. 271 FOR SALE High scoring Light, ilrali mas. Call C. Cary, 10-F-ll or address Talent. 2S0 FOU SALE A ono horse power gaso line motor of .Maytag intiko. Has not been used much. Demonstration gladly given. Just the thing for run ning washing machine, emery wheel nunin or other light machinery. Also one gas range in fine condition Phone 906-J. 209 FOR KALE Rbodo Island Red aud White Leghorn cockerels; also good onions 2c. Onions to plant lc. F. II Dressier, Phone 951-L. 270! FOR SALE Thoroughbred Barred Rock cockerels. Mrs. A. E. Stratum, Medl'ord, Ore. 500-J-l. 273 FOR SALE 100 tons alfalfa hay. good feed yard, on Applegate. F. E. Schneider, Jacksonville, Ore. 273 FOU SALE Home grown alfalfa seed, 25c a lb. Re-cleaned, no dodder. Phone 5-F-4. 271 FOU SALE Large Mallard drake. Phono 590-Y. 269 FOU SALE Underwood typewriter, Just, overhauled, ?45. Call 1SS-W evenings. 26S 'OR SALIC Good piano. Phone 757. 270 FOR SALE All kinds Capital City nursery stock. W. H. Simpson, 401 E. Fifth, Medl'ord. Phono 3S7-11, will call. 269 FOR SALE Alfalfa bay $20.00. Gold Range Ranch. Zi2 FOR SALE Hay and chunk wood. Phone o-F-4. 269 FOR SALE Turkoy goblors. Call 271 7-F-ll. FOR SALVr Whito Leghorn cock. .!.!..,, ....tan ,r!n.. nnnbnrnl 1 f fowl show 1920. Price $16.00; also prize winner pen same show, price $20.00. These are easy worth $50.00 each. RihhnnR lrn wftli liit-dg. 1 nlso have some cockerels: and pullots from above Dirus mat t win sen reasonauio. can J. Drommer, phone 5S9-J-2. 277 FOR SALE Phonograph nt big dls count. Plays all rocords. Automatic stop. Phono 691-J. 269 FOR SALE All kinds of wood nnd kindling wood. Phono 019-J or tsua. Ray Blackburn. . 270 FOR SALE Rhode Island Rod and White Leghorn setting eggs; also few cockerels. Ernest Webb, Contral Point. . 270 FOR SALE Second crop nlfalfa hay baled. Ernest Webb, Central Point. 270 FOR SALE A small size piano in good condition going at $195.00 at Palmer s Piano Houso. 270 FOR SALE Ono wagon, 1 Bmall build ing 10 ft. x 20 ft. sultnblo for garago 1 light auto trailor, 1 1920 Maxwell truck used 11 months, 1 1920 Huff man truck used 7 months. Call 528-J or 889-M, Wiseman & Sclicffel. tf FOR SALE Ono coal heator, 1 bicy cle, 1 rofrigorator, 1 writing table, all In good condition. Phono 6I1-J-5. Vl 270 FOU SALE Dry clean planing mill blocks. Phone 631. 269 FOU SALE Good manznnlla wood Phono 1-F-M, $1.00 at ranch, $5.00 dclivorod. Good measure. 2b9 FOR SALE Red oats for spring sow lng. heavy yiolder. Phono 403-X-2 .269 FOR SALE A tew High grade White Leghorn cockerels. W. J. Warnor, Phono 696-M. FOU SALE 200 pair now shoos nt con.. Second-hand shoos aud shoo repairing at tho Medford Shoo Hos pital, 119 E. Sixth St., Medford,,.. FOR -SALB Oitk Heights Tancred leghorn chicks, $18 per hundred Kggs $5.00. Dressier. Snunro-Deal Electric Hatchery. Phone 951-L. 283 FOR SALE L. C. Smith typewriters, Dalton Adding Machines, Check Writers, ribbons, carbons and pa pers. All makes typewriters bought, sold, exchanged, rented and re paired. Valley Sales Agency, Sparta Bldg., Phone 188-W. tf FOR SALE Good truller. 113 S. Frout, FOR SALE The Valley Fuel Co. carries the best selection In the city of all kinds of fuel, gives prompt service, and will meet all competition. Why buy elsewhere; Phone 76. tl I'Oll SALE One 6-ttorBe Aimo sta tionary engine, like new, $225 One 5-foot orchard disk, used one Benson, $5 0, One 8-foot orchard disk, used one season, $75. One 10-lnch gang plow, just like new $75. C-B. Gates Auto Co. tt KOK SALE Sand, gravel, sediment and dirt. , Plowing and teaming vork done. Phone 912-J, Samuel Bateman, 802 Maple street. AUTOMOMLES FOU SALE ;Cheap, Maxwoll roadster In good condition. Phone 735-M. 27 BARGAINS FORD TOURING ;.1.$275.00 FORD TRUCK With covered body, cab and windshield. Practically new $700 Patton and Robinson, Inc. Tel 10 U So. RJvenide BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Abstractors. MURRAY PROS. & VAN VORIS Abstracts of Title. Rooms 3 and 5, No. 22 North Contral Ave., upstairs. JACKSON COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY Incorporated 1904. Ab stracts of Title, Title Insurance. Auto Supplies LAHER AUTO SPRING CO. We are operating the largest, oldest and best-equipped plant In the Paciflo northwest. Use our sprlng3 when others fall. Sold under written guarantee. 31 North Fifteenth St., Portland, Oregon. Attorneys. PORTER J. N10FF Attorney-at-law. rooms 8 and 9, Medford National Dank Huildlng. . E. REAMES Lawyer, Garnett Corey Building. O. C. HOGGS Real estate law Jnd settlement of estates a specialty. II. F. LINDAS Attorney. General Practice. Patents a specialty. 31 N. Grape St. Building Material. MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK & BLOCK WORKS specialize In all kinds of cement building product. Cor. Fir and Tenth streets. Chiropractor. DR. A. BURKLUND Chiropractor. Spinal Adjustments. 204-205 SparU Bldg., cor. Main and,. Riverside-. Office phone 285. ',' Dentist DR. V. R. KAUFMAN, Dentist. Office In Sparta Building, ornce nours 1o 12 a. m 1 to 5 p. m. Evenings by appointment. Phone 285. Expert Accountant. WILSON AUDITING CO. E. M. Wit son, C. P. A. Attention given to. anything in Accounting and Income Tax requirements. Look into onr simplified accounting method. Lib erty Bldg., Medford. Phone 15T-R. IVAN LIVINGSTON! Incorporated Accountant. Auditing, Systematiz ing, Financial and Income Tax State ments. Address Sll S. Sixth St., Grants Pass, Ore. 271 Fidelity and Surety Bonds FIDELITY AND SURETY. BONDS Wo execute all formB of bonds. McCurdy Insurance Agency. tf' Instruction In Music. FRED ALTON HAIGHT Teacher of piano and harmony. Height Muslo studio,. 318 Garnett-Corey Building Phone 72. . ' - Physicians and 8urgeons. DR. A. BURSELL -Spinologist, ;Phy. slclan and surgeon. Spinal adjust-: monts, general treatments and diag nosis. 309-10-11 M. F. & H. Bldg. Elevator to third floor. Phone 29. DR. J. J. EMMKNS Physician and surgeon. Practice liniltod to eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes scientif ically tested, and glasses supplied. Oculist and Aurlst for S. P. R, R. Co. M. F. & H. Co. Bldg. Pnone t67. DR. F. O. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic. Physicians. 416-417 Garnott-Coroy Bldg. Phone D04-L. .Rosldonco 26 S. Laurol St. DR. W. V. HOWARD Osteopathic Physician. Special attention given to eye, ear, nose and throat. 303 Liborty building. Phone 496; . ', DR. HARVEY ' P., COLEMAN Chiro practic ana Natural raimoss oieui- ods. Room 428 M.,F. & H.,Dldg. i.l.,b.: JAMES C.i HAYES Pljyslclan,.,, and Surgoon; orf(co hours 11 tp.iji a. m., 2 to 4, 7 to 8 p. in. . Sparta building; residonco 1105 W. Main. Phones: Offlco 563, res. 492., "Specialty" Medical and Surgical Diagnosis. tf Dr. WM. W. P. HOLT PhyBlclan and Surgoon. Offices M. F. & H. Bldg. Phono 165. Will be In Eagle Point on Sundays until further notice. Printers and PuBlishers. MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped . printing . office in Southern Oregon. Hook., binding, ' looBe leaf lodgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 N. Fir St. Public Accountaints ALAN BLACKINREED, Room 9- F, E. HAYES, Room 10 Jackson County Bank Bldg. Accounts, federal Jtox returns, business counsel. :.: Rug Weaving. MEDFORD FLUFF RUG WORKS makes fluff rugs from old and worn carpets and rugs. Phone 510-M. 706 Pine St. . ; , , Tent and Awning Works MEDFORD TENT AND AWNING WORKS 128 N. Grape St. Phoue 443-Y. E. Burgor, Prop. . Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Office 4J North Front St. Phone 315. Prices right Service guar- . anteed. ' DAVIS TRANSFER Anything moved day or night. Service guaranteed. ' Fair treatment. 104 S. Fir. Thone: Office 644 or res. 647-R 206. tf If you are looking lor good city property; we have it. If you want ranch property, see rts. The Owl Investment Co. ' 0. F, Wertz, M. F, H, Bldg, X