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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1916)
tk'vmliftQrt WEATriM SECOND EDITION i.miiT n)HT To.vmiir. Mux. ()! MIm. 17. Medford Mail Tribune & ' k o o 1 rt -"It'll T of I' ul rtilli V F E Capture of a Larye Portion of Posi tion North of Avocourt Reportctl After a Day and Nifllit Battle in Verdun Reuton Germans Take the Town of Haucourt Under Fire. PARIS, April fi. Tho wnr offlco announced thin nflernoon tho enp turn by Ilia French of large portion or the position north of Avocourt. known hs HoIh Carre, or "squaro woods." Thl ground was cnpturotl In the cou iio of fighting which went on nil of yesterday nflernoon and Inst night In tho Verdun region west of the Memo on the Avocourt-lleth-Inroiirt lino. At onn point along the Avocourt Ilcthlnrourt line Dip Hermans suc coedod In penetrating French iiosl Untie at Hnucoiirt. Two attacks wore made by fiarman troopa against French position north of Onllctte woods, hut thojr wero without result. Tho text of tho communication fof Iowa: Surprhc Successful "In the Argonno n surprise nltaofc ilollverod by us this morning on one of the enemy's trenches near tho highway of St. Hutoort resulted In our Inflicting perceptible losses on our adversaries nml In bringing Imok some twenty prisoners. "In tho region of Verdun tho onemy after tho relative calm of yosterdny afternoon gave evidence of great nc I telly dining the ovonlng hours. As the night progressed there took plnco to the-wost of thoMenso a bombard m out of extreme violence In tho ro nton between Avocourt and Ilotliln conrj. This was followed by n series of attacks in which large numbers of men took part against the two principal parts of this front. All the efforts of the enemy against the vil lage were repulsd by our fire. "During this same time the enemy delivered a furious attack on the cen ter against the village of llanoourt. In spite of repeated checks and of bloody sacrifices they were success ful In getting a footing during the night In this village. We now hold the village under the fire of our dom inating positions. (Vpluit) of Wood Claimed "On our sldo'after a short prepara tory artillery fire. we delivered a spirited attack, our men coining out from the redoubt of Avocourt. their purpose being to connect this redoubt with one of our works situated on the boundary line of the wood north of Avocourt. During this operation, which was in all respect successful, wo occupied a large portion of the territory known as l.e Uasse Carry a lid took fifty prisoners. "Kaat of the Meuse I wo enemy at tacks north of the Culllette wood re-Miltt-d only In aerlous to the (Jcrinnns " E AMOV, China. April (i. -Kevolu-tioiuuio hue the entire city of Swntow in. their possession. Jlusi ncs i ut u i-t.imUull. The natie )H(Hilntiuu in reported to he panic tricken ns tbev feur an attack by government troop irom Canton. The American gunboat Wilmington is protecting foreign interest at Swntow. The commander of the' wurhip and the American consul are preparing to precnt fighting in the foreign property area if an attempt is muilr hv government troop-, to re enplure the eitv. The relwl tureen are well disciplined. F IN IS iKTKOIT. Midi. Ai-iil . -Detroit -iuper wlif I" "iiipiled returns 9 elect ion alondn were agreed tout Ileqrv Ford of Detroit de- United Ratle tieuator William inilb l (iiand H-'i'iil- l"r the REN RETAKE 11 10 FROM GERMANS IS REBELS VICTORS IN SWATOW I imliill! il i"'i .Mil u J .HO ,i iii.i)niil ZEPPEUN AD ON A L Germans Claim Destruction of Oat tcry, Iron Works and Other Fac toriesBritish Claim Child Killed and No Extensive Damane One Airship Crippled. HKRLIN. Apiil (1. The Ocrmnn ndinirulty announced toilav that Gor 111111 niisliiiw last niylil utlnokod n Imttery near Hull, Kuglnud, with bomb and dewtroyed u large iron work1 nenr Wliitby. The uirdiips re turned nrol.v. . The xtuteiupiit follows: "During 4ho niglil of April ."i-fi German nnviil airship destroyed a Inrgo iron works, with blnst furnace- nml extensive establishments nenr Whitby, after huviug put out of no tion with explosive bombs h battery uoi Hi of Hull. "Tim raiders also nllnekeil factor ies in Leeds nml Ihe surrounding re gion, nml xevenil mil road Mtritinua in Ihe iudustrinl dihlriel. flood effects were observed. "The airships were shelled henvily. All returned imdnmngcd." One Killed, Klglil Injured LONDON, April H. Ono person was killed and eight persons injured in Inst night's Zeppelin raid, it wns officially reported this afternoon. "The air raid last night on tlio tiorllieiixte'ru cnunticH upiNireully was curried out by three Zeppelins. The l'irt niinle one attack about 0:10 p. in., hut wn dtiven off by tlio firo of anti-aircraft guns after dropping five bomb, wliieli enured no damage or- ensiuilties. Xnmeious observer ntiite that this Zippeliu wns struck by guulire. "The second raider made ils ap pearance in another locality nt about 10:1.) p. in. Although it wns in the neighborhood for some time, no bombs were dropped. Slight Damage Done "Another raider delivered an nl tnek in n third loenlity during the night. Although sexernl bombs wero (Implied only plight material damage wii. done. "The total number of hontlis drop ped was twenty-four explosive and iwent,-four incendiary. The enlual ties at present reported nre: "Killed, one child: injured, eight. "No million damage was done." EOF IL WASHINGTON, April (i - Investi gation of ' lobliving activities of tho uifcnts of the Dul'ont Powder com puny and former agents of the Anierl run ('Minlde company, the Alabama Powder company, their subsidiary lonrern and their associate coriwra lions in connection with the effort to bring about the erection of a ni trate plant at the Muscle Shoals site on the Tennessoe rlvor," was propos ed In a lesolutlon Introduced today by Representative Madden of Illinois, republican The resolution proposes to empower the judiciary oouimlttoe to hear witnesses and reiiort to con gress. ( Tbe resolution names Charles II. Landis and Hugh L. Cooper as rep resentatives of the companies who have been here. MADIMD, Apnl ii. u.i ran,. A meeting of the Spam-h cabinet was called tonight to eoustder the que. nun ot the torpedoing of Spanish ves sels. The meeting was brought about by u messuge from ship owners in IhI buo and Seville, who telcgrupbed tbe government Inquiring if the Spaaisb Hug vus a sufficient protection ,.;iiiiit a lepctition of the torpedo- NO NG N s DUPON OBBY SPANISH ISI OVER TORPEDOING iiij nl Spain-li i--tl-. -nth .i- tin i", In tin. til iii. .in -uiiiij.iriiH-3. MEOKOttO GERMAN PEACE E Chancellor Hints for First Time at German Withdrawal, Out Seeks Guarantees as to Its Future Spe cial Disposition for Flemish Por tion of Kiiifjdont Demanded. JiKItM.V, April fi. Two state ments In Dr. Von Uetliiiinnn-Iloll-ueg's speech In tho rolchstng hnvo attracted ospoclnlly tho attention of tho public, the first being thnt In which he alluded to the Mibmarlno warfare and tlio relations of Oermnny with the Fiilled States nnd the sec ond bolng tho Intimations regarding Oorinany's pence terms, when for the first time ho reforred to the possi bility of Cicrmauy withdrawing front llelglum, which, however, ho said, must be a "new Itelglum." Ills words In this latter connection nro Inter preted as an affirmation that Cler luiuiy would not evacuate n country whoro tho blood of persons had been shed, without receiving necossnry guaraiiteos regarding Its future and that tho new Holgluin must Include a special disposition for the Flemish portion of the kingdom, a hint of the nature of which Is regarded ns being given by tho chancellor's uso of the word '"Nethorlnndlsh." Ho spoke ot tho nocesslty of assur ing to tho "long opprussod Flemish Inhabitants," nn opportunity for de velopment on the basis of "their Netherlandish language unil churnc tortlstles." Dr. Potor Sjinhn, loador of the Catholic conter parly, and Fredorlch ICIinrt, socialist lead or, dollverod spoeches In tho relchstng concurrliig In the vlows which Dr. Von Ileth- mnnii-llollwog. the Imporlal chnu rellor, had expressed, the Overseas News agency says, llerr Kbert suld that Oorinany's enemies and ospeeial ly the socialists In enemy countries, declined peace nnd asked for the an nihilation of Herman)', and thnt, therefore It waa the duty of (lei-mans to stand firmly by their government and their country. With regard to tho question of annexation, llerr ICbert pointed out thut dormany could not give bark the Polish, Lithuanian and other peoples to the reactionary Russian yoke and this is to be un derstood In the light or the chan cellor's declaration that Oeriiiaii)' does not want to crush other races, but wants h basis for tho "peaceful development of Kuropean clvlllm tloif. I GERMAN PEOPLE I1HULIN. April C Meat cards will be Introduced in ltavarla and Saxony April in, permitting consumption of 150 grammes (one third pound) per capita dally, oxeopt on two meat leas days each week. Jlavarla has forbidden sale of canned. meats, whole lismo, wjiole sausages, olc, to Individuals to pre vent the accumulation of stocks in advance. Individual meat cards probably will not be Issued In Merlin. Regu lation of distribution will be effected by limltiiiK the suppl) for each re taller. E SEIZED BY BRITAIN LONDON, April i. The MrazllUn steamer Salhanda ! (iama, which sailed from Paia. Hrazll, February 6 for New York with a rargo of 120 to us of raw rubber, has been seised off the Orkney Islands by a British patrol boat. The ship and her cargo have been placed in the prise court This is believed to lie a deliberate esse of attempted blockade running, the officials here contending that a ataamer (com Para for New Yark could never have gotten to far off kr course This is the first seizure made b tli u'linli :ill of .i iouib-te argo o:, 1 0 N W BELGUM MEA CARDS FOR ORIKIOW TIIfWSDAV. pRtca. ol:n john o plrshino A! AND HAMMER APACHE INDIANS USED , SEATTLE SKATTI.K, W.i-h., A.ii 0 Mis. Coriiuie Wlieeer, 7(1 year of age, nml her sister, Mrs. Kute II. Swift, aged VI, who wero attain and rubbed ot &20U0 lust night in their home on 'et In ho avenue noith, half n mile from the huiuc center of Seattle, weie ovi'limtly hentuu to death with u hand n.e and hummer, which were found, stained with blood, under a pile of boniiU in the house. Howard S. King, ngi'd 10, nephew of the mur dered women, was rlosely examined by the M)lice, who any they ai-e satis fied lie is Idling t lie truth. King suid his aiiuls hud withdrawn their money from a hunk severnl months ago and had been keeping it in money belts worn iiImiiiI their waists. Their cloth ing had been tern and the money belts cut from their bodies. Apparently the women had been attacked in the IHirlor. .Mr. Swift being felled first. .Mrs. Wheeler exideutly had fled to the bedroom to arm herself and was triick down hv tho ni.ailaut, who followed her. Mr. King said he loft the house ciulv ve-terdav afternoon, promising to return and p.i the night with his nunt. He found Ihe door unlocked wheu he returned to the hoife at 11:10 la-t night, ilrs. Wheeler suf fered from in-munia and it wns tbe sUter's ciiftom to take loug walk at night. King liirlitwl a fire and wait ed an hour and a half for his aunts to return. Then he entered the fairlor and found Mr-. Swift's body lying in u tool of blood. Ho went into the bedroom und found 3lr. Wheeler's body. Then he nidified the police. The coroner nid the women had been dead three houi- whan ihe alarm waa given. King i- not under detention. The women .une here from Carth age, Mo., t" '1- III!". OF E WAHHINiiTON. April C Urports of the American naval attache at Lon don on hie InvfMtbjation of the de nt ruction of the Itner Sussex received today at the siuto department agree with tbe repoils of tho attache at Paris that the ship probably waa de stroyed by a torpada. Count Von iternstorff, tbe flermun ambassador, called at tbe state de partment, in connection, he aald, with Questions of minor Importance relat ing to the prize ablp Appaio. Ha cou far red briefly wita Counaellor Polk. Tlw Hiilunnriiic situation It u.i- le tlar.d, a Uot mentioned. MURDER SUSSEX II SUBMARM APRIL if. 1D1H WARPATH FOR VILLA'S SCALP fOLlMMI S, X. M., Apnl 11. -('bid in khaki and leather iinil'oiiiiH of American cavalrymen, twenty Apuelie Indians were irepniiug hao today lo start Tor the headipiartera tit yenernl I'eishiiw, when' Ihev will art ns scouts und trailer in the conibinu of the mountain of (luerrcio for 'illa. Thirty years ago fourteen of the In dian in war puint ami blankets fought agniiiHt the Amerienn troopM, of which Oeneinl IVrHhiug was then a second lieiitennnl, in the nemuimo cniuMiigu in the same district. Cap tain O. I', .l. Ilaxxuid, who arrived with Ihe scouts from Fort Apache, A lis., iiKxcitcd that they would leave for the front as mood n their Hinies can be unloaded. We aw going to bring Villa hack," suid Joseph ValeMpiex, iMterpiler for the party. "Our men wore edg ed to do so in n gieut war dance the first for yeuiv -and they eaimot go hack on their word. These men aramnu-hiintcrv, men who van follow it trail of broken twigx nnd disturbed dust as readily n you cuu read u printed ig.'' Vale(iicx hiiid that the warriors, some of whom are now more than 70 years old, donned war imint ami duneed throughout the night before they left, n tliev did ears ug, and I hen, without -l", rode bolebaek the -ixtv iiiile-- lo tli- iii-iiteot rail road t Itt loll. 10 CONTROL FLOODS WAKIHNOTON. April (1. Flood condition on the Sacramento mcr will he eared for in the general bill being drawn lo cover conditions on the Mi-iMiii. Tbe new house Hood control committee hn hh decided mid will tc on the bill within the next lew days. The measure proposes an expendi ture of Hl.000,000 for tbe iliis--ippi und ,5, 100,1100 for tbe Baoru incnto. The latter appropriation will be .pent in eo-opfi at ion with California -t.itc and di-liiet uppiipriations, Holli appropriation., will cover eon liniiin woik o(- I m- or m years. WITH FEEBLE ERUPTION UKIHtlNii. ( ..I.. Apnl li. T..i,-en M-ak aokc ai,aiii ,it dawn toduv with un intermit tcul ixpuUiou of mnoke and steam lasting sewral hours. Know on the mountain j- nadting l.i I. T.kI. v '- i I hnl ,i- i li(. in v 1 1 1 1 1 . u I J I i . I I i . THIRD ELEMENT El E Lnrycst Fortification Bill Proposes to Spend Hundred Millions Annually in Const Defenses Largest Sired Guns to Be Mounted at Great Cit ies Panama to Bo Fortified. WASHINGTON, April (I. Tlio third great element of the iiutinnul preprediies program wns lodny brought Into tho limine. U b the luiwl fortifiention bill ovor roporl ed and Iho first of four mutual meas ure miller wliloli it is proposed to upend flpproxitnatelv $100,000,000 lor increasing nnd modernising the coast defenses, already officially de clared to he iierior lo nnv in tho world, and to supply nn maple sloro of reserve nmmuiiitinu for tho gnus. Included in the bill nre provisions for iiioiiiitlng 10-ineh diroei lire rlfloa to guard New York, Huston, Sim Kraneiseo and other great eitios from loiig-rnngo naval bombardment. Pro iinu ia also made for mounting twelve-ineli riflea now in morve so they will lmve m range of'mnro thnii :il),000 ynids, or fifteen stm miles. No ahip could lie within thnt dis tance of the guns. Add .Morlar I Ui I erics The plan will add sixleon-lneli morlar Imtlcries to ihe present twelve-ineli einplnecmenlH bominso of the increased nrinor proloelion of wnrhiHi. In addition it provides for sixteen-ineli midille howitxqre nnd fourleeii-incli giina on riiilrnnd enrs to defsnd Hiint not protected by iw talillslicd foils. In approving the hill the committee accepted almost willunit nlterutinu the prnHisals of the wnr department and Ihe officer who hua studied tho uhjeet of eoast defeneH for years. The bill carries appropriations of :t.:i();i,lV.1 and aduttlonsl author iuilions to reach a total of M,'2l)l), 0.10. II is the first of the bills map ied out by Former .Secretary Garri son to cover a four-year program of expendilute totalling $H'.J,0(M,557 on (he continental count defence and reserve luatcrisl. Poitlfylng I'anaina The Panama canal defeases will add ILUUn.OOO to the pmjeet, roavh ing a grand total or $0U,03P,3o7. The committee cut down tlio 1017 estimates $1,378,07.1. As the hill stands, however, it represents an in created e.ienditHro over last year of $111,11.10,833. As to mr-9 ammunition, the re Hirt saya; "In tbe light of the Kuropean war, the board deuidud to very greatly in crease the amount of uuch material thought to be requiite, and it lias been planned to e.Hml this year $:i,000,000 to secure a new reserve." The report shows thut four or the new lti-incli guns will he emplaced at Cupe Henry, Va.( two at Itoeknway Ileaeh, N. Y., others at Son Frupeisoo and Sun Pedro, Cal. Long range 12-ineh guiiH will go to New York, Bol..ii nml cither Port land, Me., or San Fruiui-co. JUBpfflK I A K 0 HOUSE VON PAPEN'S PLO WASHINUTDN, April it. The gov einuientV imestigutiou of the alleged connection of Curl A. Luderits. Ger muu eousul at Ilultimore, with the isMue of an American pupit to IJort Von der tloltx, eoiifeMed Oer muny spy, under the uaiue of liridg Hian Ta.lor, has reached a xint where Ihe next step i to lay the tacts before a federal grand jury. The story told to department of justice agents by Von Der Gdta at New Yoik i to be made the basis of u'land jury action. In his statement Yon Der dolt is quoted ns saying be went to liultimore with a letter from Cnptuin You 1'ajien, the former Ger man military attache hero, requeuing the coiuul to aid Yon Der (Jolt, in any way be oould. You Der 0'li ha loid the aaeuU he presented Hie let ter and discussed with l.udtritr plana loi obtaining Irnudiilcutlv au Amori- ( .III ll.l--.pOlt. NO. 1:1 VILLA REPORTED AGAINENCRCLED er warn Capture of Bandit Claimed Near American Pursuers Out of Com munication No Grounds for Re ported Withdrawal of Troops Railroad Not Yet In Use. WASHINGTON', April O.-Scere-Inry Lansing lodny flittlv denied Unit tluno was any ground whnlcver for (ho roporta thnt the withdrawal of Amerienn troops from Mexico was being contemplated. AlBXICO CITY, April fl.-Gencrnl Gutierrez reported to tho war depart ment toduy thut tlio'onplnre of Krna elseo Villa within n vory iliort timo wns oorlain. lie snid ooiiPtitulionnU iet- foroea wero ngnin reported to hnvo lotfntPd Villa and aurrnundM him. It is nlso reported Hint n combined force of constitutionalist foraea from tho stuto of Jnlitao, Aguns CnlicutcH und Zaontoous Is eloaiutr in on Gen eral Hmonmuntcs, avIio, with n InrRa foi-oo oT Villn envnlry, lias been lo enled near diichipilu, in southern .neulueus. i Pm-Milt Still Continues SAN ANTONIO, Tex., April 0. Tlio most advanced envulry detach ments euguged in riiiinins down Villa wore beyond eominiinieatioii . today, and nt Ocnornl l'unston's heudtpiar- tew it wns baliovud they nlrendy were as fur soulli us Salevo, from whence Irniis exlend toward Parral. Only unofficial and eonllietiui roporta nn to Villa's wherouhouU Imvo been re eeived hero, hut Gennrul FiiiihIoii nnd his staff officers plnco most cred ence in the report thut he wns in tho vicinity or Sntevo Tuesday and trav eling south. , From Salero Ihe Amerianii forces oould send a courier lo Cliihunliiui with reports for transmission by tho regular telegranb Hues, hut tho local authorities in Mexico have tiorsiNted in their rvfusnl to accept tho coded inetMAgos from officer of the puni tive force. Itallroad Not IVcl WASHINGTON, April (1. Allen tiuu of ndmlnistratinu official-, wn focused toduv on the dinlnmatla ns- pecU or the American expedition into Mexloo. News regarding military do-, velopmetits was lacking. In some quarters (hero wan n. strong ineliuatinn to conuoet the de facto government's apparent dclny in permitting the use of the railroad for tho shipment of supplios to tho United States trooK with a desire to hnvu the American force leave Mexican soil. It is understood that Carruiiza offieiuls on the border have nirtdo in formal inquiries as to how inueli longer the expedition wilt remain in Mexico and bow far south it -will go. Legally, tbe Aiuerieuu forces nru now pursuing what is lenned "a hot trail." No great surprise would Ikj occasioned here if Carrana should miggeht i-oon that the trail hud he come cold and should ipio&tinn the proprictx of American (loops pro ceeding much farther. AN ACT OF WAR NEW YORK, April . The oxploit of Clarence Hudson, alius Krnost Schiller, u holding up, unaided, tho Dritish Mteannbip Matuppo on tho high fccu-. hint week was not piruey, HuiUun contended Uirougli cuun&ol iu fslerttl pnueedimrs hero today, but was au act ot war which was nunui-e-fcd in h the captain and chief of ficer, who, he declared, joined him in a toast to the emperor of Germany. 1 hid -on beyiiu today to fight to avoid being leiuoved to Wilmington, Del., toi trial in tbe federal court tin re on the cliurge of piracy ( re (iietd by tho United States nttor u jtncrul. Ilii eouusel demanded a i 'I lieariinf and ho was held in $2.1,01)0 bud for examination Sutur dn.. I n.iblc to furnish tho bomi4 Ilud'.iiii went to tho Tombs, SCHILLER'S PI 1