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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1916)
PAOE TWO ftrenpoim maiT, frrcir.ryrc; M'rcnFOftt), oi,rco. moiy. my , mm ! . . m ' 4 u o o -T TOCALAND PERSONAL I,. V KiImhi, of ( m willl wlii-re hi1 Iihk been iik nt ror Ibe I'nlon Oil eontpam, him uri-lved to take charite of (he arils hiiiI tiinkH (or the rom in In Medford. lie will bo anetit anil loral immnner for the I'nlon OH company licri', Mn nervlce to begin whpn the plant xlmll hiivi hern In stalled. Work on tht toiler will bo completed probably thin week. Mr. Kelson lo nrrtlv pleased with Med ronJ im an attractive little rlty and nt an active bitstnens renter. D Voo nlvnn trading stamps with everything pxrept groceries. .1 I. Crllili, nalcsnian of tin- To Imcco Company of California, wan u Medford vlitor Sntwrdav and report mi itirrenu'ed 'iil- of tollmen lif rep resent. 'Br'rinH I. a Marquis i-Ir- arUM. Oct your old straw hat cleaned. Madt to look Ilka how. Panama. r.Oc. Straws, 2 Be. Flrstclas work. 48 8. Central ave., ono block from Main. 10 Dr. F. C Page returned this morn ing from a iioaincs rlsit to Lo An noltm, California. fjet your milk, cream, buttur, egg HBtl buttermilk at lie Voe'a. O. A Wilkinson, or tod Uluff, Cat.. Who enJoed a sojourn wllli friend In thin valley In February, relurmil this morning to tarry another weak or two. Mr. Wilkinson In Indirectly Interested In the proponed develop ment In southern Oregon thin year. Ha I watching Ike altuatlon with MHeh Intereat. Typewriter paper of all klmla at Medferd Printing To. A band of gypsies are encamped lH tewn, much to the annoyance of many people, chief llittson will jirabably teaeli them what the Ore gon adrift la. When he tella them to go. ha will not hub! the atop-walch Oil tliotti. See Dare Woods abont thai fire In wrawe policy. Office .Mall Tribune Itlilg. . AhIo driven who enmo fiom Cal ifornia with pasiKmgor loom lit their care ara said to be taking on load of iNtaaeiigera at llornbrook, and us- Itg Diem fur the purpose of getting oyer the line with a full allflwautte Hf liquor for the crowd, If they de- Ire to earry liquor with them. There ! probably ho law that will reach ItH'h raw, but the ruse temla to i4lw Imiw fertile are the mind ol those who look for loophole ihrouKb which to evade the prohibition law. Postage stamps at I) Voe'a. Tim Hauthcrn Oreaon Poultry a- ialion NHtpoiied IIh buHlneaa meet- ini M-liedulod for tout Hnlunln until ni-il ilHtiiidat, Mm Hi The weather .n lot lenient lam Haturdiit. On account the membera did not ri titer In Mifflrlent number to make i good attendance. The huatueaa of tint meelliig next Mattirday ran not sal ely Im deferred longer. It la of meat Imitortanee, If the iieopie of thla iity ami valley dealre to aet-ure the -ti Kultry ahnw next fall. Let the Med ford Tranafer Co., do iii draliiK and hauling. Both trin k and team erice. Phone US. 12 -pedal meeting or the Met ho-ti-i church will be held at Talent i us evening. Kev. Malhla will ad-.iin-h thi) congregation, leuting hi i.iiili II tie oik .it bl.inil one . i.nitir fur ilmt i . i t -. Sic imiiMi' ll lie fiirnl-ht'il in Mia It nit i A H I n 1 1- , Xntirev 1'iirn mill Vi ili iir Itone J. o. Qerking, ta Wat all arM ihotographar in aouthera Oragoa. .Mwaya railable. Negallvaa wads aay MhKie, tine or place, gtudlo tit Main Mf. I'bone 82HJ. I (' I'. II ' Vli .nlilWr in li- 'nih iiuiii - i'iiiili'U "la li ii. i 'iMinrh in I ii vliiilil, i mi Mill "ill IoiIhj on l"i linsn In . mini i lli'il . 1 1 i tlie C' mil; til I 111' piii-n'l Hon ' urn i.i Sliop foi I, '.. 1, 1 1 llu Inn .mil Uiulnk -iii'i'ln- IVI III V I Mil Ink l .1 , I 'I.I llll III .11 " ' I. Hill t II I. I . iliiin ii w i lllllllllll' It tin .il . ' M. I UlHl o - n .'.i nl i.ulil 111 I vt tin i n i -.11 tn M' .11..' 1 1 llll- innli.i:. Mi -lil III i-.n .i n Im i Hill i'h In ,. I.' I - it I'l'l'l -" i .1 IIIH il ( 'llM'lH. Ill I .IIH It I II K ill. I II. I . III! lu.lli to III Ik !'l H llM'U:.. . It .ml Ml 1 . A II4HMHI Hi I . Illl.ll I'.' I aitlt I Mi 1. in .1 OH 111 III11I lllliK ,1 "I' III-- III 1 In I 1 H'-. I - 1 I 1 I In II iU' linn mn - a 4lit lilu in 1 1 mi .lime ii) w.i r. .11 11 it .not Sun ItllOIII Il 1- lit llll II . rm . to . i n t . .i o i tr ii k ii C'luta o 1 1 Tie i uifi'iitiu bo In lo in iih I ii . v i Hill, rill . H)i oi i mil' Ill I II u Il 1 III! - I I UJ.Hi W ill 1l l,ll-l TM . 1 1 1 lull. I II. - Il M I lumbers .mil fiten.l- an i,i . , i. .M I., 'v. . ;ti. I U' I' i: WwuooU, wlin lui- .111 (in li ird and snall farm on Hip Iihpl of Itow Ann. cHino In till morning on liiinlneR erranda. Mr. W'uiroop . lilu losa will he nrvere In aomr thlngx in B POliaeqiienre of the front on Huiidat morning, lie Imd It on flnn looking tomato iiIriiIh whlili uere rut to (he gronuil Ills urai"' lire il(Htro)od, alno, but IiIh prachrx nnd iiprlcotN iame tbroiigh with Icnh than a rift) percent lona. nallia 2T.C. Hotel Holland. Mr. and Mrs. !'. K llajen iirrlwd Sutiinliiy morning from New Orloann to remain. Mr. Ilavoa Iiaa boon de veloping an apple orchard in the Oriffln rroek dlxtrtct for several earn, while lit' attended to another htmlneHM In New Orleans. He and Mrs. Ilayea will remain pormaiicntl) la tliolr valley home. "' oH on ICodaka at Woiton's Camera 8ho. It A Graham, of Kt Paao. Toxbd, nrred In Medford thin morning for u Niijoiirn oi io or uirfi- www, in" nays that he ban made monoy enough In Kl Pano to Justify Ills making a home In n bolter clliimte. Dr. Klrcligrmnnor will lie. nt Hotol Naali every Wodnoadny, Hours for cotiaultntlon 10 to 3. George Plavnl. of Cholmlli. Wflglt., aeiompanled by Mra. Flavol, who nr rlved In .Mod ford Sunday, will visit with relatives In Hits elty and with friends lit oilier parla or llio valley for womelline. The ttorld'a grealnsl coniimnloa Holmes. TI10 liiaiirHiice Mali. All women who wish to Join the Greater Medford elub'n First Aid and Hed Crona Sewing club will please be at the public library nt 3 o'clock Tuenday, May !. flinnke a King Spitz cigar. !ic. Thev are homo-made. tf The Medford Shriller will have aa honor gueata at a dinner, danco and card party at the Hotel Medford, Monday, May IB. at X o'clock In tho evening, the Ashland Shrlners. ISIab urate preparations Iihvo tiueu made for this occasion. - Sweet potato plants for sale. Jtml dox A Iloimey. S7-H. 1 1 The following low rales on the Southern Paciric In llogito river val ley, all appblng to Medford na well aa fiom Medford, arc now In ferce: Medford to Ashland, round trip, ' eents: to Hay Gold. "() cents; to Gold 1II1I. i0 cenls; to Kogue Itlver, 70 cents, to Grants Piihs. vfi iciiIh; to Merlin, f l.2."i; tn Gleudale. $2. The Medford baseball team is especially pleastid with the establishment of these rates. Your lawn iiiowei' iiwunliin ltari tied at Mllehella. Phone S20-.I. .1 It Welsh, of Siiokane, a rail road builder, is In the city Tor a la vIkIIIiik with friends. To bis tlslt here nl this lime Is attached some MiKiiiflcuiice, as he has been identi fied with the Hill interests in north west. Gates sells Kord can. (300 dowii and 2'i u month. Haxel M. Chllders, of San Frati- elseo, Is visiting in Medford for a few days. lllg 6c inllkiliakHtf at I Voo'a. O Ttndell, of Kugene. Is a Med tord visitor fur a lew davs on host ueas. The Foreign Mlsslonar mmIi'I or the M K ihiirch wtll giu it paueanl called "The King's Hlghwa" on tiun la evening. Ma 7, the cast to con sist of fort) women In oriental cos tume Music and recitations will iniiUi' All interesting program The uiinuul thanks offering will In taken at this time u J (' Moore and J " Hurch Die latter the president of (he tlcuwr I'oitluud tVmeiit tompuin 111 Gold Hill, airlved in Medford thin moru Iiik. Mbere the) III tarr for a du or 1 mo 011 business Iir. II I'erilval llarurave ho Iiiim Ini'ii co 11 Illicit tn his home Willi lllticsrt for two weeks, Ik out attain to .ia. Out not vt't able to take hold of iniHUfM etv vlaorousl Clint Gttllatiti has iinepled a io- iiiiui in llu- guU butticrshop M I. MiMitMoiiicM has rei hi lied ioiii u hionlhs' vihli Willi lc- i lirowuskille In l-tiiii rouuiv. till IMke Hros of I'hoeiiU weie tr.iiiKdittug iitisinehs In ibin citv to dii I 'unl muster I-: 1 Kind of tiluiil , .mi. down to Medlurd tbin alieriioni' to beat the or. HOI 4( Hie t i mlit. at will, h prominent imlill. il upcakirii will a ild ten ibe Woo. In..1 WIImmi league and it ti tends llmmiiinl KiHmiiiliiiH'Ht No I H" acres, s ml from Mid foul. lmt 'i'i"! tir- iod C4i Ii4uliui dlsUU'C, g'init I 2 of Un I i -ii ic frmed wiien titan-.!. I'c.u-i ui lujxi hog atl tgtile lat'ue in uuu t. mmf tmiiroveiiieal- vo lii .ii mi f iiii frniii! '"" "" I ro.Mt, gl'OJlt H9I'' Wood . l bitiiiinn iiimae. about id .ui'o.- '..i lam ism!, miens om i-t cl. U-;, and cattle Hinge l'hoiie ! '. 1 l or al Jii Wvl Main -t jm ' too ivti i'o riAJeiiT4 i i - X.' -i.i" hS.l "" --rn KOIt SM.i: i : J e tine "wtiuiiiui. .I'm it II". .in 1 oli. te' bm . i I. Mi .('0 't I (! IA) I" I m.l ' '. W " AT STAR S2 mm Tin' ii'iii iliin.iv in I lie upcra, "('111 men," i Irenleil with int u- much icrioitniic-'K iih in the real piny in Clmrlie ('liaplin' liurlciiic on "( iirmeii, 11 tnnr-part li'iitiuc no luceil liy I'Xhiiiii.v ami I lie only gen uine Chaplin feature to Ik obtained. The eene ii tlie drnmntie nuiment wlieu Hun Joc, ruined and 11 luvitie lliroii'li the tiiUc mid iiiseriiitluii ('iirmeii, liuil- her in .Madrid, where -be IniN I led with Hipiilfir toreiidor. Theie lieMtuliK her and cud" Ium own life. The unl in curried out in ier leet earliest ami one is given 11 real drainalie thrill and in liiviniiiiig to ho llo c be t looking at truu'ciU, when sinliletih the -lam inuple n-e to their feet and ('Implm Miiiilmglv how- tluil lii- knife i 11 -tunc knife and the blade slip., into the bundle instead ol' filing tliroutfh the heart. The miiI-dcniM-K ol' the turn iicrculimlcM the eumedy and lcae- one in a uale of laugliter. Will be -linwn al SHr theater ouaiu tolliullt. WATF.H TURNED ON IN HATCHERY DITCH 1 1 Hupi I llerrbiu has the a loo fet of tin tin- uml the tUMl fe.i of illicit nl He Hind' 1'ieck flhh hulche.-v lompbii'd and will turn the wat in toilai Work will lu iMiHiiiii 011 the PoiiiiiIh mi hiiih' 01 I be 1 1 rood HhIi can lie sent there ami to prepare ror ex tensive feed 1 11 a of small 'rv this er. ('Aim OF THANKS U e wish to thank our muni friends for their kindiiess and symimtl. and the mau beuurlrul floral offer ings, at the death or our lot lug father Hit .1. II WHHSTKIt Mi WIKK 1 ' 'i AGED GRANDMOTHER Su Weak she I mild lliiulh Munil lmle Sliiitm l. ,i ItlKlll Inn in Mi .1 1 oi .1 e b.t.. seen such ec. I'eni i.'ilti iroui Vin ol that It Is a pleasure to know it Is doing so iuikIi nod llll old people in other purls of the iountr. N iHiilbrldKe, N i ruiidtini was teiovcriiij; limn Hie mlppe and was kO weak -lu uml. I li.inlli stand, and as site keep Iuni-, loi m fatbei ami ui self, sit, lould not mi .uouiul al all Hbe had iiikeu m.l Iher oil and mau other iiii' , mh notb lug keemed to do hei .un uood. At last we be.ird of Viliol .nnl Hied II 1111,1 uiiindiu.i louinii'lli I'd to leel bet ter tultt ,ia .ilnl iil -.timiK vr MIOII. SO lie Kit-. illOUIIil ll Mill .ir- ttt We .ill i'i le X'tiiul lor It I- splendid uii.ti.ln,-' Mutle II Hiiiiii Tlu n.i miii VI mil i-. i -.uci i --iiul ii ieiorliiK sireiiuth in ilu a... .1 l- uC.HlKe of tin- rale t oin'-Hi it imi of lm, lion, the iiuiitni Miucthcs of rn -.h m.l- ln.i- e, l"'l lone and mild i.imh in. It - uili - Iron lo tli. h .m.l , i, K.-u t ..- .ii.lltt' ilii..tUm mute- i ,mt iIiii l.iliitti o1 .Mid ell 1 1. Ik f the I.hi.I ,iu.I .,ii K III.' -in in 111 .'I i li- v .''! ' M. ". I I' i mi .. ' rn nnnrn tnr rv nn '" ""- JJ"u ur Also Ouiiimi Pifjiniq and Aitrring I2B E MAIN UPSTAIRS " ' ' ..... M .If AfiM li!ICi lrtl'iro ii,illlJli3 IIIWIVI.l i HOUSES DAMNS. GARAGCS, VArHINERV. E.TC. Phiinr 4SR-M ...I. . 'o.'.l. f ..llu V 1 1 ' Il l hits n.?.:. t jvnioiBfy J' iuu VJUWOiO jPI2 S- N aMwii, 7i7 W' I Jill StJ 1 10 ' Spi'iiUInK nl limns ,iiii rltii'H that were built whfillv on the dew lop- nient of iiili)ln Intei ests and main tained actively l the operation of the iniiiBf." said .1. T. Sullivan, rail road builder. iiiiliintrbillBt, pnbllc Hilritcd citlien and late manager of the Itogue Itlver Canal compgnv, ' let me give you another instance of that nature. It Is the Inception Hid growth of ItOHsland, 11. C, es HMitlally a mining city, having no other resource, iiaturul or otherwise, without the mineral deposits there. a rullroad or any other sort of high w.n would never have been thought or and without the railroad the town never could havo boon built. Although in a mountainous region, mn enough limber Is found In that whole rogloii to supply the local de mand. It has an nltltiide of 1000 feet and a population of flouo. (old Wns IHm'iucihI, "August Deluxe built the first rail road, 11 iinrrow-guage, Into Honalmul from Trail In 1 tn7. This road did so well In a biihlness wrv that It was bought by the Canadian Pacific and staudardliMid. There waa a smelter al Trail. Ore of ordinary grade, omiMtrnd with some of the high grade ores of this district, waa found in sufficient abundance to Justify de velopment. The latter waa Impos sible, without transiiortatlon of the oros to a smelter The easiest pos sible route for a railroad from Trail to Itossland was rough, mountain ous and difficult of construction. In the proposed route from Medford to the Ditto Ledge district there ia not oxen a suggestion of 1 he engineering problems that had to bo solved on the Itossland line. Construction work wns expensive, but miners, some of whom are In Medford today, had found gold - and ct the ore bodies uncovered were not worth a cent un less thoy could be taken out uml treated. So (he Hood Wits I Till It . "There wu 110 delay with cere nionv In those dins. I fa" and 'ands' never built u iiiiiwav. Knglneors found a route It required 11 pile of m mm PB MING REGION iom to baud tin- Hue, but it waajropolilun winter thut stands as a I"11 of ,h" business oi It- outljlng dls iilli. Then tin- mines were de-, proud imouiiiimuI to the proi-revive ,r,,,s sbould be c.itibd Itallr.nuln mo b veloped. and with the expenditure of that energy and mone there arose. a mountain miiiiblp.ilin of strength, i M'rlb growth mid u.ilili lources witlilti cas reach in ever "Todilt Itosstiitlil two io.uIh, respei t execpt utock range uml wheal a braucb of the Hnik.iue l-'alls k area Spoi.uue went I ' miles to ili Norllicill, known .is the lied Mouu llrsl mint i. Ours lie willlin lei-r tlllll brilllib, III! Villi; li.'i II llli-.iili'lll. til-Ill one tlllr.l of the dlhlllltcc. Slid ly const iu ted to help mm a .mi. the kanr'. ri-ouii are scattenil o.i imiueiise lonnage of miuiim dis-,nn eMeusive tcnHor. muib of it dll trbt mid let me tell o that II is j llcult of access. Ours lie in a ilus far Infeilnr to this dWtrlii In extent ter of rich mining distrbfs .nnl vu-i of ore Imdli s, rlcbuexH of oits mid ' fore-ts of merrbiintiiblc timlx-r, all euse of aicesslhllltt, arcnidlni; lo the compaiatiw l ea ut de'loiiin nt Judgment of old-lime miiictx who .Main other resource!, of lesnel ln.iK know boih mllilllii reuimi- This it 1 1 1 nit lint ol ri aler Vlllut He i Iiim- V r T OUR PATRON vSAY THE PAGE ALWAYS MAINTAIN IT HIGH STANDARD t : , I rarsuMb. THlBs,aBiXl k . i mi ..:' Henry w I "l.." i Tsuri Aok I ..x teA Beckoning Fl ? . .rTtat, ?)..JiM -. -nr r joe i ramp x - ! Th AT . ... TT . 1 A a vfrirn li.nrYrn tArn&r l-cr "fhwer" brings hearty lauh Just one V f V - cominc; Clara Kimball Young iu CunilU' ' s I-, i - ihetetnn , 1 not ,1 Oli:i.lll on, il i a conti.iH HohsIuiiiI Is set In a Mist mountain of rock and earn on and rugged iiolnts that nlmost dcf i biiioheIi: our mines He In the cast I v i reach. .(I Siskivoil hills. j Weiillb in SiKikune's Spokane, although It has been ' mentioned Irequentl), Is absolute the re-ull ol liiisineSM foresight, bust-( hi i enig and business enterprise, i Notbini; i rrom mended that location! for ii cltx but the presence of vast wi.-rpuer KQIOK iv w.sie. , lown- site wns purchased vblock comers es. tabllshod and a city of magnificent beauty and wenltli built upon it. "Nobody sat down to wait until somebody else came to do something. KvFTjlNMli went to work concerted!), with one impulse and one purpose. mere was iuni one way to nuiiu a city there, it waa neeossarv to go Into the outlvlng districts with trans portiitlon facllitlea. develop the re sources that wore going to waste and carr the businesa to 8pokiio. It Is business that makes n city. No com munity can prosper without it. "So the few progressive spirit" of Spokane began to build railroads. The Northern Pacific reached that point in Ins I. Its promoters couldn't bnllil branch lines until (he main line had been completed. Honce, A. M. Cannon and Paul F. Moor built ' tho Spokane & Palouse road In order (o capture the businesa of tho rich ' I'aluuse region. They got It. In Another lIiv lion. Spokane people I hen constructed a Hue from that city to Hawnporl to f eiicourftgo development of the groat resources of that territory and earn , the business to their granaries and warehouses. Spokane hud created the market. It got tho business by go ing after It. "H. V. Corbln then came to build einioii ol m i--m- .mn ih- the Coeur d'Alene Hallway & Xavl-1 l,"'K'14' "' ,',,' Wi"" adiinni-ii itnm. gatlon company line from Spokano! r I'mwlurd and Iir. Alunow aie to Coeur d'Alene lake and exteinlod jeiiinlidnte lor election iih dclcuaie- thi enternrlsp frnm tho lakn hv boat to Old .Mission. The first link con necting the Northern Pactfle with the lake was extended from Homer Junction to the latter. "The Spokane Fulls A Northern was the next feeder built. They were all feeders for Spokane. It hud to have the business to develop its aim hit Ion to become a city. These lines extended from the one center, a bar ben sagebrush plain, silt in the mid dle by tho tumbling, plashing Siio kane river, on the banks of which the city of Spokane, a municipality at massive biisinexs structures, a com- inunlO of stupendous business, a met-1 men and women who built It Meiiford mill Its HmiHieew. I "Mcdiord eujo today taster re- 2mJX NOW PLAYING A woiulcrful production, rich in Oriental color and with love scenes between an officer and an Indian princess that are beautiful and pathetic. and the big comedy f.miou! V.iudtviUian" in the 4-ricl Keystone thriller II 11 a thrill t'cry thrill ends in a happy sensation atter anotiur. MrOhORDS LtADiNl' MOTION TiCuRE THEATERZI: HOS 10 11. ' A! il TONIGHT on ill. i i! . Me.Mold. ,i-le.l l.x he i... ...b. i .. ,. ,. .,. )iimu in ,1(. U1,. ,, , ,1(ll,i ,: w,lcw W.I t ing ut the Kiitntorium lit N o'llmk tonight, tit which Colonel MiH. m . MiMcr. eollcetor ol the I'oit ol I'oit j t1.. H1 llilk rlw,., bv II..- I rrawio.d ., l.a ( and In .1. Hi. it. . Mniivu. of Poillaml V M.iin.u . i r, ,i .1 I.. ,; i -pl'llkl'l - U I I l.ll In ., ti in Iih ill- i le ucmoernlle nutiolliil concn lion. Hood nui-ie. both voenl ami iiitriimcntiil, has Ih-cii vpnieiired am! n liirge audience i expected to ijreel the ioiikci. I about us. Tho vurleiv of Snokaticv resources is limited. "Itogue river valley Is one Si f the most beautiful regions In the world. Its resources are mnnirold. Hut thev ure worth nothing until de veloped. There ia only one a to develop them. Abundant transpor tation Is the first feu t ure In the so lution of that problem. Medford I... ......I.. .1 -. .- ...i.i I. "" """" "" """r i wnicii I alone will iarr It. The proponed ,,n' ,0 ,ll' ""' '. will Mi,, ibe nrst r.' it, r foi .Medford. oilier--, will follow The- will i ,il.,. Medford a proud i-ti It i - mi itnioli - ' Why smoke mi i igars Whn f.a liondnn nre nnlr llio CHICHESTER S PILLS VV- Till'. IflWIONU HltWll. i. r-j-yrjL "-- - jeiir maiiisi j if I v , t . - I h I n K n X .H K'J I'' Mrttrr Hmi nfiaf V :J I I OJOMI 111; Nil I'll I . &. V" fS m j,l t,silM AUil.t i li r rj ny DPUOOISIS CVERWHfRE JJJ' $$ J5 J iroodruit e 1 in the feature PEAK 1 LEAGUE I. , gJMyjUT ame ) JacKson -C:OMING- rvimbull Younji in Camilk' ' .uiiio"v " '"g I in I, l a wiii ' ' "i i lfflnrwmm Alive With tlie National Spirit That Hv cly.qutck-nctiop, hit-the-mark-evcry-time tnstc of "Bull Durham has made it the Smoke of the Service from Mnine to the Philippines. There'g crisp, hrisk snap to a freth - rolled "Bull" Durham cigarette that just suits men of spunk and spirit. t GENUINE SMOKING- TOBACCO A "roll your own" "Bull" Durham cigarette has dis tinctiveness character per. flonnlily. It gives you that wonderful mcllow-sweel flavor and unique aroma which are not found in any other tobacco. LcAia to "roll your own" with "Bull" Durham a fewji trials will do it nnd you'll get' far more enjoyment out of smoking. Ask for FI'.CE pachnr of ''pa pert" ivtth CQ-h oc tack. Auto Service from liable Point tn Medford and Muck The undersigned 1H 1'rnnk Lewis' confet lioiiery e, r day ex cept Munduy for lib Im auto nt 1 o'clock p. in , niiiWiu ut 2:00 p. m. l.eao Nu !i Hotel. Med ford, ut .'. HO p. m., HtrUo I'.hkio Point ut i. ml p. m. A part of the ti.iffle ih ..'licit. .1. S II. ItAUMSH. Knule l'ului, dr. --on. 9 SUNDAY, MAY 14 WEAR A WHITE FLOWCR IN MOTHER'S MEMORY. COLORED FLOWER FOR MOTH ERS LIVING. We It.iM' H UU xll'k ol I'.ili. it. .mil olhet lb'. I - llu . i vl"i mi r. i, . uill. It. - The Floris t WESTON'S Camera Shop j 208 Kat Mam Street, iledford The Ouly Ex.-lusivo Commercial PlintoKiplirrs hi Southern Or e',MJi V Negatives lyfade nr lime or plaits by appouitincnt. Phone 141 o rt-d We'll iy ti.tti e(; i IBulC iSfV? is.-? w 1 .1 . . " " 'l others Day FIERCE V :, D WESTON, Prop,