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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1920)
PAGE TWO Ipcd'BtieB "Welcome news to Orator lake trav elers this year ifl that the alwuys heretofore dusty five miles of pumice highway between Klouncn liock ami Prospect will ho kept sprinkled this year during the season by the count) court, and for this purpose a throe ton auto sprinkler of floo gallons of water capacity arirved hero this wool; and haH been taken to Prospect where its headquarters will be. The state highway commission loans the county the truck on condition that the coun ty keeps the highway sprinkled. ; New hats arriving daily at Lottie Howard's, N. Central Ave. 70 Attention Knights of Pythias. Kpo cial meeting tonight. 10 candidates knight rank. A full attendance is desired. 6 8 Tickets arc now selling nt tho Page theatre for the Society Vaudeville, Thursday evening. " lis A special business meeting of the Wemhers of the First liaptist church will be hold at the church on Thurs Jay evening at 8 o'clock, .J uuo 10, 1920, for tho purpose of calling pastor. Every member of'the church is enrnestly requested to be present A large attendance is desired. Eny, mony, miny mo, every fellow has to go. Help swell tho five liun dred dollar Play (iround mark. 'Also a wad for Medford'H Auto Park. tJX Tho Pacific Fruit & Produco Co. received another car load of bananas this week, the second ono In two weeks. Have installed new Thor electric waBher. Will take a few extra wash ings. Jlrs. Owings, "IS Itcokmnn avenue. 71 Iloth sections of the southbound passenger train were two hours Into thlB forenoon, having been delayed by a small froight wreck near Hugo. Lucky-spot dunces! tonight! (IS A shipment of yarns in new shades for scarfs and sweaters. 1 landicr ift Bhop. 7.'1 A quantity of mill run may ho had at the old price at tho llarchvoll Fruit Co. tiS The election oxpenses of Knwles TMooro, for tho nomination of district attorney on tho democratic ticket at tho recent primary were $ t! 4i . r 0 , ac cording to his statement filed with tho secretary of state's office at Salem. Hark! I'm telling you tho lieu'ily Chorus at tho Society Vaudeville Thursday ovo., is truly a very beauti ful attraction. (IS Got thore! Ho thoro! Jazz Jlnkii Carnival. Plan 'now on "attending tho big Society Cabaret to bo hold In tho .Armory nt Ashland on Friday night, July 2nd. Nil Mrs. 1,. D. I.indley or Centralis, Vn Is a guest at thu llolel Holland Among California guests at t ho same hotel aro Chas. Nowlou of Jteddlug and D. F. N. Davis of Sacramento. Jloauty chorus, singles,, by specials, IjIr Jazz orchestra and other stellar attractions nt the Socioly Vaudeville, Thursday, tho 10th. OS Sanitary IJonuty Shop, Garnott Coroy DldK., rooms 400-107. Phone 841-U. General work. SI Wo do hemstitching, picoting. The Vanity Shop, noxt Itlalto theatre. Unlike the Medford Kilts who ob servo Flag Day next Sunday after noon, tho Ashland lodge of Kilts will eolobruto tho same occasion on Satur day night nt X o'clock with a large parade of lodge members and oxer cises In the park. Everybody come! lo tho Pago, .lunc 10th, to tho Society Vaudeville. OS . Tickets now on salo $1.00 low 'floor, 75e balcony. US" Kor bargains In second-hand and used machines cni! Singer Sewing Machine Co., 10 South Fir, phone iiir.-rt. Vegan's candy dances! touight!(lS Tho wedding or l,oon I). Unvlon sou of Mr, and Mrs. H. T. I.nwlon ,md Miss iKsther Hlotton, both well known employes In the Mason Khr- man Co. wholesale grocery office of this city, has Just becomo publicly known. Thev wore married tit 7:-K a. m. last Sunday In tin First Moth odlst church by Itov. Susnell. in the presence of Iholr linmodlnto relatives, and loft two hours later by auto for u honeymoon sojourn of 10 days to Klamath Falls and tint Peilcttu Hay country. This Is the third wedding of office employes of the company within the past year and George T. Collins, tho tn; n.ig.M-. is Ihinking o! chitniuK in;-, lino of buslin es :md giv ing all his tin..1 o riiiiuiuK a uritri Hernial hiiic.'iu. lo. ofn e o; 1 net! today fur the Society Vaudeville ai the Page to morrow night. !js See the carnival pageant. Export repairing on sewing ma chines. Singer Sowing Machine Co.. phono 215-11, 10 Sou I h Fir. There was horn in I'oitlaud Ibis morning a son to Mr. ami Mrs. It. ('. Day. The mother is the daughter 11I Dr. and -Mrs. ('has. T Sweeney of Sledford, anil tho baby has I n nam- ed Chas.. T., after (Iiaiuipa Sweeney. Seats are soiling fasi I'm- the So ciety Vaudeville anil liidieal 10ns are for 11 capacity house. ils Sherwln-WIMInms arsenate or lead tho best on the market; also llhiok Lent "40". Hardwell Fruit Co. !! Houses for sale. Jackson County HiilldlnK & I.onn association. 'Anions California unil Washington Kuosts' registered t tho Mcdford are K. H. Dlodgett of I.os Angeles, Frank ' Nerny, J. C. Thompson, Cllf Lewis, B. noKOnfeld niid F. H. Chninberlin of Ran Kranofsco, and A. Slutzser, W I,. Crow mitt A. H. Clclaml of Seattle, Kreo-tlcket dances! tonight! (is 3ec Medford Lund ti Insurance .Asency, successors to D. It. Wood ft Co., Km. SOS Libel ty Hl.Ii;., for fire Insurance, t(i Special features of tho moonlight dancing party at the Xatatorium to night will include lucky spot dances, free ticket dances and candy dances. In addition to the usual moonlight waltzes there will bo several moon light fox-trots und one-steps. The imperial orchestra will present plenty of new dance music. There will be no admission charge for this affair tonight. Dolco-Light -Electricity for every farm. J. 10. JJartlett, Modford Hotel, Medtorrt, Ore. See yourself Carnival photo gallery .1. C. Thompson of tho Callforni.i- Orcgou Power company's main office at San Francisco Is hero conferring with local officials of tho company., Vaudeville Society Vaudeville. Help swell the Play Ground and Auto Park fund. i;s Tablets and scratch pads made of news print, for school and office use for sale at this office. tf Announcement has Justlbeen made that on July 10th tho Depot hotel at Ashland will be turned over by Julius P. Wolff to the Southern Pacific rail road company and will be operated thereafter by tho dining car depart ment of the railroad. The S. P. takes over all of Mr. Wolff's equip ment and will remodel the hotel und station in many respects. This hotel was opened 33 years ago before the railroad gap in tho northern Califor nia and southern Oregon lines Was connected, and during all this time has had only four managers. Mr Wolff gives up tho hotel because of poor health and with Mrs, Wolff will conllnuu to reside In Ashland. Dance at Moagle, Saturday, Juno 12. Miijostle orchestra. 71 All kinds dry wood and mill blocks, phono Rail or D19-.T. Hay Dlackburn. "Reginald Dadysman of Medford, who Is n student at the O. A. (',., and captain of tho student artillery 'com pany, Mattery It, will leave Corvallis tomorrow to attend tho army officers training camp in Kentucky for thu next six weeks. Homo-made broad and pastry fresh dully at Hox Cafe. tf ilhia mineral water has groat me dicinal value. Phono 51. Juckson Counfy Creamery, -Mrs. D. A. Forbes find children of Xuwport, Ore., who have spent the past flvo months hero with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. I). T. Luwtnn, loft for homo Tuosday. Closing out Goodyear Ford size tires at $15 to $20.00. Powers Tire Co., Nat Uldg. 71 Mrs. C. 10. Goble, teacher of piano, 221 West Main, upstairs to right. (ID ,1. W. Heiron of Cold HIM, sold tho most of his Interests in Unit city to W. If. Koss of Salem, Ore., and with his wiio leaves soon to spend tho suin mqr at Llelknap Springs. ; Ford slzo tires at $15 to $20,' all first class, at Powers Sales Co., Nat llldg. 70 Droken forgings and castings, all shapes, all metals, all sizes, -welded, reinforced and guaranteed. Vulcan Welding Works, 30 South Front St. Tho following Medford students at Ml. Angel collego arrived homo from St. Honodlet, Ore., this nooh to spend tho summer vacation: John Patton, Francis Smith, Lawrence Duff, John llrophy, Marty Dunn, Haloigh Gallon, Mack Seymour und Nolan .Marion Shaw. F.lijuh. II. Hurd, Lawyer, moved to 111-15 M.!K. & II. llldg. Farmers, lnsuro yur hay and growing grain with tho MoCtirdy in suranco Agency. ' Miss Florence Pool, tho homo dom onstratlon agent who spent this fore noon in her office nnd returned to Ashland this noon, reports that the homo demonstration millinery school for the women of that city has been attended by forty or fifty women. The Ashland school closes this afternoon and the niilllnory school for the Uoguo lilvcr women begins In that town Thursday forenoon und will conlinuo until late Saturday afternoon. ' A complete lino Tru rtlu cukes and crnckora at tho Pnluco Grocery. 7'J Hemstitching and plcoting 10c -n yard. 1 lanillcraft Shop. 731 II. C. Williamson of the Modern Plumbing & 'Heating Co.. Just return cd from llllt, Cnl., whero he finished plumbing work for the Fruit Growers Supply Co., amounting to $0500, in eluding a new hotel known ns the Sunklst hotel now open for tourists. Don't miss carnival monologues. French pastry nnd dainty confec tions niado fresh dally at Hex Cafe, tf Oregon guests at the Holland in elude Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Solbert Paul Hast and C. W. Connoll of Port land. .Mrs. Hettie Garrett of Klamath Kalis and J. F. Hoffron or Kllgono. On es, the ladles' tailor, will ho at Hole) Holland every Thursday. Fine woolens, latest stylos always. tf Hoar Harry Manning at carnival. It has been reported that different people are soliciting ads,fnr tho Mall rribiiuo and Sun. No ono is author ized to solicit lor those papers except Arthur Perry and Herbert Grey. When anyone else solicits ads from vou claiming to represent either of those papers ask them to show their written credentials from this olftce. Hear carnival bluekrueo minstrels. For the best Insurance see Holmes the Insurance Man. K. It. Hull of Weed. Calif., Is hero visiiing his mother, Mrs. I Hull, and istor. Miss Alberta. Mrs. Hull re ontly purchased the Cooley i: oporty .".!! South Central. Hemstitching, picollng 10c per yd. fhrouil furnished. Singer ijliop, iO South Fir street. WEEKS & ORR UNDERTAKERS lny J'lione 2.'r Night Vliomfi 1''. W. Weeks, C27 A, I-:. Orr, UUT-J-JJ, The public funeral service at the Elks temple over the late Clarence F. Uurkc, which began at 1 :30 o'clock this afternoon was largely attended. There were many beautiful floral tributes. The Klks ritualistic ser vice was observed, and there was a short eulogy by tho Chaplain, Wm. B. Hamilton. The pull bearers were the following druggists: Leon Haskins, Virgil Strang, Ralph Woodford, Fred L. Heath and Jonas Wold of .Medford, and Hert Stancllffo of Phoenix, Fol lowing this service a private service was held at the deceased's late home on South Riverside avenue, and at the grnve the Elks burial ritual was observed. Kids get busy and gather up all the old gunny sacks and bring them to the Huss Mill. We'll pay you real money for them. Delco-Light Electricity for every farm. J. E. Bartlctf, Medford Hotel, Medford, Ore. Lelahd A. Denzer and Wilhcltnina A. Young were married Tuesday evening nt tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. George Young by Rev. L. Myron lioozer. They left Tuesday evening for McDoel, Calif., their future home Hully Gee! Alnt it grand. Just lliink. kids, we'll have a for sure play ground if everybody goes to tho So ciety Vaudeville. My mother and dad are going, Is yours? (Signed) Kid Wise. 68 Wanted Beer aaa pop bottles at DeVoo'B. Portland guests at tho Medford are C. P. Sawyer, It. E. Bailiff, Stanley G. Jewett, Ira N. Gabrielson, J. II Smull, II. k. Holt,, A. N. Derby, Ed L. Moore, II. J. Kallskoy, Arthur W Kelloy, C. C.'Cranor, II. L. Nebergall Goo. Knight, S. S. Wendel, Wilder Voir.lo, F. B. Haines, N. L. Gruello, W. L. Johnston, Claudo FV Schmeer, .1. T. Forsythe. Other Oregon guests at tho Medford are II. T. Uolden of Kiigene, I). S. Merrltt of Corvallis and W. P. Rhoados of Beagle. 'Big moonlight danco tonight! OS Monday, Juno 1-1, wo place on sale for one week only, till 'Children's dressoB and rompers one-third off. Handicraft Shop. 73' Mr. and .Mis. C. O. Woarln of South Pasadena, Calif., aro hero vis iting .Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank W'ort- mun. The inen tiro cousins. Everybody will bo ut Carnival. The McCurdy-Bowno Motor Co. havo just unloaded ono of the now Willys-Knight ears. Drop into the Sparta building and soo what a real car loolts like. 73 W. E. Butler of Glendnlo nnd Tom Mclnnes of Portland, arc business visitors In tho city who are stopping at tho Nash. Economize by using scratch lpads for use. Get them nt this office. . tf Wo are now handtmg Orchard Brand Spray materials, good quality, prices right. Farm Bureau Coopera tive Exchange. Phone 032. ' '69 O. O. Alondorfer returned last night for a short business visit tit Klamath Falls. Don't miss carnival side shows. Salt for hay nnd stock. Good qual ity nnd price right. Farm Bureau Exchange. , A. H. Thompson of Lako crook and Frank Dltsworth of Prospect are guests at the Holland who arrived yesterday. Don't bo a tightwad. Dig down deep Into your bluo jeans after that dollar that the. Society Vaudeville are after lor an auto park and play ground. IIS Tru Bin cookies and crackers. Tho Palaco Grocery. 72 Among tho class of 22 southern Oregon novices who were initiated into the .Mystic Shrine at last Satur day night's ceremonial of Hillali Tom plo at Ashland were tho following from Modl'ord: li. F. Antle, George Hilton, Jr., nnd Flmcr Neil. A real moonlight danco tonight Follow the crowds! OS Core nnd Clark, magicians with carnival, Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Will G. Steel, wlfo ot tho Chamber of Commerce secretary, and their daughter, Miss Jean, nrrlved from Medford Inst evening. Miss Steel graduated from tho Medford high school this woolt and will enter tho university next fall. They will resido at Hurt lo Court. liugeno Reg istor. Wo nro not sntisfied unless you are. City Cleaning and Dj'olng Works. 401 South Itivorsido. Phono 474 Lndios and men's suits thoroughly cleaned.1.50. city Cleaning & Dye lug Works. Phono 474. ' Moralise or the scarcity of farm la bor in Jackson county and Inability lo obtain Hiich labor to help harvest their hay crop a number of farmers have turned their livestock into the hay fields to oat the hay. Kodak finishing. Good work, low est prices, Japanese Art Store. Moving stock out of town Tf you want to got bargains for n few days call tit Wonder Store. ' OS Due to the shortage of gasoline a number ot dances and other functions in the rural sections of southern Ore gon, have been postponed until fur ther notice. Try your luck Carnival fish pond. Color, novel ideas, and a mighty good time at tho Society Cabaret In Ashland. Friday, July 2nd. 86 Seth M. 0111118 is spending Wednes day in Grants Pass on business. Have you tried tho Lithia mineral water? If not call the bottling de partment of the Jackson County Creamery and got a sample free. Mrs. Jesse Mordoff of Grants Pass is in the city for a visit with friends, having arrived yesterday. 'A special meeting of the Farm Bur eau Cooperative exchange has been culled for tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock In the public library. Orres, tailors lor men and women. High grade only. Ashland, Ore. Farmers, insure your hay and growing grain with the McCurdy In surance Agency. Eastern guests at the Medford are W. B. Bell of Washington, D. C, Mrs Gertrude Baldwin of Buffalo, N. Y. and N. W. Schofleld and II. B. Bacon of Chicago. Carl Jeschke, high grade watch and clock repairing. 9 Fir street. Mrs. Paul 'Hansen, corsetiere for NuBone. Phono D85-J. Mrs. Emma 'James, Mrs. Harry D Mills and Mrs. Frank Carson of Butte Falls who arrived in the city yester day forenoon loft for home this inor nlng. , Taxi, phone 00. Merrell and Cor wln, anywhere, any time. Hudson Super Sixes. Night 'phones 328 and 842-L. 92 Table reservations open June 15th for the big Society Cabaret to bo held in the Armory at Ashland, on July 2d so Schmidt's shoe store has adopted a new and novel Idea of soiling Bhoes on whut is known as tho "Kow-Era" plan, which requires dealers to sell shoes at $1 profit. Tho idea is to secure a larger volume of business at smaller profits. Tho ad which up- pears In this paper today explains the system and offers something In teresting on men's shoes. Notice to Boy Scouts All members of tho Modford troop Hoy Scouts preparing to go on the hike, sightseeing und fishing trip to Mutto Falls should bo on hand tit 7:30 a. m. at the scoutmaster's home 52 1 West Eleventh street, Thursday mornin. Bring bedding and oats for two"daVs. 1 (Signed) D. E. MILLARD. TOO LATE Tt CLASSIFY 'OR SALH I oak drosser. wax fin ish, 1 oak dining room table. 1 myrtle wood antique library tattle. Some linoleum. I wool rug; seam less. 1 boy coaster wagon. I Singer ..sowing machine, 0th grade school book. Call I to 7. ;!12 South Grape. OS W ANTED Thinners. 4 0 s meal time or evening. R-3. call 70 FOR RF.XT Close room bungalow, noons. In furnished 5 Phone 317 for' WANTKD Man to work on garden ranch about four miles from Med ford. Phone 2S-R-1, 70 Films Developed Better Prints Made Clearer Prompt attention to Mail Orders SWEM'S STUDIO 217 East Main St. Medford , (KEROSENE) 7or OIL C00KST0VES STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CALIFORNIA) W. 10. Walker, Speetiii Afcont Stun ilnrd Oil Co., Medford, Ore. Join The Crowds at Mann's Expansion Sale Sat. June 12 GREAT CARNIVAL MEDFORD June 11 and 127 p. m. Opposite Nash Hotel MAIN SHOW Paiioiint Hlnck fiico minstrels Songs, Monologues. FEATURES Magicians, Side shows. Aunt Susan, Fortune Tellers " Fish pond, Photo galk'rv. EVERYBODY COME June U and 12. Standing Offer We Will Deposit Twenty-Five Dollars 25 .00 1 in any bank in Medford to the credit of any responsi ble charitable organization if any Man or body of Men will swear under oath be fore , any Notary Public after examining invoice for shoes, bill for express and bill for cost of adver tisers that the "NEW ERA" Sales System is a fraud and not a proposition. See Our Windows "Good Shoes" for Men Less Than $10 a Pair 8- DIFFERENT .STYLES. ENGLISH, SWING AND STRAIGHT LASTS TO SELECT YOUR PAIR FROM. "GOOD SHOES' FOR YOUNG AND OLD ER MEN. Lot Xo. 1917 191S 1900 lS2(i 190S '1S70 1871 Cost Price $7.25 7.LV) 7.00 ().25 0.00 5.75 5.i55 Sell in?; 8.25 8.00 7.25 7.00 (i.75 (i.:!5 (i.r!5 We defy liicsi from $2.00 to !f:?.50 a pair. vou lo duplicate values. You save Good S for Thrifty Men hoe News Sky-high prices and a speculative market linked with elastic currency which has lost about 58 Per cent of its former purchasing power, leads us to believe that sooner or later the wants of the buying public will have to be met by a shorter route from producer to consumer on the basis of volume plus smaller profits. We herewith offer you a sales plan patterned to meet economic conditions which are bound to follow an orgy of squandering. The dollar you save today will be worth two later. The Acid Test ; Conducted Under the "New-Era" Sales System (All Copy wrights Pesevved) ' Commencing Thursday, June 10 and for Thirty Days Following We will offer to the Men of Medford and adjacent community a chance to buy "Good Shoes" at cost plus $1.00 a pair profit. The "New-Era" Sales System puts these "Good Shoes" up to the consumer in 72-pair lots, in S styles to choose from, colors black and brown, sizes 6 to 10 inclusive,, widths C and D, straight lace and blucher ciit. These "Good Shoes" are made by American Un ion Labor and carry t he union stamp on every pair, we want to impress this feature on your mind so that when you buy a pair of these "Good Shoes.",., you will know by the label that you are buying shoes made by men and women who make their livelihood by menial labor thereby encouraging production, thrift and prosperity. We offer these shoes blank (no fancy name) one pair to the customer (none to other retailers) must be sold for cash, none on approval, no refunds or exchanges. Customer must make up his mind in the store either to buy them or to reject them. We determine your size, YOU select the style shoe YOU want'aud WAIT ON YOURSELF; we fur bish wrapping paper and twine and the transac tion closes on a spot cash basis, thereby cutt ing out all lost motion. In defining cost we figure co3t of shoes plus ex press and cost of advertising per pair to which we add $1.00 a pair profit. ' What the "New Era" Sales System means to you and us? Quick sales at smaller profits ; larger turnover on smaller investment. A saving to you and us. We have "signed up" for 30 days and it will be up to you to give it the acid test. If you will endorse it we will continue the "New Era" sales system o all "Good Shoes" for men at cost plus $1.00 a pair profit. 1 "Hi, in nil rill mm Good Shoes" 21 N. Central Medford, Oregon ' "GOOD SHOES" BUILT OUR BUSINESS I offer 100 flno rabbits for sale, including n fine bunch of New Zealand " "oils. Call any time this U' woek "cept Saturday. t&& mim Heine. 916 West ' Tenth street, Medford. Licensed CITY SCAVENGER All refuse immediately removed on short notice. Weekly ylait in resi dence district. Dally business dis trict, rtione 890, Dancing Academy MODERN INTERPRETATION CHARACTER Adult and Children's Classes For information call 0G6-J. MISS KATHRYN SWEM