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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1920)
EDFORD SrSTC TTTTFnTRT!, STPTDFCTRD, OTJKOOn:. SATItD.Y. MAT.CTT fi, 1020. it 'a IB ' IJVPstOCit ; PORTLAND. Ore.. Mar. 0. Cat lie steady: receipts 3D. (jrain and' luli led steers, $10..ll(u 11 ; choice. l()f(I10.r)0; good to choice, .;.."( 10; medium to sood. .8..0(Iy.50: fair to medium. $7.."((i 8.51) ; common " to fair. $(i.50( 7..i(l; choice cows ami heifers, $8.."0( !l.."i(l: uood to choice, $7."0(f 8."0; medium to stood. $G..")0 (7.5U; fair to medii $5.."0(m 6.50 -. fanners. $.'!(' 5.."i(l ; hulls. $."(a 7.."itl ; prime liulit calves, $1."i.."i0('17: me dium liirht. $10fi 1j..")0; heavy. $7(11 JO: xtockers and feeders, $7..j0(d 8.50. Hosts steadv: receipts 1.4(19. Prime mixed, $l.".."(l(n l(i.25: medium iflfidi i .")..r)0: ronuh lieavv. $ll(al5; Diss, 12(,714. Sheep steadv: receipts 212: Knst era lamhs, $17(0 18; lilit vallev. $l(i (a17: lieavv. 11.50( 15.50 ; feeder lambs, $12(15; vearliiiL's, .Tl."(u 15.50: wethers, $13(a 13.50 ; ewes,, IrlOGtTJ. Ilntter PORTLAND. Ore.. Slur, (i Hut ter steadv. Cubes, extra, (2c; parch nient wrapped, box lots. (i5c: car Ions,, (iue; half boxes, ball' cent more; less than hall', boxes, ie more. liut terfat li4(a(J5c f. o. b. station; li'Je l'drtlniid. Poultry Hens 32(o 36c: lb. broilers. 35(Jr 40e: old roosters. 18(S:20c; turkeys, dressed. 52(E53c: dueks 3540c. Grain and Hny Oats. $59.00 bid: corn. Xo. 3. yel low. $58.00 bid. Hav Huving price, tiinothv, $20; nlfnlfu, $31(5)32; ernin, $20. deliver ed in Portland. Olr. and Mrs. Lewis Pankey of the Power plant, too.k dinner with James E. Grieve and family Sunday. In the afternoon they were all out to the Red Blanket ranch to see the scenery. The men of Red Blanket are mak ing a new road between thero and Prospect. Miss Rachel Davis spent Sunday afternoon with Maxine iNJohols. Stewart Ditsworth, Uriah' and Hoy i .Vaughn Were hero Wednesday c'n business.'' ! ' ..' i s .' Master Heston Grlevi spent Sun day, afternoon with Glenn Nichols. Mrs,: Lillian Cunningham who is visiting jter parents hei'6 is'voiy ill witn pneumonia. . , Harry Aiken spent Sunday evening with 4. s.'Goodlow. . Dcwoy1 Hill of Derby came up Sun day ,t6. work for James E. Grieve.' Utort LMchols and N. S. Goodlow ihade a'busincss trip to Mr. Clark's Tuesday. ' . ' ,' John, Griovo, veteran road builder, is getting his rc'ad equipment In shape to commonco work on a con tract awarded him on the Anna creel: section of Crater Lake highway. Ho intends making a trip to Portland at an early date for the purpose of pur chasing some additional machinery. Dick Vincent, our new road super visor, is dc'ing some much needed re pair work on our roads. C J. Seymour, supervising engi neer Crater Lake highway, arrived in Prospect Wednesday. Owing to the Absence of snow ho contemplates starting the highway work immedi ately. ' 'James Grieve accompanied Mr. Seymour on a trip of inspection to Union creek. They repi.'rt tbo road in good condition and very little snow except in drifts. The trip was made by car. With the coming of spring Isn't It about time wo wero hearing from some of those would-be poets. A mere suggestion: , If Perry of Smudge Pot fame Would by chance enter Into tho game Of writing lc've lore 'Stead of making Court sore I'm sure we would laugh just the ( same. Or Perhaps: Used Automobiles for Sale One Ford Touring 'Car in L'ood runniiitr ' order, srood tires. License Paid. Price $450.00 One Saxon Six Touring Car. Just completely overhauled and newly painted. License paid. A bargain. Price $735 One Buick Four touring ear with Delco self-starter and spare tire. Price 500.00 One Ueo Truck. New body and good tires. Powerful engine. Price $350.00 Terms granted if desired. Tumy Motor Co. J23-125 South Front Street PROSPECT The problem confronting us all Is the (act that Gus X. who so tall Is losing his fat From his (cet to his hat What will be look like next fall? Circuit Court V. C. Foster vs. H. S. Bullis Summons. et al. Butler & Thompson Co. vs. W. X. Campoell et a). Summons. S. L. Johnston assumes the ness name of Ji.Cinston Lumber Anna Thornburgh vs. G. 11. man et al. Separate answer. State vs. L. M. Sweet. Order. Edlefsen Fuel Co. vs. C. P. Verified statement. busi Co. Lay- Kads. Probate Court ' Est. 13. L. Maxwell. Inventory. Kenl F.stnfe Transfers (Furnished hy the Jiu'kson County Abstract company.) Clarence 13. Fads ot ux to 0. II. Ends, lot 12. blk. 3, I'alin Add. to Medford $ In G. II. Fads et ux to Harry Triantufeles, lot 12, blk. :!, Palm Add. to Medford 2(00 City of Medford to Sadie P. Ossenbruggo, let 4, Hlk. 1. Lumsden's Add. to Medford 72.911 .lelte It. Miller to Ureitje Mul der, lot 0, blk. 2 Crescent sub-div. Medford 2 Charles Dickinson to Chas. F. Ruught, all of sec. 1(1 and 35 in tp. 39. II. 4 V. SF. SM of XE, NW of NF. W, of sec. 36, tp. 39, R. 3V 1 Robert Ray et ux to Robert Holzgang. S',4 of II. L. C. 42, tp. 3iS, R. 3V 1100 Harriet X. Osborne to .lames Page-Dressier Co. Nash Block Phone 282 Main St. CITY HOMES 1. Beautiful largo eight room modem home, most desirable loca tion. Hardwood floors, heating plant basement, garage, all paving paid, 1I7(IIIIMK. IV Strictly modern, basement, heating plant, hardw I floors, Kar ane, extra large lot, -Fine home. Best condition, $7.-00. St. Vivo room cottaKc, well , built. foucroto loiindatioil, plastered, large windows, modern every way. Garage, largo lot, all assessment paid, $1000 4. Tivo.slqry, 7 room modern, bun galow. Many j hitlult-in r: fcliturcl. Woodliouse, garage. Price, all assess- iiicjiUi paid, $;I2jII, :!: '. . 'Ncne.Vrciotn modern MilignlovV Close ill X. Cenlral. Cheap at $II7.'5. (I. l-'ino east side home, corner lot. Kxtra lurgo lot. Price SjiiriOO. AtiRHAtiH i . ; ' 7. 10 acres Talent, district, highly inipriived. Mostly ill alfalfa, family orchard, large amount, of personal property. Several high grade short horn rattle. A money making prop erty, $12,000. 8. lot news Talent district, well improved. I5 acres alfalfa, lino bear ing orchard. Some woodland, all can be irrlgatcMl. Ijurgo amount of high class stock. This Is a splendid ranch for diversified running. I'rfco $I7,' per aero. 0. CM acres, best of soil, ncar Mcdford. (t. acres cultivated of which :to acres are beariug pears and apples. This is one of tho best In vestments in tin valley. Can irrigate one-third of this. Fair improve ment. Price $ 1 per acre. Liberal terms at O per cent. 10. HI) aires fine level land, (I miles from Medford. All under water. 'O ucrcs llilio yc-ir old orchard. Good alfalfa land. J'air buildings. Price 000. Terms are $0000 cash, $10, 000 mortgage, tho balaneo in good trade. II.' 11 acres bearing orchard near city limits. 1'J acres pears, 2 acres apples, Irrigated, best of soil, fine condition. Good crop on trees, l'rlro $H7."0. " 12. 20 acres alfalfa near Medford well Improved, u splendid investment for n home. ' Price very i-easonuble ronsidcring the Improvements. lit. 140 acres near Medford. Splendid general faim. HO ucrcw suit able fiir alfalfa. Xow in crop. Kair buildings. This is n good property, dairy and hogs. The price is attrac tive, $100 iter urre. 11 0 acres near Central Point. Irrigated. -1 !j" acres pears. I Ja acres alfalfa. Hot of soil. Price 8:1000. ' 15. 10 acres near Central Point. All In alralfn, iirigated, :2IM. 10. 10 acres near Central Point. Best of soil. Fair buildings; I'nder water, 1)1:1200. ItlSl.MXS I'ltOPKItTV We bavo have "very fine Investments in liest down town frontage. WAItKHOrSK SITKS Some very nicely located sites. goiMl trackage, and prices are rU;ht. See us for 1-ire Insurance. Page-Dressier Co. X.1SI1 HliOCK If )Oll wish to sell If yon wish to buy Any kind of real estate, RI. Upton et al. land in sec. Ciii. tp. 3G, It. 2 W., laud in sec.r.5, tp. Si. II. 2 V T-'.MO Jolin t'amert.'n et ux to E. V. Carlton, laud in see. 42. tp. 30, R. 2W 10 Frank D. Smith et ux to Ar thur A. Smith, XW of SV. SV of XW less in acres of SW of XW sec. 27. twp. sti, R. 1W 900 Geo. u. Smith to Arthur A. Smith, i'W of SW, SW of XW less 10 acres of SW of XW sec. 27, twp. It. 1W S.'.O Stale Hank of Ashland to J. A. Gear, laud in Ashland $ l' Ira G. Johnson to William Lindsey, SW of sec. 10. tp. 3S, It. 4E 1 C. E. Terrill to Lamoille Co. Savings Hank, laud in Min gus Sub. in sec. 24, tp. :7, It. 2 W 2 1 1 1.30 .1. It. Jackson et ux to W. C. Daley, land in 1. L. C. 19, tp. 3."., It. 1W. .. l.lo J. W. Ilerron et ux to Thomas Kdtly, X of lot 1, blk. 2, blk. It!, Gold Hii: J Andrew Johnson et ux to The Jackson Co. Hldg. & Loan Ass'n, lot !, hlk. 5 of Jmper ial Add. to' Medford 10 Edith Horton to Alice Ucames, land In V. L. C. 57, tp. :1S, It. 1W 1 POLITICAL CARDS. District Attorney. I horoby announce myselt as a can didate for the office of Prosecuting Attorney for Jackson county, Oregon on tho republican ticket, subject to the wish of the voters at the coming primary election. If nominated and elected I will sea that the laws are justly and honestly- enforced. He spectfully yours. Adv. II. A. CANADAY. Believing that my successful man agement ot the office of District At torney has shown me thoroughly qualified, and that I can serve the people of Jackson county, in that capacity best, I announce my candi dacy for re-election on tho republican ticket at the May primaries. Adv. G. M. ROBERTS. I hereby announce my candidacy for nomination on the republican ticket for tho office of Prosecuting Attorney. If elected I pledge myself to an impartial enforcement of the law. E. P. FARRELTj. Adv. ' " Sheriff,:.'.';; I horoby announce my candidacy for re-nomination for the .office' of sheriff on tho republican' ticket, 'sub ject to tho May --riniarles.;; iI'.foel that my record as i 'public pfjiclal during tho first tsrm entitles, me to re-nomination and ro-electidn.' Adv. m C. K. TERRILL? 1 horoby announce myself' a ropuh llcan candidate (or sheriff of Jackson -county, at. tho .May primaries. Sev eral years experience in this lino' of work, Including last six months of 1919 in tho tax collection depart ment! thoroughly qualifies mo to ad minister the dutl s of the office in an efficient manner. Adv. JOHN B. WIMER. County Clerk I announce my candidacy for re nomination for County Clerk on the republican ticket subject to the decis ion of the people at the coming pri maries, and hope my record in this office tho first term is such that I am entitled to your support this year. Adv. CHAUNCEY FLOREY. County Assessor. I hereby nnnounco my candidacy for tho re-nomination to the office of County Assessor for Jackson coun ty, by tho Republican party at tho primary olection May 21st, 1920. Adv. J. B. COLEMAN, School Superintendent I hereby announce myself a candi date for nomination for County School Superintendent on the repub lican ticket. G. W. GODWARD. Adv. RWLES MOORE for Democratic Nomination District Attorney May Primury. 1920. ' BROWN 6c WHITE REALTORS MUDI'X)lll), OKEGOX 40 acres all fine tree soil, 20 In alfaira, 10 in erain, 5 acre wood lot, about 30 fruit trees, thero are now 2o acres under the ditch and the bal ance will be; a fine house, all modern convenicn es, a beautiful view of the valley, good barn and all necessary outbuildings, close to good schools and only mile from paved high way. This wi bear closo investiga tion. Price $10,000. 30 acres, all fine free soil, all In cultivation, 20 now under tne ditch and being seeded to alfalfa, 7 acres best varieties pears 8 years old and in fine condition with a splendid crop set for this season, a fine large home with all modern conveniences; the improvements alone would cost you more than the price now asked. Let us show you this ana explain why it can e bought at the price and the very liberal terms offered. All we ask of any honest and sin cere buyer is a chance to show what wo believe to be some of tho very best j values ever offered in this valley whether a small cottage in town or an Orchard, Grain, Alfalfa or Stock rnnch. BROWN & WHITE H F.LP WA NT I CI ) i-'F.MA 1. K WANTED Cook lor well appointed ranch house. Musi have exper ience cooking inr twenty men t.r jnore. Pox S, Tribune. tf ' WANTED Dishwasher. .Call not phone. Hotel .Medford. -1 WANTED Woman for general , house work, three in family. Phone ,7.-.-X. 3:i0 Smith Kir. 2'.HI i HELP W A X T I'.n MA L K WANTKD Teams ami men. .Moon CO., near Port Orfurd, Curry t-oun-1 ly. Teams l u.n n per day; Lah : fornia hay and grain, bay $::i.oo per ton. Brain $72. ;ood men? $.".00 per day: hoard $1.10; work! road construction. .Moon & Co. ;;2 0 j WANTKD Orcha id. Ranch "aelp. Miravista l'hone ,M7-.1-. WAXTITD SITUATIONS W.VNTKD Clerical position by ex perienced young lady, ltox C, Mail Tribune. 2!.j WANTKD Plain sewing or will go t out anil sew hy the day. (1S West j Fourth or phone Ts;i-.l. 2!it' j WANTKD sn.SCLLI.ANEOUS WANTKD Lady last .Main. ronnicrs. WANTKD Spraying around town. Answer .Mail Tritnuie, Kux SO. 2'.iti WAINTKD plowing to do with trac tor. Hal Wright, Medford, It. I'. D. 4. licx 58. 21KS WANTKD Small gentlo pony for child. Call SlS-X-1, Central Point. 29,") WAN'TKl) Team work: ploughing by nay or contract. 117 South King street. 2US WANTKD To rent alfalfa ranch from 40 to 1110 ai res, tlen. Del., I or see us at camp ground. V. L. Sample and D. W. Lohr. 2US WANTKD To buy smudge pots. Phone 4 6S-R-1. WANTKD To rent 0 or moro rooms housc with garage or bam. Also space for garden. No children. Wanted April first or before. Ans. Be A. II. S., care .Mail Tribune. 29ii WANTED Several stands of bees. Inquire Box C, Mail Tribune. 233 WANTKD GId hats to clean and block. Apparel Cleaners and Hat tors. . 309 WAN'TKD-Whon you have 'building or repairing, see ! Gillette, 103 South Oakdale. lie does tho work right, quick, and reasonable. Hy the, day or contract,. Pbpno 471. ..'.',',' 301 WANTED St. Louis prices for furs at Johnson's, 45 Front street.' WANTED To buy good clean cotton rags. Jledferd Printing Co. WANTED Your' litdo hi' worth real money Ut;.JohBsdn'Ji,;?. 5 Front street. (;'; . ' WANTED House moving anl ro palrlng. Phone 488-Mor488-X. VOll, EN'f HOUSES FOR ItKNT Seven; rbom bungiilow. modern, furnished. . 901 North Central avenue. 2!)(i FOR RENT Furnished six-room bungalow one block from Main street, to right party for limited period, $35.00 per month, llogue River Land C&'mpany, Nash Hotel corner. 297 FOR RENT Six-room house at 205 South Central. John A. Perl. : FOR HUNT Furnished sovon-rooni modern house one block from post office; fine lawn and shrubbery. Call at Room 207 Fruitgrowers Hank Hldg. Phono 301-L. If FOU UICNT FUItNISIIKI) KOOMS FOR R1CNT Furnished rooms with board if desired. 113 East Elev enth. !7 FOR RENT Sleeping rooms; bath; tlose In. 245 North Grape. 300 FOU KENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Housekeeping apart ment, furnished. "Adults only. 3 lti North Central avenue. 298 FOR RENT Two and three room furnished housekeeping apartments Tho lliversldo Apartments, 217 South Riverside, telephone 457-.I. 307 FOlt RENT HOI SICKICi ROOMS I'lXU FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms and sleeping rooms. Steum heat. 249 South Riverside. Phone 292-11. 299 FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms and sleeping rooms. 219 Talent Court, rear 230 south Central. 296 FOR KENT Four housekeeping Mini. Furnished or unfurnished. iPhone G90-R. 407 Ueatty street. 498 WHY Mr. Business Man, Do You Want a Country Home? $6000 $6000 28 Acres Alfalfa and Grain Best of land ncau Medford. improvements would nearly priee asked for place. clip;tful country home on jjood nmd. Jieauliful grounds. .Plenty of shade. Will give terms. On account of ill health of owner this, pace is-offered at. this bargain price. Invest now. Rog'ue River Land Co. Phone 78fL Nash Hotel Corner n Amnrn a nurrawny ryr i I fiwiriMi in in rif i iirmnu i m m M VHB U M CbjdB E Rf H R m H HQ SB MH BUR H l OU SAKK MISCKLLANKOVS FOIl SA1.K Wukmis, horsos aii'l farminK iiupluint'iits. Call 71-K--. . . ! koh SALK Oak inriiituro. almost ( new ; one dinint; room table, one library table, honkcase, dininK : room chairs. rtu Uinu chair,-dresser. Vicirola, kitchen utensils, canned 1 fruit, etc. Call after five o'clock! or Sunday. Phone :!S-M. House ! fCu. i:M South Ivy. 21 ! VO It SALK Alfalfa seed, sweet . In-1 vor seed, red clover seed, rye i;rass, seed Irlleapl. See grain and feed. I .lesse I., ltiehardson, Central 1'oiut 1 J'Ved Siore. :ii." ! KOH SALK Sing r canary birds $2..".0 each. .Mrs. C. 1). .Morgan. I Cold Hill. 2H7 roi; Salic - 'br.okease. 9H3-.M. Heating slnve ami small li.'i .Mistletoe. Phone :;un FOlt SALIC One dimr.i; room sot. one oak dresser, one iron bed, two oak rockers, one set springs, one library table. Phoile 7Mi-X i.t call 517 Park. FOR SAL1C- ;:.'i3-.i. -Sweet violets. Phime 2!U1 FOU SALK Will sell cheap, one good hack sititable for mountain travel; one nearly new nine-tooth . springtooth harrow; also one Rem ington typewriter No. 6. Delbert -.Marshall, Central Point, Oro. 2115 FOR SALIC -Kverbearing strawberry plants 50c per doz. Apply 33 Port land avenue. " 295 FOU SALK X-ray Incubatc.T. J. Peterson, Capitol Hill. 'Phone 370-W. 295 FOR SALIC lion Ago garden culti vator and seeder, practically new. Also child's go-cart. Phono 2S-R-1. 294 FOR SALK 3 Mi tun dump truck, working on long contract. Terms or cash. P. O. box 9(1, Grants Pass, or phono 145-L after (I p. m. 297 FOlt SALE Oit HUNT High grade piano. Call 352. , 295 FOR SALE Machlnory for complete brick and tile plant Including clay bunk for Immediate operation. Will give terms on part and tako brick in part payment. Big Pines Lumber Co. tf FOR SALE Hay. Phone S42.-J. FOR SALE tfanu, gravel, sediment and dirt. Plowing and teaming work done. Phone 12-J.,. ' FOU HALF POlIIiTKY AND ICGOS FOR SALIC 12 one-year old laying 11. I. lied pullets, ond ;Ji-incli garden hi'sc. Inquire 28 Alulond street. 2 9(1 FOlt SALIC Ilarred eggs lor hatching, $1 per selling. Phone 8-J-2.' . 290 FOR. SALE Superior S. C. White Leghorn eggs. Digger eggs mill larger birds. 1st. cross famous O. A. C. layers with Isaacson's beauti ful prize winners. Trap-nested and raised right. Settings of 15 eggs, $1.50 and 2.50; $8.00 per hun dred. Cockerels for sale, (ills Brommer, phone 5S9-.I-2. Route 3, Jledford. 318 FOR SALE Or exchango for hens, lthndo Inland and Wulto Leghorn cockorols. J. P. Ruckor, It. F. I). 1, Medford. 29G FOR SALIC Marred Rock hutching eggs. O. A, C. strain. Phono O-F-2. 1 297 FOR SALIC Hurr Rock eggs for set ting. Phono 930-V. 291! Oil SALIC R. I. Red eggs for hatching. Hbutu 4, Medford, Oro., Mrs. A. N. Wright. 295 FOU SALE Hatching eggs, Tuncred White Leghorns, regular pens 200 und better hens $1.50 per set ting. Special pen 250 and 287 egg grade, $3.00 per setting. Phone 597-U-l. R. V. Crum. 314 FOU SALIC it. I. Red hatching eggs. Thorough bred Block. Phono 370-W. tf FOIl SALIC O. A. C. Wnito Leghorn cockorcls $3.00 each, worth dou ble. For cheaper and hotter hatch ing eggs seo Gus Hrommor, R. 3, Phono 689-J-2. 301 'OR BALK Hooking orders eggs and chicks, heavy laying strain White Leghorns, jl. I. Reds. Price reasonable. Cockerels cheap. Mrs. F. II. Dressier, phono 777-L. FOR SALE S. C. White Leghorn eggs from my bred-to-lay pens, also R. C. White Wyandotte eggs ot highest quality. W. J. Warner, 519 South Oalfdale avenuo. Phone 696-M. ' roil sai.i: mvkstock l-'Olt SALK --One Uetldy aeiiue. k(mhI Jersey, i i Piione 1 1S-X. 17 ' POIt SALK Cheap, one ToKKtMilmrp t mtlch oat. just trcsh, with kid. L. A. Wileux. It. F. U. 1. llox ;: 1. 1 Central Point. J.; . FOR SALK Two (jooil k.mU teams. l-".o to ir.eo il.s; two mid .rk hordes. l2-iil. and a K'MHI" .nb'le ; pony. At Vinson Harn, 11 North Riverside. Phone sit). I-'OK SALIC One four-year old work horse o"e ye.trlitii;' -oil . out r.vt old hei'Yi lresa soen n. w. Itanielmi'g. :.".n; FOR SALIC--Cheap l-'ine young pure bred registered Llewellyn set ter dog. No conveniences for keep ing dog. Cood home more impor tant than cash. Address P. O. Hux 1042. 2!I6 FOR SALK Fresh Jersey heifer. Phone 500-H-2. FOU SALK Heavy work team in I harness. 1139 West Ninth stiroi. FOR SALE Shouts, big and little. goon ; '4 .Miicnen wagon, r.xira good steel wagon tank. John Cam eron, route 2, Central Point. Phone 11-1. 29S FOR SALIC HKAIj ESTATE FOU SALIC SO acres, six room plas tered bungalow, good well of water Price $2000. Phone 11-13-X. 300 FOR SALIC Two acres land, all fenced, three houses on same, two wells, and one spring. $ 1 200. Mrs. Louise Sjbeplen, Jacksonville, Oro. 30li FOR SALIC Cottage bargain: six rooms, bath, toilet, pantry, store room, garage, good garden. Price $1200.00. Bonnett Investment Co. tf FOR SALIC Six room modern house Including one aero of ground, with all kinds of fruit and nuts, in quire at 3 10 West Jackson. 2l)li FOR SALE Furnished six-room house. 122 Cot I ago street. 2 IIS FOU SALIC Relinquishment 120 ucrcs, good mud, well ot goou 'water, house, barn and outbuild ings; 20 ncros undor tho now Irri gation system; near railroad . utnd achool; soven 'miles from Grants ;J'uss, price, $351). 00. Addruss Mar tin Conger, 707 South Fifth street, I Grants I'ass, Oregon. '' ' 297 FOR'HALE - Selling out. Following still unsold: Our ft I acre "Home" (just north of thq ' Tablo Rock Store). Rich free soil, pari orchard-, irrigated,' Hub u I In I In laud, modern buildings, walur. syslem, lights, telephone, school, .fine loca tion, 7 miles out, good roads. Would sell, all or pari. , Also farm 'with barn, fences and well, 40 acres.- And '40 acres' woodland pastiiro In Sams Valley. Induce ment prices. John Cameron, routo 2, Central Point. Phono 1 1-1. 298 FOR SALIC Oil TRADE 1(10 acres, two miles from Englo Point. Cabin, barn partly built, little fruit, seven acres cleared, four ncros in cultiva tion, heavy and light loam. 100 acres big manzanlta, scattered oak, laurel and pine; will cut over 1000 cords wood. Down grade to Eagle Point. Want 10-20 acres near Medford. Good torms. II. D. 'Powell, 212 '.North HartleU, phone 930-Y. 296 FOR SALIC Ranch, hundred and fifty dollars an acre. Closo In to Ashland, with improvements, ifunccd and cleared. Box H. 290 'OR SALIC Modern suburban homo 2 V4 acres set to pears and family orchard. Also len. acres planted to alfalfa, not adjoining tho above. Will sell together or separately. Phone 314-W. 315 FOR SALE Fivo room house with four lots fenced In for garden. West Eloventh und Plum streets. Cull 121-11. AUTO.MOIHLICS FOR SALIC Huick Four In fine con dition. R. A. Holmes, tho Insur unco Man. tf USED CAR clearing house, buy for cash, sell on terms. PIckons-Morrlll Motor Co., 18 North Grape. tf FOR SALE A light delivery Reo truck, now express body and top, four now tires. Price $350. Terns or cash. Tumy Motor Co., 125 South tf MONEY TO LOAN On farm or orchard land, 0 per cent Interest fivo to forty years. McCurdy Insurance Agency You Can Buy These NOW, RIGHT. 112 ucrea Improved, head of Elk Creek, rich land, team, tools, etc.. and crop goes, somo stock, water for irrigation, cheapest and best stock range in county for Its size, price $3500 part exchange; all cash $320(1 liio acres for rent, on Crater Luke Highway mid Roguo River. 10 acres, fine location, closo to high school, free soil, irrigation, I. acres hearing orchard, fenced, well and buildings. Worth $3000, casli $2000. 120 acres, well improved, near Pa cific Highway, mostly rich creek bot tom, $ii5(IO. Seo us for other bargains city and farm lists. HUED LAND b INVEST MENT CO. LOST lost hiwU iiay saddle pc;riy wlih scar on known as Fred Hiiniebur hor-io. C. C. Hoover, nhonc sadd r . . . -. ItfSIXI'SS OPPOKTIMTIKS AlilC YOU SATISKIKI) wilh your present income." Stock in Koy sioiin Sulether t'ninpany offers un usual ijp.Ttunit ies for profit. Soleilier jsed on shoo;i, aiitonio biles, floors, liu'ormation free. J. .1. tiraulieh Co., l.'i William St.. New York. 2uri MOXEV TO LOAN" TO LOAN J. U. Andrews loana money on real estate and buys mortgages and Liberty bonds. Phone 53-M. 31 North Grape street. HUSINF.SS DIRECTORY. Auto Supplies. LAMER AUTO SPRINO CO. We nro operating the largest, oldost and best-equipped plant in tho Pa cific northwest. Use our springs when others fall. Sold under writ ten guarantee. 34 North Fiftoonth St., Portland, Oregon. Attorneys. W. E. PHIPPS Attorney at Law, 425-420 M. F. & II. Hldg. Office phono 372; residence phone 32CM. ELIJAH IT. HURD Lawyer, 213-14 Garnott-Corey Bldg. POUTER J. NEFF Attorney-at-law, rooms 8 nnd 9, Modford .National Bank Building. A.. E. REAMES Lawyer, Garnott- Corey Building. Building Materials. MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK & BLOCK WORKS specialize in ail kinds of cement building products. Cor. Fir and Tenth streets. 259 Expert Accountant. WILSON AUDITING CO. E. M. Wilson, C. P. A. Attontion given to anything In Accounting and In come Tbjc requirements. . Look into our simplified, accounting method. ' M. F. & H. Building. Medford. Phono 157-11. Instruction in Music. FRED ALTON HAIGHT Teacher ol piano and huruiony. JIalght Muslo studio, 318 Garnott-Corey Bldg. Phono 72. Pinning Mill. THOMAS MOFFAT Gonoral- mill work, sash, doors, mculdlngs ana screens. Shop 437 S. Fir. Phono 184. ' ' - Physicians and Surgeons. DR. A. BUIIKLUND, Chiropractic physician, St. Mark's building, acute and chronic cases. Offlco hours 10 a. m. to 12 m. 2 to 5 p. m. Telephones Office 454, res. 750-.I. A BUHSELL, M. D.; D. C. Splnolo- gist, I'liysician anu aurgcuu. oiiu ciaity Physiological Methods. 309-10-11 M. F. & 11. hldg. Phono 29. ROBERT W. STEARNS Physician and Surgeon, Jackson County Bauk Bldg. Offico hours 9-12, 2-4. Ot fico phono 39. Rcsidonco 933. DR. .1. J. EMM ENS Physician and surgeon. Practlco limitod to eye, oar, nose and throat. Eyos scien tifically tested and glasses sup plied. Oculist and Aurist for S. P. R. R. Co. Offices M. F. & II. Go. Bldg. Phone 507. DR. F. G. CARLOW DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW OSTEOPATHIS PHYSICIANS 416-417 Garnett-Coroy Bldg. Phono 904-L. Residence 26 S. Laurel Streot DR. Mc.MORIHS M. DOW, Physician and Surgeon Practice limited to surgery and hospital obsterlcs. Special attention given to diseases of women. Offices 300-7 M. F. & II. Bldg. Residence, the Dow Hos pital. Printers and PubUshors. MKDFOUD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped printing office la Southern Oregon. Book binding, loose leaf ledgers, hilling systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 Nona . FlrSt. Transfer. EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Offico 4 3 North Front St. Phone 315. Prices right. Service guar anteed. Undertakers JOHN A. PEIIL Undertaker Phone M 47 and 47-J-2. 28 South Bartlott. Lady assistanL Auto mobllo Hearse Service. Auto Am bulance Service. Coroner. Lodges. I. (1. O. P. .Meclfonl livlgo NO. 83, Mods every Hominy nliilil it 7:30, O. T. Parker, N. U., W. L.. Miller, secre tary. IloKiiH Itiver Encampment No. 80 Mcols 2d anil 4 th Fridays at 7:30 p. ni. b'umiiel Uutt-maii. C. P., L. O. How ard, scrilti. Olive Khekah lodge No. 28 Meets 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at s p. m. Nan lit llnll, N. U.. Annie J. Uittelnun, seereturv. Visitors cordially llivltga (o s,l nicetinira, -.a:1 xnvimMm