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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1916)
flpjypmrp mm TOmrNR mdttfotw, rmrnoy, monttw may r. PXHTC T?TR7CT!I , ft r A E FOREMOST IN FIGHT If INDIANS AIN LI AS FIELD IlKAlHJlWHTKKS. NKAK XA.MllJl'll'A. Chihuahua. Mi... Mn.v 8. Twt'ittj wur-innd Amu-Iip Ituhiui trailer took a pruiiiinvnt pint in tlu recent bnttli' nt Ojiw Azulcs nivnrrf ini? lo rcpoit brought hen- today by nl fieciw. The (D)tHtoini,iit is tbo fir-t in which tln Iwlinns brought hero ro rentlv from the White .Mountain 10 orvntion of Arizona, hnve jmrtii'i pntod. SliriokiuK shrill, wionl wnnvhoops the trailers rode nt the head of the rlnirxiiiK troopers of the eleventh ciivnlrv as thev swent through the town. Thev dt'inoiwlrnted their ninrkxninnship with si.-hooter., kill ing h goodly number of the fifty-fhe Ct Me.vionu victims. The defeat of the Mexietuis wan (Hiiplete. Two ('iiirflii.n soldiers from the hiiimII gnrrNon at Quieoehe nniwiiK at the Amerienu eamp nt San Autonin JnM Thursday moiling gnvo ftetieral I. .1. 1 'craning, the expeditionary t eoiuuinnder, the flint irititniittoti of the prommee of tlio Villains at Ojos Azulen. Deuernl I'owliiiiir iiniiieili ately ordered Mnjor Robert L. IIowxo with xix "'eked troops of eaNalry Ronth in pursuit, l'oor guide, delnved the column', nrrixnl at t.i's Aules until i1.i.Ii(lif, cuiililiiii: a Villa -rntrv In discover their apprmn li and cir the al.irtn. ASHLAND AND VICINITY Senator Cuinmtns (if Iowa, a prenl dentin! axitrant. Mill apeak in Axh land on l'rllnv afternoon of thl week, .Mn 12, hIho ut Medfuid on the ovoiilng ot the tutmo date, and at CrautM Pa on the Thursday ovoiiIiik previous He romeit here under hub IiIcom of the local Cummlim I wig no. Tho rally huic will prolinhly lie held in the CIiiiutuiKpta buUdline. The Initial ma ml concert by tho now bund will occur In I.ltliltt pnrk on Wednoftday evening of thin week, weather pennlttliiK. Carl I.oveland It not only dliector of the organiza tion proper, hut Ik mImi couching over thirty yoiumnter In the null iiiuntt of tooting the horn, piellmln xry to the formation of a hoy' organ lintlon on a permanent baU. A fluul reminder I to the effect thai the ml tonHthcr meeting and banquet incident to the formal reop en Inn of the Hotel Oregon ocpum on Tuesday evening, May . Tor which function elaborate arrangement are halng (perfected. TliU In not a gath ering "for men only." Inasmuch u the lad! will be present In goodly number aa per special Invitation. Last Friday evening special evan gelistic meeting ware held for men and women. A delegation of Med I'o'ril liantUU wore in attendance. On Sunday afternoon there waa a Rath orlnv for men only. The only discord ant note tliua far In collection with tho movement hna emanated from Kldcr Ilenjamln Tabor, of the Sev enth Day AdvenlUt cult, who taken exception In public print aa to meth ods adopted by Evangelist Mathla, ' the subject matter of which is too lengthy to publish in this correspond ease. However, the meetings are going right ahead with even rouewed Hclh-lty. in spite of the criticism of Ilroilier Tabor. On Sunday morning there waa a gathering which taxed the capacity of the big (ubernaele. The discourse was chiefly an argu ment In behalf of bringing children under Influence or the gospel and not expending all effort upon the older ones. L. Tetera, cotuplalntant, and K Itol'lnsou weut to bat In nn assault ud battery case tn Jocal courts on Friday, the former appearing consid erably battered up. The latter was fined 10, which is the usual butting average in recorder's court league. Will Gordon and family, who for merly occupied the Wells ranch east of town, sometime slure removing to Iowa, are now loaded near Ktuei vllle In the northern part of thai atate. To their former land holdlna thore the) have added another f.irm by purchase, and now own one of the boat half sections In Km melt comity here realty values are approaching the 1150 iter acre sum. Mrs. Baldwin Beach has been vis Ming her grandson. Earl Veghte. at Klamath Falls. She has rented her house on Gresham street and will go to Los ngeles this summer for a prolonged stay. Mrs. Qeorge Millner has returned fpor; visit to her husband who Is Employed in the g. P. construction service and Is at present at Weed. (Sihe continued her trip to Klamath (Halls. visiting the family of her brother-in-law. Rev K. C HKhard. Methodist puioi of lhat fU Mr Jil'l- j a cl-ll .1 1 ol t'k.itl- .-.. t ' Tl . ... same time. He was also instrumen tal in Retting Mr. Mtithls to visit the Pacific coast on the proseut tour. A meetliiK of phrilcs liable for pledges made In behalf of the Poly technic school, an inotltutloii which was never poljtechnlc and is now de funct, was held at the Commercial club rooms on last Friday evening. For several years past local banks have been holding the obligations of a number of subscribers to scholar ship certificates as security for loans. In earlier days when expectation was rife as to Polytechnic development these certificates were quoted as high as IlLTi each on the Ashland educa tional exchange, but like British con sols have depreciated a trifle. Fol lowing a general discussion over the merits of the situation, 30 subscrib ers to certificates almost without ex ception agreed to settle on a basis of $Gi eacli on an understanding which was mutual as between nil con cerned. After singing a polytechnic ode in polyglot mette to tho refrain of "Never Again!" the meeting ad journed, pursuant to call of the finan cial instltutiona to 11. S. V. P. in connection with mooting tho Individ ual liability as above mentioned, the Interest on tho same' having for some time past been assumed by the Com mercial club under the, auspices of which Gibson's Pobtochulc Institute was organised here. The last of the week Capt. W. K Hlakc. nccnmpnnled by Sergeants Don Sponcer and I.ea Porter, Corporals Alf. Payne and Oro Dleheit. and Prl vnto Prescott, nil of First Co.. C. A C, left for Kiigene, having been sum inoned there to pass a federal exam ination relative to military tactics at the hands of Lieut. Shlppen of tho regular army, who Is stationed In the university town. Miss Agues Daiiford, daughter or Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Danford, return ed Saturday after an absence of two soars In Aluska. where ho has been teaehlng In an Indian school under government auspices, the school bo dor government auspices, the school being located at Metlakatla, on An nette Island. In this particular lo cality Lo the poor Indian is numeri cally over 700 strong, made up of the Tslmpshoau tribe. Father Dun can, now sr. years of ago. and u pio neer In educational and mlssionai work in Alaska, has been connected with the Institution, which U a mod el one, engaged in teaching not only the rudiments but also higher branch es of the various grades. Within Its membership the school suiwiorts an unrivalled band of ail piorex. Miss Daiiford will return next High school athletic training here will probably develop Into participa tion In the Oregon high school track moot, at ICugene on .May lit. Claims of Itnseburg In behalf or euteitaiuiiig the fourth annual con vention In 1917 of the Southern Ore gon Federation of Women's clubs are founded on the circumstance ot rota tion, whereby the first gathering wua held at Grants Pass, tho second at Medford. and the third at Ashland. Ashland miners returning from the llungrj Creek district In Slfekiyou county, announce gieat excitement throughout that territory due to the discovery of radium. Charley Con drey and John Kelly, of Vreka, pros pecting on the south fork of the stream, made the find, and are ex hibiting a phial filled with the pre cious inotal whloh is alleged to be worth 11 1.000. On Thursday last Harry Mat lies. rcompaniod by his mother. Mrs. Win. Mathes, and slaters, Mrs. Mary Van dike and Miss Jessie Mathes, motor ed to the vicinity of Phoenix for a visit with the (irlffls family, who the about two miles out from that town on ranch. As a side line In Horticulture Mrs. Donna Gilffis rult. os tulips, not In a commercial io,' but for the mutual pleasure of lut-j self and friends as being interested la blossoms beautiful. One roll--Hon alone on the home place in cludes 700 specimens, variogute.i a to rich and rare effects, and the lix pla both as to extent and beaut) rivula many of the tulip collections cultivated by professional Horticul turists in various localities on the Paelilc coust. The (laiicins pai'O at the N'stator- THE "ENDLESS CHI" OF S. S.S. the Proper Safeguard. CaUnh la a ...1.1' In lu ihronlc form The alt n ttllr.l with b.n trl wbuh in lkn Into tnr month anil nu Ihtougll tliv Jiuvr of birulhlliK Wmu the bvil) ii in u loiiilitiuti lio hurm rtuli IKl with oJr iii"Ue:n mlhuil of Indoor livilitf allJ rrji-iilai tuvuputioim. ttia niutoUK nivintii "- " t'itll n"i bl lu ' UtrwM n lln hanufxl b. tj, making itanh u iy uiiiuioii ullmn( Tli- r jce: i.i lirrnj mid ii.illlpl, iuIik lutlu ttvti. tli boud rutin, lo tliu mriii biull lo It:, lil off Iht- Lai ill Wn.n In blood U l-i tlgoriHi lumlition in "drrnl" rlfuilf me ii ie(lu Uthriwi lit void "bung ui - tuili Into rauirh Ctutrh la ch route lnfUiniu'.ion .if th! iiuuiUrmici U ' " ii. in brftiici are Hi lininc on ll tli iiitn nal tiiiit ot Hi bod i't iii-tt -M.I.' 'llivir i Ihc "eiiiiUaa i). tin' eh im-nt of tlit'iKor '111 I.I ,1 . tu ll i' 'lih III I.; I' rlftf '"- "'1 '1 i a t a. i uiiu last l'rlda evening under the auspices of the au.lllai of the Civic j Improvement club, proved an Ideal .social event. The Natatorluni was decorated to an extent seldom occur ring In Its history. As a lesult of the merry May festival, the ladles cleared over MOO. Mrs. 11. O. Anderson, or CoqilUIe is here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 10. J. Fallow, accompanied by her two children. As Is customary she wtll remain to attend the chait tauqua assembly throughout the loa- t -u V... ntf.. r.illltt..j nu. itiolfn It convenient for residents of the coast section to reach southern Oie gon without Interminable delays con nected with stage travel. A lalny spell on Saturday morning gave way to clearing weather by nightfall, with the result lhat the thermometer recorded a tempera turn of 27 on Sunday morning, the official figures as reported by Louis Dodge, observer at the government station. Prudent grower! of early vegetables blanketed their garden truck patches, while others suffered accordingly. A pact Is being form od by early gardeners, on Granite and Ilauni streots not to begin the planting of seeds classified "extra hazardous" as to frost complications until on or about May 1, excepting those who resort to smudge pieveu tlves. City and nchool authorities nro holding joint sessions over the prob lem of installing a public skating rink, which will accommodate tho unholy roller skaters who have been barictt from walks and paving. The local mineral springs sanitar ium, popularly known as the Nat. was bid In under foreclosure pro ceedings b the non-resident stock holders. The amount paid was $12, 000. n sum considered sufficient In meet all outstanding obligations. It Is reported that Al MacKuoll has sold his slock and fruit ranch located within the Itogue river orch ards tract, north ot town, and will lemovo to Florida to engage in his former trade, that of a millwright. Clarence Alterbiiry, of Tillamook, ex-policeman or this city. Is visiting relatives here The contemplated pleasure trip of tho W. N. S Sewing club, of Mod ford, to park resorts here, which was scheduled for Sunday, was abandoned until the advent of warmer weather. Among local attendants upon ses sions of tho Southern Oregon Con gress of Mathois and Pnient-Teachera associations, held at Medford last week, were Mi Fifle Cssher. Mrs Louise Vvrom. and Mrs Anna Mxei li. It. .In., .iM Mniilv ill ill lied to hoi Central Point home Monday. "(Irandiuu Mimie" hn been vi-ilinu her Min. H. 11. Mie. and wile tor Kcvonil liny. "White' ICnitle," nn kli.l'imui In diiin, reached tin eily la-i Sut -ml n at'teitKM.n. lie is walkm:: fioni m capo around the I'niied St.iti - i.t.l hits us competitors two whit, nun When here the Inst lie In .ml from tluin n ut Mile- it, Mon'.. mi. lie proeurei. po-teaid i. u - .it various pi a e is. along tin- rtit lli IX'gallU attracted unite an mi i-itni i attention aa it had ulni'-t nli mo hues of the rainbow. Ho lott I'lm :- without a cent tVtohcr 111. uuik'ii good time. Hi- low a id ih fio.iiiui. Mr. and Mr. 1,. I,. Stone ilepnitiil Sunday morning for Fi'iil.uid. i thev will lento for their home at !su (itv, Mis-ouri, hut will return to idold Hill in about a month that Mr. I SlotiO ui.ix r -1 j li it etnir.,,. o the i mi GOLD HILL NUGGETS , INSIST ON THESE i"WW our flora ' i$qpymw flour If jou would improve your baking-day temper and make glad your digestion' disposition, make our flour your fiour Rogue Spray Flour MEDFORD ROLLER MILLS II. O. Nordwick, Prop. Patronize the institution Pa roll in Tto Medford rm. r,. i. t.-,...: a t. u -miction work of the limit l!iigiueoi inu Co. ut the cement plant. Pending Mr. SI one': return, It. 1. Tucker is still in ehni'ge. At the elose of the rogr-t ration on April 18. Registrar A. .1. T. Smith ropeits: Gold Hill- Totol 280. Men 18.1, women 10 J. Republicans 120, democrats III I, mi-oellatteous HS, Rook Point preeinot Tntul "(I. Men 'u, womeu 11); republican '2, demo crats n, miscellaneous ., Tucsdny 11. II. Aliller, aotinr as lo oti u distributintt agent for the Hit Font eompnnv. s)hipHd ut 11.1 keirs of blasting imwiler to the Fruit Drawer-.' Supply Co. nt II ill. Cntil'omin. Ike Coy, the latter part of last week, while 'shingle-jacking" nt the Mountain King cinnabar mine, injured hi- loll hnnd. With inuflieieut At tention, the member became worse, and neee-sitnlod a trip to Hold Hill hospital on Tuesday. It is How rap idly improiuK Mr. ami Mrs. Floyd (Dolls) Ed dings visited Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Hoaglnnd at ,Seen Oaks Saturday and Sunday. Mix. V. Hoy Sebmmp was s Med ford caller SHturdnv. Mrs. Ivan Simon returned to her home in Gold Hill Thin -day evening from a fortnight' visit at the homo of her parent", Mr. and Mrs. T. A. McCoit, nl llillsboro. Mis- I.elsy Hodges went lo Med ford Saturday morning, where she stK'it several hour, oontintiiiifc her trip on to Alilnnd in the afternoon. She visited with relatives nl the lat ter vlnee until Sunday evening. Work on tlii atreet woik wm tem porarily suspended Friday and Sat urday on account of the weather condition. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh lWtor returned to their home near Central Foiiit Saturday, having; visited friends nnd rclntixes in thi city. George Jneobs returned the firat of the woqk from nn extended trip to Xobrn-kn to settle up inn t ton nt their old home. His ear of furniture and miiehinery nrrived Friday and was hauled out to the ranch homo in Riverside oniony Saturday. Horn-- To Mr. mid Mis." S. A. "Toots" DiixonboiT.v of Saldino ereek on Thursday, May 1, at (I p. hi., a fine baby boy. On Friday uvom'njr, K. II. West lemjer of Uleiidnle ns-unted charge of tho t'oinus theater, in this city. Mr. WeMloador already muuuge a movie at Gleiidnle. He will al-o have nil or-dio-tru of four or five pieces nl bis -how house here. n Sunday lint Mn, and Mrs. Ed Weston and Mrs. Com Reniiett of Med foul niitoed to this oily. They wen- joined hole b Mr. ami Mrs. i. II. Miller, nnd the i,it made the tup to he He Al'ltioiid l.lliih. lieond tiliilil- I'll-.. leliiMiiu li .i ot I lie .li unle ill-1 1 n I I torn To Mi .. .1 Mi- ;. .!. When You Want Something rarliculary You can always disappoint you. doubly certain nothing is left to "luck." If the batter is a little thin, K C will raise it light and feathery and it will be all the better. Jarring ihc ftove or turning the pan around makes no differ ence -K C sustains the raise until baked. fiSfEBr-" When there's a to b ike, or refreshments to provide, take no GOODS ARE MADE IN THE ROGUE RIVER VALLEY- KEEP THE MONEY AT Phono 507 that maintains tho Largest ' Mi-dfurd. Printing Co. '. "Di... i :.. A.... .. .. t:.i ,. Ititur ol Sardine clock, on Mux .1. nn eight -(Hiiind Kill. The Gold Hill baseball learn plnvod the Eagle Point Imy last Sunday, re- suiting- in a score of 111 to 1, in favor of the local team. The batteries were: Eagle Point, Abbott nnd Mentague: Gold Hill. Miller and Eddings. The visitors' lone run wn umde in the' fir-t half of the third inning bv Will Lewis. The Gold Hill boxs are grad ually working up n fine team. Eaulc Point's battery ttraok out five of tho visitors. The out-of-town bovs boomed to be out of luck, as one of them said something about knocking it right into our linnets ftlino-t oxen time. Eagle Point, nt lint o'2, hits .; Gold Hill, nt hat -18. hits 2X ' C. W. MnHiit of the C. O. P. h.i- been in town this week superintend ing the iwle line woik west of tlu- eity. S. I lull lt5ion was in from the Mend-, ow ott SHturdnv. He 1ms rceeutlv purchased n rich einnabar mine m that district. The ifiano contest ia finally over, after about four nuintli' work. The resull of the highest seven eoiitosi- nuts (there were seven giwii nwny) were: Pearl Shnuks, tl".?"')1 ..; Tvue Lvimtn. :i:l.!)l)'J: Mmviiet Chis- holm, IllviOO; Agnes Fiivpou, 12.HJ'.; I.ctsy Hodges, J 1.800 ; Dolores Kol sey, 10,100; IlHgul Knott, bli;,. C. S. WtHidv of San Friuiei-eo sjent several day in (own the hitter part of the week. Mr. and Mr-. W. W. Col I roll lmxe gone to Skagit, Wash., to mako their final decision as to trading their Meadows much for property in that vicinity. Miss Daily, who has been for some time nt Mrs. Hill Cottrell's homo, su tniued n Miinfiil injury to her hand and bns gono to Medford for treat ment. Quite n few of our young1 men are finding employment nt the mines now. Ptirm work in gelling fur enough ad vanced to simre them. Mr. Huekeixmitli of Medford, who recently purchased the Wyland ran oh, is slopping nt the home of his daughter, Mr. David Cotliell. Diuiee tiiiltirtlny night nl the Pom eroy borne. Our mail earlier en fried ns nn out going passenger Siituidiiv iiioi'iiiiur Snmiiel lloitlcson d' Tneomn, Wash., who has mk'iiI the Htt ten diivs m tile mining di-tiiet. He cxh-cU to return early next week. Di-o llul-oii is now oKrnling a piiek-ihor l-etort on Evnns ereek, nenr the Itv lice dam. I'i-li nie luiiipiii.' iii ptelty fair -li.iie Ini lm- .ilony lln t'loek this W I k Nice depend upon K C not to 1 he double raise makes birthday or wedding cake for reception or party chances THE MEADOWS Use K C HOME USE THE PRODUCTS OF Rogue River Valley Cannery The Best Made Help Home Industry. Try Lorjantierry Juice and Sherbets at the fountains and ice ore parlors. For GALVANIZED TANKS OIL AND WATlfiR nnd IRIUdATING Pl'PB Oo to J. A. SMITH 128 N. Grape St. Telephone dUU gWHERHESwwTr GQ9I TONIGHT! Your last chance ante in the 4-reel Gh "CARM HE W HO LAUGHS LAST LAUGHS BEST Carmen is considered the best Chaplin picture ever seen in Medford. If you want to laugh come tonight The Biggest, Best and Most Expensive Entertainment in the History of Medford Movies will be seen at the Star TOMORROW Five Piece Orchestra from 7:30 to 9:30 Movies Made in Medford (The New Ones) HENRY B. WALTHALL The Mansfield of the Movies and EDNA MAYO in the V-L-S-Ii big special production The Misleading Lady If you ever got a quarter's worth for 10 and 15c, you will get it TOMORROW. Don't miss this one BLUE RIBBON DAHLIAS Over 150 varieties from which (o make your selection GLADIOLI C ANNAS All home-grown stock TWENTY PER CENT DISCOUNT from Port land prices on all orders amounting to $5 or over Eden Valley Nursery Phone 457 P Don't Let This Opportunity Go By Von an1 luinlU II U U to Iiiivp Ibe i iiiinri' to proilii 'i' -u Ii u urudo of mill woi I, al Km h inoiii-y aaviim prlceit In a long hile to come, if over. Ho if ou want to prov your .thrift and good Judnniattt eem at ouf and ( your thara of the iav Iuk. Thli la a caso hen- the moi OU Hpfllll I til' IIKlll' son HUH. RODUCTS MEDFORD SASH & DOOR CO. Ask Your Grocer and Butcher ysSTSSo, . They Are Home Grown 4tWSOf?P r .j jaaiwa'Tii - l - to see the best burlesque on EN" 610'2 E. Main St. HOME 'r .Wl They're (lie Usi Ever Chaplin ; 'M&'lv 'JZ&w Woir UTv1 t-. i.' r lilt" xjrsi, x.jiii'i t nun i-iuiib in uii' 'u n'uoiuu m , ! Portland. , , l , I; " III ,...--- '. 'ir . ' i I an ft Dy . :.j v .1 .in i jsj ,