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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1913)
- t - .- ii I - MMr rv , yw tt W -l . 4 t V 'UflHIIMIWMMMM'Mr - V .., . r I r rrtlHxirifO' pttMltntllr v v- ir irsi C? I 5W l. .- I A li"ff ' Fortunately j li ! . , - - - - - r Ycki tv,v mcam tv. TU c YOU M'Gci'r TMrvr "vT VOii MMi Tuu. UN. .... "IllaMIPX, COURT HOUSE NEWS Marring" ,l('im J. T, Hiillcv mill Mary William. I'. S, Hilling mill IMiiu Mnillcy. Probata liMnlo or Snnili A. Amlcritnti, 1c rriiKCil, IVIItlnti for letters of nil iirinUtinllmt. lvlntt of Wliilcninli licil, ifeeen-i-il. Will filed, order upoliitltig nil mliilxlriilnr willi will itniieted. In iintnry fili'il. Ifolulit of Oliver McKeovor, de-r-rnicil, order appointing uilmiiiUtru lor mul iiiirnUira, Circuit Court I'olcr VmnliT Hlui mul F Hrowii, ro.Hilnui' ii, Xnlcul Mrronnlilo roniinuy v. I.rnom I!. Hiiry mul II. P. Wiiry, milt to forri'liMr iiiortKnyc. Clinrlrii II. HnIiy timl Hcnricltn Ho-!' v. Jn. Thornton et ill., null to ttiM llili1, NVIIIf Pnrinmi v. Jan. A. Pnniimi, Milt for ilUorrr. IhiiImiI SVff ami Porr J. N'off vk. Joti'lililnn P. Porlrr mnj V II. Porter, nrlton for iluiiiiiKen, Mmi .Viiljoiml Hunk of Mcilfonl a. I). I,. ICeller, nelloii to rerover money. Med fon I McrrluinU Ah'n vh. V. P. Ituti nml Mnry A. Itiiu. Aetlun to reeowr liuinuv. t .Stale of Orepm n. Chun. Crotirli, trml.erit rrtlm jimtico court, Ah liuiil ilUlriit. DOG CATCHER AFTER FIDO NEXT WEDNESDAY II. J. Ayrilott, 4A fourth Direct, lm lieeti'njifiolntcil ilop catcher by Mnor liltert nml will collect llcoimus mul irort'0il to renew old Uremic. Prom 10 to 4 ho will ho nt tho re corder'H offlco weokilayn. Mr. Ayd lotl Intemln to enforce the ordluniicu Ntrlctly nml miy run I lies without tho pnir credctitluU will bo iroiiiptly luuircnriitcil mul If not clalmcil. cre mated. Tho doc cntchur will hcetn hi iictlvltlea WeilneHilny, two Any a' notlco helm; Riven to owner to pit their Hcoiihch If they wnnt to kcoji thnlr iiotn. Midfonl , '0d Toth. Modfonl I n mighty good town, worthy of tho hot o( uvorythlnK. That' why wo hava Joined thn Amnr Icmi DriiK ami I'res aioclatlon and offer to our fcoplo tho Merltol lino of Kood, Kuarontecd In very way, with lirennratloni, nindo by tho niHocln Hon mid nold only throiinh It mow hr. llioro U nothing llt;o thoo Koodi, Kimrnnteod In ovury wny, with out nn equals maOo by expert. Wo want Modtord pooplo to hnvo tho heat tlirro I. bo wo offor ou thl lino, Axk to peo Morltol good at llaakliiH l)ru Storo. TO rAIt.MICIt.S ANH OHfllAItDISTfl. Cultlvato your land with a Motor Traqtnr, It will, lay Tqr Ituclf In tho cavlnR of horo food and hired help. Vnlley Motor & Tractor Co., Vnlloy (laraito, Mcdford. nutku:. I will recolvo nonlod hldH tor n stock of uiorchundlHo, locntod at 201 KiiHt Mnln vtreot In tho city of Anh land, Oregon, couIhIIhi nioutly of n utnek of mlllluory kooAa of tho In ventory vuliio at 9SI28.R0 nml fix ture of tho inventory value of 1271.00, up to 13 o'clock noon of Thursday, Kohnmry 0th, 101.1. Turnm rtiHh mul n cuah dopottlt of ton per cunt tuiiHt accompany ouch offor. UlHlit In rcuorvod to rojoct any and ull bid. Inventory may bo uuou nt my offlco In Modfonl, OroKon and tho property may bo luupoctod on tho proml8o8. Dutod nt Mcdtord, Orceon, Jan unry 2Cth, 1913. WIM-IAM UliUIOII, 207 Tnmtoo. NOflOK. Don't mlHH tho polo mimo on bIuUoh WoduuHdny ovoulnc, Jan. 20th. for Jeff He Had ! I L VOU iPNT VJCU,VW KNOtJ UCtl FOli TM6V Tip KlCM ON tilfeSe, XGW ZlJl" t JkttK. ! lll'CNV ... .. "Kw- ''OK Wi LUMIH ANOTirKO TMO VMITCK tft HoinethliiK now nml liitorcitliii;. A IniiKh from nlart to fltileh. BkutliiR Imforn nml nftcr tho Katnc Under tho iiinnnKuuioiit of W, J. Tanner. emn.VANdi: so. tx,. An ordinance creatine tho offlco ami ilcflnliiK tho dtillea of the KIcp Irlcal Iiipictor of tho city of Med ford, Ori'iioii nml. to rcKiiliito electric wIiIiik In or on htilldltiKH, nwnliiK and addltlonH to uny hulldlnR within the limit -of tho rlty of Medford ami provlilliiK penalty for non-romptlnnce. Tho city of Meilford doth ordain nn follow' llectlou 1, Tim offlro of niertrl col ItiRpertnr of tho city of Medford I hereby created. Hoc. 2. It iihnll bo unlawful for any iwrMin, or roii, firm or ror (.oration to lutrixliico any electric IlKlitliiK, lipnlliiK, or power wire, cir cuit or rlrcult. nppnratu In or on any ImiIMIiii:. or nwnlmr. utructuro or nildltlon threof, within tho corporate limit of tho city of Medford iinle tho came nhall ho In conformity with thn rule and reculatlou not forth In what I known a tho National Klerlrlcal Code, belntt rule mid re (Itilroutent for thn liutnllntlon of electrical ulrliiR and appartu for electric Unlit, heat and power, n mo name aro now cimuiiiiii'ii, w Kether with any nmnndinent and ebatiKe mado from time to time, nro hVreby adopted and approved. Uo foro any uch electric wiring shall bo lomnieiiruil In or on any buHdlni;. nwnltiK. utructiiro or addition there to n written permit muxt bo ob tained from tho i:iretrlcnl Inspector of nald rlty, authorlilitK thn person or person, firm or corporation, therein nnnieil to do and perforin tho said electric wlrlni; and dcslxnato the location where tho same I to In performoil. No such electric wlrlni; fthnll be rommenced o aroresnlil, un til such penult hna been obtained 8ec. 3. After nny eloctrle wlrlni? shnll Imvo been completed In or on any hulldlnR. iiwiiIiir, structiiro or nildltlon thureto. for which n permit tin Imhui IkSUud. tho person or per son, firm or corporation who per formed the same must Immediately notify tho Klectrlcnl Inspector, of tho completion or thn work, mid uiukI keep said work open for Inspection by said Ulectrlcnl Ituperlor to In spect tho same, and until ho shall Imvti examined all electrical work In stalled nnd approved tho same, mid luued a certificate of such Inspec tion. It ohall bo the duty of tho Klectrlcal Inspector nion -rccvlvlng said notlco to Inspect suld electric wlrlnR. and If tho sumo hn been per formed In accordance with the rules mid regulation a set forth In the National Kloctrlcal Code, a herein .I iinfurn nuiutlniied. ho must Issue a cortlflcato to audi effect, and do ilvu.. thn anniA tn the Hereon, or lier- Hons, firm or corporation havliiK dono said wlrlnR. but If not performed In accordance with tho said rules and roqulromput. ho shall withhold such cortlflcato until all dofect nro rome died. See. i. Tho Kloctrlcal Inspector hall have tho rlnhi to enter into all bulldlni; whoro olectrlc curront wiro exist for tho purpoau of InspcctliiR tho nnmo. 8c. 5. Tho Bald Klcctrlcal In sitector In hereby empowered to In spect or relnspect nil wlrlns In or on biilldliiRH nnd npparntu conductlnK electric current for light, boat nnd power, nnd when said conductors; or apiurlu aro found to bo uiuuio to life or property ho shall notify tho person, or persons, firm or coipora Hon, uhIiir or opomtlnit them to place tho Biimo In n safo and aecuro condi tion wlUiln forty-elBht (48) hour. Anv imi-Hnnn nr luirnorallon fallllllt or rofusliiR to rgpnlr, rlmtiRo or rontove smiie within forty-eight (4H) hours, or within mien runner iiuio oh m i.iiniripni inuiiortor ilnnniH necessary. ,. ft..,, fimiiliii nt mir.h notice, shull 1)0 Hiibject to tho penalty hurolunftor pro- vlileii. Hoc. G. All Installation, ml chaiiROH, nltornt'ona, extension or ro pnlrri mado In electric liiBtnllntlona In uiniioii omvloiin to tho mlontion of thin oidlnuuco Hlmll bn dono In ac- cordanco with tho iioreinnororo meiix tinned ruleH of tho nftfd National Klectiical Codo. Sue, 7, Any person or poraomi, firm nr- riii'imratloil. Willi Rhnll Vlo- i..i,. nnv f i in iii'iivIhIooh of thla or dinandi Bhnll bo doomed KHty ot n mlBdPiueiinor mm upon ioiivuhuui thereof hoforo tho mayor' court, olmll Im mnilnlind In u film of not Ot- cecdliiK Klfty Dollnra (r.0.00) or by ImprlKonment in tno city jau or flieu ford, Oregon, not oxcoodlng twenty flvn dio'B. or both flno and lmpilson- immt. Hoc. 8. All ordinance or pnrlB of ordlunnroB In conflict horowlth nro hereby rnpouled, Boc. l. Thla ordlnnncrt being deemed of Immediate Importauco and nuPOBHlty Bhnll ho In full forco nnd or foct nftor Ita final pnBsago by tho rlty council ot tho city of Modfovd, Ore fEDFOTZD arXTTJ TRTBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, TUESDAY, at Least a Beer . .h U-; HOW UJM.H? gon and it approval by thn urn) or. Tho foregoing ordinance wn passed by tho city council of tho city of Medford, OrcKon. on tho 21st day of January. A. I), 1913, hy thn fol lowing vole: Mitchell) nhtent: Porter, aye; Htowurt. aye; Camplmll, njo; Millar, nye. mid HuiiimervUlo, nye. Approved Janunry 22, 191.1. W. W. ISIPKKT, Attest: Mayor. K. T. J'OBH, City Itecorder 1'OIt 1IK.NT IIOUHKKKKI'l.NO HOOMH KOH IlKST Light houBckcoplnR rooms, chemi. 326 South ivy ' 5U0 I'OH Jtn.NT MOir.HKH I'OIt ItKNT Seven room house, IT,. Modern npnnnipnts, 120; corner Oakdale and 11th. I'houo Col II. II. Hargeut. 2SU l'OIl HK.NT Modern S room fur nished hotiso. Call at CO North Orange, KOIt ItKNT G room raooern bun galow, practically new. Medford Itcatty ft Improvement Co. I'OH ItKNT Furnished house, close In, M. A. Itadcr, M. V. & II. Co. KOIt ItKNT Ono six room house clono In. Also" houiokooplng rooms, electric lights gas, bath, otc No. 310 N. UarlUtt. KOIt ItKNT Modern flvo room bungalow, io:c West 10th. 204 KOIt ItKNT S room modern fur nished bungalow. Inqulro 203 V. A V. Hank Hide, phono 128-K. 2CC lOlt KKXT rUltMSIIKI) AITS. FOU ItKNT Smith Apt. 2 17 8. Ili FOR ItKNT FvrBlihed apartmont new. private bath, hot water heat. Tho Herbert Apartmont, 10 Qutnco BL, cornerWost Main. FOK ItKNT OFMCFJ4 FOIt KENT targe, comfortablo of flco rooms, with elevator service, steam heat, hot and cold wnter. Low rate. Apply Medford Furul turo &. lldw. Co. FOIt KKN1 3 office connected ovor Kldd's Shoo Btoro, Low ront. Term. A. C Taylor, It. It. No. 2, Medford, or Clark's Itealty of flco. 283 NEW TODAY Hea la n bargain In 40 ncrcs ot tho best of soil, free Vator right, new largo bungalow, largo barn, and over a thousand dollars worth ot Mock, tool and crop. All land la garden land. (9000.00 Is taken soon, I own n rauch near lluch, with a good field In wheat last year, An aero ot Irrigated garden, nnd much moro uvallablc. Fair house nnd barn nnd good chlckon house. This will mako somo ono a good mountain homo, mid I will rent It for thn season of 1913. Will give good term. Lint your bargains, I hava tho buyors. C. D. HOON Uom t'J. Jackson Countv Hank Itltlsr. SOMETHING Worth While A bargain. Lot 50x139, ouo-hult block from paved atroot. l'rlco $12G. Ono of tho finest roaldonco lota on Houth Onkdalo, east front, bIjo 8Gx 12S. l'rlco, J14B.0, temiB. Iluslucba lot with n future, Just rlpo for ImprovemoutB, no othor lot In Medfoid can boat It. Invcbtlgatu thin. For tout, modern houso, 0 rooms and sleeping porch, garage, woll lo cated, 2G. 0 room modern houso on Park avenue, J l(l.r0. 8 room modem Iioubo on Park ave nue. $27. no, Abpvu hoiiBca water paid. $6000 or moro to loan on real es tate. Bennett Investment Co. 1 -V --s THE MO AC I I .'1 t ' HOW fSAit) THE, MUCH f ujtun wi f?.5o c thf waiter. 2.SO FOIt ItKNT FUIt.iBlli: ltOOMS KOH IIBNT Modorn furnished room at tho Cottage, C04 West 10th at., two blocks south Medford liotol. Hot and cold water in rooms. Mrs. II. M. Cons. 274 FOIt ItKNT Largo sleeping rooms, and modern housekeeping apart ments, price very rcasonnblo. Home phono 2CC-IC. 222 South Holly.- FOIt ItKNT Nlco modern room with bonrd for two people at Mrs. Fay . 22 Ooneva Ave. rou jrtK.vr misckmjANkouh FOIt ItKNT Oood Improved ranch, 340 acrea cleared. Address "Op portunity" caro Mall Trlbuno of flco. 280 FOU SALB 1IOUHK8 l'OIl 8ALK Four room house, with one-half aero of ground! light and wnter, berries and fruit trees. Ad dress 11. V. I)., No. 3, It. St. Jnmcs. 2CS FOIt HALK LANDS FOU 8ALK At a bargain for cash li room houso nnd 44 foot Int. Ad dress Uox 88, caro Mall Tribune. 264 l'OIl SALK LOTS FOIt SALK 5 lota on Itosa Court Will sell wholo or separately, bar gain. Apply owner C. I). Woolver ton. Gold Hill. Ore. 2SG FOIt SALK Choice building alto In Knst Mod ford. Threo largo lots. nearly one ncte. In Hlgheroft Audi tlon on Hast Jackson street. High and sightly, beautiful view of Med ford and valley. Small payment down, long tlmo and easy terms on balance. Address I. O. llox 702. Medford, Oregon. 2C9 FOIt 8AM; MISCKMjA.VKOUS FOU SALK Calling cards, printed. engraved or embossed at uo Mall Trlbuno office. FOIt SALK Looso loaf ledger sys tems, any stylo or mado to order by tho Mall Trlbuno bindery. FOH SALB Legal blank, tresspass notices, for salo or rent alnga at tho Mall Tribune. FOH SALK Lettor heads and rancy stationery, printed, engraved or ombossod, as you wish at the Mall Tribune. FOH SALK 1200 lb. innro, light wagon, hnrnemen, also t,omo house hold furniture and canned fruit. 30C S. King St., phono 5321. 26C FOR SALK liaco order now for setting eggs from my pen of Whlto Orpingtons. J. Herman Harrison, 707 West 11th. Phono 3fll-lt 2S7 FOH SALK Splendid puro bred Burred Plymouth Hock cockerels. Address M. II., caro Trlbuno, or call at 004 Plum stroet. FOH SALIllargaln, fumed oak dining room sot. Eucalyptus bed room set, steol range, mission table, etc, 71(1 Taft street. 206 FOH SALK A-l beardless barley hay, two Ciphers broodors. and Whlto Leghorn cockerels', Wyckoff strain. Also KiikIIbIi go-cart. Phono 20-J-4. A. W. Stone. 2C9 FOH SALK Light Hramha chickens. Any amount. For particulars ad dress W. P, llatho, Modtord, Ore gon. 2C8 FOH SALE Thoroughbred Harrcd Hock pullols, $r..00 Ivor dutcu. Fhono 4C01, 531 W. Hamilton street. 200 FOH SALK La) lug hens nnd pullets sx dollars per dozen, Cypher's Incubator. &34 South Hamilton. Phono 176-H. 204 FOH SALK Fruit box lnbols In ono two or threo colors, printed as you order at tho Mall Trlbuno. FOH SALK Old Trusty Incubator. C, A. Myors, SOS Dakota. 205 FOH SALE Alfalfa hay delivered. Phono 1231. Hcsldenvo G10 South Oakdale. 207 FOH .SALE 1 of hounds. Whlto Holland Turkoya, Huff Orpington lions, team, wagon mid harness, two houses, cheap. Clius. Gll chlrts, amis Vnlej Oro. 2CS FOH SALE 1100 lb. span of mnroa, sluglo buggy, horso mid harness. Union Food Stables, SoutU Hlver- 'sldo, and llurtlott. 204 FOH SALE Four horses, Ireland's Snroko Houso, 207 FOH SALK Alfalfa, liny. 900 West 11th. Geo. N. Flsls, 20.8 .TANTJART 28, 101.1. ,.. FOIt HALE MISCKLLANim'fl Foil . 8ALK T "cVplcr' "lcuYator nnd 3 Stylo "A" brooders, almfist ticvr. Sell cheap or trndo., Write for particular. 8. L. Johnston. H. It. No. 2, Medford, Oro. 203 waxti: vSitpatioxs WANTED Dressmaking. evening Kowns and party dresses n specialty Phono 1C3-K. 264 WANTED Situation for man and wife. Rcfercnco furnished. P. O. Ilox 274. 268 VA XTKD M I.SCKLL.1 X KOUS WANTED Chickens, hen, roosters and pullets. In any quantity. J. II. Lyon. Phoenix, Oregon. WANTED Child to tako caro of by tho week. Phone 207-11. 2C3 WANTED On my Inut trip north t found several owners ot residences In Portland, Tacoraa nnd Seattlo who will exchango foreland near Medford. What bavo you to of for? Hurry up or Jt may bo too late. C. A. McAuthur, room 3, P. O. block, phono SCSI. 265' FOIt EXCHANGE FOH EXCHANGE owner will ex chango Portland property and acre age, Polk county acreage for Med ford city or valley properly or" raw land. G. E. Walling. Portland. Ore, 301 West Park. SCI FOH SALE OH EXCHANGE We can sell or exchango your second hand automobiles. No cbargo for storage It you let us sell for you. Valley Garage, Vsllcy Motor & Tractor Co. FOIt SALE OH EXCHANGE 160 acres, 65 In alfalfa, fully equipped with stock, tools and hay, exchango for good Income. Chas. Gilchrist, Sams Valley. Ore. 268 .MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN On city or ranch proporty. Clark Realty Co MONEY TO LOAN On City und closo In ranch property. O. A. McArthur, room 3, P. O. block, phono 36S1. 1JUSIXKSS DIRECTORY Abstracts ROGUE RIVER VALLEY AD STHACT CO., No. 6, South Central. At tonic) s C. L. REAMES, LAWYER Oftlco Medford National Uauk uldg., sec ond floor. PORTER. J. NEFF, WM. P. ME ALKY Attorneys-al-Law. Ttooms 1 and 2, Postofflco bldg. A. K. HEAMES, LAWYEH Garnett- Corey uldg. MULKBY &. CHERRY (H. F. MUl- KEY. GEO. W. CHERRY) Rooms 11 and 12 Jackson County Hank bids. W. J. CANTON Attorney aud Coun sellor at, izs East iiain street, Mcdtord, Ore. Accountants D. R. WOOD General Accountant Your books audited and kept ror a reasonable figure; your business solicited. Office, Medford Mall Trlbuno bldg.: phono G611; resi dence phono 6302. Auto ftnppllcs LAKER AUTO SWUNG CO. Our big secret lu making springs is the tempering. Wo are oporating the largest, oldest and best equipped plant in tho Pacific northwest. Use our springs when others fall. Sold u'udor. guarantee, 26 North Fif teenth St., Portland. Oro. CldropmctorN DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD. Chiropractor. norvo specialist. Rooms 203-04-05 Garnott-Corey bldg. Vapor baths nnd.8cleitlfio mnssago given; ndvlco in dlotetlcs, modlcal gym nasties, hydroptherapy. Lad at tendant, Puouo IJomo 145-L. Main 5712. DR. A. R. HEDGES, Dr. Louise E, Hedges, Mechnno - Therapists. Chiropractors, Spondylothernplsts. These systems, Including dlotetlctf, curatlvo gymnastics, hydro-tber-apby, etc., jiroduco results lu both acute nnd chronic dlsoases. Con sultation free, 230 North Dartjett St,, next door to M. 13. church. Hours 9 n. in. to D p. n. Other hours by nppolntmetn, Bell phone Malu 4171. f WAS!. that j - " & "i CefytJt tt sta nustXEssi immcroHY Hrlck MEDFORD BRICK CO. Geo. W. Prlddy, O. D. Nagle, Geo. T. O'ftrlon Contractors and manu facturers of brick; dealers . In pressed brick and lime. Office at their brick yard. West Jackson st. Phono No. 34C1. Civil ftnglnccr LOUIS W. WHITING Civil engineer and surveyor, water illlsgs and irrigation work a specialty; sur veys, subdividing, building grades, city engineering, drafting, sewer design, concreto work, pa rap ad canal systems. Room 2, Palm bUt, Medford. Orf, Dentist DR. W. M. VAN 8COYOO DR. C. C. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Garnett-Corey bldg.. suite XJ0 Medford, Ore. Both phone. DR. AHTEMUS W. DEANB DeatUt Offlco la Illalto tl4g., 123 Kast Main St. Gas administered for ex traction of teeth. Phone Mala C81. Night phono 4432. Garbage. GARBAGE Get your premise cleaned up for tho winter. Call on tho city garbage wagoas for good service. Phono Main 6251. F. Y. Allen. Nurseries QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees aro budded, sot grafted. Our stock Is net Irrigated. Wo guaraatee everything pat out We are not Is the trust. H. B. Patterson. Otflce removed to offlco Hotel Nash, la sldo ontranco, next to barber shop. Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary pub lic. Bring your work to me at the sign of Tho Mail Tribune, rrintcw and Publishers MEDyoiiuTlUNTINO CO, haa "the best equipped printing offlco In southern Oregon; book binding, looso leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 North Fir st. Physicians anil Sargeaas DRK'a carlow.dIbva MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians, 416-417 aarnett-Corej bldg.. phono 378-IC Residence 420 South Laurel at. DR. STEARNS Physician nnd anr goon. Offlco Jackbon County Bank bldg., roosi 17-18-19, phone 5501; residence 307 South Oakdale st, phono 7171. Home phono, resi dence 109, otflce 130. DR. S. A, LOCKVOOD Physician and surgeon. , MYRTLH S. LOCKWOOD. M. D. Practice limited to diseases ot women. Offices 233 E. Mala, Phones, office. 2$; residence, 814. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician, and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, noso and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses supplied Otflce 228 East Main St. Hours 8:30 a. m. to S p. m. Both pkeaes. E. B. PICKEL, M. D. Office Jack son County Bank bldg. Office phono Mala 432; Res. phone. Main 582. DR. MARION Physician add sur geon. Stowart bldg., corner .Main and Bartlett sts., oftlco phone, 271 residence phono, 273. E. KIROHaESSNER. M. D. Fmc ties limited to chronic diseases. Oftlco Hotel Holland. Wedqeidaya 10-3. Both phones. Residence phenes: Farmer 1Gxx5 Eagle Point and Rogue Itlvor Uaor DR. MARTIN O. BARBER Physl' clan und surgeon. Office Palm block, opposite Nash Hotel. Houri 10 to 12, l to 4. Phono Pacific 1101. DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician anil surgeon. Phonos, office, 501; r.eot donco, 7241. Office hours 10 to 13, 2 to ti. DR, W. W- HOWARD Osteopathia Physician, 303 Garnett-Corey Building. Phono 91-R. rileuugnipliers ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block Stonographlo work done qulckl) nnd well. Trauhter EADS TRANSFEH &. 8TORAGB CO uiuce iu ooum rir hu ciioiii Bell 3152; Home 300-K, Price right Service guaranteed. KTOK TIlltlBH By "Biid" Fisher -5 i ,4 aw. x mad a a. ofc lot rtNO paiothc WAITGR WITH A ff Alii! AMD M6 3AID "THamiYu"J VHAT COOCO TT)Oi4 Dinner's Real Estate . aEmploynentBureau All Kinds of Property For Sale For Snlo Two room house and large tot, close to pavement, $500. 5 room house and 1 & lots, water and sewer. West Main, $1375. 65 acres, 60 acres la cultivation, 20 In orchard, alL.klnda.of berries, 4 room house, barn 40x10, water right, Prke $13,000. For Ilvclinngo 220 acres near Phoenix, Arizona. 160 acres In Eastern Oregon And flno Ashland residence fbr good residence In Medford. City residence mid somo cash for Improved small tract, closo In. 134-ncro Improved ranch, with fine water rrght to exchange' for bunga low fn j'fedford, must hava some cash difference. ' List your houses and ranches with us, for rent. Employment Girls and women for general housework. Woman cook on ranch. MBS. EMMA BITTNIR Phone Home 14 Opposite Nash Hotel 'ROOMS 6 aad 7. VXllSt BLOCK. C.A.DEYOE 4 IS W. Mala Distributing nnd .Sabtcrfptloas AGENT for The Saturday Evening Post Tho Ladioe Home Journal Tha Country Geatlaman 5c and 15c per copy, $1.50 tho year. For salo at alt news staada Moro Boys Wanted Phono Mala. BtlU E. D.Weston Official Photographer of 'the Medford Commercial Club Amateur iFiuishing Post Cards Portraits Interior aud oxtcrior views Plash lights Negatives mado any tinio and any place by appoint ment. 308 E. Main Phone 1471 PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water Heating Alt Work duaranlfced 1'rlcia KeanouaUU COFPEEN & PRICE as Xawwd Blwk, Batraae on S4to M. Xsmo riion 819. Clark & Wright LAWYERS ," WASHINGTON, B O. Publlo Laad Mr.ttorar Final Proof. Dosort Lands, Contest and Mining Caaea. Scrip. Draperies Wo Mry a Very cenwtt Hm at dra(ivrc,bw UM1I VKlauMf. . and do all c1kix c urtWMt. A speclut man to look after thla wmic oxciiwlvly, ami will glv iui mtt Bervleo n s iositai to at m eva tlia Jars;ut clljuuu Weeks & McGoifan Co. " . 1 ' M 1 i v i m