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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1913)
!i3 drflfi- Urepfl rllttwfoal City Hall J Medtord Mail Tribune WEATHER OrcnMonitl mhi tonight. Mat. .11; SECOND EDITION WV$Miu'& r' ' J.Tf l)llr Hv.nlli Ymr 14 .F, TO Illinois Committee Receives Assur nnco of Support From All Over Nation In Campnlnn to Remedy Wliltd Slavery nml Wnyn Problem President Wilson Sympathises Willi Principle of Minimum Wane Fac tories, Swcalsliops to Dc Probed HPiUNOriELI), III., March 12. Jlttiohn or telegrams and letters con fronted tint Illinois statu scnato com mittee probing tlio Marvntlon wages nml whit" slavery problem when they returned hire today to rtitumi their deliberation. Communication from governor of 14 Mate, In re sponse, to U'Uhn from Lieutenant Governor Kartell O'llura promlaed tiiinicdlattt recommendations looking tii whltu slave, probes. Thcan state lire Oregon, IHnh, Arltnnn, Colorado, Indlntia, Inwn, Michigan, Ohio, Min nesota, MUalMlppl. New Mexico Now York, Virginia ami Wisconsin. In addition tn tho promtac by themt governors, titmollcltfil offer of aid havo poured In from legislature till over tin' country. It linn alio been learned by the prober that President Wllaon sym pathize with tho rliicliilt of a mini iniini wagn and will be Bind tn re ceive, them In Washington. The acnr ate rommltteo probably will decide tomorrow when thry go east to vlatt Washington, New York. Phllndel lihln. Ilnltlmnre, Albany and Pill -iirfl r " " ' After returning from their enatorn trip tho llllitnl committee cipccls tn dolvn Into conditions elatlng In sweatahopa and fnetorlea In Illinois. They also probably will probo the rnmllllona tindor which chorim girl are forced to work, especially regard IrtK Ihn danger to their health and morala from Improper dressing rnoma In the llioatrea whore thry arc employed. J)OWI.AR. Am., March 12 Ocnorul Ojedn miiatfil llio fodoral liht nt Apia 1'riela, .Mexico, opposite Douglas, today with his roinmnud, iiiii;uini'iilrtl liv the fugitives from Mir defented garrisons of Nneuznrl mill Kl Tigre. At the bond of uhoiit rilll) iiiiMt In) niiuolied westward, up piinmlly with Nngnlen iih Iiik ob jective point. 10 GEI TURTLE SERUM ASTORIA, Ore, March 12.-Dr. 'AnpiHt M. Kinney will lenvo fur Now Yoik tomorrow wlmro ho Imi nn np polntiiunt to mcol Dr. Krinlmnnn, nl li'p'd dicuovorcr of n lidn'roulosis piiu. Kinnoy coos an n ropresonlii livo of tho htnto honid nf hcuHli. W'lillii ip tho ennt ho will coiihiiU with Kovoninioii. cxporla who nro invcMi (iitinu; the omo, mid will nulonvor to hi'i'iiro u iiunullty of tho Hcriiin to ho used on Orojton Hiifforcrx. . ni.YMPlA' Wnsli.. iMiuoli l'J. Cnpllnl piinlslitf4:''l !"' I""?" wipvd off tho Blnlnlo of thiH Htnto touny with tho nssurnnco Hint iiovonmr Unlet- will hIkii Urn lU todny. Tho iiionsiuo inHod tho U'tfMithiro IiihI iiIkIiI l.v u hnrp tioiihlHiillunnl miijor. ily. SmmlovH CoIIIiih and Sharp. Hlein foiiKht for Iho rploiillon of tho dotilli pminlty, whllo SmmiorH Jciiboii, Fiilrt-hlldH mid Stoinor Hiippotiod tho hill. GOVERNORS V 1 VI IE OJEDA OEMS BORDER FORTRESS UINGTONABOB CAPITAL PUNISHMENT FIND RAILROAD OWNERSHIP IN STEAMER UNES Interstate Commerce Committee Or ders Railroads to Submit State ments Showlnn Connection With Shipping. Companies Court of Commerce Slaps at Congress by Declaring Pipe Lines not Com mon Carters as Now- Considered WASHINGTON, Mnreh 1'.'.-Willi the Umiiuici' of mi order to nil ntlU mmW in Die country to mihriitt stne mnnU hhoviiii; llicir connection with donn-Mic, eonxtnisn nnd foreign fthip pini; companies hy April 1", tho in )erhlnte eoinmerer eoinniisxinn hrnn n Hwprpinir iiroln todny of rnilrond Interext in flenmhip'(. The htnte. inentrt mtisli Ilia connrction he tween land nnd water truffle up o June Kl, (ll. A recent net of cnnxresn provider tlml inilroniN cniuiol hold nil interest in oompcliiic water linen iiiiIchh the inler-clale commerce ronimisiion ex empli them. The law applies to overv inlerntnte road and Hh pro viMops include firry limits Iurk mid vcmhcIk of nil kimln. The object of the new probe in to nxcertnin what rondx operate strain erx. (.o Hint the commUlon may be piepared to enforce tho cmiKrenMionnl net rrctdntinir I'litmnin Tannl coin iiiercn nnd bnrrini; railroad omied vcmhpIm from tho waterway. Another cIiikIi between the I'nitcd States court of commerce ntid con crc came today when llm court de cided tlml conuress in not cntwnvercl lo make pie lines common carriers, nnd declared tho hilcr-Mate com merce law to that end invalid. The decision invokes tho Standard Oil company of New Jersey, the Prairie Oil and Ons company, the I'ncle Sum Oil ontnnany, the Ohio Oil company nnd others. The court also issued an injunction rcMinininc orders issued hv tho in-ler-slnte commerce coiuuiiMou re ubiliui; Philippines lines. WOLGAST STARTS" BAN I'HANCIHCO, March 12. TakttiK time out to r.lvo Wllllo Hltclilo abiteut treatment for cold fevt tieforn ho departed from thin city, former champion Ad Wolcaot la on hi way to Medford, Ore., to look after no mo IiukIiic.h IntorcatH. lie l accompanied by Mm. Wolr.axt and Tom JnucH, IiIh inniiitKur. Tho former champion uxpecta to return hero In a few dayri. Ad nays Illtchto U wnltiiiK for a toft one. Then ho nald thlims about tho chnmnlnn that nnibably would Htart n flnht without the formality of a ring or a pumo wcro Illtchto pres ent. PATNT OIIUKK JUNCTION, W. Vu Mmch 12. Whother It Is mur der It u man kills another In war wn tho Issue offered by tho defense today to the military court which Is tryliiR "Mother" Jones, tho noted woman labor leader, and 40 minora hero on ix churso of conspiracy to commit murder. Defense Attorney l- M. Mwtheny uHhm "Waa tho battlo of Gettysburg murdorT" Ho clnlma that U tho mlu ors killed, It was war, and should not bo charactorUed ua nuirdor, Thrco proclamntlonH lBsued by Gov ernor Glnsscoolt cnllluR tho groat In dustiial striiRRlo In tho Pulnt Crook district "war" havo been Introduced iih ovldonfco. These declared tho ills trlct under martial law. "Whntovor vlolonco tho minors mny lmvo resorted to," anya Mntheny, "wan aimed ut n aystein nnd not nt Individuals. Whntovor happened MOTHER JONES DEMANDS RIGHTS MEDFORD, DEFEAT OF THE TURKS AT J A.TT 3 .... . r" vtTif-i p ) 0UO (J3CD AQAIM3T A?H Hj 40P&k "" 'J'lie 'fin I lli furtruis vt Jmuiiih. the If) to I lie ii'mIoii of tliu I'ruvlui-c of Kplrii, w.tli In Krrlou of a.Mi' men Mitieudend In the ilreek army after u defeiKC whkh f iriut i lie of Hie uiiml liritilaut cplmslcs uf the llaltuu war I THIRTY BUILDINGS ! i CHICAGO. March 15- John Da nlca, allecrd captain of tho areon tritit which has used tho torch from Keattle to Now York, confeed hero today to Amlntaut District Attorney Jnhnxon that ho had burned at least 20 atorca In ChlniKO aa ageiit of tho araon rlnK. He r.ald tho losa from theao flre'rt would reach SGOO.rtoO. In hla ronfeaaton Danlea Impli cated a score of bitalneaa men and In aurnnco adjuateni hero and In other cltlca, and tho Indictment of at leaat to prominent peraona la expected. Danlea said CIiIciro merchanta first naked him to become a flruliuc a year aco. Ho declared that Hen rink, who confeaaed at 8ount Dend recently to acttlni: many flrea, waa employed by a rival arann rlnR. T NBW YOUIC, March 12. Char;luB that M)or Gaynor libeled hla fathor, tho lato Joseph Pulltxer, In n apeech before tho South llrooklyn Hoard of Trade, llnlph l'ulltxer, ono of tho publishers of tho New York World, today demanded that maKlatrato Ker nochan laauo n warrant for Gaynor for aliened criminal libel. "Joseph l'ulltxer nmnssod a for tune of SO, 000,000 by blackmail and Indecency," Is tho statement which Ralph Pulitzer nllcRcs Gaynor mado before tho llrooklyn orcanlzaz Hon. MnRlatrato Kernochan had la sued tho order, saylni; that a charxo of slander may bo placed nRiilnst Gay nor, worn nets of war ami cannot bo Judged by ordinary rules of wur and morality.'' "Mother" Jones Is breaking undor tho strain of confinement nnd on route to tho courtroom each day leans heavily on tho arms of com panions. Her spirit, howovor, Is un broken, and tiho refuses to recoRiilio tho military court. "Look what hnppenod yesterday," sho said todny. "Judgo Advocato Wallace railed Harrison Kills, a de fondant, to tho ntand and domandod that ho testify. Can you Imagine nnythlnK worse than thntT" Wo aro not nfrnld to testify but wo domand our rlghtu ns citizens. Tho consti tution saya n prisoner cannot bo placed on tho stand by tho prosecu tion to testify In n matter In which ho Is u defendant unless ho volun tarily waives htH rights. And I want to Bay that no body of men In West Virginia la empowered to suspend tho (edurul constitution." ADMITS BURNING F ARSON RN OltEClON, "WJCDNKSDAY, i'. j . '.jj-.-t PROVOKES SIORM AT SALKM, Ore, .March 12 -Objec-tlona to the appointment of K, II. Klchard aa county attorney of Jo nephlnc county -are rcachlnR Gover nor Went today. The principal ob jector la Robert 0. Smith, mayor of Grants Paaa. Today the Governor dcloftatcd hla aecretary. Ralph Wat aon, aa special am'jaairador. to visit Grants las BBdInvrtlBoic. Wat son will leave Friday. In the mean tlmu tho appointment of tho county attorney Is helm; held up. GRANTS PASS, Ore.. March 12. Tho appointment of Kdward H. Rich ards aa county attorney of Josephluo county has provoked a first claaa rumpus In the ranks of local democ racy. Aaalatant Dlatrlct Attorney Johnson, who la a republican, was vndoraed by Mayor It. G. Smith for the poaltlou. but the bulk or the democrats endowed Richard. Major Smith says: "This appoint ment Is absurd, and the Kovernor would never have made It If ho un derstood tho altuatlon. Richard has been In the county about 18 months, and baa been practicing law In this ntnto lesa than a year. Tho county attorney la the loRnl adviser of tho county court and precedence would dictate that somo one familiar with tho lawa and procedure of this state Hhould be selected. If tho appolntco must bo a democrat I um a candi date. mself." Richard has resided In Omuls Pass for tho past 18 months, having coma here from Covington, Iji. He Is n democrat in politics, nnd baa been n practicing uttorney for tho pnst seven years. For nearly six yearB ho was a partner In tho offlco of tho district attorney In I.outslnna, SWEPT BY STORM LOS ANGHLKS, Cal., March 12. Although heavy seas aro running it In believed today that tho storm that has swept tho southern California coast for tho last 12 hours Is abating. Tho Rrcntest dnmago was dono at Rcdoudo beach, where 200 feet of wharfage wns washed nwny. Other piers were battered by floating piles. No dnmago to shlpplnR was reported. BARRYM0RE MUST PAY BARBER EIGHT HUNDRED LOS ANGELES, Cul., March 12. Eight hundred dollars is tho sum Juok Hurryninre, netor, must pay for roriontinp forcibly tho implication of Miirlin Nergmnii, barber, (lint he needed n haircut, Soveu hundred nnd fifty dollars tixemplnry dnnuiRCs nnd fifty dollars phyaivinnta bill is Judge Allen's idea of tho dniunRO suffered by llorginnn, who mied for $1,550. llarrymore, in n disposition, ns Kerled that ho stnok Horntiinn when tho latter threatened him with n shampoo bottle. WpiBHKHaJJMrlfeJ 1-- MiW-'-f-5-uBPVi3CT- NAM NG OFRICHARD GRANT A SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MARCH 12, 391.'). GIVES THE GREEKS ANOTHER BIG VICTIM 100.000 BURGLAR STOLE WIFE FROM CHICAGO, March 12. -A pitiful story of his efforts to induce his wife to reject the attentions of Owen I). Conn, Snn Francisco's .100,000 burglar, wns told here todny by the Hev. y ester Clnrkson. Conn involved Mrs. Clnrkson in Ids confession to the San FruiieiM'o police. Clurkon Minok with sobs n he told of his. wife'jJ r$ln'tioua.wHkr,t)ie burglar. The minister is now Super intendent of the White Cross Mid night Missfonnrv association here. "My wife," said Clnrkson, Vinet Conn when ho wns in jnil. She was n kooiI woman then nnd was doiti? splendid work ns a missionary. Ihit she became iiifntunted with Conn nnd finnllv packed her trunk. kised our children good bye nnd left with him. "Conn deserted my wifo in Omaha. Sho returned o Chicago and asked for n reconciliation, hut I refused." Clnrkson'K eyes filled when lie nd- milted he did not know Mr. Clark son's present wheronbnuts. He ex hibited several letters from Conn to Mrs. Clnrkson which hnd been writ ten from the Wisconsin stale peniten tiary. SUFFRAGtnES TRY TO LONDON, March 12. -Militant suf fragettes wero accredited by tho jsi-l llco today with an attempt Monday to burn tjio Hrltlsh musueiu, A wo man left nlone in a room was seen leaving hastily, tho pollco say, and a watchman who investigated found oil-soaked rags smouldering In n cor ner. Scotland yard detectives todny are searching for Ylnton Lenten, a suf fragetto who recently disappeared, SACRAMENTO, Cul., March 12. Iu reply to n Chicago .newspaper which is polling tho sentiment of the executivo 8tntcrt relative, to tho in vestigation of the nffinity between low wages nnd white smvery, Gover nor Hiram W. Johnson today wired iv plcdgo of his eo-operutiou in whnl is rapidly becoming u nut'.o.i-wlde probe. The governor believes (!Q first remedy to cheek tho spread of the vice must coma throuph u minimum wage. His telegram follews: "Strongly do I favor n minimum wngo for women. Tho exnot sum I could not fix hut investigation Mich ns ure now being carried on iu Illinois should bo prosecuted in every slate to enable us to dotormiuo upon n wngo just to tho employer nnd which shnll ho n living wngo for tho em ploye. I favor action both- nation, ally nnd in tho various atato?. I will gladly cc-onernto in any legitimate investigation loading to tlu propct CHICAGO MINISTER JOHNSON FAVORS MINIMUM WAGE CROWN PrglNCE Or GKECE RN APPEALS FOR HELP MADE FROM ADRIANOPLE CONSTANTINOPLE. March 12. Frantic appeals for aid, acompanled by the declaration that "I can hold out only a week longer," Arcro re ceived today by army officials In cipher wireless dispatches from Shu krl, Paaha, the Turkish coniiaander at Adrlanople. - ' It was said that ShukrI Paaha has exhausted hi. .supply at food aad am munition and that scurvy and Intes tinal disorders aro ravaging the ranks of the defenders. The Turks havo withstood the siege guns of the Ilalkan allies for months. iACTIVE LIST MAKE NEW YORK, March 12 Advances which included nearly tho entire ac tive list marked tho opening ot tho stock market. Canadian Pacific jumped three points, and most of the railroads advanced a point. Selling took tho edgo off the market and a reaction set In. The market closed fairly strong. PEARY SAILS TO RECEIVE A MEDAL PORTLAND. e., March 12. To receive a medal from tho ltoyal Ital ian Geographical society, Admiral Robert K. Peary, who discovered tho north pole, will sail Saturday from New York for Rome. Mrs. l'eary, Miss Mario Peary. Robert E. Peary Jr., and Secretary Herbert L. Drldg mnn of tho Peary Arctic club, will accompany tho explorer abroad. legislation nnd which has for its de sign the fixing by law of n minimum wngo for women thnt is. a living wngo and the stumping out of white shiv ery. "Tho subject of a minimum wage for women is one in which I havo been interested for a long time and unoii which I lmvo taken issno with rtho Snu Francisco Labor Council. It was my purpose at this seiou of tho legislature, nnd is still if it i possible, to havo n commission ap pointed which shall after tho ad journment of the legislature thor oughly investigate tho matter and re port its findings. ''Tho sumo necessity for immediate notion in fixing a minimum wngo foi woman docs not oxist in this stute ns in some of tho eastern states but that same nece&sury mnj soon exist, nnd it is my hopo thnt then our pooplo mny ho fully prepared to denl firmly, justly and adequately with tho matter," NO. 301. EXTRA SESSION TO FIX TARIFF President Wilson to Issue Call for Congress Co Reassemble In Next Few Days, Announces Underweorf Revision Plans Incomplete Only Tariff to Occupy AttentlM of Law Makers ianklni ni Cur rency Await Stsslofl WASHINGTON, March 12. Presi dent Wilson was Informed today by Democratic leaders that the cosaralt tco's working on plans for ayevlslon of the tariff would not be' ready to report April 1. It Is now reported that tho report will call the extra session for April 8 Instead of April 1 as originally Intended. WASHINGTON', March 12. Rep resentative Underwood of Alabama, majority leader In the bouse, follow ing a visit to tho White Howie, an nounced today that President Wilson would lasue the call for the extra session of congress within a few days. He predicted that Wilson's message would recommend that the extra ses sion be conflqed to revision ot tho tariff, and probably suggest that the banking and currency committee or ganize and prepare bills for the reg ular session In December. DEMOBILIZATION AUSTRIAN ARMY VIENNA, March 12. With tho or dering home of the military reserv ists on the Russian frontier, demob ilization of the Austrian forces began today. All of tho reservists wjll re port to the colors again. March 26, but no significance la attached to this move. The demobilization ot the Rusalsn forces U expected to follow. SEEKING PARDON SALEM, Ore., March 12. A con certed effort ou the part bt many Oregon citizens Is today being made to Induce Governor West to commute tho sentencos Imposed on George and Charles Humphreys, who aro under sentence to bo hanged Friday, March 21, for tho murder of Mrs, Eliza Griffith, an aged woman. Attorney II. J. Parkinson, attorney for tho two condomned men, appeared before tho governor with a statement that con fessions reported to have been made by them were not true. Governor West replied that thla would hare no bearing on his action, as the sale question to bo determined was wheth er tho Humphries were guilty or In nocent. LANE ASKS RENEWAL OF LAND GRANT CASE WASHINGTON, March 12.-To re quest a renewal ot tho prosecution ot the lund suit against the railroads claiming ownership ot thousands ot acres under government charters, given In connection with their con struction, Senator Lane ot Oregon and tho other members of tho Oregon congressional delegation called at tho department ot justice today. SHANIKO EDITOR FOUND DEAD AT THE DALLES HOTEL THE DALLES, Ore., Mnrch 12. E. II. Overman, editor of the Shuniko (Oregon) Star and Maupin (Oregon) Monitor, w'ns found dead in hi room in n local hold today. Death re sulted from natural caumw. Over muu nrived here lust night on n busi ness trip. OR APRIL 8 tA -! ji 'ii m K. 71 i -!i wJ hi ,i Si f. c .r