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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1920)
FAUJ5 FOUR m:mmv wktTj trttttttp. stfdford. oKErov satt-rdav. maw-h If)." MEDFORD MAIL. lIBUNE; AS Ivr.F.I-KVr KNT NK-.V.--I-APKR Ft:il.JfHKt i:vk:t Ar-rt.r.suos KX'.KF-T K'.'SlUT P f TiiK Ottlcr M'I Tnb'ir.e 'J-U.4:i.g. 2i-2'-l Ijctv alrl I I ? I ii-t ti .! 1 lif as in a fiii.ii i lc ti'iu. STOP THE MONEY GRAB boo:er tho made ihe mo Tar.ce the ?aary o! Jri-ipe x-ii' in a primary aiiij.air I am ih I. on to d-an Puri.n iTh-:n f-r-tary of the- tlubi from $ K j-er m-n:a to $J-" pr til '!!!' I hi-iv 1-; r.l.-T as Inilrii Vi-ii.(,n Ii.r ti! i.iili-.mor.-n. .Not many raon::; Tribune, th ivvjLr.-ern Orcein :.a. Til: Aihir4 Tril'.r,t. ' t.. i.'i later it ias i irjvi 10 en.:!ov a yonr.z raan j require &11 hi- time in the inter im of the club. Mr. Millar of the III tho fuli.'itt- I-Vld;iV Senator I!..r;ili m;ini- r-f-rt;iiii Medford Btok Store was elected sec- f-Jiif- if ".hain(-I-.-.s "vi'f-h'iiniri-s" against tli- Wo"fi cltih's hiftory. an-i fom safeguard i: nine tenths of the illation are la placed to make every dollar aunt in;!orrr5 ar.d th:r chief interest are ronstructiie work: and this hold the j payrolls and :'.h the farmers their confidence of the public which i- ab-j.hir.-f interest 1.- in a steady market solutely necessary to aironsplUh per-foc labor and j-roiuce. salient rem Its. Their incom.- and happir.J. erory Moeh of th rocia! f iVtinn of the '"'"I"'-5 man is hH interest, chamber ihonM he lopp-ed off. The-'""! ,heir prosperity and hts are very fraremaJ oriim. churcH and other I '' l'nked together. ' 1' 1 oicnrc vxw.. r..:nt K. SVITH. Miniicr. retary. The writer made the motion j organizations are ample to take care f v hi ciUrr i. 1 llfl TTlftTTl i .v :l K rii nrA a!Kl i.oV. di ll J.l-Uliary luai:aU" I'-. W'lil-a .SUOUiU Hthor b..- ud require a!l fci time. This looked the chamber should function chiefly .!Y,yi-'l f,f disiI-iiV;'I. If- Iliailita!!i'-(1 Wnul t'-.-tilllOlli-'i.'- ;o ""-aoy 45 a pie- ' eitraraeance as a business institution, and t.ot a T..i-,. I 1.1,1. .)..,,! ;,, T , , J:.. . ., , ,. i- - ,...!. ii, ,1.. 1 bat it proved to be Just the thing, and I leader in the moving picture shos 1 ' j ... ,' . .' from that tiiae lor a nnfr.i;r 01 years instead of conrinice our efforts cf loeto. Coumr ar start aforetaid. fiar'-U I'VII't' V(t- ca-t fiV : Jvd(-n 111 SO'.ltii the club did spler.did wori. leiclusfvelv to the d!n t interests of f "at taat ma Cnr. m pay tiie suni of etat or On:e, C.iy ct J-a -a Cou.-.ty. n Krar.k J. Cbr-? nais oath tliat he is senior rartrr cf '.ne firm of F. J. Chvr.iy 4 Co.. c-inr t' in the City BnrI w'-'';?rN,o w.lix' Hak'ta 't 10 raih. . I Not many years had passed until 'the business and ptofwsiena! men J !r c cCawlrtnt cnoVbJ ft' V?:?iitr tl No 0Jl: who kji..'.vs riti.rr W.h.,1 or I,,-.Vfl.'.l., SUsp-ts ,h elui' drift,i,j in! 3 "hot a,r ' ma- some mean, should be put cu foot to. ?5S c?i?l?.H rZ 'r Z-"- , ifj-V" '..Vth -iir 1 . , ti . 1 lehine uelerlr syndics money on satisfy the retired citizen, laborer. sirtb to before r.e ar.d ubicribed f Wwki, La' tji'm o'-.t' VSrl 1 IllOUlfllt that iltliCl- ..IK- of tlN'lll V.-cillUi .( Ulllt dial !'(': iii(:ti salaried help and frequent ! farmer, clerks, teachers, stenosraph-! yr pwjm, tha th cf Icerr.or, ,v'"iZi?i V,U.;., ;.r ' V : ''Ol'l Uliti'.l!. Sf-natoi- JJul-all did )j..t .-liarf'f till- l.Ulcliar''-;srncker. As a result the public tens and telephone girls I Jf&iV A' " Net w'pSbiie. Jirt,''r..mi f.,- , . t... 1., .... :. .1 .1 ... .1 i:. t I withdrew Its suor.ort of the--club. About one-third of the sobfCrip-I ."!' OitarrJ: liv.i-lr i taken In. riir. w:t.-.',.t a 1 g-j-tr I . v-.r j: so y-t - 'f vot-. SUJ1.H Of Imt h'- iiiaiiitaihf d that 1 iniii--. din-'-!l- i j'fV-i ti-d the Xl.ciidit'llc of vasr.!w,u"lrw ""PJn ! rcsuu. Official i-ir '.f ti Ci Off:c!i 5-itx-r cf Ja'.kji Cojn nrthv'tinr, .hnnM .nffirP tr. mt fill direct . .tJx' ri t '- - . kuui.,..J.. . i hit .-.n. oz i;.e a .m. aeno I fftl'lVf'T .tr.r lif ;vn thai nrf.nor eT'rsp a-if ih r-Inh- 'hp i.alanr-p of? XOI ttJmon:'". free. cf M.dfo,d.1,..tH,.fii,.r th. v,.,.litii.i u,.m;.A ,.w.,i,l-., ,r ;..l oci repetition of the bad part of the and ttipportnnr pay rolls. - -rotat.iy. .t!4tw Ozh0u, u:,dr li act of March Jpirant. thus pla !.'' tlic-ni uj 6wwn 1ai;r rrs? cir'-ilkt St-, for :x DvintG eR'j.iir Apr:. J3!i J,d" TnTl Tasd ' V: .-.ty Tbs Afu Vtrl It H -ir-. t"jv.jr 'it!:d to Iht f,-r r-p(lt.i'-' .on of n n-w i!'.w:(h rr-::t'l t--i It or rot oi.i-r- iw cr-itvl In lh: r'''fcr. aa-1 also th an ffjuit! footiuij 'ts far as; Ye Smudge Pot Br Artauu Peerr An ld.ilator '.Vil-oni.-u-'r. thev nr. fewer of them r'-rnainiM' tfjn .M..hi- etin-i. ' nr.'itinif Fri'lav that Sir. William Howard" Taft an to Uatr.e for the tire-erit e.i!i'iiti.n .f the ad Hit. .nitori.-al om.n.-nt eontended Talt win not to blame. hut wa ntt'-.-rtam whether it wa- Millard rllhiore or Martin van I: r-n. Tile vhorl arid (Jl-IiJ ;kirt enable'-. Hie L'irls to elj.-tv mri. nn.l move llieii iart in tini.-ion with t li-ir Jr-t-t. 'I'lie N'ational foinmitfe rerort lliat he I'ar We-t i lnliin.l in it --ub..T-ii.lioii to the relief ot the Near K:iKt. TliH is due to the Near llnst. not heiti' forced to (.wallow near hei-r. Thcv ean htill tret a drink. It hn heen kit weeks hinee Mexi can hnnilit-. raided Texim. The ilu tition is Ho nhnormal. thnt Texan wil hove to raid itc-lf to make: thins imt 11 nil. Ono of Hie leadinL' obieelions te t-rnntiiiL' a hontis to veleraiis of t'-..-L-rent war is llial tlmv willi ill) ami Kliini it. Innsnmeli ns tlicv will not let Jack lletniisev fiirht Cariieiitii.r. on iiceonnt t his war record, it inav he nosililc to' inati li him in u tnii.tor niiikiir. COIltC-ht. . Senator liorah of l.lalio claiiim thai the profiteers are alter liolli the (!. . J. and ilcMioi-ratie conventionK. Alter the ileinoi-ratie ilcleiratcs to Sun rraneisiii in June (.t out u California lliev will he able to -.'ive iicciinite doiie 011 real iirolitecrs. There are 1.17 works on the I-iiirii.-1. 1 Nation. The last work of ol N. did the job. The 1 rt In ll (lie itoniaii Havs it was "killed," and Ihi I'lirtlaiiil .lomnal that it was "i ruei lied." The Kii'.'ene reuil.-r' n-uorls thai "Jack Frost, was si-hIiihiiI lo Hi years Wldlle-.lav." No Kliillilile. Ill; J U.'H. Mr. Wilson will not run imain. Th" Novelilber. 11I1H, ilceiileil that Hit; Ililii liv.sleiin has lost i, rllarni. SAY WET AND ? DRYj IS BETTER THAN H. C. OF LOVING There i- no plav before Ihe I lie t ti i-ii t ii-r i .im 1 1 ! . 1 1 - Indiiv eon lllillilll! IlKire of the eliillelll ol li:ne- line-n Minn "Wet inol llrv" tin. Inn-; inirlli-tiri'VokiiiL' ilriuiuil i- 1'jin-r 1 1 . V. hii-ll Koll) ami Dill, Ihe eelebrated eliaracler .-. lin-il i:i u-. , are iiial.liu their lU'e-enl niili.-arall.-e anil whieli uill he seen in tin-, eil at Ihe I'a.-e lliealie Tue-dnv iiL-M. .March :iii. Nolh, the lo!i--, lean liin-lcr. ph. v the role of aerlii), while In- lnl poly inirtner has ihe niri eejilile eo',' lioiueii of Von .lolir. 'I'lie eonnlrv al f'rire hainv is i lullv itileresl. il in the oii' stion of pro dilution and this siiliieel i- the b:i-i--Ihellin of "Wet and li." At no time, however, is lli- idea treale.l wit fi nnv ilet:n-i. of -cnou-;n'-., be; nlwitvs with a ueallier ee to iN fun-irivintr oppoitiinities. Kolb ha il role llial Ills llilll elen heller lliall Klinke of "The llli ('..-I Itiiu be Siuli a Jmasuri.- will havi- tin- ciiflorst-iiif-nt of i-iLrlu tlijjilciiiir jici.jil.- i-vci vwIk-ii-. It is ci.ntnu-v to i vccv j.riii--ij.o i if a fn-- "ovi-riiinciit. lliat a ri.-li man .-linu!d Jiavt a In Hit .-hain-p .' lioiniiiali.iii ih.'in a r.n.r or that : man with urnm-v hcliind him siiotild liac an a'lvaiitaiff-ovi'i- tin- man without it. The cxpfiiditurcs of a ju-inuiry frandidatc .slioiild Ik- rcstrii-tcfl to tlu- amount ii-ffsary to allow l t-asoiiaoic ouiili'-ity and im inorc. , i r-rtaiii amount of iioiif-y i m-i-fssary. hu-Lo- snm arc n4. and the oeopk-art- ( lititlcd to know v. Jii-r.- tlif nioncv com s from. flic f-aso f.f Si-natoi- Ncwlx.r- iilu.stratf's thf wisdom of .stK-h a law. Si nator Ncwhcn v was not .-onvii.-tfd of buy in votes. He was eonvieted of spending more money than the law allowed. His attorneys maintained that sueh' a law was uiK-oiistitutional. that a candidate i-ould sjicnd a- mueh money as lie wished if lie spent it in a l2itimate wa v. t i'uiiiu- opinion win not support tiirs view. Die )iirose of the Mii-hiiran law and the purpose ofcnator 5orah's law is not to prevent criminal coiTuptionrvslneh is -itlreitdy prevt nfed by statute, hut to jirevent the excessive expen ditures of money, to put all candidate IV.r pulilic office uH)ii an ciii,il fool in ,-is far as money is -on-enied. That is, to name a iiiii.iuiiuii,' and make it unlawful to exceed that minimum. We fail to see how there can be any valid objection to such a pi-ovisioii. We have no doubt that men like Wood and Lowden would be tho first to endorse it. Without such a restriction every candidate known to have means, will be HUbjcc1cd to every conceivable pressure to dig up and layout, and no man of wealth will be free from sus picion. , A iCffil minimum should therefore be as welcome protection to thewcalthy candidate as to the public. Toledo, 0. .QaJl'a Family pilla for ccnstipailcn. 'To terve you as we would want you to serve us" llQRippiinfRlujmos THE FRISKY BACKBONE y Walt Mafan nplll'l spine of winter beats the band, it is an artful A dodger; til times we think we have it canned, and made a graveyard lodger. We cry, "The spring has come at last, with robin, wren and sparrow!" And then there comes it hitler blast that chills us to the marrow. Then in a whitewashed ward we lodge, attended by neat nurses, and we tire lucky if we dodge a ,jo ride in some hearses. Kadi year the backbone seems to sag, to show lhat winter's ended; each year it springs the same, old gag, and all our hearts are reiided. AVe plant, on; early spuds and greens, that we may eat in summer; tf hen conies a blast from arctic scenes that puts them on (he hummer. One night last week I went to bed and thought the winter ended; the sky was cloudless over head, the out look simply splendid." I thought the back bone had the jar it. long had been demanding, and so 1 didn't drain my car, but, left the water standing. Oh, whiskers! When the morning broke, the winter was renascent, the snow was flying round like siiuikt I longed to cuss but dassn't! And all my neighbors had the gripes, those patient watchful waiters; the town was 11 1 1 1 of froxen pipes, and busted radial ors. hi-, f a nuiu KllViff T1 in well kept. Some real Imiii'o'W. are 'being made In thu kitchen hack room." Kaster c?rds. West Side I'hnrnin Tribune's Daily Health Hint niivwlu-n'. nro coiip.r to move into tin' citv. there to he rrowii-.iIm-i more than v'X. 'W.hiiL al wax- nieiiii-. h;nl hmis. It,. L'finu' up. :i Inu'ln-r hii'l everyone In inu 1 la of u iilhm : av- ( I'.v Harriet SI reel ear !'n re a we 'jru.'in. It in ii !( iim' tor rartieiillv in a eilv, lor tin- t- v. ork a re iart. lint if thi-, were the only dr ha-. mw.Iveol, we iiiiL-'hl ioliit our-i-he- to it. We miu'iit lona eliih-atiion-j niir J'nemU liv v, !ii h we tool, in nii jiv In,-!-.. jiii! entertain m turn tho-e who were to sprntl (he evenirit: in a 'jiwn -eel ion of the eit, (. re lieve 1 heat of -joinv: home not, Ala--, there ir, a inia li laore -erioii-. i-lia e oi Ihe ril na t ion. I'or uinier i eor l; ;i the ple.--sim- ol entHt-il, (lie Miee" ar- ate i.ljtiintm: t ".one" the lar-.-e (own. Ami tin- i.- a ilowurijlit men- rent' haek e. 1, 'ih tolk. Th the pro-pi In- pet -ureiv n- vim zone -treet ear fare on in-ni(-e the eonMimption rale i ouv town. Think it over. It mean- a 1 wa w ho kmo ever, pre h i.L'ht. le.-. pell one word t. eon-tiinptioii. ent em-iiiv iunip 1 of erowdcil lioii-im.', eapoii. He rejoiee. "?j5 wf Golden Rule Service Service is the one thing that we sell service in line with the Golden, Rule m j) STORAGE EATTERY 1 M 0' WE distribute this same Service to a'car owners and to . all makes of batteries without discrimination. When you pay money for a new XJSL you are buying Golden. Rule Service, of which the battery is but an essential part. It's just the same as paying your employees,. your lawyer, your doc' tor, your dentist for Service. f Service is the most important thing in the world today. To all car owners, we aim to be the "greatest Servant of them all." Our Golden Rule Service, we think, makes us so. But we invite your careful co-operation in caring for your battery so as to assure you long battery-life. Often when a man thinks his battery is "done for" and he is ready to buy a new USL, we show how we can save him money by repairing his old battery and giving an adjustment guarantee for eight months. We sell only USL Batteries with the durable machine-pasted plates. The factory ships them to us "Dry-Charged." This avoids all before-sale deterioration so that you really get a perfect, full-life battery. We are a USL Golden Rule Service Station not a battery-store Au,to Electric Equipment Co. 4T 27 No. Grape St. Medford, Ore. . IVTr ii f Jim ti'i i iiifi I 1 If lif li I If 111 lili I n MTTT r TT Pf ' 11 - '''''i 'I'1" DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY TO TAKE A POST-GRADUATE- COURSE IN MODERN COOKING. COMMUNICATIONS To re'ii'Ve eorme-tion. the eilv nim lo hiie -uliiirhs, ton tar for eoml'nr enle - f here is a lmnm en r -ervjee. Thi has heen provided. Now' eome ihe ina ta hi v lo iidjn.-l to ri-iiKr e-IHII-t-. jilnl the enliiii:iiv Imi-cs the ....,, t,. II... ,l,.l,,n thin.. -iieeinllv nee in i-'!i liiin'l I i.rijei the l.nluirer I'D I lie erjitnr; The nrn.senl ill ive In (tie clii't l.s wen thy ih- leiishleratinn of every Mi'dfenl eitieii ils wj u as every ien ur ,ia ks.'ii i ouniy. The w i lier as very arlive In said dull f -r a of years lieKiti nlnu in 1 :: nml has been greatly inleresiuti in tin. same ever sim-e r Mltht I'ln s 1 W. WW tr i I ,Cet the Genuine J' rttfy Economy J i r r T i z I ? ? V ? ? I r Free Demonstration Electric Cookery April 5-10 We are pleased to announce that we have secured the service? jf Miss Galvin, Home Science Lxport, who will demonstrate the popular Hotpoint Ranges in our salesroom for one week, April 5 to 10, inclusive. Plan now to give us a few moments of your time during that week. It will be time well spent, for you will find Miss Galvin's demonstrations most interesting, as well, as highly instructive. . , .. NOTE That carload of Hotpoint Ranges is on the way. now! Easy terms if desired. Order California-Oregon Power Co. 216 W. Main J t t i t Y 4 ! X X f Y i t r Medford, Oregon. The stranger's first im pression of our pity is gained from our hotels. The Hotel Holland Is doing its part to help build a greater Medford A hotel depends greatly on the local support it receives. i The ITotel Holland and Cafe will appreciate your patronage. Management of, Carl Y. Tengwald Water Glass Your eyes nro worth :j5c a dozpn now. I'ut them up in WAT Kit GLASS iiecrver nml have IWic egg to rat ulien they nro worth U5c and 7()c jter (lozt-n. C'osU one cent per dozen to store. MONARCH Seed & Feed Co. 317 East Main Strart. Operators of coal properties la Utah and Wyoming advlso buying your -winter supply now. The Idea la spreading that the coal commission may award tho miners a further ad vance in wages, as well as to make tyther concessions that will further materially increase tho cost of pro ducing. We can now fill your orders with different sizes of SPRING CANYON UTAH COAL Dry Wood of All Kinds on Hand WISEMAN & SCHEFFEL Phone 213 531 So. Front St. licensed City Scavenger. All refuse Immediately removed, on short notice. Weekly visit in resi dence districts. Daily business dl- trict. Phones 50a-R. ASIILAMOIKDIYKI JNTKIU ItA AUTOCAR CO. Schedule from October 1. 1919. Sally (Exoept Sunday). I.cuv.- .MiMlfr.rM 7:10, S:'H, 8:2.", 9:10, in. Mil. lit: i. ii. .in a. in.. ISMS, 1:2.. 2:10. :;"i. .-;;);., 4:j.", :.::i't, 7:00 an. I p. m. Axtiliind 7:10. ;r.,i, ii no. 9:2-', 1o:it. tl:'Mi in.. I2;"ll m., 1:00, 1:2:.. 3;oo, J.on. G;yo, 6:40 aial i. in. S.tlnphiy mily !:'t0, lU;3o p. m. ami 12:1.". aintni-jht. Sattinlav only. SUNDAY ONLY. l.t-jiVA Mrll..i.l iii:0y, H:00 a. nv, 1:"". 2.HO, 4:Uo, 5;00, 6:30 ami "i:::" p. m. Iv AshUnci 3:00 arnl 11:00 a. m., 1:'i't,'t, a:oo, i.oo, 5:00, 6:30 and l. in. Office and Waiting- room No. 5. Boutlt i roui, nam notei Biuiaing. Phone 309. Stenography Multigraphing Circular work of all klndi ' Mailing LIbU ' Tunnell & Edwards 306-308 Liberty Buliaihsf Medford, Oregon . REX TAXI PHONE 96 Go Anv Where. Any Time FOSTER & INGRAM GOOD CLOTHES I Make Them KLEIN The . Tailor 12fi East Main St. STAR TAXI PHONE 300 Cars for hire with or without Driver. -- . - JAMES LESLIE Nash Hotel