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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1915)
'1 o 4ft' -r pa'6b two MEDTTOUD MATL TRTBUNK, MILORD, OR HOOK, SATURDAY, .TANITAHV 10, Mlfl I'. n i P 10CAL AND L PERSONAL Jtmlfonl I.oiIko No. llfiS It. I. O. KlkH will liold Its soronil ilnnclitK ami cnnl jinrty nt the now Klkt homo Tuesday cvenlm:, Jntutnry 10, nt S:30 o'cloclc' Tho mhy will bo foV Klks In fcood'Btn'iullttp only. IlnstolrtKB'n five Itlcco orclicutrn will furnish inualo' jor Uio occnMnn nnd n rhnrpo of 75 conU will bo tntulo to ench Klk. lloth visiting Klkfl nml resident mom bora nro especially Invltiul. &oo Davo Wood about thnt flro In Burnnco policy. Office Mall Tribune Dldp. A. W. Walker of this city Is vllt Iiir frlndn nml nttondlnK to business matters in tho Willamette valloy. "Tho Spoilers," a dramntlzntlon of Ilex llcach's famous novel of tho pnmo iiamo, will piny a return engagement nt tho Page theater Monday and Tuesday of next week. Upon Its first nppenranco In this city tho film drew packed houses, and was marked by Medford plcturo fans as tho best film over shown In tho city. Place your magazine club sub scriptions with Sparta Cigar Storo. 260 Mrs. 1). O. Gray of Klamath Falls has returned to hor homo after spend ing a few weeks visiting friends nml relatives In this city nml Jackson ville. A number of Mcdford hunters will spend Sunday hunting In tho hills, tho light snow of tho last few days In the foothills, making It flno for track ing. 8wcct ddor at Do Voo'b. ' Tho debating -team of tho High reboot Is making arrangements to hold a series of debates in tho spring with Klamath Kails, Ashland and Grants Pass. If. Ityau of Watklns Is spending n few days in tho city on business. Tho Home economic department of tho Greater Mcdford club will meet at tho library uiilldlnj; Monday afternoon at 2:30. Tho program will bo In cbargo of Mrs. Wm. Gerlg. E. J. Kaiser of Ashland Is In the city visiting friends, attending tho Commercial club banquet at the Sled ford hotel. Kodak finishing and supplies at Weston's Camera Shop. Over Isls Tbcator. Miss Gladyo Hollo of Yrokn, Cal., is visiting friends and relatives In this city. A heavy frost fell over tho city nnd valloy Friday night, covering tho ground with a matle of white, and freezing lco In puddles. Why walk when you can ride for lCc to any part of the city. Ford Taxi. Call Alco S82K. Miss Slarlon Hull of Roseburg Is visiting friends and relatives In this city. -Tho annual meeting nnd election of officers of tho Jackson County Dank will bo hold today. The finest equipment In Oregon for printing fruit labels. Mcdford Print ing Co. t James Kelly ,of the' Grlflfn creek district Is a business visitor In tho city today. W. I. Vawtcr, Joint representative from Jackson and Douglas counties to tho state legislature will return to day to spend tho week end with his family and attending to business mat ters. Kodak finishing tho best, at Wes ton's Camero Shop. Over Isl3 Thea ter. , Tho Central Point band Is making lis annual tour of northerns Califor nia towns, and playing to good crowds in concert. H. 1,. Kenny of Montaguo, Cal., Is spending a fuw days in tho city at tending to business matters. Winners of weekly prizes in piano contests nre: Ada Illnkoly, nt Mann's; Nellie Corum. at Schieffclln's; Freda Davis, at KIdd's; Letta Rosoberry, at SI. F. & II. Co. 255 If you want to bo a wlnnor in jilnno contest cnll nt tho stores nnd get n fow duo bills and sell to your friends or relatives. Somo have boei. Bold m you hud better get busy. 255 Among Uiobo from Ashland at the Commercial club banquot wore W. E. Newcombo, president, and G. W. Sea gor, secretary of tho Aahland club, and ChaB. F. Greer. Among those from Tnlcnt woro Dr. W. It. Dagley, C. M. Thomas and Wolborn Deeson. Got it at Do Voo's. Carl Von dor Ilollun of Kaglo Point wpont Friday in Medford attending to 1)itslueis mutters. Assessor W. T. Orlovo of Jackson ville was a business visitor in tho city Friday afternoon. Palm rooms, now management, light, airy rooms, reasouablo rates. Georgia Klchor. 259 The Polish Uollef socloty with headquarters at Now York lias Bent circulars to this city, asking for food and money to allevlato the suffering of tho people of that unfortunate land. Uot yur outtcr, cream, milk and buttcr-mllk, at Do Voe'n. H. G, Lincoln of San Francisco Is among tliofout of town visitors in tho city tula week, i Tho transcribed ovldenco In tho enso of tho California-Oregon Power company against tho city of Sledtord Ih now In tho hands of Federal Judge Wolvcrlon for a decision,' which Is expected In tho courso of n month or six weeks at tho latest. Try our now English smoking mix lure, 50 cents per package. Medford Clcarg Store. 2GS According to letters received In this city, Kdtson Marshall, i Medford student nt tho University of Oregon school of Journalism, has sold his sec ond story to tho Munsey publications. It is entitled "When Tho Flro Dies," and will nppenr at an early date. Wo arc headquarters for real first auallty cut hair. Marlnollo Unlr Shop, 407 Garnctt-Coroy building. if There has not been an arrest by tho pollco department In tho last two days, an unusual record. f "Tho .Medford Elk." tho official publication of thnt order, edited by Carl Teugwald, has been Issued for tho month."" J. O. Corking, tho best all around photographer In southern Oregon. Always reliable. Negatives mado any where, tlmo or place. Studio 22s Main St. Fho'no 320-J. A gang of wandorers camped on tho southern limits of tho city Friday, and had a hilarious time singing nnd howling. They camo to tho city to complete their celebration, nnd whtlo mnklng an effort to secure nlcohol woro ordered out of town by tho po lice. Architect F. C. Clark attended to business matters In the Central Point district this morning. Cora E. Utley, chiropodist, 407 Garnctt-Corey building, phono C57-R. 274 The Josephine circuit court com pleted its work for the present sesion Friday and Judge Calkins has re turned to Sledford. A special session will T)o held on February S for the hearing of motions, and tho transac tion of such business as may como bc foro It without going to Jury, but tho next Jury session will not convene till April. Judge W. S. Crowoll who has spent tho past fortnight at Portland, re turns to Mcdford Sunday. Sirs. R. L. Llndlcs of Grants Pass is spending the week in Sledford. In order to assist In tho beet sugar campaign tho blacksmith shops of Sledford will bo closed all day Tues day. ARSENATE OF LEAD AI FIT ASSOCIATION The Kopio River Fruit & Produce asMK-iiition has just completed ar rangements for the linmlliiu: of the Grassclli nrsennte of. lend for the coming penson. This will make it fourth consecutive reason's mo of this material. A sample of the Gros selli 1015 lend has been analyzed bv Dr. Henderson, the county pathol ogist, nnd shows l.'j.S'i per cent of nr benic oxide nnd only 22 one-hun-liundredths of one per cent of water soluble nneitic oxide. This indicates a strong lend with such nit unusually Mnnll amount of soluble nrxenic ns to practically remove dancer of bunting. TWENTY THOUSAND DEAD (Conttinucd from Paso 1.) "The dead in the ruins compose the greater percentile of the inhnbitnnts. .More than 10,000 wero killed nt Avez zuno nlone, while the remainder of the population, about 1000 persons, is practically all injured. Very few es caped without wounds, because every house eollnpxed lit once and nobody hnd any chance io run out. Thus iIih hecatomb is worse Hum that of Mos sina, ns it occurred within thirty seconds." The Duke of the Abruzzi is now touring the ccutnil portion of Italy, currying supplies where poiihIc and doing all in his power to it id the vic tims. v DEATH LIST GROWS (Continued from Poire 1.) Up to the present the Italian gov ernment has declined foreign official assistance, but this lu not nrevented unofficial aid of all kinds. Mr. Thomas Nelson Page, wife of the United .Stnlos ambassador, has con tributed JrflOO to n fund bcinir raised and other American women are fol lowing suit. Mrs. Page also heads a committee of Am-rieans who me working for the Mifitretv. All sup plies and money received will bo ban died by tlie central relief (eommittco in Home. LULL ON WESTERN FRONT (Contlinued from Page 1.) tho situation the ndvaneo of u new rtiihsian army aguinst.wesl Prussia, in ctmncctiou with the movement of tho forces that hnve invaded east Prussia is belioved in London to threaten tho German forces in central Poland. SCENE FROM "THE SPOILERS," SLOT MACHINES GO STATES K Orders have been iiiel bv Prose cuting Attorney Kelly to the sheriff office iu.xtnifting the removal of nil lot machines now being operated in cigar stores and saloons and eon trolled in this city by It. S. Itadcliffe, proprietor of a Front street bar. The order embraces the entire county. In the neighborhood of twenty-five slot machines lire in operation in thi- city. Compliance with the orders of Prosecutor Kelly will be made the first of next week. The slot machines nro the "pay in tntnsfentble checks" kind, nnd re ceive a profitable play in this city. The wording upon them are suppo-ed Io grant them n technical protection front tho law, but according to recent decisions in several spates they arc illegal nnl nrc placed in the same class a the "20"' dice game nbolixhed over a year ago by the city council. The machines arc of several mnUes nnd nrc owned by n California con cern. They have been in operation some time. OF MOST POVERTY Dr. J. I.nwrenro Hill, who has had chargo ot tho .Mcdford Associated Charities left Saturday for a two week's visit at Portland with Sirs. Hill. For the past two months ho has bcon tho bus:cst man In Sled ford. Dr. Hill reports that 72 families havo received assistance from the bureau and that ."0 families are still receiving aid. Of these only a vory, very fow heads ot families wero de serving of aid, which was extended In behalf ot the children. Tho parents wero too blame and shiftlcsHiicsn and drink tho causo ot their poverty. In many cases persons refused to work when work was found, nnd such cases wero dropped from tho list. During his absence, the ladic3 ot the bureau will carry on tho charity bureau. COMMISSI FORM FOR STATE OF IDAHO I10I8K, Idaho, Jan. 1C Commis sion form of government for tho state of Idaho is proposed In a resolution Introduced Into tho house of repre sentatives of tho stato legislature to day, providing for tho submission or a constitutional amendment which does away with tho stato senato en tirely and makes the houso of repre sentatives a body of 21 members, elected from 12 districts. It is pro posed to glvo tho now legislative body all the powers of tho present loglslnture. F Jackson county's sharo of tho statu vehicle license tax that includes mitos. is ff''780.70 for the last year, u cheek for this amount being received, by County Treasurer J-'rcd Colvig this morning from tho stato treasurer's office, The distribution of the lax is mado upon a proportionate basis among tho counties of tho state. News print paper bns been made by the forest service laboratory from twenty-four different woods, mid a number comparo favorably with stan dard spruce pulp paper. MUST ECU R KELLY AT PAGE MONDAY AND TUESDAY LAND OWNERS SIGN UP FOR 1000 A thousands acres for sugar beets was nroml'-cd today by W. II. Gore and J. T. Sullhnn, tho latter on be half of tho llogue Itlver Canal com pany. Tho offer was mado to show that tho big land owners appreciate tho value of u beet sugar factory and nro In earnest In their efforts to do what they can to sveuro tho location ot ouo In the valley, Sir. Gore Is tho owner of a thous and aero farm went of Sledford, one of tho finest In tho country and In addition owns several thousand acres of desert land, part ot which la suit able for bivflta. with Irrigation. Tho Canal company has several thousand ncros, part of which. Is available, A meeting will be hold at Grants Pass .Monday, nnd Tuosdny will be Sugar licet Day In .Medford, all bus iness houses closing to work to se cure the desired acreage. - In tho middle of tho week, tho pro moters of tho sugar factory are duo and the acreage required must bo signed up by then or, the proposition called off. It Is now or never for the valley. VIEWS ON EXHIBIT Striking liniul-puiutvd pin :i- of llic llogue River alley, slnmiHg n chard mid uatitttil scenery, have been prepared by Ujed KUor of the Kiser Photo company;, and urn marvelous worki, portraying impreiNtlvuly the beauticK f Ibis Motion. They will be on display at the Coiiuiiereuil club exhibit building Monday. They will be put on exhibition nt the Panama exposition n parMif Jackson coun ty's di-pluy. The photos are ns true to life ns human xkill can innku ihcm. Kvery tin detail of fonu nnd coloring is shown. Tho -101 orchard is one of tho pictures. , Tho orchard, the bouses, the broad expanse of volley, with ltosy Aim nft.n central back ground, make a uhiiriniiig scene. An other N it picluVu of Tabic Hock in late summer. The gaudy autumn colors of the shrubbery is shown on the trees, along with tlie look color ing and I lie blue of the rhcK Tho pictures me worth seeing from mi artistic Mmidpuiut mid valuable ns nn niUcrti-ing nsct. BY ELKS SECOND TIME T. K. Daniels of this city received a telegram from Ituymond lleujumin, grand exalted ruler of the Klks, no tifying him that Jic had been named district deputy. This is tlie second term in succession that Ml'. Daniels has been given this honor, which is rare, mid is n striking tribute to his standing in one of the grpnt'fraternU ties. Over twenty iipplicuitts front other towns wero reci-ived by tho urand Iodise, tho honor heiniMiccoiil- j cd over them to the wcll-knwd Med- ront j;ik. j r TOO MTU TO CMKJW'lf. KoiPl?XLKaVMjirfamHy'cow,"Veam young males. Phono 25-J. 257 WANTKD Room and board in pri vate fumlly by young ludy who bus position In office. Addrces D., caro Slall Tribune. 250 WA.NTOD Chore man, perniunont job. Uccommondatlona required. Phono 373-ltli, Ashland, 201 LOST. Fountain pen on West Sluln street Friday. Please roturit Io Slall Tribune. ' ACRES GAR BEET KSERS ORCHARD L E The imtuiiil "gct-logollicr" Meeting it d banquet of the t'onimcicial club Was hqfd nt the .Medford hotel last fh'ililitj'Vvitli "JtlO members in ulleud- itnee. Irrigation and sugar beets those two vital subjects to. the future of Die Rogue River valley, were dis cussed and tunv impetus was, to, both, The direelois for llll'i were iiauied us follews: J. A. Perry, A. ('. Ilubbaid, .1, D. llel, A. . Kocnhuum, (leorge Putnam, ('. ). dales, l Isaacs Ren C. Sheldon, Ouy ('. ('oi)K nor, S, S, tiniitli, Rert Anderson. A, !,. Hill, II. A. I.ullu, .1. T. Sullivan and llcrt Thierolf. V. A. Sumner spoke upon the or guuinUiou of au irrigation project, and SI. 0. Ilcnuett upon the needs and value of irrigation to this sec tion; Count v Pathologist .M. P. Hen derson told of the excellent fruit prospects of lOlft, nnd V, II. (lore brought the audience to lis teet by a rousing speech in favor of sugar beets and the establishment of a fac tory in this valley. His speech in part folIewH: While Irrigation wan urged and ex plained tho main Interest of tho oven- lng was centered upon Sugar lleets and In a nltrrltig and cuu lacing talk YV. II. (Sore closed tho meeting with tho appeal Hint every man present bo gln this morning and work with thn commltteo to bring thn Sugar licet fuctory horo and start the distribution ot gold dollars. Sunthlno nnd (told Dollars "We've capitalized our lakes, our streams, our climate nnd our fruit," said Sir. (lore, "but we haven't cap italized our sunshine. This sunshlno gentleman, can bo converted Into gold dollars, millions ot thorn, and all wo have to do is secure signatures to 5000 acres. "They say I am against Irrigation. 1 nm not. I nm for anything that will pay mo money- And If wo can make mora money with IrriKntlon then put me down for. It. Hut I nm for n Sugar licet factory first, last and all tho tlmo. I am for it bcrauso It mentis money, a million dollara tho first year, moro thnn that when tint Industry is established and It Is not money that wo havo to pay back In 0 years or pay Interest upon, but money from tho people all over the worl who live augur; money (o pay our taxes, monoy to start now Indus tries, with, money to establish and maintain p.iy rolls with, money to put tho balance on the right sldo of tho ledger at tho end of every year. "Anil It U not only tho bsjt sugnr Industry, Hut It ,1s thu cattle Indus try, the cheep Industry, It Is the brick Industry, the lumber industry, tho cement Industry which will bo bene fitted If wo gel this factory. Sim I .Now "Tho time Is short. If wo are to get this factory wo must get It now. It is not for you to say it Is a good thing for tho other follow. It Is for you to say, If It's a good thing for tho other follow It Is n good thing foi me. Sign up, that's what wo want, get signatures that's what wo want. Wo ntUBt get fiOOO acres signed up In the next fow days. We. ought to get 7000 signed up. I can show you Hint an aero of boots will net III) an ncrc. 1 am a farmer and know what 1 am milling about, Tho average ylold of farm land, uot fruit land, In this valley, I tell you, doesn't ex ceed ?10! "Now thero you have It, gentlemen. This company will come hero If wo will produce tho beets. That's fair Isn't It. They will want 10 carloads of cement, 15,000 cords of wood a year, men, teams, motor trucks, mid all we havo to do Is grow n crop wo can grow and Is more profitable than any other farm crop wo ifo grow." F. O. Dorotmifl of Wollen district Is registered at Hotel Clark, I.os An geles. nl. f THIS CAW-: OP TIIK KVK IS Tli; lilKK OF THAT OfKJAK In othor words, if you want your oyes to stay liy yon and proilorviryour uenso of sight as long mi you llvo, you must tuko good caro or tlrom. Eco nomy is a vory good tiling In tho, right direction, but, whon It comes to tho eye, n poor pair of glasses will not (alto tho place of a good pair, It you want good glasses I can fur nish thorn. SKK DR. RICKERT Ife Knows How Suite 1-2 Ovor Oeuol'i B, & II, Urooa Trading Stamps HI von ANNUA BANQUET COMMERCIAL CLUB IIIIG SUCCESS INQUEST FAILS 10 VE HUNTING TRAGEDY MYSTERY Though Hie coronet's- ,jntv nl the hupiisl into Hie tn.vslei ions mIiooIiiiv p' ('Italics Tlioumsen un. the iiotlli fork of Andeison ciocl, Friday ul'ler noon, teluilted a verdict that ilealh was ciiuvd by u bullet wound fired by un 'unknown,, I he eoitnly uulhoii ties nrc making fuither Investigation and in the hopes of establishing the identity of the accidental slayer. Pre meditation does not figiue in (lie do iluc.tious, being allow ed that Hie deud mint was mistaken for n deer, The ground in the neighborhood of Ihe tragedy was gone over bv lite sheriffs oi'lice mid wllncswes who testified, but no Iraee of the Intel, i of the hunter who fired the fatal shot was found. An inch of snow lav on the ground and u light fall occurred the night following the Iragedv, but no strange foolpi litis weie found Under these condition it would be impossible uo Io leave miuhs behind. Aged Father u Witness The firsl witness eMiniiued wus X. S. Tliomiisoii, the nged nnd grief stricken father of the dead man, who found the body. He testified that he brought back Hie gun his sou enrilcd on the fatal tup. Another gnu was in the possession of tho Thoutnscn's. The father has promised to bring these guns to Proscenling Attorney Kelly for further investigation. T!k father told of tho incidents before mid nftcr the shooting mid how hn found the body of his boy. The strongest point in his testimony wis that he found thn gnu pointing to wards his son. John Thoiaasen, anolhrr son, tes tided that he was asleep in Ihe cabin when the accident occurtcd, and that ho was awakened bv his father cry ing, "Charlie is killed; Charlie is killed." I'licvplnlnrd I'citure- Johu testified thai his fat her left the cabin without a ami. The unex plained feu I im is Hint ('buries was killed bv a .J"i-:,.' bullet, thoiiith he carried :il):ill shells in lu pokrl. P.dwnrd Hall and L Tinner. nw ittilt employs chiIv til Ihe octic of Hie tragedy, Ic-lifinl Io finding the body ami ile t and other delniU of the tragedy, New developments nut cpeed in the ease. STEWART CHOSEN FOR TACOMA POSTMASTERSIilP WASIIINOTON, Jan. ill.- Pre-. ! dent Wilson has dcleriiiiited upm lb iii)Miliitiueiit ns po-ltna-ter of f'altii' Slewiiit, Tacoiitii, Wash, , CHICHESTER S PILLS W- i iik in a mono iiu.vMi, X llra.rl.l. Ait f'll.l lll.s IllAtlONO IIIIAMO l'II.I.H,r a ibMan.ilmi.,lI.AInlluil. SOID BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE For Reliable Stylish Tailoring EE KLEIN 128 East Main. Unstairs Tllxl Alirrirf.f.i.n-A MkM-t.'alll.ma4 Ilr.JV I'llUI. 11.4 ! U.U wrt.lldW I ,n. WH.-I ll Mm HiUim, V T.l. . .ili.r. Il.r f .r v M tvd .Tim v m FARM INSURANCE Means Protection your crops anil stock from ilnmntto your pastures from outside slock prcvciitliin need less loss. PAGE FENCE IS THE BEST Insurance you can nuy for your properly Its permanent Insurance nunlnst crop losses anil, rav 'a(jes of stock. It works for your continuously, year after year. It gives better protection than any other fence. It (lives you pod honest value for every dollar spent. Another' carload shipment Just received. GADDIS lilL I "THE PAGE 134 North niversldo Don't Tukc Chances ,s&Zz ,v'lh '"'"" n,l M I- -m .--. -iw. Kim livn ?.'.'Vi7''.J IICII Item rmmum jwvriic . . . in iuu rain. 'v6 Know tral wrt JW wrMlicf eoliiliul. MA Vrr v(7 V CddA&il 'OfiesNP REFLEX SLICKER WAf4lriitfJ llilAII.I. .Hit lliliiUlh. I'.tnt,,l llrlht I Jtt tv triy ili linm lunrtrf It I.I, t ll IhmU u,ti(.(i nil mum, $3.00 I'.vrrywboro i',i.(i. Hit T'.rii )WER CO. $mUnwsKiAJtNiuu itoaroN .V.mJ Itti trimi attut --.-, m,i. an ... m. .J Done by Expert Workman And Gtinrnntccil MARTIN J. REDDY JEWELER 212 East Main St. Phone 10 U. CAFE Under New Management Regular Meals Short Orders at All Hours Best-ofServiee BOSSUM 5 ECKELS io n. ntovr WESTON'! CAMERA SHOP 208 East iMiiiu Street Mo(lfonl The Only ICxHuhivo CouniHM'i'ifil I'hot(i;nij)hra in Southern Oregon Negatives Made any time or placo by appointment Phono H7-.T We'll do the rent B. D. 'WESTON. Prop. '& DIXON FENCE MEN" Mcdford Iffl hmMA "WCM M c t-'TV iAT. A. J.' VF A SI r, I tK- v un :&&ji&m ',01 ?&ibH' S K" . V W V VV V i it 'u I.I I lt IIMY J,.' ..!. ().''. . 1.