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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1913)
' tf y- ,V ' I' r: pxnra retain? m """ TODFORD OTTti TRTHUNK MKOFORT). OHK(10T, SATrillUY. 'AIM, II, .", i:i, THE RESULT OF THE TERRIFIC CYCLONE AFTER DSHN niA HOUSEHOLDERS SEARCHING RUINS OF THEIR HOMES FOR. BODIES "I AND VALUABLES IN NEIGHBORHOOD OR SOTtfAND HAMILTON f ZZT1 STREETS, OMAHA. J I J Ml G)N.V. HWALD CO. 'ill , t . J : ' r i t a . r . I u I Oil ITU WILD PLUNGE ACROSS THE COUNTRY IwPc -" i w- ' ' V ' " ''AtiB -im i . v.-t-s-y. . ii ' i i iwi r.-3"-:- i-.- .. - - -. Sffiuli ..IZ'ySuiuiL " tw WR.ECK OF DIAMOND MOVING PICTURE THEATRE., 241? AND LAWE 5TREETS. 30PERSON5 WERE KILLED HERE.. a CSODIES HAVING EEN RECOVERED. OF MEDFORD TO ATTEND EO ROOT'S FUNERAL I give anyone niul no one hns anything Genial and Picturesque Character to sivo me." Succumbs to Attack Of Pnuemonla ." soon lapsed Into .emi-nncon. c buness. nnd his hrcathms crew Friday Evening Known to All and J moro and moro luborcd. The Mail . . . . I Tribune force visited him at 0 o'clouk. Beloved by Children Funeral Held 2:30 P. M. Sunday Af ternoon at Baptist Church All Children to Bring Flowers A children's funeral is planned for Kd Hoot who died from pneumoniu Friday night. It -will be held ut the Daptlst church at 'J -.30 o'clock Sun day afternoon. Tho funeral will he conducted by tho Hcv. W. P. Shields. Tho Uible filing, of which the diceased was a member, will furnish tho pall heavers. The nmnio will be by the Sunday school children. Every child in Medford i requested to attend tho funeral and brine a flower in memory of their old play mate, vTha children. will inarch with tho remains from tho church to tho Jackson street Jiride. Interment will be in tho I. 0. 0. P. cemetery where Ed will 'ho luid to rosl by tho -side of h'm mother, Ed Hoot was taken ill somo ten days oro. Ho had for some tiniq Buffered from a bad cold, which Bottled upon hiu lunn und developed into pneumonia. Ho was taken to tho hospital nhiQ days ago. As this was hi second attack of pneumonia, Dr. JIaiion, who attended him, wns du bious of his recovery from the first, his iiko and a wcakoned heart being jigitiiittt it. Crisis Cunui Friday. Friday nftorjioon tho crisis came and h sank rapidly. Ho was told by tho sister ni'irshig him that ho was u very .ink man, il skcd if he did no) having y lnisiness to utloud to. 'No' ho replied, "I have uothiiig to He was partially aroused, and recog nizing tho visitors, feebly gavo the old familiar greeting: "llonkl Honk!" These were his last words, lie passed away at ten o'clock. Ed was 08 years of ugo. Ijo was reticent about his past and could not bo induced to talk, ex cept about his mother. The family home at Comanche, Iowa, was de stroyed by n cyclone in the latter CO's or early 7us, his father killed and Ed injured. Shortly after ho came with his mother to Oregon settling nt Jack sonville. She is remembered as n music teneher, well educated nnd re lined. Ed had a good education but never recovered from the injury o his brain received during the cyclone. Ho had a ready wit und wns fond of nn exchange of banter. Preyed On by (.rafter. . Ed worked ns mail clerk on the Mail Tribuuo since its first Usuo as a daily. JJcforo that ho worked for tho Southern Ore;oulun. Ho, was janitor for tho office und also night watchman for B. 0, Trowbridge nt tho Medford Iron Works. . Hotween times he did odd chores, Mowed gruss, out wood, etc., for numerous people, and played tag with children. His constant aim was to save enough money to bury himself, hut as fast as ho accumulated any, somebody would induce him to buy a gold brick of some kind or other, nnd ho was tho prey of mail-order and other grafters. A search of his effects shows $100 invested in tho Jackson County Build ing and Loan Co., (ho only available properly that can ho realized upon for funeral expenses. There is a deed dated June , 1012, to a tract in tho Palm Heach Farms Co,, of Floridu. There is a eerlificato for 113 prefer-- . V- THE BODIES OF MR. R.J. PECK , MISS MINNIEMCBRIDE. AND MR. F-. D.ARCHER ARE IN THESE PARHAM 5TREET RUINS ALL THAT IS LEFT OF THE HOME. OF J.H DRISCOL , N9 -Vaas FARNAM STREET, OMAHA, WHERE ONE DAUGHTER WAS . SERIOUSLV INJURED red shares of tho Perry Publishing and Industrial Co., of Denver. Hud Mining Stork. There is al$o a certificate for 200 shares of Three ldcs Mining Co. stock which Jake Klippel admits sell ing Ed Hoot December 0, 1012, for $100 rash. The stock is signed by Albert T. Ilrown, secretary and C. E. Wikstrom, president. His saving bank hooks show Hint hn accumulated several hundred dol lars a few emits ut a time, to draw it out in large chunks, for what, no one knows. Thu only titnu ho loft tho valley wns to visit thu Seattle exposition and later the statu fair at Salem. Ed Hoot wal beloved b,y all and had no enemies outsido of Abo Lin coln aiil Wm. II. Taft, both of whom he cordially cursed. He was a mem ber of the Baptist church as his mother hod been nlso, Ho joined the socinlist pnrty, but lately hns not been a regular attendant nt meetings. Ho had no known iclntives at least none acknowledged tho claim during his lifetime. Ed's littlo dog "Snyder" will ho cared for in accordance with her master's only expressed wih. Sny der has been Ed's constant com panion for two years and br tho best known dog in the valley. She hns not yet given up tho hope of rinding Kd, for shu'curefully scans tho face of each old man sho meets on the. street. SOLDIER OF FORTUNE IS To Deport Russian "Red." SAN FRANCISCO, April 4. Unit ed Slates Immigration officials prob ably will deport Guda Iusklu, a Huh sian'unarchlst, who Is being held hero nt Angel Inland Immigration station. Itiukln arrived hora from Yokohomu on tho steamer Manchuria, Ho open ly declared that his llfo Is devoted to tho extermination of officials of tho Ilusslan government. Major (iimtavo II. Behoof, a mem ber of the Canadian northwest mounted pollen anil soldier of for tune, who baa seen scrvlcn In many climes und under many flags, Is vis iting Mudfnrd nnd may address tho school children before leaving. Major Schoof's latest experience was In Mexico, whoro ho foiiKht with Orozco ami Madero In their war with Wax. Ho piay return now to battle against thu new regime. Major Schoof sjicnt 20 years In Africa, fighting and hunting big game. Ho Is a veteran of tho Hour war. NEW Y OFF CAS ARE A NO chief of pollen, nnd O, Artuplgor rlty attorney. The council last "vrnlng nwnrded n contract for tho paving of tho Hear crcnk bridge to tho Clark Honerv Construction company. Their hid was 13882.60, whllrt thnt of Schell & Hrhell wns fltOSS. Tim contract was nwnrded to the higher bidder an the council did not enro to rxpoit ment with new pavement on the brldgo, where th traffic I lioavy. TIik matter of pnvlnn street was dlcuMod, a cnll for pro tests being Issued for April IS, A littlo routine business was train, acted. Doy Scouts, Attentlpnl You me rfiticntid ! nttrud Ihn funeral of Kdwiii I). Kopt tomorrow nftcrnoon nt the llnpiist church at 2:.'10 p. in. Ilring n flower. . L 8. UBVKH I DC1 1 :. Merltol Tonic Digestif will tout up your system quickly, nuke you fel strong again. Manillas Drug fltnro. Discord In thA ranks of tho city official Is a thing of tho past. With tho appointment of officials about whom a storm has waged for months nmdo Friday evening the city havii Bottled down to a hnrmonmiM whole, and city buulnoss Is being transacted without wrangling. Tho council confirmed names sub. mlttcd by Mayor Klfort Friday eve ning. Tho names warn suggested L) tho council. Tho now officials arn. K. J. Itunyard, market master; It. 1J. McCabo, city attorney; J. F. Illltsnii, 4-- i w ROYAL BAKING POWDER Absolutely Puro Economizes Butter, Flour, Eggs; makes the food more appetizing and wholesome The only , Baking Powder inndc from Royal Grape Cream ol Tartar : e are so sure that, wo can HaliHly your fool wiuiIh Hint wo wish you lo oomo intry on, a pair or ho fool Ihoni on tho foot anil com pare thorn with any kIiooh you havo ovor worn. '". Pumpi from iJ-n.OO o fl.00 In nearly every material you nmlc nsk for. , Oxfords from $'J.0l) In $.fi() iii.Miedo, gun melnl, tans, dull kid, pn'tculs, high shoirn from fJ.O.'i to.fn.OO lit nil tho different kinds of Icilthors,. Wo go tho limit in giving you tho'bost wo oan for tho mnnoy. '' BEHLING flood. Fit Hhoit ritoni Wo MI;o To Fit Tho Ifai'd To Fit J -