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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1916)
Orej!1 Medford Mail Tribune FORECAST HIX TOMfJIlT AM) TOMORROW WEATHER Mnlinuiii Yesterday 7."; lln. Totln) ."Is Pit'ilp. .Oil. Forty-sixth Tear, Dully Kli viMith Yr. MEDFORD ORIWON, MOXDVY. .iTN'K Jt5, 1D1( NO. 82 University of Lllirr.r ft .' h v 4. . vV tt TO RELEASE Whollter i State of War Shall Exist Between tlte United States and Mexico Depends Upon Formal Dec laration of Policy by Cnrranzn In Response to Note Sent by Lansing Dcinnntliny Immediate Release of Cavalrymen Captured at Carrazal' and Statement of Intentions. WABIIIN'nTOX .Tuno 2fl. Whether a slate of war ahull oxlut belwoon tho United atotrm una the rt fueto gov ernment of Mexico denenda upon tho formal declaration cr policy by (Ion oral Carranaa. expected hourly today lit rcxnM to the nam (Alonrapho! In Mexico Clly yesterday liy geeretaty The American government will In sist upon the Immediate release of the cavalrymen raptured at Carrixal, as demanded In the note, lint high of flrlnln of Hip administration explained in Interprelallng the wmiminicstloii that (he course or tho 1'nltod Statu will be determined )y Carransa'a flnnl statement of hla Intentions toward the American expedition In Mexico (o protect tho bonier rathor than on the specific circumstances of the Car xrlMl Incident. Mom'jV Statement. The war department had not re ceived at an early hour the letter from Captain I.owla S. Moray of the 10th cavalry living the flrat official Amorlcan verajpn of the fighting l Carrixal. The published text or Captain Mnrey'a letter waa construed as In dicating that the American force waa to wm extent reaKnaible for the clash. Officials noted this fact but said that an official account from Captain Moray would be the basis of judgment rather than the hurrle.1 note written by a man. who was ex porting death and was suffering from wounds aud thirst. It was pointed out. however, that Secretary loinslng's note did not found ita demands upon a statement that the Mexicans precipitated the fight. Apparently the question ha no direct connection with the course President Wilson Is pursuing. The Mexican note saying General fui ranta personally directed (hat Gen eral Trevino resist any movement of the American troops in Mexico except on retirement toward the border is 4 he real isstu. IMiliernte lloMiilll)-. The Washington nov eminent con- (Continued on pago six) F I L ORDERS 0R0RG0NR00PS FROM CAPITO V' CAMP WITHYl'OMBK. Ore.. June 2ii ' St nd troopH without dclav ax soon as equipped; waive physical ex niulnutlou. ' This order was received today from Washington b Adjutant General George A. White aud it has resulted in uncertainty aud confusion at Ore gon's mobilisation base. It Is In substance, similar to orders received from the war department 'Williams, United 8tats army muster ing officer and which waa later changed to grant further time. Thar is an Impression that Adjutant Gene ral White's message Is a "crossed wire" in which event It Is now of mo effect. Captain Williams, how ever, uiion receipt of General White's Instructions, telegraphed to head quarters to ascertain whether the message received by the adjutant general la a new one or the on re ceived by tha mustering of f Iced es terday. If the order today Is new. then the rush to entrain will be expedited and the Thicd Battalion will atart.for San nieao tomorrow night or Wednesdav Stioi v.huli .ire badlv needed, ar ii. 1 with '.Ton jiouinl of ti i i Jut HI lulu. BULL POSE BALKS OWE R MR. HUGHES National Committee of Progressive Party Holds Funeral Obsequies Perkins Seeks Indorsement of G. 0. P. Candidates Parker and Others Rebel Star Chamber Proceedings Briny About Split, But Reconcilia tion Is Effected by Adoption of Publicity. (MIU'AfJO, June m fitnlo com mil Ice nrgiutixnliiitm nmy be enlled upon In dclerinino what is to lip the altitude of ill? progm-wivo imrlv with icrereneo to Ihc candidacy of I 'hit A I!. Hughe, the republican nominee for president. This wn iudienled prior In (he meetinu of the progres sive lintiouul eoinmittee here lodny. Thnl the lender wen very mueh di vided ns to (he iriter course lo he pursued wiii evident in Ibeir slnto inciib mid also in the numerous con ferences held. On one hnnd. (lent-go . Perkins or IS'ew York iind W'illiniu Plinn of Pennsylvania appeared to he reudv to indorse (be Hughe enudiilney. On the oilier IiiiihI, .Inliii M. I'lirkiM' of Louisiana, prnjjicssivo nomiuee for ie-pri"ident, led n contingent of notional committeemen who were nid to have declared uneuivoeallv thnl they would nol under nnv circum stances vote for Mr. Hughe. Questions foi' Decision, The meeting of tho iigtioniil (om mittce' of the progressive pHv wan culled to order hv .Matthew I litis of Massachusetts, vice-chairman, in the absence of Victor Murdock of Kan kiin, ehuiriniiii of the commit Ice. The meii(e from Colonel ItooMevelt wim Kien poe ill tent ion by the commit tee. QuctionH wliM-h confj-onlwl (he enminitlee were: Shall ii third imrtv ticket be put in the ei tAI Shnll iruRhes lie .ubi tinted for KooH'vell tin the pro(refcwivp lieket, or "hnll HugliPM he itiilomed'JI Shnll (he eommilleo ivfuse to in- doive n enndidnte Shnll the proirreikivo imrly orBuu- ixiitiou lie eonlinued? Anioiic thoNe who favored Ihc in- doiv4ment of lluuhex civ George W. IVikins or Xew Yerk: CtieMer II. ItoMell of Cnlil'oroiM and William lliuii of I'piiiin) lvunin. Opiwxed to kupIi itulorement were John .M. Parker of l.ouiHiutia. vice- preidentiul enndidnte of the party: Muttheu Hole of MunchuMe(tN and olherx. Spill in Commit (. The eiHiimittee dei-idetl nuiiiut op. iiiny the eiioii to newuiH'r men !i n vole of .V! to l.'i. .John M. l'ar-u.-i led the liirhl for an mmi hckmoii .ind (liorge Y. I'erkius ndvootUed n 'm-mI ei.ion at leiut for A time. Mi I'ei kin- u id he hail confidential ii toiiiiiituiii for the committee from Mi I I'l.'lii". oiiilininv' the po-iiion (Continued gn page six) I BY 10 FIGHI IN RANKS --- -- F1KU) IIKADolAICirils. June JO, by courier to Colum bus X. il.t June 2(1. Fmnei-i Villa wa not from the rear h a Mexican he bad impressed into hi gang during the battle with Currania ioon at Querrero, but hi fate i Mill unkuowu, ue cording lo a Meini-ofViciul ue- eount given out hare today, ob-( tniiitMl by Major Kobert I.. Ilowxe, who wuh elie on YUIu' tuul lut April. The ottieer learned the details of (lie halidit etllefx woiiudliii; I loin one ot the Uexieaii. Villa ilrntltd .mil nlin ulli de--it.d t' ') & ) (f) ($) ($ ) ROOSEVELT SLAUOHIERS BULL MOOSE Final Stab Civcn Pronressivc Party by the Colonel, Who Declines Nom ination ?r.d Advocates the Election of Hughes Pronressivc Convic tions Sacrificed to Defeat Wood row Wilson, t!'e "Worst President Since Buchanan" Hughes' Nomin ation Meets Requirements. OYSTHIt HAY, June 2(1. TIiimhIom KiHwevelt loilnv deelincd the pro-gre-iivp iioinitinliou for Hie prpni deney mill ndvinpil the nlmndonmeiit of the iimgrwHivp party nnd the up huI of Clmili'H '.. Ilnnlie", republi can noitiiuee, by pro(tieHiiven. Hi letter in part I'oIIewh: '.'To In ProproMKivi' Xnliounl Com miltee: (lenllemcii: In neeonlnuee witli Hie mcMxnnt 1 jxti t to the projjieii-ive nn lionnl convention n hood us I litwl re eeied the notifientiiiii Hint it hud iioniinnted me for president, 1 now eoinmunieaie lo you tnv reiiMin-s for declining the Imuor which I deep ly iippriN'iiite. I'l'iilsiv (.'oncenliiitlon. Ilefore Hpmikinit of nuythiuK else, 1 winh to evprern niv henitic-t nnd inont unxtiiited admiration lor the ehnraeter and erviee ol the nun nud women who mode up the prom'es. hive national convention in lIHti. I can KJxe Hietn no blither prut-e than to ny thai in nil repee(H they ktood level itfi the infm nml women mIio in 1 1)1 2 joiuiil al Chienuo lo found Hie piotrrexlve Mirty. Mventx lime howu that the pio fieie imrtv in HM'J offeri'd the only alternative to the triumph of the democratic party. Moreover, thenc exeiit- have xhown that the applica tion of I he principle, which we then advocated i even more iieee.nrv to thih nation than we at the time Hiip Kted. It i imMo.ille for u profreiveH to nlmudou our conxictioiis. tui we ire (need wtih the fuel tlmt ok thiugx actually are the proitre.Mve national national ui'jrnnixMtioii iio'Ioiikci- of fer. the inaen whereliv we can innku thew coin ieliotiM effee(in in our na tional life. I'lider iu-h eitcitiiiMtuiicPN our duty i lo do the lies) we enu. and not to tttilk becaue our lender liip i i ejected. 'oio TIiiiii lliirhiimiii. The ureeiil iidmiiiiHtriition, during it three year of life, had been guilt v of liortMniiingi more "iuiinl lliiin thofcc of any ndminislration since (he day, of Miiehanan. I'lma the Htnud Miint of national honor nud iuletvl, it Mood on mi even lower level than the ailniiuit rat ion o Huchaiiaii. Xd adiniiiistratiou in our history hail done ;uore to iclax the piiiiir of the nulional will nud In deaden the im tiouul conscience. Within the republican jmrtv con flietiim fori'ei. were nl work. There were men among the orgnnixation leaders who advocated a course of action uh as offered no improve ment iihii the democratic osition mid advocated the nomination of can didates whose election would have represented no improvement umiii the outiiiuiinee hi office ot Mr. Wilson. It such a course weie followed it would obviously become our duty to run a third ticket. Hut it was plainly our duty to do every thine honorable in order to prevent such it necessity; to do even lliiin.' shoit of silent icni'.' nil Mi'i-t -.ucicd ( oliv ictioiin in older ( t oiilm ii l I' T.m. ) FAILED 10 AIM 1 AIRICANS-JOB LOST LAKKOO, Texas, June 2 It was reported unofficially here today that First Chief Carranxa bad removed General Alfredo Kleuutg, Commander of the northeastern Mexican border patrol, and reinstated (ieueral Kmll iano Nafarrate, now at Tsuiplco. The change as said lo be due to Rlraut's failure to uttark Die forces iimt iiiif-'ii tin iiMir'in, I'uiMiit of aD)''gr Q" yeoU if) GENERAL WHO THREATENS GEN. PERSHING p "W Mt 7r jxv I - - G&l. dsciirro Tfc-vrfno J lie precipitated th latest Mexican crisis by wnruing flenenil IVrshiiig Hint any movement of the American troops except m the direction of Hie bottler would be confttilpred hostile, mid bring nhoiit nti nltuck b.v the Car riiKxistns. IVrshiiiK moved in delinuee of Trcvino's deeliiraliou, but Tre vino didn't attack. " ONE MORE CHANCE N CARRANA IT UAMIINtSTOX, .lum .Mi. (icucrnl Caeiiin.n today had mn umhc iIuiihc to prevent an oteu liie.ik lietuccu the t'nitcd Slates mid Mcmco. Anolher TO AVERT CONFLIC note Hint him yesteidny by SccretnrvMatiimoros to .liiarer. eilher have laiisiuir demniiila that seventeen Ainenciin pnsoncrs o Hip Cnrrixul buttle, now held at Chihuahua, be re 'leased and Hint Ihc Mexican Kovern meiM place itself on record immedi ately concerning it future iulenlioui toward the Ameiieiin loiecs in Mex ico, The MPNfcuiiti disclosed thnt General CarruuxH had admitted in n note re ceived by 'the Mtaie dcpartnieiit, issit ing orileix lo Oeneral Trvvino to ul tnek American foievs umviuK in any direction except lowniil the bonier. In enriyiinr out these orders the at tack ut Cnrrixnl occurrtHl. Coime ipiently (ho American government now considcri. the de facto president resMiisihle for the attack Hnd uives him ii final opiorltinitv tu chnnce bis attitude. President Wilson arranged lust night for u Hsiblc joint session of I be bouse mid aeuutc, which be miiv address after (he Cim.inxu reply is rweivwl. Irge forces of militia, aworn in a I'uited Stales renoler. will be on their way to the border within two lay", urmy officers said, un these will ipi on in sleudilv iucicaiii iiiiin bers as the week uroKresea. By Friday or Huturdav they will he in much iH-tler condition tu strike ii thu is the only course omii to solve the dispute with .Mexico. The return lo ( Pershing's line of Captuiu U'wis Svdnev ijor.-v, coniiiiander of Troop K. which pnrlic iMiltii in the Canaxnl light, und his story of how the ilexuMNx started the fighting there, caused rejoiciuo in officiul circles. Captnin Morey's nMirt stieinitheiied the American Soverilliieiil's nttiluilc llinl i( hlls Miuahl to iivnnl ('l.i-ie, with troops ol lli M n ,,i, ,, i ,, i .juveiiiineiit. ME OVER WAR I8VCIIAMK.NTO. C.l . June 2ii -Ui-onilnu mentally il.i.. neil t the military iiioveniintH and worr ovr bis business affulis Thomas K. den STT''T1 ".?"! f ,0U""nV ( llth Infantry of Herkelcv a Mirw - tor, tried to kill Hecond Lieutenant Laty of Company C. of the second In - fantry. because I.etty would not obey his orders ll.kl.t ml Hllhnuil lleutlersoii Is In tin iiii-.iiie ii I At Hi 'Mint ..ill ."i mm FORCES WTHDRAW FROM REGON SAN NTOMO, Tcv . June .Ml l'U I IMI I'll I tllf III lilt lllliiiliiiiiiKllll . -- . - .. ..... t hi i oi iiiiiuili in here todiiv indieiilcx thnl the Mexican , lone- nloim the Uio (liiindc Iroin I withdrawn I heir main strength ffoin the border or nr preiiarinK to do it It also is indicated (bat these troops an taking station at strategic points ulong a line well south of the border when- railroad junctions allow of I lie rapid bundling of I roups, or where the topography of Hie country would M'nui( of n stroma defense. Their new hue, it is icMii1eil, would comniiiud Hie new lines of iidvaucc toward Hie slrntc-ic imiiiiU o Mmi Icifv and Haltillo, the Coahuiln eon) mines, which furnish thti muin fuel supply of Mexico, and on which the movement of locomotives deM-inl-, Pnrcilon, the main railroad junction toiut bctweeu ajonlcrcy mid Knllillo and Torn on, which probubly will he Hie main Im-e of (he Mexicuu unnv and Chihuahua City. The Mexican uarri-on ut Mala inoros, Xuevo Laredo and .tun rex are said u be small. Only n negligible force is said to be stationed opposite I lei Win and the strongest force nlutig the border, Hint ut Picdm Xegrns, opMiile rljigle Puss, is reported pre piiiinu to evuciiate at a inonicnt's no Inc. SUICIDE DEFENSE FOR 1NG ORPET AI M ti. III . J1II1U .Ml. Thai M.iiiun ..iuilieit h.i. -nl it nut; t'min hnlliieiiiut ions (or some lime bclore the day she died of cyanide of potus siuiii, that she had ready access to the )hiisoii in her high school labora tory uud (hut the Mvder found on her hand did not necessarily come Mom n solution of the deadly slut t ucie salient mints m the oMiniir staieiiieiu for the defense of Will ) Ht, made tuduv bv Jaine. U. Wilkei Jiiii, senior counsel. Mr. Wilkcrson described the girl a-. !'- the happy irresponsible child dc picteiL by tlu rosecution than the biiddiui.' woman. He p4iiuted out thai she was nearer 1, the uge lixed by jthe law us maturity for women, than ""IV1I (IriU't In "l tho una ! vlii..h """ " " l-unied capable ot lfcB ,os,H.nsibilitv for their ... ,, 1 ; fcttid ,villwiw WollIi, inro. I ,,.,.,, , iriiw. vVu (,im(() ',.. I.,v(. U ,,ml,r , b.. .......I In I I. ul 8 ISlu FROi FORCES Captain Morcy Rescued by Scoutinn Party All But Elht Accounted For Two Stitintlrons Still Contln ulnn Swceplnn Search for Surviv orsOf Total of Elihty-foiir, Forty-four Reach American Lines Notebook Taken From Pocket of Captain Boyd Contains Notes. SAX AN'TON'IO, Tex.. Jnuo 2ft. Major .Icnkina' report liidn.v'of tho oMrntiotiM of the relief force that bad been went out to search for the sent- lercd tnetnbers of C and 1C tmnm of the tenth ciivnlry biilipnted that ita work wnn completed. Captain Morcy wa among the rescued. Iln was ut the San Luis ranch, near Cnirisal, and bis men still were scouring Hie hills nloitjr Hip trails Hint the lipnr ed UiioHtH followed nfler the fight with fan a nun's men, hut there tip IMttiriHl little ehnuce Hint hiiv others would he found. Kittlit men ivinaiii ed uiiHccouiited for nud the nssuiup tiou wiim that they hud heeti killed. Major Jpukins sent to Gcuerul I'ershiiiK a nolehook taken from the pocket of Captain llo.vd by n aeige nut when Hie officer tell during Ihc engagement with the .MexieuiiH. It contained thiee nenctllcd nolea, nun a copy or the reHiit to denem! 1'erKh ing, detnijintf the incident, of bis Inarch t'rmn the main Hue io a iHiint licit r Car lira I, one n copy of the note sent hv him lo the nuthorilies at Cnrrixnl iciuesiiig peimissinu lo pass through the town, ami the third, the note from General (loinex invit ing him to cuter the town for a con ference. In the note sent bv him to the authorities Captain lloyd had ex plained that his command was ou a peaceful mission. Ifcports troui border coinnuindcrs indicated no iiiiuiial nclnitv hc.voud the mti iii.iliiiiuil line. E E U8HIN(1T), June 2. -A vic tual embargo on commerce between the I'nltHd Htatea and Mexico, pend ing determination of their future re lations Is being planned by tho ad ministration. Customs InsiMtctors along tho bor der have been holding up shipment Into Mexico since Haturday aud for weeks uo arms and ammunition have been permitted tu paaa. Now It la proposed to extend the reatrlctloiM so us to prevent the movement Into Mex ico or any goods which might be used In military operations against the Cnlted iitates. DOraLAB. Arfz , June 28 I'nitca States customs officials receive J In structions today to stop exports into Mexico, Including foodstuffs Intended for the military authorities of donora. Suppllea of food aud articles of no military value were allowed to cross If consigned to civilians. Tho transfer of two carloads of supplies from the American aide to Viikh I'reita, wild Ii In un Htiturday, HUGHES HIES TEDDY 10 NKW YORK. Tune .'i. I'hailes K Hughes, Itepublicuu nuiiilueo for president, has written a letter to Theodore Roosevelt, it w:is authori tative!) learned toda. luvitlng hliu to take luncheon with him. Mr HuKbes, It is understood, left In i oloni I Hoohcvelt the matter of Iimii ,i t mi. foi their tiicctiuit. o MBARGO UPON COMMERC WIT II TOWNS DINER VEROUN WON By GERMANS Cote de Froidc Terrc, on East Bank of Mcusc, Taken by Crown Prince's Army In Hardest Fourjlit Conflict of War Germans Now Thrce-Quartcrs of a Mile from Verdun, Out French Unworrlcd Germans Claim Success on East Line Russians Claim Victory. illtUI.I.N', .Tuno 80. l-'lglilljit; no tlvily In tho western thontor on tho fronts ofcutilsd r (1(6 llrltla.Ii nnd north wlhg of tho Punch tufty vnn Important nnd tins boon so for tho past two days, anya tho official itnto. inent laatiuil today at tha fJurninu army htuidnunrtors. Apivarontlr, tho Hrltlih, who hold tho uorthHrn portion of tho lino lit Krnnoo and Ilalgium are tltroatou'lnK, It not nlrondy niuklug, u dlvorslon lu aid of Hie Kranoh nt Verdun. Tim llorlln wnr offtco roporta Intliprtnut military nctlvlty along tho Urltlijli linos. (.'crinans win lllilgc. PAItIS, .lime 20 The Onrmnng nro now tlirio-(uartnrx of n mllo from tho rrouch lines, ImmoillHtoly In front of to Kortross ot Verdun, hut no opurntlou tins us yot boon uiiilortnkilu ofsovvhero f rollovo tho proMitro on th oltndel., ) I'rench flomiiinnilart. It la believed, look on tho tactical stiis of th" (lornwns on the right twnk or tho Metis as of only moinontnrllr sig nificance. lCxhatialwl by tho mur derous fighting of the pMt throe iIhjs, the enemy haa been forcod to pause for breath under cover of the rnlu of lo ami It-Inch shells with wlueli he has pouiuled the French lines In a night attack tho French cap tured part or a German tranen be tween Kumln and Cbenola wood in the Verdun sector. A Herman attack weal of Thlaumont waa repuliod, ae eonltng to an official atatemeal, la suwl by the Preneh war offlca (oduy. A heavy artillery duel la ta progross west of the lleuse. ; Cupllll-e IIIkIi ItldttP. 1IKRI.IN. .luna l. Tha rtHtsJjut ortetiHive. notwithstanding Ita IhiUaI kiii ceses, has not avnllail to stay tho rule of the hard-pressed Vordun. where the Hermans yesterday gained the most Important Mndlrldaal mtf cess for some time. Their objective was the ridge, known as Cola tie I'rolde Terre, or Cold Ksrth ttldge. 'which rises on the aaat bank of th river and runa northeasterly until It culminates In the peak crowned by Douaumont. The ridge awl all the rurtlfloatloua were carried, anil tho flermans swept down the ravorta ihla until the set foot In tho rlllags ot yiaury. With the earlier gains at V4U.1. thla brings the Oerman erewn prl use's forces into touch with the whol northern front of the Inner girdle of fortress from Port de Uellvtlle on tho east bank of the river, over the Sou villa rodoubt, crowning 311 meto hill to Fort Tavannea, at tha nertkaaat corner of Verdun's inside ling of da feusea. Ituvlaim Virtoi i(iui, LONDON. June 35 "OffHer whp have arrived at Kiev." say Itauthor' I'etrogrsd correapondant, "daiorlba the breaking of all tier man attaokt og the Kueslan frout aloug thelteekhuJ river. Iirge reserve launched h the Uermans ware hurled back by tha Russians, who now are og the effau- (Continued on pago three) AERIAL PATROL FOR WAMIIXdTON". June '..- Kstob lishuieiit o un aerial p.-ittn' .i'oic. ili entire Mexico. Imnli i i- p , ..I hv the war deputuumt, ?iu nd ur conn'. More than thirty ueropJaucit reccntlv have been oideied, nicliid iuj( touileeii hiih-poWi'lcd luuchuies, , -'I '?&; hKtiiiSWilii ljstjijgainwi