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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1921)
PAdK TWO iMKI)ti )!!) MAIL TKIIUJArJ, AlhDKUKM), UKh.iUN, TliKSPAY. Khni.UAI.V I, Tocal and Personal A thunder and hail tstorm would com pleto the cycle of weather conditions Medford lius experienced the past foil days, consisting of sunshine, high wind rain, snow and fog. The fog of this morning .was of the dense variety and was very disagreeahle. It will soon be time for the annual ground hog appeal1 ance or non-appearance superstition, by which (he further length of the winter is determined. Alfalfa seed, tests 99.02; no dodder. Phone 902. Elinor Hauley Bush, 82(i East Main. 310 200 pair new shoes at cost. Second hand shoes and shoe repairing at the Medford Shoe Hospital, 119 East Sixth street, Medford. Parties having Oriental rugs that need repairing phone 1)2!). 209 Deputy V. S. Marshal race and Slier iff Ten-Ill left last night fur Portland with Lloyd K. Keller, the man of sev eral uliases who escaped from Pace in AVyoming last October by jumping from a train, and was captured here Sunday, and Horace (Iroer, tho alleged Sams Valley illicit still operator, both of whom will be turned over to the federal court custody. Keffer was ar laigned before United Stales Commis sioner Davis yesterday as u fugitive from Justice and held (o court In $1000 bail. Greer waived examination when also arraigned before Commissioner Davis and was bound over to court in ?2()00 ball. Hard Times ball at Eagle Point, Saturday, Feb. 12. 277 Try our merchants lunch. The Shasta. I'aironi.c home and build up pay rolls by Insisting on having brooms made by Kogtio Hiver liroom Works 272 Welborn Heeson of Ashland was In Medford yesterday and said that he had received the first bids for sheep or hogs in six months, the sheop bid from California and the hog bid from Port laud. Mr. ileeson regards this as an Indication that tho livestock market 1s opening up again after one of the most disastrous setbacks 111 tho history of the Industry. The complete collapse of the hide market has been a big fac tor In this collapse. lirlug your clean old rags to this office, Go per pound. Hemstitching and pecoting . Buttons covered. Handicraft Shop. 270 T. Edy will paint and paper your house reasonably. Also will make your cane seats and repair your furniture. Huys and Bells. 1125 West Tenth or llox 107C, Medford. 271 New York city guests registered at (ha Medford are Norman Mullet!.. II. A. Rockwell, W. A. Ackennan and Nor man P. Shocker. Also at this hotel are Mr. and Mrs. W. 13. Dullois of Van couver, Wn.. Cleorge L. Gray of Al bany, Mo., and Sam Golden and J. V Caroy of Seattle. Invest your savings In the Jackson County Building and Loan association. tf Delco-Llght Electricity for every farm. Modford Electric Co. ' For sule, Studobaker car $160 cash Phono 300. 207 Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Launspach nrrlved home Sundny from tholr throe weeks visit at Vallejo, Calif. Another big dunce nt Talent, Friday, Feb. 4. 270 Car eastern corn on track. Hulk $-10.00 per ton, $12.00 per ton sacked. See lis for now low prices on all feeds. The Hogue Valley Milling Co., corner Ninth and Front streets. Income tux returns prepared. Lindas 235 East Main. Persons arriving in the city from the south Sunday and Monday report that the snow along the railroad Is six or more feet deop In tho Slsson and Dnnsmulr section duo lo hard snow Btorms slnco Saturday. The Southern Pacific trucks huve been kept clear by tho utmost continuous tiso of a rotary snow plow. AH styles of buttons covered. Handi craft Shop. 270 Cur eastern corn on track. Dulk. $40.00 per ton, $42.00 per ton sucked. Seo us for new low prlcus on all feeds. Tho Hogue Valley Milling Co., corner Ninth uud Front streets. Our entire stock of fine auto robes ut cost some bargains believe me. Tho llusy Corner Motor Co. 2M The condition of J. K. Mason, super intendent or the Klrtlund farm, who was operated on fur appendicitis Sat urday Is steadily Improving much to the gratification of his many friends. He Is feeling comparatively good, and wus without fever IIiIh morning. Odd balls of yarn at 30c per ball Handicraft Shop. 270' n. prize warns at Talent, Friday night. The Hub Shoe store of Medfoiil will give a fine pair of shoes to the lady of tho winning couple. 27(1 Now Is the time to have your old tire and tubes put In shape. Exchange Tire Co. Among the visitors In Central Point yesterday were Fire Chief and .Mrs. lioblKon of Ashland. Cur eastern corn on track. Hull; $40.00 per ton, $12.00 per ton sacked See lis for new low prices on all feeds i no uogue aney aiming Co., corner Ninth and Front streets. Oregon Nursery largest In the northwest. All kinds of fruit and shade trees, ornamental shrubbery, etc. Seo or address V. S. Abraham, 008 South Grape St., Medford. 2X0 Insurance of nil kinds. Lindas, 23f East Main. TOO FAT? Maar ra.a.a to to lb... or m. OM.I. Karala) (pronoun?! trM) .1 mr bin 4ruf 'y"J or ami. for fr, Lroeltur lo Kufalt. I . NK- Million X. N York ma' D7 bolt Di.lhxd. No aalta. 0o lliroid. f- a'.,., lar, no tedious osrrrUinn. oliKt,t ful.f . : r-pid rodtKlioo; Imorovaa hoalih, aor.alrr!' ofHalonoy. ttok .ninK.Tt Alio Vl:a .it TO VOIJK I.IFKI ., .. ftlwiaM-bouk tUMUlmvl Q.I KCftKIM ObV,aaJ J. J. McMnunif and family arrived in tho city this morning from Portland and are guests at the Nash. Delco-Lighl farm light and power plauts. Medford Electric Co. A nice assortment of children's rom pers reduced 33 1-3 per cent. Handi craft Shop. 270 Personal attention to overdue ac counts. Lindas, 235 East Main. A bill which is the outgrowth of the Jacksonville bank failure was intro duced in the house Monday morning by Representative Sheldon. It Is prac tically the act now in use by the state! of Washington, providing for the guar antee of bank depositors against bank failure. In a letter to Mr. Sheldon, the mule bank examiner of Washington says that the act seems to be giving universal satisfaction. The bankers themselves approve of the net and there have been no bank failures or loss to depositors In the state during its enforcement. Gertrude Kirkpatrlck, Spencer cor- sotiere. Phone 146-11. 280 "Spot" dances at Talent Friday. 270 Horse-Shoe tires have stood the test. Full guarantee and free tire service for the mileage. Exchange Tire Co. 272 The Wednesday Study club will meet at the library Wednesday, Feb. 2, at 2:30 p. in. Fresh cottage cheese. Dairy Noojt. Majestic "4" at Gold Hill Saturday. 271 Candlemas Day dunce at Nut tomor row .night. Excellent music and the best floor In tho country. 207' ho Hoyal Neighbors of Central Point camp, No. 3219, held Installation of officers roccnlly when the followln wore Installed: Oraclo, Mrs. Stell: Fox; past oracle, Mary A. Mee; vice oraclo, Mrs. Holle Leever; chaplain Mis. lluthtiwiiy; recorder, Lottie Gregory; treasurer, l.utnn Gillette guard, Emilia While, uud marshal Mrs. Myrtle Thornbriie. Vess K. Jones has Just arrived from Houston, Texas, with good news con corning Mogul Producing & Itefining company, iind all stockholders and iirospectlvo purchasers of "Mogul securities should see It I in at once at Edwin P. Hughes' office, us he will bo here but a few days. 208 Curl Joschke, high grade watch and clock repairing, 11 Fir street. Wo havo a largo stock of repalre and rebuilt tires. Exchunge Tiro Co, 272 Mr. and Mrs. James E. Grieve, from ProBpect, a small dot on tho map m'd way between Medford and Crater lake, are at tho Imperial. Portland Journal The above Indicates that Mr. und Mrs. rlevo nre still on their somewhat ex tended vacation at Portland, Seattle and other points north. Good eats at Talent Friday. 270 Pucific Puckago goods reduced 25 per cent. Handicraft Shop. 270 Dance Wed. nlte at Nat. Lucky Spot dances. Imperial orchestra. Latest music, finest floor. 207 An attractlva feature of the Hoover banquet ut tho Hotel Medford tomor row night will be tho rendition of Bev eral popular musical numbers by the Premier Novelty orchestra who have donated tholr services for the occasion When better automobiles are built, Bulclt will build them. tf Wanted Singing canaries. Box D, Mall Trillium. Automobile prices continue to climb Now notices of price increase seom to bo In order dally. However, locally there Is more Inquiry for tho popular cars Hum ever before. The Ilulck, one of the best of tho six-cylinder cars which has long had an enviable rcpu tation serins to be the leader In the demand. Tho best. Indication of the real prosperity of tho valley Is seen In this buying of tho highest class of aulomoblles. 20 Among tho Oregonlnns stopping at tho Holland nro 11. H. Garrett, C. II. llwyer and P. S. Drako of Portland and F. L. HelTron of Eugene. San Fran Cisco guests lire J. A. Ilruhani and F McTnggart. Infants' dresses In Pacific Package goods reduced A . Handicraft Shop 270 When overhauling your old bus put new life in It by demanding gonulno American hammered piston rings, fac tory equipment on tho best cars. Tho Busy Corner Motor Co. tf Candlemas Day danco at Nat. Wed. nlte. Dancing begins promptly ut 9 o'clock. 207 George- M. Sanzo, tho Yreka cattle und dairyman who was hero and at Jacksonville yesterday In connection wllh the Manuel Francis sanity hear ing, found time to run over to Ashlund and purchase from Win. Harber two btnoded Jersey cows and two calves $1000, which he will have added once to I he herd at his ranch. ' ? V Central Point Friday night! ? '.' Do not order calendars from travel ing representatives or out ot town firms. We have a factory Una of all sizes and kinds of calendars, wall pockels, cut-outs, etc., that we will show tho trade later nud Bave you money on the same. tf Bring your clean old rugs to this office, 0c per pound. A special Invitation Is extended to all veterans of the allied armies to bo present ut the American Legion smok er which takes place tonight. The wool und mohair growers ot Jackson county are requested to meet in the library building at .Medford. Saturday, February & at 2 p. m. to perfect an organization lo pool their wool for p.rjl. It's important that all glowers be present even If they only have half a dozen sheep. F. W. Ilcrrlo. 27ii H. A. Holmes, tho Insurance Mnn. Insurance, and Bonds, plus Service. Big dunce at Gold HIM Saturday, Feb. 5. 27 i -Mrs. Inez Ferguson of Central Point. Is the guest of Mrs. George Hoblsnn : Ashland. Everything electrical. Medford Elec tric Co. Phone 601. A large turnout of American legion members and their Invited guests is expected to witness the minstrel show of the legion tonight, which immediate ly follows the short session ot the post. We save you money on your dry cleaning, dyeing and repairing. City Cleaning Wo ks, 401 South Riverside. Phone 4(4. tf Dairy Nook lunches please. In the ad of the Bardwell Fruit Co. in this paper Saturday and Sunday we made a mistake In the prices received for fancy grade of pears by that com puny this season. The ad is reprinted today with the correct averages. J ne .Mcciirdy Insurance company has moved into the room on the second floor of the Medford National Bank building formerly occupied by Attor ney Kawles Moore, enlarging their of fice space. Prosecutor Moore has moved his office to the third floor of the same building. The Royal Neighbors and their hus bands are Invited to meet with T. A Howell, 713 Cedar St., on Tuesday evening, Feb. 1st. 207' Majestic "4" at Talent Friday. 270' candlemas Day dance Wed. nlte a Nat. Lucky Spot dances. Free dancing until 9:30. 20 Axel Lundgren of the Blue Ledge district Is in the city for a few days on business. Rompers In unbleached batiste and white poplin stamped to embroider, greatly reduced. Handicraft Shop. 270 Bring your clean old rags to this office, lie per pound. f ? Central Point! Friday night 207 Sam T. Richardson left Sunday for San Francisco where ho was called on business, Chicken feed wheat $2.05 per htm died - sack lots. Russ .Mill. Phone 529 tf Chicken teed wheat $2.05 per hnn died In ruck lots. Russ Mill. Phone 629. ... . . ; . s Mf r.very woman who likes to ; save money he on hund early Saturday at Mann's greatest remnant sale. I 208 Carl Von dnr Jlellen of Wellen spent Monday In the city, receiving congratu latloiis on the urrlvnl of a new boy at his home. Nick Carter has returned to Grants Pass after several weeks viBlt in Med ford. For dry wood pnone 890-X or 947-L. Prompt dailvery. 273 G. M. C. program and dance to help your community, Tues., Feb. 8th. 272 The Rogue river Ib still swift mid very muddy because of the snow una rain Btorin of Saturday and Sunday The depth of the water is slowly sub silling but it will be useless to attempt fishing until the water is clear aguln The greatest event of the year, Mann's remnant sale, Saturday, Feb. 5th. Be on baud early. 208 We sell tho best cigarettes for $1.05 per carton of ten packages. They will cost you $1.75 elsewhere. Fouts Gro. Co. 272 ? Central Point! Friday night! ? 207 Bring your clean old rags to this office, 0c per pound. Many out of town people are expect ed in town tomorrow to take advan tage of the Wednesday bargains of fered by the local merchants. This weekly bargain event presents scores of excellent values in nearly every wanted line of merchandise and at tracts many thrifty shoppers from all ports of the valley. Mann s greatest remnant sale opens Saturday, Feb. 5th. A great time to savo money. 208 Popular brands of butter sell for more money. It Is the same pure fresh creamery butter only a different wrap per. Why pay the difference? Fonts Grocery Co. 272 It will pay you to buy Fisher's feeds. Seo prices advertised In this Issue Bardwell Fruit Co. 219 Dr. Home, eye, ear, nose, throat, tf It Is rumored that an event of un usual interest will be staged at Central olnt on Frldny evening, Feb. 4th, the details ol which nro yet a secret. On sale at. Medford Book Store, Col. Sargent's new book, "The Strategy on he V esterii-Front. - 272 A dollar plug of tobacco for 85 conts. 'outs' Grocery '06.' ..: 272 It will pay yon to buy Fisher's feeds. Seo pi-Ices advertised in this issue. lardwell Fruit Co. 249" The only phonograph inado with which you cun piny all makes of ecords without injury to the records. the new Edison Diamond Disc. Come n and test It at Palmer's Piano House, :!4 East Main. 270 T. G. Biishong motored to Gold Hill day on business connected with the tower company. Strictly fresh creamery butter, every pound guaranteed, 42 cents per pound. bouts Grocery Co. 272 List your house, farm and timber ith the Medford Land & Insurance Agency. 220 West Main street. tf Take a look! $05.00 suits ut $45.00. Klein the Tailor, 12S E. Main, upstairs. 09 RHEUMATISM Is one of the most painful and dangerous ailments. At times it causes total disabil ity and even deformity. ANTI-URIC Has proved to be the master of rheumatism in all forms. Money refunded if you are not pleased with results. For sale by HEATH'S DRUG STORE I The S!. Mark's guild dancing party of last night at the American Legion hall proved an enjoyable affair. Music- was provided by the Premier Novelty orchestra. The young -ladles of St. Mark's guild who gave the party re ceived many congratulations on its un qualified success. While our present stock of tobacco la.ts we will sell the leading brands for 85 cents per plug. Fonts Gro. Co. 272 We have butter for 42 cents, 45 cents and 50 cents. It Is all guaranteed. Fonts Grocery Co. 272 $05.00 suits at $45.00. It will pay you to climb my stairway. Klein the Tailor, 128 E. Main, upstairs. 209 The Phoenix Parent-Teacher circle will meet Thursday afternoon Feb. 3d at the Phoenix school house. Miss Van Sant of the public library will talk on books and reading. All mothers ot children are urged to be present. We sell for a profit, TTut we do not need so great a profit as some, as our expense for doing business is less. You can save enough on two pounds of butter to buy a loaf of bread. Fouts Grocery Co. 272 A dollar roll of butter for 84 cents. Fonts Grocery Co. . 2 Mrs. Paul Hansen, corsetlere for NuBone. Phone 586-J. tf Included among the county visitors in the city Monday and today were E W. Leslin of Rogue River, O. P. Dor mon and Hugh Combest of Jackson vllle, John Buckley of Ruch nnd Pat Swayne of Applegate, If you want to know any of our prices call 271, Fonts Grocery Co. 272 "Spot" dances at Gold Hill Saturday 271 Up In quality, down in price. Klein tho Tailor, 128 E. Main, upstairs. 209' Mrs. K. G. n.vron-Brinkmun, Mr. and Mrs. II. K. Kidder and Wm. Rogan are guests at the Medford from San Fran Cisco. Guests from Portland are E. E Esslnger, S. A. Stellnazen, P. B. Har good, E. J. Mears. R. J. West. E. J Hinchey, T. D. Campbell, J. M. Put- man, J. W. Doane, John Thurm, E. 11 Guton, B. G. Mann and P. II. Eutlcr. Grape cider, fresh from the press ut the JuckBon County Creamery Bottling Dept. Phone 22-R. Everything electrical. Medford Elec tric Co. Phone 001 Mrs. George Laidley of 513 West Second street is sufering from a nor vous breakdown at her home, the ser ious nature of which It will take some time to determine. The Modern Woodmen and Royal Neighbors of Central Point held Joint social time In the M. W. A. hull lust Friday night. There were about 50 present. Visiting and games fur nlshed entertainment. A guessing con test was won by Mrs. Russel Thorn- bine who was rewarded with an oyster 207' TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Turkeys for breeding. J. C. Herring, Central Point. 267 OR RENT Furnished sleeping rooms $2.00 per week. 415 S. Front. Phone 936-R. 2 WANTED Now Is the time to do rose priming and spring gardening. Have your work done by an experienced man. Phone 900-.I. : FOR SALE 5 acros, 3 acres pears, 1 acre strawberries, family orchard, almonds, apples, poaches, plums, cherries, G-rooin house, barn, chick en house, paid up water right. C. S Butterfieid, phone 210. 20S' FOR SALE Underwood typewriter. just overhauled, $45. Call 1S8-W evenings. 2GX FOR RENT Large comfortable sleep ing rooms, newly papered and paint ed. 325 S. Riverside. Phone 701-.I. 209 KEEP LOOKING YOUNG It's Easy-If You Know Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets The secret of keeping young is to feci young to do tliis you must watch your liver and bowels there's no need of having a sallow complexion jark rings under your eyes pimples a bilious look in your face dull eyes with no sparkle. Your doctor will tell you ninety per cent of all sickness comes from inactive bowels and liver. Dr. Edwards, a well-known physician in Ohio, perfected a vegetable com pound mixed with olive oil to act on the liver and bowels, wliich he gave to lus patients for years. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the sub stitute for calomel, are gentle in then action yet always effective. They bring about that natural buoyancy which all should enjoy by toning up the liver and clearing the system of impurities. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets .unknown by their olive color. Easy to Explain Why we hud to increase our staff of accountants. IVcnuso we h:tve served our clients conscientiously and em ployed every nivalis of improve ment, we have gullied the confi dence of the public. Results? Business Is Good Did yon lmve difficulties with your INCOME TAX. l:i:Tl"l!.'S lust year? If you had. avoid It ill the future hv seeing our IN COME TAX SPECIALIST. A word to the Wise Is Sufficient Wilson Auditing Co, Liberty Hhlg. One of the leading stag occasions of the year will be held at the American Legion hall this evening when the Medford post will hold a smoker for its friends, the members of the G. A. R. and the Spanish war veterans. The Legion cordially Invites its friends to the festivities, and all will be welcome. The fathers of service men are urged to attend. A minstrel show tinder the direction of Tom Swem and Paul McDonald will be staged, with music, speeches, and a general good time. There will be other interesting features. If any member of the G. A. R. is unable to'reach the hall, the legion will secure transportation for him to and from his home. Arrangements to this end can be made by simply calling Commander Frank P. Farrell. Ft. A. M. 32. Special Convocation Febru ary 1st, 7:30 p. in. M. E. M. Degree. Visitors wel comed. 207 A. F. NOTU, Secy. Notice To all my friends 1 wish to announce that I have a shoe-shining parlor in Drown and Brown's. Try me out. Prompt attention given all work sent in by ladies. RAY RLACKIIURN. 270 Socrates paid but little heed to the scolding of his wife Xantippe. Galveston has tile largest and deep est harbor on the Gulf coast. DAN DER I NE Stops Hair Coming Out; Thickens. Beautifies. A few cents buys "Danderlne." After a few applications you cannot find a fallen hair or any dandruff, besides every hah shows new life, vigor, brightness, more color and abundance. Adv. YOU CAN GET MOST ANY OLD THING AT MOST ANY OLD TIME AT DE VOE'S .Hi ONLY $5 Down- Western WASHER & WRINGER EXPIRES FEBRUARY 12 This is your opportunity to free your wife of her hardest work Will You Do It? Come in today and talk it over Paul's Electric Store Phone 90 IF YOUR EARS RING WITH HEAD NOISES If you have rouHiiy;, buzzing noises in your ouva, are Ketiintf hard of hearing Und fear Catar rhal Deafness, ko to your drus Kist and KPt 1 ounce of I'arniint (double HtrenKth), mid add to it ; pint of hot water and a little granulated isUKar. Take 1 table Kpoonful four times a day. This will often bring quirk relief from the distressing head noises. Clogged nostrils nhouhl open, breathing become easy and the mucus stop dropping into the throat. It is easy to prepare, costs little and is pleas ant to take. . Anyone who has Catarrhal trouble of the ears, is hard of hearing or has head noises, should give this prescrip tion a trial. Adv. DR. RICKERT Eyes Scientifically Tested and Glasses Properly Fitted NO DROPS ISEIJ Broken Lenses Accurately Duplicated Suite 1-2 over May Co, 808 E. Main. Upstair f r 'mmmm ' - Our bank stands for aiding and developing OUR OWN home town and community. ' When you put your money in our bank you help yourself in more than one vay. You increase, home property values, in crease the population of our own town and give employment ' to our own people. Bank your money with the bank that sticks up for your home town. That's OUR Bank. We invite YOUR Banking Business. Jackson County Bank Established 1888 Member Federal Reserve TWO WEEKS OUR SPECIAL OFFER FOR y . USEE ! Merchants' Lunch WEDNESDAY 122 p. m. HOLLAND CAFE Cabbage Salad. Soup Vegetable' Dreaded Pork Chops, Cream Gravy Koast .Sirloin of lieef, Jlrown Gravy Corn Bread Mashed Potatoes Baked Beans Hunan n a Fritters, Fruit iSauce Tea Coffett V -MHk Try Our Special Plato Lunch Breaded I'ork Chops, Cream Gravy Corn Bread Mashed Potatoes Bananua Fritters, Fruit Sauoe Va Coffee llljt AUTO PAINT SHOP f! Automobiles Painted and Revarnished . 221 Nortl) Hr. L. G. SPRINKLE, Prop, Phone 777 With Medford trade Is Medford made LEFT Months On Balance Main at Central ''"Siir