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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1920)
raTB rerun fflTTUDFOKD yrarn TKmU!TB. XrmWO'R'D, 'OVkTAOX FRTTCW, MAY 28. 3920. MEDFORD MAIL, lIBUNE AN !NIEPKNTENT NEWSPAPER f'O IRHED KVEKT AKTRHN' "' EXCEPT SUNDAY BY THE MEDFORD Pft'NTINQ CJ Of f loo. Mall Tribune C'lilding. 25-17-1 Sorth Fir Btreat Phone 75. A connolldatlon of the Democratic Mmea The Mfdford Mall, The Hertford Tribune, the Southtirn Oregonlan The 4thland Tribune. The Medford Kunday Sua furnished lUbncrltwir df Hiring vrri-diiy -laliv iwspap-r ROBERT RUHIj, Edltoi S. S. SMITH, Manager VTTBSCKrPTXOM TE1UH T MAIL IN ADVANCE: Dally, with Hiindny Sun, year fft.OO " Dally, with Sunday Hun, month .45 - Dally, without Sunday Sun, year.- 6.00 ' Dally, without Sunday Sun, month CO Wnkly Mall Tribune, one year 1.60 - Sunday Sun, one year 1.60 BY CARRIER In Medford, Anhland. ' Jacksonville, Centra) Point, Phoenix: - Dally, with Sunday Sun, year 7.60 ' Dally, with Sunday Sun, month. .65 Daily, without Sunday Kun, year.. 6.00 Daily, without Sunday Sun, month .60 THE PRIMARY FARCE pHE ABSURDITY of the presidential primary is agah V emphasized hy the declaration of Jud.ife MeC'mium Ozflctai paper of the City of Medford. Official paper of Jackson County. Entered ae aeoond-claHH matter at Mvdford, Oregon, under the act of Marob tfworn dally average circulation for tlx months ending April S19 8.074 MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. Full Leased Wire Service. The Asso ciated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or not other wise credited In this paper, and also the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches bare la are also reserved. Ye Smudge" Pot Hy Arthur l'orry Tho starving Aromonlnns have written the Bolxhcvlka, thny will ac cept nn Invitation to talk ovor Ilo! shevf8m, but nobody tmpposod tbo starving Armenians . had enough strength left to write. Aa far as tho senates Investigating committee on campaign expenditures can make out, none of tho presiden tial candidates conducted the prelim inaries exclusively on wind. lr. Proctor, who contributed $500,000 u) Goneral Wood's ambitions, testi fied ho was prompted "hy tho same motives that prompted him to aid the R4d Cross with a similar amount." This Is saying a lot for the incumbent administration. The farmers of tho hind are thoro lydisgusted with tho conflict neccs Bary to secure a hired man, and nn a consequence some of tho city folks VFlU be forced to eat tho rear tiro oft tholr 4d next wlntnr. Hungor mixed lit) with tho flood of fool notions abroad, will make tho situation Inter esting If not exciting. . Mr. Villa, who as you know is ono of tho most rambunctious of the Mux. leaders, doos not bellevo that his old enemy Carranza has departed this earth. Inasmuch as Mr. Villa, in tho course of events has died several tlnios himself his skepticism is worth something. lilt that ho will cast his vote for Gewral Wood. Jn a fair fijzht. Senator Johnson carried Oregon, and is morally entitled to tin; support of the Oregon delegation at Chicago. But under the present law there is no legal obligation what ever. Judge MeCamant is technically within hi.s rights when he declares he will not vote for Johnson, and there is every reason to believe every other delegate but one wil! leave Johnson when the formality of the first ballot lias been observed. We have no love for Johnson. "We oppose his presen; principles and deplore the spirit to which he appeals, ilut we would like to see him get a square deal, and when he carries a state, would like to have linn receive the reward to which such a victory entitles linn. Jiut under the present, primarv such a result is next to impossible. As we have pointed out before, the prima should be made binding, until the delegates pledged to a candidate by popular vote, are released by lain, or it should be abandoned entirely, and a straight out-and-out national primary substituted. Senator Johnson's position may be better understood by imagining the primary had been carried by Wood, and then one ot the delegates announced lie would vote lor Johnson, and it was realized, that, all other candidates but one intended to do the same. Iow would General Wood and his supporters feel about it? Would the argument that the sum of the anti-Wood votes exceed the Wood total be a very satisfying con solation? Of course not. There would be a howl from the Sia kiyous to the Columbia, just as there promises to be a howi from Hiram, when the inevitable comes to pass. The present mix-up is accentuated by the political mix up. As a matter of fact, if Wood is a Republican, Johnson isn't; and if Johnson is a Republican Wood isn't. They don't belong in the same primary at all. Jiut until the pri mary is more binding, the present, complicated mess js liable to occur at any time. .1 letter no primary at all than the present hedge podge. A system that will allow the people to vote one way and their delegates to vote another, is worse than no svstem at all. WHAT'S THE MATTER? f INN and Marion counties, where more benefits are ro- ceived from state institutions than any other section of the state, both voted against the higher educational niil! iure bill and the soldiers, sailors and marines educational bill. What is the matter with our brethern in the Upper Willamette? Jackson County, with nothing directly tc gain, actuated solely by the spirit, of public service to tin state, voted for both measures over two to one. It is a snd commentary upon the quality of citizenship in Marion and Linn, when, they have to depend upon the generosity cf outsiders to secure benefits for themselves. Hay fever is around ngaln. In most cases being a holy horror of getting attachod to a pitchfork. ' Some of the Juno brides are apt to discover in the yours to como that they were Juno bugs. lluck Finn nl liinMo Any porson, whether his brow be high or low, who cannot enjoy .Mark Twain's "Huckleberry l'lnn," Is to be pitied. Tho saino holds for folks who cannot get an cvonlng of iiniiitultor Atod pleasure out of tho screen ver sion of this immortal work which Is being Bhown at tho ltlnlto theatre. The spirit of the famous humorist nnd of his lovable boy hero Iuih been thoroly maintained in tho photoplay. It is a sympathetically produced film that follows tho adventures of lluck accurately from the time when be and Tom discover the treasure In the avo until they return to their native village, sadder and wiser, but mine the less still "regular boys." ;: Lift offCorns! Doesn't hurt a bit and Freezone coats only a few cents. The Rank of Absolute Safety The Medford National Bank A Rank FOR YOU and for all the people of Medford. A Rank that gives RIOAL SKKYICR A Bank of Daily Helpfulness, of Daily Integrity and Daily Prosperity. Let Our Bank Be YOUR BANK w. s. c. I Another Big- Sale for the i AT MANN'S ANNEX ALL DAY SATURDAY 1 $25,000.00 Worth of Clothing and Furnishings ft ON SALE AT BIG REDUCTIONS frrm w vu TTith your fingers! You can lift off any hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and the hard ktn calluses from bottom of feet. A tiny bottle of "Kreoinne" costs little t any drug store; npply a few drops upon tho corn or callus. Instantly it tops hurting, then shortly you lift, t tin t bothersome corn or cnlliu riplit oft", rook and M, without one bit of pain or sore- .- Ttulyt .no humbug j Reduction in Lard Prices Effective Immediately One gallon pall $2.75 One-half gallon pail 1.40 Small pail .85 This lard is pure and sweet, made in Medford, and full quality and quantity West Side Market Economy Market Store Closed all Day Monday, Dec.oration Day GREAT SAVINGS ON MEN'S HOSE Engineer's and Fireman's Hose in black and brown, .'J5e values. Satur- 9f (lav. nair udlj pair Heavy Mixed Cotton Hose, pair 25 Men's extra fine .urade Cotton Hose in black and brown, '.'' (piality. Sat- 9Qf urday, pair uv Fancy Silk Dose. Splendid quality. Alt sizes. On sale Saturday, ' QC pair .' C3L Mercerized Hose, fine quality in black and brown. Special, Jgg Men's All-Silk Hose. Splendid quality in black anil cordovan. Special, (M 7C o m "Mi e - p war ( cxa 5 Pau' SATURDAY SALE OF SHIRTS Men's Work Shirt. Good quality. Only a few left. Vcrv special, each ..$1.19 Boy's Shirts in blue and grey. Made of pood cliainbry. Very special Saturdav each ?1.50 Men's negligee shirts with collar attached. Good quality. All sizes. Special, each $1.9S Men's fine fjrade shirts with stiff cuffs Good quality. Spec ial. Saturday, each $1.75 MEN'S AND BOYS EATS AND CAPS AT SPECIAL PRICES i r .it:, -.i.'-i V.-..... ,,I VMS V ford?.- J,f V w Men's and Hoy's Caps. Mood quality. Up to 75c. values. Saturday, Men's and Uov's Caps, up to $1.25 values. On sale Saturday, each Men's fine Felt Hats. Good styles. Cheap todav at &5.00. On sale tQ Cf Saturday, each Cellars Men's Slide well Linen Col lars on sale Sat urday 18 3 for 50c Ide Soft Collar to be closed out Saturday. Cotton .' 29? Silk 35t- Gloves Men's Canvas ' Work Glove'-. Special. Satur dav, 2 pair for 25? Men's Leather Faced Canvas Gloves, pair soc io Per Cent Off on all leather gloves for men. Shop tor Two Days Saturday a SAVE MONEY ON UNDERWEAR g Seal Pax Union Suits, best quality. All s' sizes. Vcrv special, Saturday, fljf 5 suit ! 41.J g Seal Pax Shirts and Drawers. Special nr. each S .Men's Litdit weight Union Suits. Fine qual- ity. All sizes. Special Saturday, $225 Men's HalltritrKan Shirts and Drawers. 13ot g ua!ity. On sale Saturday, 85c Extra fine quality 'Union Suits in Summer S weisiht. All sizes'. Special, $2 48 (Ihustonbury li.nht-weiK'lit. Wool Shirts and Drawers. All sizes. Special, $2 50 SATURDAY SALE OF OVERALLS 1 Men's "Doss of the L'oad" AVaist Over alls. Saturday $2.-1-8 Expressn leu 's St ri i ed Overalls. Very special, pair ..S3. 50 Khaki Pants for ni'Mi pair S3.93 Khaki Pants for bovs pair 2.00 "Boss of the Road" Dili Overalls. On sale Saturdav, pair $2.G9 Overalls for Chil dren, 3 to 15 years 'it special prices. Men's Whipcord Pants. Dest grade. Cheap at $5.00. Sat urday only, pair.. ..$3 Men's Cordurov Pants. Just a few left. ' Cheap at r,J $4.50 Men's Work Pants. Cheap at $-1.00. Special Men's Hiding Pants. Vcrv r;i;:a:i:,.::::; $4.75 Special Sale of Ties Xcw line. Just in. On sale at SS and S1.50 'J I ", 1 Hart, Schaffner & Marx all-wool suits. Only a few left. While they last, $15 and $50.00 each DON'T FORGET THE PLACE 'S 44 N. CENTRAL AVENUE Next to Schieffelin's Old Stand S ' Cuthbert Building ;il I II ! 1 1 I 1 I I I l!IHIIIIIIIIIillllllllllllllll!l!llllllllli!i!l!!l! , Minimi iiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I'liimii inn BATHING SUITS l-'or men and boys. On sale away S below what thev are worth $2.50 to $5.00 each Ot lt WOI'.K W1I.I. W1X VOfK .XI'I'KUVAI.. iu;y ci.KAXixii That is tho maximum of skill, perfec tion in results. Iat lis restore that old suit as a trial. For Sale I BalconyandStairs Now in Our Store Medford Book Store I E AT AT II itoiiana ! Cafe I II llllllllinil!lll!l!llllllllll!llllllll!l!!lll!ll!llll!l!lllll!llllll I'll II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 W 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 I I U II II llllll. 0H)tl nxilHKS I Make Thim KLEIN ThIIov lux KiMt MMn Bi e .1J OKD LKON WOKKJ rCUNDRY N0 M4CHINI SHO J7 South Btvinitf ' i Stenography Multigraphing t'lrcnlar work of nil kind. Walling Tunncll & Edwards I08-SOS LlbArtr Bulldlrif Medford, Or.jgon. STAR TAXI PHONE 300 Cars for hire Willi or without driver. JAKES LESLIE Nash Hotel 1919 Oakland Six Just Like New i 1920 License, Bumper, Motormeter, Spot Light, Hxtra lire and lube. All tires good. This Is a Snap Terms , Overland Ru n seven thousand miles. In A-l shape, good tires, 1910 license. To sell quick will sell cheap. Terms to suit. Buick Six touring car. Just overhauled. Terms. Seely V. Hall Motor Co. 16-18 North Central Medford 4 WITH TEDFC3D TRADE IS MEDFORD MADE