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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1915)
J' ,;r-.r v u " , MISDFORD MATT, TUntttNK, MT5DFOUP OUIWON, MONDAY. APRIL 0, tfllfi h ,. . JAH5 TWO P , .' Wv W ' ft r . 1 v Hi' 'f I r. t it ,' '4 V ' & ,'- ioCaland PERSONAL H imm mwmiimii uMun iw wii; Mr. Cliftrles Mo.Vrlhur nnd llttlo Mushier iVh BpomlliiB a fexv ilnyn with Mm. l- C'orHw of KnRlo Point. "MlKiios Maud Cortina, Ulntlyn Nnl-wli-Ii unl Mr. Hoberl Strnnu wisro tllnitor 'Kiicntif of Mr. and Mrs, Kr orell MoAWhnr Tltiinnlny ociiIiir. . Jlnvi j our Inxxit ntoxvur ulinrnonwl by ,t V. Mltcholl, phono .120-1. tf Ulehunl Vtmner of tills city, lint been nwnrded tlio contract lo do tho .onrponter work on tho now federal IhiIMIAr find romtnrncil tho work dr Tnitnc soiling Motulwy mornlnft. .Mr. Vernier roattUw ht fit 2 Wort .TneUson utrwit hnt linn heon contract ing In Seattle for months. Another flvo hunfirert pound ship ment of those ilellclotiR chocolnto rroanm Kolng at thirty cents a pound nt DoVoo'b. Karl Trowiirhlgo, who litis noett In Mcdford for tho ihit two yours, will leave, this week for his old homo In Hancock. Michigan, whoro ho expect to rvmaln and whoro his parents re side. Oroponlnh ngency at DoVoc'n. "A nicoKnjr or tho M. II. S. nluinnl ' wjll Tjo lieitl this evening on tho mo snnino floor of tho Hotel Modfonl. At thin time committees will bo np jwlntit and arrangements made for giving nnotlitar of (he, popular nlnmul lnforiuiil dance?, tho dato of which wlll'tjfrobawly be sol for Friday, April ICtlV. All alnmnl nro urged to bo present promptly at 7 p. ni. Seo new-time cord of Intorurban In advertising -columns. H Jacob TtfjrfcNif Wolf Creek Is spend ing a row days in tho city attending to business matters". a A. DoVoo for subscriptions. .7. U. Embey of Prospect spent Sat urday and Sunday In Hertford attend ing to business masters. Swoot ctdor at po Voo'a. George W. Lftnco of Gold Hill spent Saturday In Mcdford attending to business and visiting friends and ac quaintances. "Grown in Mcdford" vegetable plants for salo. Many varieties. Or der now for futuro dollvery. Mad tlort & Bouncy, Portland Ave. Green house Phono S7R. 30 Ttodntor Calvert of Grants Pass spent Sunday In Modrord visiting friends and relatives. If you G. A. DoVoe, you can get Tho Country Gentleman for ono, dol lar. William Thurston of Jacksonville Bpent Saturday in Mcdford attend ing to business matters. Seo Shaplelgh Hardwaro Co., ror fishing tackle, especially tho boys. Mr. and Mrs. Wayno Leovcr or Central Point punt SUndny In Mcdford- visiting frlond and relatives. J. O. Gcrklng. tno txist all around photograplior in southern Oregon . Always rOliablc. Negatives mado any where, tinio or place. Studio 228 Main St Phono 320-J. Juck Harvey of Grants Pass spent Sunday in ji fed ford attending to bus iness matters. Why potwgUlt nt DoVoo's? Tho' ftinerlfuservlcos of the lato I). J. hold from tho fam ily" residence- Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, a largo clrclo of friends and acquaintances paying tho last t rib ate. '."'- CaWy candy; get It at peVoo'a. Tlio Elks will glvo an Informal dance nt tliolr now tomplo on North Central avoniwTitoeduy night. it it' n't Tin Voe"s LoiiIh Ulrlch iind wlfo of Jnck snnvlllo api'iit Sunday in Medford vis iting friends. ' " MfttlneO. ihoPngo today. Mrs. Surah Woods of Gold Hill xltltd friend and rolatlvea In thin city "Saturday and 8unday. Uot ysnr DTUutrv' cream, milk and butfiiMnllk, at Do Voo's. Joe! Kelly of tho'Urirfln crook dls trlct Ajiont Saturday In Medford on busing? ' , Kodak' 'finishing and supplies at Weston's -Camera Shop. Opposite Hook Storo. Mrs. A, IX TfolnioH and llttlo son will lonvo in n day or so on a months islt to frjands and rolatlvcs In Port land and. oyvcr northern points, Scb'Davo Wood'uoout that flro in eurunco policy. Offluo Mall Tribune nidg. Garl Von -dor iTollon of Wollcn upont Sunday In Mcdford visiting friends. Paporiug and painting, Phone C44-M, ' ' K. IC Llncojn' of CorvalllB Js nmong' Iho butof town visitors In Iho clt-'tlila wtok. ' ! ' ' Papering and painting. Phono Mis, William O'ilnra won tho Max well nulo-tln lltt Page theator con lost. Mrs. (J. f. Blrkland, second, itud .Miss MHlan X'roncU third, ICatrtor was' .observed In a. fitting luhuncr in tHJ, city Sunday with sppclal porV'cV aniJ Wislc at tho c)irc))s. TWro was plonty of new HO.WHR ftM hats. Thp day was not of )i hml, tf3 intersporsod with '6howr8. " r KifHcy grpeerlM at DeVoe's. t James Olson of Wnlklna la spend ing n fow days lu tho city attend ing to business nmltcrs, Wonderful Cublrla Page Wednes day and Thursday. x li Mr. Alfred OWon, versatile vocntirt, JupI from Krlsro, nnd tho Klshor, Ijpvoy rlrcitlt, at tho It theater to night with usual picture program. r Kodnk finishing tho best, at Wes ton's Camera Shop. Opposlto Hook Storo. ' Andirw JoldnoHB expects to lonvo In n fow dnv ror his claims lu Iho niuo- LWlgo district. Gtt Pan Dandy tiroa At DoVoo's. Tho vtMory of Jess Wlllnnl over Jack Johnson caused tho unleashing afn fow wnr whoops around tho'Mnll Tribune off Ire when tho news was re ceived. Considerable local Interest was manifested In tho championship bout. Many of tho local fans who Picked Wlllard to win. nlso picked Jeffries nnd found revenge In tho result. Very llttlo local coin was placed cm tho result. Tho bout at tracted considcnthlo nttontlon local ly. Wonderful Cublrla Page Wednes day anil Thursday. 1 Attorney Gus Newbury attended to business matters in tho county seat today. When your feet hurt don't try to put up with it. Havo them cared for by a skilled Marlncllo operator. The comfort It brings Is worth many times the cost or treatment. The Marlncl lo Hair Shop. Cora E. Utlcy, 407 Garnctt-Corcy building. tf H. G. Grant or Kosoburg Is spend ing a row days In the city attending to business matters. Mrs. Ilort Thlcroir left Sunday for San Francisco where she will spend the r.ext threo months. Tho Shakespeare club will hold a meeting thl3 evening at tho public library, Hamlet being read by B. T. Mulkey. This is tho thirteenth week ot the study ot this play by the class under the direction or Mr. Mulkey. Merle Kellogg Is suftcrlng rrom a slight touch ot blood poison in his left root. n. K. Potter or Mlnncmucca, Ne vada, a stockman or that section Is spending a tow days In tho city and valley attending to business mat tera. A movement Is on toot among vatrons ot tho public library to kcop tho library open during meal hours, ror tho accommodation ot subscrlb crs. Tom Puson, who Is III at his homo from a touch or typhoid rover is re ported as being Improved today, and' 10c. Wondcrrul Cublrla Page Wednes day nnd Thursday. 15 The Hogtio Klvcr Prut and Pro diico association has received its con slgnmout or arscnato ot lead for tho taming season. Tho brand Is (Iras- solll's, which has given satisfaction fo rtho past tour seasons. Tho tost shows this year's product to bo a 15 porcont lead. Tho prices aro low. or than over bcroro. Tho goods nro roady ror Immediate dollvery. E. W. Rollins or Boston or tho old established band nnd 'brohcrago hoiiHO of E. II. Kolllns & Hon3, is visiting Mcdford and' tho valley. His firm handles the bonds ot tho local powor company. It was reported in this city Sunday artornoon that Andrew Pnolo, a for CBt ranger In tho Trail district had (torn shot and killed. Poolo was ono of tho ehtor witnesses ror tho stato In tho I.orls Martin murdor trial. Tho 'nfonrmtlon was brought to this city 'by Undertakes Stack ot Ashluud, who wan nn routo to tho Trail district on a burial cabo. According to street KnsIp Pools "had been plunked." An Investigation showed tho death to ho that or n woman, claimed by typhoid. Charles Grccr or Ashland Is In the city today. Walter Harrington returned this morning Ironi a two weeks trip to San Francisco, 1 NOTICE 1 I wish to thank all my friends for tliolr support In tho contest at tho Page theater, MR.3. WM. O'HARA. CITY Tltl-MSUIIER'S .NOTICE Office of of City Treasuror, Mod rord, Oregon, April 1st, 191C. Nolico Is hereby given that there aro funds on hand In tho city treas ury for tho redemption of tho fol lowing bends: Improvement Bends: No. 0104. dated' May 1st, 1010. No. 011, dated Mny m, 1911. Nos. 13SC to 1388, inclusive, dated Nov. 1st, 1911. Nos. 1C7C and 1C7C, dated Nov. 1st, 1913. Watcrmaln Bends: No. 3 of Series "E," dated May 1st. 1911. K03. 4 and C, Sorjes "G," dated Nov. 1st, 1911. Interest on tho above named bonds will censo at tho vixt semi-annual interest paying period, May 1st, 1015. GUS H. 8AMUEI,S, 12 City Treasuror. TERRIFIC RIGHT FLOS CHAMPION (Continued from Pngo One.) WillnnlV out lip nt oxory opportun ity. The mitfrt) lnnnVil lliroo trns!i iujr blow to WllhuiVs uiiproteeted bod v. At I lie hell .ItiWnn xxiis limii- meiinjf luirtl nt Williml'N hotly. Tho coxvboj's left check xv3 cut. Itounil Soxcn Jolinon xxn 11-iiij; every artifice to ltree the fikhfinir Mo rushed Wil lord lo the topes, 1uigim; with both liMMl repeatedly. Wtllnru' Ions lelt temporarily blimW tho itojtro't loft eve. iltiliniott cwme nnoK wit 11 n ser ies of swings to Willunl's body. It was a verv oKmi fight so Inr. Hoitml lClght Willnrd xx'us gnininit eoul'ideneo nnd liied Itw liiunl nt fofeini; Iho puce. Johnson neeeptud hw ehnllenge. The pugilists bntteruil eaeli other news the rinp, the negro having the better of it. Willnrd Inmled on .lolmson's tnonOi. Then .lolnwon uppenml Wil lunl over the henrt. Willnnl bouiieod off tiie ropes nnd Inmled n left to the jnxx. The round ended xx-ith the negro swinging bloxvs to Willnrd's head. Hound Nino Willnrd ns-xumed the tipsrtwivo. JoliiiHou started one of the euxx boy's ears bleedinir. The chniupion lundcd frciptontly. hut his Moxvs nppenred to IsH'k their old -time poxver. Amidst feinting, the uroxxd shouted, "Kill the lilnek henr." Johnson iminedintoly started n rally by driving tlirec hard hooks to Willard's stomneh. A loft by Willnrd stntted the negro's moutli bleeding. The latter slugged the white man to the ropes. Hound Ton Johnson xx-im sloxv in coming from his rumor. Willnrd scored txx'o lefts to tho face. Jcs xxas blocking hetter ns his nervousness xx-orc off. John son sxvnng u left to Willnrd's ribs nnd sent hnlf 11 doxcu blows to Willnrd's body nnd jnxv. The negro knocked Wlllard to tthe ropes with right nnd left sxx-ings to the stomneh. A hard right chop stntfgerod Willnrd. Hound Eleven The rroxx'd derided Johnson, xvho xvus fightius nnd answering the sal lies nt tho same time. Willnrd drove 11 left to the negro's mouth and took u right hook to tho body in return. Johnson smashed the roxvboy xvith n left to the jinx. Joss blocked several swings. Johnson then tried to rnt- ttle Willnrd by talking. Tho latter angrily replied in kind. Johnson tapped the giant's shoulder nt the hell. It xvns n slow round. ( Hound Txxclvo The negro oprncd xvilh u left to the hodylTud 11 right to tho jnxx-. lu n clinch ho smashed Willnrd threo times xvith his left. Johnson then drove n rixht to the body and n left to tho liund. Mis blows nppurcntb hud no of font or. Willuid. Johnson drox'o Willnrd to comer xvith n fwing to the bond. Willnrd's left enr nnd nlieuk Vrero bleeding. J In wiillim) frikly lo his corner-at tho bell. H011111I ThlrUvii Willnrd's body xvns noxr red from tho effeots of the punishment. The negro, ducking under his opponent's loads, continued to play for the stom neh. Willnrd drove Johnson into ft enruur nnd lauded s(niilii Ml (o Johnson's fnrr. 'lite ner . jut red Nullanl with .1 If Tt hook " the jnw in return. Me nest hookvil In left to the white mini's body, reHiitmg this hloxx 11 miiiuto Inter. The elinni pion Inmled right mid left lo the heiid ns the b'-ll rang. I'oiiimI I'oiirirni The round openud xvith Willnrd rushing ami missing u right upjiereilt. The ehnllengur xxns tho uggressor nnd tried to foreu the lighting. Johnson slammed Willnrd on the mouth xvitli 11 Jefl. Jess, only laughed. The ne gro xx-us beginning fo miss his lends. Willnrd drove 11 html right to John son's ear. The negro smashed hiird left lo tho body nt tho hell. Hound Firteoii Tho croxx'd kidded Johnson, x rushed Willnrd to Hie ropes nnd scor ed five hnrd swings, lcmurking: "What ft grand old man." Willnrd tinned ut tho rem ink and also nt the blows accompanying it. Tho bell found both pugilibts fighting in the center of tho ring. Hound SUtocu Johnson missed 11 .left to the head and they clinched. Tho chill longer blocked the negro's rush. Amid fighting, tho black man said "Willnrd is 11 good kid," and then rushed Jess to the ropes, scoring ixvo hind punches to the- body. Tim negto ijrovo u terrifie hxVing to Willnrd's side. The challenger xvus n 'rifle tin- .:., .l.j CHICHESTER S PILLS VAv TUB WAMONU HBANV. X til.ckc-ter(UI 'III la ua loirt, ttUt4 vlth Titka na ulurr. l'fr Jr vci k town M VtU, St(ntAI n KclUtl SOLD BV WWSTS EVERYWHERE Asii m 5i W J toad UriidA IU HUJXHl. V lit ' mr slendy in going to liu.rotuor nt the end of this round. Hoiind Wvntcvn ,i . Willnrd Iniiifed 11 light Hi Johnson's body mid i let to 'IhV iehd.p. Wil lurd ngnin Mooved a right In Ihe'hody nnd blocked tho negio'x velum, .lurl; drove Willunl lo u corner itud luntl Willnrd to n Coiiue, xxhoro the negro smnshod him twice on tho jnw. Wil lnrd's lends were easily piekdl offhy the ehitmpion. After soveAil Mies, Jess landed u sIVuiuht loft to ,lohif sou's fneo nml u.nuht xviii lo the jilxy. At Iho -bell Johnson li(ndel n punch to 1110 nody una anouicr. tojtno jnw. ' . ' 1 Hound Eighteen ATI or ploying u tattoo nil WiHni'il's chest nml toumch the iftVu lrvt solving every hit of his energy. Wil lnrd again landed u left to the moullt mid then vcpouted it. Joliusou stop per around backwards ut Iho hell and dropped heavily into his scut. Hound Nineteen Doth pugilists slowed up it hit, Willnrd noxv xvns the aggressor. Johu- nou stood in the middle of lite ring ami bhvkod YYtlluid's bloxvs. During the minute not n single hard punch landed mid Johnson seemed tiblo to divine Willnrd's oxeiy lend. The no- gro then started a rally, Inndiiur Ixvo lofts to the body nml u right to tho jnxx-. Hound Twenty Wlllard opened tho round xxith Ixvo light bloxxs to the negro's fneo. The j hitter hiughfd nnd said: "Lead ukuIii, kid." Willnrd did itud smiled nlso, The crowd uround tho ring yelled. "Hurry up, xvo xxant to seo the rnrcs." Willnid stubbed and paxved the nir until he lauded u sxviug 011 the ne gro's jnxx. Tho negro immediately cut loose nnd thev battled across the ring. Tho oroxvd went frantic x"hon Willnrd drove u hard right nnd left to the negro's body ut the hell. Hound Txxcnty-oiio After n minute of posing nnd feint ing Johnson hooked his left to Wil lnrd's body and sent n right sxxing to the bend. Willnrd replied xvnh 11 straight left to the negro's fneo. Jnek rushed, but Willnrd covered liiiiiMdf xx ell and they fell into mcliuch. John sou ir.ilkcd uround the ring. Willnrd missed right sxviug and laughed. Hoth xx ore fighting for nn opening nt tin bell. Hound Ttx'outy-txvo The fight ut this point hud degen erated into n sloxv sparring nnd clinching batttlc. Neilhvr pugilist np penred particularly tired or injured by ihc blows of his opponent. Will nrd tried pfi!iijr""thtf pnecnr n clinch he battered the nejiro's lioily xxiOi lights and lefts. Johuvm only grinned. Willnrd continued xvorkmg for the Jiegr0's stomneh. Jack grinned nt thojahriekin,' crowd. Nev orlholess Johnson xvns hojnj; Hie effects of the pure. Hound Txwnly-llireo Willnrd rindicd into it rlinch. John sou held on until ordered to break by the referee. The ohnllonKcr shot txxoi lofts to thto negro's fnrr. They clinched again nml wrestled about the ring. JesH ndded txx'o more Ictts to Jack's fneo nnd clinched. Up to this point Johnson had not struck u'blow in tho round. Hound Tncnlr-fniir The crowd .yelled lo the fighter in the ring to fight, hut instead (hoy clinched. Willnrd laid his xveiyht on Johnson nt cxery opportunity in the clinches. JoIiiihou' rushed Wlllard baekxvard in the sumo manner us )m did Jeffries ut Keiio. Johnson mi-s-ed txx-o weak sxvings. The rrowd howled xxith disapproval. Wlllard then stanched tho negro with n left lo tho fneo ut tho bell. WHICH? AltK you looking for bargain coun ter glasses? Aro you willing to wear cheap glasses Just bacauno thoy nro cheap? Do you consont to having your oyen tampered xvith nt (ho risk of tliolr permanent Injury? Then this messago Is not tor you. Hut it you value tho precious gift ot sight; If you wish to retain It; if you upprc clato skill, then It is ror you, nnd you aro asked to como whero nbso luto accuracy in correcting dorocts Is placed abovo every othor con- DR. tflCKERT i:vi; fiiuivp ayy.cuybH'c Sulto 1-a over Doiiols. 4 I UNION FEED AND LIVERY STABLE FULL EQUIPPED LIVERY STABLE AMBULANCE 8EBVI0E 112 South Riverside Phono 350 GAUNYAW .& BOSTWICK Pfopytotor. jjgMB Hound Txxonly-flvo .TnJtiiMptt'rt netlous might huvo IndU tiled tliat ho Ihougbt he could not i'W. .,t,V...I ....I Vl.. I....1.... 1.. kntujk Wil'lnul out nniV Whh living to get the deetsioit ot) point H 1110 enu of lliu ftu'l.vlillli rortmlr Willtinl shook the negro wi'h n rlht to the heart. Mo then clipped Johnson on tho jnxv xvith 11 feeble lelt nnd stalled forcing tho pnoe. Johnson was mm. ed Ixxo sxviugs lo tho head. Johnson hooked u'lfnjt f tf his opponent V Jnxv mid followed HV;ntMlhtfVlj pnnehon to Iho ImtuW l; ' ,',''') Hf ' .Hoiipil Txcu'iy.M'V 1 'ill . U . xxlnn.-J-i ..Ui.i.Ufi .x,tit,'f.&A,iti in .InliiitaJn'rAiMjA I'riui roToToft forced litem toTirviik from 11 oUneJi,-Winrd rimhl-tl ami shlmuiVtl rlgleUtl lelt to Johnson's hotly.' lit it clinch Iho hit lor looked over his shoulder lo his wlPaV we'll. Wllhrd simtilfeU Johu .soti n lorrifio right to lllojhxv, xvhieli I loured the ehuiuploii for llio counl. Portlaitit Llvcslock Mrkt I'OltTLAN'P, Or., Aiil fl.-t'nltlo - Ileeeipts tltKI; ensv. Steers, pulp fed, $7.'J.'i( 7.7.i; prittio iiitht, 7(r 7..!0; rows, prime, H(nllJ0; cltoico. $A.7.1(iMl.ll(l ; heifers, prime. $a.7W ll.'Jfi; bulls, f.'Jfit(tJ.r.7ri ; slitps, pi into, Itttfit.'ri. liop Iteeelpts 1WI; lOe litjctivr. lVimo lixht, .7..1l)df7.fil); oltniee ino lUtiiii, .fTofr.'-'fl: lijslit, Ci.UtK".OIli rough, !?(i.'J."iOTll.oO. Sheep- lleerlptw ti'iR; steady lo higher. Welhers, bol yeaHing, r.7fifJf?S.2ri : obi, $7(f?7."ni execs, best, 6ll.7f(t,f7: ohoiee, n.aafi?.73: mixed sheep, $ll.3U(ir7.ll ; Inmhs, spring, tfUulti.iiU; pihno, :fS.fiO(if P.'-Vi;choifo, $S( S.flO. Shearlings, .? 1 loss in nil Hues. NOTIt'i: Notice Is hereby given thnt the nn dorslgncd will apply to tho city coun cil nt Its meeting to bo hold April Cth, I9ir, for a license to sell mnlt, spirituous and vinous liquors In quantities less than a gallon 011 Its plnco nt business nt 1.1 South Front street, city of Mcdford for n period of six months. C. J. CAKSTKNS, Dated March 21th, 19K.. When Glands. Swell Blood Needs Attention Even a Swcnt Gland May Result in Severe Consequence. la our Inlrli.itn body tho iibo of H. H. H. (or tlio bb'uil lmi a mont rnmnrknlila Inlliirnic. III Ho rmlixo our Klnml 11 Ur nyilein. It may lie a Hoy bulb no blKKr Hull it ilu tmliit, nml yet If a tlUeasu Kerrn ;tii Inlo It, thor Is ix trrmTiioii HHMllltiK. It tHirom' n. boll, n citrliiini-ld, It mny be 11 "litoixl rlnlntr." nml It U often it sourcn of con tlnumiJ mlnery If not elietikoil. Many of tlm moil cxoruolittlm; forms of tor ture IiokIii with tlia swelling nt a tiny Klaiel, uutueil by u llHnno Krm. Ami It Is H. H. B. iipreailn lliroiiHbniit tlio tilouil rlrruliitlun to nrevtit Jtint such conclllloim. or If limy Imvn n. rrmly nlurlcil. K. rt H. Mill mmu mil th lilood In mull u staio of IifiiIIIi nn to overcome Iho tcniletioy In uliuitlulnr nwolllimH. It Is 11 mttural mnllolnu for the lilood, Jtint us nfiHi'iilliil to IkkiIIIi If the blooil iiituirr, im nrn lli inuts, flN. b'nilns and suturs of our dlly food. It contnliiH 0110 liiKrcillBtit llio nrtlvo purpoiiq of which Iri to ullimiliite th'i rxrlmiiKO of nuxv ttuaili for iloail or wiuilu matter. Oct n liottlo of H. K H tenlny of nny druKRlKt, nml If your cane l Htiililcirn. wrlto to tho Moillcut Adviser, Tltu Hwlft HpoclllcCo., J0& Hwlft IthlK., Atlanln, On. Tlila department in lu churuu of u noted pliyalclau. Trees Cherry and Shade -AND- ROSES A vtfoxv dozen first class six foot cherry troea rftKiilnt l)0o soods Soc each xvhllothey last. 240 IltiBh Dickson roses, .1 yr fl.CO per bunch ot ton. Still havo a pood lino of simile trees, roso bushes, flowering Hbriih ory and Loganberry plants, Hhiibnrb, AsparnKiis, Vinos, Dahlias, aiudloluu, and hundreds or other tmcful and fjrnamontal trees, plants and bulbs, qi-JT UU8Y. EDEN VAWJEY NURSERY UIOYa IXMtiMiiiitHtrect, Phouo 103 J-Vep PoIlVury to any part pf tho city Dl lf HHf fltHtl IIHU .Mny aJlJohn Voting, Kiioik- tml, (I iMiiiuti, Juno U!) -Krlmk Hoxvens, hnork- 011I1 !l loiiiUls, t July U--john VniiiiK, Knockout, t A rounds, Julv ill Arthur Velkey, 110 do- rihloiuMO nttintlii. AttgiiKl 10 - li. .Mel'uithy, no do- eisiou, It) totimls, Deeoinber U Siuilnr White, knoekjiurf U roitnjs. December itfr-olnMer Ivenrns, kiioclmul, 8 rniinili. tout Jitiitniry 'Xi- I'm nit Hnuer, knockout, ft ritiiuil. f Mnvell .1 -J'jek Lisin, knockout, " 'I rounds, .Mny 'JO-dnliool Smith, lost, 'J " round. .I11110 'J7 I'htjrley Miller, dt xx, I riuiiids. , Julv I Al WHUtn, w-oit, round. Aiiyuit 2 -Jhl)l VnuiiK, knoek- tiiit, 1 1 roiiuibt. Kovmnlv 17 flotnue Iltnlel, no decision, 10 rotml. Noxcmhi'r 'J'l Jiiuk Itced, xvon, '2 rounds, f MooHiibor .1 - t'utl .Munis, xvmi, III 1 minds. December 12 (lorft kuoolioiit, '4 round. Deeoinber ai) fJeorKe Dnxjs, II. .del, knockout, I) round. IDM' .Miireh 27-rTom MbJUIiuu. no derision, TJ totimls. ' " April 111 Tpm Daly, knookout, 51 round. " Anril US lorre Rmlrl, knock- " out, 0,roiuiils . " -r- ff-f-f-rf-f-r ftl-f With M-Ut..i Tnulo H Mi d ford Mado' SiLiLi: tirm mi Ann hint m uiwiun 0 PREVIOUS RECORD I TH" - ' . im. 1 II .i . 1 1 Winn 1 111 1 ma 1lilS9ffiS Ml THOUSANDS of people bnvo ncjulrwl tho hnblt ot economy and havo reached success by tho saxliiK road. Can you nlso roach It? Yes nn account xxlili us xxlll help yn. I rercent I'jltl n Sxlnn Aciouiilrt. OVC'P ff2 VCAU3 UNOE ftneucvaaaixsuo xxmfevcxzzG!23Z&. Montraville Wood X Scientist and Inventor AT Natatorium. Kail Wednesday Evening April 7th, 8 o'clock ;,. This is the last iiuiiiiicr of the rMctlfortl I'liiterlniuuiciil Course. Mr. Wood is one of the most widely known Scientific Lecturers. lie crrrics with him a larj;o amount of wonder ful scientific apparatus. Seats on sale nt Ilaskin's. Single admission 5(k Reservetl seats 75c. rmffMWJrJiWiXI&Z! TOi8taii"Cufc 3FM; Frico" . Ti't'T. I sCdRoonns' Means "Cut Prace" Quality W rllJP If Buy materials that last tn IBHHHBHHflBHHHHHHHHHHflEuflQHIKU AsV vmir itpnlcr fur DITmI ; Roofing ulIi muile by wltity Ucur our initiii'. A. IlocflnBl Ul) aratti ami W) ifcX"ifshta.l-. H-Pjy BuuranU A,nfll Tbh misrnnlrpA 10 vinr pMilt I blU , aJontriirl'alli ,r-il Falu l'jri riu j.nlv miarantced 15 venrs BuIUIint 'pcr General Roofing Manufacturing Company n'urlil't Ulyttt nanuJUtlunrt vf lluafinf uixl DutLllaj 4prr NwTikC!tf Mo CUcu I'UUlur;b CUU CbdutU Kiuu CUr MlwMp.Iti SFi..clc Suttl. wmmwwwmmmmmmmmmmmwmimm a M(tnvxrmon Isnn for rMMrwi. Iit lpcmiHnf Millie llln)iU lltlM n Ip mitt litem no) iltiulvnl 01 Hill UIIMIfM ! HU,)l)lll' TIip liimhWi'!'piitiny"f X'P "?h'il Mtoinwl linidili t'v biliiil' IiiiVImiiii, Nmi.i le OimiHHiui', nn itnil iii iwtit uUit n. "I took your Com iKiund unil havo u ln, t tronR !ly. " Mrs. John MiTUIllii.l., Ma. sciin, N. V "I'uln IS. lliiliham's VoL'ftahle Obmitouml I 11 xvoiiilorful mwllelnu for tit ft (XH0tUllt inollim." Mr A, N. MtKl, tlor- donvill. Mo. " I hluhly Mcommend Lyilin U. l'lnkbm' V'g ctablo L'crnuotllHl lf.ito child birth, It ItMitloneso initrb for me. "-Mrs. 15. M l)oitt, It. U. I, Cou hhohckiirt, 1'a. 'ltis.kI.ytllnlC.Vhik. hixtn's Verelbl Com pound to bulk! up my vstm and have tho d'uret Ixtby jrl In thu xv or ld.M- Mrs. MitK 111 AKMXY, Coalport, I'a. "1 prnlm Uk Com Huml whenever I havo it ibniK'ti. It dUI ini much for mo liefom my llttlo girl wimi lKrn." Mrs. 1' W .saniiijwi, HuwIm. burg, W. Va, BWJ "I took your Coin- Ji' poiniil iietorn imof xtiw iffl Istrn and fool I w my hfetolt."-MrH.W'iNNti! Tii.tJH. WInUr Haven, Florida. For Tlmt New EASTER SUIT Tailored to Fit 128 List MAIN Upstairs SEE Js; A CHILD LE -VWiaMBm-K'KJUCff.VS'JtlSSV mmgsmfimsxm i.ksai(QAhVUJI 1 1 $)mSjl Z$ ysSttQM n ONE MANAGEMENT 11 X RUMiC&lsiwawiYJ naiiwiA'ji' ... .. ,. M.,lKf'fcHTnvkfrT'rp, Tho General says: Tryinpf to cuve monoy hy purchnmnr; cheap roofing is peh'uy-who fooltehnoas. A man In lovnx r-nved $8.00 on n cheap rooJinj; and lost 32 tons or hay. w um&memmsm Imiilitlno PoptM Wall Hoard. I'uitlc Itoollni Crmvat A (pluvlt Cement Hoof Cu4llni Mel.l I'.inU CluWluor IVInl. i'tlilnul Sluln. (ifinrj Cal Tu Tnr Catlinc 2) cd 5 years riWt!LI AtUal Clinl.oJ Utha llunVu'f SvJuif ' J ms f J. &&4i-sij& .!... iiL. M I&IH . "Si. I IJ1'J'I,I f', X' m wwwi.i , flywy