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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1916)
MEDFORD MAIL TRIRFNK AtKDFOttD, OliMWON, TUESDAY, JTNK 27, 1.U0 PAGE VTYfi ASHLAND RECALL ELECTION FAILS 10 T ASHLAND, June 27. At thu apo dal recall election yesterday, Uort H. Crcur, chairman of ttio springs water coinmlfMloii, won out by "P majority, the vote being 59S for to G57 against the measure. For springs commis sioner Greor received (IS" votes to T94 Tor M. C. Reed. Votos cast were 1 2 .' r . Norniul votliiK strength here from 1SUO to 200u Each of tlio three wunU want against the recall move incut, and two gnvc majorities for Orcer on the commission, the flint wuril belli n tie. Figures by ward urc as follews: 'First For rocnll, '-M3: against, 21S. Commissioner Gruer, 212; Itced, 212. ' ISucond For rucHll, l'lt; against, 1!)2. Commissioner Utuer, ISC; Iteod, 171. Third For roonll, 20C; against, 217. CoiunilMlonur Uruur, 28D; Iteed, 2 OS. Ah a romilt of (ho election the Plana assumed thq seonu of an Im promptu demonstration oiUulllng u rotiudiii In niluiitiire, .Mr. Greer inuk Iiik a speech to a large number of'un tllUHlllHtk' friends. People in general are Kind the re call fracas in over, and In view of the festivities next week desiro to mobil ize a united euergt In that direction. AI PAGE I0DAY ONLY Francis X. lluslinuui and Beverly Hayue, recognized iih thu foremost starring combination In thu Hllent drama, will be scon on thu Hereon to', day only at thu Pugo Theater In "A .Million n .Minute," a distinctive Metro "tvouderplny" In five parts. "A Million it Minute" In brimful of Intermit, and presents a story of IntrlRue, romance, adventure and mystery, together with a coinody ro llof, which makes for the moat mitls factor) entertainment. In thfM production Mia IlHyiiQ bus ono of tho IjRMt part alio Iihm liad wince mIio came to motion picture, nbout five eant ago. She l seen In acoro of big dramatic production Hiul then there are lighter scones, whero alio It given an opportunity to pleplay her versatile charms to tho full. Mr. Ilushman, too, baa a strong role, and Is aeon to good advantage. Ho haa ninny thrilling adventure and scenos which call forth tha fullest rango of hla dramatic power and, as nlwaya, ho meeta tho demand upon hla art in a manner that pleaaoa. There are many Interesting aeeuua takon In and around New York, on ahlpboard and along Broadway, and the cafe life and underworld of Pari are faithfully reproduced. Metro haa a pa rod no expense or offort to inako "A Million a Minute" one of thu big feature of the year. EAGLE POINT EAGLETS I)y A. C. Ilowlotl ui i:. r lei-nil .mil it. K i,nMi oi lllllltl.lll (ilHMl'll los,- Null ('(). were limnu, liu-ines-. in mir town the middle ut the Week uutl culled Situ dn lor ilinuer. There wn it party i-assed thiongh hi'te lnt WeduMia.V with uu auto lim-k load uu tfteir wuv for l'niti creek. One uf them wim the same man who hud n store there lust um iiier. and 1 uutfMKHl that lie was going out there again to rebuilt! hi Mure building, m the house he oeeu pied wus cru-hed lift winter b the sOW. (Irifii iUtllhcwa wa iu loan the find of th e'k ttntl re-milm) that some one uf hi ueigkarors hud oiuWlt ttlf uf lit- hay rakr -eventeeu teetli and several of the elani'i that bold them in patte. Ill ottul thu I I he teeth wire marked that the could he identtfyili l hi Mu. Verne, liuti hented tlieiu mid turned, the end of the teeth mi llutl one -hull' woiihl be turned tu the right uud the other Wi the lett, and that the nest uun-niujE he looked uruuud uiauug the buy rnk-ei- and fuund rake teeth thai tilletl the (l.'-criptioii. Thut oue of hit ueij-hhtT- about the anie time lual Ktterul oK'kle irunrd t'f hi nu'wer uml abuut the atae tuue Fruuk Ab bott had a fW-uallon euo of eoul oil takep fnui hi lt"JW. d I "W x Keting to hate to reMrt that "ine one will lie found with a Umd of hut in l bodv before lor Bom T Mr. and Mi. J. V. Ha- worth on their farm in the lak Crwi. fiiiinm. ii uine-iM'iind lt". vImiu Jtl. 1li iwlliil ll IU W r n ii OS R FRANCIS X BUSHMAN iiiuil.v ilepiittnicnt of the Med ford (Iroeery Co., was luuo TliuiNiln. Dr. V. B. Hueliaunn of Ashlun.l, but leeentlv of tliis place, entue up the Cirl oT the week lo do work for unite ti numlier of uuv eiti enrc, reinfliniiiK Jill llie week, lie hfis his room in the office of Dr. Molt. 11. V. Hiiiluiin of Trail was licie duriiiK the week looking over the sit untion witli nil eve to npeiiinir up i meat peddlmi: uutfit. us .Mr. Hrown, the nmn who has been furiiishinu tlus iH'tiun Willi nienl, eoutemnlutes xeiui: nw tthnut the fiit of Jul. lie goes on account of hiw wife's health, o shu can eliuugv climates. Mr. Stiiion mul n eo-lnliorcr lunc been out here iu the emplov of the electiie light ci)ii)univ and inMalUd an automatic motor to pump water from the xrit mill dileh for the ben efit of the Ilrowu, Molmes, Molt and Kuiuhtoii fumilies. It is a minted so llinl when the water tank jes partly empt.v of water that the pump will aturt mid when it get, full it will stop a fine arrangement. Ucorf-u lticlinnl-oii of Hullo Fnllx, who has buon fulliuif tiees for one of the lai'tfo mills nonr Odessa. Kltun uth county, liad the misfoitune to cut liis foot so us to luMuid up lor some time, caiiie in mid spent the uij:lit with iik Weduoduy on his wnv lioine. A lady by the iiume of (ilcnn uml A. Iliibburd eaiue out on the I'. . B. Thursday and Mr. Muhbard went on up lo ''is ranch huvond DciIi.n, ami Mr-, (lli'ini took the unto tiiK0 for Luke Cicok. The lish and game ear also went up lo Hutte Falls at the same time with u load of young fish to he used at the llntte I'm lis huteh er. W. C. Daley and wife weie guest at the Siinn.vside Tliutilu,v. l'rolcssor Mowiird (Inner of Med io rd was nlso at the S. H. for dinner Thursda.v. Me ui out in the inteienl of the Medford Uusiuess eollugu. Elmer Muni, thu Bugle Point elec trician, uus hole Thursday. Mo was putting in the new, electric pump in tire Snowy Hutte mill. Miss Kduer Whitley of Portland came iu Tliurmlay on her mw lo the I'rospeel eouulry to isit her wr cnts. While here she was the guest of .Mrs. Win. von dec Mullen. .Mr. and Mr. Oeorge von der Mol ten, who have been on avis(t to Cor vallis to attend the commencement ooieises of the O. A. C. relumed the first of the week via the Colum bia river highway, I lend, Foil Kluni atb, Klamath Falls mid Ashland. Mrs. win tier Mellen savs that they en countered coiisidcnihlo snow uml oie in n siifiwsloiin (or one day, but they had u delightful lime. Since my lust repoit (luore Ilrowu & Sons have bought and shin ped tpiitc a lot of ttonl of .1, W. Thomson of Pro,n'ct aud h'ntl luv of Wellcn. Pete Young and hi aiater, Miss Clura, were doing buitiiicH in our town Fndny, aud their brother, Niek, was here Satuiday morning. Piofessor C. B. .lolnisou sunt till' tti the hendipuuterH of the Anti SitltMiu league, Portland, his second petition for the adoption of the amendment to the constitution of the state hairing the shipping in of iu to.xicantx lor heveiage purposes and started his third one last night, Fri day, and Ituv. I,. I,. Simmons has sent olf one, making in all Fill names. Ih u former letter 1 stattHl thut there weie sixty names on n single iietilioii, hut there are but fort.. Suturdav I met Mr. Btlvtcidns of lliounshoio, and ho whs telling me f the Motiderlul di-eox cries lieing made on Luke elevk iu copK'r, ami later in the duv I met hin Dalev of Lake creek, one of the diseowrers of the mine, ami he told uie that the. were ut uhoHt 10(1 feet mid that the In rlher thev go into the hill the rieher the veut lHeutos; thut he eau lake a piece of the lwk as large as a man's fist. Muud it up ami wash tail a half-tcuh'ioonful of eopH. Another peculiarity i thai he linds Milid rock like agatea us large as his fist, or perha linger, ami-the out siik UI lie Mrfee(lv dr. but ou breaking them oieii wKI luid thev eoiiluiii as iniii-b as it half-tem-uo full ot clear wuter anil having irlalli ed tUiirtx inside of thcut. Me us that it the lode prow to he a rieh as it - rosiHM't that Uie- ja til not uk Bagle I'oiut to bund tha tonu to build a railroad tor them, but wll build it themselves. Mr. Dulet was down af ter a load "i huubr to liuiltl hie new house, lie bough,! the lumber Inst rail, but the rouds wefe so hud that he could no haul it. so stacked it here until dry weather. Me brought dowa a lot of drills be ue iu hi utine to our blacksmith to bate them shar)ieuiid. J. W. drover haa bean .Ireatiujl himself to a uew hay fork (Jackson t, track and i arrier to utit in hi bam. ne of the Ooiild itn of Med ford came out on the I', t K. Satur day morning it ml went oa UJi to Dee Itradabaw's. Miss Clare XinimerMian, one of the I dome girl and iMtotfu clerk". who has heeu taking a ttteatiou. vi King relalitos near Dtrbt, and one of our U'iurder, returned to her --t S. lurdav .ifteiutMin Why Snioko Kit Cigars When La UuuJu.- au oui l"C MAY ROBSON AT STA pint Kobpon In thi latc-t to cntir tratal In " V M lit Out," nho ox the field of motion rlcturcs She up-llilblti n glrll h freshness that s n noara In n Vltngratili production oiieit,r.iphli Itttaoti to those women who aplemtldlt suitable for her appealing and graceful nrt of character Mr, s. S. Stephens and Mrs. .1. I). Henry went to the Meudows on Thursday lo visit Mr. Willinm Col Irell. Mrs. Burl Iliiscom of North Tal ent visited relative in Phoenix Sun diiy. Mrs. Oorlhmislier of Talent spent Sutuidny iu Phoenix visiting ,Mrs. Lillie Hhickwood. Thete are several trial acres of u gar beet iu thi vicinity. Among them N'oali has about u (punier of mi acre . wliicli urn liiolnng;' exceedingly well. Sheiiif Siugler aud C. Carey visit ed the Shorty Mope mine about Tal ent last WiidiiiiMlny. Walter Mcr of Phoenix left ou Thuixday for Kiiiish City for a tiait with relatives mid for medical trent- IIICIll. Mr. mul Mix. .lohti (Iraffea, Mr. and Mix. W. B. Audoixnii of Bast Kden were at Ashland Sutuidny en joying the picnic. (icorge Koberta of Fern Valley is tisitiug his son, ,. !!. Uolieils, of North Talent I his week. Mr. uml Mrs. ,lnc Kadcr. Mr. A. S. r'urry and Mix. C. Carey took h trip iu Mr. Under ear over the SIs ki.toii grutle Thursday and enjoyed a pienie ou top of Uie mountain. Mr. Carey soys she can see wlieie a lot of tho gounlv's money was fl when she miw that rood. A greal piece of enginet ring uml uxM'uiw work, that. Mr. mid Mrs. A. II. Fisher and daughter, Ine. mid Mis Miilnd I learn, Mrs. Most and children at tended the picnic, at Asblund Kutur day. Mrs. W. M. tlrist of the firm of (Irist Jt Co. of Phoenix, was tt bus iness tisitor in Metlfortl Saturday. Mis. Lixaiv SUiiudiff and daugh ter, Miss Marion, were visiting Mr. mid Mrs. S. StnnelilT Saturdav. Mrs. Mat is, who has been iu Phoenix the iNtsl mouth visiting her daughter, Mr. Colter Furry, left Tuesday for her home in Poitlaml, Mix. Furry nceoiuimnyiitg her home tor u visit with her brother mid friends in Portland. Mrs. Bail llcnetliet of Itonuhurg vi-ited Mrs. Noah Chandler Ins) Wednesdat. Mr. ISencdiol is em ploy ed on the long-distance telephoiii! line thiough the willcv ut present. CENTRAL POINT Mis. Mildicd nilion and (ioldn Owens ate eiiotiug a vacation at Mr. Carlton's mine ncur (I runts Pans. Mr. Wilhite ami Clarence Wilhite of Sams Valley were doing buaiueiw in Central Point the middle of the week. Mix. Tiuimiiis, Mrs. aufom, the Mistt, Kmeaitl and I(. M. Kim-aid of Agate were Central I'oiut visitors re cently. t W. B. Price and family and Mr. Hit-hard May and daughter, Arleue, sjK'tit Kunduy iu Ashland. Mrs. Tom Panktt awl Utile daugh ter. Thelnia, rctm-ued Sunday from a fortnight' visit in Portland and Kugeiic. Miss Maaei IMth was the guest of iiss Vera Din at Hogut Kittr Kuu tUy. Mr. Drake, Mrs. Harry Smith. Mrs. Mtetens, Mrs. MiKidgiit and Miss Jennie Morgun were umung the Tolo business visitors here the mist Week. Mrs. August Mueller and eluldreu urrttad here the firl of the week lo I sM-nd the summer with Mrs, Muel lers im rents, Mr. aud Mi. Ohc OlsMOII, KruMfts Kitie-t and liis. Mubfl Kl fie Wilaun ot oit.e Drove were EDEN PRECINCT tinvted in hhmh.. Ii. i aiurduv eieniivg b I'' ' I'" ' "N N'' Kmt'st i the prop ' il Point meat mark e their home here. Mr. Hnrrv i iiriTim mm miii I .h'l i .if . In , ..i t.ii R THEATER TONIGHT m 'grow old before their tlmo. Ifs a por-lcomedy of rofrcsblng originality. plegute, tho guest of her daughter, Mrs. Murrou Mee, mid family at present. The sueond mon'lily picnic of the Methodist church will he hold in Oak park Tiuwdny evening. Bvory nnu is invited to come mid u jolly good time is assured nil. Mr. Ferguson eaiue down from Medford Sunday to spend u quiet day uilh Mr. and Mi. William Ferguson lien'. Fruderieli 11. Hopkins, dr., lias re turned from uu eastern military acad emy to spend the siimiiier with hm parent hero. All of Central Point is looking for wurd with gicnt anticipation to tin; gicat duy nt Ashland tho Fourth. Mr. mid .Mrs. Huy Ager iiro enter liiiuing their niece from Porlland this week. The fumilies of K. II. Aiuold, ,1. D. Senr, Nettie (lieen mid Piofessor Niheit will be imoiig tho Ccntrnl Point eampeix'Ml the Aaliluud cliuu (aiupia this .year. , Post must or (luy Tox spout Suiiduy nt Prospect fishing uml enjoying the cool moiiuttiin air. lames (Iriete of Pioepeel wu a recent business visitor in our city. Charlea Mcc snut Suiidav with Irelatite hoiv, returning lo bis home ni .tppicTOMt nnitoHV evening. Miss Inn Austin is with Gold Mill friends thi-week. W. L. Ktiii.tuu has returned from a several tlats' trip to Oregon's me tropolis. .Mi. llun.tun, made the trip ou hi inoitH't-ti'le. Mr. .Monut'b and Tr.i Duui.ip aie helping Mr. Iporr with hla huv crop. Dbid, June 22. at the home of hla parents ut lleimlc, Klotd Kotlgcra, younieat son of Mr. aud Mr, .lusoer Kodgera. Deeeaaed waa buried ou Friday In the fa mil) burial ground Iu tho Autloeli cemeter), Mr. Frudeu bbrg of Hiiiiih valley leading llie bur ial ervlce ii.. M. Sweet and family of lleaglo, mid William Cntterlll, of the Mead ovva, were In Medford on buaiuea thi wttok. Jim Vliiii'iil will leave Iu a few daya for Fort Klamath to work Iu the hap field on the I'oltou ranch. Mr. John lllghum aud Mr. aud .Mrs. Frank .My or wold trailing Iu Mod ford aud Coutrul l'olut Saturday. Horn, to Mr. and Mra. Karl Cao laat Frlda. a baby boy. Both mother juud bab are doing fine. John I'oiiim of Metlford la via) In with llert (liapman and family, it nd la going to work on the road. Ira Vim cut, of Sam valley, who hi working ou the 101 ranch, waa boHiH Suudat vlaltlug with her rolu tivw. Among tho vlaltnra at llert Chap mau'a 8uuday woro Otto Treaham and family, Dell Morrlaou aud wife. Llllle, Viulu and Mrtlo Chapman, aud Iteu hon Xoore. Jim Vim ent la hauling hla wood ti town the luxt few da a. Percy Chapman and wife wore up tfuuiluy vUitlng with their rulutlvea. A number of automobile paaaad by Hunda). A iud many came from Iowa to fUli at the rlrer and for Jr rldea. .Mr. and Mra. John Vincent of Jacbaouvtlle apeut laat Wedaeaday at the Chapman home, bringing Lllltuit home, who haa been working for them. Mr W1lon and son Charlet. ware ahopplng In Uie low iih one day laat . waek SrlMULREM "Z or kJ tl'lantrotib ik. kfi niwj fun awa ELmzn&ssmmm (,ill iioin iin ' ii I i . t, of the 'SlOlliH l .IMii llltl III" 'itU-IlltOXl cation, V 1 1 a Luiii'li. ,i,i(iiih ills and ut lit t r.'idl ailnoi.i- i nil 1 1 from , alOllliiell llolll'le '1 llOIIBUIIll of atomach suitrer owe their complete recovery lo Mayr'a Wonderful rem- il I nlild ,m oltor lot i.icli ,1, .H I. , .l! . V O ANTIOCH ITEMS MAY EDY COURT HOUSE NEWS neported by Jackson County Ab stract Co., Sixth and Fir Sta. Circuit Court. Ltnu Perrv Ames vs. Albert Strong Ames, divorce. 11. F. Pearl et al v. .1. W. Ciunn h.iu et al., demurrer. .1. II. Mmght vs. Adi MnigliU af tidatit for order of publication of Mimiu'ius. Luc Wttller t. Albert Wnlthora, .ittiduwt tor publication. Producers Fmit Co. vs. B. CI. Mnr-Ac-, siuninons. .1. W. Merron vs. Myitle 11. Day et .il., siunmoiis. Clura Stewnit. v. W. A. Stewntt, demurrer. Felix Milfret v. Hubert Wilson el al., summons. .). W. ll.tboo v. L. M. Wheeler et ill., cost bill. Brnesl p. Uuthriu vs. Thcd. S. MiitchiiigM et al., application for guartliau. Clnronee C. Piuree w. C'lly of .redford, demurrer. Jnokson County Hank vs. ,1. V. Mnlo ut nl., motion to strike. H. W. MeNiitl vh. Hogue Hiver Public Service. Corporation, certifi cate of levy. l'robitto Bstale of Janiei !. Header, nolice of final account. I'.slatc of Daniel Whotstonc, eilu lion. Bstalo of John Allen Moore, oath of executrix. Bslato of Bliza .lane WooKoucroft, inventory mid niipraiscmenl. I'Vtnte of Samuel 'I,'. HotlgCH, final notice to creditor. Bstntc of Caroline B. Lee, onth of uduiiuiHtrntor, will, bond. Bstute of John X. Miller, e.vceut or's bond. Bstato of Jorciuiali Nuiiuri, admit ting to probate, appointment of ad ministrator, will. Henl Kstnto Tntnufera O. C. Hoggs et iix to C. A. Laird et ux, lot I), block '-, 1 1 oss Add, lo Medford . $1,0(1(1 M. P. Hehmitt, trustee, to It. M. O'llea, land iu Niidcell'a Add. to Medford .... I Joseph A. Newell et uv to i Mix. A. M. Cuioy, land in sec. :ki.;iii.iv. . i Joseph A. Newell et u.x to Pe ter Do Clcicq, laud iu sec. :i3.:in.iw'. l Joseph A. Newell ut u.x to Pe ter De Clcico, ",2 aciea iu sei-. :i:i-:iii-iw. Mix. A. M. Caiev lo J. A. Newell, laud in WMIO-IN'. W. II. Kinglet' to George II. Mudloy, land iu aim. 3n-tM- IW. (lux duwl) ..... Peter De Clereii el u.t to J. A. Newell, laud in :t:i-.'IU-lW. William Perry et ux lo Polk Smith et nl., laud iu sue. II- M.VJB. S. A. Arnold et al to Count v of Jackson, right of wuv m see. .'Ill-IB. ..i l.rillfl Deafness Cannot Do Cured r. iUi-llmt. n the rtHMl rrli Ih uauJ norllnn tif lh fr Tbr U n HH r larur iloifiiMi, iimI Ibil it lir KwnllMll.w . .- ft .. .1 S.u . . !. M ta&.l I muntlM. nrifimi l ruwl lr mi littUKwl rillUi f Iter MUKOMt llnlni r Ik" CHttartilan Wins tkl ml ! IbSi1 ii h rumWIue Mund or lmiiffr InsirlRg ami whro It la Millrfl) riot id I)a(araa la I lie imhiU. and inlta iter lauiMtlOTt ran takrs nit awl tkl- luU imMtulJ tn tin MWUil raJIII(rfl. LlNI f Iiie win W dlln0 (Mflff. itlltv fm Mil ul Irk ar caaard br Catanb. wIH l mdtila' ImI an lanawnt rooilUhm f Ilia Miia aurfarv. Wu will gltr Ow llaiidml IMIara for ,; raw f Draftma liau4 Y ralatrb) tteat raktaat l rr Ml hjr llall'a (alanh lut. auj for rlfcu- "' " f J CHUNKY U CO.. TiMi, U. Md J Prugltala. IS Taka IUII rawltr I'lll" tat HHiilli-itloa. For Exchange Ut acreH twiuit', two miles south of Sacramento, California and twenty eight mllo north of Stockton, Cul , n city of over tu.uou populallon TIiIhi place I two aud a half mliea from the eleetrir Hue luiiulug from Uucra iiiHiito to Mlncktou, near Lodl, n city of over 5000 population. 1and fenced and faios (wo road. Near station, postoffluti, xoIiooIk, uhurehea, etc. Prlra t00 pur ngre. Kmall mortKage. Will oxehauie for aoiuelJilPK Iu or about .Medford. MlKht eunilder souia propertlaa elaowhere. State full) what you have, living price, mortgitgo, elf. No ngenla. Addrea Ilox '., Medford .Mail Tri bune. ! BUSINESS lluvc juti'ty with wt'll iiiiutivc(l2r)-uctv intd, lotttod 1 uiilcK from Simtii Cm, Calif, that wants to tttiflo I'm- good biisincbs lien. II in prttpcitv is clear. BENNETT INVESTMENT CO. Heal I'tute Iamiiis, iteutab, Iiitiiruiice.5 102 West Main. kok mcrvn ttouMTituiit'tAO IIOOMS FOU ItDNT Modern bonne keonl c roc m ilown dtalra. rt 1 5 North Burtletl. FOIl HUNT Hoime keeping rooms down atnlis, close In. 37U-.I. 91 FOU UKNT Suite ot boino-kfleplnn rooms, furnlahed: convojilont, clon In. 31C N. Central. 83 VOll ItKNT FUKMSMKI) ItOOMH FOU mSNT nrrooiu""wltiri)rlvato Hitting room, flrat floor; alno gnrngn. 2D South O ratine. St FOK HKN1 noUHEH FOU KKN'T--Strictly modern houao. Sleeping porchcn aud gnrago. r. 1 0 V, Jackson atroot. Sfi FOU U13NT Five room house, hard- wood floors, full comont banoinont and Kiirnno. Phono S70-W. FOU KENT Ono l-room modern Iiouf. Phono 370-W. roil SArjirtTEaTocK FOU SALE Or oxchniiKo, n good work horse. Addresp llox D, Mali Tribune FOU BALE HorooB, und grain hay In tho field, ono mlla nortlicaBt of Phoenix. E. E. Kennies. 10G FOR BALE ansueuiiAnKOUf! FOU RALE Wntor power wnhor, and wrliiRor, library mid otflco tables, bookcases aud llht waKon. 203 fttmcBScc St., Phono 3G3-J. Kl FOU SALE Five pnaKcngor tourln; ear at iv Imrnaln. Phono L'01-U2. 87 FOU SALE CO young ohlohetiH, 8 to IU weeks old. Inquire nt 522 Pnrk avunuo, South. 83 FOU 8ALE Uoynl Aim cherries. Phono U-13M. 83 FOU SALE flood quality Huff, Drown and White, Leghorn cocker oIn, two lu four months old; halt price. Phono U-13.M. S3 FOU HALE Ono Hlro'B Hoot llcor fountain cheap. The Quiz. 3.1 FOU SALE At a bargain, tlmost iiuw nliiKln liariiuus and snudlu: also ono coniblnatlon family rig, rub ber tired. :illi N. uoutrai. S3 FOU SALE nhenp, property nt It. 1(1 West Sth Hlrcot. S8 FOU SALE Ono tou Ford truck nt laohuiuul; also 40 acres land to trudo for Ford car. Dahnek's GnniKO 483-J. S8 FOU BALE Cholco alfalfa hay. $10 per ton Iu Hold, Sntdor'a Dairy, Phono 201-J3. FOU BALE Cheap, canned IrulU; nlso light wurou with thills and tongtio. Phono tnl-U, 121 Wood wtoclc at. 81 I'OU SALE ItANCIIIW FOU SALE Hediiced again, my J7UU0 city ranch, fieo irrigated, dulrv, chicken, fruit, tool, slock, f 1000. The Carlsbad of America; Aiiiauriiasaed acenic beauty. Pop. 0000; altitude 2000 ft., flablug and hunting. Mrs. M. Jnckor, Ashland, Oregon. ''! FOR SALE CHEAP A block of Kroiind, mnderu bnumi low, t-rooniN, linth, sleeping poich, largo burn, Just outside city limits, off King's Highway, or will trade for Hinull cltj property. OWNKIt, til .. Olt.Wdi: KTIIKlfT, Phono .tnoIL NEW TODAY We havo stock ranclioe, high gnido hay ranches, aud geuernl farms both Inrgo nnd small ou our Hat Home city property also at attractive prlcos. 40 acres with housu and barn, lino level laud, (7000. Z'i acres full bearluK nppleH and pears, ulegunt bungalow, $8000. Hoon-Cathcart Co. imioiih iivr WHY? NOW TIME 'JO TRADE. I huvo a 160-aeru stock ranch; good location; 100 acres In grain, aoiuu alfalfa. This plc recently sold for (IK, 000; no Incumbrance. Will trade for good orchard, prefer poara, or would take city property Would trade ovon or assutuo aoinu In cumbrance on orchard proposition. J. C. BARNES tOli Wo( Mulu Sttcet. Plitpio 70i WANTicr-AiTtj.vnoNa WANTKUi U n capcrlencoil Ctrl, euro of children, hou or day. 820-X. 107 WANTED StenoBratiher wlnhcw to- alllun; aKpariancp; reforotine. Ad tlreM L, car Mall Trlbtuia. S3 HELP WANTiai MAhK , , WANTED Man to run gasoline, on glno and do aomo bop work on uenr-bv ranch. MlraViala Orchard. BS7-J2. WANTED--Flrat clnM mlnom nnd la borer, Almeda anil Copper Baglo mluea; good wage and suro pay. Apply to P. II. Vtokhftm, Almoda, Oregon. h'i 1IHLP W'ANTRO FEMALE WANTEI Olrl Tor gonaral houioworl; Sovon Oaks. cooking nnd Dr. Salado, W'AXTKI) MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Wo do" foathor work" folding mnltroseos, jomfortora, pil lows, renovating and repairing. Phono 10U-.1, 323 E 12tli. 88 WANTED TO HENT Typowrltcr for about throe, months. Address II. W. It. enre Mnfl Tribune 83 WANTED A good second-hand light car. Phono J03J-L 83 business DinRcronv Auto flHppTIca LAIIER AUTO BPRINO CO. Wa arc- operating the largest, oldest and host equipped plant In tho Pa cific northwest. Uso our spring when others fall. Sold under guar antee 26 North Flftconth Ut., Portland, Ota. Attorney fJEO. W. CHEnnT Attorney anfl Notary, Hooms 0-1 0, Jackson Coun ty Dnnk Ilulldlng, ontranco N. Central, Medford, Oro. POUTEU J. NEFF Attornoy at law. rooma 8 nnd 0, Medford National Bank Ilulldlng. A. E. REAMES, LAWTER Qaraett- Corey bids. 0. M. ROBERTS Lawyer. Medford National Bank Building. Oollcctlonn. COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS Wa colloctod somo accounts 14 yean old. Wo know how to got tha monoy. Tho Builock Mercantile Agency. Inc., Rooms 1, 2, 3, lliuv kins' Bldg., 210 E. Main nt. Dcnllsu M ai i -a.saaMavJl,asaa; Dr. W. M. VAN 8COTOO DR. O. O. VAN 8COT0O Dcntlstn (Inrnctt-Coroy IMdn., ulte 9 Medfortt, Oro. Phone 3GC. Collections nntl Itcjxirta iTft" FUAN1C rTTuHRTS IxntlaL M. F. & IL Uldg. Officii llourc 8:30 to 12; 1 to G. Phono C07-R. Engineer ntttl Contractor fued'n'."cummIno contractor, 404 M. V. & If. Bldg. Surveys,, estimates, Irrigation dralnngn, orchard and Und Im provement. Initiranr. EARL S. TU.MY Ooneral Insurance office, Flro, Automobllo, Accident, Liability, Pinto Olnss, Contract, and Surety nontln, Excollont com. panloa, good local servlcs. No. 210 Onrnott-Coroy Bids, Instruction tn Mtislo FRED ALTON IIAIOHT. teachor ol pliino aud harmony. Composer nnd orrangnr ot music, Hnlght Music Studio, 401 Garnott-Coroy building. DLI88 URINE Teachor of Violin. Muslo furnlshod for all occasions. Prlcos roasonnblo. Studio 1131 13. Main St., Phono 303-J2. (tarbage OARBAOE Oet your premise cleaned up for the summer, Call on tho city garbage wagons for good service. Phone S74-L. T, Y Allen. I'ltyslcUiut and Bairgeoa DU?K. "3ri3ARLOW im. HVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathia physicians, 41C-417 Qarnett-Corer bldg., phone 103C-L. HuilJence 20 South Laurel sL DR. W. W. HOWARD OiteopathU physician, 303 anrntt-Cory building Phone 130. DR. J. J. EM.MENS Physician and surgeon. Pruatlce limited, to eie, ear, nose and throat. Eyes scien tifically tost ad and glasses sup plied. Oculist and Aurlst for S. P. R. R. Co. Offices M. F. & IL Co. bldg., opposlto P. O, Phone 57. DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician and surgeon Phones, office 30. resi dence 70. Otflco hours. 10 .to 12, 2 to 6. DR. MARTIN O. BARBER PhysL clan and surgeon. Office Palm block, opposlto Nash hotel. Hours 10 to 12. 1 to 4- Phone 110-J. T ,. jij. z m.f1 .,. I,1 'II-3B Printers and I'tibUshera MEDFORD PHLNTINQ c6.?haiTth best equipped printing office In southern Oregou; book blndlngi loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 Noryi Fir st. Transfer rUD3 TRAN1FBR & S70RAQE CO. 1 laaaaaaMaaaS-SjataajpaaasasaSsaaaiaaal Office 43 North Front st Ptiona 316. Priced rlfht, Bexrlco guar anteed. 4 -fi "wiji-l