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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1916)
- T i I jim mx Mem From Om Mdjfctw mmmmm MMy M tuflf ItffcM vt - If!' f i- iM raits ,. mm J 0 It) T me04a" ' mf Aa " 1 llbK U r ti"immm 4 flr r: j;iitk M.rwm '. A Mr ru ftfUft "WhM MI (Mir ff ItM- M t r Nutnlnir tv - ml mm mtxttt o iimwwm mm M 1 V M aapb'' Mr maw) WWW Wmpp? pWpw"v7 awsv,w'. Ahhi j mmmmmm 0 1. 4Mb aBMMl bbb1 . .. .-- I" fonpi jp MPr w v d nr le iw wp- . m - - --- aWnta aaJ .aa! .mmb. -HaMMfabfe fppPWls 'in ppm m : T mmmr J mt . m m mmm ;Ue 1 ? : ijawofi Ua HM gg. a a a to nil a Yw jvg. Maw Hummt. mmm V um. i im mt " ft, ttmm mmm- 1M tbU MMk 9 Mf) rflWm ifRMMIp pMpW lwjpe- pPrsjJ . aar ajnahs mm' nmnmtf saw M Mmmmmrl fwlaiti urn tm mm wmmmmmmmi n inwuiiwi r r JMW WO. WaSBBl SW bi fv fwr ttM- mm wtm mum tumn km" mr mmr'A la II il iM NMK 4ak WftaaME bbbbbbbbWI Btt4WBBBBttlr JHMB ownm mm mmwm m mm mttm Mr mmi mcmmm Wmmm Mmm 4mr m-mbfK Mr. mr Mw m4 Xm Amm iiwiMtiw1 iMmt 1tJtlwH I, taMB, umwImtk mmJ mmmmt itaMnJ li MMXiMiM tm mmmmr ml mm Ummm (Mill mtm. Mr Amt iwavwj m 4llmMiT 4HHHJ W IW IMMM fr DMMM-ii 10 0 mmw lW t loojtftf OiHrtXIt - Mr i i.-th -fiy iwiwt mm mm.- Mm mmM tipBwx wf )paivj aft "Wmmmtmt 4t ttttmtmt " 9tt I mmtmmmm m m0mWmmm 4 mmrmmrmmmmmmwmmmmmmM ht nmmmmimm . mmmmt mmwm mmmmt 4m .mm mwm mm mm wwrmjun fn7 am i4i w ifMw Mr Mf iiIMmw if'Milr nimnn innir mm aw. MM wwmH mm mmm MmtrnXuamt m MM - mmmmmr f mmMmt HW PHMW WHW WV 1"JVW WPWHP H'JM MM kmmw W 4 "Mw ftw MT Mw VmMl Mran4: iri- iv mmMm mum imr mm mm mi mmt tap MpMltppwV wWH ? fMMtMwr tm t rMfWM w AW mW fWPWtPPBppaF pP m?PPP I iww mm oriWf MM uwM wf 11 w-jim8 FRECKLES! K-m U U twr W Ml JIV jj I itit'a! MJH ! (I viMf-nina t t htu 4HMl Wf UHb ir M MIM JMf JM)al MS MV. Uim' MfM M tit4W M iw tMMkMw 4aM Mt)M Mn 'W Hr imMiwr ,Mttt MaV - V4 $MM w ixtuii taaf - ui' ' '"" ' f IKr mi i 11 lifi vwli 1 HIM 1mm pr it iMtw Jp Ip" IMlWtjwWJ' ppRppwWtp ppwSpM Wp1 Mpt mmmWft J nWi 1 1 1N fiwti'titt nVetlrt if the dwehv (Wml , f ivi nl(t it ttl' I'lliirr'h fl V ltMe--rf, .M1IMV I'"" i----tft- t r.M 111 pavf ,W r'n' fj:w, rtd .vewftMv 9PK Plif miwibThip !!m jwp fnw imwtvtr. to- te. a. e smWimm w9a ji'iiiifipvf' t mu mw ni " tvr. mtmfmff mmv w? wmw itwwwn irdf r h vr, iiwwlf iwri ftmmtmmr tmmw fUMP HiM' rtnwMMtf ni ittMFfafrAtittmrifc "wHft itts W. IV. fiM4MQr vpifMi'' rtbf&0 trniimtH. 9 ww- i tittnr irtH W. RIm w0tf09m MMV HlW iW Iwt UMHr rtr WWwWW W " rllWMIPt' "i K ML w. jKw mp r , Pi flWwta' j r . K AMfiSnl 1 ...iii WllfWIw'IW' i( twl' SWiNllI tf,iMHi Phi- ( "rtmifiHH' rtm in,fk' dMi wmrtmiiiniii', A; . tfnm w&vw&m iftiipmw iMiil 3Ht rtttiriW (f iiwwHmfi itamtnMwir tut Hmkpv At mw- miNl MwIImM mm i l(Hil (ffliinMly Hl wW MMff PIP9HMfp r i4m m iwniii iw .lrtiwJ; liMiWWP WW 1W tmmmw 'mmmUvy' MW WfWM LAr inrtWwiHM nttHHwwHi! ffmr xim mit imj iflnf wffvfw )m4w imUmhiumI mm Mfiji ffnm f iffy t junwr Tn4tlw fMt 1U- Ha. .jUwhmhhmII - "' - " 11 - Kr nmmww iwMMMMtMli RNffalA, W. If. MrJMir will "mm- mm iwnin41 Hm- hm tNmi IH Mwmii0 imawmOiii jwmj 4Kn)lMlltf itVMM llMMUMMr lAtMB: MMniMiU' liHNi itMMinn- MtnMtaVtf1 Hf mm NWK, UiAhi Ifctmiiy Mum- V mmmuMwuwO - itwiMifMiMiHlnr IRw KiMtmi mutH tlU mumMw , 4fMwiMil immW tMT IhwHiMmw dNjmp iHi Mif avHj mimv iMpviMjn mpum M(tr tMM' (MiM WNM- III iiMMIf M4 MtM l W4IK mt IKm liaMnrtt HMUtr mMU m tttnto pjt mmmf 'm Ej Aitniwii; imm' tJ-iWrtuwr a V fcOinwKuiw w PlIWP ffWWWpVvfvv wPm WH' Mt i4nr t itHnajr AttwfW mtnmmm nt mW mkffn WmV$ IptpW; Hb ptafJUt Mw.. ' 4M tr tiMMi WmiMMtr' Mw MnrtHd inwiMl iMT iW mmtv m J... M-.- -.- .. mmr mmnm tmt nmmm, mmmmmA irmifcmr "- iull iM i i r fYwMlMM' -wlfllllUlBi tW rfiay nMM1 im mm$ ihmv IW HMnr , Mr amwiwHi f urn MMfUnNM m-frnikr Autmm mmm & m Mir mmm am m mt' Wmm wUm wWlfP ppvv pB rPPPf iiwftmmw iw Mww .wmmntV mut Mir iwmvm.- iWnHmii rtf mMHnv Mw iwfr " PVvpV pWp ppWPppf ppmP p9Hpvp1p1w tHttw :mmmmmmt. w Mw Mimnifimw .Hilt- ijar mbwmjt Mwiw inw fiwufV W Mw iMMW Ml UNHW ltHl ' (IWW, MWMMfMKH 4MMHNIalW - I''1 PPMltjajp NMW 4V MPf WPPJMV wwwwM"Pl W'flppi'MPP' FpHVPfMlfV' W7wWVwpWwwt H'Tr "mmmwflmmm9mmmv wfWW pFPfMwwl vwPM)vnVw wM MlMrtMM fcMM MMtiMMsMdMM1 mWhmPmmMMMmJ Ma WW"WW pf VtPHpwpvPBtfwB PBflpPpPPBHp' ffW ,m Mw H. hM fftwuNiWRi 4 XI rttw JMHK. .mill urn- Wjiim'' v nmn it mm4 .1Uh 4w twlf mall vm- T PPPPfpppfBA .JtMlpVMW M MMIMW . xmm4! mmumMrn mmw tm umb mmw um. ttlrt'BlUu- UtjLR -ftt.- .ukM .. iWWHiMnml 1111 Km Mw .mMUv mm mww Mm,Hr ptMudMH mm4 tM Mw HfU ,w aw rtMniiM4lv mmm mmm ,nm4 tuwimti kh -MuHnw rfuMmnMv'' Af 4mwm Mw -Mm thf ,U BBIiiiiii 11 iMl I " . M. U .... 4tw Mw mmi rt Mi TiMmiN - tWMIMI MW iHUMMl MlWM MNHvAMftHM. ltWm-W iftutw I MmtM; miiif ftM r.v Mw . I mmmtmi Mv ti-1Wmrt lwH !lMtH m m muuim ,tMim.Ht . .Mwvmnr Mw nmu wmr mm n (tin PMUnL ' l.WH UuW MWMliilwtl ,VI KM fwf " 'Hi'v.mi , rfMtntmmK, & UKf W"wit jkimKhHI Hm M dip - l . ,Iii.i ,f UmumMmIMiWi. a Miim. .. viimH . Aw irnMMM)l mmmhmm l-r irtf.l MmUHWv ! MM? MMMNlilMtk t - ,.1IV AIM mk lUMW 8W BttWR, If w 1l.Httr .mAmmi (fc inM Miw i,n.r iimamimpMI fftttnw if mvf3mMih1 Mill WtfWrtv ittMi HH!itirHfauli .Mf AlUMlt. - .J .. lu, MHMU,, (bfltowMiititttwiHii I (-tV dilMUJ( u.nuM' rxrW Im artiwl i-- .MM.UW, .MHlf -Utal fit - ihv ituH iinmMini w wwjmwuim'- HlltllKWj mni awt A ft HHt.1-. 1 , ...f IK AMiy. Mv " '" - ilr i.m.ii ir ft IMMiirttf Joh.mUJ l I I f f I 'U.ljivl II I ''ipl'iilt' wrwm-D r,rr, trttvtxf, il iMir,il fur -.on lime nf und Hkvc 'ifiiiW eewl irrtrw fnf mrt- itrtrlolra. Ifrtflf rftfflff iKf" ti lift. f.K- Pnfommm i. . Wimm, former to of flfis evt, n4 1o Iwrt Wfrr bnf it WWrf IMIHOIWIW' ill Iwif itt" irt wtmfmMnnt Cm,, w MHiff tTiwf m tUwC rtiy, wWfBwl nil mimt- In ihf "rtrt" eitomm m 1 nnnmm f nvrnt d)f hnwin rivfam of mamf hmviff trfKt itt ffmnftf lawt. rivw MifHHHHifif 41 nw will iYbi $ rvrtwtmmt tikmrr in th Kkm tof Hfllr rVfl (PNIffBliy, JtfUV n$ flfMI 11 t9 1 oVInrlr. Hin wtR H a mnhy nf 0iiMiiHr iHflt fMIlM mil cfMaT rial mm wwrt will B iiwlwiwi, with KMftlWl JNIll lMlM 411 m I'. - J,i 1 . . IAW HHR pinn( fllUHi JIVf?W .HWf-rtt rtunrmow wilt mrtn4 pmmpwfmm tmr hotk em mM ml to I'l'iniiw wi'liiMi f tIM J. J. HWtfMky WIWwv 0mmw " W"H " n(N WWW IW tmf tmm mv mmumtm nf iHwimt wt vhhMW h tint tmtm ftmm t Xwnlwuwc tfcs- hmmnMiiW xtiHfM ftm AwMmnI h tke m iNiiiifM wirti Riiitw Tmmo Um Mwm4m4 )tMMliwm m Lm At4w imW swinit .. r . ti'iiiWt wtvn iMiWfiiii atMHii 'jir " wii tflHiw)ijiiic fi rtvm wmw Mtijpi m sfji wu-iMrv Jill) liMV MIHIfM 11 lPlHHI .a tiWI WMl WMWIIIIMWT 9t f. fi MllW Al mtH 1 if tflltl tfiiH ftwut Hf MMilllM trt. A MJ. ftHm, m. F. DMRMMr, h IWmi MioiMMtw 11 Mm imt mt Aml mi Mw MmCm KmHlr botmN ttiM lMIMll (MMf PttWMHir. .f. t mlejKr mt JflMHfwK4 kmi Hmtn m ftewn Mm wi, mwmwpumctl f turn Mw. tm a tour t nfiminnitiow jMWmf 1 Mtiw iM imrimn nitti wimH' Mh vMihii l)titfM4M4. Oh WMfhmr IN fM im Biw MM' Arm f MWfml, fonHT mf Jflwiw- MfHIw, MW! Mw piJ imhI wiIhwii if iwwriip:iiii umfi WIwh1 rtvanl- f if HftntKHMtn wn a nmUmi. flrMr nwriww ttrftniiiitit fw- fJN Mt t Mo HflWt f m MHHlfir niimhfif if tnr will Kt. iMUilM tbm iifn f ah liwiMi lit iwnr til nir i-Hi imHMHfM. Thrir rimntriM'- 04W WIN M) ralrtW4Ull, wMk Miml Mb, iNMf Mmr mnwjnmmm will m- mm. P'rt1 BWMUIIM. Www f WMn. - nHMftH bv kwr mm, .taMK arrived TfcMNftwv tm m wk'a Wt with hr mimu auf mmr jffiva m tlw mwtr faiMan. Hi. A. W. Wabwr a Br- w4 rmnnr ., mm limttmt Mr. (Mtof1 Mr. Mwm 3fwflar. Mr. Wrbr i rrwvJimr nalaniaw in Mw am Tka IWitt Ma RmImIi rNNMH ban M h valajilN tanm mt km a Xat lv MRi AMm ra, naajMaawiny a nan viww f m aaatlr awaMatW brht pMV Lmb ApjMm pmr- , rh uaaiarTirtua humm KWpB. T1i nnw rtwra tita th aMru of a ih mortr. uMliwi'tiv a la Ik rk' attnu- CMMtK f-iiu MantA an fawiilv fcav r- furni r. rhfir himu i Kiisvik aftr a month 4 .ty hero. niviair Ab- laH,- iinnfrnl water aM heantifnl uarb mriviarlintri. A famll hv tlia naaie rfimon ban mvii lata tba Kavabarg; iUo liaf !atura)y whlk I waa a nn nranilW i mt M Uerimm. lb man mJr of rb M Dr IaMUw orrharJ akt K ranwww bta btrtotloa to :: PMly lt TrtAVM. Dr Laid mm la la a iri ( H rrla bwf r hm IMWm ( lrii i Mm aam af tb amlnnf MMktay aiawM bright 4 at tmut M mmmmt t b a lwl biif what b M a at lalbiac LaamK lly taj aaatbara Orngoa i baa rva f b f tb a tb ABMrtea KWMIwaat wbr w bwra ao airanvaa bur aryrbi to atanM iraad Hut i mmnm 1 y tat wMh tb arrival 'T myrmm waatbar wMb Ma ttaaaia law pMrft bra i rwa bwafa ut mnW mm la waaay iaataaoaa paaa a4a a tb rb aa up Moga rVm a rtab r at; hwve a ilaif d4ar mmf trntmy lb t. fraab air aM) h MtM ! at br I taw a aa tb lb n la 9 watajr. raa Matta laaaa a ft rWar aa lab a apt mm r r rta Mttl val t tbaMlaa rvivt up. rva iNtta mt fS v Wy iw tb tnay (our Waft at rb auaaxtihi Mat ! C f uag amt dauob I .. . m-I..J&. w aa. xiim Rotton ike1 iiiiiie EASLEPOINrEAGLETS KjA.ft rfawfeU imraruu r Uedrord Mtt meiypobt), ciuho Mil ' m4 to -h iif ihf t hr rril"fbr ntt-r o h haf a Hlr t " irr4 of if Aff HwMT Itwy Mwt rftf roniH ft f wilff M4 r twmt wmmjr flMfpl MP; Mf ! ! lli dMtt ltl' pwrtt mf nmmm wmr WT Wff t$twv7 IWfcP ptavtf WfW W(tI- tatt fmr i X. Itpawi rtri t wta rowm at tb . f. tr4v t1if fh TaMvJt baatl tram raM a lvt Mawawv a4 Btara acataat tb X F taata md tk t rb a mrk a t MM irl4laa; tb Mtwtvi htafaa; tliT Mmmi 3 t '. m fc4 t lar aatbr laavaa;. bat hy tbla Haw Frmk Att fh K F pHewer bad about alv VM aa b had awt araettoetf attrMa. they t I Jmm ioaar aa ptMbw, ! aa h haul fwraHtrly alay wttfe ta Tawai bara Itaaw jaat bww t atrlka bla balla aavl lH rwrott tfeejr mn4 a Ma; ma e two tMrYrnt mifkm ami tb raaalt wan tfe Er tUMM to 1 1 hi favar f Taioat. bat tkrf Ml had a cl Mm aad thr waa a ad fUac Sftta; htwea the two taaM wbea thy Mparattid for tblr hat. Monday moralaa; I tok the mra laa; rar for Medford aad after traaa- Lnetlaa; a littla bwalHfjM paid my re- aeeU to th Mall Trfbaae ffke and about ia-45 waat te the Bapttat 0hrek to attend a metlne; of the Regno River MlRhtterial aMoclattoa. THere wan iMlte a mmmt of men aad a fw womea Sa atteadaace aad sae would mo that where aaeh a body of mn, eaaoelally a body of mfwlatora wtre am om bled to traaoaet buatanan- that there woald b aorne cafrMKy to parMameatary nilof, bat tlKrfl anemod t h a aorto de fect la that rpt. A boat the flrat vhmic after I eatered waa a call for a report of a aemtatttee oa the ataad m of the eaiMfwate for the dlffer eat offlroa, aad a old xeatlemaa araaa aad walkod forward aad cm aeacd to road from a paper the re port aad begaa by aaytax that Mr. A, R, C, ete, bod heoa applRtod a a oommittee to iRqadre late the tmraeter of the dlffereat heraaaa who had aaaoanced thomffelrea aa eaadMatea. etc., and that they bad Maaalmowaly agreed or the follow Ibb report, bat a boat that time Mr A Jampod to hla feet and remarked that be did not know that he waa oa (hat oommltlee, aad then another aroae aad made the-romo kind of a atate moat aad thou It went bat finally the chairman of the committee becan to read the report and he or rather the ammttle had picked oat the who they thought would fill the bill, boIhk over tho llat eliminating thoe tbcy dM nt think woald fill tho bill aad wha be waa about throoab with tb Imt of eaadldatoa for troaaarer a lady boMwd me akd If Myf tie W. Hlake ly waa not a candidate for roaaty tracarw aad the aforaaald aaalrmaa raamrked yea, but w don't waat her. aad bjr tbla Urn the poll lira I teapot boaaa to at earn up but the rhalrmaa finally fmtabod hla report aad then tb aaoatloR came up aa te what waa t bo dwe with the report. A man made a motion to adept tb report aad then tbejaagl eemmenoed, for the ladlvldaal candidate each had their friend, and flrat on would bar hla nay aad then another. Mark yon, an' yet there had bten no aecaud to tho mat! aad It had not bee aoaeaded aad It bad not been an nounced by, the rhair. until finally dmrovored that there waa id to the motion aad then atar man made a mwtwa that we expaaga tb whole from the record aad that matloa waa promptly mc oadd aad the chair called far the vote by theupllftd hand, bat that waa not aatlafactory to thane who favored the adoption of tho report ao a dlrtaloa of the hou waa railed far. I'ut right here there aroe another 1 rouble la ramp" far the queetloa ii raiaed a t who waa iwrnillled to vote and It wa decided that none were except thou- who aliened the constitution anil ial up their duec, t ' L-t II LOOK ? Nobody ottn Tell when you Darken Gray, Foiled Hair with Sage Tea. Rmadmothcr k.-t-t hr hair beautifully darheiMd gloMt ant attractive with a brew of Mafe I'm ad Hulfdmr V ban aver tr hair Uxk oa that dalt, (add or etraeked aptwaraar- thU imfle miitur waa applird with wondrrlul rffert Mr aakiag at any 4ru- itora (or "VYyatb Mage ad Hulphur ruataouad " )ou will get a Urge builli nf thU old time recipe. Ma peeved by the .! Iilion of otkr inured iewla. all rndy to u tor about M coU Ihw tupl auttur raa b dfriuld aaa tu rrateec aatarat color bJ Uioty 10 Mm hair A weU-kauna 4tntitwa droajrut uyi everybody ucm VWrth' 5ir anil Kul pbur t'mapouad n Impute it larkn. M naturally anj rt.nljr Ikat n ! I nan tail it bat bara I'plini -H' wi to aar loo )eu m I ') dampen m itrntu W aartbmO and Ji it tkroua'a )wir lair, lobtag atrand t a Mw My ki1vi( the trray hair ! Mr, tur itri attrlWaikw r tw it U reMun I to iu atuii euU.r 3,1 xi ri.i .rft ai '" 1lpm,itn drl gsV tul loilat roauMile It H CP iatiJW ItC lh... -..t.,,...- ur .mmtM i An, Me ) rtnuw ifnt, i iw f 'r0ft ' himm He Kfl fit 1 It nt ere ifeffivenr ad a na 1 irr,owf to n 'mn mm m4 fhmt he T ft m Wr ftitf WNf JrWPrf n W 41 for a law mm n imrf a tmtmt to adiy M 9fa7 Mhf f Af Mat mia mm Mm mt Ik flam d fhew ffcw wiMafT MiaasarTa'TaM hmi iw awi fwi fh) wr)T Mac, bwt WawWy fhw ttmJmJ vt h ummm tm km fa wawh rpff mpt off the recwrt , aad fawre war tmmf f) a Mm fhwa la aa ailvo rt waa two t4 p a M -mmtmM twmt lar wr )! rx mem bera wa" wr raally lanaMun f tb aawamaafeClflaflvfJ, XplpM MM f p) mmmwmwtT laj alM wf la a'latwa aad we went i taach. la tb F M. I bad M'lwbiii tm win have I elae t report the Cearaty act! flaprvlar rtra waa over Mwmlay aad he aad Trmt. W. 0. W jlur were wat arraactag t have a araad tmmt meet her April 27. when they expect I bar i. Mjc feed aad hn f fan Harry Iwhi, Mraaa Zfwrmermaa aad Al CtmaaU started far Klamath county Tuesday, to work In the lum ber camp. J M Wllfley and wife .owner of a large orchard north aaet ef here came la Taeeday oa the I. fc K. aad weat direct to their farm, bat while here nave me hla aabecrlption to the Dally Mall Tribune. They 'have boon apendiac; the moot of the winter aad spring in I-oa Angelos. Calif. Tbomec Grtgaby ef TV Klamath paaaed through here Taeeday mora Ing oa hla way to his heme. There are awlt a nunaber of the young mea creeeiag the mountain via Fteh lake route for Khtmalh count thhv aprlag. , ResJ. rirewn and C. It. Hamlin ef Med ford were here for dinner Taee day aad Mr. II. report that ftehing la remarkably good la fiutte creek. Mm. Rd fence of Apfdegat la here vialtlnr; her aunt. Mrs. Wm. (J. KniRbtoa Mlas Claire Zimmerman who baa been taking a layoff for a few days vleitlng frlenda near Iiutte Fall, re turned Tscaday. NOTICE TO I'l.SHKHMKN There will be a meeting of the Red and Gun club and all thoae interact ed In flaking and hunting, at the pub lice library, Friday, April 7, 7:3 p. m. 11 Don't Neglect Kidneys! .Sinm-Itoot, lr, Kilmer' I'rwcrip tlon, Owrcoiite Kidney TroiiMc. It la now conceded by phyaieiana that the kidney ahouM have more attention aa they control the othar orgaaa to a remarkable degree and do a tremendoaa amount of work In remorlng the potoena and waete mat ter from the ayetem by ftiteriBB the blood. The kidneys ahoald rectdre wtme aaslatanc whoa needed. We takt loas eaerelae, drink leas water and often eat more rich, hoary food, thereby forcing tho kidney to do atoro work than nature intended. Evidence ef kidney trouble, such as lam back, annoying bladder trou bles, smarting or burning, brlekdust or sediment . sallow complexion, rheumatism, maybe weak or Irregu lar heart action, warns yea that your kidneys require boln Immediately to avoid more serious trouble. An Ideal herbal compound that ha had moat remarkable success aa a kidney and bladder remedy la Ur. Kilmer's gwamp-Koot. There Is nothing els Ilk it. It Is Dr. KIN mur's prescription used in private practice aad It Is sure to benefit you. Oct a bottle from your druggist. However, if yon wish first to test this great preparation send ten scuta to Dr. Kilmer A Co , RlnghatntOR, N. Y . for a sample bottle. When writ ing be sure and mention the Medford tOre ) Mail Tribune Adv. IXTKIU'ltllAN AUTOCAIt CO. TIM It CAUI). Leave Medford for Ashland, Talent and Fboealx dally, except iunday, at s 00 a. m., 1:00, X 00, 1:0 and 1:11 p. m. Also oa Saturday at 11: IS p. m Suadas leave at S:00 and 10:20 a m and 1 00. J. 00, t SO and 9:10 p m. I.avu Ashland for Medford dally, except Sunday, at 9:00 a. m., 1 00, I 00, 1:00 and 6:18 p. m, Also on Saturday night at 6:10 and It SO Sundays leave Ashland at 9:00 a. tn and 100, 1.30, C:30 aad 10:30 p. m. Auto Service from Eaulc Point to Medford and Hack The undersigned will leate Frank Lewis' confectionery every day ex cept Suada for Medford with hla auto at 1 o'clock p in , arriving at S:00 p ci Leave Naib Hotel. Med ford, at I oo p m, arriv Kaglef Point at 6 ut) p m A part of the traffic U .ollcltcd. 8 H. 1URM8II, Etolo Point, Oregon Medford House Movers Wc Move HOUSES, BARNS, GARAGES, MACHINERY, Etc lono IHH-M SiQ h Newtown, 7U7 W, lllli SL IF KIM B Kanniew to mh XWaeyi j)d niatral in IrrMtUtng mUi-3flvdld kt syatesa, KrPPWvjy AftQ JWatWPflST WtJBpTlWaWl rwrrvf Iw fesm wrk acid, my a aowd aathorrty. The kmawys Otter thai aeM from the bamd awd aom it a to the biadoVr, when K ettea mamiaa to irritate aad inamne, ataiaaa, a barniag. seaidiag aanrntio. or i)Mar iaa aa irritation at the acek of Mm amdaer, obtagmaj you to Mk relief two or three times dwrma; the night. The ladhiiir is ia mm Mat dread, the water Man eematbaw with a teahiiag MaMMea aad ht vary arefnee: agam, Mmr is iltahmlty la avoMtmr K. aoasr wwahataa, meet folki call It, leeiiMi thay caa't eeatroi arinethw. VThttV U M rrtreaveiy aaaoytas; sad some liMM very paerifnl. this is really ena ef the nanet sinrple alfwMata to ovrenme Oct about lour eaaaes ef Jad Salu from year pharmariet and take a taile aeonral in a jrlee of water before breakfast MBtlnaa this for tuo or ttirpe days. This will aeatraliae the acid to t'e ariac an it no hmarr Is a srure f irrrestkM to the bladder and urinary er gaas which the act mrnmlly aanin Jad Salts is iRexpeaeivr. harnilesa sad ia made frnrn tlm acid of BTps anrf Wiaee ;n, ocil-mrit with iithia, '.rid is uaed by thonMnd ef folks wlio err subject to uritary &or4rr Miined b urht Mid irritatnm. .'ad Salts i i ; '."h dM tr kidnrys aad rauiM no b ffts whetevi-r. Here yoi !ii a pieent. rfferyewrn hi- wuler .lnk, ; a ouieklv roltevet HsIL I'l'ItK AND SANITAHV White's Velvet Ice Cream Makes delicious dessert for lttncu, dinner or pIcnlM. , Sold by dish, pint, quart or gallon. We pack and deliver all orders for a quart or more. OUT IT AT THE DAIRY PIIONi: iHt Remember to Drink Dairy Uuttermllk mill I.ltn ti IV) loo. WESTON'S Camera Sop 208 East rnin Street, Medford H1lif Onlv TT!viliitj?vn .... ...j ...,. .... Coinnieivinl Pliotojrrnphors iu Southern Orogon Nogntives rade any time or place by appointment. Phono 147-.T We'll do the rest "E. D. WESTON. Prop. (mliUw Lw . -J -i.h. ikiM mma .k. . ihUMU. t'trr ta. iiit kiuul P utility fartt . IO SSNKY 00TJI5E MOM ! Sena Slfy 1 xl ill itwriU Ba.Mx(. Rates 5'M a r cn Hmn whim tj9k wrvf0Piuwii ltm tmy ti Ikaa tiU "MHFilAL SUJ" (t MT H4U4) Kty itttf UVttt ur nun tat to. mLEIN ( nF0R ) vjuothes IedfosW WrM! r$ 'Lowest Prices f Southern Oregon Bulk Cfnokers. lb. Corn March. 2 IJ. BI0S4 Starch, 2 pkfl Coffuloid Starrh. skg. Pnstks Starch, pkg. Crystal Vhlte Soup, doz.. A B Haotha Soup, tloz.. . 9c .150 .l5o .10c ,10c 45c .45c 6pM Oust. 25c site 2.0c MOTH MH1. iV v- Cltmo Wasalng Pawdsr, 25c size. 20c Ark Launtfry soap, h nars. Snrlnu Clothes Pins, rloz- Larse Roll Toilet Paper Saaollo, 2 bars 25o & I3: lc J 'if .256 20c . rfc .3c .10,1 . 8c Rr. Bon Arm, i Bars 1 hnv Marhp.3 20 M. Team 2oap Chips Wool Soap Chips, 25c size. Bottle Biueinji Ball Bluelnn Ammonia, bottle Lve. can .. . Old Dutch Cleanser Two in One Shoe or Stove Polish 8c Pure Lard, Medium size. 7oc Pure Lard, Large size $1.45 Crisco, small size 28c Crisco. medium size 55c Crisco, large sizo . $1.05 Cotto cnc. medium size 60c $1.60 Cottolcnc. larne slza wesson Salad Oil 30c Pure White Flour, per sack.. $1.45 Red Cross Flour, per sack $1.25 Graham Flour. 9-lh. snek 35r; Whole Wheat Flour, 9-lb. sack 35c Rye Flour, 9-lb. sack .40c Pancake Flour, 10-lii. . Wheat Hearts, 10-lb. ... Hominy, 9-lb. sack 45c .45c .35c .35c 28c .15c .15c .35c .33c .63c .50c .85c .35c rfoiicn uais, u-iu. sack. 35c ukn. Rolled Oafs nr Whpnt 20c pkg. Ralston Bran 2 10c sacks Salt 2 25c sacks Salt 5-lb. can Karo Syrup 10-11). can Knrn Svrnn Vi gal. Teagarden Syrup I gal. Teagarden Sy up I qt. can Log Cabin Cyrup V gal. can Log Cabin Syrun 65. I fiat, can Lon C.nliln Svrnn tt. 2-lb. can Molasses . 0c 25c can K. C. Baking Powder 20c I lb. Royal Baking Powder 43c 25c can Cocon I7n 25c cake Baking Chocolate 19c -we can uround Chocolate 30c J4 Iu. Llpton's Tea 33c I lb. Linton's Ten m- 50c Bulk Tea, lb. v Japan nice, lb. rji,c Head Rice, lb. .... b0 Macaroni, lb. "bj4C Bulk Cocoanut. lb. 25c Astor Milk, doz. 87c Hollv Milk. ilnr. nn. Carnation Milk, doz 95c Canned Peas, doz. .$1.05 .$1.05 Canned Sunar nnm tm Canned Tomatoos, selected stock. "i $1.13 Shrimp, can 12c Strina Boans. nnn m. Sauerkraut, can inc Hominy, can 2C Van Camp's Pork and Beans, 3 ur oc 5-oz. can Good Oysters, can .. 9c u-ui. can tfoyai ciub Oysters l. & P. Worcestershire Sauce Postum, pkg. ... Instant Postum " 20c 29c 22c 25c 14. uomb Honey 5 lbs. Strained Honey cOc Lemons, doz. . "?fjc 25 lbs. Prunes . t qq Best Cane Sugar, I2J4 lbs.. $koo Dost Creamerv BnMpr 0 n.c cn. 3 lbs. Lame Walnnfc rn Kerosene Oil, 5 gals. rj5c Cider Vineaar. nnl. -25c lie -We 7c 23c --.22c -40c Seeded Raisins, pkg. murrains, pkg. Spaohcttl. bulk Swet Pickles, qt. wane jmce, pt. Grane Juice, nt. " Birdseed, pkg. 10c Chick Food. 100 lbs. .... $2.80 line ocuiis . , 7i;c Lima Beans, lb. 3 8c Skinner's Macaroni, pkg. ZZJOc Skinner's Spaghetti, nkg. ig Sk nncrjs Vermicelli, pkg 6c Skinner's Egg Needles, pkgZloS Oyster Shell, 100 lbs. ' $ Good Coffee, 2 lbs. & Pcaberry Coffoe, I lb. J.ZZ2lc Fancy Asparagus Tips, can 23c Fancy Asparagus, large can 25c Fancy Maine Corn, can Mc Fancy Canned Fruits, can on, Assorted Preserves, can iQe 25c bottle Vanilla JL 20 25c bottle Lemon ." flff Yeloban Milk, 4 cans 25c Campbell's Soups. 3 ean."ZZT2So Ivory Starch, pkg. . Z5o Ot.r next prin,. ,st wm jn lhja lMer next Krulav. Keep thii one Hn. "I lliti am! i-mnpHr, ,t vHh a(J. !' '- v..u ...m tnl. They arr lower " i tban ouy other to I'll n NO CRZDIT NO DELIVERY Jackson Conly Supply Co. 33N.flAAf&$r. ' a V