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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1913)
Arrcmroitn MATrfrttrnrjNK aiiidkorp, omcnoN, wkiwkhimv, aiakoii w, um. A LECTURE ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE BY William R Rathvon, G & R. On Tiifculnv eu'iiiim. Minch IM.! ,l w," w'Hlen In solltudu by :i a CliiUlliui Hcilcuce Iceluiu huh ,t..hvoiimn wh- spiritual Inuring was llu-ie.l In iliu .N'ntutoiliuu. 1W. i, . nemo enough lo raleh llm worilH tlml H. Collins, Hiipvtiiitrn.huC .f Mn.'t bnn been speaking aloud to dull- IhiiI NfliiHil.., Introduced thu leiilliur, r'mi mniiKiiiii over since lima im Win. It. Kiillmm. A oiv liiiKt. ntMli;ftn' r" ",0,,4n,; ,,ml1 ,tt,,l" llur nttentlvu nudleneo oHllinnluil nt 1301) ,,,r" W"H l,ot f"r h"r n," ' for people, gave close attention lo tin. "" ,,'' f,,,l,,w '",,M- "vl "'"' "' "v"' iq.euhtir, who apoko ns followss ,nu " " l0,,m "" mmn '0"",- " , , . , , . Into sllenco tint it Ihu trees ran liuot i.riHirc nil iniMinit m'leutc ny William II. lliitlivon, U. H. II. Member of tho lloiinl of Lectureship of Tim Tirol Church of Christ, Heltmttsl, of Hoilon. Muss, Tim intelligent Htiiib or any m-i euro nhoulil proceed by tint orderly Hint of It tuxt boohs. Ill InwH ami IIh ntntomeiiU thus lenrned nru to In proved In the class room. In the laboratory, or In tho Hold, an thu tasn mny be.. Chrlstlnu Science, universal In It llseftllliiw mid In IU availability In likewise to bn learned from Hit text book nitd then proved anil demon strated In nil tho various nvenrTVs tuicl activities of ovoryduy life, wher nver in nu mingle with msn nr liU lutcrt'AtH tench those, of Ills fellows iicmihhh tiii: 111 itt.i: (Jlirtstlnn Helunco linn but one text book, "Hclotico nnd llenlth with Key to thu Scripture" by .Mnry linker Itdily, II Is not u lunik lo lm quick ly rend or hastily thumbuil over as olio would a shulluw novo). Nor I It to Ik npproiirbed with bin m prejudice If on ii would shuru IU rluliotii bill IU truth muy lm proved apil In turn Imparted by child or mi K ti who tutus tin leal us with mi npuii mind. Only the open flower it In tlml calcium the. dew mid' yields IU honey to tho Into. It.ilnt oud luuer meet mi toiumun ground, In thu page of thin remark nblu book and though Its atari itll iillko nt the Imttotu of the liuldui It ulvra)n llflri up nud mnur drags low ii. Tlmo nnd again Ha roierJ liuvu been rudely torn open by nu frlmidly hands In HMrah of phrase to wrench from their context nud with which to Hiiilto men of strati, jet neither forcu nor deceit, tin blundering of the bear ur the cun ning of tbo fox can uvall to diver' nr niippress lu tidings of comfort nnd Joy. It linn biH'ii assurled that Chris t In ii SrleiitlnU plnci- their toxt book nbovo tbo lllblo an the kiiUIo to rlKlil'OUMicui. No otte can houuHtty makn till iilli'KUtlon who Ii.ih read thu book carefully, for ou pkc VJ7 of Hclenre nud lle.ilth nrn printed tin-Mi wiirdu, tho flmt of n lurlcd I (limits of our religien: "Ah udhcreiiU of Truth n tulo tho lunplriil Won) of tho lllbln nit our Hiiffloleul guldu to ntcriml life." What more cinplmtlr nnd explicit necntluu of miioIi a charKo could bo deltinuded? Tho truth or Chrlntlan Hcleuro do not originate lu tho book Holencn nud Health. Thpy find cxpreNnton tliern but their oHkIu I In Cod, Tluiy havo nlwuj nxlitted nnd uill forever nxUt. Whut effect, then, tt mny bn nuked, doen the Mudy of thin book havo upon tliono who hiivirpre vloiuly liven lllblo Ntudnutn? ' Does It itrpplnut the lllblo In their raver enco nud nduilrntliiiiT In tho Hook of bouku Iimi precious to ilium thnn biiforo? Tho nnnvtur In, "No." On the other baud Science nud Health hnrmoiilxtui miiuy neuiulnK InrouKrii ttlen In thu lllblo which hnvo.louK perpluxed Inyiimn nnd thcoloKlam; It explains apparent contradlctlona; I'. illttdloM'H iincxpectud rlrheH; It kIvcb utiw hlKnlflcauro to favorlto pan hiikco, and brliiKH neglected onud Into fnvor. Tim Mtiuly and application of IU (unuhliiKu by tlui.o Mho hno Ii.iA little or no familiarity, with tho Scripture linn mado tliein lllblo ntu duulH nnd lllblo loveni. Tbo ouo tlmo nthelut, thu tuuffor nnd tho blniiphemer uro (IuiIIiik tho tloupol n t reus u lu Iioiiho of Joy nud comiot:i Hon whom) mill led doom hud been burred iiKnlnut thnm until unlocked by tho Key forKod by llm liiindu of n uontlo wotimii who loved' nil mu kind,, No other lumk lu modem Hmeii Iiuh mado no ninny lllblo rend- OIH, Thu tuxt book of Christian Sclonco wan kIvdii to thu world not to ox pbilt a (henry, but to rulntu 11 din co very; pot to uimel rnllKlomi, hut to oHtnbllkdi Bnlvatlen: not to coufuiiud iiintuiia mudlcK, but to nlinpllfy hcal liiKj nut to coiideniii tho Hlnnor, but to turn him nwny from bin wicked iii'hh, that ho inlKbt 1 1 vu. It coimvri brlUKlUK liberty, not boudtiKul tolovnlton, not hlimtry; It tulta llttlu of hull, but. much or (lod nnd love, Kimiii cover to cover it coiitaliiH not ono threat; not ouo wonl of domination, dytinctlon or vlllflcatlou of uuy innn'H modlcluo or nny ninn'u rellKlnii, Km pntips teum with love for (lod nnd man. No man can rend It with nu open heart, nud not bo n bettor man for thu rondliiK! no borrowing ono ucud iiihb U iuoKHa(,'ti pf comfort; nono torluiod by pain or on f willed by ills on no need cloito It In deHpnlr. Tho plmplo may wither from II wlmUim; llm vlu muy ttalu from It ttlmpllclt) their enRrr lenven when they havo the inraraKo of uprltitt to unfold i;iiieiHou mm lu lila ony on "Chiirniler." "Thvru wan n tlmu when Chrlmlunlty ixlutud lu ouo child," and It cnu be llkewlio aid tlml there whn n tlmo whmi Clirlntlnu Science exlnli'd In one devoted worn nu. Hut she wan fnllhfiil lo hul triut, and before kIMiik her dlncov erv to the world aim t - led lnrltl cnlly Him becamo n Clirlntlnu Kclenco pnu-lll loner, (lie only otm lu nil tho wirld, nud put her Science to tbo toiiolmioiie or IimiIIiik tho clrt(. It showed tn pure gold. Then followed tho wrltliiK f her boolt, Hcleiieif nud llenlth with Key to tho Scripture." kIvIiik the sub slnnti' of her discovery to the publlt lu conctete nud iindemtandiibln form Men may differ In their under Rtaudliift of liisplralluu and rcel. tUn nud mny liUKKle over their belnic present day poHsinllltlos Thoy mil en-u deny to woman the Miilrlttiul pertM'ptton ncceded lo man. but nei ther wrnriKlliiR nor disputatious nor di'iiloU havo over hroiiKht to pmir humanity thu nmrn or health or the frnumuio of Ki-allluile. Thu book, Krluurn nnd Health, ban itano both lu KrnrloiiH profiikloii. It bus fallen to my lot to have known Its author Intimately lu the lust few wir of hur oarthly notlvltv One Novembur day lu nux, Mrs. 1M dy called mo to hor aide from my homo lu Colorado to become u mom ber of this historic household nt Chestnut Hill which aim once pub licly denlKlintod ' the happiest group of Christian Scientists on earth." 1 was privileged to share her dully counsels for nioro thnn two yenrt. nnd from tho tlmo of my first half botir'n henrt-tn-heart talk with her, down to the afternoon, when stand ing nt her ldo I saw hor marvelous hnndn shape hur Inst written words, "(lod Is my life." I Imvo never wa vered lu my conviction that she ban been tho chosen evangel of Truth. Intrusted with those good tidings of great Joy Hint havo bevn waiting man's readiness slnro the daya wh'in Jesus trod thu dusty fields of Syria, nud sailed thu blue waters or Onlllee. Thu establishment ur a grunt re ligious organltatlou whoso ifbo growing branches belt the globe, (he lur.tallatlon of u almplo form of ser vice whloll fills tliono churches twice each week with throngs of worship pers who are drawn uelthur b miielc, clonueiice. nor smisntlonnl MTinnnlilug; thu hutldlug up of f flclciit ngenck'ii nnd Institution for tho dUscmliinllun and protection of n radically new system of ethics; nud Dm launching of u groat metropoli tan dally In' the lularvstn of clean Journalism whoso mucccks has set new mark In the newspaper world theso tilings or nny of them would glvn eminence to thu life-work of tbo most ambitions of men. To a modest woman, Mary linker Kddv. bolongH tho credit of thnm nil. Hut tbusu nulilovomouts, grand .is they are. webbed little with hr compared with tho Trulla or bcr con vccrnlud etulonvors 1o brlnu more and in ore of in-nrn on earth nnd good will (o men, nnd to guldn u. to a itearer nud nmro pructlcal under standing of tho Knthnrhood or Hod nnd thu hrothorhood of man Thu npplausu of men, llko tbolr nbiiao nud coudumuutlou, she brimlicd nuldo ur t'obwuliH wlum she wrnt onco nu- mired of thu npprovut of Cod. I could by thu hour ivcltu to ou Incldeutn or Mm. Kddy'n wisdom ami hiignclty, nud hur rourngo ami slond rastuesH, of her wit and humor, of hur lovo for little chlldrcu nud her dullght lu tho beautiful, of tho In oxprosalhlo clinrm or her iiinuuer nnd tho eloquenco or hor voice, but It is not or tliern) thliiHH that nho would havu mo upoak. It wan hur doslm nlmont dully exprouHml- Hint hur followmu should disregard her porsounllty nud ill ih'onH thnlr thoucbt to thu thlngH of (bid which alio ban dlHclosod to thum. Slut woujd Imvo im utudy hur IkiqUh nud not hor perminiillty. Hlio would luivu nit know hur by What elio wroto nnd not by how hIio looked. Vonra ago, shn Instructed bur vtu doutfl to follow hur only an alio fol lowed Christ, and though alio wiih n ruru l.undur ho wmi an Ideal fol lower of all Hint la truly good. (100 AH I'ltlNCH'l,!! Miiu'h comprohuublou of thu prob lems of life la to bo moiiHiirod by his iimlerHlnudlng of Hod. lie holiln t. contrary nnd widely divergent bo llefH about (lod nud hence bin Inter prutatlonH or llfo io conflicting and discordant, If ho concedes to Hod, tho primal cuimo of all being, llllnv Itnblo power Omnipotence- -mid II lluiltnblu knowledge Omnluclouc', mid lu tho next breath ntlrlbules loiof mjcrotloii, of circulation nnd of Him tho uffllulloos nud dlmistfint of fipeech. And If of tli'.xo why not of human vxperlaiico. ho Is scltlng up a god or good nud evil, or bcunvolouc" nnd crunliy, whom ho mny try lu love but Is bound to fear. TIih niithropomorphlc Idea of (lod (is. u iniiii-llke bolnii of human at trlbutvs nud iiualltles enormously magnified, n horltngo of mythology, handed down to ns through genera- tloiis of orthodoxy, In repudiated lu Christian Science. I'or Its definition of Hod, Christian Silence, consistent ly turns to tho Scriptures, In our rontetnplntion of Deity, wo nru thus led lo lift our thought from effect to Cause; from tho thing cre ated to tho creator, from Idea to Principle. Thus wn come to under stand Hod' to bo the Infinite person ality without corporeality, llm Prin ciple of all trim being, thu supreme good, the sotnu yesterday, today nnd "forever, "In whom Hutu Is no vari ableness nultber shadow of turning," lu contemplating Hod as Infinite Principle, we find our life problems must bo worked out according to this unerring Principle, of lining, or they will be failures, precisely as failure follows tho work of thu student lu algobrn, who Ignores the principled of miithcmntlcN. Thu mistake wo make lu llfo nnd their afflictive re sult nru duu to our Ignorance of Principle, or to our disregard of thu laws ex pricing Principle, and lu till cnseii ure nsslguablo to our own shortcomings and never In Principle ItMiIf. Tho duplornblo mistake In UMU's history wtiich he ileslgiuiUs as sink net and niifforlug nml failure and disaster will diminish In frc liiency and virulence us lie applies himself to gntu n butler understand ing of divine Principle, and persists In using that understanding lu the affairs or his everyday llfo. Ho must give It exprcwil m to thu limit or hla lognltlon, for n principle tiuexprcH ml lit n fiitHu ns n theory untried. Christian Science Htunds beforo tbo world ns n demonstrable religion. ouo Hint la to be lived, nut merely believed. Thu stnndnrtl or profic iency for the Clirlntlnu .Scientist la not how much he bolleies. but how much or Hint belief he Is using In hi dull) llfo. In bis dealings with hi fellow men nud In thu sanctity or tils Innermost thoughts. Hunco It Ik Hint thcro I no suoli thing as n puruly tlieorutlcul Chris tian Scientist. No man ran become a Christian Scientist by merely believ ing lu the teaching of IU text-book without practising thorn. Wo arc Christian Sclcntlsu only as wo put Into constant practise our knowledge nr our religion, bn that knowlcdgo great or tumil. Wu niv Christian BolentUU only ns wu nru kind nnd helpful lu thought nnd deed; only nit wu think health nnd tnllc health In stead of dlsensn vtnd dUaster. Wo nru Christian SclontUts only n wo say to evil meiitnl suggestion, "Peace, be still!" Only uh wo nro loving nud roiirageoim and resoluta and un swerving In our warfare against sin, slckncff nnd death. IIOUV'S ItlvSPONSi: TO MIXIl It In often charged against Chris tian Scientists because they rely wholly upon Mind that they do not "do anything" for thu nick. When thu uvurugu mnii considers thu nreda of a sick ponton, his thought at once turns to tho medicine linttlo nud ho believe there In nothing being done lor the sick mnu utiles ho Is mndo to swallow Homethlug. According to iIiIh pttrumptory opinions, the sick man should bo treated with some thing that he cnu tneto or smell or feel, bomotlilng tlml seizes can porcolvu, OtherwlBo ".No t Ii Iiik Is being done for him.' He may lull you Hint attempt ing to cimngo tuu couuitiou or n innu'a body through mind alone 'a foolishness. And yet this sumo In telligent citizen will readily admit that u mnu'n body commonly and fre quently undergoes muldcu nud very marked clmngen dun entirely to men ial causcH. lie will admit that mill unler will flow from hht eyes If ho Is subjected to grunt grief. That autl dun fenr will produce cold perspiration- That auger wilt cnusu tho race to flush or pnlu, tho henrt to thump, tho volco to change. Now grief, anger nnd tho llko uro obviously mental, but because their effect ou tho body la at ovcry-dny oc currence, na commonplnco aa eating nnd drinking, tho livssou thoy disclose la lost upon tho man who hastens to ceuauro Christian Science for nchtuw lug what ho atylca tho Impossible, yet which bna been n part of him slum tho day when uh a crying Infant hu on bin mother'a arm shod his first team. If then It Is conceded that tho state or mind may disturb thu Bt'cretlnus, canning tho (oars .to flow; or that tho statu of mind mny quicken tho action of the heart, tunmlng the blood to rush to tho face, or nwny from tt; or If thu statu of mind can utfoct thu qrgmiu of tho throat, causing huskl ness, then It la plain that the state of mind nmv ho ilield acrounlnhlu for other organs of the body7 If chang ing grlor'lnlo Joy will stop tho flow of I cars, ur In other words If -a change of thought will change the flow of fluid to the eyes, why will not a chnugH or thought change the flow or fluid to Hie stomach? Is It not moro rational then to treat dyspepsia with mind than with tab loids and powder? And so It Is with nil othur bodily dlseascA and derangements, they Imvo one nnd all responded tu the curative Influence of Mind, administered lu ChrUHnu Science, Jesus proved for all tlmo nud foi all Christendom that the origin of disease was mental and ho healed It with mental medicine. Hu gavo himself no concern about physi cal symptoms, but hu destroyed what caused thnm. He cared little about what thu nick man had been eating, but much about what ho had been thinking. Hu said tn m many words, "It Im not that which goeth Into n man which defllcth him." When be healed tho sick ho gate no parting directions about diet and rest, but on nt least ono occasion said, "Sin uo morn lest n worse thing come unto thee," thus Indicating thu mental origin of tho disease. The sick wero healed by him through spiritual un derstanding, not by human will. Christian Science, similarly relying wholly upon illilno Principle, Iiuh no relationship with will power, mentnl science, hypnotism, mesmerism, auto suggestion, thought transference, spiritualism or uuy of thu other cult or schools which rely wholly or In pnrt upon thu Influcnco of ono human mind or human will upon another. These aru essentially adverse to the teachings of OhrUtlan Science where in thu human mind and thu human will nru mndo wholly subordinate and aubsorvlent to tho divine Mind, thu will f God. Success In Christian Science Is only attained as fallible human mentality In eliminated. This Implies self-denial, tho denial of the human sense of Bolf, and thu affir mation or nil kckhI, nud Ik n condi tion to which nil jnust come sooner or Inter. "A I llvo, salth tho Lord, every knee shall bow, nnd every tonguu shall confe-su to Hod." iiKiti:.rn:it Jn considering tho Immortality of man ono is confronted, by tho iuok tlons, "What of tho hereafter? How mil I to regard tho change callad death? What and where la heaven? Christian Science makes direct an swer to theiKi very natural questions. That which Im called death, though ulwayH an enemy and finally tobo overcome, na tho lllblo declare, Is uo moro to bo feared than la sleep. In tbo present atato of our development both nro Incidental to tho experience of mankind; both Interfere for tho time with man a activities; and tho awakening alike In. both cases will, wn believe, show nu substantial chango In Individuality or advance ment, Tho gates of heaven do not awltiK open at thu (ouch ot death, but aru to be entered by right think ing and rlsht living, hero nud here after. The work ot regeneration and ref ormation left unrinlshed hern wilt havo to bo done hereafter. Tho stir ring coniiuutid, "Work out your own salvation," follows us whorever wo may bo and through whatever changes we pass. Death doea not alloucu It nor modify Its demands. Lovo of lire, not rear of death, is lu Christian Science tho great incentive to action and achievement. Tho Isles or tho blest ot thu an cients, thu Klyslan fields of (ireek ami Latin mythology, thu seven heav ciiK or Hebrew caballum, thu battle plains of tho belligerent Norsemen, thu happy hunting grounds or thu American Indian all express belief lu u placo of happluobs after death por trayed lu a wldelv differing Imagery. All of them, Pagan nnd Jew, Greek nnd barbarian, Norsemun and Indian, Mohammedan and Hindu, unite in lualiitalului; thai heaven btuuds for futurity, thai Its portal Is death, Its threshold la mystery. And now cornea Clirlntlnu Science proclaiming lu thu worda of Jesuit that thu kingdom or heaven la at hand lu hero mid now attutuable. It declurea that wo do not gain heaven by dying, but by right living; that doath Is nut thu gntu to n far-off paradise, but Hint heaven la within our reach todaj mid Hint wo get little or much ot tt us wo conform our Jtvvs, our thoughts mid deeds, to Hod's otorunl liiwa. Christian Sclonco puts mldo tho mythologlc Idea ot heaven ns a place. and shows It to bo n state or condi tion of mind. It follows, therefore, that Its attainment depends upon thu mental procoMtcs or tho Individual, lu other words, It affirms that light thinking leading to right living Is tho suro passport to houvou. Turn lug to tho life of tho great "exemplar, Jesus the Christ, wo find In him tho tdonl thinker whoso thoughts nnd nc- other dcningomenta of thu organs t'"'18 conformed Invariably to the law or (Jod -Spirit touching light ly upon mnttiif und things material only ns tolerated concomitants or hla dwelling on earth among men. Ilul his henvcuward thoughts were not those ot the Inert mystic, or tho cell-bound monk. They ripened quickly Into action nnd touched his fellow men with tho nrdor or regen crutlOn. Hla thought wro about (lod, hence they brought lasting good to mnu. They were of heavenly law, nnd so brought order out of earthly chaos. They wero or holiness, wholeness and hence health nttended his footsteps. No surer rond to hoaven can bo found than thu trail he blazed for us In the wilderness ot human boilers, for though narrow tt Is straight nud (hero Is shelter all along the way. Most men have found tney can get ull they want of heaven's antithesis, hell, right here on earth, and there nro many who believe they have a! ready had moro than their share of It, nud perhaps they have. Hut they should know that It does not come from tho hand of Hod. Sin brings Its own punishment. It has been truly said that man Is not punished for his sins, but by his sins. Hy sin Is meant what Paul defines as trans gression of the Inw, whether duo to man's Ignorance or Hod's law or to his willful disobedience or It. The child who, through Ignorance or dis obedience, picks up n plcco or hot Iron surfers because of his Ignorance or disobedience. His loving father hns had nothing to do with his suf fering, und "Our Father which art in heaving," loving every ouo of His children, t-endn upon them neither pain nor penalty. Prom Him com eth only tho "good and perfect girt." How necessary, then, It Is for our salvutlon, for our health, for our safety and our well-being to under stand HoiI'h spiritual laws that we may obey them. Many of us for years sought this understanding In tho churches and out ot them, seek ing peace of mind nud health or body nnd rinding neither until we turned to Christian Science, where wo found them both nnd with them gatued a measure of tho understand ing ot God that has transformed our lives. I.OVK vs. ki:. II Thcro Is a short nnd cheering mesingo that Christian Sclcnco has to deliver to all who havo cars to hear. It Is not a now message. It has reassured tho children of men ever elnco they first felt tho chill of rear. Tho loving -mother encourag ing her toddling Infant, tho gallant captain cheering his men to greater ynlor. the gentlo Savior quieting his affrighted disciples, all u.o it. That nicssngo is, "Do not afraid." Christian Scleuce emphasizes tho fact that when fear Is eliminated from tho comclousuess ot tho sick mau no matter what the nature of his Illness he hns taken a long step toward recovery. It declares also that pcoplo who arc habitually tree from fear, worry, anxiety, apprehen sion and the like, nil ot which are tho children ot fear, are far less sus ceptlblo to Illness and mlsfortuno' than others. It has uncovered In fear au agency ot evil, an enemy or lteulth, u destroyer ot peace and a bar to man's progress heavenward. It Is nut to bo wondered, then, that tho elimination ot fear from human V'onscloubness Is au Important feat ure ot the mlbslon ot Christian Scleuce. Frequent!) It is said, "It is all well enough to buy do not bo afraid,' but how am I to gut rid ot fear and worry nnd anxiety? I use nil tho will power nud determination I can com mand, jet I do not get rid ot worry. It comes lu about us fast as I drive It out." Attempting to get tho mnstory ot fear and worry by will-power nlone Is llko trying tn bout back thu oceuu with u baseball but, or trying to ehnsu clouds away with u broom. You cannot get rid of them by fight ing them, but you can readily gut out of their reach by rlnlug higher. Tho waves of fear and tho mUta ot worry do not extend upwards ami if you will but climb to tho hllltup or suU le.snoss where Lovo stands waiting to welcome you with outstretched bauds, you will no longor bo buffet ed by fear or befogged by worry. For centurlcH St. John has been telling this to tho world tn theso words, "Perfect lovo cubtoth out fear." In that perfect lovo muy rear-tor-mouted man find u panacea that Is trou as thu nlr, as animating as thu aunrlso and ns dependable, as tho tldos ot tho sea. Perhaps tho near est simllltudu to perfect lovo is an unspoiled child, and when you find such a Jewel you may uoto such an ibsencu of fenr lu thu llttlu onu that Is both a delight and robuko to those of Us "grown-up" who havo so much to unlearn beforo wo can "bocomo as Httlo children.' Our human Bense ot love, fluu though It bo, must bo broadened, purified, unsolfed nnd Just In proportion as this Is dono It In to bo relied upon ns tho complete nntldoto of fear. As tear, thnn Is seen to bo tho cause of so many or tho afflictions of mor tals, so lovo Is to bo known ns tholr remedy. It we would havo less ot worry, anxiety, apprehension and tho Ills they Invito wo must bo more lov ing; Hint Is tu say, the moro of God, perfect Love, we bring Into con sciousness and mnke manifest In our dally lives, the less ot fnr can enter. I.OV0 for God and man Is tho ono Indlspenslbln element of all true nnd lasting success. Tho world of today Is stow to rise to tho appreciation of this great truth. Tbo world ot com merce, ot Industry, of the profes sions Is stilt constructing It various undertakings out ot tho raw materi als ot cnercy. determination, skill nnd enterprise, each of which is measurably useful (n lu particular channel, but all arc lacking In the one essential needed to make them enduring and truly beneficent. That ono thing needful Is love for Cod and man. Did you over consider how our great cities are mado up of buildings, largo nud small, each constructed by laying ono brick on top of another until their walls tower upward nnd tho streets stretch out for miles? And did you ever consider how all this Is iKisslblo only through the uni versal usu of that commonplace and homely material known as mortar? How tbeso miles ot walls would tot ter nud crash to tho ground If tho countlesu millions of pieces which composo them wero not cemented to gether hy tho mortar that binds ev ery brick and stono So It Is with our thoughU, our ac tions, our endeavors. They aro brick nnd stones out of which our lives arc constructed, llowovcr well shaped. howovcr carefully laid they may bo, unless they aro bound abovo and be low with tho cement ot lovo for God and man, they may In tlmo tumble into n tangled mass ot mediocrity llko mortarlcss bricks. Ilut when laid with tho cement ot lovo Into tho structure of our lives, they wilt pro tect nnd shelter and beautify tho af fairs ot nil who enter them. DIKCOUIUtfKMKXT Christian Sclcnco bring tho Truth lo human comprehension, gives free dom from whatever enslaves and thus bestows mental, moral and phys ical liberty, In the process ot liber ation it sifts out certain pernicious practices and propensities, generally regarded ns harmless, but which art tn bo shunned an allies of evil. It shows us that we have Indulged In moods and Inclinations that wo be llore wero guileless, It not commend able, but wero In reality neither wlso nor harmless. Wo find wo havo been warming in the incubator of our fa vor the eggs of serpents that we be lieved belonged to doves. Perhaps tho most common ot dlseasc-invltlng habits or thought Is discouragement. I daresay we have all been on inti mate terms with It one tlmo or an other, and whllo we have never round It cheerful company, wo havo not looked upon It as a sinister visitor. Yet that Is Just what Christian Science shows It to be. Discouragement wears tho invisi ble livery or evil and Is constantly and consistently working for Its mas ter. It la always pulling down and never building up. Did you over know auy ono to uc- compllali anything worth whllo when lu tho grip ot discouragement? It paralyzes effort, btupefies thought and dissipates purpose. Thoro Is n, ridiculous side also to tho condition of tho man who Is iuod tally sick ubed with a bad case ot discouragement. Ho Is only happy when hu la miserable; tho worse ho feels the bettor hu likes It; tho things that pleaso him most uro thu things that do not plenbe him at ull. Ho is coutluually stumbling Into thu two extremes of soU-Justlticatlou and self-condemnation. Iloth ure bad; both uro modeled after plans drawn in tho devil's workbhop; both aro ob structive to progress. Solf-condom-nation digs a hole; bolf-Justlticatlon sets up a pole, and no mau can go very far In any right direction when ho U either crouched In tho bottom of a nolo or perched ou thu tonof a polu, Mau Is oudowod with nobler qualities than those of tho boasts ot thu field or tho fowls ot tho nlr, and ho must como qui of tho hola of solt condemnation nud down from thu polo ot solf-Justltlcatlou ou to thu (evol ground of unpolled endeavor if ho would progress in Christian Scleuce. Moro than nil or this Christian Sclonco discloses that tho mau habit ually discouraged Is not only an In viting target for disease, but la al ready striped with tho colors or un bollof, for ho gloomily distrusts tho powor and goodness of God himself. This may stnrtle some ot you who aro accustomed to lot yourselves bo rob bod of your coiifaKedkeeurage nnd to slide unresistingly Into thn bil ious depths of the "blue" -when things go wrong. Tho Christian world Is full of Ood-feftrlng and truth-loving peopto who yield readily to discouragement because they hrs not yet discovered where It cornea from and what Is back tf ((, They do not see that It Is but tho 4vRric agent of ovll Itself. A familiar fable of folk-loro will perhaps Illustrate this point. It wan onco announced that the devil was going out ot business and would offer all his tools for sale to whoever would pay his price. On Hie night of tho sale (hey wero ail at tractlvely displayed, and a bad look ing lot they were. Jfnllco, envy hat red, Jealousy, scnsualiQr, deceit and nil the other Implements of evil wore spread out, each marked with tin price. Apart from tbo rest lay a harmless looking wedge-shaped tool, much worn and priced higher than nny of thorn. So mo ono atked the devil what It was. "That's discouragement." wan tho reply. "Well, why do you hye It priced so high?" "Because," re plied tho devil, "It Is more useful to mo than any of tho others. I, can pry open and get inside a .man's con science with that when I couldn't get near him with iny of the others, and when onco Inside I can uso him lu whatever way suits ino best. It Is so much worn becauso I use It with nearly everybody, as very fow pcoplo yet know that It belongs tu me." it hanlly need bo addd that the devil's prlco for dtscouragemoflt was so high that It was nevor sold. He stilt owns It and ho a still using It. Discouragement Is a stranger to unselfishness. No man who faithful ly trusts In tho omnipotence ot Geil nnd the omnlpresenco of Love can afford to allow discouragement tu nrguo with hits for one minute. Tho Christian Scientist, In his un ceasing warfare against evil In every form bIIowh discouragement no mora foothold In his consciousness 'than he docs to malice, hatred, envy or de ceit. Ho Is freed from tho bondage ot all ot them by knowing tbo trtuh about God and man. An ctfcctlvo plan to drive out. dis couragement L to bring Into thought somo measure of gratitude or praise. There can always be found something to be grateful for If wo will hunt for It honestly and carncetly. The good old-fashioned practice of counting our blessings, tho things we have wo would not like to do without, gener ally brings gratitude to tho surfaco for along every man's pathway In llfo thore aro blooming tho sweet flowors of gratitude and It 'he will but stoop and pull one and wear It ho will find IU fragrance a tnaglo hdlspcllcr ot discouragement. Or It tho day be cold and dreary and tho flowers covered with snow, he can find that warmth oi' soul which al- ways banishes discouragement. It he will but heed that part u a favorlto passage ot Jesus from Isaiah, where we are commanded to put on "tho garmeut ot pratso for the spirit of heaviness." It nevor falls. LIGHT AND D.UtKNKSS. I havo thus far spoken s:oro ot tho resulu ot Christian Science than of Its methods. For the latter I would have you consult the pages of Its text-book "Sclonco and Health with Key to tho Scriptures," by Mary linker Hddy. You will not lay It down with disappointment It you take It up with sincerity. Uut that you may carry away with you tonight somo elcin.iiry precept to test for yourselves, I would placo beforo you this slmplu tact. The Christian Science method of gottlng rid or things that aro wrong Is to In Introduce things that aru right. This Is not fighting evil but destroying It. It bus been provod In millions of In stances that u wrong thought which Is tho rather or u wrong action will Invariably vanish Into nothingness It you will but tutroduco a right thought In Ua placo, God destroys ovll -as surely and na quickly as light destroys dnrkucbs, Homombor thut for you will find it helpful It yqu nro oyer disposed to try Christian Sclonco tor yourselves. If you will associate In your thought good with light, und ovll with durkness you will havo be foro you u flashlight gllmpso of tho Impotence of ovll In tho presence .of tho good. Not nH tho darknww lu (ho uulvorsu cun extinguish the light ot ono tiny lump. Wherovor It goes t chases nway darkness, which U al ways without power to wove, or even to bo In tho presence ot light. Uo with tho light ot good and the dark ness ot ovll. Tho comparison Is & good one, but t Is not initio. You will find Itanaiiy time In the pages of your Mlble. Ke mombor then, it jp u will, that the Christian Science Method of banish ing ovll darkness Is to bring In (Continued on lge i) Ml rl ft f m i i ) iitLI' fcl mill A iiH.ilU.iiiAtjlitiJLlJIUUUllikM. a.Alifci.J.1 AA.A.a.JA-tMA.A.sJ-..artMM - - -M . s 4 - .. . -a . . ..