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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1916)
4 Unlvfslty of Oreqofl WEATHER Minimum Yesterday Hi; Minimum Today '15. Medford Mail Tribune FORECAST KAMI TONICJIIT AND TOMOItllOW s 3N r 3 ft I. Forty-sixth Tear, nwllv Klpvmth Yr. B 0MB KILLS 4IN PARADE Explosion of Time Bomb Durinn Pre paredness Parade at Stewart and Market Streets, San Francisco, Kills Four Bomb Made of Nails, Cartridu.cs and Dynamite Placed in Suit Case, Explodinn in Very Midst of Crowd, Dcmollshliin Building. SAN FKANCINCO, July 22. Four wore kilk'il mill about fifteen persons' wore injured in the oxplos ion oT a timed bomb in the rout-no tif h preparedness parade horti today. Jl wtiH unid the (lend might number eight. The lioiuli exploded al Stew art and Mnikol streets, on thu lino or inutrh, while the parade was pass ing todny. t .Mun and woniun half blinded and vut niiiI bleeding ran, whlli) others stumbled over tliu bodies of the in jured Hud dead piled up in lumps. Tliu lioinl), inado of nails, onrt lidgos and dynamite, was placed in a suit ease against t. A wall of a wilnun on tliu corner of .Market and Stuwait streets. Kxplodos In Crowd. It exploded in the very midst of tliu crowd and demolished the build ing completely. The (Inuid Ariay of the Kopublic wns funning at the place where the hoiali exploded. The veterans ap peared in the parade, unperturbed. The bomb exploded at 2:15 p. in. and was said to lie a timed dovieu. I'ho oxplonloi wiiH nt Ktownrt nud WlnSliet DtruotH on the line of innrcli whllo tliu parade was pusslng. Its vlolonoo liurlod bodloa Khnltorctl niul blending, among tho crowd. Votorttiis of tho rirnixl Army or the llnptihlle, preparing to inarch, escap ed uneoAthcd and marcliod Hlurdlly nhond. lllooil, brains and flesh, spattorod across tho sldownlk and anions tho spectators mndo a hldoous spectacle. Many persona co1Ihmo1 or fought their way out. Tho pollco broko through tho crowd with tiolr clubs and obrdouod tho plaeo. Tho building ugulust wliloh tho bomb was placed wag domollHlied. Tho first of the woundod woro taken to tho Harbor Hmorgoncy hos pital. Otliors woro taken to private hospitals. Tho unexpected calamity throw tho usual RoureoH of Infnrma tlou into confusion, but did not in terrupt tho paraito. The IkhuIi, oonconlod In n milt case, full of cartridges, sprayed tho crowd hi with shrupnol. Dozoim of sholln sprinkled the ground nearby and tho offoctlvo ones did moat of tho dani SAN I'KANCISCO, July 22. -Mar-ket street, Shu Francisco's mniu IhtmHighfare, was swept clean of t raffle for five hours today while n (varad e 11.1 section tramped from tho Ferry building to Van No nve line, some two mile-, n a ilemoiixt ra tio u in favor of national preW4 red ness. The parader marched in doable rank, i.tcen abreast, butwiiou curbs paekwl with woro pooplo than have lined the streets in day time for year. Buildings for blocks woro blanketed with American fluffs and hitutiug itt the national color. Near ly every wan hi the street uoro an American flay in hi lapel and many women carried red. white and blue umbrellas. There a woman's division with the marcher in white The first section of the parade uus scheduled to start nt 1 :.'(0 o'clock, the Jiit at V12. GEIS 5 YEARS PRISON INJURES Hi XKW YOHK. July 2 Thomas Benson and hi brother-in-law, I.. S. Windier, convicted ot -tea ling mail valued yt more than feUu,00O frosu a HiwUon river ferryboat on Feb ruary 2f lat, todav were sentenced to serve term of not !. than five eitr each in the federal peuiteutiarv al lidUttt. dud reigns in china since death of yuan Passing of Would-Bc Emperor-President Hailed With Rojolcing Pres ident Li Yuan Hunn Inherits De pleted Treasury and Disorganized Government. I'KKINfl, June 20 (correspondence of the Associated Press.) Chinusu public opinion has been in a strange ly unformed state since the tlculh of Yuan Shi Kai. The passing of tho would-be emperor-president waa hailed with rejoicing rather than sor row, and efforts to enforce mouniiii;; have been somewhat farcical. Every day it becomes uluiirur that many of the loaders of tho revolu tion, who declared Yuan Shi Kai's retirement was the chief end which they sought, hud personal ambitious, and are not giving l.i Yuan Hung the support which might reasonably be expected of them. Many of the provinces, however, refused to rejoin the union nud new demands are made upon the president almost daily by political leaders in tho rebelling prov inces. c'liinnro .Minister ItcMgns Liang Shi-Yi nud Chow Tsu-Chi, the two members of the government who had most to do with finances in Chinii, hnve both resigned under fire. Thu foituer was head of tho financial council, nnd director-general of the Hank ot ('ommuuicntmus. The latter was formerly minister of coiiiiuorce and agriculture, but had for a short time served as minister of finance. Both of those men won' olose advis ors of Yuan Shi Kai and nre regard ed by foreigners as two of the ablest leaders in China. I.fnhg Tshf-Yi ha been the stornr center of criticism for miluv mouths mill recently the republican press has assuild him bitterly. The liouiil f censors has made all adverse re pot I on his administration, charging mal feasance in office. Ho is accused of various financial irregularities mid h blamed for the shortage of hard money which mndo it necesMiry to su-pend specie payments on the notes of the Itauk of t'oiiuuiinieiitioiis and the ltauk of China. I'lvnilcr AImi Attacked Tumi Chi Jui, thu premier, is also buiug attacked by the republican pre and charged with mi unwilling ness to hnve President l.i Yuan Hung issue a inundate restoring tho old Nnikiug provisional constitution mid iceeiving the national assembly provided for by that constitution. While bitter criticism has not been directed us yet towards President Li Yuan Hung, there are many rumblings in the native pi ess concerning his failuie to take immediate steps to eliminate all the Yuan Shi Kai crowd from the government and re tore tho republic to tho condition it vtia in before Yuan Shi Kai manipulated thu Nanking provisional constitution. - Li Yuan 1 1 ling's position is ex tremely difficult. Ho has inherited it depleted treasury mid a thoroughly disorganized government. Three fac tion ate endeavoring to dominate Chinese affairs. One of thoso is con trolled by the .M"anebiis of north China j tho Yang Tjte valley auction dominated by military loader along tho Yang T.c and the far south is dominated by Canton loaders. All thue men are playing at cross pur pose and effort to hunuonizo them aio extremely difficult. Convening Assembly The old national aumhlv which Yuan Shi Kai abolished and which it i now suggested should be reas sembled contained about 800 mem- (Continued on I'uge Two.) . HETTIE GREEN'S ML IS PROBATED UELI.OWS PALLS, Vt., July 22. The will of Mr. Hettle Green was admitted to probate hero today with out contest, leaving the entire oetate to her Ron, Colonel Bdwaxd II. Green, and daughter, .Mrs. Matthew Astor Wllks. Colonel Green filed a bond for 5u, uuu as trustee for the fund left bis sister. The exaet amount left by Mrs Oreen is not a matter of public knowledge as the law does not require this to be shown. MEDFORD SLAVS CAPTURE 12000 TEUTONS IN LIPA SMASH Russians Drive Teutonic Forces South of River Llpa in Volhynia Beyond Town of Bcrcstcchk to the West Total of 26,000 Prisoners Taken Since July 16. PHTttOGKADJ July 22. Tho Hub hIiiub havo driven tho Teutonic forces resisting thorn south of tho river Llpn, In Volhynln, near tho Gnllclan border, boyond tho town of Ilorcs tcchk to tho west. More than 12,000 prisoners woro captured by tho IIubbIiuih on Thurs day nnd Friday, making n total of 2C.000 captured since July 10. Tho official statement In which thoso oporntlons arc recorded says: "South of tho Llpa wo havo driven tho onomy wcstwnrd beyond HcrcB- tochk. "General Sakharoff, on Thursday and Friday took prlsonor 300 offi cers, Including a general, and n col onel, nud 12,000 mon, making tho captures of Auntro-Gormnn troops In tho oporntlons slnco July 1G total 20,000." ltilssliuis Itcpulsed INSULIN, July 22. Brandenburg regiments yesterday withstood strong Russian mass attacks on both sides of Kknu south of Illga, snys tho Gor man official statement. Thu attacks wero renamed In tho afternoon and continued during tho night hours, All attempts of tho Russians broko down under the heaviest losses, tho statement announces. BLACKLIST 5IYLED TACTICAL BLUNDER BY GREAT BRITAIN LONDON', July -M. A neutral diplomat, exceptionally well informed regarding the details of the economic war which (Ireat Britain is waging on the central powers, today declared to a rojirosontiitivo of tho Assoeiuted Press that he regarded the recent publication by the liritih government of the blacklist of certain American firms us "the greatest possible tac tical blunder at this stago, when a I'm il ch loan i about to be floated in America, aiid important Itussiaii finaitciiil arrangements nre under wny there." "It is a blunder," continued the diplomat, "because it is unnecessary, since for months most of tho firms on tho list have been on n sub-roua blauklist. At any rate, they were not on the white lit, so tho govern ment had complete control over any of thuir operations which touched British territory. "Thu financial section of London is by no means unanimous in ap proval of the measure, even those in its favor being dissatisfied with its scope, contending that some omi sions from the it are more signifi cant than inclusion. "It, publication at this time is a mystery. One poihlo theory is that tho government's hand was forced by recalcitrant Hritih firms which havo refused to (five up trading with firms not on the white ht until their posi tion was made legally untenable by the actual promulgation of thu lit. VILLA'S ACTIVITY WASHINGTON, July .".'.-NoporU leaching (Sonera! Pershing troin var ious border points that Villa has as sembled a formidable force and is promnng to renew hi war on the de facto government had no confir mation today from reliable sources. It wa made plain that even if the bandit again is active it will not af- eet the courc of negotiations with the Mexican government. The cap ture and iMinishinent of Villa is still deirtd and co-operation of Aweri- ean troops to that end will be cheer fully extended, it was aul, if the tie lmtv ;,'o trnuient so desired. i OREGON, SA'ITKIUY, JULY 22, 1916 WIFE OF i PROSECUTOR SLAIN , AFTER HUSBAND IS WARNED t yin, Oscnr McO.'inlel, who wns tliclr homo in Nt. .Joseph, Mo. OF ST. JOSEPH, Mo., .lull 22 Wan tho murder of Mrs. Oscar I. McDnn iol, tho wife of the fearless prosecutor of Itiicbnnnn county tho first blow lif a campaign of "donth, hell and de struction," throatoiiod iiRaliiMt Mo Danlol bocauso "f his relentless pros ecution of St. Joiuph's criminal ele ment? This Is tho quoBtlon bolng asked by tho pollco of Kansas and Missouri who have joined forces In search for tho muii who entered tho McDanlol homo uud boat Mrs. McDiiulel to (loath. "Death, hell and destruction shall bo visited on jou!" a convicted bur glar shouted at MaDaulol recently as ho was being led from court to bo placed In thu ns)lum for the criminal Insane. A few days before tho murder this man osoapod from prison. Ho wiots to MoDuulel, repeating the curse. McDaulel resd tho threats, shrug god his shoulders nnd dismissed them from his mind. Ho had received hun dreds of similar threats In the two yours that he has bean prosecutor. At 11:30 the night or the murder McDanlol received a telephone eall to go down town to a place Wiero, it was said, his brother was in trouble. He wont In hit motor our. Heaehlng the place ho was told his brother was not there. Suspecting a plot, McDaulel has toned homo. As he approached the hoimo sovoral shots ware fired at him He returned the fire, then dashed Into his home. On a bed, her body orushed and blooding, ho found his wife dying. A diamond ring and a few' trinkets woro missing. The polios, however, scoff at tho theory that robbery was tho motive. No attempt was mads to take other valuable. Hloodhounds wore pressed Into service In the man-hunt that followed discovery of the murder. They led offlcors to s nearby saloon, thenos to a lodging house, bore the landlady said hIio had seen a man leave the house hurriedly s short Unit aftr the crime. The ssont ended at tho lodging house. McDaulel Incurred the hatred of tho lawless element of Huenanau county by vigorous prosecution of highwaymen and burglars. He has rocelved repeated warnings not to seek re-election. T. It. McOilbray nnd PVauk Kwin- glc of Ahlaud purchased Oodge curs of the Bernard Motor Co. Saturduv wormuj;. PROSECUTION 1NALS N MURDER OF WIFE murdered; I'mim-ciiIoc .Mcllanlcl ami COLONEL BUTLER KILLED WITHOUT WASHINGTON, Jul; 28.AVnr dO jinrtmoiit reports toda from. Alplu, Vtiyii, gvtng further details, of tho idmotlhgof Utttitoiiant Colonel M. 0. Ilutlur by Harry J. Spunnull, muuagor of an Alpine hotel, say Colouol Hut lor was "absolutely liiuooont of any wrong,' and whatever tho canto might have boon "It appeared like it cold blooded, promeditntod murder com mitted by u man cnuod by Jealousy." Tho report says Spaniioll invited Colonel Ilutlor to ride. In his auto mobile In a seat beside Mrs. Spaniioll and that Spauiiol then drove Into tho residential section of .lplno, nud kill ed both Colonel Mutter and Mrs. Span. noil. "Just bow tho killing was, do no," says the repot t, "cauont positively be stated, ns there seems not, to havo been a witness present. Col. and Mrs. Duller associated freely with Ml, and Mrs. Siwuiiell, 'taking froipiont drives vslth tho Siaimolls. apannoll soiiiwl to have been of oxtremoly Jealous disposition and It is stated that be had frequent disagreements with his wife, who was a groat boun ty." Colonel Ilutlor will he burlod In Arlington National cemetery horo Monday. WARSPITE AGAIN READY FOR BATTLE LONDON,, July 22.- Doubts con cerning the fate or the British battle hip Warsutts. which may have boeu caused by German' assortlous that she was sunk in the Jutland battle, were dispelled whan a ronroseututive of the Associated Press and other neutral correspondents, visited this wsek, a British port where the iiiusdron of Admiral Sir David llsatty was viewed. The entlro spualdrou and light erulwrs uhiI do stroyers was allguwd ready fur ork. Whatever damages it suffused la the battle had been repaired and as scars were visibls. "Here she is as good as new," said the commander of the destroyer en which the party eiisirolod the Warsplte, within a stoas's throw of her. She was able is return to port nt a spssd of 81 knots, u navy of ficer said, and was lu dock undergo ing impairs, two bouis after her arrival. NY PROV ATON u CLAIMS GREAT DRIVE OF German Official Statement Claims That Great Uniform Anfllo-French Attack on Sommc Sector Has Been Abandoned Artillery Duels in Prourcss Alonn Entire Front. BKHLLV, via London, July 2'.'. The Herman army heiuhpiarters staff in the official statement issued to dny claims that the great uniform Anglo-l'Ycnch attack on the Sommo sector in Franco has been abandoned. Tho text of tho German official statement folletvs: "In the Sommo sector tho enemy bus been unable to resume his largo uniform thrust nftor his defeat of thu previous day. Separate nttnctk wero repulsed without effort or stopped at their outset. "White cleaning out a British ucst in Koureaux wood several dor.oii prisoners were made and nine ma chine gium were captured. Lively artillery duels continue without in terruption. "A French attack on sevoral front north of Massiges failed. "On both sides of tho Mease the artillery bombardment has tempo rarily iuoreiiscil to a higher tensity. Artillery Duels LONDON, .hiy 22. A spirited ar tillery duel along the British front in northern France during which the British front line and supporting trenches were bombarded with gas shells ami projuotilcx containing eye irritants is recorded in today's war office report. The statement says: "Tho iirtllh'rv on both sides has been tuoru ftiJHvo llnrlnTi the tHt twelve hours and tho British front lino and supporting tremtluw have In Mivorul place buen heavily bonibunl C,d with gas mid lepr shells. "Nothing ele of importance litis occurred." (Vniuins Itcpulsed PAULS, July 22.--A strong (lor mini attack northwest of St. Die, in the Vosges, wa: repulsed last night by the Flench, the war office report of today ways. On tho Verdun front the Hermans bombarded violently Fiench positions hi the sectors of Floury uud Fiiiniu wood, lu the re gion of .Mniiliii-soiiH-Toutvoul a at rung Herman rocoiiiiuieuuoo was dispersed, In Itast Africii LONDON, July 22. - British (roow oporuting in the northeastern section of Herman Fh-1 Africa huvo ocou picd Muher.a, uud Amaui, and have captuied the whole of the 1'Hambant railroad, according to an official un iioiiiicciacut made here today. DE KANSAS CITY, .Mo., July 22. The llMI-mile motor derby, dedicating the new dirt pecdway here, was won .tin afternoon b l(lpb do I alma. De 1'alma's time whs oho hour, 12 minutes and "8 second, an average of ."H. IH mile an hour, almost eight mile-, an hour below the world's dirt track record. O'Duniietl whs second and Biishiic third. O'Doiiuell lost the lead to De I'alum in the sixty-sixth lap. Thu dirt track becoming rough cut the spued down to an HNurago of .Vi.08 miles. The temperature wa gneu uuoffi ciully at 11)2. Art Kline Has over come b beat while making a tire chaiiH at the pit-. lit place wa taken bv Ora llaihc ( handler und Lewi hae left the iaec. LITTLE AGTlVITYlBOUTf 'S BALTIMOiti:. Md. J..U 2.'. Lit tle actmtv wa auto tabic tin tore noon about the pier at I.o u-t I'ouit, where the (lerinuu aicrchaiit u)iiuh riue Deutscliiuud i moored. The tug Thomas F. Tiuunotu lav alongside, as she has almost constantly for the lat week, with a full head of twtu 'up. AS H ECKED PI WN KANSAS CITY DERBY DtUM NO. 101 WALSH CALLS ON ROCKEFELLER F0RREPUDIAT10N Chairman of Industrial Relations Committee Calls Attention to Court Findings Wherein Colorado Fuel Managers Wero Censored for Elec tion Frauds and Corruption. WASHINGTON, July 22. -Tho following letter has been written by Frank I1. Walsh, chairman of tho federal commission on industrial re lutioiiM, to John I). Rockefeller, Jr., concerning thu epoch-making decis ion handed down by the supremo court of Colorado in tho Colorado election ciisch, calling upon him to repudiate nets of tho fuel company officials. In reply, an investigation is promised by Mr. Rockefeller. Letter to Rockefeller. July 11, 11)10. Air. John D. Jtookofellor, Jr., 20 Broadway, Now York City. Sir: The committee on industrial rela tions has just rcccivud from tho mi promo court of Colorado, which is tho court of lust resort of that stato, Hh opinion and judgment in the Colorado election casus, in which your conduct und that of your associates is branded as anarchistic, fraudulent and destructive of free institutions. Thus fur you seem to havo paid no attention to thai judicial condemnu ion. The court in its judgment found thut the notorious. Sheriff JoiT Karr was jour ngent. The court placed tho direct re sponsibility for the most revolting political uud industrial corruption di rectly at tho door of tho company. It declared that tho public election machinery "had been turnud ovfir to tint iiliHolute domiilillhm.iitld imperial control" of yolir ooiniMiily, ami wiih "used by thorn iih absolutely and pri vately as wore their minus, to and for thuir own private purposejj." Klcetlon Crime Detailed. The situation thus created was de clared by tho court to ho "ho ropug liHiit to tho spirit of free government as to he inconceivable," and that "its certain result would ho the de struction of popular govorumont." Among other o rimes found by tho court to hnve been committed by tins organization wero the throttling of, public opinion, the denial of the ex ercise of choice by sovereign elec lorn, the dictation and control of nil election officers, (ho stifling of pub lic discussion, the imperial designa tion ns to what citir.ens could ot could not peacefully enter upon pub' lie territory, tho prostitution of tint ballot; and tho court adjudged that such cor nipt practices absolutely de stroyed tho "free, open uud fair election us contemplated by tho con stitution." All of these offenses, you will note, weic committed after oti had iissiim ed charge in Colorado by sending your associates there, uud after ou had lured W. L. .MacKen.ic King to foiiuiilate a plan that would "pro tect" the rights of the men in yoiu coal ciiiiim, wli(o liberties at that very moment were being ruthlessly destroyed. On the idea that what yourcoui irnny did in Colorado wiih oh no. count of "industrial nueostdty," tho court said: "It is uf fioienf to oaiisa every liberty-loving Amorionn uitizon to shudder in contemplation of the possibility that tho private 'indus trial neertty' of sumo industrial coinMiiy or corporation, employing large number of men, may thus de termine the pollolo or tho fatg ot the republic." Warning by Courts. The learned judges of tho court (Continued on Lout Page) KENNETT WORKERS KKNNKT. Oil., July 22. A do siand tor higher wages made bv LtOO copper miner and mucker employed here by the iMainnsitb Copper com wu, will be answered b the com (may lato todny. 9he men who nsfced an increase of 50 cents per day, nro not affiliatod with any union. Tho. inc rouse wi asked Wediiesduy, j S3 ir v '46