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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1913)
o hi 'I ' I r mmm m spi mi , ." '"" KKv'jarf'iT"' iy rKWr THJtmwMlle, TtWHMi, IM MMI Mntl. TTW MMfifi( Tillmiw. tin; Hoi rrWMTtrS AWMrttW TMMlll, MM font Hlll WOflE .jMI-. i .,.. ,.-. k. ....,. --; -- HflH Fir sirwl HMfiXnln 3911 OMOKOfS I'UTNAM, Hrtllwr sml Msnmtir Hnlrrfd nn second-dim mutter Ml Mrdford, Oregon, under ths net of Marcli 3, 18TP. OfflHM I'srr of llm City of Medrord. DfflcUl Paper of Jackson Countr. RUSKCBOTieX BATXB. Onn yer, by mail ....-S.OO Ono monili, by. mull . .-. .10 Vtr month, delivered tir csrtler In wmirarn, jncKBimviiin mm ven tre! 1'olnt -.-. -,,. . -. -SO fttturdny only, liy mall, per ymr S.oo weekly, per year. .. - . V5 Tfr- ,.n-i.-rTr rr APPLE MARKET STILL DEPRESSED SRwbcl & Day continue their dole fnl talc of pessimism eencernim: apple market in the following tinted New York, February 8: Wo are, sorry tlint wo cannot write nny encotimi;ui now about box op pirn, but ni our circulars always re port truthfully the exact situation. po we give it to yon ami In thU world wc certainly have to take the bitter with the sweet. Liverpool -Ii. Connolly & Co. cable us nfter each sale, their market un changed which means that freh nr rivals of Yat8onville Newluwns are Kellini: nt C to 03d for 4 tiers and 5 to osCd on 4'i tiers, with lower quo tations on fruit Mored in Uvcrpool, partly on account of the increasing decay in it and some of their cata logues show five to eight rotten apples per box. !oudon 31. Isaacs & Sons also cable their market unchanged, dull mid slow with ame quotations, i.e.: iiso'd to UGd on the best of them and As to 5s on those showing up with a little decay. Total cxM)rts last week were 72.200 boxes. Certain parties here have started dripping heavily, but they arc mostly ml apples from the northwest. LivcrXHl boats Wednesday and Thursday of this week had 21400, the Hamburg boat Thun-day 10,900 and to Itrcnicn 3200. Wc have not tho figures of todnyV London steam ers but undoubtedly they nrc heavy. Our own reports on Wutonville New towns bltow it would have been better to have sold on arrival rather than ludd for n better market, remember ing the charges and decay coming on. You will note that arrivals over there are celling around 0 which is (fcrinuily nothing to brag of; hoecr, that is the market. This market on red apples from the northwest continues depressed and all good stock is 'selling i? 1.2.1, $1.50, $1.7.1 nitb some off color for miu reason or another, $1.00 to $.'2J and home even lower. The daily of fering nt auction lime been of apples from tho vicinity of.SX)kauu which linvo been of Kior quality and man)' of them quite ripe gelling from 75c to $1.15. The 1st hist, there were nearly 400,000 boxes in cold storage here. JOLTS AND JINGLES By Ad Brown Todav w contributors day. Almost everything here is bent in by our ad miring friends. Why is everyone always so very epger to enlarge uoii the faulU of a profemed Christian 1 For the same reason that typographical errors at tract so much attention the love of i'ault-fiudiug rather than the mantle of charity. M. O. C. There are some women who need biead with their gloves on. This may sound u little fishy but nevertheless it i" true, but thecr nrc others who need bread with their shoes on and some need bread with their shirts on. If some people don't pay me what they owe I may need bread without a darned thing on. Subscriber. Hero It Is Tho spring poem senson is opened tpriuy by a well known Med ford man who bunds us this. He gets a license and it membership card to the Ilym ors' Club: Tho songbirds twitter on leafless trees, Jiright gleums the sun o'erhead, The little Fishes are nestled close, () Asleep in their riverbed. Today wo busk in warmth und shine Forgotten is toil and hurry Let it rain, let it snow, let the rude winds blow Tomorrow I should worry 1 F. F. Actors iiarao in this line. A fellow who has sworn off smok ing says he never noticed before what Htitisfatcioii other men take in a good cjjcar. The Mexican revolutionists . havu discovered perpetual motions, Aro you paying Ion cents or did yen swear off j , u, . fllDI JWHik imi(1ii'ii J-yif)i'ir"' I 'is -"" "-tfc-iH BinH"OTBM9ai Hxcsrr MtnrDir ur t m MUDfOhff LKOMIiATORS 8EEK MORE PAY. Til 10 Oregon legislature has piiaHpil a niindlluHoiiiil airioiiilnienl, Increasing Hit" ItMiglli T Mt'KMlon from '10 In 'A) iln.VH, mid Mil piiy riDiu -tit u tiny to ". II will Ito .sub niiHcd (ti (ho people In 101'i. Tho IfL'i.slatui'e nliould tlo HoitielliliiK lo hIiow lluil ft Is world I lie $11 a day each of Us iiioiiiIhtm draws. The pay Is already loo hljjh for the it, who are taken .seriously only by themselves, and the Session by far too lonjr for results accomplished. Tho more money the members draw, the more they 61)end. The longer the session, I ho more the bills. There would be the same haste, the salne rush in the closing days, while tho bulk of the session would be spent as it is now in playing peanut politics, wire pulling and log-rolling. In a resolution offered by Representative Wcsterluntl, it is proposed to remain in session until March 1, without pny for the extra time. Tho tailuro and incompetence on the part of the legislature. Tho members have only themselves to blame. They were so busy trying to put the governor in a hole, that they all got in one themselves. There is no necessity for more pay or longer sessions. Those who serve for the money in it, had better be left at home. Common sense rules, limiting the number of bills for each member, and limiting time for report by commit tees, would enable the transaction of all needed business with time to spare in the specified forty days. More pay and longer sessions will not remedy the situa tion only aggravate it. Neither will the people sanction the change because they have lost faith in the legislature, which has done nothing (o justify confidence. i A FIELD THE bill creating a state horticultural commission under the auspices and control of the Oregon Agricultural college, died a 'horning in the senate as it should have. Admirable as the O. A. C. may be as an educational institution, it is assuming too much when it attempts to dictate to the horticultural interests of the state and cen tralize fruit inspection and control in itself. It is respectfully suggested to the O. A. C. authorities that it has au admirable field for horticultural work right at home and that it may prove its efficiency in the orchards arbund Corvallis, which apparently need attention. At the request of the Benton Growers Exchange, Jack son county has recently sent a hundred lOltt spray calen dars the Benton growers had never seen a spray calendar before. Pamphlets by O'Oara upon orchard heating as protection from frost were also requested and scut despite the fact that the O. A. 0. had heating experiments conducted here. Five hundred smudge pots were shipped by the Rogue River Fruit and Produce association for use around Corvallis where orchard heating is tin entirely new proposition and tin effort to save cherries and poaches will be made. All this suggests that the O. A. ('. had better prove its efficiency at home before taking si contract Tor the entire state. Irrigation,Historical Iy F. II. (Continued from Wednesday) In southern California the duty of a second foot "f wnter is coiisidcre.l to "be from 100 to U00 acres. From tho above data which aro taken from actual practice upon thousands of acres of laud most scientifically cared for, we see that from one-sixth to one-half of a min ers inch of water is n great plenty for one aero of giound under ordin ary conditions. An "acre foot of water U an ex pression meaning mi amount of wnter sufficient to cmer over one acre of ground one foot in depth, or an amount equul to 435G0 cubic feet. A second foot of water will cover two acre.-, of ground one foot deep with water in 24 hours. Diiriuir a period of three months u continuous tlow of one second foot of water would cover 180 acres of ground one foot deep. One miner inch of water during the same period would cover 4l acres of grouud o:io foot deep, or would cover one acre to a depth of 42 feet. The amount of water required in most sections of the ltogue Icivef val ley during the irrigation season varies with the crop and tho soil, between the ranges of u total depth of 0 iuchcu, or ' ucre foot to 18 inches, or 1' acre feet. Water in these later days when purchased from some irrigation pro ject, is generally furulthed on the basis of so muny acre feet in depth, per aero of land, for each season. It has becu found that the amount of water required for any field moru the first season it is irrigated, and less for each succeeding season. This is cuuscd by tho rio of the ground water lcol, below which the ground is practically always wet or saturated. Tho natural ground water level may bo jnauy feet below tho surface be fore irrigation is practiced on the laiwl; from that time on it wil) grad ually riso until jt is but a few feet below tho surface, and the amount of water required thereafter to propeil. mature crops will be considerably less than it, was at the start. Three acre feet of water per sea son is considered to be about the inaximum required in any locality for any crop. The cost of water rights per aero of. irritable hiud varies in government Mfttorrmtf tocm Tiiromrw, class of statesmen seenriiu; resolution is a confession of AT HOME. and Instructive Facts Walker. C. K. projects from 'M dollars to ncarlv 100 dollar. The Umatilla project costs from 00 to 70 dollars; the Klamath project from HO to 40 dollars, and the Tictou project in Valiingtoi cents 93 dol lars jcr acre. A general average of about 55 dol lars per acre is maintained. In southern California, however, tluj water supply U scarce enough so that a miners inch of uatcr is valued at from $1000 to 2000; this is it the rate of from -5150 to .fllOl) per acre for a water right. The upkeep or maintenance charge from year io year is nl n variable quantity ac cordiuir to the local conditions uliich affect the methods Used and the cost of oernting. OBITUARY. Died, at Kagle Point, Jackson coun ty, Oregon, Agues Iive llowlett, be loved daughter of Itcv. A. C. and S. K. llowlett, departed this life on the Kith of February, 1013, at the ac of 22 years, ,'l mouths and 7 days. After a lingering illness she passed peace fully away, being the eighth child called by death. Deceased was bom at Haglo I'oint, Oregon, and resided with her par ents. She leaves to mourn her loss father und mother, four sister, viz: Urs. S. .M. Lewis, Pilot Itock, Ore., jrrs. Jr. K. Hoyt,; Klumath Falls Jh-s. 0 G. (Tavia) Shaw, Falrviow, Ore.; Jliss Hattie llowlett, Eaglo Point, und a largo retinue or young peoplo with whom she had grown up and was loved and adored by all, as was manifcbtcd by the great amount of floral tributes. Tho funeral services wero conducted at tho homo by Ilov. JI. C. Davis, assist ed by Ilov. L. L. Simmons, and inter ment took place at Antelope cemetery on February 15, 1013. Tho remains were followed to their resting place by ii large number of sorrowing friends. Tho pall bearers consisted of six young ladies and six young gentlemen, Piles Cured In O To 11 Day. Your drugRlst will refund money If PA5CO OINTMKNT falls to euro any case of Itching, niltitl, Bleeding or Protruding Piles In C to M dayn. SO cents. Micnironi). oinwotf.Momw. iwuiiTAHV 17. mm. Land Values Wlial itc lo innki up lh' uiliin of Inlid Wlui I it will st'tl for. or tthut It will produce In the riciidnpliiK section like tin- Ituxtii' Uwr ull. both cnler lulu II miIiic Locution til'tni make n ncIHiik miIiic, which ulhcruW would nut obtain. In the ultimate, lanuner, It i the pmduc lle implicit v which lic tabic. Our bct orchards hac a tnlue bncd largvlv on pnH'ollc production. Measured hi dollars and cent, wc have every rcnsuiu to believe that the tight character of Homio riser utllcy orchards will In the future if anv thing exceed the productive capacity of our best older ittvhnuW. Hut the rcmihuitv f ivp production, hcuy crops of choice fruit, irrespective f seasonal rlmuciw, N n inv-requliltc of permanent high value for thli kind of property. It W u rccojjulxed fact that during the growing senon of llll'J. the five late spring and milli liter month, the precipitation wa more than the combined precipitation of the growing scnon of 11I0!I. IHIA und mil. Here Is food for reflec tion. Permanent, stable nines arc what wc have lo injure prosperity. Itegulnrity r crop production wc must have. How can it bet be se cured? About eight or nine war no, it will be reiui'tnbered, Ktl Andrews, act ing in cn-npcrution with n number of local realtv men, did ouie inix-Uui-ary work back in .Minnesota and the Dakota", rcsultim; in a carload oT personally conducted prospective ltpinesecker front those wheat state who were piloted over thi valley by the realty men, ami Uietvby hang a tale. Out about Cokcr Hutto wit a (Hinder section of laud with some ten ucre of beariui: Kewtowns mid oth er fruit, and quite a large young or chard. The owner was askinir $1-'.-000 for the procrty. Coining into. .1.:.. ..I.... i ., . il. .... ..I nut itu'iciim -.(tiiiuivi nrmiiri, mniiii-, lite nrt or .Mnreii wiieii iue tinned, from their inclement climate, those Dakolatis should have been dead cuv to fall for that place at that price. It did took awfully koimI to them, ami in one hack were three men who each expressed the determination to liuv, the owner not being at home tit the time of their visit. The prcwous scu son had been a dry one. and the "iwrsonal attendant" agent was not (Misled to beware of tho bam. until all three prospective purchasers en tered that bam, and that simple fuet not only "queered" that Mile but also queered all sales of orchards on hiuh ground for that bunch of Dakotuus, iiotwithstamlini; tho (act that mnuy genuine bargains were then offering in hill lauds. Why! ( In that barn, stored in bias, were about two carloads of .Xcwtowii ap ples, too small to ship, and wort tiles-, for the home uiurkcl, which would, with it very little wnter applied at tho right time, have sold thai season in tho London market for a figure that would have netted in Jlcdford about thice dollars per box. A tnlle of water that dry season would hae matured those worthless little apple, into something for which the world across the ocean wa hungry, and for which they were more lliuii willing t' pay n fanov price. The angry iigcnU did not spare the owner, who alter the interview with them, say the light and closed up t contract for water for that season with the ditch comp.tuy, with the re stilt that he raised the price of his place to $18,000 and sold for that figure. Tim singular feature of the mutter was that the owner, the agents, even all the neighbors knew for years what wa the matter with the apples in their annual deprecia tion from the excellence which dii tiuguihcd them wlu-u the trees In -t begnn to bear fruit. And yet, becaiwe somo wise guy, fcitile in excuses to defer doing what he knew was good business to do at oacc, had expressed his opinion that he "didn't like the contract" of the canal compauv. And that little fake excuse proliablv prevented many ordinary sensible men from lending aid to what is tie most enHcutial thing ever put up to the fanners of this valley. Wo cannot expect a repetition of the growing season of 101 '.J the pres ent year. It looks now as if it might by a dry year, the average precipita tion being far in excess, of the ritiu full to , date this jcar,.lt may be that many a iiiUlit oiuhurdmnn of this valley will mourn n- lust oppor tunity bctWo another year goes bv, with the great acreage now in bear ing. Water under such circumstance is only a form of crop iiwiiritnco. Vint can grow fruit without water; but n few morn crops of such fruit will not only queer the sale of tho orchards which produce it, but also queer the reputation of this alloy as the best fruit section in tho known world. Whv defer action Iungcr7 The mod ified contract now meets with tho approval of nil, und there is only ono thjjig lo do; get busy, higli up for tho I John A. Perl Undertaker 28 8. UAWlhEip IMinues M. 171 and 47R Anibulanco Service Deputy Ocruner and Irrigation liiinl which oii know might In Iiimc nnlur to make It pioiliien nun I ual iiral ciiiulilinuM nun nut vou In ei peeling II o produce, und llierc will lie no iiiiuc icitteli uer loM uppor- ItiiiltlcM, Ymt tin not wiiut oiii' html In decline in Millie. Tlicj muely will decline In wilito If oii do not inula tain the Mich slumlord of pmilucthc- iii'vi which dlnllUKiiishcH llm .Mmug orchard, Tic's is us sum as fate Whv not net qiiicklv and enable the ditch compauv lo animuuce that Ihcv hne enough laud lgucd up for water to enable them to hiiuiuiiiii a horde of men und teams and punh construction of the ItU'hllue ditch within shtv daw from date. They arc euner to gel to work, Its up to mui owners of land to sluil this work. Sign up! Sign up! The fact that the cost of coimtruc tlou will be money thrown loose in this vitllcv. rijjltt among us, at n lime when alt that is holding the alley back from a uivatcr forward move ment than was ever known before, is a temporary money stringency, should determine men to act qttlcktv in litis matter. It is along the line of public works; and vast sums epcudeil in public works lime freqiieullv brought about conditions of great proMicritv, where otherwise depies.inu would lutM' continued dunug'utnuv mouths This fact nlone is worlhx of set mils consideration by the bind bidder. in i i - in r i im JACKSON COUNTY'S ASSESSED VALUE IS $36,062,121 The total atmessed valuation of Jacknon county property, realty, per toaul and rorporutlM', Is f 36,002. UM.OO, ncrordliiB to tho tax rolls for l!)12, Jimr completed by County Clerk Uardaor. Of this amount, 3'.,.0U,C!tr,.0t In assented to per gonal and realty property, uml $L (i20.I39 to holdings of corporation. The value as aimcmd wnn $30. 736, 0TI, nnd cqualUcd by tlio comity board of cquallxor at $30,R2,i:4. The total tax levied In J70C.01L ill, with n total apportionment of 29 9 mills for tho different department Tito levies, tho rati and tho amounta are: State ami county tax tit S.5 mllln, $311,030.7. School tux at 10 mllU, 1170, 0SS.47. Itoad lax at !. mllU. $73.1X0.30. Cities and towns at D.'J mill. $ltl.S07.7. According to tho tax rolls, tho levy on real estate la JacUoa county It $GIS,70G.43; porwotml properly, $109.23 1. ti3. Tho operative prop erty of corporations is umomI ai In t'Jll tho total tax In round numbers was $70.0ou, about J.v;,. 000 greater than the present Imy. For all tat payments paid up to March 1. a rebate of 3 wr rent will he made. After April I a delinquent penalty will ho added for all unpaid (jixe. Blood Bath KnocksJMieumaiism Remarkable Effects of a Rem edy That Actuully Irri gates the Entiro Blood Supply. It loundn nurrr to take lilwxt bath but tint l rcclily llm erfeet f n. int rrmnrltnble rrmtily known on H 8. 8. It hn Iho cullur nctlim of vonklnit IhrfiUKh th Inlenttnet illreclly Into Ihn Mood. In Dvo mlnutoa IU Inlliiimca 1 nt work In every nrlery, vein nnd tiny caplb lary livery membrane, every nraa of lite body, every emunclory leonie In effect u flltr lo Mrnlri tho blissl of 1m liurltlen. The (lliniilutlnu mtcrtle.i of II. H H. compel Iho nktn, liver, bowel . hlilnoyx. bliiiblcr In oil work lo llm ono end of cnitlnK out every Irritating, every lln Infllcllnir Mom of iolion. It dltloilwea by IrrlKatlou ull arcumuliitlons In the Joliitu, ilUvolves ncbl nccretlon. renders Idem neutrul und callers Ihono pcoiillar formatlone In tho nurro cenlera Ihat csuxe audi mysUfylnsf and ofte'.i buffllnx rhcumutlo ilni. And bnst of ntl, this reinarkublo rem edy la wolcomo to tho weiikrut atoma'-hi becnuae It la a paro vegetable Infusion, la taken nuturully lulu your blood junt uit pure ulr In Inhnlqd nuturally Into your lumen. , The vrcut Hwlft Ilxirnlnry lina uncnt millions of dollura la pcrfeollnif, prodac ln und plurlnK la lha hauda of tho pule lie IhU wonderful remedy. Ho xlvo your blixd a l(0(i.l bulh Willi H. H. H-, for It knock the wornt forms of ihcmnjtlam every time. You can cot It nt any druir nlnro nt Jl.ou a ImjUIc. It la a utiiadurd loinody, recotnlxol overywhero iih Iho en-Aleut blood mxclllo qvor dUcoyorcil. If yours Ih u peculiar cuo nnd you doalrn nxpert oilvc. write to The Hwlft Hpeclllo Co., 1)7 Hwlft Illdtf., Atlanta, Ua. Draperies Wc carry u very complete line of 1 rupr I i'N, men ciirlulnH, flxturon, etc., mill do ull cIuhhch of uiiliolBlerlntf. A apeclul mini to look aftor thin work cxoluelvcly und will Klvo UN Kood ncivlco n m la noHalblo lo et In even thu luritent ctllea. Wooka & McGowan Co, Physicians Endorse Vlnol Tu ricale rttrrnu.Hi ami fur I'ulino. imiy TniiiblcH Itiiii-duivii. ilclillltiitcd people IIiokc who need Mroitrttli, ur wtm mif for (ruin I'hroule loiiulm, colli ur liroueliltU imiy (lint help In llienu let tern. Dr. ('. U DieiHMi, (IohIicii. N. V . wdh: "In en noil wlmic thu cuialUc liitliienio of cod liver oil l needed I prencrllio Vlutil. which I flint to he far moru pnlatuhlo and cfflonrluiiH thiin other cod liver preparation!!. It In n worthy cod liver piopitrnlluu In which n pliyidi'liui may liavo mor coiiflileiuo." Dr. I.. U. Uoiicltollu of TliuimiHvlllc, (In . imyif "I have lined Vlitol In iu family and In my tumoral practice with the moat nntlHfai'tory ronultH. It tit oxoeoillnly boneflclnl to tliom uffllricd with tnouehlal or piiliuuuary IroublcK, and tu create attniiKth " Ur. V. N. Hand of Kvuim Mllln, N, V., Hityir "I want to nay that t have tiaoil ami pieiicrlbeil Vlnol lit no practice and It will do till )ou claim for It and more." Wo return jour money If Vlnol folia to help you. Medford I'liar inuey, Medford, Ore. Auction Sale of Acreage Tho ttmlirsli; linn (Icrltlptt to mnL.i nitillnr nnntllin trt!n it 1( tO 5 aero tract In the I'lcrco Huuitlvt ilou between the loth day ut April ami tho ir.tlt of March. Uli.,... ,,iv nl. Inal Mnrrll much lilt- prnvcmcnl Iirh lieon done. In tbla lo callty, punitive evidence, thnt tills l tho preferahVi location for bulldluK suburban hoiucn. Two nice hoiiiea and u number of llimller ouch linvo been titillt this pant nuiumer and fall. iiuiiuiUR n...i. wnlun on III Mll lint L-llllOrtlOOd 1 n now freo rural delivery now passes (hroiiKlt tho rierco muuuiiioii. ah electric imwer and IIkIH llao hits ro- xntlif li.u.n eiinRtroetuil. Willi liOOll roads, frco soil ami city water, a homo hero la a iittiu runcit in me city- l-'or particulars ami terms write mo. C. H. PIERCE HUM i:. .Main Hlrift. Mrdforil Haight Music Studio I HI S. Ijiurcl SI., .Mcilfortl, On'. Mil. I'ltl'll A l.'l IIAKJ1IT Now York riaiio and llariuouy Mh. Plorrino iillil.iy.nlt;lil London ami Now Vork Vol io (,'ullurii Phono 71103 Till: liuHliiiw miu who win Mjniro a few iiilatitcrt of bU urn., in the nbotoisraiihcr of today will pluuso bis eatlro family. Ills norlralt t.roduccd by present iliiv mvthoilH of nhotoitraphy will bo an nitroonulo surprise It's doiiu so quickly and elovoriy. Make tho appointment today. H. C. MACKEY .Main and (Vulral, .Medford, On". Schubert Symphony Club and Lady Quartette Aiodntcd liy Thomas Valontino Furcoll Blanch Fox Francos Rhinehart Will uppcar at tho NATATOKIUM Febi 20th I'lider tho aiiHplcei, of thu i. o. o. r. For Rent Wc have several up- to-date, modern 5 and 6 room Bungalows MEDFORD REALTY AND IMPROVEMENT CO. M. F. & n. Co. Bldg. 00 TONIGHT .M-v-l--f ' I ISIS THEATRE i: VAIIIIIVII.Iil) ;; 'in i ; in smi w nt o :: t iVattiiliiK ItusKiau tlliiitlui; und ', Ihiuiliw and .MiinIc ;; I'lioio i'Iiijn 'I'odny ;; Till! IIIIWIHtV Of OOltA vihi:miii: .tioaii imiik .. ami mo Titt:i:s ov :; c.M.inntMA ;; tiiiii:k iiiii:mim '' now tiii:v oot Tiii'5 'eti: :: I'oiiiIuk 'I'omoiniw ' I'llli I.AMT I'lIltrett.MANCi: ;; III Two Iteols !! l'ATiiiw wi:i:uiiV no. i ;; M-MH-'f"M-'M"M- STAR THEATRE The Hafest tilnro to rii I'lrciiroof, modem and up-to-date In overy re spect. TOO.VV AM 'niMOItltOW ONLY Tbc .M)li'ilnu and Powerfully Out- tlniliiK IViilitn tiii: vi:mii:.nci: ok ixivit PortraylUK a diabolism demoniac opcrntltiK thnuiKh a mortality mani fold. Death and disaster that oxer take tho Inheritors of Iho curso. The maloudout no of a iIuiuiiIuk dolly which upon lis iiirecr uf cruelty closes ueer. In 'Ihn'c IteoN 'Ihrc 'lltoinnliil IVrt Itrvldcx 10(10 feci of ItUltllliK hhI, Itlli.fraiMuK I'uiiiiy KHm AliWAYS A noon SONO Wc are moIiik t brlitK II to Med ford Will lot you In uu It soon. It's a poach. Matinees Dnlly, 3 to C p. m. ADMISSION, fie AND lOo UGO THEATRE I'lider civ .MniiMKcincnt A ItOK.II ItlOK WITH MlllOtll.V. rmtiM: A story of oil fluids and explosives. Oao of the most dramatic and really lutorortlitK films iiiado. A MO lllltlt'K STIlATItOV liriima-l.ubln tin: nt!..MNJ awav ok nonm lloros u liranm Willi a "Puiiolt" Till! l'IUKI OI'I'llltlNO Coined) Kllm wlih a Pimchy llusoball HldellKhl Music Kndor the Dlrcotlun of Mm. Woolworth, AK.MISHION' .1 ntiil !. E. D. Weston Official Photographor of tho Medford Commercial Club Amateur Finishing Post Cards Pnnornniiu AVorlc Portraits Interior and oxturior viowa Plash lights Negatives made anv timo and any place l)y appoint ment. 208 E. Main Phono 1471 PLUMBING Stoam and Hot Wator Heating All Work (limninKod l'rlvi'S Ittimuniililu COFFEEN & PRICE as Howard nioolr. Uiitrinicn on 0th HI. Home I'lion 310, Clark & Wright LAWYERS WABIIINHTON, I), O. Public I.niul Mutteru: Final Proof. Denort Lands, Content ami Mining 1 Uftiv. Strip. WHERE TO v v