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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1913)
M Cily HaH T M : Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Hliowcr tonight mt Thw. Ma. .1H, Mln. 41, rH-. .IB 1 i Truly third Yritr Dully I nit IN VKitr MEDFORD, OM'XJON, MONDAY, APRIL U, WW. NO. 39. BTJW HmGtHm ttftf f PON F WO ON ra r o sonora rebels win victory in Vntlcan Doctors Alarmed hy Chnnije In Wcnlhci Fenrliin It Will Provoke Fatal Fit of Coiililiij Guards arc Doubled Aliout Sick Room. Dcsplto Assurance of Physicians That They Expect Ills Holiness to lie cover Filrnd Predicts Early Death IIO.MK. April IL-Tha Top' finer Ik iiiniiuliug rapidly, Tim villi i'mii doctor ii rn iilnrinctl hy tlir himI lien dmp In llio IriiipiTiitiirp of tin weather mill n terrific ruin full. Il l 1'iiiteil Hint tho law iiliniiiplicrit will pruolt a Put til Ml of coughing. IIO.MK, April 1 1. It w lutid nt till' VHtiNlll lllHl(llt, tllltt Ml" PoM''s fever hnd niluniitl, his temperature ihiw kImiiiIIiik tit 102. Tim witlisiiu i unmtly nlntmcit. Tlm gun tils nlmiit llm sick room hnvo been doubled. Two bed have bttt prepared in mi nule-pium for hlplit watcher. Dr. .MMrrhhtfiivu will nwiitl the niftlil ril llm rntieau. l)opite nur HHi'iit of tin' iiliyiii'iiwft tlmt they o pealed III Ilollne Id ifcmer, nil intimnte friend of llm Pope, hjmui Imvlntf Ih vatlonu IoiiIkIiI predicted liia ilsntli mhiii. Tlif burdening of the nrlsilo U cHii-lnir grave alanii. It wan rumored tonight tlmt Dr. .Maritlilitfiivu had found the Pope uf ffriiilt fnnn n hnmorrhngo. ThU vnlil JHillfklK incipient piioiimnulu oi' ii4hl simply In a ornishing fit. TIih Pope wn atone with iiltcnil anl when tin hemorrhage uime. I tin ph.lcinti Mere lin-tilv Hiuiininncil. HNAL BATILE OJcdn Flees Willi Half a Dozen Offi cers Leaving Command at Mercy of Attacklnit Yaipils All of his Com mand Killed, Wounded or Prisoners Uilltcd Stales Army Officers Direct Burial of Dead From Five Days' Conflict. RUINS OF FINE COUNTRY HOME BURNED DY ENGLISH SUFFRAGETTES. LAND BILL NOT TREATY VIOLA T WASHINGTON. April 14. -Priwl-lltflll Wllwin w still Convinced to lay Unit the Callfomln alien I it ml Mil an It stands nt priNHiil doc mil vlo lulu tho treaty of llm United Stales with Japan. Other nations tiro ox-IH-i'M'il to protest tlio llmllutloii per in I tt I ; aliens to liolil Innil only on" )imr iiiiIom tliuy dcrlitru their latum lion In become cltlxuns. Prosldcut Wilson tliluks hn can not Interfere- In n purely Main lor. He feels Hint Japan iiiiiIhikIiiiiiIk IIiIh, lint lin Ih ir'mr'il for n IIh plity nt nnllAniorlrau uimtlimui li JllKIII. NACO, Arix, Apnl II. Hcwnly 0I14I1I IVili'niU ant known to luiw litfii killi'il nnil finlily-nii ttoiimli'il ill till' lltllll llllltll' III' till' I'OIIMlllll linnnliU N'oilliKrn S0110111 rnniini;n whirli 1'inli'il xi'Klciilny in the full of Nhcii. WorkiiiK iiiiiIit iliri'i'tion of I'iiiIim) Slnli'M 111 my offlirra, llio li'toriiin ri'ln'la toilny Inirii'il ni'M-nly-i-iKlit i'orxa on ln W koiiIIi of Naco. OIIiki' ili'liii'liiniMiU liuriril llm H'lii'l ili'iiil. tin i'.mii'I nninlti'i' of whirli Iiiin not lii'i'ii li'iiinnl. Tliu Monniliil nri' Imlnjc I'nn-il for on llm Atni'HcHii Hiili of Hn IiomIit. Touiipi'oiIi' me iiitlini: llit liamlfiil of iliii'lorw mIio arc at work. (lencrnl IVilm Ojrila, who for five ilnyH Kiillantly lUffiiilml Nai'o nnuiiiM tin' I'oitMtiliilioiinliHiK, in In'iin: liittcr ly ri'vili'il by IiIh fellow rnptlvi'M to iluy. Tln'y ilm-lun Unit Oji'iln nci'iiiK lim In t 1iom IiIiimIciI flcil with half 11 ilomii of hi officer, Iviiviiik hi men to htaml alone against (lit1 at taekint; VaipiiM. Prnetically all of OjciIii'h coiunimiil who were not killed or woiiihIciI arc iiricitiierx on the American xnln of the hitnlcr loiHi)-. ()lrcon ii Jiiak iiiU ewry uflort lo conlrtij hif 11mu1 llnrxlv YnnnU. who ilemamleil Hint I lii he M'nmtlci to eroHH the line in pur-mi of Ihc enrmv. iwM "i 11 1 1 I HPVk flkBBitu- ibW 1iHHviB1iiiI Vt i v PLiBMiHHivaHBSBw4'Mif -is jnnviiir iniitMifrrTMIMtB LLLLmHLVWHP'7aUHiatfUifiLiLL& K&aH iji 'LVLLLLLLIIIm 350,000 STRIKE FOR SUFFRAGE MORE TO JOIN General Strike of Socialists and Unionists Throughout Belgium to Secure Universal Suffrage Troops Held Ready For Action. Maeterlinck Says Ministry Repre sents all the Ugliness, Lowness and Perfidy of old Belgium Clericalism J 1 t o hiu what I'm ibrr.l to do, 1'ie miffraKCltrn af Kr j-'ni il Liia.eil 'frixr K jU'fulil Orrcn, near Sliiiiii'H, Ih,' h me of lnh M11te, a few iI.ijk no. The home wan one of Hie fimt country placts In Knplrtnil. In collection with altaikf of tliu kmil, Mr, 'r.mnicliiie I'nnklitil, Irmlcr of llm hiiffraKcllcn, who nilmilleil nhe hail cotniMclleil linn cinr-c u citiiiiccliim uith nltnikrt on othi'r properly, wiu xciiteiiccil lo Ilirec years' pennl .crilmle April .'I. WILSON PLEASED A ES OF m RECEPTION REVOLUTION WA OE TARIEF BILL F OF ACQUm FRAUD CHARGES IUI P POIITI.AKD, Ore., Apiil II. Ah Komi iih ilefinile iixmirnncfd aruinaile Ihnl the piopnsctl puhlio aiiililorimii in Portland will hu completeil linforo .May of IIH II, tint McthmliHt pveiieheri of Poillaiiil will Infill an active, eiiin pai)ii lo have tliin city M'leeteil dm the nit t for llio HMO k1'"1'1'"! conference of tliu McIIioiIIkI KpiHcnpal church. Accoitlini to Dr. Henjamin Yoiiiik "C llm KiiNt Mellimlist KpiriCDpnl chinch, llio picaclici'rt will he hacked hy a united Muthuilixin of Orison, WiiHliiiiKtou, Maho ami .Moulaiiii. The conference, which Is cnnniil" eicil (he InrKCHl piotcHlnnt alheriiit; in Hie world, would Ininj; aliout KIOO ilnlcaiili's ami church ofl'ieials he twecii 10.0111) ami 'JO.OOO lsitnin lo Porllaml during the montli'if hcssion, nccnnliiiK' lo Dr. Ydiinj;. JAP PAPERS REQUEST DEFEAT OF ALIEN UILL RArilAMHNTO, Ciil., Apiil M.-5 A cnhleram urshiK t'1" California h'jsiHhilurti lo lofimo lo push "any hill which will destroy (ho Reed feeling hetweon Anioriua and Japan" wiih read in (hi) slalo seuato today. The uieHsiiu from tlio Japan Ahiihi Pi-chk, a nowMpapoi'i and cxprePBCtl vck'1 thai imtl-Japmii'Ao bllln wcro boloro tliu h'ulblatmc, CIIH'AdO, April II. De-pito hi ncipiittnl on Hie cliai;e of coiifpir iiiK lo ilt'fiainl the Koxeruuieut 't f lO.llilll.lHM) in AhiNka laiiilx, Alherl ;. 1'iohI of Hum city, will not puh hit milioad, Hie Alnuku (Vulral, to coni pleliou, nccnnliii lo his tilalcmeut liere today. "The ilcfciine in lo he eonj;rnlulnlrtl upon liavhiK aehievctl a intuit ex Iriioriliaary victory." Thin wan the only comment United Slnlcrt .linlne l.ainlix, liefoie whom the ciim' wiih tiieil, would make on Hie verdict. E WABIIINHTON', April H. -Prcitl-tie nt Wilton watt Imnicniely plenncil today out llio reception Hie pro poavtl turlff bill li uieotliiK through out the country. AIHioukIi he. hn recelretl hunilretU of letters of pro tent, those rommeiitlliii; the hill ex Vcetl Hid other four to one. At hi weekly conferenco with the nuwtpnpcr rorreipomlenlH toilny the president mnMo It clear thai no 0111 tlio nocloty. OVER OFFICES WASHINGTON'. April 14 With tha Iiiiiik of the Kivcl, directing her nuthnrlty posilhly fur the Inst time over llm thousand (mauntbli'd dele Knte, Mr. Mnlthutt'.Bcott, preildent general of tho paiiKlitcr of the Aiuerlcnii devolution, toilny called to order what promised to ho one of tho lintteitt iiolltlcal conurewew of GREA T NORTHERN SAN FRANCISCO, Unl., Apiil II. The Pacific .Mail SleaaiHhip Com pauy is to he almorhed liy tho Ham-liur-Americau heforo the opening of tlio l'anania ('anal, according lo re poilri cirtiulalcd in shipping cIicIch here today. Tho Panifio JIall U owned hy the Hnrrimaii iateiuslH, ami Kiihu, Loch and Company of Now York. As the Hamburg-American company in fi nanced by the Kuhu-I.oeb people, tho money traiiHfer, if the deal is mailo, will nnl bo great. POVERTY CAUSE OF CIWAOO, April II. Testifying liofoio tliu cnmmltteo on "starvation wiiKt'H," Police 8oiKaut Holler, ro fcrrlug to llio ciiho of Hoy Jtinua, wIioho cafo wiih contlumnotl a? a tllvo ami closed up hy tho mayor, Bald: "Poverty Is tho prime cuuso of prostitution, I hnvo soon wonion bo llcllliiR In tho HtrootH and their has hands following halt i block hohlud them ready to collect thotr money fiom thorn aftor tho Illicit transaction," Is nuthorltod to declare his poiltlaj on tlm exemption of labor nnd co opernttvo orcnnlxatlons from tha op erntlmiH of tho Sherman nutl-trust law. Ills attention had boon called to declarations by certain senator nnd representatives that the presi dent would sign tho sundry civil ap propriation bill vetoed hy Taft If It carries the nxemptloa clniiM. Provi dent Wilson thinks this Is a serious question nml Intends to rIvc the mat ter careful consideration before Ink Inr artlou THRESHERS TALK Of REFERENCING ROAO LAW r SAl.KM, Ore., April 1 1. Ralph AtlaniH of Dallas, Oregon, a member of tlio Oregon City, Stnlo Tlmwhcrh' ashocialloa, wiir hero today consult ing the Keoietnry oT stale regarding llio procedure in iiiwikiug tho re fere 1 tliim. lie hitiil the tliiesher.s iissoeiii liou was back of a movement to ic fer the measure piihxcil by the laot IcgUlnluio regulating the iico of im proved public roads by traction cn giucH and log drags. lie ttaid the mcnHiire, which was intended to amend c.xUtiug laws on the subject, practically piohlbitcd traction en gines froni running on nny roatl west of tho Cascades, except in .Multnomah county. CAN OF DYNAMITE OF LONDON, April M.- A laro milk can, fillet! with gunpowder, was found today inside iho Hank of Kug land. II bad been placed within tho railing where it number of employos work. An uidiglitcd fuco waa at tached to the can. It U Mispcotetl by Iho police that tho suffragettes art responsible. I I II 1 w ... USED BODY OF WIFE AS GULLET PROTECTION Silk rIovo policies and praeti'n' politics, dcsplto the appeals from tho members "back homo" that they ho subordinated to a general education al campaign, wcro tho business of tho day. Women of all descriptions, el I and young, all displaying fluttering badges, crowded Into tho contention hull long before tho opening lour There was geaoral acthlty, ftu.tiu speeches nnd pledging of delegate for tho candidates to bu elected to tho nntlonal offices In tomorrow's election. Hnrly today the leading cnndldKes for president-general, Mrs. Scoff ruccessor, are: Mrs. Charles n. Ilryan of Mi'in phis, Teun.; Mrs. John Miller Ho n of Now York, and Mis. William G'tin minus Story, It could not be estimated with cny degree ut certainly which would br elected. President Wilson wus scheduled to nddrcss the convention, following the welcoming address of Mrs. Scott at 3 o'clock tills afternoon. Addrosses by Secretary of State IJr)nn; tho Preach ambassador, M, Jusseraud; Iho Hev. l)r, II. 11. McKIm, presN tlent of the local chapter of tho So in of the Involution, and J. M. Rich ardson, president-general of the tf A. It., were expected to kcop the at tention of the delegates Into Into the evening. Klectlons of officers of the minor offices wcro slated for tonight. Tli hottost cnmpnlgn In tho history of tho organization has been inado even for these places. TO ELECTRIFY LINES CASCADES EAST SPOKANi:, Wash . April 14. At a coat of approximately 10,000,000 the (Srcut Northern railroad will electrify Its line from Spokane to the Cascade mountains, and work Is to bo begun In the near future, accord ing to Information Riven out today b local representatives of the com pany. ' It Is declared that the road has se cured practically nil land around l.ako Cheian and along tho Chelan river to tho Columbia river and also a power site In the vicinity of Che lan Palls, whoro a plant is to be erected. The purchase of. property about tho lake wns made nocestary by tho fact that tho water Is to be raised several feet by thfe construc tion of a big power daru. It Is claimed that tho nowly acquired holdings will permit the develop ment of 100,000 horsepower of elec tricity, which It Is estimated will bo enough lo operate tho mnln Una from Spoknno to the Cascades, and later to electrify the line front Wenntchce north. Prom power generated near Leav enworth tho Great Northern no operates by electricity through t Cascades. FRIEDMAN CALLS ON T PRESIOEN CIIATTANOOUA, Teun., April 11. While ubing Iho body of his wife, who ho is supposed to hnvo killed, as n barrier for nioro Hutu four hours, Charles W, (loodluko, a tinner, was riddled with bullets by 11 posse, and U ncur dcu tli hero today. WASHINGTON, April 14. Dr. Frederick Krnn Frlodmann, discov erer of an alleged tuborculosls cure, Is In Washington today to call on President Wilson und domonBtrnto his remedy at tho Gcorgo Washing ton hospital. Patients at tho hospi tal are besieging Dr. William Van Snndlt, tho resident physician who selects tho casos for Dr. Krlcdmaitn to treat, to submit thorn for Inocula tion. Tho first patient was scheduled to ho treated nt U:30 o'clock. Some of "Washington's most prominent physicians will groot Dr. Frlodmium at tho hospital and aro prepared to uiuko today's tost u sevoro ouo. ILL FROM TARIFFITIS WASHINGTON. April 14. As tho result of the strain of preparing tho tariff bill and engineering It through the preliminary lawmaking stages, Congressman Oscar Underwood, of Alabama, chairman of tho ways nnd means committee, Is confined to hli bed hero today. Ills physicians inaj compel him to remain In bod for sovoral dnys. It Is stated that Underwood is suf fering from a slight fever, but tlmt his condition Is not serious. An mIi soluto rest was proscribed for htm today. HRUSRKLS, April IL Afore than .'l.'O.OOO Mirialisls nml unionists quit work in Helguini today as the start of n great Htrike for universal suf frage. One hundred nnd fiftv thous and miners were -first to Iny down their tools nml it is bcliovnl Hint by Wednesday oOO.OOO workers will be out. In preparation for trouble 40,000 troops are ready for action, but it Is believed that many regiments are per meated by the doctrines of socialism, and it'is doubtful if Ihcy would obey nn order for serious action. This fact in rccopiUcd by the htriko lead ers. At their liVnilqtinrters is sus pended a great banner which bears Iho legend: "Soldiers, do not fire on your broihcrs."' From Nice, where is claying, Mattr ice Maeterlinck wrote to the strike lenders : "I heartily favor your strike against n ministry which represents nil the ugliness, lowness ami perfidy of tho old Bclgiiui clericalism.'!' - COMftBlHPURCHASE OREGON CITY LOCKS POHTL.AND, Ore.. April 14. In terest In tho operation of the Ore gon City locks under tho jurisdiction of the United States government Is again revived by tho arrival today at tho office of Major J. P. Mclndoc, corps of engineers. United States army, of tho draft of tho deed for the locks property approved by the secretary of war. Tho draft will be returned to the Portland Itnllawy, Light & Power company for final execution, after which It will he submitted to the at toruey general for approval. OBSEQUIES OF MORGAN MARKED BY SIMPLICITY Funeral of Late King of Finance At tended Only by Relatives and Clsse Friends Interred at Hartford, Conn., In Family Vault. Stock Exchange Closes Darlf Morn ing Session out of Respect llsrf Greer Conducts Funeral Services. NKW YOItrc, April 3 4 Tho New York stock exchange m closed unlit noon today an a mark of respect to tho memory of tho late J. rierpont Morgan, the noted American finan cier and hanker, who died recently In Home. Kunoral services over Morgan's body weic held this morn ing. At SMS o'clock tho flower cov ered casket was taken In an ordinary hearce to St. George's Eslsconal church. The members of the Morean family accompanied tho hearse In horse drawn carriages. Employes of tho undertaker carried the casket from the library of the Morgan heme to the hearse. Tno funeral party reached the church at 10 o'clock and the doors closed. Tho services were private. A vested choir preceded the casket no tho aisle. The services were con ducted by Bishop Greer of New York. Dishop Drewster of Connecticut and UUhop Lawrcnco of Boston, and the Itev. Thomas Calvert, the Iter. John Haymaker, the Itev. John Scott and the Iter. Carl Relland. After the easket had been removed to tho hearse from the Morgan li brary, the baa on traffic -nesWth-K Morgan mansion was lifted, hHrfor three blocks about St. George's church It was closed. As the casket waa carried Into the j church the 38th and 90th psalms were chanted. Tho hymns "Lord. Let Me Know My End and Number My Days'' and "Asleep In Jesus" rot-' lowed, neading of the scrlptun), the creed nnd prayers followed, after which Harry nuitolgh sang; "Cal vary." At tho close jot tho services tho casket was taken to tho Grand Cen tral station and placed on a specldl train for Hartford, Conn. Tho serv ices at Hartford were private. Inter ment was In Cedar Hill cemetory. POSTAL TELEGRAPH SALKSr, Ore., April M.-J. A. Forehand, of Scuttle, superintendent of the Postal Telegraph Company to day filed a complaint with the state railroad commission alleging discrhu. iuatiou against his company 011 tho part of (ho Paeifio Telephone & Tele graph company. Ho nllogoa that in Hosoburg, Medford, Oregon City nnd Cnnyonvillo tho telephone company permits tho Western Union Tejegrnph company to bo listed in tho telophono directories merely as 'Wcstorn Union' without any number, while n person culling tho Postal must look up the number. READING AND STEEL ACTIVE IN MARKET NKW YORK, April M.-Heading nml United States Steel sold actively in the htook market today. The minor specialties were without support, es pecially Rumley nnd Petroleum. The entire list isjcliuoil when dullness set in. The market, which opened two hours Into owing to tho funeral of J. V. Morgan, closed strong. T FIGHT NEW TARIFF WASHINGTON, April 14. Cali fornia and Florida representatives hnvo joined hands lioro today to In stitute a bitter fight against tho cit rus fruit schedule of the tariff bill, which may como up tomorrow In tho uouso democratic caucus, Tho agri cultural products schedule wus con sidered today. WILSON SATISFIED WITH SUGAR TARIFF WASHINGTON, April IL Presi dent Wilson wns satisfied today that so far as tho sugar schedule in tho new tariff bill is concerned, the beet ami eano sugar factories in America can compete with other nations in tho open mnrket. He expects somo of tho trust-controlled factories to close to make it appear that their ar guments for protection were well founded, but ho expects them lo re open as soon ns they aro convinced tlmt their position is untenable. Tho president thinks (hero is not a single ruinous out in the entiro bill. LYNCH IS SLATED FOR PUBLIC WASHINGTON, April 14. James Lynch uf Indianapolis, president of tho Typographical Union, is to bo ap pointed United States public printer, according to a. report current bore to. j uay. (National) At Cincinnati St. Louis-Cincinnati game postponed; wet grounds. At Philadelphia Iloston-Philatlel-phiti guino postponed; wet grounds. (American) At Wus h i 11 g t o 11 Philadelphia Washington gumo postponed; wet grounds. SAN FRANCISCO GIRL BUYS KILLARNEY CASTLE SAN FRANCISCO, Cab, April 14. Muckross, a famous old castle near tho Lakes of Killaruey, Ireland, .was purohnsetl recently by Mrs. Frederick Vincent, formerly Miss Maude Ronnie of Sn Francisco, according- to a ra port received here today, K 1 ,'i I ID m (.!