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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1916)
'0, '1v o WEDFOKD TMAlli TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OHW.OV. TIIFHsDAY. MAY Is, 1P1H PAGE TWO i SWps B t i t aL- mm- ' m -hi i 1 -w IfV fOCAL AND 'f, (Mrs. J. II. Kngllah. who nnderwant Ian operation tor npiwomcim i- .lay. is Improving rapidly The alfalfa fertlllior experiment ,l K J TtT? jy Qf ftJ A I 1 1 uetnr conducted by the Southern Ore 1 JjliOvii I Ip Con experiment sti con experiment station are Interest- 1 lii(? and Important. Kreryone Inter tested la Invited to accompany ine I automobile excursion Friday after- ii.ioti Ht 2 oMock May 1J. to me ai Q .1,. ....w.. .- Oeorui W l-.ionk- tiWi .mil trBHinr dl )' Mliliiiilii Insuriitiee company U lii-re mi i.ii-lin-e- "":fllfR tMln tn the vlrinlty of Med ton HtHti- uKint. It H Met urf ,. . . ascertain result of the Da Voe gives trading stamps hmetj,ods and the ferttltxer used. W. W. Truax of Gold Hill, repobll .1., -. ...... IMUIAlMi evert iiiink n-i!t ....... A. H ("orni-11 of (Irani i Pnaa, la attending the day In th it attond- ln to business matter and vlsltlna I frli nd- 1. 01 your mil, orvnm, . ..., r- i and Imttarmllk at I Voa'a. i foe H. Wilson, candidate for coun ty ili-rk; Curley Wilson, eandldata for Hhertff. and A. W. Walker, can .ll.ime for aherlff. "H on the repub lican ticket. Introduced a novelty Into laekson countr polltlra by giving a free ahow to the votera at Central roint end Talent Plctnrea wera shown and the vlrtuea and quallflea. tlona of the trio thrown on the elide. TliWB M it larga crowd preaent at both place. Typewriter paper of all klnda at Medford Printing Co. A heavj shower fell over the city and valley Wednesday lht and arty Thuraday morning. The world'a greateat companies Uolwtaa. The Insurance Matt. County Assessor W. T. Grieve, re. iMlean candidate for aherlff. la still confined to hi borne at Jacksonville by alight Illnes. He ha been alPk for the last ten das 6ft off on Kodak at Weaton'a Camera Bhop. William t)len of Unite Falls, spent Wednesday In this elty attending to business matters. J. o. Oerklng, tne tnt nil around Hhotographer In aonthern Oregon. Always reliable. Negatlvea made any where, tlata or plaea. Itudlo 228 Main L I'bono J20-I. ' The Orlssltes' enmpflre, which wa to have been held Friday night, ha been Indefinitely postponed owing to Uh nnfarorable weather and the fact that the primary election fall on this dale. Further arrangement will be announced at a later dale by the Hommlltee. Weaton Camera Bhop for flrat-claaa kodak finishing and kodak euppllea. Wilbur Townsend of (Irani Pa, pout Wednesday afternoon In thl elty on bulneaa. Gate sells Ford rare. 300 down and $ifi a month. Constable Al Hammond made an official trip to Urant Peas the first of the week. Try a King Split cigar and en eourag home Industry. U County Commlasloner Con Leever of Central Point I In the city today attending to official bualnea. Postage stamps at Do Voe'a. J. II. Carleton of Central Point, spent Wednesday afternoon In thl ily OR bulnea. nstha SCc. Hotel Holland. Attorney Qoorgo M. Voberta at-temli-4 to legal mattera tn Jackson ville Thursday. I) Yoo buya hear bottlea. Dave Noe, former marshal of tlold lllll, and hi partner In i-rlme. Wil liam Itaveniwrt. allaa Bob Smith. i.Ihu.i guilty before Judge Calklna In tin. circuit court Wwtnesdav after notin, and HI bo sentenced early ni-xt week A prlvon term of from one to ten miii" i'tn be imi'ii-oi! Noe and Hmttli ! charged with a .e-rii-s of thft- Hold Mill r.iiiKln oer a nuiiiin-r if month riny i-r accused -f iImiik Have Miller' Konl, taktu- It nptirt and hiding i he same the floors of their i. ..i,i Tin win- aUo mi lined of vti-allng Mtn ton momr. copper uiri-und 'i i t tventhlng unlitiiili'l in thai fiil'Mi Kniokc a Klnts Spltii '-tunr. .V The uri- home nuide. tf lt.m William- nf Yrel.n, t'ttt , n tuiiii'l t ''i- hiMiM' Wt-din -'t. ainr noun ati.. a -lirt vlult tn tl.l- ill Dr Klichgener will In at Hotel Nab exirv Wednesday. Hours for eontiltaft. n 1 to S. Marnn Woir hn .i lllUK tiv an auto .lim-jt 1 tii-oi-- U H.iiKr of Buu l " .11- was dls. li.irai d fim the h..-..lial We.lnesdn tin. I i aide to inake lix" u.'v aliof ith ilu- aid of cruti In i- W "If 't"l '" -I " ,'r"1 ' '' npeat ,i Wi i-ti rn i' I! fn N' II. I ll' tn an I'' i"'l ' mplewil I'nlon tin - rer .... i iv- O.ili '' siiram-0 pnlU- tMflc Hl.K' llltll ll'l.lll'-S l.i .Uc illKunt lm n luiiii. after a ulioit -t ll, oiui- It in "f vv. .!,. s tin in thi . l .u II . - I.i ll' i - Vmir la A li inowi'i inaiUtne I'll iri at Mit ' . in rii. me . 'I' i in III lllll M " lit. II III! I" Tin ""i' l.ll'llll I, I ' . ' ..I can candidate for asaewor, Wednesday In this city. Dig 6e mtlkahtktfl at Vm'j. Henry Young of Plioenlt wai a huslnee vlsltoi In the rlty for a few hours Wednesday afternoon. Attorney Ou Newbury attended to legal huaine In the county aeat thla morning. Whipping cream at DeVoe'a. The Golden Mnk las of the Bap list church will meet Friday after noon at the home of Mra. Fred Meara, 101 South Newtown. Kach memtmr la asked to bring her neenie anu thread. Professor Shafer of the I'nlverelty of Oregon at Kugene, arrived Thara day for a vllt In thla t-lty. If von want equality In taxation vote 70. .1. C. Herring, ranchor. Central Point. In thla week' laaua of the Satur day Evening Poet appear a lor by KdlRon Marhall of thla city, entiled, The Mllng Seventeen." Charle Hyan of Yreka, Cal.. 1 spending the week In the city ami valley attending to bualneaa mattera. Little Intereal 1 being hown In the results of the primary election lo'morrow. for the flrat time In several year there being no wagering on the result. What little Interest I on tap I contered In the sheriff race on the republican Hckel between W. T. Orelve. Curley Wllaon and A. W. Walker. Orelve la the favorite In (his city, with Walker figuring aa a dark hone. J. C. Herring, a rancher near Cen tral Point, who la a candidate for county aoaor. la known through out the valloy a a progresalvo ranch er capable, public spirited and In every way uualtfled to flit the of fice. ' The annual picnic of the Valley Pride creamy la being held on the Applegale today, with a large numhor from thl rlty In attendance. Moat of the eandldalea are on the Job for the lnt day of handshaking and vote (inning Tonight there will be a big dance to which mot of the Ap plegale dlntrlct will be present, and thla afternoon a program of porte I being offered. There waa a big din ner and ue-hmaklug In the morn ing. Adrian Rose of the Orlffln .reek district. ient Thuraday In Medford on business. (Everybody laugh when the) h the funny cartoon picture drawn by Floyd Jenkins which la In the win dow of llarry'a Quod Eat, 13 Soulh Front St. 5I C. II. Katoa of Ainany. is among the out-of-town visitor In the city thla week. William Olsi-n of Itutte Fall. PM W4neday In lUla city visiting with friend. ' W. T tlrehe. county aaaeaaor. has been confined to hla home by Illness for tho t week and hence unable to mnk hi campaign for nomination a aherlff He la belter today, but unable t l- out of door. HI loyal mire ha lairled on hi campaign durlnn hi illiu-ss. to the best of her abllltt 1la.- ou eaten Chinook Salmon, llalUiiit. Sliud. Cod. Cat flab Med r.,i.t unit I'oiilm Co. 4 K.nn.ili William of tlrant Pan. who a with the Clni-lnnall team of the Natliinul league during the lant oik f tin- l Hi."' season, ha been koIiI to i be SpokaVe team of -the Nonhtti i li-avue When William llrt .nt n the dig league he wax haile.l a- u new halting klna. aud w. i.olinn out tiom one to three titi- a lain-- Hi" link left him and lie .li.l nn et a hit In flft-aieu ttHM at lull Wneit lie was uniie to il. livet Lingoes the management dtii-i.t ii lilm In Hurrv. M. . in .Id II Parson of the Hill ctesi oiili.uiU. left for pV-uttle on riiiii'Mia i I.uKmui bus teturueil from lirinii l-.i-- wlnri lie tttii'ltiliil the -, in i. iii in. mi coineiillon of Wood . n ii i In Win lil lUte Mm linked .i ihjul for iliillier' not, do so The f.tmlh will enlo ,i M.iir.u.l Fi-li and I'oultrv Vow thai tlu iarenlaae of the re . .11 peiitluii- .Urcitiil artaliist the ,.mil i . -lublUlieil. then li.i- In en ,x !. i.l ilet-tease III llUer-t. Ullil the is a'loul read to lolLipse, ujuiiwti out of lleuiiHaiii i th U-...II.. Il..ii'.r Seliuill roml'llii' H-iM D. 1) Norrls, seeretar of the Anil-1 land Commercial club, spent Thurs- i day In Medford. visiting friends and attending to business" matters. J. W. llennett of the construction department or the Cnlon oil com pany, left Wednesday evening for Se attle, where he will be stationed. J 11. Neighbor of Koseburg, I spending the week In the city attend ing to buslnes mattera. A. IT. Kahler of Klamath Falls. I making hi weekl visit to thl city today. Jack F. Merrill of Oold Hill, haa purchased a 1910 model, seven paa enger Cadillac. A. Q. Qulnn of Weed. Cal., is sending a few days In the city and valley. The qunrlerl) fire inspection of the bualnea section a requlrod by the city ordinance la now being conducted by the fire department. The pur poe of the Inspection I to prevent Ihn accumulation of eombuatlble ma terial, and to order cleanup wfcon necessary or an fire trap. Mrs. Frederltk Pelouxe of Kagle Point, spent Thuraday In thla city hopping and visiting friends. J. F. Brown of Ragle Point, apemi Thuraday In thla city attending in business mattera. Andrew Carson of Yreka. Cal., vla lled frlcnda and relatlvoa In thla oily the flral of the week. JERRY NUNAN '$ F UNERALTOBEHELD FRIDAY MOMNG o'clock from the Jackson il!e Coth idic church. Coroner Perl took chnrge cf the IkmIv, but an inquest waa not thoutrht ' i;?ceBr. The new ol Ihe death of the be- lneil pioneer cauaett A feeling of tflimm over n wide eirole of JWend .niiil nciiiiiintnneeM throughout sontli- rn flrejron. I - JsL 5-v LJ fiU'i'il one SiiiktvIwip IVteritii fiets Itiwy Mr. Peterson, school supervisor, after writing leltera to the rarloua candidates for school superintendent, addreaaed a letter to the rural leach era against my candidacy for county school superintendent because I stood for "The elimination of county school Biipervlsora." Mr. Peterson la right. I don't evade thla otiestloti but com out openly and advocate their abolition. The superintendent can do thla work and gel better results. The ayatem haa cost the county al least $3000 a year for tho past five years and 1 one of the cauaea of placing the atiperlnlendenC office aa the third hlgheat In vxpenae In the stale. The "Force" certainly haa been active these paat three month. Will Mr. Peterson enumerate what the two unorvlaor, county tiperlnlendant. and office deputy have accomplished these paat five jears? The law makea provlalon for tho elimination of Bupervlsora by the county educational board (county superintendent and four members ap pointed by him) I shall deem It my duty to ascertain the will of the peo plo In this matter and pledge myself to follow It. Head my atatement In the Oa Hill dates Bulletin. FRANCIS C. SMITH. iPd. Adv.) 216 Jeii-mi.ili (Jerrv) Xi.n.m. ycnri, fur forty-five venr Jufknn county' Irtut beloved elti xenf, nnd for over thirl v yenr. in the mercantile business in Jiu-kxnnvilfe, committed .suicide Wednesday nfter noon between i ntn 5 o'clock near the home of hi bob, Charles Kunnn, nenr the county sent, by shooting hlmnelf in the henil With a -'IB-caliber revol ver. Temtorary insanity, due to fail ing health, ii held rp-pinible for the act. Ten duva ago the aged pioneer entne from Son Loandro, a. suburb of Oakland. Cal., where he hn been milking ht home with hi daughter, fur n viit with fri?nli and nlntive here. The body wo fonnd bv Frnnk Hv Ihc of Jacksonville, who called at the Xunnn home to aee hi- old friend, lif ter looking after a flock f tdiccp ranged in it nenrhy pnture. The pro--irate form waa lying beneath nn onU tree, in front of the home. Bvbcc' firt imprcHMion was that heart I'nil ure hud lrickf'n the pioneer. He tel ephoned for aid. Careful Iluiwtwtkina. Xunnn shot hitnsell in the hni-k of the hend, mid two -hots were fired. J but whether the xoeond ihot wan due to relaxation of the inuocleM or tint ' is not known. Careful preparation , hud been made for the last rush deed, j A mirror had been luintr on the ouk tree, and lief ore thin the pioneer iiier Offlco IIiiiiIIii tho .Man A. N Hlidebrand la the corning man ; For Jackson County Clerk, Who will all Its duties understand And the labor will not shirk. Ile'i one of Medford'a tried and true Who la an honor to mankind, Who's aa worthy of a wte from you Aa any man you'll ever rind. One thing more T will have to say, For my nilni I so Inclined, To the county aeat he's on hla way, And will be there on time. Then on the nineteenth day of May We will give him a boost, For we Fiiri- start hint on that day Toward Court Houe Ttoost. fPald Adv i K. M S. O. Had Terrible Pains k in Kidneys and Back. Tkm' Mr. Editor I want to write you aboiu " Anuric." 1 was very aick, could hnrdlv lie up ; I waa in lied most of tho time Had terrible pains In my kidneys and back, eo much so that I had to acreatn loinetimos when I win sluing; down and wanted to get up, the pain vu so great. I had tried a well-known kidney medicine but it didn't help me. 1 heard of Dr. Pierce's Auuric Tablet o I thought I Mould tn them. I took only one box of vim Tablet, and my back la now free from pain and I can work and take care of my family. I feel 1 cannot aay enough for thla medl ch. Sincerely, Maa. Wm. Kgmue. Nene: Thla "Anuric" Ii adapted especially for kidney complaint and eliunt hIoimI tn fan out the flicker of life A! of vwiter nlo stood ! dleeasea arising from disunlerc of the lite. A himii oi nur niai i mm. . k,deV8 and i,,!,, IHch M backjChe, near the tree. lit' lelt no note. All u.k hank, rhminiatlsm. drooev.'oon- the family were nwnv at the time of the tragedy. The bullet's eoiirse was downwiinl through the bruin, ean-inc a linos t intnnt death. Heputv Sher iff IIarHr took churge Hnding the ! tested thla prescription and have been weak back, rheumatism, drouev. con gestion of the kidneys, inflammation of the bladder, scalding urine ami urinary troublee. The phyiiclana and Btieciaflsu at Dr. Pierce's great Intrtittt- ion, at Hiinalo, X. Y., have uiorougnty bj ti arrival of the coroner. with one accord successful in eradicat ing these troublee, aud in most caiea Jerrv Xuiiiui waa known up Io u Cutely onrlng the diseased kidneys, 600 KvM'Ho or SHporltilfliMkmCs Offlt-o Taken from the County Tag Hudget for aupervlalng the acboola for the vear 1015. flalary of auiierlntowdent 1800 Clerical assistance 100 Traveling espenao 8 Teachera institute, meetings, etc. ... Other expenses, poaiage. sup plies, etc ..... County educational board To npervtore, f i:tr0 each Huperslsora' oapene Klghth grade etaui. Truant officer Total .. ! Ta budget for school superlntcn Uni'M office for I1U. tStiilo. 1 helteve that theae aitpervUor should be eliminated and the offl.o run along bualnea line I do not evade thla question but state my poi- liou plainly. If oit feel that I am ..... ... a., ..,., ... Uiaiuteu ror me iwauiun, imp me 1 pledge to follow our dealre in thl matter. FKASCI8 C SMITH. i I'd Vdv ) 346 HBMHBMBBBlfpVBaMBM"T saassaajs nrptiH.icA.vs .vrrKXTioN' Alt..'it ll Cumtiiln made aa trong ii uoveruoi u did Hughe. 81 ace time he ti.t iicen In the forefront of .it fairs In the senate, where hi m.itchle foresight and wplcndld ktioMletliie i-ombliie to make him a great leader He came west and stated III view and immune In a ilear and fonefnl IU.IIIIK i We know where he i.ind lie is of ihe weot. mid known our lieedo i i. for him the one Keiutllcan w'ui i. in unite all faction of the ai i), and tn the fall campaign carry a strong and aggrenslve fight to a sue 'en-Mini flnih lo vote for delegate not hostile to III in MCl'I'OUli ITMMIN8 FOK I'HKSI IU T t l.l'H. tl'ald Ad tew years ago to everv man in .Ink- son county. lie waa hont in Ireland, came to the county seat about hve year ngo and started in the saddlery business with a man named Judd. After conduct ing this business siieecHs fully for years, he i-mhurlicd in the general mercantile business un der the firm mime of Tiivlor-Niiiinn company, lie oiwtd eoiisiderable property near Jacksonville, nrnl upon the property now owned bv Colonel 11. II. Stirircnt built a lo.Min Imuie. elavi.nitcly lurnislieii. Two or thu-e yenrs niro he mivtd to Caliloinui. where lie resided with his wil'r ai .1 ilnughters. I'iimcmmI Pfhlay. He is Miimved by hi wile. IMia Xunnn; Iwh dinikditers, Mrs. Josepli ine lfiissfll and Miss Fannie Xiinan, of Oakland, Cnl., and one son, I'liailes Xiiuati, of ,Iael.oii ille. The liiiieial Will he held I'lnlav uiornin.' nt 10 The Valley's Great Need . i ti:i: tin: smi'Imjc. Marinello Cleansing Cream MARINELLO HAIR SHOP (iwiieit-i 4ity Itldg. Patient having onco used " Anuric " at Dr. lerce'i Invalids' Hotel, have re peatedly sent back for more, hucti a demand haa been c-cnted thai Dr. Pierce has decided to put "Auuric" in the drug stores of this country, in a ready-to-usa form. If not obtainable send one dime by mall to Dr. Pierce lor trial package or 60 cent for full trculawut. Dr. Ilerc Golden Medical Discovery la a blood vleanser and aluiraiivo that Urta tin! liver and stomach Into vigorous action. It thus assista the body to make rich, red blood, which feeds the heart, nerves, brain ami organs of the body You had clcau, ttruuij aud stnsuuoua. J IIOTBES nits TO ORDER $25.00 UP Also Cleaning, Presslna and Alterlno 128 E. MAJH. UPSTAIRS l.VTICItl Itlt.VN Al'TOCAU CO. TI.MU CAltlt. Ueave Medfout tor Aahlaud, Talent mi Phoouix dally, except Sunday, at - w . . 8:00 a. ai., i: 00, 2.00, 4:00 and 5:16 You are iiro to Always i inn tue latest MAY 18 e si: vrs now ox Sam: J THE MOST DISTINGUISHED ENGLISH SPEAKING COMEDIENNE May Robsoii And Her Original Metropolitan Company . - . , v cwh 114. rfcfirtSrinri fl7AA HBV I Ul ltJli v3 Hdmiiuvu man The Roarinjr Comedy by James Forbes Author "The Chorus Lady imc. Sunshine and Laughter; No Tears to Follow Prices 50c to $1.50 Time for Goggles We have just received our summer stock-the finest selection we have ever had. Prices range from 50c to $6 Better protect your eyes C. E. GATES (vj,7.;.T.;.. rj'ftTijTji.Ti ?...; ,...Nr,?,r.. i$7?yn033 ifADrlN $ I j IN S ntofow I p. m. Also ou Saturday at 11 16 p. m. Sundays leave at 8. 00 and to:su a. BJ. and 100 : 00, 5:30 and :30 p. at. Leave Ashland for Medford dally, except Sunday, at 9.00 . m.. ! 1:00, 1:00, 4:00 and 6: 16 p. at. Also on Saturday uUhU at 6:30 aud 1:10. Sundays leave Ashland at 9:00 , a. W. and 1:00, t:S0, C:0 and 10:30 , P. M. Modes in Millinery AT Miss Lounsbury's M. -M. ii:it. xTeui: Our KTlalt i M It r Sunday Excursion Fares w ill In' on - i'e MAY 14, 21, 28: JUNE 4, 11, 18, 25; JULY 2, 9, 1G, 23, 30 l.ol v .i alt ' iiion-4 ASHLAND to GLEND ALE, inc. at One fare for the round trip, minimum 30 cant ) 11N0 I Week End Fares , ar- mi ul. iiv S.iinr.l.n mil Sun- tl.l x Willi l-liun Inml of Mmitla) to Ashland, Ore. from all utatiuin Hoseimri; und south. A delightful iil.ut" for a wt'k and. s. L local agent for complete Information or write lolitl M. SMt, (ietleml l'a. e)il I'oitlilli.l, l)V. Southern Pacific Lines .'Uri Qooc-woowooxwc 0"coooccoo 1 1 ihi i in: t'i:t tiN t.n rt mi st ' l It I iKI l's 111 st I'M n m . vuk i n mi i;' nii in r i' rfe YTsg idyi ttt Mi'v.,ir -aa(a ansaar joa voi v.tsm.vm - i Mtia . '4HB3asv nifa trrtAJi w ram HK.a.H. . ir-' ffir i nrtgn taw nR.JE-4LQTCURP' -' -- LV H k tWPVT US l IW t WHERE THE 3 4 CROWDS GO TUT sT Ml Is NOT TIIK ni'sr Tinvriti: in tiiic M VII. hit tiii: l'lt-ri IOCS AUK CVTIOV A. 1'. A. M. 'f ilar Comaiajnleatton rri .1 i'. ATT1 nil. iuk'i ft k, ;.ih,r Communication ! ,.! i.,-.ii bin aultatlna oii'tM.-ir.toi.-ii !.-, 1 1V ,v,.iiinr. May isil ilus- 'il Mim -luulna n the (Oiinti'V St moil ln, ,s q ,uiwt'lan3 vVJ M i i'(d l Me8"td rl'll tt'!t '".y .ut.,.1 t. M0 ireenl iii)iii. ii f? n vtoai4. r.ii. iJ A nj iiU'MRNn ty .olllK tP BtllK llfiV !i I'-tt)'!. .i.lffiil.d) IWM'le (H'X'ei'(JItl04 J I'1 V 1f4 H- - i,ilfl . tit, toH3 ? m. m A' 10,1' ,.rJvMt VS4ilBt h0 v !ln (Oi uut) .iiitti 'a;e'r. t.'"ii.i'iv. nr In I . i. romii mtid WetlmaSuv ll,. hiire to ko with the .i'it o ,veiirhlifi ' v l'ii'.o. M '" '' , n .(D vltil tilt .l'i.i el'llt'er .x;irleuiH In fifia field I.u .. . . j liK. .1.1 d hA llll Tl: ....... r..,,AT i(IJie (Wl Hon i uustffi ....(Dfii t'.f)i 'ttWnui'i 'T Mval Ut f"w" w o i.ti.i -ofj 0) qH s& f' .iias.Di.)Wi,i"',(8eri . .... . tm m'yi. ft jrAi. ,a .v.nj I lu.nB ' m.lsi , ., w - -,. , - - - zr v.- Paramotuiimtt Pic2uipe TODAY Paramount Picture Jesse L Lasky lKt sKVs in'ov,u x' s - X1 lM M ( OMll)Vs'11- Victor Moore Iu tlio secoml screamingly laughable picture aeries of that supreme Irish American comedy-drama ChiBimie Fadden Out West . -.. H K.Tiis..n .V.r ',,i. s- AtiWiCilv tiSkitllifi'MV. U'oi'fiat) ?i- It ul lii-t r hornf.u ti f..tit Tlu- i:.l..ii ..r "0 "" u v. j , in i ,ii f t : -'tiiijj .iinaiiiii-iiiu gfi.i A o i: o o o 4i it 4, 'J Hj 4 lttfr tuilu ou fPYSff.iel 0tfer H5cru TODAY ONLY Directioa " CU JJ eMi!lo e--o. twtiv Hi iv mftthp tar o c o t. t V o ..." ... .ii , i (v. liii (By rn 4 i' Qsj-trfl I , aM' b eVII( ifBtS9C8a'': bUHlUt x O O' o W v-