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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1921)
TACK FOUR MEDFCmn MATL TRTRTTXR, MRDFORD. OUKOOX, TTKSDAY,-FEKRUAfiV 1, 1021 Medford Mail Tribune AN INDEPENDKNT NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED KVERT AKTEUNOON EXCEPT SUNDAY HV THH MEDFORD PRINTING CO. Office Mall Tribune Building, tt-tt-U North Fir street. Phone 16. A consolidation of the " Democratic Times, Tb Medford Mall, the Medford Trlhune, The Southern Oregonlan, The Ashland Tribune. , The Medford Sunday Hun Is furnished subscribers desiring a seven day dally newspaper. ROBKRT W. Rtmr Editor. BUMPTJCIt K. SMITH, Manager. DBiCKIPTIOIf TE1XII BT MAIL. 11M AllVANCH: Dally, with Sunday Hun, year .7.B0 Ially, with Sunday Sun, month. ... .75 lJnlly, without Sunday Sun, year.. 6.50 Trnlly, without Sunday Sun, month .65 Weekly Mall Tribune, one year 2.00 Sunday Sun. one year 2.00 BT CARRIER In Medford. AHhland .Tnr.kHnn vl lie fVntrjil Point Phoenix Dally, with Sunday Sun. month 75 lifillv. without Hiiniluv Sun. month .65 Dally, wllhout Sunday Sun. year.. 7.60 Dally, with Sunday Sun. one year 8. BO All terms by carrier cauu in auvancu. HELP OUT THE FARMERS. Officii paper of the City of MMfortl Entered an second-clana matter At Medford, Orejfon, under the act of March IK IV. worn dnllv aver-aira circulation for lx months ending April. 1920 1042 MEMBERS OP TFlfc ASSOCIATED PRRRfl. The AModatorl lrBH In cxclunlvoly entitled to the use for ropuoHciitlon of all news d.npatohin credited to It, or not otherwise credited In this paper, and alfio the local news puhllnhed herein. All rights of republication of npeolal Biapntcnea nerein art uiso reRrvoa. Ye Smudge Pot By Arthur Ferry Tllnro uro lliree klmlH C Vlilnil'i nrcnrdillK to "Vunlly Kulr" the mar ried vtuup, the iimmilTlfd vamp, and tho ' uiK'onwluUH vamp. Thu laat named Huha Ih little known to the world, which would he better off If they nil were In the name condilion. To this list mlKht bo udded the Hmall town vampire, who Hturtu a riot at flhludlgH decldlni; who ahull Hen her Jiomu. Ill tho book Nooly Haker Ih koIiik lo Wlito on the operation of the druft law, a paragraph will ho devoted to tellliiB how Henry Fotd'H kid mlNucd It. OltK, WASH O.Uj. (.Mai'KlM'leld Ncwh) At tho ChriHliiin church tomor row morning tho pastor will lake for hlH theme, "The Christ ian's -Anchor." In tho evenlllK hi" Hllh ject will bu ".Man in Tlireo SlilteH.M Tho lateHt entry In tho kIkkUiik contest Ih l.iulu (leorKc, the shoe reno vator. Ho In a dark borne. "Now Ih tho Time for Farmers to Uho I'oimin." (CranlH I'iihh ("mirier ul) A rnriner Ih not entitled lo dn thlH until ho holnnKH lo all thu farm orKUtiizatlons ill tho BLuto. When tho reformcrH Ket tlio movies ctoHed on Sunday, and there is noth iliK more exeitlnt; Ullilntf tho week tliim prayer meetiiiK, tlie eotintry will have to ho content with booties pictures. The annual oratorical debauch of tho Lincoln club will he held l'Vbl'U-ary-12. 'J'hlH Ih Hie last Rood riiMKinK the Democratic party will Ket in some time. A IlOli IS SOU), (l-'roin a Conversation) "Want to buy a bow?" "Don"t want any hoK." "Can't use u how?" "Nope. Can't use a Ihik." "I'd llkn to sell that hi t;." "I'd like to buy that hue" "How air Iioks Foiling'.'" "IIokh air selling round X rcnls." "Fulli-r said you wauled linns." "MlKhl use a hoK. Where Is the )ior at?" "Tin? Iiok Is In the Id." "riiini; In that there Iiok?" "Nice how!" ' "Fine Iiok!" "Don't need the hu,-. Take him any way." "Hale lo Hell that hnr:. No pork at home. Let htm ro to help you out." "We don't need tile hoR. Help you out thoiiRh this time." "All rlKht! No money In hoes." "Don't we know It Charlie! "No money In Iiorh." "So Iohr! Here comes my woman." "Kill any more Iiors IiiIor "em in. Sllltht not buy. No harm to dicker!" "All rlRht! tiood bye!" "Ho Ioiir!" ANOTIIKR Monday lias passed without a decision from the su preme court on tlie Federal Farm Loan Aet. No one can blame tin; farmers of Oregon mid tlie entire country for a feel hi of irrita tion at this continued delay, which is rapidly approaching indignation. Farm loans iif.'j,M-L'Kiitin; more than $."100,000,1 II 10 have been held up for nearly a year, as a result of the suit instituted by Charles K. Smith, a stockholder in thu Kansas City Title anil Trust company, to test the validity of this act. ' In Oregon the need for financial aitl is over whelming. "With the liijrji rates of interest, the low prices for livestock and produce, many farmers face ruin- if they are not soon supplied with financial assistance to weather the storm. Money is needed for investment in new equipment and stock, if normal production in this slate is to be maintained. The situation is truly critical, and from the standpoint of tlie public welfare, a prompt decision is imperative. It is certainly ironical, that the one time when the Federal Farm liOan Act is most urgently needed, il should be rendered impotent by I he law's delay. There are many explanations for this delay, but how ever valid, they can not mitigate the genuine suffering1 and sacrifice entailed. Although the Supreme Court is properly removed from the passing whims of public clamour, and coercion is not only impossible, but from the standpoint of public policy undesirable; there would seem lo be no impropriety in a public memorial calling attention to tlie farmer's predicament, and the losses involved in continued delay. The two main contentions of the plaintiffs are that the Farm Loan act is an exercise of power congress does not possess under the con stitution, and that tax exemption on farm loan securities is illegal. While no layman is competent to judge the intricacies of legal ques tions, it would seem that a year's deliberation for such eminent ju rists would be sufficient to decide any problem, the solution of which is so vital to the public welfare. Next to another R.-naRc, (here is llolhiiiR thu valley needs like a little rain. "TO l:Klt IS lll MAX." (Snlcni Capltal-.louriial) .I'M k Kluke, who has been visitinR In Walla Walla for n few weeks, "California for t 'alil'ornians!" yelps Hlruni Johnson, and It .serves them I'llttft. Housekeeper Sufferer From Insomnia Ik'sidi-H ln'iiin iin;ilU in Hli'i'p, Mrs. 1j. C. Clay, of '15 Suiiih Magnolia nvr mir, I-mitf I!.';u h. California, assist -nnt , lumsfkt'OiH-r In a 1;iik' lu arh hotel, reports that she MiffVrvtl from tho loss of her appetite, was P;enerally run down and nervous. Cno day, ao-oidin to Mrs. Clay, fiho saw Vinol. ihe meat tonie for hriiiKii'K hack strength and ainhition. Advertised in the paper and derided to Rot a bottle ami try It. Much to her Btirprise she as m eat ly benefitted after having taken tho first bottle and fiinco alio says Mte has recommended Vinol to dozens whom she knew to he similarly affected ns herself. Medford Thai-maey. Main at Cen tral, Medford. Ore., sell and n-rom-jijend Vinol t" Uti city. Adv. Wn RipplingR y Walt Maton THE HIGH PLACE. I DO NOT envy Warren (J., his task T would not share; I have no presidential bee, I want no White House chair, for all it brings, as lie will see, is plain and fancy care. He's full of high re solves, you know, our confidence lo earn; he'd make tlie wheels of commerce go, as all good wheels should turn, anil put the lid on every woe, and give us joy to burn. And if we all stood at his back, to help as best we might, to share the burden he must pack, mid cheer him day and night, he might enjoy that old white shack and think his work delight. But ere he's fairly wanned his seat n million hungry chaps will ask, why in the name of Pete, they don't get public snaps, and they will stop him in thu street and bore him with their yaps. And he will sit at night and sigh, and cuss the awkward fates that put him in a place so high, where only trouble waits; no nation has enough of pie to feed the hungry skates. And those who fail to get a slice will say he is a fake, and they will hand him chunks of ice when he's expecting cake, and once n day or maybe twice his weary heart will break. And he will walk with dragging step to meet his callers gay, and they will see he loses pep with every passing day; and soon he'll sum mon Old Hog Shep to chase the bores away. PERU ENTERTAINS ATLANTIC FLEET AT HOUSE RAGES JJMA, I'eru, Jan. 'CI. officers and sailors of the American Atlantic fleet today entered upon a four-day pro gram of entertainment arranged in their honor by the Peruvian jjovern inent and the people hero. Official calls were exchanged by Admiral Wil son and Peruvian officials and this afternoon a reception was to Ih ten dered to Admiral Wilson and his staff by tlie Lima Jockey club, to be fol lowed by horse racing. m President Ketfuia. was to be host nt a. state banquet in honor of Admiral AVilson at the Kpvernment palace to night. Seven Atlantic fleet battleships, led by the flagship Pennsylvania, ar rived here this afternoon and received a noisy welcome from large crowds iIodk tlie shores and from small craft in the harbor. High teen destroyers and several supply ships reached Cal lao ahead of the main fleet. A fog delayed the fleet considerably during the last stages of its trip from Pan ama. TURKISH TREATY IS CONDEMNED . Y EAST INDIANS His Trouble Is All Gone 'I was affecteil with pains all over my buck and kidneys," writes Chorion McAllister, 1 Clark Ave., Kearney, N. J. "After three or four closes of Foley Kidney fills I became nil right and my pain is all i;onc." Foley Kidney Pills relieve backache, urinary Irregular ities, rheumatic pains, stiff joints, swollen muscles anil other symptoms of kidney trouble. It is a splendid medicine, prompt in action, and always helps. Contains no habit forminK druKs. Sold everywhere. Adv. X.VCI't'l:. India The Turkish ln-.'ici; ti-i'itly was chanicterizt'd as "the Ki'i'att'Kt tnivesty of Justice, n monu ment of hypocrisy and tilt.' blackest breach of snkmu plt'ilKes" by iJr. An sar In his address ;m prcsldi-nt at the annual session of the All India Mns-lom-lcaKue today. He demanded Its revision which, he declared, there seemed ,-little doubt was being se riously considered by the allies. The speaker denounced "the hor rors of ihe I'unjab refill of terror." and supported the non-co-operation movement in progress anions the na tives as a protest against Ilritish rule. "There is a divine injunction to Mussulmans to practice non-co-operation against the opponents of Islam," said Dr. Ansnr. "Then; appears to be a deadlock between the bureaucracy and tin; people of India, which is en tirely bec ause India lias awakened to a keen sense of self-respect and is de termined no Inncer to submit to a secondary position, whereas the bu reaucrat is still thinkin:; in obsolete terms of governing with the mailed fist. i "in order to win tho co-operation of the people of India, our alien friends must first of all disabuse their minds of the idea of race supremacy and do ample penance fur past wrongs." Sewer AVoek or .lull? ' KKWI'OriT NKWB, Vaw. Feb. 1. Unemployed men here weiv mvcm their choico today of work on sewer improvements or jail. The c'ty nei:. ager issued tho edict, promising jobs to nil who applied provided they had been here a, certain length of tln.u or had lost jobs here. Laxative " 1531 'HE BAKE of old ae is constipation. Thebow- j els become veak and unable to perform their functions without aid.' For this purpose only the mildest and gentlest laxative should be used. The use of harsh cathartics aggravates the trouble and makes the constipation worse. Chamberlain's Tablets are a favorite with people of middle' age and oldef on account of their gentle action. N. Y. Stocks Ni;V VOUIv, l-'eb. 1. KhortH con trolled today's listless Htoek market, losses of one. to three points in the more active issues resulting from fur theh unfavorable financial and indus trial conditions, Sules approximated 150,000 hhares. rMlls-Chalmers 3-1.7 American Heet Kukui . . American Can Hti.G American Car & Foundry Vl'l. American MUle & Leather pfd. 411.2 American international Corp. -hi. American Locomotive S ,!., American Smelling & efK. ... -12. American Hutfur . . t its.'j American Sumatra Tobacco ... 80. American T. & T Jifl.s American Woolen (Iti.S Anaconda Cooper lls.N Atchison S'2. All., (Inlf & V. Indies ui.r. Hahlwin Locomotive Lallimore i Ohio H t. Ilethlelu-m Steel "IS" f, (',. Canadian Taciftc u;, Central' Leather a 9.7 Chandler Motors , , "j. Chess peake A Ohio Ss. Chicago. Mil. and St. I'aul '7.5 Chicago II. 1. & l'ac :Ui. Chino Copper 2:1. Colorado Ktiel A Iron Utt. 7 Corn Products 70.1; Cuba Cane , :: Crucible Steel 1C Krie 1;:.: ;cncr:t! Kleetrle 17. tieiieral Motors .7 Uoodt leh C .10.7 !reat Northern pfd. . . '. 7il. (treat Northern Ore Ctfs I'S.S Illinois t 'eiit rat si.S Inspiration Copper Int. Mer. Marine pfd kV I international Paper 59.1 Kennei-oit Copper . I'm, Louisville A Nashville 100 Maxwell Motors ,. Mexican Petroleum 1 .17. Miami Copper is. Middle States Oil 1 ;J.S Midvale Steel ;u. Missouri Pacific is. 5 New York Central 71. N. Y., N. II. and Hartford .... 10... Norfolk A- Western 99.7 Northern Pacitic S5.:i Oklahoma Prod. & Kef 3.C Pan American Petroleum 7 Pennsylvania 40.7 People s a 7 . f Pittsburg and West V Kay Consolidated Copper ..... 1U.S Reading s:l. licp. Iron & Steel f.J.S lloyal Hutch. N. Y 4.r Shell Trans. A Trad 41.. "i Sinclair Con. oil 13. ; Southern Pacific Sou t hern Km i 1 vn y ' ' . 3 St udebaker Corporation &7.,'i Standnrd 'Oil of X. J., pfd 10S.7 Tennessee Copper N.5 Texas (o 43,, Texas A Pacific 20.2 Tobacco Products f.'l. Tninst. oiitiuental oil H.S ... 119. Union Pacific U. S. Kood Products .. V. H. Ketail Stores lisi. V. S, Ind. Alcohol fis. I'tiiled States Kubbcl- CX. United States Steel S2. Utah Copper 57. Westinghouse lClectric 4-i. Willy's Overland Amerjcan Zinc, Lead and Sin. ., S. Iiutto'and Superior 1 .;. Cala. Petroleum !!r. M tin t.'i n.'i I'owcr (bid ) &:!. Shaltuck Arl.ona (bid) rt. Pure Oil Invincible oil i!.S. Oeneral Ashpluilt (17. The Zambesi Is tho largest j-ivcr flowing into tho Indian ocean. How's This? tYo offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for nny enso of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Medicine. Hall's Catarrh Medl.-ipe has been tnken by cutnrrh ffiiffcrers for the past thirty 11 vo years, and has become known as the moat rebut e remedy for Catarrh. Hall's t'ntarrh Medicine nets thru the Blood c. tho Mucous surfaces, exprlhnir the Pol. on from the Ukoii and hpallnR the dia utt.ied portions. After yon hnve tftlten Hall's Catarrh Medfclre for a short time you will sec a 3 rent Improvement in your general health Start tnking Hall's Cntnrrh Medl 'fno at onro oik pet rid of catarrh. Send tor icstlmoni;tp. free. K . CHiCNKY CO., Toledo. Ohio. Pol.l hy nit PruHptB. ?fc. YOU CAN GET THAT JOB Anil HOID It IipCIit if you havo n HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLE So that you can (JO Hoo mo list of usihI motors at tlie shop of GAYLORD East Payments -siuro Meilfonl Nat. I'liiino INH-iu txmONA TenHwial XypowTltor Told It up. takfl It with you, type write atiyw h ere. (SO. 00. Including carrying case. SIKlFOKl 1IOOK BTOllE DlBtrlhutom for Po. Orpiron. GOOD CLOTHES I Make Tlicra . KLEIN rim TA1Ij4H V1H i:nst Man St, 1 FOR Colds, Coughs QUININE AND La Grippe Neglected Colds are Dangerous Tnko no chancep. Keep lhij standard remedy handy for the first sneeze. Brofikn up a cold in 24 hours Relieves :, . , Grippe in 3 days Excollent-for Headache - ; tl Quinino in this form uoc3 not affect Vhc head Cascara ia best'. Tqiiic Laxative No Opiate in HiU'o. : " ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT Fisher Flouring Mill Company's QUALITY FEEDS Contain uniform lii;;li quality insvi'dit'iit.i, oai'li inercilient si'li-ftcil for a in ono of tho finit testing lnliiatoiies on thu 1'aWfii: t' Itin't Take ehanees with inferior or cheap feeils. A list of all liigmlienls and a t;miranteeil analysis of food values L'oiitnined is plainly listed on eai-h sat-k. RETAIL PRICES, IN EFFECT THIS DATE Scratch Food, per 100-pound sack $3.50 Egg Producer, per 100-pound sack 3.50 Mill Run, per S0-pound sack 1.80 Dairy Food, per 90-pound sack - 2.50 Mormilk, per 80-pound sack 2.05 (Subject to change without notice) The above prices are cash f. o. b. cur warehouse in sack lots. A dis count of five cents per sack will be allowed on purchase of half ton or more. Delivery free in 500 lb. lots or more. Bardwell Fruit Company Phone 124 445 So. Fir St. SYMrATIIKTlO SERVICE Rendered In a Qulat Dignified manner at THE PERL FUNERAL HOME Your loved one Is taken Into too Home where there Is always sonio ono with them. Our Residence Is on the Second Floor. We are Licensed Emhalmers aud are prepared to make shipment to any pnrt ot the Vnlted States or Foreign Countries. 'Ye will take complete charge of any Service and make all arrangements. l.nily Assistant. 1'hone 47. Corner of Siith and Oakdalo. One blork west of rostofflce. sr H r I'dJr THE BUSINESS BAEOMETEE VOf'VE lii.ticcd tho noodlo on tlie busiiifss biii'oinctcr .s wi i it;-" from tho . oak )f high costs to tho valloy of low loinanl. And be fore long it's going to swing back again. When it does, it may stop on the point of pormiuioiit prosperity and stay there. If so, will your "Nationalized" ai-oount at tlie First be adequate for the opportunities? Mbdford Oregon v. auummailj m. tavrj'JvrrMiawraapfttmMrjJ 1 Urali tree -r tlilsa!tiali!er C-t alo5 and A Safe Guido to Quality and Fair Price Our C3ti!og Is the standard ref e rence lor Northwest grow ers, listing our com plete lines of Seeds, Trees and Plants. Fertilisers, Poultry ond Bcc Supplies, Spravs and Spray ers, Dairy Supplies find Equipment. Planters GuideS giving information nc to tcnion, foil and climate - Put your land to work for profit You can't afford to tic up your land or spend time and labor on any but the best stock. Order Diamond Quality stock and be sure of getting the finest strains and the right varieties for your purpose. Get the Diamond Quality Catalog in your possession as quickly as can. It will pay you I A.k for Catalog No. ,-flt) S.E.Cor. m iwV. Aldor Front nd .11 fflsll W, BW &?l&2&mlS2$ii - icnuuu i A Real Bargain 1920 Chandler Dispatch used by private parly, and lias had the best of care. Disteel wheels, over-size cord tires all around, bumper, spot light, motor meter, wind deflectors, and many other extras. A No. 1 mechanical condition and a beauty to look at. Price reasonable and some terms to responsible parties. C. E. '.Burkett Valley Garage Phone 366 Chevrolet Runabout Runs and looks like new. Has good tires with spare and tire cover, and large spotlight. This car is priced right. Trade Considered Terms If Desired The Busy Corner Motor Co. The store where your dollar does its duty