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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1913)
I -!--' - 77 W MEDFOTW TVfATn TrirntTNTJ, AfEDFOTlD. ORKfJON.TUKRDAY, 'AVHTMiiJOM. PA'OliJ IWTfl Mutt Didn't Believe in Spiritualism, but He Does Now By "Bud" Fisher J L -i- ( Ah, that .n,At1 ONO OP TQ PuGyiuum at a Hie CrtCAKfAVr ii To CKvXCq J ust ir r.L glmQ o tmat unouja p nT "tmp arock ml'ivs XX KCQPS Ol GoiM ftOWM Ano &CT4 Down to err mim &,i cm oof I SUM UNION YCIPt. V ft HUHDRiO SMi5 m I 1 t- O WSUIDPJiO SHftSAS 1 I J I t Will ir. iia mi aBi mm police put . I W. IN BULL PEN DKXYKH, Coin., April lf. After iliKilnrliiK Ihny would "oliitw up the Dimvor pulli't'," slxty-nlx itu'inhcr of tint ln.lii.lniil Work.Tf of the Woild nru In (In butlptm mi u brum) nutl w'nlor diet ln'iit tnTMy. The Indus. IriiilUiM .leeliir.- they will fill Ihu jails iinlnxt limy nru allowed i sponk in I In- Hire i' In. Chief uf Police O'Xoill onloied Hit hiioiih MpHUinit wilhuiit pxniiit ttr lenlvtl Hi imw. Sixly-i. win ur rit'il in I'nairwoml hihI IVIcr-liurKi Htilnirln, um night anil brought here, Thirty oIIhth -njoil I ho officials mill il Im believed thov uro Mill in Ihu . TIim liiiiitriullt will Iip iirmingcil IhU iiIIkiiiohii, Ii Iihm nut i't liit'ii iWmIisI wlml iirlmn xull ln liiki'ii Im fiiri'ii the nii'H to li'nvc lun. HODOKCN VOTES UPON COMMISSION FORM UOHOIvT.X, X, .1., Apiil l.V I'.mikIiI hy tlm ili'imirriilli' "innrhino" llnhnki'ii otin linliiy urn linllotitiK iiHMi ihr i'(iiiiniiim fiinn of go vent incut, n nr lhi mini of .IrrHcy City, ItiijiPinir mill Union Hill. I'clitlonn calling for the t'liMttloiix wr fili-i! miiih' wi'cliM npi. moru limit tho pri1 kitIIii'iI hiiinlifr of hiKtinturri having lu-i'ii hMMiri'il, Thern n littht ronluhl in Ji'i-Moy Ctty. except from tlm w i'itiitM, in ilrrlnro tho plun nuniH iwiii rfiilrnliwiliitii of ouor. Coun t. .IihIkh Holirrt Curvy, who hflK-iI ilinfl tlio 1'iinlilliiK in1), prrilirls omt uliidiiiint; irtory for Ihu rotuiuU hion form toiluv in the four vide. PUGET SOUND IMPORTS SHOW LARGE INCREASE l'OHT TOWNSKXD. Vnli., April 1.1. ltoMirtN ju-t conipk'li'il liy tho i'uhIoiiik ilepurlniimt show iinxiilK ut I'nuiil Hoiiml ilittrii't for tho fimt ipiurler of llllll to linvo reiteheil n t ot nl of $r',0:U,07, mi iuoreiiHo of flMIOO.-IO'- over tlm Mumi ipmrlor Inat yi'iir, K.porU for the (punier nre .flfi,-01,-17U. Tho rollcelloiirt for tho (pinrter nmotiiit to .tlll.V'fiH, mi inoreiiMo of irftH.'JJl over Inst your. Of thin nmoiiiit Seuttlo eoiilrihiiteil .f:i'7,(IS0 mill Tnfiium $io:i,:iiii. WAPPENSTEIN A TRUSTY WALLA WALLA PRISON WALLA WALLA, WiihIi., April 15. ChnrloH W. Wnppi'iihtein, foriuur chief of polieo of Scuttle, who Is xerv iu n Hi'iiti'iiro In tlio Htntn pemtoii llury hero for bribery, Iiiih been jtlvru loiluy u triwtyjinvitiou uiul plueeil in chuiW of tho cliiekeii yunl it t the in Hliliilion, WnppeiiHtelii hoiikIiI thin poHillou kii thiil ho iiiIkIiI leurii the poultry hiixiucHM. MOUNT M'KINLEY EXPEDITION REACHES KANTISHA DISTRICT FAIUIIANKH, Ahmkii, Apiil 15.' Wotil Hint the Mount MeKiuloy illtinii unili'f Arch Deiicon IIihImiii Sluclc Iiiih leiicheil Ihu K'huHhIiii iIIh liifl ueiir tho Iiiiho of tho priilc, wiih bi-ouulit here today by Dan ICellor, ii inliiui' from Murekii (ieuk. ICellor tniyn Kluek encoiiiilorcil k(I0,1 ttnllH uiul mmlu bettot' linio tliun any other parly, A (lollll MCNhllUO. Morltol Tonlo DlKt'Htlvo Itna prov ou a K)od moHHUKo to othom, why not to you? It acta first upon tho Htotu noli, Htronutliona tljo dlgnatlvo or Kitui, c ronton u houlthy appotlto, and malccH rich, red blood. Imparts now llfo and Btronsth to tho entire body, HuakliiB l)ni Storo, ilflff OPPOSES ALIEN LAW HI:aTTI.I:, Wiuh , April lC.An HworltiK iiii'M-kim rcrrhrd from 'hnnilirr )lt fVin I)iko nml Han Krnnclnco, tln lotnl chainlibr of corn muroo until tlio follow ln iiii'iuinRi coiirornliiK Uin nlli'ii laud hill now lifforu tho CnlKornla IcHlnlntnre: "Till clmiuhiir ih ulwnyn In ilntHl thiil loKlnlatloii rolntlnK to wIIkhh nIioiiIiI npply to nil natloimll llim nllku. Wo Mlcvo unnctmrnt hy niiy roimt ntnto uf Iumh ilUrrluilnat liiK -K-liul any nntlonallty will lie KroAlly (iiiilnirrdimliiR to comniurclnl rolntloim with pi-oplo of countries vf fiHMcil, ItnptilrliiK voluiiio uf liunliii-n for tho t'titlri) rotiutry ami nuhjoct liiK lo iiivvru utrnlii nil liituruntlotinl nslitilotu. ' DEPUTIES SEEKING MINOR FEDERAL APPOINTMENTS WASHIXUTOX, April Ifi.-.Soiin. lorrt Chtitnlicrlniii mill l.iiim loiluy K'lvn out the followiiiK liRl f I'finili ilnti'N for nppniiilinput for Deputy IJiiiU-il Slnli'K ilixtrii't nttoniryHt ('. (,'. llinilinnu, .Insper .1. Unirrtl, .). llriineh Hix'ook. It. K. Mnrtin, .lohn II. Iln'vkumu, William II. KiikIUIi, J. I,. Zumrall, Carl J. Wuii-ereiii: de puty mnrshuN, Ion Cohen, Peter ICalich, Joo It. Ma i ok, Douglas it. Toild, Pnrllatiili W. C. (Irim, Auntrn. Curl S. Kelly is tho only announced eniidiiluto for bailiff, nlthouli Koino of tho candidate for deputy mnrahal nNo naked to bo considered, if not made deputies. WASHINGTON TO COPY OREGON PAROLE SYSTEM WALLA WALLA. Wn., April 1.1. Henry Drum of Seattle today sue ceeileil Clint Kii S. Itccd as wanlen of tho dtato penitentiary. Heed re signed (o assume the wnnletiship of tho Minnesota reformatory. It was intimated following tho meeting of tho state board of control hero last week that a parole Hyatem similar to that in voguo in Oregon would hn adnptcil at the WnshiiiKltui institution. EOEN PRECINCT A. Ileum of Phoenix wua a Mod ford hualiiosa caller Biiturdny. J. I). Henry of North Talent hna boon working In Mcilfonl tho last week. Mr, nud Mm. IM Cleeua upeut Sunday In Medford visiting Mrs. Clemens' sister, Mlsa I.lnlo Nother Itiutl, Oscar I.0W0 cnnio down to Tnlont und l'hutmlx Monday on business. Mr. nnd Mib. II. X, Krotich of North Talent wore at tho circus in Medford Monday. Mm. lCd llnmllu of Kdon Valley wont to Medford on tho morning mo tor, Monday. Mr. and Mm. M. h. Alton! ot Med ford wero visiting Mr. Alford'u piir- onta In Tnlont Sunday. Mm, Ii, A. Drnko and hur dnugh (or, Miss Ileaslo, ivoto cullers ut tho homo of your correspondent Sun day. Mr. Morso of I'liooaU was ut 0. Cnroyu Sunday. Mr. Morso la oao of tho many gardeners In this part of tho ulluy. Tho many frlondii of Mra, James Allen will ho pleased to know that alio wna alilo to lido to l'hoonlx last Saturday, whom alio visited with hor nlccci, Mil, William Cnmpboll nud Mm, M, Smith. Mr. and Mra, Clua ClomeiiB, who for many ycura resided in Talent ami Central I'olutj hut .Inter wont to Stockton, Cal linvo roturnod to Medford to muko tholr homo, both . 1 rvrfiHTrtn trrriXl holm; In poor lu-nlth. Mr, and Mr. CImuidiin hno Itt'oti vlnltliiR Mr. and Mm. 0. Cony thin wi-eJ?. W. 13. Clfttncna l dwllverliiB ov nrnl ton. of Nuwtown iipplvn to tho Tolcnt cannery, which will ho canned ntid Hindu Into cliltT. Tho Talent rtiunery la kIvIuk tho orchnrd inoti n market for their npplcn and tliun lieupltiK moiiio money In circulation on what mlchl otherwlno i;o to wnnte. (51 v) uh morn Much entvi irlnK mi tho Talent cannery. Tlinio who went to Medford Sa urday fro mthln port were: Mm. V. H. Htnucllffe, MU Medii Dewier, C. Carey, Mr. nud Mm. W. K. Ander hoii, Mr. iiihI Mm. John Urnffo, Mr. mid Mm. Jo Kader, Jaine Morton, l'rofi-HHor nnd Mm. Itamenr, I. IJ. Ontinan, Mr. and Mm. Winer, MIkh Molllu Ton no. KANE'S CREEK Jack Hutler the "int;i" of Kiiiica Creel; paid IiIm minimi irit to (lolil Mill on Tliiirxiluy. ' McMtlmneri llnl'f uuil Olwon of Hold Hill hpeul ii ilny meenlly the (iiebtK of Mi. Mnnlon. .Mrn. Ailiimi of Ceutrnl Point unn the K,M,t of Mr. IIi;itihotliiim not loii niuee. .Mt. Dhiwii who liim been tho Biiet of her ilnuxhter .Mm. Stiiudley of neiir Mcilfonl vnn cnlleil homo ,y ,,t. Htublen illiicrt of one of her Krnnilchihlrcii. The younKChl cltilil of Mr. mul Aim. Heim which Iiiih been quite hick ii on the roml to rwovery we nre gliul to uy. Ilctfri Kirck hna rclitrncil to iter homo nt tho Ilrndcn after n several weckti uti'.y in Mcilfonl. Ddino rumor snys Hint wedding bclla will rinjf on Kanca creek in tho near future. Xutuea uioutioncil Inter. X. Jerry tho mic,ot kinj; wna u buiinesH visitor on ICunes creek tho latter part of the week. Winer Hininbotluim and wife wero Mcilfonl busiuesH visitors on Satur day. All tlumo reported on the sick list Inst week arc convulnHccnt wo arc Kind to say. Prof. (Ireenlcnf of Control Point Is eiifjiiKt'il tliia week plautitig part of hia Knncit creek place lo fruit trees nud herrio bushes. John Mnrdou nud wife ntteuded tho dniico nud show in fluid Hill Sat urday uiht uiul report n lino time mid excellent music. Dniloy & Xorris, who nro meellui; with Mich ooil success with their ipmrts mine at this place rcturneil from Mcilfonl on Stindny. Jasper X. Miller foimer teneher of (ho DanlnnelU school but now of NEW TODAY Wo havo rails Xor furnished nud unfurnished houses, and nro bettor than over pro pa red to nttend to audi proportlea. Cull up 1037-J and Hat ouch property. Wo enn rout It It prlco la right. A good UO ncro young orchard, good house, for exchange for a nice homo la Medford, Tho Medford house should ho worth nt least $7000. Wo linvo been to aomo troublo to Hat several good stock rnueheu at from $50 to JGO per ncro, They nro all well located us to roads and schools, nil partly Irrigated, and In crop; aomo linvo stock with them and nil nro raising aomo alfalfa. Not one but what would bring grout re turns to a good onergotlo fnrnior. 240 ncrca up Hoguo rlvor, near school; n lot ot timber; huuso; $10 nn ncro, U-tO acres on tho Autolopo; n lot ot timber, aomo crop, and fair build ings, $15 nn aero, Mat your property with us, G. D. HOON Itoont la Jackson County Hank Wdg Telephone 1037-J. Mcilfonl wna visiting old friends here for sevcrnl (hiys returning homo on Hiiiiday. Dr. Kmitli of Gold Hill ma do Kanes Crck n profcsHioiinl cull Sunday. We nre sorry to sny thnt Hie yoiiiiKest child of Mr. Mnnlon ia tpiite ill at this writing. Knnca Creek buiiHss visitors to Oolil Hill thl' week were Mr. and Mm. Mardoii, Mr. and Mm. Lewis, John Hulls, fleor'c Sliiimp, Mike 1'otey, LI mer HiKiiibotlinm, Xorris & Daily, Mr. Darker, Mr. Martin, Pcnrl Ilthi bothum, Hi's s Kniek and Weather Prophet Foster. Mr. mul Mm. Lewis and family attended the funeral of the Into James Sisty uf Willow- Spring who was buried in the Central Point ceme tery Sunday. We extend our heart felt s.Miipathy to the father nnd mother as this was there only child. TiOTICi:. Kotleo la hereby given that tho undersigned will apply at the regu lar meeting of tho city council May C, 1913, for a llccnie to sell malt, spirituous and vlnoua liquor nt 23 North Front atrcot, for a period of Ix month. SKLSI1V & KCXXBDY. Dated April 11. 1913. xotick. Xotlco fa hereby given that the undersigned will apply at tlio regu lar meeting of tho city council April 15, 1913, for a Ilccnuo to soil malt. plrltous and vinous liquors at 10 North Kront street, for a porlod of Ix monthi. MUnPHY & CO. Dated April 3, 1913. for itEXi omens FOR ViENT Largo, comfortToof" flc room a with elevator aervice, steam heat, hot and cold water. Low rntes. Apply Medford Furni ture & Hdw. Co. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT Furnlahed liousokoop Ing rooms In new modern houso, 3 blocks from P. O. Phono 372-J. FOR RENT-Very nlco furnlahed housekeeping rooms, modern Im provements. 310 X. IJartlott. 21 FOR RENT Sulto of 2 or 4 ntcoly furnished housekeeping rooms, plumbed, lighted; lower floor. 729 W. 11th. FOR KENT FURNISHER APT8. FOR RENT Summer rates begin April l nt tho llerbon. Everything new; private bath, laundry, etc.; completely furnished apartments. 10 Qiilnco st. FOR REX? FUHXlSUICTl ROOMS FOR RENT Largo aloeplug rooms, nud modern housekeeping apnrt uiontB, prices very roasonnblo. Phono 102C-U 222 South Holly street. for itr.N nousia FORT" HEN'r Sovon room iiouae) alooplng porch, $15; nlao 5 room apartment, Bleeping porch, $18. Water paid In both. Inquire ot Col, Sargent. 3G FOR RENT Strictly modern G room houao with sleeping porch. Also soveu room bungulow fur nished If desired. Also thrco room houso. W. H. Kvorhnrd, 1013 W. 9th st. FOR RENT 0 room modern fur nished houso. 730 West 11th at. FOR RENT Furnlahod G-room houso, water rent paid, $25. 518 King st. FOR RENT A well furnished C room bungalow-, with alooplng porch. 2)1 Laurel at. Key at 11. 0. Kentuor's, 609 W. 10th. Tolo pltouu 73 Ashland. FOR RKNT--FurnlshtHl houso. closo in, M. A. Rador, at M. F. & 11. Co. FOIt RENT Furnished bungalow. 508 S. Grape. 33 FOR RENT Oao furnlahod raqdorn 5 room bungalow; ouo 4 room houso, cheap. Call phono 104S-M, 23 FOIt HK.VT MIKCKIihAXKOUS OKT I.OCATHD NOW. 5 room furnished house, $15. 4 room furnished houae, $20. 5 room partly furnished houso $1C 2 room furnlihcd hous, $10. RANCHES. 5 acre chicken ranch, close In, $12. 30 ncro general farm. ALSO KOR SALE: G room modern house, largo lot, Hear creek soil. Sco this. C24 North Itlvemldc; $2200. J. C. HAHNES, Hoom 214. 1st Natl. Hank Dlk. FOIt RENT Ranch, close In, im proved; part fruit; cash rent. Ad dress 355 Central Point. 20 FOR SAJ,K ACREAGE FOR SALE Small improved acre age tract cJose to Medford. Owner. Hox C73, Medford. FOR SALE OR RENT Now 5 room modern home, full basement; also 4 room houso. C2S West Palm at.. IV, blocks west of North Oak dalo. 38 FOR SALE Choice 5 aero homo! easy terms. East 14 th at. Phono 10G0-M. 4) FOR SALI : 110 USES FOR SALE 5 room modern houso. three lots, sleeping porch; berries, 40 fruit trees; no Incumbrance. Hy owner. W. P. Hakcr, 305 Portlnnd avo. , 20 FOR RENT Modern bungalow; built-in furniture; beautiful lawn. 309 S. Newtown. FOR ItEXT MISCELLANEOUS FOR "'SALE ecLYlOcaa Call after 6 p. m. 315 N. Dartlett. 22 FOR SALE Sunrise seed potatoes. 1c lb.; atock carrota $7 ton, nt ranch, mllo N. E. Central Point. Sharpo. 20 FOR SALE First class Oregon Hur bank seed potatoes, 75c per hun dred. Phono 971-J. 23 FOR SALE Electro plating outfit. So. Or. Electric Co. 37 FOR SALE Fruit hox labola In ono two or throo colore, printed as you ordor at the Mall Tribune. FOR SALE Loose leaf ledgor sys tems, any style or on a do to order by tho Mall Tribuoo bindery. FOR SALE Two 10-horso, ono 5 borso, ono 3-horso electric motors with starters and transformers. Hubbard Bros. 331 FOR SALE Shado trees, two years old Catollna poplars, very fast growing, 40c each. 512 S. Oak dalo nve. Phono 123-H. 3G4 FOR SALE Letter heads ana fancy stationery, prluted, engraved or embossed, as you wish at the Mall Tribune. FOR 8ALK 4Vj h. p. Hates & Ed monds gna engine- In good condi tion, $S0 it taken soon. C. C. Pierce, M. F. & 11. bldg., or phono 374. 20 FOR SALE Modem Wood Yard phono Is changed to 709-J. Dry wood, 24 FOR SALE Legal blauKs, tresspass notlcos, for sale or rent alnga t the Mall Trlbuue. FOR SALE OR TRADE 9 rooma of good furniture for housokqeplng. making expanses nud ' over; will tnko $125 cash or $300 trade for good lota In Medford. balauco $300 easy payments. 52 N. 23d St.. Portlund, Oro., or Tel Marshall 3733. 23 FOR SALE Span 1100 lb. mules; color bay, ago 9; boon usod tor general ranch nnd orchard work, Meadowbrook Orchnrd Co., Roguo Hlvnr. (Irn. ----- . . for sale pourmn. and egos FOR SALE Whltu Wyandottos, wmis w i .i- - . .-i bronto turkoy eggs and atock. J. H. Fuller, Talent, Oro. 29 FOR 3AL1J My Anconn and Orping ton bona cheap, J. O, Schmidt, HELP WANTED 3LVI.K WANEDVewlth " horaVfl " and rigs to canvass out of town on R. F. D. routes. Aak for Mr. Earp. tills office. WANTED Men and worsen Tor house to house canvass; good pay. clean work. Call this office and nsk for Mr. Earp. WANTED -MISCKLIiAIVKOUH WANTED About 100 acres level, loose, deep soil, either Irrigated or available water at reason-bio depth. Must bo free of incum brance. Call at 502 S. Fir st. WANTED An alfalfa farm. Will oxchango good Incomo city prop erty. Hox 495, Medford. WANTED COO to 700 ft. good 2nd hnnd hydraulic pipe 12 or 14 in. In diameter. Prices quoted must be low and f. o. b. cam. Address Frederick Pctoute, Eaglo Point, Ore. 25 WANTED Two or thrco stands of bees, by J, I Hovey on tho Alberta orchard. Eaglo Point. Ore. 22 MONEY TO LOA. MONEY TO LOAN $1000 to $5000 to loan on Improved farm proper ty. Dennett Invcstmtnt Co. 23 MONEY TO LOAX on real estate Address me care ot Hotel Medford ns I am out of city part of tlmo. B. L. Dodge. 32 MONEY TO LOAX On city and closo In ranch property. C. A. McArtbur. room 3, P. O. block. phono 3G81. MONEY TO LOAX. or will take up your mortgage or deferred pay- menu. What have you for sale? J. C. DARXES. lat Xatl. Bank Bldg. FOR EXCHAME FOR EXCHAXGE Fine Sams Val ley orchard to exchange for Med ford property. Address S. B. Stoncr, Snms Valloy, Oro. 22 FOR EXCHAXGE Small tract In 3-year-old pears, with or without bulldiuga for bungalow In Med ford. Address K. P. X care Mall Tribune 331 RUSIXISS DIItECTOHY Abstracts ROOUE RIVER VALLEY AB STRACT CO., Xo. 6, South Central Attorneys C. 1 REAMES. LAWYER Office Medford National Bank bldg., sec ond floor. PORTER J. NEFF. WM. P. MEALEY Attornoya-at-Law. Rooma 1 and 3, Postoftico bldg. A. E. REAMES, LAWYER Garnett Coroy bldg. W. J. CAXTOX Attorney nnd Coun aellor at Law. 123 East Main street. Medford, Oro. AccouutunU D. R. WOOD Qeueral Accountant lour books audited and Kept for a reasouablo figure; your business solicited. Office. Medford Mall Tribune bldg.: phono G 11-11-2; res idence phone 537. Garbage GARBAGE Got your nremlsei cleaned up for tho winter, Call on tho city garbage wagons for good service. Phono 625-L. F Y. Allen. Typewriting MULTiaRAPHIXQ. TYPEWRITIXG, Stenography, Machino Dictation, all clnssos of circular lottor work. Ono or ouo thousand letters, tho prlco will bo right and according to the times. Stimulate your busi ness with Interesting facts con corning propositions, or bargains. You can best do this with Multi graph work. Phono 133-R. McMil lan Publicity Ad-Wrltlng Co,, room 9, Jackson County Bauk, BCSIXESS DIRECTORY Auto tfcipffics LAHER AUTO SPRING CO. Our big secret In making springs la the tempering. We are operating the largeat, oldest and beat equipped plant In the Pacific northwest Use onr springs whon othora fall. Sold under guarantee. 2G North Fif teenth St., Portland, Ore. Chiropractor. DR. It. J. LOCKWOOD. Chiropractor. nerve apoclailst. itonraa 203-04-05 Garnett-Corey bldg. Vapor baths and scientific caassago gives; advice la dietetics, medical gym nastics, hydroplhcrapr. Lady at tendant. Phone, office 946, resi dence 571-R. DR. A. R. HEDOES, DT. Loatee B. Hedges, Mechano - Therapists, Chiropractors, Spondylotheraplsu. These systems. Including dietetics, curative gymnastles, hydro-tber-aphy, etc, produce results la both acute and chronic diseases. Con sultation free. 230 North Bartlett St. sext doer to M. K. church. Hoars 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Other hours by appointment Phone 417-J. Dentist DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DIL C. C. VAN SCOYOO Dentlata Garnett-Corey bldg., aalte lit. Medford, Ore. Phone 856. Nurseries QUAKER NURSERIES Our tree are budded, not grafted. Our atock Is not irrigated. We guarantee everything put out. We are not In tho trust. II. B. Patterson. Office removed to office Hotel Nash, In side entrance, soxt to barber ahep. Notary PubHe HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary pub lic, unng your work to me at the sign of The Mail Tribune. Printers and Publlsnera MEDFORD PRINTINO COha. the beat equipped printing office ia southern Oregon; book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices, 27 North First PbysIcUas and Surgeons DR. F. G. CARLOW. DR. EVA MAIN'S CARLOW Osteopathia physicians. 41C-417 Garnett-Corey bldg., phono 103G-L. Resldenca 420 South Laurel at DR. a A. LOCKWOOD Physician and surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. D. Practice limited to diseases of women. Offices 333 B. Main, Phones, office 8C7; residence, 814. DR. J, J. EMMENS Physician and surgeon. Practlco limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses supplied Office 228 East Main St. Hours 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Phone. E. B. PIOKEL, M. D. Office Jack son County Bank bldg. Office phone 43-R; residence phone 58-R. DR. MARION Physician and sur geon, Stewart bldg.. corner Mala and Hartlett sts.; office phone 27, residence phone 27-J-2. DR. MARTIX O. BARBER Physl. clan and surgeon. Office Palm block, opposite Nash Hotel. Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono 110-J. DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician and 8urgeon. Phonos, office 30, resi dence, 724-J. Offlco hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathle Physician, 303 Garnett-Corey building, Phono 904-M, It. J. CONROY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, over Hutchison & Lums den, 215 E. Main St. Phono 77. E. KIRCHGESSXER. M. D. Prae- tico limited to chronic diseases. Offlco Hotel Holland, Saturdays 10-3. Both phones. Residence phenes: Farmer 18xx5 Eagle Point and Rogue River line. StcnograpTiMS ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm bloek. ws oionograpuiQ wor uoue quiemr and woll. Trans rcr EADS TRANSFER & STORAGB CO. Office 1G South Fir bL Phew 816. Prices right, ftarvloe guar sntecd. I t I I