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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1913)
u S(om Sfri,i " a Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION jWEATHER I'nlr tonight nml Tuesday Mux. 72, mlii. -17. in Korty.thlr.t Ymr, Dully MImIHIi Yrnr. MEDFORD, 0KI3CJ0N, MONDAY, Jl'NK 1(5, J91.1. NO. 7J). JJ ... iw.- RAILROADS LOSE IN FOUR BIG RATE CASES SUPREME OU T AH WNS UPHOLDS RATE RIGHT TO MAKE L TWO N M OR M 0 AW 0 GN Maximum Frclnht flatc nnd Passen ger Rate Law Decided to Oe not Confiscatory Railroads Soiinjit tu Enjoin Reduced Class Rates. RAILROAD RATES Freltilit Rate Ovcrchnrflcs Must Be Rebated Railroad Contentions Overruled. Test Cases Droiifilit hy Railroads Qiicstloiilnu State Rlhts Decided by Supreme Court Two Cent Law and FrclQlit Distance Tariff Upheld Federal Circuit Courts Overruled Five Thousand Dollar Penalties of Violations Sustained. WAHIIINHTON, J ii in) lit. Ur. Mini's inux.'mum freight ruin nml pnssnngor rnin law nn decided i.y IIiii United Kliilim supremo imirt tec ilii' tu lut nut confiscatory Tho de cision was roiidtf-ed In an action known a k the "Oregon into rnwi," tirotiKliI by tlio Houthern Pacific rail. mail, tint Oregon A California rail iiiniI ami (ho Oregon Itallrouil & Navigation company. In IU derision, however, Hi" court reaffirmed It "stales' rlKlitit" do rioo In tlio .Mliiuimotn rati- cam'. Tim Koiithorn Pacific, O. It K. N nml OroKou & California railroad attacked tlio Oregon lawn In two laiM-H. Tim ilotithorn Pacific sued to en Join reduced rltinfl rates fixed by (bo Oregon railroad coiiiinlindon south from Portland, alleging nn nnniial 1 1 nut of 1 1 00,000 tiioreby. Tim mil road; ?IIckm1 tbo Oregon law cront liiK tbo railroad commission wns In vntlil because It order affected In. tcntato commerce, (irovlilcil nxros nlv piMultlm, win not uniform, nml conferred Jndlclnl and legislative powers upon tbo rummUslou In vlu Intlon of congress' rlKbt to regulate Intomlnto commerce. An Injunction was retimed nml the rnltronila ap pealed, In tbo other Oregon toil raion tbo O. It. A N. railroad of tho lltirrlman lom r.pponloil from n Judgment of tbo Oregon federal roiirt, kIvIiik Judgment to shippers for freight rato overcharges on shipment of grocer ies from I'ortlnml to Oregon cltl It was contended by tbo railroad tluit llm groceries, In original parkngns. woro flmt shipped from California nml ri'iiialncil "Inlorctato" freight, making tbo railroad property with In tbo state plus I ',4 per rout for Hiirplutt wan confiscatory. Tbo rail road declared It wan doing business in ii lot on un liiM'itmont of Sir..- 000,000, F IS HELD LEGAL Contentions of State Sustained by. Supreme Court In Decision Rend-1 cred Today Rate Laws not Con fiscatory to Six of Lnruer Roads. MRS. EMMELINE PANKHURST, S UFFRAGETTE LEADER, CAUQHT BY DETECTIVE WHILE TRYING TO E3CAPE Decision Follows Lines of Minnesota Case--Lower Court Reversed State Rights to Regulate Sustained. WAHIIINUTON, .lillio 10. Tlio Arkumu two. cent rato for piimoii kit wan today dotlnrod by tlio Unit- oil Mate supremo coiii not to tin (ouflMcatury In two tort canes brought l tbo tit. l,otil A Mouth WTNtorn rulltoNil. Tbo Mlarourl Pacific railroad con tested tbo law git lug tlio italo till rlitbt ami liupoiOug ponnltlo of $60(11) flno for nib Infracllon, pay- nblo to tbo aggrieved uhlppors. Tbo Kansas Mtiproino court uplicld tbo inimlltullomillty of tbo law. This en no nn not ono of tliono Involved In tbo Minnesota rato case. Arkansas wan iiuotbor state at tacked In tbo general railroad tight against regulation of Intra-statc rato by tlio etntv railway cnminlr alon or legislature. In July, 130S, tbo .St. I.oiiIm & Koutliwoiiloru railroad nurd tbo Ar kansas mllwu.v rommUlon to oiijulu oiiforcfiuont of tbo twoTont imimoii Kor rato law nnd tbo "ntnndatd frolKbt dlnianro tariff law pamoil by tbo Arbnnnn IcpUlntup In 1907 It wan ulig nlloKod tbo law rrrnttiiR tlio coininlimlon In lSIy wn Invalid a nn Intcrforonio with Intoraialo commorrn and nn Invasion of fed ornl authority. Tho federal circuit court of Ar knnn enjoined both iimmiii;ir nnd frolKbt law nml tho comiuhtMon np- penled. Tho court declared tho law conflhcntory bpcauno tbo rallrimd' Incomo wn Iimw thiiti 7 per cent. It wn bold (bat any law rcduclui; tbo Income Iihm Ibun fi per cent nn niially on tbo value or railroad coin iiiImiIoii' rato reduction order, ru Intorfereuco with Intemtalo com-inurctf. DOCTORS DENOUNCE GLENDALE BANK ROBBED OF 3290 IN BROAD DAYLIGH I (lUIND.U.K, Oio., Juno HI. Willi bulleU uliixziui- uroiiml Ii!h liciul un tin ran, Raymond Diatnoml, u well Known rosiilcut of Olomlnlc, fled into tlio iiioiinluiiiH tliln morning nl'ler do lilieialely liolilinc up AKhUtiiut Casli inr Smith if (ho nicmluln Stiilo Hunk ti'nl KcoiniiiK' W.'DO in imtih. Diuuioiiil, wlio wiih porHotiully no fiiaiuteil uilli Smith lelnurely will;eil into Ilia bunk with bis riflu ueronn hi mm nml iiHkcil Kmilh to oMtmiuo it now nIIiI just Ml upon (ho rjinilii icnchuit to (nko (ho wonpnn, ulicn Diniuoml tinned it upon him nnd ilnniiiiilcii lliu inmioy. Huforo nnyono could inlciTorc, Jim hud nvcpt (ho ciihIi into u Ihik nnd iloiled out (lie door. Hniilh fired Hovcrnl hIioIu lint miiio took cITcot, no fur iih h known. Tim H'Kion lu'ionliout in tonsil nml tiiulioi'cil and tlio officers tiro work. ill,' tll.'OUti'l tllU pilKHCH. Kheiiff Qnlno of DnugluB county luitricil hero willi hlomlhoiimlri inriv iuy; oiiily tli'm afternoon nml prepared" (o (nko (ho trail of llio fugitive Diamond Iiiih heen known us a ho uiahht nljtitor liuru for about u ycur. II, 'Immormuti of tho Cubu him a rlvnl In tliu wny of IioIiik tho "only Kuy of tho Dronx," Dick Umlolph of tao ItruvoH. kIho ronio from be yond tho Iliiiloiii rivor, SPLIT FEE HABIT MINN'KAPOI.IS, Minn., .Imio 3fi. - Deuuucinliiiu of tho piuulico of pli.Vkicunih in "Kplilliuj; i'coh," am of ooiiM'iiicnt bnrcaiim between iliji ciu'H mill MiiKcoiis wliicli luiw led In u count rywiilo epidemic of opeiatioiiH, a in Miieed today, in a locomniomln liou lioin the judicial council of tlio American Mcilioiut society to (ho liottto of dclcntcH of (lio bocicty, i.ow in hCHhiou lieie. It uracil (lint .t rcKolulioii ho adopted expelling fri in tho oianinalion any member p'itliiiK fees or giving or receiving coimuibMiou. A committee of (ho society icporled Hint tlio pructico of Nplilting fees in piovulcul in tbo states of California, NVhriibku, Kuiikiih, Iowa, Illinois, In diana, t-nio, (he Dakota and in Now rlc City. Tlio nsscrtion is inmlo tlmt thin piiclieo eventually leads to u grout deal of needless hit i gory. 'I ho imlicinl council ultr ntrougly colidcjiied tho pruolicu of bospitalb lmyiug M commiusloii tor patients hcut litem. WASMINdTU.V, .luno 1(1. I photd iug, in tbo inuiii. the coulcntioii of (he Mute of .Mb.-ouri, the United Stulc Niipniuo court in u ioiiuii ri'mlercl today, held (hut the two cunt pnhcu gcr rule ami (ho maximum freight rntc law weio not t'oofixcuiorv. m to bit tit lilt Inroitr riiilr.tfi.ld .. I. ... I . I .....r, ..,,,1.,, Iiruiiglit ii ten! cae ngniiiht 'tho coti blKutioiiiility of (ho Miitutc. The law were declared coufiscatorv us to it iiuiiilier of Miinllnr miids. The court in today's division followed tlio ruling laid down in tho .Minnototn rate i:ac, decided rccendy. Tho ileuii-ion on the iiiieal Mil iums the stale as (o tlio Hurliugtou, Kaiita IV, Kiiiimim (,'ity 'Sontheni, Mixviuri, Kansn ami Texas, Hock Island and Fri too mads, rcrersing tiio decree of the lower court. Jiih lice Hughes, in a memorandum of (he court's ilroiiiou, said: ''These hiiiU wpio hropght lo restrain tho cn foivpiiiotit pf the freight rate and passengers-fare act of Missouri passed hi 1UU7. The ipieslion of in- Icrfereneo with inter-state ooiinnerca i tlio samo us thut presented in the Minnchotn case nnd the decision is (ho snine. Under a stipulation of the court below the decision sustaining the rale n to tho six cotnpnnic above mentioned also applies to six oilier companies; The St. I.OUI8 am South Western; Missouri Pacific, Iron Mountain, Wa bash ; Milwaukee ami Alton. Tho court held that (he rates were coufiscutorv in the case of the St. Louis nml Hannibal, Kansns City nml Clinton, Springfield nml Chicago und (he Qrenl Vo(eru roads. Itc-nffiriuiug the right of stales to regulate rate within (heir borders, us decreed in tlio Minnesota rato i use, (lit C'liiiti Sillies supreme court today declared valid (ho (wo cent passenger rate law of Went Virginia. I'liii decision of tho lower court is a tctt ciiso brought by tlio Chcnr-cuke ami I 'I. io rail load (hat Went Virginia rales me pot con fin on lory U af- kHMM mtmmm MaaBaananMHaMnMaiMiMiM r TIT" . &t .spZim'M HUHH wJraf il ?fHur rciaWlWPEHBHKSfitr-5'fBBW " . FIVE OF FRISCO POLICE fflS PLEAD GUILTY Detectives Indicted in Connection With Bunco Scandal, Charged With Conspiracy io Defeat Justice, Change Pleas. IS ON STATES CURRENCY BILL Two Stand Trial No Deal Made With Men but Light Sentences Because of Saving to State. I'nilil In-ft to Might, lletcelite; Dr. Paiikhiirst MwnI While III; Mt. Kthcl Kinytli, In Wlioc Home .Ir. Piinkliut-Ht ami the .Nun-e. m PANKHURST AGAIN RELEASED BYHUNGERSTRK E finned. Tlio rule decisions wcto tiiiaui umus. The couit adjourucil until full. VESSEL SUES MINE: TOED AT CONSTANTINOPI.K, Juno tC An unidentified nailing vohhoI to night nit-nek a HiibmorKOd inluo In tbo harbor of Smyrna and waa de stroyed, It lu feared, with nil on board. Tho vessel sunk liumodl ntoly, No Information so far bus. boon available iih (o tho number uf killed or Injured, AUTO TURNS TURTLE SISTER SUPERIOR KILLED FHKSN'O, Cab, June 111. Staler Alocmpie, dl yearn old, Mother Su perior of (ho St. Augiistiuo GhV Academy here, is dead today and three sister of tho invitation ate seriously injured through an nutoiuo bilo turning Initio twice in (he state highway near hero. Tlio accident was caused hy (ho Japanese chauffeur, who also was fatally injured, hwcrviug (lie ma chine huddenly to ono sido of tho road. Sister Aloooiiun'rt peck wiih broken. Sister Aguoliu'H arm has been am putated, and Sistor Margaret, a blood sister of tho Mother Superior, nml Sister Columbo arc. suffering from broken anus. Tlio ntncliino belonged lo Father McCarthy, of St. John's church here. Ho is in J (OS Angeles. HEAT KILLS HUNDREDS OF CHICAGO CATTLE CHICAGO, Juno HI. Between 1500 nnd WOO head of hogs ami cattlu liuvo died in tho Union Stock Yards hero lodny from tho heat. LOXUO.V, Juno ler Mra. Kmine II no Pankliurat, the. militant suf- fruKctto whone ticket of leuvo was revoked last Saturday, tho day of tbo funeral of Mis Kiully Davison, waa again released today from Hol lowuy Jail. From tho moment alio wua returned to Jail Mr. Pankhurst refused to eat anything and main tained her hunger strlko until slio became so weak that alio could not stand. It was decided that It would bo dangerous to confine her longer, .Mr. Pankliurat I now llttlo mure than a shadow of hor former self and tboho closo (o her nro convinced that alio will not bo nblo to survive nnother period of Imprisonment and aeii-impoeit starvation. Slio waa extremely weak when taken back to Holloway Jail Mny 2C, after her first release on ticket of lonvo; in fact, she fainted a alio was bolng led out of court nt How street and grow steadily worse during tho following four days of hunger striking. Hut It was only wbou tbo prison surgeon made an official report to tho homo office that another day without food probably would mean her death tbnt her release was ordered. Slnco then until last Saturday when slio was recommitted sho has been under tho constant euro of a physician and re lay of nurses In tho homo ot a friend In London. :; AD SUFFRAGETTES FUN SMASHING LASS CIVIL RIGHTS ACT IS LONDON. Juno 10.. Suffragtt loaders In the court of klug's bench hero today agreed to tho nronoal Hon Hint they are to bo held respon sible for damages wrought by their followers when Mr. and Mrs. Petu- rick Lawrence accepted without con tent tho Judgment of tho court awarding to nlucty-tbrce Wcat Knd merchants damages uf $7000 for suffragette raids In PIcadllly, tbo Hnymarkct, Hond street. Oxford street and other fashionable thor oughfares of tho west end In No vember, 1911, nnd March, 1312. Immediately after the opening statements of Counsel Justice Cole ridge ordered judgment for tho full amount claimed. Luwreuco agreod and no testimony wua taken. Mrs. Kmmellno P.uikhurst and her daughter, Christobol. who woro Jointly accused with the Lawrences, with being responsible for Inciting tho suffragettes to window amash lug, will bo freed from monetary re sponsibility by tho action ot Law rence In accepting tbo Judgment of tho court nnd agreeing to pay. HAN FRANCISCO, Cat., Juno C ' Five of tho jiollco officers Indicted hero In connection with tho 1350,- 000 bunco scandal, Louis Droulctte, William Mclliigh, Charles Joseph, Jnmcs McCowan and Jack Sullivan, charged with conspiracy to defeat Justice, in connection with tho bunco scandal, withdrew tliclr pleas of not guilty before Superior Judge Lawlor j hero nnd wcro sentenced to the i couuty Jail for nine months each. Louis Drouletto was the first to 1 enter his pica. In passing sentence on him Judge Lawlor stated that considering tho character of the of fense, which was very heinous, tho men desorved a heavy sentence, but that ns they had saved the state great expense ho would exercise len iency. Charles Taylor and Arthur Mc Phee. Indicted with tho other fTvo, elected to be tried on the conspiracy charge. Assistant District Attorney Hren nan dcclatqd that no deal waa made with tho men and that they must face the possibility of future prose cution. All five have felony charces against them. Frank Ksola. convicted and sen. fenced on a felony charge, also add ed hit ple.i of guilty to the consplr acy cnarge. He was sentenced to nine months In prison. It was announced that Ksola will bo taken to Folsom penitentiary to morrow morning. Tho other five will go to tho county Jail to begin their terms this aftornoou. Arthur MacPhee and Charles Tay lor, tho remaining two of tho eight policemen originally indicted, de manded Immedlato trial nnd select ing a Jury wns nt onco begun. NOT PARTISAN Message on New Legislation Ready and Drawn but It Will not Be Strict Party Measure Expects Assist ance From Other Parties. President Denies Rumors of Friction With Bryan Over Currency Peace able Outcome of Japanese Quarrel. THREE KILLED IN T WASHINGTON', June HI. -In a de cision handed down hero today tho United Stules. supremo court declared void (lie federal "civil rights not" of 1875, which imposed criminal poiml- tics lor dihcrmimutioii against ne groes. The couit held that hecnitsu the aot was pot applicable uniform ly throughout tho whole country, it was invalid. County Judge- Ton Vollo Monday approved tho following widows' pen sions; Catherine Kllzabuth Silver, Ash land, Or., $17.50, Tllllo J. Crosby, Ashland, Or., SI7.n0. OAKLAND, Cal., June 1C Two oung men wcro lustautly killed and a girl Is dead of her Injuries today us a result ot a head-on motorcycle collision on "death cutve" of tho Foothill boulevard, near here. Jos oph Suza, 21, and Miss Natalie Sut- llff, IU, riding tandem, wore return ing to Oakland from Hay ward when their machine crushed full tilt Into another iuotorcelo. rlddon by Vo3t loy Hoffolt. '20, from tho oppuslto direction, lloth machines were run ning 75 miles an hour. Tho riders were thrown thirty feet In tho air, Miss Butllff landing a scoro of feet from tho roadway. Doth men woro dead when picked up, and tho girl died without regaining conscious ness. GATUNliTlED WORK SATISFACTORILY PANAMA, Juno 0. Tho machin ery ot tho Untun locks iu tho Pan ama canal locks Is declared satisfac tory today following tbo first tost by lotting water Into tbo great fn closure. Tho valves of tho gigantic locks worked perfectly. VARSITY BOAT HIT POrotllCKBPSIK, N. Y., Juno 10. The four-oared varsity crow of the University of Pennsylvania barely escaped drowning here todny while pructlclug for tho Intercollegiate re gatta to he rowed on tho Hudson river next Saturday, Far out In tho river In tho Pennsylvania shell drovo Into the Wisconsin vnrslty boat, which also waa out for a practice spin. Tho Pennsylvanlans shell wns wrecked and tho Wisconsin boat was so badly damnged that Its crow could render no asslstauco to tho struggling oarsmen. Tho Syracuse crew rowed out from shore, rescued tho Pennsylvania men and aided tho Wisconsin crow to right their craft and came ashore. Tho Wisconsin shell will bo ropnlred and used lu Saturday's race, but tho Pennsylvania boat was damagod to thut tbo crow must uso a borrowed shell for tho event. WASHINGTON', Juno 10. Presc ient Wilson todny announced that currency legislation will he lnunchecl (his week in congress, probably oil Friday. The announcement was mndc by (ho chief executive today at his Hcmi. weekly conference wiih newspaper men nfter ho hml conferred with Secretary MeAdoo nnd Senator Owen. The president paid that the parly lenders were united on (ho currency lefotm program nnd that his mes sage on it in nlrcndy written. Ho cx- pectft Hint nfter this week the cur rency legislation will replace (ho tar iff bill in the limelight. Hrynn Humor Denied President Wilson also took ad vantage of the occasion to deny that Sccretnry Drynn disagrees with him on the currency question. and also denied that Ilrynn had dominated the cturency conferences, saying that the Bccretary had manifested "merely n general interest." No denied tlmt the currency bill would bo a '"strict party measure," saying he hued for and ci pec ted aid from tho other sjdo. The president said tho currency hill will be introduced simultaneously in both house?. Ho is uncertain whether he will send his message to congress before or after the bill is introduced. The president expects n wide dif ference of opinion on the measure among tho democratic leaden) but as serted that tho bill covers a broad principle and has hopes that it will receive geueral support. Ho refused ( disclose the principlo of tho mcas me nnd asserts that bo does not pre tend to be n currency expert and that ho does not want tho measure called "the Wilson bill." Ho declared he U receiving letters from many manufac turers urging un early passage of tlio tariff law on tho ground that busi ness will bo unsettled until it U pnsscd. No Itupturo With Japan Turning to oilier subjects, tha president said he had cabled William McCombs ut Paris urging thut ho re consider his declination of tho am bassadorship to France. President Wilsou denied that Juimn's rejoinder to American notes on the California alien land question hud caused irritation in official cir cles here. He indicated that America would reply to tho Japanese represen tations this week. IH T OF N SUGAR MISS DAVISON'S FATE SECURES SYMPATHY ni'DAl'KST Hungary Juno 1C Resolutions expressing sympathy with (ho fule of Miss Emily Davison, (ho English suffragetto killed when sho grasped tho bridlo of King Georgc'h hro, Aiitner, ns it ran iu the dei by, were passed hero today by the Miffrago congress despito tho op position of Junu Addums and the American delegates. Mis Addams contended that Mist Davison's net was detrimental to tho bbl'friigo cause, OFF FREE LIST WASIllNiJTOX, Juno lU.-Somo idea of tho cost of keeping sugar off tho free list wns given today nt tho testimony of Henry Oxnnrd before tho sub-committeo of tho scnuto judiciary committee, which is investigating tho chargj of Piosident Wilson that "nil insidious lobby" is nt work hero in opposition to tho Underwood tariff bill. Oxnnrd sworo that tho hiigar in terests hud spent $70,000 fighting, free sugar during tho Inst twenty years;. Ho said the books if tho American licet Sugar association luu been destroyed, but that even it theso records were available they1 'Showed nothing." Ho admitted that tliu man who disbursed these funds (Continued on paga 2.) fH ,T J ' 1 r , U