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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1913)
"' -Spl., ,ffOv c? , a Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Hliouet MIh H( May. H I'rrclplUtten, .fil. 'nrtjr.eonil Tfr. bally Hevrttlh rr. MEDFORD, OREGON, MONDAY, FEIJRlTARY 17, 191.1. NO. 281. FAMOUS MEXICAN PALACE BESIEGED BY REVOLUTIONISTS AND PROMINENT MEN TALKED OF AS PROVISIONAL PRESIDENT TURKS KILLED WAR RESUMED IN BO CITY CHIEF OF YOUNG CASH REGISTER ! MAKERS JAILED UD RETAIN ma mm Strict Crnscrslili Keeps News From Dclnn Received Americans Flee (or Reluiie Diaz Rebels Capture Monterey, Nctivo Laredo, etc. VF.UA mV'A, Mexico, Feb. 17. Fighting wan resumed in Mexico City nt iiintii today nnd preparations lire being pushed hem to cam for bun itn'ilri of Americans who nn fleeing for (vfiiuc As a ictull if llio Miict c'tMirship lin details are being received. Prief dlspiilehea indicate t lint iln iNi-niiti:" of tin1 rtiinbnliiiil iiic in i'Iiiiim'. il, unit Iliiil I tin r Iimm resumed hi buniliiird Hii'iit nf the palace. WASHINGTON. IVIi. 17.- Presi dent Titft'H formal noli in reply In MihIito'm protrHt uguiint Intervention whs published hern lodnv. "Fresh tiMMiniiK'iwt," il wild, "of llio frtotiU1iIi of tht United Slate fur Mexico are not necessary after two vrnini of iiitiiif, patience nuil ! will." Tim pole dill not mention Inter iMilirni nml illil not Hnv Hint Him United Stale gnwrninenl wu roil dderlng such a Mep, Later dispatches from Ambassador Wllwui I'liuriniiril ri'tHirlM tlmt Ilia Mln. rebel captured Mnnlercv ami Xiwvn teredo, and Hint tliov conlnti the l.nrcdo linn of the Xntlnnnl rail way. ' Consul Holland nt Snllilln rrtnrl Hint l-l bridges between Haltillo and Monterey haw Icon hunted, and Hint all wire between these two points nrt down. Consul Fdtvnrds at .lnntrr say llint border ncwspniier are exciting Mfiicnit hv claiming tlmt American inlxni'iitiioi in rrilnm. Other eon mil rrport (he enuntrv quiet with tin unlive fulfill v nwaltlnir Ho oi."in of the struggle lictwrcn Mudcro and Din-. Feeling against Anient an I snid to ln troiigc'it nt Acnpnlrn and Mint winillo. WASHINGTON. Feb. 17. Secrc tnrv Knox Issued thin nftcrnnoii a Mutcmcnt to the effect that telegrams from various cniiNiihito indicate the circulation from Mexico Cilv of stnr iiH which hnvn resulted "in iiinwtr runted iiitiinntioiiH to the Mexican public that mililiirv ititcncutinii al irmly Inn! begun." He added that the Male department lum tolcginphed all American consuls in Mexico to mnke it clear that tin' policy of Hid United SIiiIch Ik unchanged. Proof that Madero falsely re ported that Dinx violated tho lernm of yes lonlay'ij nnnislico was furnished lli Hindi dcpartniPiil thin afti'moon hv AiiihnKsndor Wilnon. WIIhoii iiR4crltd Hint Madcro violated tho Irnco hv I'MtnldlHlitni; fpilornl troops In new pn-dlioiiH, londini; sewer npproaehes In tho nrnpnnli whero Dinr,' forces nro hlationed, with dynamite nnd hv inonntitiK onnnon on the tops of IniildiiiKH. Wilxon Knid Dinz mnde three chiirueH naiiiHt Mitdero, and that InvpiiliRnllon proved they were coriecl. OFF VERA CRUZ WASHINGTON, l-'eh. 17.-Tho ar rival of (ho United Stolen lmttlt'Hliin Nehranlcu and Vunnont at Vera Cniu, Jfexioo, wuh reported In a wireless dibpateli received this afternoon at the navy depnrlmont, Tho two dread nniiKhlg carry nn expeditionary force of neaily 'J,000 men, minmi'iitinK the inimher of hlnejaekulH and umrlncH at Vera CniR to nearly 11,01)0. i. iii ii i -1 i - i - ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION REPORTED BY SENATE WASHINGTON, Feh. 17. Koeom mondalion of the fodural incorpora tion of u $100,000,000 Kockofulter foundation wuh iniido hy a Kennte comtnilU'o today, Tho recommenda tion wmh ideiitieiil with one made hy (i t'ommittoe of tho house. -- MADERO BROKE FAITH WITH AZ Enver Dey Said to Have Been Slain by Dl.ortinlleil Soldier Boundary Dispute Breaks Out Anew Between Roumanla nnd Buluarla, IM.IIMS', IVh. 17. Tho death of I'.iiver Hey h ieiorled in an iineon firined illHpateh reerived here tonight fiom Ciiimtaiilinople. '.ner Hay wii Htahhed late liihl nlylit by a ill"Knin lli'il Kolilier uhllo lcaini; the lilllliili'M harem. fONSTANTINOI'l.i:. I'eh. 17.- It wan said liere today that Knver Hey wan MaMied hy a diMKrnnlled Mihlier ax he mm It'll vine the Imnin. It wnx li'iirnril lodav that Grand Virier Hhefl;et 1'anlin i romlneed that TU Unv ni"Nt end the war, ern if it ha to he done on hnniiliatinK teiiioi. The lintlou'i. In-iiHiiry in emp ty. llDiinilarjr lU-pnltt Ann In PARIS, IVh. 17. Government of ficials and diplomat hrre today weiv ailmiltedlv alartiiPi! oer the Mmined relations hetneen Ittiumania and Hid l!ii nil resulting fiom their honntlary ilUpnle and Itomaania's demand for a imrtition of Silislrla. Dnrinir the progress of the confer enees at londou jictucen the Turkish and llnlknii iveaee enoys it was re srled that the differeneen hcturcn llio two nations hnd heen ndjiisted. hut the hitnatiou todny is said to he more crave than at anv time since Roumania first oieed her demands. Itutftln vs. Autlrlii HKIII.IN', Fell. 17. Serious inter national complications, ixissihly en dmiKerini; the jtenee of F.uroe, are helhrl hem lodaV to he almost eer tain to follow KiWkiu's stiff reply to n conciliatory note seat hy F.inwror Fran .lonef f Austin. In its reply, llnssla cnHly declared that Austria's actions toward the slavs in neiKhhorinc states had forced llnssia to maintain her reservists on a war footing. It was also indicnted that so lum; as Austria menaced her iieii;hlnirs, Russia would feel required to he prepairtl for anv emergency. CONGRESS ASKS TAFT WASHINGTON, Feh. 17.-Direct int tint president to transmit to cou Kresn nil the information in his pot session rcnnrdlii the Mexican nitun lion "which is not incompatible with the pnblio interests," a desolution de signed In inform conj-ress fully re (nrdliij: the Mexican crisis, was Intro duced today in both houses by Senn tor Ashurst of Arir.ona nnd CoitRresfi man Aycw of New York. i - r I ROUMANIA ON VERGE OF BREAK WITH BULGARIA VIKNNA, JVh. 17.- Dispalches lo niKlit from Sofia and llucharest it port that representatives of (lie pow eni ant doinc ovcrylhiiu possihlo to prevent n lireak between Roiimauin nml HulKaiia. It was slated that both countries are on tho verso of severing relnllons. WESTS PRISON RAMiM, Or., Feb. 17.Compltto Indorsement of Governor West's pri koii policy In every important respect will bo contained in the report now in preparation of tho joint house and senate committee appointed early in tho sossioii to investigate tho peniten tiary. Tills report probably will he luudo tomorrow. Tho reixirt will say thai tho parole syslom carried out hy tho governor linn proved thoroughly satisfactory. Tho report may oven go further nnd recommend Hint tho parole policy In) prnoliecd to oven greater extent. In lis visit o tho ponilenlinry, tho eommitteo investigated with great thoroughness. Two meals were eaten witli Hit) prisoners, Hint tho kind of food Horvcd might bo tried. Then n monitor of ho committee roso nnd announced Hint any prisoner who hud a omnplnlut might fool himself free to oowo before tho committee, yyBjBTWyV111" ' - - w iiiiii.M i wJ o " Sn.urm s-. Vjirnno rriA nAtmt.Ai njxt a urnr ""itv Tin; nlsire pliolojcrsph showp Hie .Siilluiial Taloee. Mexico City, wli.cli I l-ii ecil j Itie triwp audrr (inral t'lur Hmnr Ism fralirlnco lr Iji I'.arrn nnd Kinlllaiin Zapata tin- wn of the most pruiulufiit men run urcteil willi the fettiliillon llulb art) blin: tnlktd of a a tsiH-ltde Pruvlilnnal I'rrsldrtit NEW SIAFF FOR SAN FUANC'IKf'O, Fib. 17. -A complete new administrative staff in San Frnneiscu for the Southern Pa- .... .,.v """' .. eiHc and new officials from president down, together with actual competi Hon between the Southern Pacifi- and the Union Pacific and Central, PaeiGo combined. ' These are some of the results which . ...:n ...i.ii I. .r. n rH"Hr tl"ft r lUllliniiih iiiv nn rit of the Hartimau lines in the wet in pursuance with tho recent United Stales supremo court decision, nc rnrdiiti to Robert S. Ltnett, chair man of the Union Paellic board of directors who nrrhed here today with William Sproule, president of the Southern Pacific. The object of the isil U In apjear before the railmad eomn.ission for examination rrunnlinir tho plan of dissolution which has been evolved hy the corporation. ATTEMPT TO KIDNAP CHICKEN SUFFRAGETTE PIIII.ADKI.IMIIA, Feb. 17- Frus tratliiK a plot by University of Penn sylvania students to kldnnp a 'chick en suffragette" from tho band marchlpK from New York to Wash ington whllo tho "army" Is In this city, tho potlco saw to It that tho baud departed Intact today. It was necessary, however, for a platoon of police to accompany tho "hikers" to tho outskirts. Twelve "regulars'' made up the army arriving hero, and It was Joined by six Philadelphia recruits. A drum corps accompanied tho marchers out of Philadelphia, Tho army will "capture" Chester. Pa., tonight. FATALLY BURNED TRYING TO SAVE CASH REGISTER IIOUI.TON, Or., Feb. 17 Herman HcitHcl was probably fatally burned today in ntlemptinc to remove the ensh register from his burning hak ery. Tho building was destroyed with n loss of $:i,ooo. POLICY ENDORSED Nearly sixty prisoners responded. For tho most part, the complaints were over minor matters. A pathetic feature, however, was that almost every ono of these men pleaded wilji tho eommitteo to tako some notion to mako it possible- for them to got hoeka and underwear. Some wear only old rags for un derclothes that they had not changed for months except to wash, whilo others had more remnanlH of worn out Hooks on their feet and they begged for relief. Only those whoso friends helped them, tlioy snid, wow provided in this respect. Tho oommitton will recommend an nppropvinilon to provide Iho convicts with noeded socks nnd underwear. Tho joint eommitteo consists of" T.owelliug, chairman; Smith nnd l.niighliu of tho house, nml Senators JIolia and (tngiidalv. SOUTHERN PAGFC DLABAftRA 'NEUUME POLICY WAHIIINOTON. IVIi. 17. Fnleas comtnunlratlon between Mexlro City and Washington la kevered or for- I ..I....... ... I,l .1,..-.. .....). .. '"- -- ':"..,, . a. . "" ' ' ""' . 8t w coi.Ubuj to m.lntnln lu 'hand, JW ,"Mcx,; , ,, , wu th,e , ' 1,"WB Ta nn'cr oy to the apiil of i rresmeni jiaoero wiai una Rorcrn meat do not lutvrfere. Madero IHilntcd out Hint the landing of nn expeditionary force nt Vera Cruz would he purpoiely mUconBtrued by Mexicans nnd probably would In (tamo the poputore to n general up rlfllnr; aKatnjt'tAmerlcana aud othorT (orelcner. Tho Vermont nnd Nebraika are up ni "n ,-rui "" " ni moriinuveiy iiaica louay inai uuui Preiluent Madero a appeal was re ceived, President Taft Intended to laud marines at the Mexican sea port. VEILED THREAT SENT BY TAFT VA8IIINOTON. Feb. 17 An ul timatum carrying n veiled threat Is tho construction placed by diplomats here today on President Taft'a au swer to the appeal of President Ma dero of Mexico that the United States maintain Its policy of "hands off with regard to tho southern republic. Tho last sentenco practically com mands Madero Immediately to ame liorate conditions in Iho Medcan cnpltal and the fact that tho note con talus no promise not to send troops across tho border Is regarded hero as highly significant. "Your excellency Is somewhat nils Informed as to tho policy of the United States toward Mexico, which has been uniform for tw.o years, and as to naval movements and other measures thus far taken, which are measures of natural precaution," MADERQ'S CATTLE TO EI PASO, Feb. 17. Cavalry from the federal garrison at Juarcx was sent to the hills early today to op pose tho progress of General Salazar, tho rebel commander. All cattle owned In Chihuahua by the Madcro family, nearly a million head, aro being driven to tho bor der today. This Is considered sig nificant, and Is believed to mean that President Madero has sont word to his relatives to prepare for tho worst. Alberto Madoro, the presldcdnt's brother and his family are prepared to leave on a moment's uotlco. NAVAL SURGEONS ORDERED TO REPORT FOR DUTY WASHINGTON, Feb. 17.. Indicat ing further fleet movements the navy department today ordered nil passed assistant surgeons of tho uavitl med ical corps to return to duty. FOR UNCLE AM SENATE REFUSES HOUSE MEASURES S A I.I'M, Or., Feb. 17. lust to 'ally dismissed Kdgeter after It had show that it means husiuees and does! already sentenced him to three not intend io rveche bills from the' house passed after la.t Saturday un less they are of real importance, the senate today adopted a motion re affirming its stand and notifying the house members that the senate will stand by its units. With about -00 house hills yet tin considered in the hou.e, the orguni ra tion lenders have been proceeding nn the theory of staying over one more week and forcing the senate to con sider all Hi tie bills by holding back some of the more imiortnnt matters lo thelnst. "" -- ' - All Hie M'linte did aside from read ing a pile of house bilk the first and second time was to debate nnd finally adopt the motion notifying the house that it intends to adhere to its resolu tion of Inst Satnrdnv. FRI TO GET THAT MILLION NKW YOllK. Teh. 17 Dr. Frederick Kranx Prledmann of Mer lin, discovered of nn alleged cure for tuberculosis, started for Mremen to night and will sail tomorrow for New York. Frledmann Is coming to New York to accept tho offer mado by Charles K. Klnley, a millionaire bank er of $1,000,000 It his cure proves efficient In 95 cases out of 100 tub erculosis Buff srers who are to submit themselves to treatment. BODIES LITTER STREET CITY OF MEXICO .MEXICO CITY. Feb. 17. Although scores of corpses were incinerated during yesterday's armistice in the civil war, tho streets about tho nat ional italace still aro littered with dead bodies. No estimate of the number 6lnin in yesterday's fighting was obtainable. WASHINGTON, Feb. 17. Five years of guerilla warfare, extending into the mountain fastnesses of Mex ico with an American army of up wards of 250,000 necessary, is what intervention in Mexico means to the United States, according to n state, went of Frederick h. Huidekopor, noted military export, in an interview with the United Press correspondent. Declaring Hint tho United States, to maintain tho Monroe doctrine, is nn swernblo for all violations of tho code of iuteriiatioiial Inw in Mexico, Huide koper ""leclnred ho foresees iir inter vention n condition nualagous to that which faced this county in Iho Phil ippines, only ho would ho "in finitely worso." "Tho hatred of the Latin for tho Anglo-Saxon is intense in Mexico," ho said, "And intervention by this country in any form would mean tho welding of all antngonistia forces ngniust quo common enemy. Tho INTERVENTION MEANS GUERILA WAR Penitentiary and Heavy Fines for Patterson and Associates for Con spiracy In Restraint of Trade Business Methods Grilled by Court CINCINNATI. Ohio, Feb. J 7 One fear In tlio penitentiary and a f S000 flno was the ient'nce Impoted hero today on John II. Patterson, presi dent of tho National Cash Ileglatcr company convicted vlth other off! clal- of tho company of bavins; vio lated tho Sherman natl-tritst law. Iteforo'ientenclaK Patterson, Judge llolllater scathingly arraigned the buslnesa methods of the National Cash Register company. Patterson wa sentenced to serve one year In the Troy, Ohio, Jail, and correspondingly heavy sentences were given twenty-seven other defendants. Only one of the defendants, Geo. j JJdgeter. the company's secretary, es caped, lie pleaded thai tils only connection with the concern was to look after Its Insurance and taxes, and that he had nothing to do with the actual manufacture or salo of Its stock. On this tilea. the court fin months In the Troy Jail. Patterson's bond was flted at J10, 000. and the bonds of the other twenty-seven convicted men were fixed at 5000 ech pending an ap peal. ONLY HUNDRED MEN HAIL GOMEZ CHIEF FJ. PASO, Feb. 37. Official dis patches from President Madero to loyal governors were sent out from Mexico City today. The governor of Chihuahua was informed that the federal troops arc holding their own nnd that the end of the Diaz revolt seems near. Less than 100 soldiers arc support ing General F.milio Vastpiez Gomer, who declared himself Saturday pro visionnl president of Mexico. Ho i enennied nt Pnlous, Chihuahua. Anti-American sentiment through out the interior of Mexico is rciorted intensified today and hundreds of Americans nre flocking to the border. SEASON IN VALLEY That things will open up with re nowed energy and that there will bo a marked Improvement In real es tate dealings and in all lines In Jack son county this spring U tho predic tion of II. O. Dun & Co. In their trado review for February. For tho past three months, tho review states conditions havo been improving af ter a quiet year. Tho review states that there are 65,000 ncres devoted to apples, pears, peaches and small fruits and that 1500 acres are in bearing, with 3000 acres additional being In tho Initial state. United Stnlos would tnko on her bhouhlers a 11 enormous task, that of subduing n country whero tho lines of communication exist only in tlto settled parts. Uttidekoper says the United States has at present barely ammunition for ono great battle. "In effect," ho snid, "the rather nebulous provisions of tho Monroe doctrine establish a protectorate by this country over all American repub lics. Foreign nations seeking redreas for violence against their subjects must look to this country becnuso in the Monroe doctrino wo havo said Hint no foreign nation shall laud troops upon American soil or acquire any hold on this continent. "Should the state of anarchy in Mexico continue, we must tuko somo deoisivo notion but whether it should ho by a show of power or by aotunl nrmod intervention I am not, of course, prepared to state,." Special City Council Comnlilee Praises flttnyard ami SaysHe Fol lowed Market Committee Instructions. Unless the onlinnnee creating Hie public market nnd outlining its func tion is unconstitutional or routrndirj lory to the cily charter. Mayor F.iferl wotihf be exceeding his authority in removing Market Master Itiiiiynrd, necording to a finding of the commit tee which rfns been studying the onl innnee nml the record of the market for the past year. The ordinance de clares that the city council shall ap point the market master nnd taken the appointive power, in Him instance away from the chief executive. Afler exhaustively examining the work of Market Master E. J. Runynrd for the past year, the eommitteo nt three appointed somo time ago by Mayor FJfert has reached tho conclu sion that Mr. Runynrd should he re tained. The committee hna found that some nf the rules of tho onlin nnee have not been strictly lived lip to hut it also found that the deviations from the letter of the law have been made by tho sanction of the market committee. The first year of the public market has been found to be an unqualified 8iicces. It was a year of experimen tation and a time to tet out the ord inance nnd to improve upon it where cver necessary for the betterment of the institution. To blame the market master for, following change sug gested by lite mnrkct committee, tho committee finds, is not fair lo Mr. Runyanl. The commitlee'n report will he pre sented to the council Tuedny even ing. Cnnneilmen Millar, Campbell, nnd Summen-illWrip- the com mitter. UNIFORM SALARY BILL PASSES LOWER HOUSE SALKM. Feb. 17. Governor West's uniform salary bill has passed the bouse 3t to 13. Among thoso speaking In favor of tho bill and urging its passago were Latourctto ot Multnomah and Carkln ot Jackson. All ot tho Jackson county membora voted for It. Tho county attorney bill also passed tho house by a decisive vote. It provides the same salary for Judge Kelly that ho Is now getting, and gives practically tho samo salary to tho county attorney In Josephluo county that Is now received by tho deputy under Mr. Kelly, The bill as first proposed provided that the pres ent Incumbents should only hold of fice until tho next genoral electien: this would legislate Judge Kelly out of offlco before tho end of his term and was strenuously opposed by Car kln and Mcamcs ot Jackson. NEW YORK, Feb. 17. Reading, Union Pacific and Steel broke two points In the stock market today, following reports of J, P. Morgan's illness. Several other standard dropped a point. The reports caused a deluge ot selling but the market later recovered somewhat, Foreign houses were the most active sellers, especially of Stool, Canadian Pacific, Reading and Union Pacific. The threatened flromon's strike caused somo short selling by the boars. Tho market closed strong. Bonds were heavy. University Appropriations Pass. SALEM, Ore., Feb. 17. With not more than 13 dissenting voices against auy ot them, flye appropria tion, bills providing a total of $317, S33.75 for tho maintenance of the University ot Oregon and the con struction ot noeded new buildings were paSBod by the house today, Theso wore the first appropriation bills for tho maintenance ot state In stitutions that have been considered by the house and the first appropria tion bills ot any kind to be tukn up, with tho exception of the $50,000 Uea Chutes survey and the $806,000 appropriation for th Columbia Southern project. r. 'l isW-