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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1916)
MEDFOttB atATTi TRTBUNK MRDFORD, OimiOST, RATriTOAY, .Tt'NF 21, 10lfi PAOE TTVTC -ia . i ga Ji ft! I? 4if $30 TON m CASH FOR BARTLETTS FOR CANING PURPOSES Weekly News Letter of rtoquc River Fruit & Produce Association Cannery JJffers Equivalent to 65 Cents a Box Net to Grower Proposition for Cannery. During thc in8t week tlioro hnvo been hoiuo ItilarofltlriK dovolopmonU In the market for Hartlott pears for cunning purposes, We nro expecting to Ijo prepared In n few days to offer' growers $30 a ton not cash for Hart lelts dollvored nv our cold storago plant, thu conditions being tlmt nil pears should bo nt least 2i Inches In diameter, not badly misshapen ami fro0 from worms. The canning com pany will furnish lug boxes In which the pears will bo hauled to our plant, tlio fruit will bo weighed and nlcopt ed upon delivery to its nml will bo paid for aH the cam roll and wo In turn will account to tho growor for the proceeds within twenty four hours after cars roll. Tho host Information obtainable nt present iih to tho California Hart lott cunning market Is that ?I0 In California In the average price being paid. This Ih practically tho equiv alent of $30 hero, taking Into con sideration the tout to the cunning company, first, of getting tho lug boxes hero and, second, of getting thu fruit back to their cunnorloM In Cul Ifornla. $30 a ton net In approxl- mutely equivalent to Giie a box for the naked fruit and winle tit Ih Ih not a high price for Hartlott pears tho proposition linn some attractive fea tures. In the first place tho canning company prefers that the fruit bo picked considerably later than It would bo If It were to bo packed and sold as frosh fruit. . i Oisli I'imiii Delivery This tnakos It possible to add a con siderable amount to tho tonnage as tho poors are given so much mora time to attain size. In the second plnco all risk of had deliveries and other possible accldouts Is eliminat ed and the growor gets his cash prac tically when tho Trull rolls Irrespec tive of Its condition upon arrival at point of destination. An Interesting Inquiry along these linos has during tho past week been received by the Commercial club from the firm or l.lbby McNeil &. l.lbby. whoe representative vlsltod tho val ley some two month ago with a view of locating n largo up-to-date can ning factory bore. This Inquiry is an to whether tho growers of Hurt led pears with any substantial ton lingo, probably at least 2000 tons, will consider a flvo year contract for their entire output on a basis of $30 per ton net to tho grower delivered tit tholr factory. Ah wo undoritaiid this proposition It would Include this your's fruit which would, of tourto be dollvored to the factories of l.lbby McNeil & l.lbby In California or oUo whoro on this coast and It would also mean tho location of n largo canning factory hero In Medford rowdy for op eration in 19 1 7. Offer an Altnutlvc One III our opinion this proposition Is worthy of vory serious consideration. Whllo It Is probably too Into to ob tain any substantial tonnage for this soaton there ran be no doubt Ih tho first place, tlmt an averago prleo of $10 a ton for five cjrs Is a ver fair ouo compared with the averago prlrea paid by tho California ch tutor. Ihd during the past flvo ears. There are of course oam when a much higher price Is paid; tltero are also yean, such as lVl.'i when a much lower prleo Is paid. As a flvo yoar average, $36 la our opluton Is good. There Is tho further consideration In this connection of (ho undoubted great advantage to the Rogue river valley in having a largo well oqulp j t cul canning factory hero operated by a concern of world wide reputation such aa l.lbby McNeil & l.lbby. Tholr activities, of course, wilt not be lim ited to the canning of llurtlett pears. Ttioy would undoubtedly be proiwred to us large quantities of cherries. aurloota, plums, tomatoes and gar den truck geuerally. The establish ment of their canning Plant her would stimulate tbe diversity of pro duction which we all feel would be of the greatest benefit to this dis trict. It would alto add a tremen dous incentive to the further devel opment of water for Irrigation pur poses and the universal utr of it iion our erehards sad earden truck land. Wbile, w0 bare std, It It prolia 1I Impossible to do anubinc with tho proposition covering this etauoos crop, the matter fo our opinion should not be lost tight of and ever one who has at heart tbo real welfare of tbe .Rogue rltcr vaJlev aliooij do all in Jtf letter to help acvoninUin till most detlraule result 4UJUI B Jtimije AiX'JlO A88 $ iU.'BWUi. i$lanagc. - At the Churches ,,,,,. St. Murk's Episcopal S n. in. Holy communion. 10 n. nl. Sunday school. 11 a. m. Morning prajor. S p. in. Evening prayer. VM. II. HAMILTON, Vicar. Catholic (South OrtUdalo Ave.) (First mass Sunday at C:30 a. in. Second mass at 9 n. in. Evening services at 7:. 10 p. m. REV. JOHN' POWERS, Rector. Ev. J.utlieiun Onkdalc nvc. and Fourth St., Itov. Dr. W. H. Moronz-Ocser, Pastor. 10 n. in. Sunday bcIiooI. 11a. in. service In English. No ovonlug sorvlce. Sermen: "The ICIch Man In Hell," Luke 1G, 19:31., Visitors nre'cordlnlly Invited. Pivliytci'loi'i Tho Itov. Airrctl A. J. Jlogg, tho new Presbyterian minister, will con duct both services Sunday. Morning thcnie, "A largo Family," evening "Will V0 Know Each Other In Heav en?" lEvery membor of tho church Is urg ed to bo present for tho new minis ter's first sorvlcos. Tho public Is car dlally Invited. Onkriufo Aw. MelliodNt Sunday school at li:tr a. m. J'rcacblng nl 11 a. in. and 8 p. in. This Is thu occasion 'of tho third quarterly conference. He v. S. M. Chook of CorvnlllH, Oro., will be here and preach nt S p. m. and hold tho business meeting. China day In the Sunday school. A good program by the school will tako up the Sunday school hour. Prayor nicotine Thursday ovonlug. All nro Invited to ntteud these sor vlcos. 11. M. HUANIIAM, Pastor. 1'lrM r Christ Sclent Int. Jlrauch of the mother church, tho First Church of Christ, Scientist, In lloston, Mass. Sunday service at 1 1 u. m subject "Christian Science." (Wednesday ovonlug meetings at which testimonies of Chiistlati Scloncu healing nro glvcii.jjnt S o'clock.. !; .Ml are cordially Invited. i ' Sunday school at 11: 4 & a. in. All under tho ago of SO are welcome. Heading room In church edifice, 'J 12 North Oakdule, open from 1:30 to 4:. 'to p. m. dally, except Monday and holidays. Pi-fdijterliin. Morning Sorvlce, 1 1 a. mi Rev. A. A. J. Hogg will proach. j , Miss Goratdlno TIiIosh will ting "O Divine Redeemer by Gounod, with violin obllgato by Miss Irene Sulli van. Quartette: "To Deum" In U flat, "Ruck" sung by Mr. and Mrs. (Seo. Andrews, Mrs. Isaacs mid Mr. Mc Cluny, Mrs. Guy Chllders, accompani ment. . , Evening sorvlcos nt S. Rev. Hoijg will conduct tho sorvlcos. Choir will sing "Hark What Moans TIioso Holy Voices," Ktoan. Soprano and bass solos with chorus. ' "O! Holy Lord," 11. R. Shelly. Methodist KplHtquil, .Jacksonville Sunday school. 10 n. in. W. G. ChiiiIIII, superintendent. Preaching sorvlce, 1 1 a. nt. Sub ject, "A Groat Man und a Groat De cision." Kpworlh League. 7 p. m. Wo urge every ouug person In Jacksonville to be present at this mooting. Dole- gate from Asblanil and Medford will speak and slug. Preaching service, 8 p. in. Sub ject. "A Oroat Man and a Oroat Work." Have j on hoard our new chorus director? lie is auro fine. Mr. Itoea, a prominent evangelistic sing er, has just come from lowu and has reorganised our choir. Come and hear hllii at all our sorvlcos on Sun' day. Wo welcome old and young, rich and poor. ROUERT A. IH'TCIILVSON, Pastor. , Plot JSnptlfet "A live churoh with a cordial wel come." " Services for Sunday, June IS, are as follews: 9:30 a. m. Iilble school, with or gan lied classes for young and old. All attendants are requested to bring their Ulbles. .11 a. in. sermon by the pastor, subject. ' Christen Kintal-i." Miss Florence Htzrlrigg and Mrs Deafacs9 Cannot Be Cured br .! Mii II. kit IX' i-orx rr4i IU tlimr4 rur r lb- rr TV.I' il ' ar ts iiif ilnfn. - .111111111' r iiltulkn I r'tli.llr. Ik-. (..- I. 'i.. I .r liiflam -l Jilt. tA lk IH I I" U ft ! Cot" ! !' AtX ll.ll I 1 I- li.blU'-.l lii hl. 1 r.Ml,IIOC 'Wii ' ICJ'rf. t tiarlff '0 It U ri.llrrll , !.,.! Ih ,1 U U II I. -.Ill (1.4 iinl.'x ii..' iiffiiuutt' n ' ' ' 't' "l ti a tul wii.,in ( II i .tut lug will i !-uiM fHn i.i . ! it lii . i.i i tit' ki ii It ft.i' us tl t Kfil . i l' a it t Ui4ii "'). H nil f fl it II'ilFW I " n .' J". ' 'I 4f lkr 1tt ''' ' l'l Ml J. M Orcssloy will sing ' Messed Savior Theo I Loq'ioy Wist. 7 p. in. Young Peoples devotional service There will bo an interesting, debate on tho question, "Resolved, That War is Novor Justiflablo." Af firmative, Wnnlta Carstens, Charles McClalu; negative, Lucllo Jackson, Lester Wilcox. This service promises to be exceptionally interesting. S i. m. sermon by the pastor. Sub ject, "In thc Land of Roglnnlug Again or Need Man's Past Spoil Ills Future." There will bo two special musical numbers by the ropultir quartette of the church. "Now thc Day Is Over." by. Harnby; "I waited for the Lord," by Mendelssohn. A most cordial Invitation Is ex tended. PilKU'K W. CARSTENS, i P.iHtor. 1'lti.i Methodist Episcopal (Dr. J. C. Rollins, Pastor.) Stiiultty Services as follews: The Sunday school mcetH promptly at 9:15. A well graded school and holpful Instruction. Strangers tiro cordially welcomed, The Epworth League chapters meet nt ti:-!.. This Ih a helpful hour for nil young people. Come and bring a friend. ' Public worship at 11 n. m. and S p, m. Dr. Rollins will speak at both services. Morning thoino, "A Vital Parable." At tho evening hour tlicio will be n special musical program as follews: "When Power Dlvlnu" (Fnure fihelley) Choir. "Angel's Serenade' (Hraga) Miss Lacy, violin obllgato, Mr. .laynijs. Trio. "Prnlso Yo," (Verdl)k Mrs. Van Scoyot;, Mr. Caiiady, Mr. Ed meades. 'Hatitouo solo, (Selected) Mr. Cleo, Andrews. "Hnrk. Hark, My Soul" (Shelley) Choir. Addretn by tho pastor, "How Ono Man Missed Ills Opportunity." The full vested choir will sing at both services. Tho public Is cordially Invited to all tho services of tho church. l"h( (lirlsllaii CIiiiivIi. (Cor. 9lh and Oakdale.) The elm tcli with a vital message to which wo Invito you anil your friends. Special music at both services.' Morning service, Miss Hess Uryau, vnlo. Evening, special number under direction of Miss Inez Coffin, choir director. Haptlsiunl services at close u( ovon lug sermon. Tho blblo school will meet nt l : I o a. in. with II. W. Ward, superinten dent. This Is ono of the most Impor ting sorvlcos and ought to bo woll at tended, C. E. Society meets nt 7 p. nu They are happy In the service of thc king. Mld-weok prayer mooting Thurs day evening nt 7: in. Wo arc glad to note the marked increase and hopo It may continue. Como! All strangers cordially Invited. HARRY E. TITKER, Minister. GOLD HILL NUGGETS 'Mrs. Gardner, postmistress at Sams vnlloy, who has been 111 (or several weeks, Is so far recovered as to bo able to be in Oold Hill Thursday. (Miss Clair Tuckur was seeing friends and shopping In Medford Thursday. 1). I(. Miller, accompanied by R. II. Moore, motorod to Mudford Thurs day forenoon. The sheriff ami doputltw were In Oold Hill on official ImisIiiomi Friday morning. iMr. Hurtloaon of the Meadows dis trict rot u rued from a business trip to Grants Pass Tuesday and prorood xl to the mine, as dltl also Mr. and Mrs. Clurk, as M,rs. Clark Is to have charge of the cooking. Tho boys can now congratulate thomselvos on tholr good oats. i The young daughter of Mr. nml MVs. Konnoy loft on Tuesday after noon's train to visit with hor grand parents at Central Point. Frod Editings returned tho first of the weok, having spent tho past two weeks In Mod ford. Mrs. C- N. Shaver and son Wood row havo been spending a few days at tho. ranch home of David Drown, south of towii. Mr. Krouteh, cinnabar expert, of Worcester. Mass., arrived in Cold Hill Monday afternoon, but received u message which called him to the northern part of the valley. He ex poets to be back In a day or two and will then proceed to that famous sec tion in the Meadows where the tin ni'tr enthusiast are out to ion grerftte Uret prospects prerall lo thtt Mlnlt. Mrs Lsura Hamiursly aA ton rnle returned Monday stternoun from their visit at Grants Pts nod Hugo Mr and Mrs Ralph Darling od daughter Gladjjt spent Momla iu Medford jhuppiug and soeingi friends Mf It V Ada in who ustr lito suffer jig w;lb. Cattrrh. ta tuo rigst ban j jft 1 t tbe tisrj&i'U Tuday t;vw fc?r ;rt;i ,Locie wtH ot OonJJ Hill. She Ij imich Improved and holies to be able soon to do her cus tomary duties about the home. She was accompanied U Grand mi Tomlln son. Earl Van Ilouteti, who has been working nt tbo Mountain King cinna bar mine, was brought In Thursday to tho C. old Hill hospital, suffering intensely with a crushed finger. Mrs. Will Shoemaker of Onlls crook was a shopping visitor to Gold 1 1 tit Thursday. Thc homo toloiil jilay to bo given by tho Greater Oold Hill club prom ises to be a very Interesting affair, tr the entertainment 1ms more' life than tho rchoarsals It will suro "bo going some." Mrs. 'Ncwtoij has been visiting her brother Curtis Miller in Sams valley for several days. 11 rs. S. T. Hodges camn down to Oold Hill Monday morning, and re mained until Thursday, returning to hor sIstor'B, Mrs. William Moyurs, in Ashlnnd, on the morning train. (Mr. and Mrs. Woslloader and sons motored id Gold Hill Friday morning from tholr home In Glondalc. Tho lec cream social, given by the Amethyst lodge of Rebeccas Wednes day evening, was a decided success: friends responding from all tho out lying neighborhoods made n large and Jolly crowd and the evening was spent In games ntitl dancing. IMr. llurch and son motored to Med ford Thursdny. ID. C. WJlson of Sntiiti vnlloy was In Oold Hill Friday visiting and shop plug. TABLE ROCK- TABLETS Ed Vincent Is hauling wheat to Ashlnnd for- which he receives ono dollar a bushel, Tho pear orchards of S. C. Collins and Hurry Wilcox havo a fluo crop of fruit nnd aio practically free from blight. I A loiter was received latt week by the Improvement club from n man In Arkansas asking about It location for a bank In our town. An epidemic of tonsllltls is going the rounds of the neighborhood and although 'nothing serious bus devel oped from ILyet Is has caused those who havo contracted It no little In- convenience! 'Mr. and Mrs. O. Penliuid or Talent visited telalivos here over Sunday. A modern telephone Hue Is being constructed (between Central Point and Trail by tho Trail Telephone Co The poles qu' this lino have cross arum capable jof currying four or more wires nnd as the Trull tompuuy otilv uses two wires this extra spaco could probably be leased by other purtloa. This matter should be Investigated by tho offivsrs of our line, as our present 2x1 lino Is not only an ou soro but gives very poor service. ' j letter from Wrou Hyruiu In North Carolina statos that ho exuects to return to the Rogtto river vnlloy some time In the near future. Violin Cameron and party of friends spont Sunday afternoon visiting In Tnlont. Miss Grace Dickinson, a former res. Idout of this place, hut now of Port land, who raiuo down to attend tho funeral of her grandfather, the lato W. R. DIcMkoii, lHSt Wednesday, spont Thursday heio with old friends. Tho annual school meeting last Monday drew n vory small crowd. .1. II. Lydlard was ro-olm-tod clerk and John Cameron, director, Mr. Hyruiu refusing to accept another turm. Mr. Peine of Central Point Is hol Ing wllh the haying operations on Hie Caton place. ' IMIstj II .Mil llyrum was in Central Point a few dais ago having Dr. Dow perform u flight operation on her foot. Miss JoMpliJiio Kliirudn of Agate, ssaua Discovt t TODAY wlint trues cinrctto. comfort meonsl A Sensible Cigarette LrTir 1 r caijfrrS has been engaged to teach tho next term of sohool In this district. Mr. and Mrs. Sauford Richardson and daughter Doris and Mr. Henry MOrri of Ross Lane, visited fi lends here ono evening last we'ek. Those growing sugar boots in this section report that the crop nt pres ent looks very promising. AKsesMiient Notice. Cnliforula-Orogon Power Company, location of principal placo of busi ness, Snu Francisco, California. Notlao Is hereby given that nt n mooting of the directors, hold on Tuesday, Jituo 20, 19 1C, an assess ment (No. 5) of ono dollar ($1) per shnro was levied upon the capital stock of the corporation, payable im mediately to tho Secretary at tho of flro of tho corporation. No. 131 Leldsdorff Btteet, San Franclscq California. Any stock upon whlcir this assessment shall remain unpaid on Tuesday, July 2T, 191C will bo de linquent and ndvortlsed for sale' nt public auction, nud, unless payment is miidn befora, will be sold on Tues day, August Is, 1910, At the hour of 12 in., to pay thc delinquent assess ment, together with tho costs of ad vertising nnd expenses of sale. Dated Juno 20, 19 1C. J. C. THOMPSON, Secretory of Power Company. Office No. 131 California-Oregon Leldsdorff street, San Francisco, Callfornln. . Summons Mult for Ulxotvo. In the Circuit Court of tho Stale of Oregon, for tho County of Jack son. Ltielndn Slnver, Plaintiff, vs. Alonzo Stover, Defendant. To Aloiizo Slovcr, the above named defendant: In the name of the Slate of Oregon you nro Imreby required to Appear and answer tho plaintiff's complaint against you now on fllo In tho above entitled court and cnuso 011 or before tho last day of the time prescribed In the order for publication of hiiiii rivons heroin, lo-wlt: On or before tho lOth duy of July, 19 1G, paid dato be ing tho expiration of six weekn from nnd after the dato of tho first publi cation nt this summons. And If ou fall to appear and nn awrr, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to tho Court for tho relief prayed for In said complaint, succinct, ly stated as follews: That tho bonds of matrimony exist ing between plnlutltf and defendant bo forever ubrogated, dissolved and annulled, und that tho plaintiff be awarded audi othor and further re lief an to the court shall appear Just nnd equitable. ThlH summons Is, liubllshed In Inn Medford Mall Trlbutio by order of thu Hon. F. M. Calkins, Judgo of the above entitled court, which tald or der was mtulcj and entered ot record on tho 2Cth day of May. 19 IC, and In compliance therewith, tho date of the first publication hereof in thu -7th day of Ma). 1910. W. E. P111PP8. Attorney for Plaintiff. UUHINKS8 Oft'OltTUNITIKB 11UY OIL STOCK -Dig company, au thorised capital sixty ono million dollars; big advance in stock soon; .Oklahoma oil doubled In price; ground floor proposition; 100 per cent dividends In 9(1 duys possible; Iten wells nt once; quick action on our money; MO bujs $1000 par value stock; company paid two div idends; remit now. Write froa In formation. Amalgamated oil Co., Colcord Hldg., Aklahomn, Okla. FOn UMNO TTU0BK8 FOR RENTV-Flvo room houso, hard wood floors, full cement basement nnd garago. Phono 370-W. FOR RENT - Ono 4-room modern hotihft. Phone 370-W. v j - 1 NEW TODAY .Wo have stock ranches, high grade hay ranches, and general farms both targe and small on our list. Home city property also nt attractive prices. 40 ncroa with house ami born, fluo level land, 70l)0 2 acres full lustring apples and pears, elegant bungalow, $8000. Hoon-Cathcart Co. Plmnn 1(17 WHY? NOW TIME TO TRADE. I have p. IGO-acro slock ranch; good location; 10') acres in grain, kouo alfalfa. -This plana recently sold, for $U,000; 110 Incumbrance. Will trade for good orchard, profer pears, or would take city property. Would trade ovaiijr asaumu some In cumbrance on orchard proposition. J. G, BARNES lOii West Main Sheet. BUSINESS ll4tvu piu't.v with wttll iiiiprovcd lio-Hi-ro tract, located '1 inilcg from Santa Cruz, Calif, that wauls to trade for good hiishicsK here. His property is dear. BENNETT INVESTMENT CO. Heal Eslnto Loans, Rentals, Iuniirmice. 102 West Main. Phono 7 If Hair's Your Pride Usfc Herpicide MKIM'DKD PHARMACY .Special Agents. FOlt ItKNT nornrcuisKPi.No ROOMS FOR RENT Suite of house-keeping rooms, furntshed: convenient, cIosq In. 31 C N. Central. 83 FOR KENT ITHMHHED ROOMS FO jTrE NT li eif r o om ' w 1 1 hTpV lva 1 0 sitting room, first floor; also garago. 25 South Orange. 31 li'n . 1" , -rsrjr . - FOR SALE RANCHES FOR SALEitcduccd ognftCmv $7000 city ranch, frec Irrigated, dairy, chicken, fruit, tools, stock, $4000. The Cnrlsund of America; mnsnrpossed itcenlc beauty. Pop. C.OOo; attitude 2000 ft., fishing and hunting. Mrs. M. Jackor, Ashland, Oregon. 91 ron BAtuft-nrwrxuok FOR SALE- Or exchange, n good work horse. Address Uax 9, Mall Trlbuuo. FOR BALE Sows and pigs; weaned pigs; four small shotcs. Phono 819-M. 1 83 FOR SALE Jersey bull, 7 months old. Phono 1)39.14. 81 FOR SALE Horses, nnd grnln liny In tho field, ono mllo northeast of Phoenix. E. E. Realties. 10G v w-4rrr rou gAiiK nnsuiviiUutEocB FOirSALI-iloyal Ann eherrlos' Phone R-13Ar. 83 FOR SALE Good quality Ruff, Urowti ami White Leghorn cocker els, two to four months old, half price. Phone R-13M. 83 FOR SALE Ono Hire's Root Urnr fountnln cheap. Tho Quiz, 83 FOR SALE At a bargain, tlniost now single harness and saddle; nlso on0 combination family rig, rub ber tired. 31G N. Central. 83 FOR SALE 1914 Indian twin mo torcycle wltli full equipment; run about 8000 miles n real bargain. AValker'a Garago. 81 FOR HALE cheap, property nt 11C0 West 8th street. 88 FOR SALE- Oraln hay In field. C. W. Isaacs, Phono 591-J2. FOR SALE Ono ton- Ford truck at tachment; nlso 40 ncres laud to trade for Ford car. Dahack's Oarage 4S2-J. 88 FOR BALE Oholco alfalfa hay. $10 per ton In field. Snldur'a Dairy, i;hona 201-13. FOR SALE Cheap, canned trults; :ntso light wagon with thills and tongue Phono 151-It. 121 Wood stock st. n't WANirtn jyrroATiONH WANTED Stenographer wishes po sltlun; experience; references. Ad 1 1 roes L, care Mali Tribune. S3 POSITION WANTED Hy man with family on ranch; experienced nud Jiest of references furnished. Ad dress lock, box G91, Medford. 82 HELP WANTim MALE WANTED First class minors and la borers, Almeda nud Copper Eaglo mines; good wages ami suro pay. Apply to P. II. Wlckham, Almodit, Oregon. S3 WAINTED - Young married man, Hleady position. Must be able to handle heavy boxes nud understand horses. Olvo reference and placo last umployod. Address Mr. O., (Mali Tribune. 81 WANTED Young iiinu In mercan tile establishment. Must bo good writer ami willing to work. State ago and glvo reference. Addres N. A. K.. Mnll Tribune. 81 HELP WANTED FK.MALH V ANT KI Gi rifor cooking and gonnrnl housework. Dr. Bnlkde, Seven Oaks. 81 WANTED MIKOHLlV'EOrH Vv-ANTIsl) -To rail Tor your feather pillows nud steam renovate them for 76c per pr. Phono 19H-.J. 81 WANTED Modern house nt roHSoil abe rent Will call evenings llov A, Mull Tribune si WANTED A good second-hand light car. Phono lo;ui. 83 INTKIttlltllAN AtlTOOAU CO, TIAJK OAUI. Lfavs Medford tor Ashland, Talent and Phoenix daily, except Sunday, at 8:00 a. ni 1:00, 2:00, 4:00 and G: 16 p. m. Also on Saturday nt 11:15 p, in. Sundays learn nt 8:00 nnd 10;30 a. m. and 1:00, 2:00, 0:30 ant! 9:30 p. in, Leavo Ashland for Medford dally, excopt Sunday, nt 9; 00 a. m., 1:00, 2:00, 4:00 and 5:16 p. m, Alto on Saturday nights at 6:30 and 2:20, Sundays leavo Ashland at 9:00 a, rri. and 1:00, 4:30, 0:30 aud 10:30 P. in. J; I10SINK8S JlinKOTOHY r- " i- -iiin i Antil Hnpplfr) LAHER AUTO BPItlNO CO. Wa are operating tho largest, oldest nnd best equipped plant In the Pa cific northwest. Use our springs whon others fall. Bold under guar antee 20 North Fiftoonth St., Portland, Ota. Attorn eya GEO. W. CHERRY Attorney and Notary, Rooms 9-10, Jackson Coun ty Rank Untitling, ontranco N, Central, Medford, Oro. PORTER J. NEFF Attorney nt law, rooms 8 nnd 9, Medford National Sank Building. A. E. REAMES, LAWYER aarnstt Corcy bldff. O. M. ROBERTS Lawyer. Medford National Bank Uulldlng. Collections. COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS We collocted Bomo accounts 14 years old. Wo know how .to get the money. The Puilock Mercantile Agency, Inc., Rooms 1, 2, 3, lias kins' Bid., 216 E. Mnin sL Dentists Dr. W. M. VAN BCOYOO DR. O. O. VAN SCOTOO Dentists Gsrnett-Coroy Bldg., utte IIS Mdforu, Oro'. Phono 86ft. Collection and Reports DR. FRANK ROBERTS Dentist. M. F. & II. Dldg. Offlco Hours 8:30 to 12; 1 to 6. Phono C07-R. Engineer and Contractor FRED N." CUMM INGBBngineor an contractor, 404 M. V. & II. Bid. Surveys,, estimates, irrigation dralnago, orchard and land Im provement. Insurance. 4 EARL E. TUMY Qonernl Insurance offlco. FIro, Automobllo, Accident, Liability, Pinto Glass, Contract, nnd Surety Bonds. Excellent com pnnlos, good local service. No. 210 Gnrnott-Coroy Dldg. Instruction In Muslo Fit ED ALTON "hAIOHT, teiichnr of piano and harmony. Composer nnd nrrangnr of music. Haight Muslo Studio,- 401 Gamelt-Coroy building. BLISS HEINE Teacher of Violin. WubIq furnished for nil occasions. Prices rensonnblo. Studio 1121 H, Main St., Phono 303-J2. Onrbsge OARBAOE Oet your premises cleaned up for tho aumntnr. Call on thc rlty garbage wngona for good sorvlce. Phone 274-L. T, Y, Allon. tr 1 1 r -j-j-t I'liysiclans nml Burgeons OIL """ F. O. "CARLO Vf, D?L EVA MAINS CARLOW Ostoopathlo physicians; 41C-417 Garnott-Corey bldg., phone 103C-L. Residence 20 South Laurel st. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia physician, 303 Garnott-Corey building. Phone 130. DR. J. J. E.MMEN8 Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, oar, 110B6 nnd throat. Eyes scien tifically tested nnd glasses sup plied. Oculist and Aurlst for S. P, It. R. Co. Offlcca M. F. & II. Co. bldg., opposite P. O. Phono SG7. DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician ana aurgeon Phones, offlco 3G, resi dence 7K0. Office hours, lo to 12, 2 to 6. DR. MARTIN C. BARBER Physi cian and surgeon. Offlco Palm block, oppoaito Nash hotel. Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono 110-J. Printers "hn Publishers MEDFORD IWNTiNOCOrThs best equipped printing offlco In southern Oregon; book bludlnr, loose leaf lodgors, billing systems, etc, Portland prlcos. 27 Norm Fir st. Transfer BADS TRANBFRR ft BTORAGB CO. Office 42 North Front st. Phons 316. Prices right. Serrlco guar- KMta(1 Medford House Movers WK MOVE HOUSES, BARNS. GARAGES, MACHINERY, ETC. Fhoiie 488-M 612 S. Nflwfnwn. 737 W 1-111. St. WESTON'S Camera Shop 208 East Main Street, Medford Tho Only ICxclusivo Commercial Photographers . in Southern Oregon Negatives Mado any time on place by appoiutmont. . Phone 147-J We'll do cho rest & VVflVQft Pco. f X '1 r .7 t feJ