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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1913)
Bo TOCUS FOUH Medford mail tridunk Nmvwi'ArKii . AlTI!KNOON hay nr tii K1NTINU CO. TM rmerllc Tim, The Medford Matl, T Hertford Tribune. The Houth HI Or iln. Th Ashland Trlhunis OffJM ! Mll Vrlbunn Hulldlnir. SI-3TSI North rir street! phone, Main Soil. OSOnOK l'UTNAM, Editor and Manassr Htr1 aa matter at MtJforJ. , Orf son, under the act of March t, 1STV. Official rMr of thfr Cttr of Medford. Official Paper of Jackson County. BtniBCRrPTIOK BATES, On year, by mull ? One month, by mall .60 rr month, delivered by carrier In Hertford, Jacksonville and Cen- tral Point -. .; (VitunUy onlr. by mall, per year 9.00 Weekly, per year - ... IWOKX OIBOUX.ATIOK. Dally average for eleven month! ena Inn November SO, 1911. JJ&t. The Moll Tribune Is on raI at the Kerry New Htnnd. Kan Francisco. Portland Hotel New Stand, Portland. Portland Newa Co, Portland. Ore, W. O. Whitney, Seattle, Wash. mil Xat4 Win United Jrs JHipatehea. KxnroRO. ossaoK. Metropolis of Southern Oregon and Northern California, and the fastest growing city In Oregon. Population U. 8. 1110 SHO; Mtlmated. U1I lO.OOO. rtva .hundred thousand dollar Orwvlty Water Hyatem completed. giving flneal supply pure mountain water, and li.J mile of etreeta pavct. Poitofflca receipts for year ending November SO, 111. ahow Increase of 1 per oent- Banner fruit city In Oregon Itogue Itlver BplUenbemr apples won sweep stake prlxe and tlllo of CITY TO RE-IRE The electrical display in nnd nbout tho fountain in tho city park, which looks like it had gone 20 rounds with Dud Anderson nnd had most of its light punched out is to be rewired and rejuvenated. The city dads said so Tuesday night when they let a contract- for Iho work. Tho fountain was wired nboul tlirco years ago nnd since then lights have- disappeared nnd circuits "shorted" so that instead of casting its beams afar by night, it barely punctures the darkness.- This is to bo remedied bctorc mo soil summer, nights arrive. I JOLTS AND JINGLES By Ad Brown Tho Song of Ihq.TJulct Man. They tell me that up where tho snow drifts still linger That tho bear and tho deer sttlk out In tho sun, Though the law has a chain on a man's trigger finger It doesn't fazo mo for I can't Bhoot a sun. They tell mo tho flsU In tho crrcki and tho river Are leaping and twisting S3 play ful the?; feel, : But tho heart in ray breast doesn't flutter or quiver. For I haven't a sharo in a rod or a reel. This do I know spring blossoms arc irt m I n if . ' The green on tho hills climbs up toward tho snow, I can hear the birds sing nnd can hear tho bees UummtiK And I don't take a gun wliet a trampiug I go. The man who sits in tho Conning Tower has started a raqvement to, havo O. Honry placed .within, th-i shelves of tho public library. Ho lus struck a noto that will .find echoes In many hearts, for not only Is O. Hen ry loved by tho "reading" public but ho has Intimately touched legions to whom few writers appeal. Tho only objection to O. Henry in tho Mcdford library is that tho books would be soon worn out. In other words, we second tho mo tion. If tho cartbquako didn't crack Kust Main street it at least attracted someone's attention to tho fact that tho cracks wore there. Most of us would swear that tho quake wasn't sufficiently severo to shuke dlco In a cigar store A grand chanco for someono to make a speech was overlooked whon tho P. Sc K. qulotly Inld that truck Under tho now bridge. , Tho small boy who goos fishing and catches u turtto will heroaftor commuulcato with I)oo Frledmunn. ' Tho P. &. Ii, Is stealing honors from tho crook. By running under tho bridge. Have you quit knocking Ilml An derson yot? The Easter hat will soon appear To cause tho Joyous thrill, Then sura as nlglitlmo follows day Will come tho Easter bill. JUM-M& tbaHtVr mun MRDTORb i DOLLAR DIPLOMACY DONE. JJ13 days of "dollnr diplomacy," iumiiruniii'il by Roosevelt and fostered extensively by 'Pa ft, are evi dently ended, Sueh is tho announcement of the dson administration. "Dollar diplomacy" consisted in using the United States uovernment as a collection agency lor wall street bankers for loans made other nations -principally Central and South American countries. American collectors of customs wo now stationed in several countries, collecting, Msion, money owed New York syndicates, for which the customs wcro pledged. In some instances armed intervention by the United States has followed revolutions in local government and the "ins" forcibly kept in by tho American army and navy at a cost of American life, to protect the loans made by "Wall street. lit China the use of the United States government for tho benefit of special interests was oven more notorious. Recognition-of the Chinese republic was refused until that republic consented to borrow money on terms dictated by the financiers (if the six powers, which would give those powers a strangle hold on the baby republic. The United States was one of the six powers, but the United States did not contemplate loaning China monev, but was acting in tho interest of "Wall street. By refusing recognition, the United States forced China to come to the terms ot the financiers. 'The ."Wilson administration is making a good start in restoring the 'nation to the people and democracy to its ideals. Dollar diplomacy meant the deseoration of the Hag, not its glory. BRYAN'S BLAZING INDISCRETION. THE tory press of England is ablaze with righteous in dignation over the "blazing indiscretion" of Secre tary of State Bryan. Said "blazing indiscretion" con sisted of the following remarks made in a St. Patrick day address: " Twfc years front now Ireland will bo celebrating home rule. There la cv?rY reason to bcllcvo tho Houso ot Commons will pass the bjll again and mako It law. This victory for Ireland would bo a victory for tho world aud would mark tho end of aristocratic rule. 'When tho Houso of Lords Is compelled to bow to Tho People It will mean tho beginning ot homo rulo for tho wholn earth. It will be a tre mendous triumph for Ireland, and her part In tho great struggle wilt be gratefully remembered by every country that Is struggling for freedom. Tho victory of this great principle will not be acceptable at first, perhaps, to Great Britain and Scotland; but lu tho cud they will find that It is immensely to their benefit. Sentiments much stronger have been uttered repeat edly throughout England. They are the remarks of a real democrat, believer in a world democracy. Depriving any people of home government is undemo cratic and unjustifiable. Just government must always rest on the consent of the governed. A handful of hered itary peers, pvcrlords of special privilege, alone prevent 'the people of Ireland from ruling themselves, j?, The irousc of Lords is an anachronism in the twentieth century. It is a feudal survival the nation long ago out grew a parasite on the people. At hest, even in conserva tive England, it can last but a few das before the leveling power of democracy. The world needs more diplomats like Bryan who tell tho truth instead of polished inanities. How to Treat This dlscaso threatens to becorao atmenaco to tho livestock Interests of tho Pacific northwest, it Is now quits common in somo sections and meft unchecked wirTsurely demor alize an. Industry that Is Just getting a good foothold. Tho first symptoms aro usually of such a naturo that tho inexperienced will pass up unob served. Depending on tho naturo of tho onset, tho hog may bo consti pated or may havo a profuso diarr hoea, will appear sluggish, disin clined to niovo jiGout, uppcar weak, rloss ot1 appetite, Inflamraa of tljo eyes anu s nign tomporaiuro or in rare cases' an abnormally low tem perature. Tho tempcraturo can eas ily bo determined by tho clinical thormometcr. lied or yellow blotch es over the surface of tho abdomen, on tho inside of legs and about tho Basket Willow Cuttings for Distribution The United States Korest Servlco will have cuttings for distribution thjs sprjng pf several species ot bas ket willows which havo boon groivn In tho government forest nursery near Carson, Wash. Theso cultlngu will bo distributed to farmers and others who with to make trials of basket willow on lands too wet for othor crops. Krom CO to 100 cut tings will bo given to each person, for which no cbarco Is inado. but tho recipients will bo expected to repoft from tlmo to tlmo on tho cond'.Mon jf.tho willows In order that tho gov ernment may dutermlno what varlo- ties, aro best adapted to this region. Cuttings will not bo furnished for ornamental or wind-break planting, but to thoso who wish to mako a trial at growing willow rods for bac ket making. Any ponon doslrina cuttings of basket willows under thoso conditions should mako appli cation to tho District Forester, For est Service, Portland, Ore,, before April 1, at about which timo tho distribution will bo in ado. In tho basket willow investigations cnrrled on" by tho forest service, par ticular attention has beon given li the development of American species for baekot making purposes. The MTCT)FORD MATTi TRTRUm OTiDFOim ORF.CIOtf. WRDNKDAY. MMlCU under Uncle Sam's super- Hog Cholera ears aro quito characteristic. Tho first thing to do when cholera Is suspected Is to take away to healthy quarters tho apparently healthy hogs. As tho infectlvo ele ment Is in tho urlno and mnnuro do not move tho sick hogs. Call In. a rcputablo veterinarian, preferably tho stato votcrlnarlan, nnd havo tho herd vacdjnated with bog cholera serum. This, If dorm by a careful, skilled practitioner, will rcduco tho loss to a minimum. Al hogs dying from cholera should bo buried 'it great depth or burned if convenient". Hogs' should at all times havo clean, dry sleeping places, feed lots and trough-bo kept clean and fresh, pure water acccsslblo at all times. Theso fow pointed facts If borno In mind may savo many dollars in outbreaks of this dreaded disease. Kuropcan species usod lu basket ma king In this country havo never proven thoroughly satisfactory aud n systematic effort Is being mado t. find natlvo willows which will tc adapted to different parts of tic country, In addition to thoso grown at the local nursery near Carson, Was.ii, tho government Is growing n great variety at tho Arllugton farm, r Jlngton', Virginia, and at Ames, Iowa Tho willow garden at tho form'r placo contains nearly 500 lots gath ered from all parts of tho country. NOl'ICK. Notice Is horoby given that tho undorslgncd will petition to tho city council of tho city of Mcdford at Its next regular meeting on April 1, 1913, for a permit to transfer placo of business lu city of .Mcdford from No. 31 South Front street to 30 North Front street. U. 8. KKDCL.IFFI5. Datod March 18, ID 13. William C, Ilodfleld, tho new sec retary of' commorco, bus tho reputa tion of being an nblo authority on tho tariff, PATTON PLEADS FOR FAITHFUL EMPLOYEE The uiigrutofulucxrt of muniYipnt ilies lu employes, which Ims lonn beni told in vi'rso nnd storv, received n body blow from Street Commissioner Owney Pulton, In n revoinnu'iuiulion filed with the uity council Tuesday evening, l'ntton 'usks Iho eily coun cil to reward one of ilsi oldest cm ployos - Hill tlnrrvlt by mining hi wages. Hill Unrrett has worked for the oily of Mcdford since Tigo wuh n pup. Ho knows more about its streets, nllo.Vri, sewotx, walks, water mains, Its hihwaya nnd byways limn nny oilier three men in luwn, mid yet ho is getting only a vvngo which i". paid to every man who comet nlong nnd gets n job for rt day or two. l'nt ton believes thit unjust nnd nskj that Hill's wages bo raised. Hill didn't nnd wouldn't nsk for himself, Tho matter was referred to tho finance committee. It is believed that tho request of! l'ntton ou behalf of Hill Qnrrett will be granted. TARIFF REVISION ONLY FAVORED BY WILSON WASHINGTON, Mmvli lU.It wns learned definitely hero today that in his 8ccial message to tho extra ses sion of congress, President Wilson will not recommend the woman suf frage nnd currency reforms. The single recommendation will be for re vision of tho tariff. Tho president wants the tariff alone considered at the hprcial i.essiou, and wants the work expedited ns much as possible. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE LECTURE (Continued from pago 3.) tho light good. If you wero to try It for a single, drfjou "would bo sur prised to fludlvjjiat a new sort of day you would be giving to your selves. Kvory tlne you find yourcclt thinking unkindly !stoUt your neigh bor, bring In a good thought about him. It will help him and It will help you. Kvery tlmo yoijr thought drops to tho level of thorsst, lift It as near tho stars as you can rnUo It. If thoughts unclean,, unjust, malicious or obstructive aro there, bring In something of purity, of Justice, ot helpfulness, of low. When you havo dono your lxt In this lino of noble endeavor, you havo accomplished much. You havo taken a step, n Di tto ono to bo sure, but It leads in the direction of tho understanding of QoA the knowledgo of Illm, whom to know aright Is llfo eternal. KANE CREEK ITEMS. Mr. and Mrs. I. Householder spent a day recently In tho Hub city ns guests ot relatives. Tho recent snow put a sudden stop to garden making for smoral days However, most nil tho early gardens aru planted. Mlsa Carda Olson, of Mcdford, Is tho guost of Miss Pearl Hlglubotham for a few vecks. Tho youngest child of J. Davidson of Garden Home, wus quite badly kicked by a colt ono day last week, tho youngHlnr brlni; so bad that It was taken to a Grants Pass hospital for treatment, aud at last nccouut It was getting nlong nicely. Mrs. Mardon spont Thursday in Cold Hill, tho guest of Mrs. Tony Olson. Mr. and Mrs. I.owls motored to Cold Hill Sunday eve. Klmer Hlglnbotham nnd wlfo wero Medford business vlsltorn Saturday Miss Kathrlno Foley, who Is toarh- Ing on Kardlno creek, vvns tho guest rf Mr. und Mrs. Iowls Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Uoan, ot Willow Springs spont Sunday tho guest of Mrs. Iloan'a parents, Mr. and Mrs John Drown. John Opp, tlm mining man ot Mcdford, spent Saturday at tho lira don mluo looking after business in terests. Mr. nnd Mrs, Klrck of tho Ilradeu mlno woro In Medford Saturday and whllo thoro Mr. Klrck loft for north era California, whoro ho has oin ploymcnt. Ooorgo Mardon, who is dovoloplng his quartz mlno near Jacksonville, spent Saturday and Sunday with homo folks, returning Monday, Woathor Prophet Foster forecasts warmer weather with an occasional shower. Mr. and Mrs. Iluggls and daughter attonded tho Suvago'C dnnco Satur day night and report u most oujoy ablo tlmo. Profossor and Mrs. CJrcenlcat spent Sunday at, tholr Kanes Creek farm. Kanes Crock business vlsltorn to Cold Hill this woek: Mr. and Mrs. Lowls, Mrs. Mardon, Tom Klrck, Mrs, Doggls, Mrs. Foldyair.. Knotts and koii, Mr. Dully. Mr. North, Mr. nnd Mrs HlRlubothiiiu, Mioses Tarda Olson and l'mirl llluluhotlmm, mid Weather Prophet Foster, Mr. (Irlgshy of Cutrnl Point It engaged III shearing Mr. Ureeulears goats this week. Kvoryliody Is rejoicing over th recent rains and hope It wilt toullio for somo time, ns all vegetation Deeds mnlsturo very badly. Wo nro sorry to say that Ohm leu Stlucburg met with n painful ncri dent on Monday while engaged at. work at, tho lime kiln near town, do was splitting wood when a fl)ln,r stick b trunk htm In tho oo, which waa ho bad that It was necessary to go to tho Pass for treatment. EDEN PRECINCT We an sorry to announce that Mrs. Kobison of Talent is erilically ill. J. (I. Van Uyko and family of North Phoenix, autoed to Ashland Sunday. Mrs. Ilaymcn and daughter of Phoonlv, sHnt Sunday with Mrs. 1 laymen's nephew, Mark Ferns, nnd wife of Fern Valley. A. X. Fisher of Phoenix has com meuecd insos.iiig the property own er in the lowu of Phoenix. -Mr. nnd Mrs. K. (I. Coleman were iu Talent Sunday evening. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. S. Slaneliff spent Sunday in Phoenix. r. Carey was a business visitor iu Talent Saturday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Joe Under spent Sunday with Mrs. Wader's sister and family, Mr. nnd Mrs. Wilbur Joiuw, on their ranch wcxt of Mcdford, Last Saturday the legal import were drawn up for n thirty days' option uou certain coal lauds owned by Mrs. . 1,. Audetou nnd Mr. John (Irnffes. Tho laud is iu the Koxy Ami dial bolt. Mrs. Sarah Weeks and her daugh ter, Jliss flertio of Meilfonl were guests of Jim. Lillie Hlackwood of Phoenix Sunday and nlo called on Mrs. W. S. Slaneliff. Thoho fntm Ihit vicinity who spent Satunlay iu Meilfonl were A. S. und F. K. Furry, Mr. und Mrs. .loo Kader, h. A. l.i', Mm. C. Carey, Owen Duulnp, (leu. King, Mr. und Mrs. John (Iraffes, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. AuderMiii, Mr. und Mm. I'lmer, Dr. Wehsler. Mm. (1. C. MeClniii. Quite a number of invited guels gtuhcmd nt tho ploasant hom of Mr. and .Mrs. John (Iraffes iu North Phoojiix Ipxl Sunday. The occasion being1 n- farrvvell glrtliering in honor of Mm. Caroline 1 1 lit ton. who left for her homo in Harney county Sun day evening. Tlmse who were gnosis ut tho dinner wen Mr. and Mm. A. S. Furry, Zuauela Furry, Mr. and Mm. W. K. Andemon nnd mmih Curl und Donald, Mr. nml Mm. C. Carey, Mm. Caroline Mutton, Mr. nnd Mm. John 0 ruffes. CENTRAL POINT PilNTERS Mm. Karl Deft of Seven Oaks wa shopping here "Monday afternoon, Tho revivnl meetings being held be tween tho several rhiirehet at the M. K. church this week nro being looked forward to with great inloroM by many of our ritiziMis. Thus far tho meetings have been very well at tended nnd have greatly interested the people who attend. There have lieii a largo number of couvcits und communion find linptismul servieeH will be held Friday night. .The meet iligH will be of benefit to nnyono ulm attends and n cordial Invitation is extended to nil to uomo and hear the sen ices. Mm. II. F, Peait was a (Irnuls Puhs visitor Monday. The Hiiworlh League of the M. K. church will give mi Hiihlor hiipper nt tlm V. M. C. A. Monday evening, UNIQUE NAME Can You Prouoiiuro Name of World's .MohI Famou Catarrh Heiueily'.' Illgh-o-mo that's tho proper way to pronounce HVO.MIH, tho sure breathing remedy that tins rid tens of thousands of pooplo of vllo and disgusting Catarrh. Booth's IIYOMIH Is mado or Aus tralian eucalyptus combined with thymol and hoiuu llstorlau mitltcp- tlcs und Is frcu from cocalno or any harmful drug Hooth's IIYOMKI Is guaranteed to end tho misery of Catarrh or inoiioy back. It Is simply splendid foi Croup, Coughs or Colds, Complete outfit, including loud rubber Inhaler, $1,00. Kxtra bollKs of HYOMHl, If later neoded, CO cents nt Chas. Strang'.) aud drugg'st.i everywhere Just breiitho It no stomach dosing. John A. Perl Undertaker , UH S. UAKXfiKTX Phones M. 471 tin 478 Ambulance Service Deputy Coroner M. Win. Mnieli Ul. A good linn and u de llcioiiN "Upper aie sine In he had bv all who am pmseiil. All nro invlled and uiKcd to eouio nnd have a social und a lerreshlutt time. Come all. Mm. It. M. Ilohmw is oujoviug n and relatives. Ml- Kiln Willi visited ui Table lloek Sunday. Mm. Stouts and sou hnve relumed lo their homo nt Iho Modoo oiehaid nfter u several dnys' visit at Iho homo of her parents, C. ,1. Htiiilnit und lainily iu this eily. Mm. DaviiUou, Mm, II. Frlel, Mm. .1. ,1. Kelleinmo, Will Pvhoni, It, II. (llcuxuu, Oliver Mann, II. Holme we iv Moudav Medford vl-llom. IF YOUR CIO NEEDS A PHYSIC. If Its Utile Stoiuaeli Is Sour, UviT MagKlKli and lloweN Clogged. Mother! look at the tongue! see If It U coated. If your child Is list Wt, drooping, Isn't sleeping well, Is restless, doesn't uut heartily or Is cross, Irritable, out of sorts with over) body, stomach soir, feverish, breath bad; has stomach ache, diarr hoea, soro throat or Is full of cold, It means tho llltto one's stomach, liver nud UO feet of bowels nro filled with poisons and clogged up waste Slid need a gentle, thorough cleans ing at once. lllvo a tenspnonful ot Syrup of Figs, aud In a fow hours tlm foul, decaying constipated matter, iiudl gestud food mid sour bllo will gnutly move ou and out of Its little bowels without iiaiiHisi, griping or weakness, and you will surely have a well nud smiling child shortly. With H)rup of Figs you aro not drtiKKliig 'nr children, being com piMiul entirely of limclous figs, senna and nromntlcs It onunnt be harmful besides they dearly luvs Its ilollrlou (ante. Mothers should always keep Svrup of Fins handy. It Is tho only stom ach, liver and bowel cleauier and regulator needed a lltllo given i" day will saw a sick child tomorrow. Full directions for children of ull agos aud for kiowiioiihi plainly print ed ou tho tsicksRo. Ask your druggist for the full name, "Syrup of Figs nud HllOr f Senna." prepared by tho Callforub. Fig Sirup Co. This Is tho delicious tasting, genuine old nillulile. He fuse an) thing elm offered. Rheumatism Affects Lungs Pneumonia, llronchllU, PhihlsU, Astluns and Anemia Often Direct ly tho Result of Rheumatic Ulood. If you Imvn a eratstenl, nsuslnit nron. chtnl cniiKh bownro nt rniiuli remedies. Tliey nro mrly lociil In wtlon, nml If they ild trllnvo It Is Urn nnrrnllcs llmt do IU Wlint you riulrn Is a Micsl purl. Her, a Muirt'tilnt! Mlillilnln tliut roiniivoq from the circulation llio acid pulsons tiy tholr redoxes attack all wrakrnod, susccnllbto spots and thus ctU loeal Hyrnptfims. Tho very liwit rcmoily known U SwIU'n Burn His:ino. You will llrvl It mi iota In any ilnut stnro ut 11.04 Ir liotllo. It go" ntralaht Into thn MimhI, l.rccinrn an llltemul Wood Ulli. wuiulnr fully Incrcuups Iho rcil corpuscles, cures nil tho local fovor xils uinl IrrllKtlanx, Incrcuncs nppetlle, you tnko on lleli ami feel n wonderful sema of runewn.1 ntrensth. llunilreds of people worrlml beyond control nt coukIi, pains In tlm chet, soro throat and conitnnt itipeclnra. lion of thick mucous liavo oxperlonml tho mo.t vvoiulerfiil cluinKn uftnr nslnif I). II, H. Alt doilhl nml npriheniilrii L1 i:ono. thoo peculiar pulnn and nchon vun lull, llicro follows n perhxl of nuiit In totiso rojolclntf to nml that worst four wrro biinod entirely iitoa n mlMlaken no lUin that coimh and client pains eomo from Iho tunics. Thorn are rlioiimnllo conditions, nnd you will quickly roalUo It nfler ulng H, H. H. for a fow days. flet n liotllo o( H. il. H, In day at Iho drug Mora luid thnti buy ko'vI liy to ull thoa pains Ihnt havo woriiod you, Wrllo t Tho Hwlft Hpoclllo Co., UI Hwllt Hide. Alhilita, On., for medical advlco nnd womlortul fuels ciincnrnliiu tho tfrcutoal hlood rcmudy uvcr'knuwn, Draperies Wo carry a very coinrilnlo tins of druperk'H, Ineo oiirtalMM, futures, etc., und do all cIiihui'H of ujiholHtnrltur. A man to look nrier this work exolunlvvly und will ulvo im Kood Horvltii us Is pnHHlhlu to get lu oven llio lurscst cltliH. Wooks & McQowan Co. J. H. Mulhollen Pnliitiiig, Paper Hanging, Tinting mid General Jlousu llcpalrlug Phono C03-Y !1U() West Second Htveot r WHERE TO QO TONIGHT The llest Pictures lu Town Tonight mid 'Ihursibiy, "Oil. AM WATI'lt" It lis Two-Heel lllngrnph Drnniu, And That Premier (Niinedlrtu JOHN MISSY In A Vltngniplt Comedy And Another Hplendlil Pholoday. Unexcelled Miulu Menltl, KotoM Mm, Wooliwiilli Admission Always tho Kaino 10 aud 5 '' White Wyandottcn Special Offer for balance or March. In order to advertUo my prli win nlug, winter ln.vlug stock, a big re duction In prlro ot eggs, aud lu ad dition with every order received will glvo free one ear's sulmcrlptlnn to Tho Northwisil Poultry Journal. My host pen won first pen. first cock, first nud Hortiud pullet and si'fond hen nl llnuils Pans nhow, llia. Also sweepstake for hlghiml scoring pou of nny vurb'ty lu show sud I was offered JSf for the cork. From this pen epgs at 'l per setting All oth ers nearly eipiul It. A few good cockerels for sale. Write quick. JOHN' II. PCI. I. Kit Talrol. Oicgnu Auction Sale of Acreage i.v tiii: picitci: .sciuuvision Two Mlli-s lt or .Milfnrtl Tiit'itsoAV, APitii torn o.v tiii: I..WII Ono nnd onit-uartor to five aero tracts will bo sold to tho highest bid der. Seldom dors thn buyer havo Iho chance to uniiio tho price ho pas for real estate, especially choice pro perty well located and on very easy terms. Do not fall to lecuro ono of theso tract. A special opportunity for tho nun of small mi'an to lecuro a home. Liberal discounts will bo made for all ensh. i:. p. iiimitiiT, c. ii. piihici: Auctioneer Owner OPI..N APIIJIi Oil' The Bonded Warehouse ji:Ni:it,u, Hieit.uji: Oregon's Most Flroproot Waruhoiuu with llurglarproor Vault. 1'or ralos apply MEDFORD REALTY & IMPROVEMENT CO. Mauageril n 1 .1 ucst locatcu and most nonulnr ii! I ffrtrfll will I . 1 . .i ti'J'Wjr'"' hotel in tuc City. RunnitiB difftillcd ice water in each room, European Plan, a la Curte Cafe. Tariff on Rooma 12 rooms $1.00cc'rt GO rooini .... 1,50 each 50 roomi 2.00 each GO room villi pilitlt balk 2.00 each 50 roomt siih iriul bath 2.60 each 30 iuitet, bedroom, par lor and bath - 3.00 each For more than one uuett add $1,00 extra to the above rates for each additional cueit. Reduction by week or month. fitanafmtnt Chitltr If. KtlUy 4mr.i!:m F.G.ANDREWS .. Lcuuoo of Orlll und Dlnlnc Room. .. IT 4'l''V, it ft. H -tt'tMvJ .A..