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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1916)
4 1 & b Srw A t -1 P H o ICTTCDFOTIT) M1TC TRTBFNE, MFJVFOTin 'OTiTCflOY. VT11D Y, .TTLY 21. 1M6 I PAUTU FTPS' HUGHES CLEARED OF GRAFT CHARG ES MUNITIONSOANDA L OTTAWA, July 21, Sir Sum Unties, minister of militia, i hold by the .Mro(1itli-Uuff royal pninmis ftion, innoocnt nf reflpoiisibilltv for the negotiation of jtovernmout fnsp onntmots with Anutripnn innnitimi umbers from which they tiro iillopi'd to hnvo uiultily profited. Thw ftmt inj& rtf the t'omintasiun vor nn iiouncod today. Tlii' uoiitrni'ts in qui'Hlinii wnro lot hy tln ('niindinii Shell emnpiiiiy to tho ;Ani(irh'nii Ammunition compnny, nud the Intenmtioniil Arm & Kuso oompnny, mid the inwstigijtion of them followiiijr eliMi'KeH htid in the hoiif-e, of (inmmoim by (1. W. Kyte, M. V., who nlh'Ked Hint lnrRO profits were allowed with the approval of Sir Snm. The commission finds that Colonel J. .Wwiloy AII'ihoii, a fiiend of the minister of militia, and alleged to Jinvn been one of those who divided the profits, wa inlmmentnl in brinjsintf about a eonlraet in winch he. was peenlinrlv interested. Dealiii" with (leiicnil Hulion, the jiitlymwil stntow that he "had noth ing, lb do with the miikiiiK of the eou traels, and as far ns evidenee np pei(r,' know uftlhiiu: of I lie tniiiHac tio'nTbelnp entered iulo.'l Tim tfoTniiiisMon further find that a uiWtake wns made in placing upon the already o ei burdened' nboulders of Colonel Carnegie (ordnance ex pert to the ih'i'll eompany) the woik of conduct inx1 the liiisiiii'SH or eom mereial part .of traiihnjilions, for which work he poeHHed no special ipinbfientioiiH. The enminifcxinu did not question Colonel Carnegie's nitiwitv. SACKS OF GOLD? NAW! JUST "SPUDS'" -Q- s. Potatoes, prized moie hihl than mono, mi u.iluu-K u.irdid b flern nn robber in Heilm The picture shows three 11 nued trooper ''i niiniii " . w.icoti load oj " ptid-." to the coii'iiiian. I Tho Medfortl band's UBiinl veeUly ronccrt will bo held thin evening at 'tbe City park commencing at 8. The (program Uibt linn been nrraiiReil by liamlniustor Kolaud for thin cvciiIiirVi 'conceit will undoubtedly find favor ivlth tho many concert goers. Hy spec ial inquest tho Sold lorn Sow; "?eep thq JIumo Flros Uurnlng" (TIM the Hoys Come Home), will bo nlnyod and iiiitiK by tlio baud, and the nodleucc In Invited to tnfcu part In the eiiortM, the ttoril of which are Insoitoil below A number of visitors fipin outside the city are oxpectud to attend iMk oven hip's norfonnnnce, and evtrn Mating aacnitiinodatlou ban been ar.iiujiod for. 'nl'oiloyvlng Ih tho program; M4rob, "American Bagbj" '.iillaid I'opijlar, "Some. whore Tills Siiuiniot" IV -"- ..- oletnnu Ovoijture, "Urnnk of D.lwn '....Uookwull Majurkn, "Tho oDrotby" I.ampo Sojdlerji Song, "Kwp tho .tome ' Fires Uurnlng" Novollo CHOItUS Keep the home flros burning, while 1 your beartH are earning. Tho' your bids am fur away tho)' dionm of homo. There.' a silver llnlnx thro the Jail: cloud alibiing; Turn tho tltrk cloud lunldo out (III tho boyH come borne. '-'Tile aiidltnice Ih Invltwl to join In tho cliQiim. Chilian Dane. "Mauana". .. MUswd Concert Valso, "lilne I)anubo"..Struss Mnroli, "Ills Mnjosty" l.oiy Tho Star Spangled Hnnnor. INTERESTING BLIGHT DEMONSTRATION GIVEN Over 200 ranchern including many women and a party from Grants I'aiwi attonded the blight demonstration conducted by Profotwr K. C. Helmer at the Talent Kxperlment station yes. tefday afttiruoon and came, away con. vlnccd that material progreM hag boen made toward ovolvlng a typo of pear tree immune to tho disease. I'rofoheor Itolmer showed that tho two beHt typos of blight roalttaut fitoak aio known ai the Orel No. IB auuH the Surpriio. Thwie treo liavo a ai)k growth,' are prfetleally lm; m one from llw diRMM and nroduo a j-ood bvwhy grwtb. The 14m to to use these type a root vt'ock abHo. grafting thm bttr vtu itandard varJtU. Th ifrwt dlfneulty lui Un with root infection dad if tree can bo evulytd wlthoat socb ioftc-tioa rat fctep will have breo taico toward eltniluatlBg blight a a ctr lacx menace In the vallo. The entire matter-of blight ftr.-idl-patlon U being carefully studied at the present time and C. C. Cate, county pathologist will leave Sunday for the Saoramento valley where he will ltudy methog of oil spray being uaed not to kill the blight but to kill the Insects which carry blight It it, tild to hare boon verysuccetfeful 1$ tft Ptr district to the ttwth. CANANEA RIOTERS GOVERNOR FREES iQUICKLY PUNISHED BULLION ROBBER i -- i nornLAs, Ariz., .inu- ai.-i'pon reeehiiifr rcjioits today that tit i'h: iliau population of Caiianea paiticn paled in riot eoineident with the re turn of American employe of iho Cniiiinea Coiioididnted Copper eom pany from 'the border, floneral P. Hliim Callex, mililarv eommaiider of Kouorn, ismicil orders thai every di tuiher be placed under arrext. It was iiitimuted at the oommniiditoin in Agiia 1'riela that the leaden, icvurd hwi of their poxitlono, will be hiii or imprisoned for loop tonne. General Calle, also ordered Ml Orrez, recently appointed piwiilcnt of the town, to hasten bin dcicutniv for Cananca and dixpatehed I'lorea eio Fimbres, Ore)'., ejiief if police, to Caiianea by motor. Mexican authorities pointed rtut that Ihe npernOoii' of American ffl1 tlustries in Sonoyu js iwcpVaui'v5' I1. tin' eeoiii'inle well n re oflhe alnte and as('.r('d that eveiv ptiswili'u' tep lo ehniinfe" i)lUtrnjifViC'i '"' taken. . . . - : r''!" 1NDIANREV0LT ADMITTED IN THE HOUSE'OF CORDSl SM.KM, Ore, Jui 21 -Governor .lames 'ltlncoiii:ie today conditional ly pardoned Motile Iturgett, nerving a term In the xtnte penitentiary for complicity In lobltery of a stago car rying bullion from the Kainhow mine In Maker county In April, 1!H5. Tho condition requires that alio shall re side with her son In California. Molllo Ilurgett was convicted Joint ly with William Halter aiid .loo Curl sou. She kept a resort near the mine, and the men vIhIUhI hor placo the night before the crime. The prosecutor nllngud tho robbery was planned at hor house. A pistol belonging to her wns found near the scene of the lohhcn COURT HOUSE NEWS Ilnportod by JnckBon County Ab stract Co., Sixth anil Kir Sts. ' ."Mill-Wage l.lcniiso.s Wljfrtllt O. Hill mid I letter Dai-. '' .. i i Circuit lliiriy II.'Uejnii ei al v-. Vnllaee .lohiisiHi ;irt li hnut hill. I ! l,ONJ)OX, July 21. Hepblug to , , .. ;. c-'i,wi. ... denunciations of the Mesopotamia ,, ... rttrHmtaAl t -i. ;,' flll. campaign by Lord Memyss, In "'""lelwarinir duel nK his motion In the bouse of. A K j s,.hl) Vl R s jr(l,hi. jorus iioniauuiug an inves.igai.on, uijwm ,.t m j,,,,! frhluvit .inirii'il" "I vrce, uiru iriminiiiii ui tho council, said that In the critical momonts of August 1911, it was im perative for Groat Hrltnln to ronwort her paramount position In Uie Per sian gulf and prevent tho declaration of a holy war. "Our presenco thoro," Iih contlnuml "I hellovo wivod tho omplre from tho approach of a great disaster. We had to consider the great .Moslem population of Africa also, and if we had not shown our strength, Islam as a whole might hnVo been deflected against us." Ho referred to tho difficulties con fronting tho Indian government and said that ftoni December 10-i, tb Septemhor following there had linen no lees than seven separate attacks, some of a very formidable character on India's northwest frontier, mid contended that before passing final Judgment on the Indian offielubj it would be necessary to consider thai particular sslcm of military oigsni zatlon there. TEUTONS FORCED TO RETIRE (Continued from page one not thorn purl of the wood, but faded to dislodpe a,, from the souther half. "Klsewht'ie there U no dimne." A l limn Lin Town 'ftiken lMSTIIOnitAD. Jul) 21. vm ! 1h. The eedure by Italian Iiikjii nf the (ohm ol OtiniHkhuueh, fortr five MiitiM H4wtiel of TretHaoiid, w 'tNN.h Ai'MMiiis, wuh iiMitoiiueeil W4y hf IW war offb-e. "" ' ': Kjrlr. t'nioa Vir servloee will be held Id ttc fArk Sunday evening at ortoefc. Ttw isiue evenltia gather ir re TCi? papular. Thtro trill l special music by a Cooblfl ossrtet from the Melhodiat tot sua excellent eongregatloual fc'otias under the direction of Mr F'orvrst Kdiueades. Dr. Rollins will apeak. A cordial invitation is extended the public to atteud. Special seating arrangeroeuU have been utade. fcajht o'clock U the hour ImoeM I. I ivdenhnrK vs. V. fl. MntlhiHon of mI iimeudwl aftlduvit. K. C. Kveifcon . I. T. MelCor eher et al., nffbluvit fur service by uibhVution. Slate v. Merle Keynolds, unlvr for bench WHirfliit. .1. M. KilgoHr s. . .T. 1utlHv t al, foifclosiiio. IJortha ItuiMUigtoii vs. ClwHos lleniington, divatrye. W. l liliH'kert vk. ,1. A, Ibinatin el ul, lien fi,reebnr, vt . Cliim Stewnrt s. W. A.;filWMrl, decree. JliMl.tV.rd i National Hank vs. ciln ton X'Ur, shuHlfH lery. l.iNMtida Hlmer vm. AbwiaA 8lpver lllH'lW, I'Vlix A. Wilfret us. Robert lUrl ot a I., motion. I'mlialo li-lnte of lvM Mayhw, tMlmin. iWru tor's uttilertHkutg iih ! of renl jmijM'Hy. Iteol Ibilnto Tllllisfms Theresa J. 1'I.vhm et ul lo Alt. Nibley. uiiuiug eluinis in the MeudoMx wiiiiux ilMrii-l . Klixn .1. (Jilinore .M.-lntire to Mvitle ItlueUiuiu, lot 7, kiAek 7, Gobi Hill ... . 0. ,l. Tjitetban et ux to V. 1 1. Vignes, land in . 3-J-3S- ST.. w w . V. II. Hingler, xbenff, to Lis sic Coulter, lot 7, Murk U, Jai'ksonxille 1. S. ItoHh-N . . HIiiI.mL. hiiiiiiiu Linn- on Kmiii- llVil lit 1.100 in (UK) I VILLA LOSES CASIE m MEXICANS KL PASO, Tex., duly '21. -Passengers uriivinjj. here from Pit mil wiv that Villa's inellVotunl attempt to take Hint town a week ago Sunday wns n fnr ranter moral than mili lorj defuMl, so fr as the Villislu cause in uoiitturued, Heforii tho uttnek Villa was re- giirded w,iti ve by the populace of the I 'a nnl district. Ilm name in spired morq tltuii repccl in the Car nmzn vuri1nii. Hut now Villa is a fallen idol, nud, the natives of these partH pride ftjcinclCN on their loy nlty to the de fiielo government. Thev are iiImi extreuieU proud of their part in humiliating the famous lender of the bundit-. HOODOO ANN FEATURE : AI PAGE . . I ml Mi.K shopi'ln "Hooilno Ann' is the fiatute pho toplay at the pnflc to(ln and tomor row with .Mac Marsh, who plays Ihe little nister. and Jfoberl lliinin at, the jyutuigvr wm in I'llfr IJi'rMi of h Xn. liiiii." nh. , Hero is Mae Mnrh in h'er 'first Trwngfe play, fujly juslifyiiijt all predielioiiM ( liar eniinwit fitness to lie MUrred in pietgres-. She bus been provided. y Uh h, typical b'ine Arts story ami siiM'iinr direeliou. Hut (liniiMlle W'arwiok's story umken possible her creation of n ical ahantcttfr HoimIoo Aim, drudge of Hie orphanage; lieioimi of a fire; central figuie in mystery, and fin ally .Mrs. .Jiiiunie Vance. All Miss .Morsh's gilts f expreMnn and pan tomime sre i-aljcd into play. She dues not net Hoodoo Ann; she in llomloo Ann. There youjiavo sinn llied 'yp ih four svdrds the whole inty, no fur as Miss Msrh is con cerned. (l v.v be well In tell you also that tills iHcUne ileliulils , not merely ttdull palioiis. but cliildicn as well. II lma lis umwrsfll nn appeal as anv Vlotnre we hue ever seen. 4oyd Ingraham, Hie director, und OiiU'i41e Warwick, lbs atilhor, la ished oleveriies oi this prodm lion It is filled with those little homaii touches for winch Ifiim Arts pi. tnri am famous. This iipdies to tin. NUb-tJHes al". A liout surprise i lfiuil by the introduction t a eharsoter who haa not lung to do with the story. 'Phis is a clever luck which nenU In to seru to be appic eiuled. .Siillne it to , it Miippbe a very not el cuiliuir. Another fine stroke is the intro dHctiuu of a moving- picture show wuieh llurrou ami .Mi. Maih ul toud. Thev i-e there an old-slvh-Histeii "mrllrrdrHwmrt-." The pu lilie lliev sre is, of eonre, ivullv a bill'lesi(iie on the old stdutid ol pic Hires, but it .il-o if. noec-wi i to Ihe idol. j W lli-nr s lluu Is siiending Pri 'ii Htaiwliff of f'hoenlv In dav att.ii.oon in Aslilund at the jm vtcdfonl to i.i hatlis rrrrrawiTTr-rer irrmTTrrrM-rrTKM-crrv.r m-wm Youll Eccopnize S.S.Sartotts WilllsW Kancber will attend i kjri;HBB part) at tiobl IliU tomgl.t j L. mBW 1 tMH, I, 1 UHI 1IW TatJ3b j;--. - U BLACKLISTED FIRMS CALL MEETING OF iL mm PROTEST NMCW YORK, Jnlv 21 Ml of the S2 firms blacklisted t (treat Drltatn under the trading ulth the enemy net were Invited to sond representatives to a meeting horo today for tho pur poke of considering a formal protest There wns talk In shipping circles of making nn nttompt to tout the valid ity ot Oroat Urltaln's position by Bond ing an American ship laden with goods from the blacklisted firms to n neutral port consigned to a neutral or to an agent of tho American own ers, i Some merchants, bowovor, believ ed that tho meeting should go no fur ther than appointing a committee mnde up ot porsons whoso American Ism cannot lie questioned to take up tho matter with the statu department as Washington. df thu latter course Is adopted, It was said that firms of admitted Her man oilgln, whoso exact status may not be clear, would make no attempt at this Hmo to fight for what they coiiHlder their rights. Tho mooting was called by Kdward Stegman, .(r... president of the firm of llrasch alid llosenstirn, forward lug agents. Invitations were sent to It Goodwill, of Uburlestdii, president of the Chamber of Conunerco of the. ('lilted States, to nppo!i)t, Klflott T. floodwln, of Washington, sccrotnry ot that body. Shippers said that ordors from South American countries for large quantities of food stuffs, fanning instruments, household arti cles and other goods have boon held up by the action of' tho KrlHsh government. ' iSnmn of tho largest houses In the foreign trade Instructed their clerks not to accept any ordors until the llrltlsh agouts had been asked' about the status of the customer. Zwktf Get tho Round Package Uied (or Yj Century. Aok For and GET s f4 Caution Avoid Subttltuteivfe Y11 1 fay fly r.imimiii LOS A'dr.l.KS. .Iul Jl. ItcNiiUn of an investigation into inlnrmnl cortiplaititK Hint the (ilifornia Asso ciutcd Itaisiu eompanv constituted n motjilpolv have heeirhirned over to the I'mtciJ Slntes dirftm-L nlloiney' ol't ice by audit of the ilepurtmeiit of justice, it, wns learned tpduy, aud the, J uviueuee is neing eonsiuereii in ncier inine if federal action should ' bd takoiu ' The presold investigation wns nn-J derlakeu when eoinplaiiits were nude Hint the ii--uciati(in novi imuiimIs r)(. er cent "I Calitoriiia'n rai-in eiop, and niukc- iiideHudeul conuietilioii diifieiilt. U 'ACINt.wiV.U.S.. . HORLICK'S THE ORIGINAL MALTED MILK Made from clean, rich milk with the ex tract of select malted grain, malted in our own Malt Houses under sanitary conditions. Infanta and children thrive on it. Agree with the weakcit stomach of the invalid or the aged. Need no cooking nor addition of milk. Nourishes and suitaSna more than tea, coffee, etc Should be kept at home or when traveling. A nu tritious food-drink may be prepared in a moment. A glassfut hot before retiring induces refrethitiB sleep. Also in lunch tablet form for business men. Substitutes Cost YOU Same Pries Take a Package Hotnm , 'i LOOK OUT, BOYS! 288 headed towards Medford a lively bunch. Be sure and see "RED," only five feet tall. Keep. Your Eye on 21 Pimples Disappear There Is ono remedy that seldom fulls to clwir away nil pimples, black IimsiIs timl nL'ln ..riiittlnim mill tlmt milkta! till) skliusofl, clear slid jicalthy. Any iirusKi con Miipiuy yun wmi awinu, width gciwnilly oveicouies all skin dU omihm. Acne, cctfnui, llrh, piuiplss, ntsliM, bluik IiikiiU In moul mm slvo way l sitxj. CiHpHiiitly, minor lilein UhM dbmpiHMir oiornlt h. . .Itching uo ally sIoimi linMsntly. eiao is ssfu, clean, eiuty to umi sud UewtiiUlile. It cot only Jc; wo extra large ,bottl..l.W).( It will not Mlain, Is not ifrtaity or sticky and is iMsiltlvely wife fir. wiidi'r, sciuitliu sklusj ZfuWi ciHctand. , 1 ED B1NNS Fighting the Beef Trust I AM STILL SELLING 1 ' GOOD MEAT FOtf LITTLE MONEY i Specials for Saturday Boiling Boof, per lb 8c to 10c Roast Beef, per lb. 10c to 15c Pork, por lb 12c to 15c Fresh Lard, largo size...., '... $1.50 Fresh Lard, small size '. . : !75c NKW SHOP, MOTMWN IN 13V WRY WAY. AND KOLlTTKI.Y SANITARY ED BINNS 109 West Main Medford Don't Forget Jones Saturday Cut out paying those high prices to our "would be" competitors and you won't cry hard times ! t V ? v ? x t V ? V ? r t Our fUstonifi'K always leave with a smile watch the other fellows they eonic out with a grouch and feel had because they allowed themselves to get "stung again." The majority are getting wine to it, but for the sake of a few that are overlooking our priccH and our way of doing husineas wef will say: Try Jones' and join tle crowd of pleased customers. Watermelons! Watermelons! Kvery Ono (iuaranteed. Motor Coffee 35c pound the Best in Medford Cn Iks ibi'wn i fmM inttf m lUt lb ukmce dor Vwt m At ewu: -e: sia j n- m cogoiehrS la KilsUtia jl udUlad Pelts' mAw lanoult ui wpoftualtr to MMnid mti turntlhia ;o 'ion dowo' l'J wnb its wonderful temc fmi I tin The swirr sceiri c. ATLANTA, CA, A big line of I'Ychli Vegetables and Fruits. Idnes' Cash Grocery Tin slurc that rapidly grew, while the CO.MHINM slowly gave up. J,liiiiisL,:j:M."ii iHWM $"l&tfr$tl r i ! t Y r f t t y f I fl it T. w 1