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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1920)
' BEDFORD WXTE TTmniNT?. STrTnWRTI. OTvTCCiOK. SaTFRTUY, Tvr.vTjrTT 27. 1920. FAG R FIVB i Page-Dressier Co. Phono 882 Xiih Mock Medlord We are pleased to show properties. l.ook this list over, call and iii-range for a showing. .Now is the time to invent in real astute. Your dollar is only - worth alMtut. 42 cents, hut in the ltogllo liner Valley It will now liny more than KM CENTS (actual value) for each and every dollar Invested in Itealty. CITY HOMES. 1. On paved street, 5 room bun galow. Ilurdvt-ood floors, tmscineiit. A nice attractive home. $1501). On paved sti-eet, .1 room bun galow... Hardwood floors, fin place, garage. All assessments paid. Very good buy. SJ2K.KI. tl. On paved street, siv room luui gnluw. Hardwood floors, Imsement, heating plant... A very nleo home, tiootl buy, $11100. 'I. Beautiful home, splendid loca tion. Kxtru largo lot. Full basement, hot water heat. Hardwood floors, sleeping porches. Two story garage. In fact everything 0110 ran ask for. Kight rooms in all. One. of tho best homes in Medford, nnd tho prieo is right, ll.tHHt. I. Strictly up to date, most, at tractive) homo, Basement, heating plant. Hardwood floors. Extra large lot. A homo that; will interest any. one. Price $7,100. Note. Our listing of city and suburban homes is large. It will be to your interest to let us show you some of these properties. Also keep in mind that Medford is almost at the present time and will soon be, "strict, ly up against It" for houses. Act now. SMALL AOKEAfiE We have several most nttrartlve small ranches under water on paved highway. Theso places offer very ut tractivo homes. Some in alfalfa. Some alfallu and orchard. They are adapted for diversified fnrmlng, dairying. These properties are the best kind of investments. il. Ton acres lwst soil, ' water, good location. A money maker. Price 7. Forty-three acres, on pared highway, irrigation. 28 ucres in al falfa. Fair buildings. For short lime, $10,04)0. 8. Filly acres on paved highway, New house. Klcrtrio lights. Family orcluird. lllg burn. 1!S acres alfalfa. I'nder Irrigation. $10,(MM). ... Thirty acres. In best part of vallev. All cultivated. 10 news water right. Small house. Fine for alfalfa. $7000. Terms. ORCHARDS AN1 DIVKR.SIFrEl) RANCHES ' 10. Thirteen acres hearing pears, Non-resident owner not In position to care Tor It. It's a real barguin, Close to Medford, $5000. It. Twenty-seven acres diversi fied ranch. Alfalfa. Fruit. 'Jills property has paid tho owner foi years. It's a safe investment. Tin prico is $18,000. 12. Eighty acres apples and pears bearing. Belongs to a non-resident. TI11. rlen is nUldo ilTOSlieCtlve Ol vnlun tn make it sell. It's under water. Only $'J."0 per acre. i:i. One hundred fifty acres. Fine locution. 40 acres alfalfa. Some orchard, full equipment. All ready to operate as owner gives possession at once. Price $27,000. 14.. Forty acres. Ten acres New towns. Six acres nlfaira. Fair im provements. It's Hear Creek bottom, with water right. Owner shows fine returns for years. You should see this. $20,000. NOTE: We are pleased to show the properties listed with us. Plenty of cars. Can go nny time. Call nnd make appointment. Page-Dressier Co. l'hbne 282 ' X""'' The Ilest Fire Insurance If you wish to buy or sell nny kind of Ileal Estate. ws ( Furnished by the jucksou County Abstract Co.) i Circuit Court Alli. it Clements Vs. I!.i-s Small. State vs. Harold lVvtmi ami (Iconic Summers. Verdict of not ituiltv. .Mcdt'ord Sanitarium vs. I.. (.'. Tav lor and liov Taylor. Verdict, l ost lull. Slate vs. T. J. Smith. Order. (Ii'o. 1'. .Martin, et al vs. Ethan Allen I'oe. i't al. Decree. V. S. Hudson, et al, vs. Henry l'olilinau, et al. Affidavit. Fimlim's Default. Decree. A Friend Ileronimenrml Them A person often does more good than lie realizes when ho tells a suf fering friend how to get well. .1. X. Tohlll, clerk Lottie Hotel, Evansvillc. Ind., writes: "For weeks I suffered constantly with pains in tho muscles of my thigh. I was treated by the doctor for rheumatism but found no relief. Upon recommendation of a friend, I tried Foley Kidney Pills nnd began to get relief almost immedi ately." Good for backache, rheuma tic pains, stiff joints. For sale by Medford Pharmacy." KAI.KM", Ore., .Mar. '. Alter beinir informed bv W." 11. I.vtle. state veterinarian and ex-ol'firio state beep inspector, tlitit sheen scabies exists iiinontr tbe flocks of iiructi- itllv all states oilier than Oregon. Governor Olcott has issued a iiroc- lamation establisliiuir more stringent tiuarautine tban lias existed hereto fore 011 the importation of sheeii int this stale. Tlie order is effective to day. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Several fast, accurate men as rodiuen ou two survey par ties; five months season. Line Weed, Calif, to Seattle. Wash. I'. S. Coast and Geodetic. Survey. Ash- lund. Ore. C. A. Egner, Chief of party. WANTED To rent or liny, a good standard typewriter, Underwood preferred. Phono 8113 Jackson ville. '1 WAINTED Itoof painting, colorin auto painting, huuse painting. Med ford Painting Co., 30 South lii..p .10 WAXTED sewing. 30 9. -Dressmaking and 707 Sherman. plain Phone WANTED Plowing, spraying and cultivating. Ilavo tractor and good equipment. Phono 40S-J-I. II Anning. H. F. D. 3. 10 WANTED To rent n small furnish ed house. McFarland, 30 North Central uvenue. WANTED Will pay top market prices for wool and mobalr. See us before you sell. Medlord Junk Co. Phono 283-J. WANTED To buy quilts. Phone 315 WANTED HcTse for single orchard work. Call S42-J. WANTED WOO lawn mowers to sharpen on our big new Ideal grin dor. Liberty Hepalr Shop, 22 South Grapo street. WANTED Carpet weaving and cleaning. 201 South Klvorside, Phone 356-J. Fluff Hug Factory. WAINTED Automobiles for repair bv expert nuto mechanic. Clark it Childers, opp. (Nut. Phone 20. 336-" WANTED To. Tuy Phono 468-R-l. smudge pots WANTED St. Louis prices for furs at Johnson s, 4 b I'ront street. WANTED To buy good clean cotton rags. Medford Printing Co. WANTED Your little n worth real money at Johnson's, 45 Front street. WANTED House moving and re pairing. Phone 488-M or 488-X. tf LOST LOST Supphire and pearl brooch Reward. 1 Return to Mail Tribune office. LOST A German police dog, license No. 8110. Please notify Frank An derson 611-R-2. LOST Tortoise sTicU colored spec tacles with lenses cracked. If found nlease return to Tribune office, tf BROWN & WHITE REALTORS MEJJFOHD. OREGON 4 0 acres all fine free soil, 20 in alfalfa, 10 In grain, 5 acre -wood lot, about 30 fruit trees, there are now 2d acres under the ditch and the bal ance will be; a fine house, all modern convenien es, a beautiful view of the valley, good barn and all necessary outbuildings, close to good schools and only xk mile from paved high way. This wi" bear close Investiga tion. Price $10,000. 30 acres, all fine free soil, all In cultivation, 20 now under the ditch and being seeded to alfalfa, 7 acres best varieties pears S years old and In fine condition with a splendid crop set for this season, a fine large home with all modern conveniences; the improvements alone would cost youj more than the price now asked. Let us show you this and explain -why it can e bought at the price and the very liberal terms offered. All we ask of any honest and sin cere buyer Is a chance to show what we believe to be some of the very best values ever offered In this valley whether a small cottage In town or an Orchard, Grain, Alfalfa or Btock ranch. J BROWN 8c WHITE HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Wcnian for cooking and j general housework, 1.1 Geneva. 1" Phone SIT. , WANTED Woman to do general housework. Good wages; no laun-1 drv. Phone- -Mrs. Walter Bowne, 0SS-R-1. 7' WANTED Woman for general housework, three In family. 11. VY. .Mrs. Elliott. WANTED Young girl to ussist with housework; experience not neces sary. Mrs. K. Corning Kenly. J'hone (Tl l-J-3. ' WANTED Experienced steuogra nit er Tor law (.Tfice. P. O. Hox ISO, Corvallis, Oregon. 11 WANTED Girl or woman for gen eral housework. Phono 750-X. 5 WANTED Experienced waitress six days a week, dustier 1 ule. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Trimmers and other orcbnrd help. Hear Creek Orchard Phone 40X-.I-2. 6 WANTED Murried man on ranch, close in. Steady job for good man. Orchard experience not essential. J'hone 7SS-J-3. 0 WANTED Men. $3.00 nnd board. 14" Phono 0S5-J-3. WANTED- -Boy to herd cows. Phone l-F-13. WAINTED Teamsters to drive four mules to a Fresno scraper. Only men who know how to build ditches. Wages $4.a() for a hours, board $1.2.r per day. Illanke'.s necessary; live in camp. Apply Sbnttuck Const. Co., Room I, Schmidt Hldg., Grants Pass. Tel. 1 1 ti Grants Pass. WANTED Man for ranch work. Good board. Phone 01, Guy Con nor. WANTED Teams and men. Moon & Co'., near Port Orl'ord, Curry coun ty. Teams 10.00 per day; Cali fornia hay and grain, hay $34.00 per ton, grain $72. Good men $5.00 per day: board $1.10; work road construction. Moon & Co. 320 Page-Dressier Co. . . Phone 282 Nash Blk. E. Main St. , SPECI MONTHLY INCOME $350.00 DAIRY RANCH 30 ACRES BEAR CREEK BOTTOM LAND ALL , IN CULTIVATION 10 ACRES IN ALFALFA LARGE BARN FAIR HOUSE FIFTEEN DAIRY COWS GO WITH IT Some of these cows pay $45.00 per month. All milk sold at the ranch daily. Full equipment Good team, har ness, three wagons. All farm tools. . Dairy equipment. This an unusual opportunity for a practical farmer. Ill Health Reason for Selling Price given to make quick sale. Possession can be. had at once. Phone or call and let us show this. If desired, we will be pleased to take you out Sunday. Price $12,000 Terms if Desired Page-Dressier Co. Nash Block - The Best Fire Insurance If you wish to buy or sell any kind of real estate. WHY Xlro Home. Eisy Terms: Price 9!fMM $250 cash, balance easy terms. All assessments paid, mm -fc This house Is clcse in on North Riverside Ave... It has Just been painted and papered. It fs a nice East front lot, all city Improve ments In and paid for. A good range connected goes with tho place. Also have a larger house, ten rooms, nearly new, strictly modorn, very close In, suitable for ono wishing to keep roomers. Will sell for $4500, easy terms. House could not be built for JG000. J. C. BARNES See owner, Phone 784-L ItENT IIOVSEK.EI HOOMS -FOR ItENT Housekeeping rooms ill ;I22 South Central. 7' FOR RENT HOUSES FOR KENT Furnished seven-room modern house one block from post office; fine lawn and shrubbery. Call ut Room 207 Fruitgrowers Hank Dldg. Phono 3C1-L. tf FOR KENT FVRNISHE1) ROOMS FOR RUNT Rooms. Phone ti-tl-ll. 19 INCTth Peach 313 HI ' S 1 N ES S OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE OR RENT Ono of the best small business propositions in the city. Extra gof.-J trade, good clean stock, fine local ion and good t store building. Five living rooms in eonnectiom If you have a little money and are looking for a pay ing business, one that can he han dled by man and wife, you had better hurry ami look this ever, it will be sold quickly. Reafon for selling have other business to look alter. Address Hox M, Mall Tribune. FUR SALE Paying restaurant busi ness. II. It., cure Mail Tribune. 314 MONEY TO LOAN TO LOAN J. B. Andrews loans money on real estate and buys mortgages and Liberty bonds Phone 63-M. 31 Nonh Grape street. TAKEN UP TAKEN UP And placed In pound, one black mare with while face, left hind foot white. Wearing leather halter. One small bay mare with white strip on nose. One small hay hcrse with bell on. Two large heavy work horses with reached mane. Oner can have same l proving property and pny I'ng dnsSnge-. Chief of Police. f. MONEY TO LOAN On farm or orchnrd land, 0 per cent Interest five to forty years. McCurdy Insurance Agency BO North Peach St. AL! 1 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Small amount second hand lumber; a small outbuilding, and a boy's bicycle. S'J.'i-Y. I'l l Queen Anne Ave. 5 FOR SALE (lit TRADE One corril- gated roller, one tandem disc bar-; row; both in good condition. Phone! 7.SS-J-I. FOR SALE Sniitb-l'n ter. Reasonable. :t 1 ; iiiier typewri- Soutli Uraiie springicoili FOR SALE Disc ami burrows, sldebiil. sleel-beaui and tree plows; one horse. Berkeley Orchards. FOR SALE Furniture and canned fruit. 330 South Riverside. FOR SALE Electric Frost Alarm. C. C. Cate. FOR SALE 'New wood range cheap. Medford Sheet Metal Works. 0 FOR SALE -tine sewing machine. one smull dresser, one rocking chair, ono co'iuinode, one sniail stand, small table, oil stove, heat Inu stove, two incubators, two brooders, paints, chicken wire, rab bit pen, fruit jars and grain in field, etc. S44 West Fourteenth, "i-' FOR SALE Twill Excelsior motor cycle at a bargain if taken at once. Call 213 Realty street or phono S24-11. r. FOR SALE i.Now 1 2n N-Ray Inciiba at M. F. &. II. Co. tor. Can ho seon Cheap. FOR SALE A lew bargains this week only In llelgian hares, llllss Heine, M I G West Tenth street, 'Medford. 0 FOR SALE Real cheap, canopy top hack. 100 Almond hi reel. FOR SALE Cheap, a good leather brown South Ivy. quantity of paint. 4 2ii 7 FOR SALE Hay. I'hono 500-R-2. 312 FOR SALE Carload of vetch and grain hay. II. W. llingham 5II7-.I-3. tf FOR SALE 3'3 ton dump truck working on a good contract. Phone 411-R-l, between 0 and 7 evenings. 313 FOR SALE Wood, delivered or on tho ground on Coleman Creek. Phone 14-F-3. 331 FOR SALE 14-incii sulky plow and Kinihull weedcr. Phono till-J-4, Foothills Orchard. 313 FOR SALE fcanu, Brayel, sediment and dirt. Plowing and teaming work done. Phono 918-J. FOR SALE POULTRY AND KGGS 'OR SALE Eggs from prize win ning pen of Purtrldge Wynndottos rur hatchings, tl.UU for lf eggs. Call at C. L. Eursley's. 01 u West lEIeventh street, Jledlord. 10 FOR SALIC' 'Huff Leghorn laying bens. Call evenings. South lluin llton street, near Dukota avenuo. 7 FO RSALE ICggs from "Superb'' illalbach's While Plymouth Rocks My hatching finished, a few ?fi set tings for $2.50. Fifteen eggs, 100 per cent fertility guaranteed. R. 11. Pnxson, phono 11, Central Point FOR SALE 'Barrel Rock hatching eggs, O. A. C. strain, fl.DO per setting. Phono d-F-2. 11 FOR SAIE Young Brown Leghorn hens. 247 lleatly stroot. J'hone X24-1L 6 'OR SALE Hatching eggs from pure bred White Leghorns or Plymouth Rocks, carefully select ed, 100 per cent layers. Either variety $1.00 per Butting. Phone 2S-R-1. , f FOR SALE R. I. Rod nnd White j.egborn eggs and chicks. Book orders early. Mrs. F. 1L Dressier. Phono 777-L. 332 FOR SALE Superior S. C. White Leghorn eggs. Bigger eggs and larger birds. lBt cross famous O. A. C. layers with Isaacson's beuutl f ill prize winners. Trup-nestcd and raised right. Settings of 15 eggs, $l.uO and $2.50; $S.0O per hun dred. Cockerels for sale. Cius Brommer, phone D89-J-2. Route 3, Medford. 318 FOR SALE Hatching eggs, Tancrcd White Leghorns, regular pens 200 and better hena $1.50 per set ting. Special pen 250 and 287 egg grado. $3.00 per Betting. Phono 697-R-l. R. V. Crum. 314 FOR SALE It. 1. Red hatching eggs. Thorough bred stock. Phone 370-W. tf The Heavy Black Land Anneals to evorybody. Wo have 38 acres of It, tho very best, In the heart uf the valley, no buildings, which we can sell at $273 per aero, and it is the best and cheapest small tract in the valley. For It Is going to mova soon. Wo can muko satisfactory terms to the right parly. Crop rent nlono In 1919 panned out more than $800. Equally good for grain or alfalfa. Rogue River Land Co. Since 1902 Office Hotel Nash Corner FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE -Good horse, w.u-k. ride pack or drive. 1 In;! Niantic sire.,'.: FOlt SALE Registered pure bred Red Polled bull, t Veals obi; splendid animal. See Foreman a' Modoc Orchard or l. It. Wood. '.Medford. FOR SALE A go. d Phone 01 l-.l-l. family cow. .-!!FOR SALE One span mares three and four years old. Call lul'.'J West Eleventh. Iliit FOR SALE One good four ear old saddle horse, reasonable; sired by Commercial Traveler. Also Pc-lalid China sows ami pigs. W. 11. Ivn Inger, one mile north Seven 0.ks on highway. 3 i :: FOR SALE Twelve, milch cows: these are all selected cows. Tile best of milkers: also six yearling heifers. Walsh's place, en Ross Lime, two miles nortbwest of Med fr.Td. 3;: FOlt SALE One roan Durham bull three years old, weight le.'iil lln, about two miles northeast of Med ford. Fred Publ Ranch. 312 FOR SALE Pure bred Duroc-.Iersey sows Willi spring litters; also bred sows; also a few half grown pigs. Inquire of foTeman at Modoc Orch ard or D. R. Wood. .Medford. FOlt SALE F;nr llelgian hares. Hliss Heine, ill ti West Tenth street, Medford. 312 FOR SALE Two goi.d spring wag ons, suitable for one or two horses. Also fine saddle. Walsh's place, on Ross Lano, two miles northwest Of Medford. 231 VOn SALE ItKAIj ESTATE FOR SALE -One of the niftiest anil most compteto little bungalows in the city: six rooms, strictly mod ern, built-in features and cabinets, two fireplaces, laundry trays, back porcb enclosed In glass, wired for electric cooking, gas, woodliouse, garago, hot water heating plant. If you want something up to the minute you will buy this. Sec Bennett Investment company, 102 West Main. FOR SALE iN'ico five-room bung low on pavement. Phono 547-L. FOR SALE Six-room modern house four blocks from .Main street. Call at. t!04 North Riverside or phone 5 10-J. (i FOR SALFi Siniill erty ono bluck residenco prop off pavement, light car. Cull Would trade for ll(i King. C. D. Ntbley. FOlt SALE K4 ncro ranch, 30 acres new stand irrigated alfalfa and 34 acres wood timber pasture, within one mllo of paved Highway nnd Tulent, flvo miles of pavement to Ashland, eight to Medford. Ideal location. Priced to sell. Willi this four fine Jerseys, lour heifers to freshen in April, two calves, bull and separator. See owner, E. IC. Fobs, Tulent, Oro. Phono 372-R-12. Ashland. 3I4 FOlt SALE Modern furnished slx- rcoia bungalow. Phono 37 1 -X. 313 'OR SALE Six-room modern house, ono aero ground with berries, mils und fruit. 310 West Jackson. 313 'OR SALE Eighteen acres of land opposite Oak Grove school house on Jacksonville road. For lnformu tion write D. V. Turner, Gonosco; Kunsns. - 330 'OR SALE Nice atirnct;vo little bungalow: four rooms, Inrgo screen porch, bath, toilet; flro place; gnrngo, chicken houso; lot 50x140. Price $2250.00. Bennett Invest ment Co. ' FOR SALE If you nro looking for n home, nnd miulity, prlco and terms intorest you cull nt 820 Woat Twelfth stroot. P. E. Wynkoop. 321 AUTOMOBILES 'OR SALE Seo our prices on over hauled Ford cars, licenses paid; liberal lei ins. McCurdy-Bcwno Motor Co. . FOR SALE iVeurly new 2-ton truck und contract for hauling for year '.120. Snup. Terms, impure at Brown & Brown's Billiard Parlors 10 FOR SALE Wo trade used cars for hiprses, cattle, hogs und chickens Phono 2li, Clark & Childers. 7 FOR SALE 1918 -Maxwell. 230 North Ivy. Cull at 312 FOR SALE I'sed cars ot all kinds on easy terms. Chirk & Childers, 127 IXorth Riverside, opposlto Nut 327' FOR SALE At a sacrifice, roomy flvo nassengor car. new top, cord tires, runs and looks like new; self starter of course. McCurdy-Bowne Motor Co.. temporary location Cra ter Lake Garago, 18 South Fir street. FOR SALE llulck runabout, four- eyilnder with self-starter; excel lent condition mechanically; prac tically pew tires and u new top, at a sucrifico. McCurdy Bowno .Mo tor Co., temporary location Crater Lake Garago. on easy terms. Clarrk & Childers, 127 North Rivorsido, opposlto Nut. 321. USED CAR clearing house, buy for cash, sell on terms. Pickens-Morrill Motor Co., 18 North urnpe. tr MISCELLANEOUS FOR SERVICE lorsey Drossier. bull. F. II 332 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Abstractors MiTuTATiTuoT& van voitis I Abstracts of Title. Clltbbert Hldg., 1 Rooms 3 and a. North Central Ave. j Auto Supplies. LAMEH SPKINGCQ LAHEIl AUTO SPRING 'JO. We nrn operating the largest, oldest and best-equipped plnnt lu the Pn cific northwest. Use our springs when otbers fail. Sold under writ ten guarantee. 34 North Fifteenth St., Portland. Oregon. Attorneys. W. 10. PHIPPS Attorney at Law, 425-4:0 M. F. It II. lildg. Office phono 372; residenco phono 325-M. ELIJAH II. IIURD Lawyer. 213-14, Garnett-Corey Bldg. PORTER J. NEF1 rooms S and 9, Bank Ilulldlng. Attornoy-at-law, Medford National A. E. REAM US Lawyer, Garnett Corey lluilding. ilulldlng Materials. MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK ft m.OClv WORKS specialize In all kinds of cement building products. Cor. Fir and Tenth Btreets. 259" Expert, Accountant. WILSON AUDITINO CO. E. M. Wilson, C. P. A. Attention given to anything in Accounting and In come Tax requirements. Look Into our simplified accounting mothod. M. F. & IT. Building. Medford. Phone 157-R. Instruction in Music. FRED ALTON 11A1CHT Teacher ot piano and harmony. Halght MubIo studio, 318 Garnott-Coroy Bldg. Phone 72. Physicians and Surgeona. DR. A. BURKLU.ND, Cliiropractla physician, St. Mark's building, acuto and chronic cases. Office hours 10 a. m. to 13 m. 2 to 5 p. m. Toloplionos Office 4G4, ros. 7D0-.T. A BURSELL, M. ).; D. C. Splnolo glst, Physician nnd Surgeon. Spe cialty Physiological Methods. 309-10-11 M. F. & 11. bldg. Phone 29. Take elevator to 3rd floor. 325 ROBERT W. STEARNS Physician and Surgeon, Jackson County Bank Bldg. Otfico hours 9-12, 2-4. Of. flee phone 39. Residence 933. : DR. J. J. EMM ENS Physician an4 surgeon. Practice llmitod to eye, enr, nose and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses suu plied. Oculist and Aurlst for S. P, R. R. Co. Offices M. F. & H. Ct, Bldg. Phono 607. DR. F. O. CARLOW ' DTI. EVA MAINS CARLOW OSTEOPAT1IIS PHYSICIANS 410-417 Giirnolt-Coroy Bldg. Phono 90'4-L. Rosldonco 2ti S. Luurel Street DR. McMORRlS M. DOW, Physician and Surgeon Practice limited to Biirgery nnd hospital obsterlcs. Special nttentlon given to dlsoasea of womon. Officoa 300-7 M. P. ,& II. Bldg. ItOBldonco, the Dcnv Hos pital. . . ' , Printers and Publishers. MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped printing office la Southern Oregon. Book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prlcos. - 27 Nortu FlrSt. Transfer. EAD3 TRANSFER & STORAGE CO". Office 42 North Front St. Phone 315. . Prices right. Service guar anteed. Undertakers JOHN A. PERL - Undertaker ' Phone M 47 and 47-J-2. 28 South Bartlett. Lady assistant. Auto mobile Hearse Service. " Auto Am bulance Service. Coroner. Lodges. I. o. o. K. Vi-ilrord loilgB No. 83, Meets every Monilay nlsiit at 7:30, ij, T. I'uckor, N. U., W. L. Miller, secre tary: Itoftuo Ttiver -Encompment No. 30 Meets 2d and 4tb Fridays at 7:30 p. m. h'umucl ilaluinan, C. P., L. O. How ard, scribe. Olive Hli-knh lodfte No. 28 Meets 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 8 p. m. Nan nie Hull. . N. U Annie J. Batemaa, SL-crobiry. Visitors cordially Invited to all You Can Buy Thes NOW, RIGHT. 8 room modorn house, close In, pavement, corner 2 lots, worth $3500, buyer ussu'iuo pavement $1248, to run 11 years 6 per cent, payable any time. Get busy, today, $1000. 5 renins, modorn, plastered, stone foundation, $1650.' 5 rooms, modorn, plastered, 2 lots and furniture, $1650. 5 rooms, modern, now, 2 lots, pave ment, $1500. SO ucres, well Improved, only $3500 ,40 acres, improved, joins town of 5000, $1000. i 160 acres. Improved, only $3500. Seo us tor description at these and others, HURD LAND fc INVEST MENT CO. Garnet t-Corcjr Lldg. .A'Zi