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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1913)
I! c PAflB TWO, HSMSSKSt U 5 IOCXL AND PERSONAL Pcdorlanii on Kant Main street Wednesday inornlnK woro startled to see a horsotcss biigi$y running down the hospital bill ahd turn over In the nrapo Vines. 1'roliably a gust or wind blow the IniKRr down tbo hill. No one appeared to claim tho wreck and tho incident was mtppestlvo Xtt spooks without thb gusts of wind no counted for It. Mrs. M. J. Roddy has roturncd from SpqkftJie, whorp she has bene spending tho Vlhtor, William Ulrlch, trusteo In bank ruptcy for J. Dllhnn, will foil at pub llo auction ot tho old Culhbert stand. irlous articles of merchandise of said bankrupt. March IB, 1913, at 10 o'clock a. hi. 302 W. T. Dalley Is In from his ranch in tho upjier Rogue. Mr. and Mrs. H. Goro left for Portland Wednesday evening's train for n short visit. tonla Hell, who has been conduct ing a butcher shop In Mcdford dur ing tho pAst several years, went to Portland Wednesday, E. D. "Weston, commercial pnotog raphorn, negatives made any time or pjice by appointment. Phon M. 1J71. ' Will Read of Cleveland. Ohio, a nephew ot Dr. Kdwln Kowler. who owns tho "big tract of timber In Foots Qreek district, yas In Medford and Jacksonville Wednesday, accompa nied by 1j. W. Smith of oOld Hill. " Tho M. T. Mlnncy Co has formally accepted the electric railway fran chise recently granted It by the peo ple of Ashland. Feed and seed. Schmidt, phone 260. 31S Mrs. L. Foster of Raker City pass ed through Medford Wednesday even ing, en route to her homo from Cali fornia. Sho was met at tho train by Harry Foster, her brother-in-law. H. Thurston nnd Thos. Hull were over from Applegate Wednesday. William Ulrlch, trustee In banlc rnptcy for L Dllban, "will sell at pub He auction at tho old Cuthbcrt stand, various articles of mcrchandlso of Bald bankrupt, March 15, 1913, at 10 o'clock j. m. , 302 0."X. Nelson,' b.'M. Q)lllas pad I). H, Croncmlller of Jacksonville wcro In Medford Wednesday. J. D. Rcrlln ot Turlock visited Mr. and Mrs. H. U. l.urosden Wednesday. Ho was on his way to Soattle. Vapor baths and sclentino mas sage for men and women. Dr. R J. Lockwood, chrlopractor, 203 Oar-nett-Corey Bldg. Phone H6 Carl Ton der Hellen of Wellen spent Tuesday night In Jacksonville. Fred Pclouie of Eaglo Point and A. P. Hakong of Tolo transacted bus iness In Medford Wednesday. P. E. Kelley and II. L. Kahler ere down from Roseburg this week. Order brick Ice cream with sham rock center, for St. Patrick parties. Pnlaco of Sweets. 304 Tho Parent-Teachers' Association of tho Washington nnd Roosevelt schools will hold a Joint meeting Fri day, March H, at tho library at 3 o'clock. A very Interesting program has been arranged. Miss Robinson of (ho library will glvo a talk on "Children's Rooks; Miss Sine on "Story Telling;" Miss Van Doro on "Publlo School Music." After sev eral muklcu! numbers Miss Mabel Mcnrs will sing a scries of children's songs. Tho kladergarteu committee will bo thoro io'care for tho children. (Jus Nichols and Norman Whiting ot Kaglo Point were In Medford Sat urday. G. O. Roach, music studio. Vio linist. Will instruct on violin, man dolin and guitar In correct method. Advanced students und beginners. AddrcBS 231 B. 9th street. Phono Home 3H-L or Main 3481. 307 Mrs. It. A. Smith of Medford, and daughter, Mlsa M. E. Fcrron of Mid vulo orchard, lrao Wudnnsday, tho 13th, for un extended visit In Call fornla. Tho good wishes of many friends go with them. Mrs. Pearl rlmltli, another daughter, will reside at Mldvalo during tholr abnouco. HuHluess women romo to tho Rest Room Saturday night. 303 p. P. IlelniH of Talent mado a busi ness trip lo Medford Wednesday. I.. Nlcdormeyor of North Jackson ville was In Medford Wednesday morning. U. A. Nel and John Carter woro up from Ashland during tho week. J.unch. at the Rest Room Saturday night, IGc. 303 Tho county commissioners' court was In Hosttlou u couple of days this week, flulslilng tho business of the Mu rch term. BS&CSKdrr Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS IiADT AMISTAXV Sy Phon 9371 lfM9f,ir.w,H?.o.k,aon W. Kstctl Phlppx, the attorney, nnd Dr. Henna iiiaiIo a professional visit to Ashland Wednesday, X.S. Qanduraori. II. II. Titthlll nnd II. IV Peart of Central Point wcro among tho many' who came to Med ford during tho week. Have ou visited tho Rest Room? .103 Assessor (Jrlcve's staff of deputies have taken Die field and Is assessing for the 1913 roll. Dr. Needing and L. Charley wore down from Drownsboro tho fore part ot tho week. Orchard, hunting, fishing nnd Crntor Lake scenes for sale at Cor king & Harmon's studio. Negatives mado any place, kodak finishing. 12S East Main street. Phono 2154 Mr. and Mrs. C. Gary of Phoenix precinct woro n'mong their Medford friends recently. J. E. Murphy ot Grants Pass made a trip to Medford Tuesday. Patronise tho Rest Room Saturday night. 303 H. B. N'yo of Rock Point district and J. J. Rlttcr. tho Foots Creek miner, woro in Medford Wednesday. ' Mr. Buell, who has been -visiting In Medford nnd Its vicinity, left for his homo In tho cast Wednesday evening. Ladles' shoes shlncd at Summer vlllo'a barber shop. Sheriff Low of Klamath county passed through Medford Wednesday, having In chargo two criminals sent to tho penitentiary by Judgo Rcnson. Mrs, Roger Rcnnctt was a recent Visitor with frleuds living at Ash land. Ruslncss women's lunch at ropms 421-422. M. F. &. II. building. March 15. 5:30 to 7:00. 303 Medford Camp No. 90, Woodmen of tho World, havo arranged a class Initiation and banquet for Saturday evening and a big tlmo is expected. An Invitation has been extended to Ashland and Phoenix camps to at tend. Real home mado bread at De Voe's. Misses Ethel and Mario Elfert wcro guests o their sister, Mrs. W. II. Barnum, Wednesday evening. eC. ,F. Rlcljstoln returned Wednes day afternoon from a trip toJo sopbIu.Q count)-. D. G. Marshall has returned to El ma. Wash., after an extended visit In thl section. . fcl 'Dr; &i A. .Lockwood and Dr. Myrtle 8, Lockwood (regular physicians, npt chiropractors) have romoved their offices from tho Hasklns' building to 232 E. Main street. John Hanson. Arthur Rose and T. II. F. Engel of Phoenix were recent visitors in Medford. Landlord Dunloy of Hotel Oxford of Grants Pass tarried a few hours In Medford Wednesday. Bring that old book with torn binding down And havo It rebound at tho Mall Tribune office. Coats but little. tt R. W. Tclfcr of tho Clark fc Hen cry company, Is down from Eugene again. Arthur Dodge of Big Butte Is In Medfprd visiting relatives and friends. Kodak finishing, the best at Wes ton', opposite book store. C. Y. Tcngwald transacted busi ness In Jacksonville Tupsday after noon. F. II. Farrar Sr. of Salem Is among tho many from abroad who aro In cMdford on business. Insure and be sure. Right It we wrlto It. R. A. Holmes, Tbo Insur ance. Man. M. W. Wheeler and M. A. Cartor ot Ashland spent Wednesday In Med ford. V. C. McAlpln of the Southern Oregon Electric Co. has hla wrists In casts, ,tUo result or falling on to his bauds from a ladder that slipped whllo ho was at work on It. ncrklnK & Harmon, etudlo por traits, homo portraits, (lash lights, kodak finishing, nost card worK anu enlarging.; 128 East Main stroet; tolophone 2154. U H. Tucker, who has been Bponu- inc sovoral months with relatives liv ing In Multnomah county, Is In Mcd- foru ugaiu. Carkln & Taylor (John 11. Car kin and Glonn O'. Taylor) , , "attorneys-at-law, ovor Jackson County Bank Building Medford. Col. Geo. P, Minis, tbo ago of Seven Oaks, was among hla Medford friends Wednesday. II. W. Hrooko wus In tho uopthont part of tho county this week In the Interest of tho Oregon Journal. Miss Flora Thompson, doputy county clork, visited lit Medford Wed nesday afternoon. Now York LIfo Insuranco Co., O. Y. Tongwald, Medford National Bank Bldg., phono 3371. ' Wm. Brown of British Coliimblu, whp has. been spending tho wlntor with relatives living at Eaglo Point, loftleft for his home Wednesday. II. W. Talcott of tbq Ashland Tid ings was iu Medford tho foro part or tho weok and Investigated our public market. ' Ashland may follow t"o ox ample sot by this city to the balanco of tho state In this particular. Honry Greenfield ot Klamath Falls is transacting business In Medford. MEDFOun matt, trtbttkto. Mr. nnd Mrs. Roy L. Mntilo an noiincn Urn birth of n boy, John HocVelt Maute, March tith, 1913 Weighs 9U pounds., at Springfield, Ohio. J, l.' Knrrdll, president of tho O. W. R. ft N. company passed through Medford Wednesday evening on his wny north. General Superintendent Campbell or tho Southern Pacific tarried In Medford a tew moments Wednesday evening. E OF STOCKTON, Cal , March 13 With twenty men on foot, 11 In flu electric car nnd one In the emergency hospi tal with chills nnd fever, Curl Browne's "army of tho unemployed" started on Its march to Sacramento today to demonstrate to the legisla ture that It should pass tho bill to provide state employment for Jobless men. Nearly two hundred men partook ot tho army's "mulligan" nnd broke bread, literally, with Carl Browne on tho Stockton plain last night, but although they had all signed up for tho hike, only a few of them wcro In the ranks this morning. Last evening several I. W. W. members tried to break up Browne's meeting and thrco ot Browne's re crults deserted. "Christ had ono Judas out of 12. and I have threo out of 4S," shouted Browne to his four hundred listeners, and ho was applauded. ALL PUBLIC SERVICE BOSTON. March 13. Louis I). Brandcls. who was reported to havo been a possibility In President Wil son's cabinet, definitely stated hero today that ho would not accept pub lic service. Ho refused to Issuo any formal statement ot his reason. WICKERSHAM OFF ON TOUR AROUND WORLD SAN FRANCISCO, Oil., Murch 13. Kntliuhinsiic over hi- vnentioii nn tainted over tho difficulties with whidi liij plan for dissolution of the Southern Pacific-Union Pacific mer ger, hns met, former United States Attorney General ickcndinm, ac companied by -Mrs. Wiekcrshnm nud n party of friends is in San Fran cisco today on the first stage of a trip around thp world. "My chief regret ovor the termi nation of my t-crviecs in the cabinet," said Wickcrsbnm today, "id that I will not be nblo to take up the method for solving tho trouble snr- juountimr the Hctoli Ilctchy water ystem." ADRIAN0PLE MAY FALL THIS WEEK LONDON, March 13. News from Adrianoplo is meagro but dispatches from Constantinople say it Is believ ed tho end of tho present weok will seo cltbor tho capitulation of the fortress or a desperato attempt ot Shukrl Pasha to break through tho linos of tho enemy. Tho reply of tho allies to tho pow ers regarding mediation wus again delayed. Thoro was llttlo doubt be fore European diplomacy can get td work on tho problem Adrianoplo will bo In thu hands of tho allies. UPTON' CHALLENGE FOR RACE DECLINED BY CLUB NEW YORK, March 13. Tho Now York Yacht club declined to night Sir Thomas Llpton's challcngo for a yacht raco next season for America's cup. Tho roaspa for (his action was thnt Uio terms ot (lie challcngo Impose a condition thtt the defending vessel shall not exceed 75 feet In length, at thp water Hue. This stipulation would doprlvo tho club tho right to entor n vcuhoI of from slxty-flvq to ninety feet as provided in tho deed o( gl(L NOTICE. Notlco Is hereby given that tbo undersigned will apply at tho regu lar meeting of tho city council March 18, 1!) 13, tor a llcenuo to noli malt, spirituous nnd vlnoim llquora at tho Hotel Mpdford. Ipta D. 17, 18, block 78, for a period of six months. HOTEL MEDFOItD. Dated March 7, 1913, TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTEO Experleneod clerks. None other need apply, J, C. Muun'n store. FOIt riENT Modern houses, fivo to seven rooms, $20 to $30; ono mod ern completely rurnlshed bunga low, five rooms, closo In, $2C.G0. Wblto & Trowbridgo. 307 mnFonn. okiwon, TTnmamv, M.utrn in. mm. Tho DUly Hint from Paris. aa. -. taia a k u.a Nr dupery line r hoivit In ttili drM well a nw imWnntlon er ma tcruls. Thoust It s nwilo up in clvn and brocade. lhJroal conic Un m ummcr we.shl nnd ihc t on b plartd b- chrrrcui Ullte or crp. UNCLE SAM TO STOP SAN FRANCISCO. March 13 -Undo Sam Is going to try nud stop San Francisco's Chinese tnng war. Under tho direction of United States Attorney John L. McNab, war rants were drawntoday ordering tho arrest ot four Chlucao gunmen on a chargo of having Illegal rcsldonco In this country. Loo Slicung. tang !nu j long, Lum Ylui and Chin Deb, who I make up this quartet ot highbinders, havo already boon gathered In, nnd they will bo lgorously prosecuted. It Indictments aro returned and convic tions obtained ngalnst thorn thoy will be deported. Each Is held to appear beforo the grand Jury on $5,000 bonds. NE WAPPOINTMENTS OF ASSISTANT SECRETARYS WASHINGTON'. Murrh i:i-l'rei-dent Woodmw Wiison todny" muni, natcd Frnnklyii Kooseudt of New York to be usihtnnt Mulctary of the navy: John Skeltou Williams of Vir ginia to be ut.sit.tunt toeretnvy of th trciiHiiry und Beverly (lollowny or Wellington, 1). C, to be assistant secretary of ngneiilture. STATE ENGINEER GOES TO WASHINGTON, D. C. SALEM. Or. March 13.-State Euglneer John II Lowls 1 today en route to Washington to confor with officials of the department of tho Interior about a number of matters In which Oregon Is Interested. Ono ot theso is tho contract tor tho co operative survey by tho stnto und gvernment or tho water power re sources or tho Des Chutes river This Home 'Made Cough Syrup Will Surprise You NIopM T!vn ''lnK 'onch ((ulcklr. A Vmtnltr Hnpplr nt Small Coat. Hero l a home piado remedy that takes hold of n cuiigli fimtnntlyund will usually cure the mmt sttililxini caMi In lit hours. 'Jill Tiripo inakM pint i nntigli for a w liulo family. You iimliln t 1)11 us much or un good reudy-iaado cough syrup (or t'.50. Mix mm iiiut of grunulatcd supir with V) pint t warm water, anil hlir 'i liiiniiti-s. ,1'ut 'Jtj otinrcs ii! I'lnex jllfty tentn' nor tli) In :i iilul bottle, und nJl the Hugar Syrup, llils Vovm iMrfcclly nnd has a plcaikiiit, tato clilMnn lilo it, llruresup tlw appetite and isallglitly l4xal,Uv', which htljia nd iv cough. You prnttably knew tho nodical valuo of pine in trotting nntlima, bninciiitis noi other throat trouhlni, mm lung, etc. There Is nothing liettcr. V'n Is tho most valuable concentrated ajmi"iinil of Norway white pinu oxlr.ict, rich In guaaco and all tho natural lieallntr plan rlcnu-nts. Othor prrpnratlous will nut work In ihti frtrniula. 'llio prompt rcstips from tms inoxtn Blve remedy have nvuli) frh-ndK fnrjl In thoimnnils of hnincs In tJio I'nlli'il htjiti't and ('iiniula, ulilih explains why tho plan has hicn imitated often, Lut ncYer suw!fiilly. ... ,, A guaranty of nbvdulo satlsfaclloii. or money promptly ri-fmnlpil, poe with (Iim recipe. Your ilriigt'Ut hns I'lnex, or w 11 cH It for vou. Tf not. scud to Jua 1'iuex Co., 1't. Wuync, IuO rr- till BHF IHb MULES AND HORSES FOR SAIE UNION LIVERY STABLER , The only gqor boy and feed stable in Medford. Riverside and Bartlevt Ray Gaunyaw IDE. BUI THIS 15 LOVE! SAN' KHANl'IM), I'nl . I J By vluuitiiig ami Killtnir his iifll- 'intv, Agei Vmiibiiui, mill tlicu linn 'volt', V. J. .S0si, keeper of n miiihII ' jjiMcerv stmo lierci hust lodiiy e enped IheNuiigonuee of 111 wife who luul loonlivl liim liuie Itflrr li fie venra' Hi'ftreli. Tim doulile liiigedv oceurnM In u vlicnp ilonutuwn liotol I iiinl in h nolo leTt by SuMu, n tuteiile pact it tMtjggONted. Thu HBte MtiiU "Thin id lovu." Five oni" ugo Smii niniiieil Jului llailmmofr in Um-iu, lit t'oiuul wife willi nn mliiiirei' one niitlit ami it naiil to luuo killed llio man. Tlu-n ho eienped to Aiueiien Willi lux wife in elose pursuit. Later lie met the Vorobiou woniiui mid eiiuie heie, forgedIalsTtieth 001 wife's throat .TOPEKA, Knns, Msreli 13 Charged with killing his wife by forc ing her false teeth down her throat, tho trial of Rev W L. Beers, pastor of a Waknrus.i, Knns , church Is on hero todiii. MOTHER AND DAUGHTER DIE TOGETHER IN POND LONDON, Murrh 13 -t'nnble to bear the pangs ot a ncruitiH break down which gripped them both, Mrs Louisa Jcffryes nnd hi: daughter Natallu throw themselves In a pond at Goldanilng, ucnr hero nud aro doad today. Mrs. Jcffrycs was the wife of Dr. Wynian Jeff ryes who sorted with distinction In tho Chll war. Don't Wear, A Truss! After Thirty Years Experience I nave Produced An Appliance for Men, Women or Children That Curcq Rupture. IScBdUOaTiUL If jxi fcira trlril moil mjlMo l,,rosi la m. Wbrvuibr lall I, wbr I btte inf ir-atm cc,. ScaJ tiucbtd coi tvitr mi I will tad TImi alxiTP l ('. I'- HrtHiks lnriilnr of lit .liUiirr, uln.riirr.l lilin.rlf anil win, lu trii rurlnic oilier for utrr .10 jrar. If riiilurl,wrli liliiitmlux jon (r tnj lg,irtl Uk od Ituflort H't Ii cur, thawmc tat Apptiwe tai gl,ta ou rrfm4oionicf mnr lcyl "hi b, If 1,4 II a & wtr cart 4. I t(1re,tfi,ust rlll wdm l other fall. ltBtmtT lax no iItk. tn timf . so U. Ixmtoa UUI 10 rroit ttt I ,r 1, tru. Y04 r 111 JmUoadoar Llog trra trlr lliuttrtlt bonk a4 rrM II jrou !! 14 DllmiiU M BT kunJrtJ, ot rilnn b, liltn tox ctn tlu rL Mil otit frit eoupa txlow n4 pull ulr. Il iwtll wortl) jogr Uuti(tlitrruu trr lufAifii. nco or not. FREE INFORMATION COUPON O.V. ntVitiTSi SuioSlrrrl MtriblU. JIUh I'lti.a Mn4 mtbr null In plain wfptr your llla,iral4 lnk am) fall lolortntllon lUiUI eur ApplUuco fur too eur ol ruf luia. Kama, Adtrau.! CUf ...... S(ta. Don't Forget Your Eyes NEGLECT Ih just ns dangerous ns INCOIt llKCT glasses. Tho glasses I fit arp NOT JUHT OI.AH8EH. Thoy aro glasses ADAPTED TO YOUlt EVEHY IlEQUIHEMENT and furuluhod at U ItEASONAULE COST. I don't perforin any Impossibil ities, but if your eyesight can ho Improved any I can do It; It It cannot, I will tell you no. Doluys are dangerous. DR. RICKERT EYEBihllT Hl'EC.'IALIST P.VJT KUHPi"b, Jplfo,nl, Oregon Stdumc oiac Women Are Constantly Being Rentorccl to Health by Lydia E. Pinkhnm a Vegetable Compound. M Worth mountains of gold," pn" one woman. Anothar says, "I would not give Lydia K. Pinklmm's Vcgcttiljly Coinnound for nit the other medicines for women in tile world." Still another, "l should like to have thu merits of Lydia I. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound thrown oil the sky with a searchlight so that all sttffei ing women could read and be convinced that there Is n lemedy for their ilk" Wo roulit lUl n iuvniiaior Ion llnuwi tho nlroif UiIh Willi huoIi iih tnttoim tnlJiMi fitnn tint lettors wo Imvo ivivImhI f iviii gmtt-rul mumju wliowj lienllli Iiiih Urn nKtutvil mul huIU'iIiik IkiiiUIiimI 1 laj'ilm h. l'itikltutirrt Vogi'tnlilo tuiiinnnul. , .... Wlivlui.i UmIIii K I'iiihlitinrH Vogetalili' CoiiilK'Uinl nwuinillslioil Mii'ii u iiiilvorwil riiim'HH? Why Iuim U Hi1 mul tljilvwl niifl kril uji ilolnjj Us (ilorioiM work lunoiijr thu nick woiiion of tho world fur iiioru tliuuiuiycnmy Simply ami niirt'ly Ihh-iuiho of Hh Morllnir worth. I ho KNwnii im ptlior uivilluliio Iiiih owr iiiiuuulitl !h Mlreww lilnllily iiinl Klin plv iH'fnuso Ihoiv Is no othur iiioilleluo ho uinhI for wiuiieim Ilia. lloro niv two lotturs tlmtjnst iunio to tin writer' (Irak only (wo ot thoiuuuuU, hut both lull u romferlliiu: rjtoi,) to uvory ll'Hg vu man who will ixjimI thum ami lw gntiloil ly them. vmm hh. i. it. uitowx. luU, KmiKn a. "During Ui(rhnni: of l.lfa I unit iili'U for tn Jara. llo forti I liKih your iiti'dicltio I ionld not Ivnr tho weight of my uIoOivh and wan hhnttrtl very Iwdly. I iloo tori'd with thrco dooUir imt tbtjy did mo no good. Thoy tJtld nnturu imml Imvo Iu way- My Ulcr ad vljwd mo to tuUo Lydla ll I'luhliRin'it Wgulablct ntnpouiidand 1 purchnMnl k Uilllo. iti'foro it was gone tho bloating loft mo and I tvns not mi wrw I continued tailing It until I hnd takon Vi Uittlon. Kow I mu tniugor than I hn Iktii for yvnrn nnd mii tin all my work, ovon tho tvaoliltig. Ytnir int'dloina U worth Itt wolght Iu gold. I t'ntiuot prnlMi it onoiigh If uitirt' woiiioii wtmhl Uko Miur iiirdlt'luo thoro would lt mow boitllby woiuon. You may ui thin lettor for tho giMMlof ttthor. ' Mrs. I). II. IIIM.WN, ho-J North Wnliml Strict, lola, Kan aMKVrllo(n I.YIHA IM'INKIIAM Mi'.DU'lMM'O. inf (('OMini:Mi,ii.ii,N,,MAKSririiii)itf. Your It'lter villi Ixt opi'iiitl, reuil mill itu-tcrcil by u woumit mul livlu lu atrlct conllilcnce. CLEANS IHE HAIR -25 BEAUTIFUL In a fow moments your hair looks soft, fluffy, lustrous nnd abundant No falling hair or dandruff. Htiridy try a "Daiidurtno Il.tlr Hair OlwiMrtf" If you wlwh to Iniuimt dlatoly doiiblo tho biNiuty ot your bnir. .tuit ipolntnti a cloth with rnniltriin and drn It rurvfully thmiiKh jour hair. lakliiK hm iiimll traud nt n tlmo. this will cImum tln hair of iiiut. dirt or any wicwsiIvh oil - iu a fw nionienta )ou will bo ninnjod Your Imlr lll m vtuvy. fluffy unit itbuudnnt nud powhmm nil lurompiirablo HoftnuM and liliniutr of tnif hair hmillb. Ilwddftf bimutlfyliiK tbo hulr. onn application ot Diindorlno iIImoIvi ovry purllclH of liaudritff, ilotuiftf. purlfloa and liivlKorntoa tho urulp y ' hi i 7 would rather at ( t ' sell you a Studebaker" When your dealer tells you that you know he it hopcut. Me may havo cheaper vniatn in utock, hut he lywWs the Studebaker is tho bent. And uo do you. Me wnnta to givo ouch cood waRpn value that you will come back ana demand ti buygy inade by the same pcpplo. SttKlobnkcra linvo been buildhir; voRons for bixty yqnra, ind' tlicy Imvo vyon tho confidcnco of denier mul farmer b buildjiiiBnot tho cheapest but tlio bat vyo,Bon8. Whetlr yptt livq in city, town or" country, tliero'u a Stiidebnkcr to' fit your nccdu. Fnrin wjikoiiii, trucks, business nnd delivery wtiHonn, surreys, buKt;icu nnd runnbouts, with hurncsa for each of tho oaino high qunlity ao Studcbukcr vchiclea. Sti our Dealer or wltf y. STUDEBAKPR South Bend, Ind. NKW VOBK J.IINKeAfOU3 CHI'AOO DAU.Afl KANSAS CITV DIMVEU BAtrt-AK? qirv san yvANCieo rOKT(ANU,ou, aaTaaTaTTaTaTaT " vJJ& .1IHH. AVILMAniS HAYS I HlUhttrt. did. "" I MtlTrml for II ytiarn f itnu orKnnlo InllHiimtaUoii, tf initio wtmhuoaMi, utln nnd IrrvfttlarU llo. Tlio IhiIiih in my kIiIma wnrtt luonniactl by witlliliitf vrttlaiMlliitf my ft'utitnil I hndKtii'iiawfalboiiniMr tlown fotlliiiri, wu iVprtMand In plrlta and Waiutt thin nml Mltt With dull, ho.try oym I hnd tix dtHitiirit fnuu whom I rwolvwl only teuiixirnry relief. I drttUvtt tu trlrti I.ytlln li. rltlUllHIil'a. VocrtMlilvlVti. tsitiud a fnlr trlnl and ulMitlm Haul tiro Wnli. I havo now uatl Uw roiuotllo for four iiHiiitha ami cannot oxiitftM my thniitta fur ial il'' hnotlouo fornitt. ilta. H.tltiK Mi. itjom,UJnima Strtot, l.lkhart, ludlauu. AND MAKES II CERT ; forawr atoppluK Itching and fnUtnc hair. DandtirtiiH li U I be Imlr what rrwh ahtnturii of ralH and aHtMhtHv nrn tu vKaUatlBH. It a right In Ihn roou. InvtKtiratM aiwt unNMUhutt UitiiH. IU oxklllarallHK, Mlinnlattng ami tlfv-iirotluclriK vtQunUm mum that hair to grow fttuimtamlr loui, ironic and ImmhiIiuI You cmt niirl have prtly. toft. liiHtrtnia hair, and lota of It. If you will Juat Kl a II tent bottlH uf Kiiinvltou'K Daiitittrlnti from any driiK atoro or toilet tuitutor and ti It ll lllriTtalil. Tift ifWilVl UHnucmm: "w H ,K. v V V t WftTOtrXWuV- fclOA.i ,iairti,iir . -