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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1916)
f.-- UVirtt o MEDFORD (f FORECAST SIIOVi:itS TOXIOIIT AND Till ItHOAY. WEATHER Maximum Yo-tei-dny, TI; Minimum Today, in. to forty-sixth Year, ftnllv-- i:i"Ven(h Year. MEDFORD OIJMJON. N ihi:s) Y. MAY 17. mil? XO. IS M i VICTIM OF Dutch Steamer Dataviert Blown Up in North Sea Four Drowned, Includ ing Prominent Resident of New Mexico Two Other Americans Aboard Saved Ship Hit hy Tor pedo and Sunk Within Twenty Min utesVictim Could Not Swim, But Had Life Belt. ' LONDON, May 17.A dispatch to Lloyd from (Ircat Yarmouth says tho Dutch steamer Hatavler V., 1300 torn, linn been blown up In thn North Sea. I'our members of the crow wore lust, the remainder landed at CI rent Yarmouth. The Hatavler V. whi oil lift- way to London from Rotterdam. American Ill-owned, LONDON. Mny 17. Tho American embassy wiim Informed today that LulKl Martini Manclnl. hii Ainorleaii elilcn, was drowned when tin steamship Hatavler V. was blown ttji. Two otlmr Anierlran citizens, who h on liourd the steamship, were saved. .MriipIiiL a vvlroloes expeit, was from Itoswell, N. M. vSamiicl Howard Comstock of Sunt Monica, Cal., who wni on the Hatav ler V. gave the following account of his experlonces: "1 was In the saloon talking whPn a terrific explosion occiiried. My hat wni smashed against tho colling of the saloon. I think Die vessel must Iihvo been blown up hy a mine M the explosion appRrenily whi ill iectly iindorimalh the ship. "The aft hatch was blown off and much n( the cargo wan hurled Into the air. Story of Di-a-lcr. "Within three minutes thn (hip's decks' were awash. I hd lifebelt, but gciug R Reed swimmer 1 gave It to my fellow American. Manclnl. who could not iwlm. I kicked off my shoos, dived Mild swam, to R bot whlpli had been launched. A assisted it stewardess anil an Injured officer of tho ship Into a boat. I was so busy tlmt I did not see what hap pened to Manclnl. "The ship sank In twenty minutes. We were picked up by r trawler pa trol Rnd arrived nt Yarmouth. " Another American who was on the Hatavler Y. was John Joseph Kalnta of Itiooklyn, N. Y. He wus rescued and landed at Yarmouth. Manclnl was a major at the Na tional Ouard or New Mexico and a deputy sheriff of Cleaves count)'. Now Mexico. ItOBW'lSLL, X. M., May 17. L-ulil Martini Manclrl, who was drowned when the steamer Hatavler Y was sunk. for. many years was oh Instruct or at the New Mexico Military Insti tute here I If went to London and Naples In lldi in Ihe emplov of the Marconi Wlreleis Telegiaph com pany. He was ih ounget -on of a titled Italian famib and wa- tut-ui.ilif-d here I WASHINGTON, Ma IT The American onml t La Itoi belle, re liorted to ihe htatt- lt iai tinent todu that three American citUens ere aboard .the Canadian steanubip Kretrla. which was sunk on Friday, presumably by a nifiie. A dispatch from Consul General Skinner at Lon-1 don esterday said thut Llods re lort declared the steamer had been torpeftoed Both dlxputche a tree' thai the crew as uninjured -0 2000 STRAWBERRY PICKERS WANTED AT HOOD RIVER o 1'OKTI.ANH, ' Ma 17. -An or der t'r JOOW truwben picker wa received today b the Portland public emplmeut bureau from liooU Uiver. Tlu i- ail to be the liirje-t -iuyle unit r i r I.iImhi ' - i m i p" ! i . "' - 811 u. s. mm mm big n aid Major Langhorne and Two Troops of Cavalry Reported to Have Sur rounded Mexicans, Killing Six and Capturinn Seventy-five Kidnaped Men Rescued From Raiders. MARATHON, Ti- May if. A Itiu'k diiver arriving hero today front llMuilln' niil Hint it was reported on the border that Major Lnnglionio and two troop of cavalry luul stir roiiiidcd the Dig Item! bandit raiders about 12" mile from the liorder, kill ing ix and enplttritiir seventy-five. Aini.v officer hetc hnxe made no nn niiniiiicemcnl regiuding iieh nn en gagement. In view of previous repot Is from Major Lnnithotiip that he expected awn to catch up with the linntlits, (lie authorities were inclined to place credence in the rcort. Kidnaped Men Itemed. Prevent to overtaking the Mexi cans .Major Lnnghoriie's detachment had ieciud .1. iJemcer, the Kidnaped Moickecper, H negro, Monroe Pnviic and n Mexienii employed liv Mr. Dee uier n a clerk. The cavalry horses and equipment captured by the bandit in their raid on Glenn Spring two week ago were recovered, it is rewtrleil. A Mexican snide look the American troop to the spot where the bandit were encountered, ihe truck driver said. Aei'ortlinir to Hie truck driver's re lent ,thc bandit, were surpti-ed and did not put up n fluid. 'J'he Amuii linn ceased finnir nt once. The M'ent-livc enpturtHl, it wi mi id, were to be hrouiilil here for trial. IteiHiit CimfliiiH'd, SAN" ANTONIO. Tex.. Slay 17. The rcM-iic bv the American toldiei-n ofJ. Deemer nml the neirio eook, Mmiroe Payne, canted off n prisoner- by the handit thai raided Glenn SpriiiK and Hottillii, wn re) hii ted to (lenerul Kiiulon tiMlay. The ivMrt ,' came from Colonel IVcderick Silih'.v, who received his in I oi milt ion fiom Major Lansliome, now about 1(10 mileM houDi of the bor der. A iletuehuieiit of Major l.anir horuc'i fon-e found the Amerieiuu nt Kt Pine, ninety mile. noiiMi of IHpiil ln, yeoteiiluy moriiittK- The Ameri ca iih had Ik-pii left there bv their cap ttHx in charge of the rc-idenl-. None but the unarmed jnliuhiliinU of tho town were there when the American soldier armed, and no reitanee wn made. Major Luturhnrne reported to Col onel Sihlev that he was pu-liinc for ward nnd horK'd to overtake the ban dits duiinjr the day. He added that no federal troop hnd been cnciin tereil nnd I but the attitude of the n idenls in the territory Ihrouuh whuh he hud paxhed appeared tiiemlU. A -in nit of foraire ti ii.itil end (Vdoncl Sibley siii! lie w;i pn-. paring to -end forward .i- i.ipnlh a ! ilj! ha and r.nii lnr l lit- bur-e .rnd imili'-. I uliini I Silili m,i. iilmiit Iirl luil( - -until ! ll . Ii..di I . NEW TRIAL FOR E15 CAPLAN JIJiJ LOS WCKI.I.S Uv 17 - David Caplan. whose pro-ei ution for mur der in the I.o Antilles Times explo sion case resulted in a mistrUI yes terd.i, waf, compliting tody his fif teenth month In custody. The case was put on the cal'ruUr for June 15 Immediately iftr the Jury was discharged by Judt-e Frank Willis In the superior court and an nouncement was made that it ould be set for speedy trial at that time The defense rediuied h second trial would never be called. The discharge of the jury yester day followed seventy-six hours of de. liberation with the jurors voting steadily seven to five. The seven weie for conviction, aording to the i (iurt offli ial I i - I . . r.! ii . H1 M, .it 1 t i. ' MEXICAN SOWS 'vs. N a WMLj& W.-rJN Mii JfewA' -" TIiik picture .bow-, hnw the Mc icau -oldier ami hi family liei. It ymk taken near San Antonio, .lc.. while Carranxa troop', were waitinu for a clear truck. Tojh of freiulit ear niv the home- of the soldierx, their wixcn and clul Sr5TS and kiddie- to -Icep under. Cookinu ulcnil arc e.nricd on the top of the cm- and nif.i I- fur all are prepaieil UMil eiileli tlieic. 'PARIS, May 17. -(Senium troops mado an attack with reiurdes last iilKlil on French positions near Dead Matt hill. Tho effort failed, today's official French report says. liast of the Meuxe, along the Yer dun front, there was pontluunus cannonadlna on both sides, principal ly at lludrumont wood and Yaux I'ond. French aeroplanes made sev eral raids during the nlnht. Itomba were thrown on the Herman camp at DamvHIer and on the railway sta tions at Mets, Krewutl ami Hrleullea. The text of the statement says: "Artillery duels occurred at va rious points along the front, notably In the Champagne region, at Hutto du Mesnil. "In the Araonne, at I Kills More, mine fighting continued to our ad vantage. "Ou the left bank of the Meuse, aft er a bombardment of our first lino, an attempt of the enemy to advance In a hand grenade attack to Dead Matt hill as completely checked. On the right bank there was great artil lery activity l both Hides in the re ulon between llaudremont and Yaux I'ond. Nottlivtexi of Thiaiuonl farm a band Kreuede himcU upon one of OKI INlennm . o-.!-. W.I.-. replllHeil,'1 NAVAL BAHLE I.OMMlS' l v 7 I .m..' . n .'ayemelll mi hi lid e-lenli nil tin HcIl'UIII eiiii( lieluieli -m ill lii'lin.ili nnd Hrili-li war inp- 'i'lii ie vvi-ri nn Mllti-li ea-lialtle-. Ottieml uuiioiiucement of the light h.i- made a- follow-: "Au encounter took place yesterday .itlernoon oft the itelgiun eout be tween a loree ei'nisi-el of Uritih de--troyers nnd iii"iniors and some Ger man destroyer-. "Alter a short etigugeinent the en eniv vliliiirew in I luir pn-i-. Our fiwri e -il-l.illii il Ii" i .i-il.i If n- " W.SIIIN.TO Ma IT .S. nate Took ui iii in v 1 1 .insinuation ion ferenee -reiiori FRENCH GERMAN ATTACK DEAD MA ILL FF BELGIAN COAST DAY IN CONGRESS I' Senator lfir' corrupt practices groa, u bill was favorabl) reiiorted rom tne'niel- elections commiMee itlver- mi i Iruliors .ill Hi .i. l .'roiiil.itSci'i AND FJUHIES IKE fiVtR?5IXfJr WSmm& - i3 Jm aP tM. SvsB -IV' iS-3 j j . SENATE PASSES COMPROMISE BILL FOR LARGER ARMY: i AMIIMiM'.N. M.i 1.. I he -en- t ill niter an all d.iv debate, njiiced iniiiulit to the coiifeieiice' repurt on the iirmy li'otyaiiintion bill without ,i mil call. The lmu-e ix exfieeled to appiove the lepnri within u day or two and hciuI the first of the Mir un tional del'eiitie inea-utvt to ihe pnHi dent. VVASin.VTN'O.W v 17.-Attuek on the proviminn for a uovpininonl niti'Hie pla n I ineoniornfeil in the nnny hill delnyeil adoption of the eon ferecH reMirt today in the senate. Senator Hard wick of Ucoruia led in the attack, characterising: Ihe provis ion ax duimeinii-, Miciali-lie and m t emit I. Tho debate un- broadeueil out hy Senator I,ode deuetiiieint: the reduc tion in the -enatc provi-iou for the ixe of the rcynlnr una v. "With not a -nldier left on the At lantic cua-t from Muiue to I'ortre MonriM', today they lire taking the coa-t aHillerv and the Paeilic eoa-t Qt oitwsgwi-.'g .3. M- j jaammm in the miiiic condition - till to take j possible consistent with maintaining cure of the In He trouble in .Mexico," j the honor and rights of the I'nlted htiid Seualor Lodge, "ll seems to 'states. me incredible tliul either branch of! (Neither message will be made pub eoutfic hIumiI.I be willing to put J0(- He. llOu.OflO into a nitrate plant nt Mm- j At the While llou-e nothing was -el Should oi -itme other place nnd J known of ihe mission fo this couutrv not lie Milling to give the country ol- of 8eeret.nv iinw r the American dier enough emuiitli for 41 immetlialel embassy In Iterllu, who Is now on defence iignin-i troubles ho trivial a-ihls uuv in the I niie.i Males n ba con front ii- on the bonlec. I do iiol believe our emilereex eoubl have got ten more. I urn lliiiiikiu) fr they did get. hut I don't want -ii.i-loi'H here ! be under the delu-mu thai they have u.iii.u Uuv -lnuld have for then iiiuntrx.' Senator New - aihi-nbilit v of leftiMlin :;: euntereuee lepurt. "I am not willing to run the n-l, In-ing iit lie we luive u.iiind lln- ltd ii-i'niled Senator it ' the original .1. . i , tin h" i-e In do ,ili-iliil - I tlmil llm-e in iii'llnii'j L IJr.KLI.N. M v 17. v..i I... i. .'..n The (ierui.iii .iiii.v In . -tail tuttity gave mil the lolluwili -tale-meul ; "Weslein I inter: Tin le were lively b.UKl .niiade eii.i'jeiueiit- -outhviest '! l.i ii- i idlowing mine explosion-. "Oil bold liitis- of the .eii-e al iiilerv aclivitv oil each ifide iiieiea-cd .! time t .' it liveliiie--. Au nt- k itiudi Ii. 'In Frellell ,i-J i III Hill in I I, hi tin I I,., ! ,.' -oiitbern - under oui "The I" eneniV aeroplune ill I il,lllt VI . i ea-t of Ilou.ii. The ' ait Ml i il il li i Hi ' i GERMANS RPE FRENCH ATTACK . i. H i HOIS OM CAR TOPS WILSON REPLIES TO POPE'S MESSAGE WVSIIIMiTON. Mux I? Presi dent WIIhoii has reidled to the mes sage He n I him recently l Pope lleue dictj In which the pope expressed the earnest hope that war between the Flitted Slates and Uermany would not be precipitated by the submarine Issue nnd ionveed the inipiesslon that he hoped the I'nlted Btatei nilghl lie of assistance ultimately In rnstorlna peace In Kurope. 'PVo re- ly t H prosldeiil was eoureed through .Monsiguor MiHSano, the apostolic delegate here, who delivered the pope's message to the White House. White House officials refused to discuss the pope's message or the re ply of the president, but In other quarters it was Indicated thn ex change of iuchsrIps had only re motely to do with the question of peace In Kurope, The president Is understood to have informed the pope that he was very eager to keep the Fulled Slatea out of the war and would do everything llpeu b 1 1 U k' !-1 ' I Hl.ll pOhhilib' ll inlaht be brluKlna n luei.ii. irom Kmpeior Wllllaiii lo i'n-idul Wil 'mi AUSTRIAN VESSEL SUNK BY ALLIES THOUT IIKIH.I.N U.n I . XiiordliiK to the Audio IIiiiik ii mil noli' hint to in (lowtts nu.iidiiiK I lie sink inK uf the Austrian -ti-.imer Dubro vniiv and otbei A1' 'rlun veo.els, tho hulirov nlk bad nun ien iiakseugers u board, liutmlin several women Kind children Tim.- hodles of wom en were in oven d and lour members I of the iieu and foul I'Sssentsers are iiisitii; Tlie.(ivM.ii. es Vgeucy In Its luiiiiiiiiin oi ihe ulrlttii note says: i A dispatch rrom Vienna stut"! t Hat the Autro ll'iinjarl.m t.veiti ilii lit h.ia dell.ind .1 note to the rep i?ciitatifrf of im powerii 'ing that ou Mu ' Hie iintiu llun- H PEACE NOTICE tlu,garlan passenK r -leanur Uubrov ,,,,, nlk was destioved in tho Adriatic h uo torpedoes fired without wattling i inoni) submarine. J The first I, i i -'.o starboard side ami began slutting au ou uourii ruined to tfce It ro t ill I I I lid tm , i I" ir iCk , , , . life i 'C.i It CASEMENT 10 HW.HR 1 HIGH TREASON Irish Leader nnri Daniel J. Bailey Arc Committed (or Trial Todny Bailey Attempted to Give Information to Police Rcprdiiifi Uprisimj in Flc turn for Protection. l.tiMiox. May 17. -lr Hoger i .i-emeiit ami Daniel .1. Its I lev were lommttted for trial twlay for high ticH-on. w hen the case was reopened today Constable Carter of Ihe Itoyal Irish constabulary, was reralled for cross- Mimlnatloii at the request of the defense. The trend of the itueatiens indicated that at the time of his sr iest Hal ley atleii)ted iinsiircosaful Iv to give Information to the police In regard to the projected uprising. Carter was asked whether he had beard llalley say after his arrest that he had a statement for the authori ties and that au officer should he sent for. The constable responded that be did not hear this, but that at -av "I have Important Information which will give you police something to do." I'iviiiI-ihI Protection, AVIien the court was isopened aft er luncheon It was disclosed that Italley had made a statement to thn pollen under a guarantee, that he would receive "protection. Ser geant Hreslwick of the Itoyal Irish Consiabularly, who was In charge of the Arduey barracks when Italley was brought In After bis arrest, said he asked Ihe prisoner for tho ad dress of some Herman to whom be could communicate tile" news of Ilaf ley's arrest. llalley said: "I came over from America under false colors. I Joined a societv thme, but do not want any one to know who I am." When told he would be detained until after the war, Hal ley naked whether he" would be allowed to go free If he told the truth. The ser geant said he could not promise him that, but would guarantee him pro tection, fuhsequently Ha I ley asked that District Inspector Hrleker he sent foi Immediately, Insisting that the next day would be too lute. This was ou April :':t Aftr receiving a guarantee of protection Halley laid the Inspii loi about the boat which h said with to laud urrm I lie nest illiv . E LONIhiN, M.iv 17 " n i ii nielli bv tin lililllH ipahl id I liallol leiilnuu, a -iiblllb ol Mil I'll, in teid iliVT Hibabltiillt- for imblle kitchen- re -nUd ill I allure on net omit ol the m-li ot tliou-amU of M'ople for IihhI,' Hiutei'i. Ani-ii nt. nn i "in -poudelit telegrupb. "Ihe illiliearilUee III the -tleet- ol Cliarlotlenburg on Mundav ! Ivvoi mobile field kitchen- known tieiiei ullv us 'goula-h camion. ' wn- the sig nal lor the collection o a crowd es timated bv the lliilin Tugeblatt ut 40110 per-on-." the corre-ioiilenl "The crowd -formed the kitchen-, with the rcult that tin- uiuineiial enterpn-c had to be -Ioihi1. Tile cail-e of the fje-co i -rnd bv the Tugeblatt In be that the fiitcmii-e vva iiiaugiirated with in-iiftteieut mean-.. Th'c ttiagi-trate of Cliurlnt tcnbiiru i--iie a noliee that owing to the m-li of m'oIc it w.i- iiiiin--ibli to di-ti ibuli' IhoiI in the -treel-. 'i'lieic hcic oti!v boo litre- ot loud to hi- i;ivcii mil.'' Indian Mutiny at Suez llKIU.IN, May IT. A niiitiiiy of Hindu troops In Kgpt Is reported by the i ue Zurii her XeltmiK. as quoted lv the ilMi-.oan News Aiieucv. It Is vllil Hill l 1 1 1 llg Hl leient ftghttnK tie IIIX 0nl "' Hindus in llllll f,l1(8 rtf'HM i i ml. i Mid that f IT) i v, ROVE BERLIN SB MYSTERY VEILS DOUBLE C NEAR POILI Mrs. Helen Jennings Killed WhHa Asleep With Blow From Siwtge Hammer Auto Driver RJssIiki, ami Evidently Also Slain Ex-Convict, Formerly Employed, Soutjlit. PORTLAND, Or.. .May 17. A lap robe on which wet spnttered the brains of a human being, believed to lie Hume ot Fred Kistmnn, a Portland chaitlfeiir, wax found by poie- to day near the home of .Mrs. Helen Jen ning. The latter wn found dead in bed at her home near Tunlntiii ln-t night. Although convinced that ;i double murder" in committed, three posses that are searching the vicinity had not been able up to noon to lo cale Kistmen' body. Searchers a 10 found Kieiimin' hat. battered and bland covered, nnd strips of his shirt, indicating that lie had put up n struggle before liein killed. Killed by Sledge. Mrs. denning' skull had been crushed in with a blow of a sleiliro bummer, which was ound beside the bed in which she lay. ApMrentlv -lie bad been killed while asleep. It is believed that Kisttnnn was killed with n wimilur instrument. Offiecr of MultiHMmth and Wu-li-iugtou counties today were bending every effort to locale the man who employed Witinnn late .Monday to drive him to the seene of the trniroih. Iteunet Thompson, an ox-convut, who hauled wood from .Mr, .lenini.' form during the winter, is bein sought. .Xuur I ho seene of the nui -der searchers found tolay a cam paign curd which n defHity sbenlf identified by markings ou the hack ,i one which he said be hud uiveti ThompM.n lust Monday. The e.u.l w covered with blooL Fiibiiovvii Man Souglit. The discovery of HistmanV blood beMitlered automobile lute ve-tei-dav near Mrs. Jennings' honse led to Ihe finding of the woman's bod.v. Late Monday an unknown man en gaged Itlrtlmnn to drive him iioiu Portland to Mherwoml, which i mar Mr. Jennings' fnim. He said he hm a well driller and carried n bundle of tools, in which In supposed to havu been the sledge hummer thut u.i.. u-ed to kill Mrs. Jennings. Histm.ut ha- n wife living in Portland. The Hiliee believe that RiMuuin'-t tiodv . hidden in Ihe brush and a thorough -eareh wo -tartwl to.l.iv. "' Thomp-on, an ex-eonvi. i, known a- "The Lone iTighwiiv ni.ui,' i- In iii -ouirlit a- the po--ible -Inv.r. It i- Inovvii tlmt Mr-. Jenninu- ii p i Ii d In- altention-. ORPET TO TESTIFY W XI hri.W, III . Mm i; . s,,.. Hon of ur In the trial of Will Oruet. former University of Wiscon sin student, charged with the murder or Marion Unibert. Uke Forest blh I 4,ltft.hl Ull'l IMNllni.oJ L.... M... . r""i "ii"""" iuu'. mfifl tentative Jurors have been .ectr from Hie first venire of t:tii u a neu- venire a-Oj called tods). The moat Important developmenta in the case slnie It ent to trial o,' curred ye.terday, wheu Oriiet'a f tornevs announced their cllmt sevilij tesllfv lu his ov,n b.half ' Orit was the oul vltutun to the drlU of the alrl. :.ll other evidence Wtnff considered circumstantial. His riory Is considered as ot the urcmst in tairtanre to th- defen,t Slue's Attoni . xf. i)4,i, an nouuciid ester(l,vy'that Mtss Celestn Youker, the Dekalb. Mil. bc.o( llsiliei lu whom Or pet SUjd Ut V?a eiu-uu"d, lll appear as it state's Wlf, ness. . COMMITTEE TO VOTE ON BRANDEIS SYE0NES0AV II OWN BEHALF WAslHXHTOV, 17. The iiiiiii.ilinu ot I. oui- l llraiuiii- to l In - ipreine . mil i w ii I !, , i, .. i i Ii I . .1 iv n .1 II, ,1 t. ' e .(! H i ,t