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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1913)
CSi " nm mm, inn t ' Medford Mail Triune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Tnlr (onlgtli Mm 4V Mln. aaj Prcclp. .02. rorlyiTiiiiit Ximt. Dully -ILlVi'Mlli Vror. MISDjrORD, ORrOOONf!ON!)AY,.LNtfARY27, I0!3. NO. 2G.1. URKISH AFFAIRS-GERMANY BLAMED FOR SULTAN'S OVERTHROW RUSSIA 10 INTERVENE IN T t t ;" lf-""r- KAISER BACKS iSJMPLICITY TO SUFFRAGETTES YOUNG TURKS IN BE KEYNOTE OF CLAIM ASQUJTH SEIZING THRONE INAUGURATION ACTED TRAITOR Car Plitns to Take a Hand Without Awaiting fur Permission of Powers Mom Than 200 Influential Cltlz rns Arrested at Constanttnoilr. Balkan Allies to Draft Ultimatum Termination. Turko-Balkan Arml's- lire. LONDON, Jmt 27 Dr. Onnoff, cliler of llm nullum t"Hro envoys here, said today thnt tomorrow tin- llalkan pIcnlpoteutlnrloN would draft tin I llmiitum terminating (tin Turko-lluN Kan nriiilMlltui. lit wild It would ! lirtNKUitHil to (In Turkish envoy ami WWlId llCCOIIIO llffcltl llllllll'lllllll'l)' CONHTA.NTINOPLK, Jmt. 27. ItMaala plans tn Inko ii liiiml III llm TnrklHli ultuutlnu without walling fitr pcrmltodou from llm other powero, iii'iwrdlug to tin unconfirmed report widely circulated hero todny. Thin rumor linn apiond rouDlornntlou mining tint (oriilKii ttiubniuwdnr here. Suspicion tluit Herman)' In repon. nlble (or the owirthrow or Kuliull 1'iuliii In growing, mid this, It l be lieved, limy irouiit Kuwdu to liumcd lulu action. IJnver II")'. lender of lli Yoiiiik TnrkN, nml uillllnry dicta loi nf 'J'ttrUoy, wan utluclie.l for A ImiK t Intt with Ottoiiiiui llmhnssy nl Imrlln. nml In frntornulUed freely Midi high Herman offlclnln nml nriuy ofllecrn. Till, coupled with tin fuel Hint (Ixriimi) linnka have agreed to liiiul ili twwrninent lii'iiilcil liy Uu vr Ucy nml Hlmfket Pasha 000, lit rognrdud a partial eonflruin llou or suspicious Hint tint Kulscr U behind lint Kiiv.t ll-y uprising. Revolutionary rumblings, hide IHimli'iit of those precipitated by llm young Turku, rocked CoiiHlmitlnopIc loiluy. Mori limn 2(io Influential limn. mostly adherent of Kuliull Pnshit. were nrrostod curly. In tin morning !' onlor of Kuver Hoy. This number lurludcd Kuliull Pashu's former nilnlMlcr of llm Interior nml IiIn iiilnUtor of Instruction. Knliull Pushn himself In under constant sur veillance, nml nil Indications point to Internal strife before ulghl Knliull Pnsliu nml hi follower arc ncrusod of fomenting n counter revolution. WASHINGTON'. .Imi. 27 - Sweep ing imosligiittnn by a eonimilloo of Mti'n oongicsMiicn of economic con ditions responsible for precipitating ii walkout of tho iiiiigniludo of I ho New Ymk eminent workeri' t-lriko is le iniuiileil in u lexotulioii iulriutueeil in Iho luuiMi loiluy ly ('onK'ieHMiiun Vio lor L. J.loiL'er. soeiiilixt. of W'iHeon- Min. A iimnn of evidence, ineliuliiiK neoren of nffiiliivilH liy (he Muke leu-ilm-H iiceoinimnieil llm roHululioii. 'Vice nml uriiiie," llu resoliilion deitliiieH, "mo lireil in Ilio neeltenH jiilheiy eoiimirrent in Iho uuiimfu luro of iilotliliiir. The lunnufiicluie of thin eiummulily Ih emiieil on in fillliy pliieeH, NlilUl'Uleit uilll kiiiiiu) of con liiKioim iUmi'iihoh. (linnuMiIrt iiuiilo in Hiich coiuliliouH unileuiuhlv heeomo u hi'iioiis ineuui'O mid ii ilnnuei' to Die elfuio mill henllli of all the people." WANTS EMIGRANT STATION ESTABLISHED AT SEATTLE WASHINGTON, .Inn, -ron. jsroHHiimu Humphrey f WiihIiIukIoii loiluy mlviseil Iho Immiho coinniilteo mi linihliiiKH (hot Iho I'aeifio coiirI I'iMoH expect a flood nf inuulKi'atinn when (ho I'miunm eminl opoiiH, Ho iiHked mi apprnpriniion of $700,00(1 for mi Iinniimitnl Nlulioii nt Sen I lie. CONGRESS PROBES CE ND MISERY CAUSING STRIKES Wilson Wants to Take Oath. Read Address, View Parade and Then Spend Evening Gcttlnn Acquainted With Ills New Home In Washlnulon. Inaugural Ball Is Said to Be But a Graft Costs Uncle Sam Mimic Sum of Money. WASHINGTON, .Inn. "Jr.-Toke I In- oulli of ollii'o iin chief o.m'ciiIimi of the iiHliou, riHiil hi iumiRunil ml i1nu, icicw a iHirmlo mul I lien hhiik hi- fir I cvrnitiK in Wushuin Ion nl Iho While lloimc KetlniK ncipiiiinlril with Iim new ipiurtcm. Till h Hie WHV I'tciiilclit lllcet Womlmw Wilui wiiiihl like to lnkn up hi ilulic ul the cupilol, mul now IIimI (here it. to he no iiiHUKiiritl hull mul the ipioHtliHi of mi iiimipiittl re ccpliou l uloielllcil, il l ciiiiHiilcrcd pmhnlilc IoiIhv llinl the niinplc plan Witxon I'lunrH may lm currieil out. Ciimplluiint (Jriift WnnhiiiKlou rcMiilculN vim fin or Hiiuplicilv in llm inmiminilioii ure munic Hie clutcil over Iho iIoIiik uwny or Iho iniiiiiirnl hull. They contciiil thin ipitiilri'iuiiiil ciforiumiei iiIwiivh tin m Im'cii one of coiupliculeil Krufl. The irt hit of untiling, tlicy Miy, U whrii llm KOVemilieut Htti up Iho pciiMoti nffic; for llm "hop." This throw M'cnil Ihoimjiml pcimiou hur eiiu i'tuplo)CH out of work for n week, ami iim Ihfir pay coiiltuue, it cohN the Kiieniiuent ncwral humttcil t lion . mmihI iIiiIIuph from llii Hoiiicc alone. Then, thev mii.v, IIic pulilie 1 the next ieliui. The piHipli mo climxeil $.pi Hr, in icluru for uliich they mo uiiahlii lo ilauec liccmixe lln Moor i nlwHH loo cihwiIimI, Tlioy are al mh.vm harrril from Ihc rcfrexhuienl mom for the muno mcikmhi, ami won crally coulil inner k'I iiioic IIiiiii a ptiHAiui; ttliiupM' of Ihc picwiilenl ami hi wife. No Ono l'n)N t'p "The inmiKitnil hall," ail an offic ial loilay." Iiiih uluayx Iceii a pa.MiiK affair. LitMt year It paid a profit of 4-1,001). The iiimiuc hiiiiil ami a voluuleer orKiinixaliou of hineri. I'ur. it il i the miixic fieo ami I'ucle Sum ami the pithlic do the iot. Tlio pioui incut clticiw who have 'pulilie opirit-i-illy' Milneribcil lo Iho ,o.xpon"eK' of the on colonics, i)o so knowing they never will ho aokeil to Siough up.1 Tim whole affair U Knil't from Iteiuniiie to end, anil tieth a profit from the murine Inunl conceit nt mi inlinixion fee of $1 each to Iho closim; eeio- UIOIlU's." WAS1I1NOTON, Jan. 27- Tlio wii.vh ami ineaiiR oommitteo of Iho ImiiHu is roiiHiilorinj,' today hcheilule IC, Iho poiltou of the I'ayim-Ahlrlch Imiff law relaliuK lo wool. Siren. iioiiH pleniliiiKrt of Iho wonlen luaiiu fiicliirerrt iiKiiitiht a tciliictiou in wool dutioH is nnlieipateil. SweepiiiK oulf in Iho (miff mo helloveil to ho cer lain. loxcplt llolnu'H toHlifieil today he fore (ho hniiHo wayH mul menus com milleo UKiiiiiKt reilueliiK Iho wool tar iff. Ho produced timuv and Htntis licH in Iho c I' foil to uphold his eon teulion thill elolhiui; would uo ho cheaper if Iho (miff wuh Inwcicil or removed, Ho did not deny (lint Ihc averatfo $12 mul $18 milt actually cosIh tlio faelory $11 and U Hold ahroad nl $8 lo $10. CALIFORNIA CONGRESSMAN DEAD AFTER LONG ILLNESS I.OS ANflKLIW, Jan. 27. As tlio renal! of ii two yearn illness, Con KreHHinnn S. C, Smith of the Fourth California district h dead hero to day. Smith won mu'vIiij? U fouvlh term in congress, Ho was Go years old. CONGRESS REVISING I Government Formally Withdraws Gray's Amendment to Franchise Bill and Sitf (rarjettes Claim Be trayal English Women liy Premier. Militant Tactics Threatened Asquith Promises New Bill Next Month to Go to n Vote, LONDON. Jnn 27. BpenklnK for tlio rnliltii't, Premier Ampilth loiluv nroio In tlio Hoiih, of CommoiiN nml formally wltlnlrcw Sir IMwnril Orcy'e nincliilliicnt to tlm fninclilne bill In tended to clvo voIch to women. Thin ineiuiH llml no net Ion will lie taken on uny HUffrnxo bill nt thin mckmIoii of I'nrlliiinciil. A voto on (lie uienmiro will bo reiiclied Tllenilny but lln rejer tlou In rerlulu. Open rlmrisoH of trickery, voiced by HtiffraKuttiHi, wero repinllulcd by the Premier. Amiiillli ilerlnrcd tlio cabi net resrclted lla Inability to fulfill tlmlr plcdce to tlio women to submit tlm qucntlon of equal miffniK" to a vo(e, but innlntalned that Speaker Iiwtliern rulliiK tbnt the adoption of tlm drey amendment would neccKwir- lly mil for re-lntroductlon of tlio bill. Willi Demount rut lou McmlicrN or tlio roinmoim (Utened tpilctly an AkiiiiUIi unnounced the Kiivorninent'a Intention to withdraw tlm (Jrey numiidomnt. TJmn n wild demount rut Ion exceed I m: Ibo clamor but marked tlio paHsnco of tlm Irish Ifimi.,. Kill lirtttn lunai Tlin rifnuprvntlvca cheered wbllu miffrn- Kuttea In tlio Knltcrlon liUsed mul ent ailed. Speaker Lowther won miw- crlerm lo preerv order. Word that Premier Aiilth bad withdrawn tlio drey nniendmeut pilckly reached tlm 2000 or more inllltnnt nuffriiKelten who tbronKcd WcHtmlnHur and pandemonium relRiied. Tlio women marled on n hurried innrcli toward tlio I'nrllnnmnt bulldlucn but were stopped by tbo H)llro. "Scuixluloim llrlrnyiil" "Aiiqulth'H nctliin." anld Mrs. Km mcllnn Pankbumt, lender of tlio auf frnK(itten, "Is n Rcnndnloun betrayal of tlio women or Kiutland, and wo will ro a mo militant tactics forth with, uulciui the Kovernmcnt couienta to Introduce In this Parliament n bill apeclflenlly prnvldliiK for equal suf frage" When Mm. PnnklitiMl's threat reached tho premier lm Is quoted na nliiK tbnt lm would promise to pri vate members of tho commons fnclll licit for IntrodncliiK n auffrnKo bill early In tho noxet 8C8lon, which con vonea In Kobrunry. Aaqulth would not promise that tho mlnUtry would support tho proposed bill, snylnu tho members of Iho eublnot would voto accordltiK to their vlows. Los ANOHLl, Jnn. 27. Follow Iiik three hours of terror uftor tho Dollnr I.lno Stenmer Mncklnnw had piled herself on tho government breakwator at San l'odro durliiK u douso foK, Owner Hobort Dollnr nnd tho ship's officers unit crow, .10 men In all, nro stro today, while tho 'ship lies hair submerged at tho San l'odro wharf. Tho Mncklnnw, hound from Pnnn nin nnd Sun l'odro to Han KrnneUco nnd l'ortlnnd, tiearod from Snn l'o dro nt G o'clock lust nlRht. Within half an hour uftor nho had dropped hor pilot she erashod Into tho break wntor, teurliiK a sront hole In hor liiiws, nnd onposIiib hor decks to a heavy uwull, INBW YOUIC, .Inn, 27. Most of tho waltors on strike horo oxpeet to ro suino their places by tonlijlit under tho tonus of nn nBreomont botwoon tho enfo nnd hotel niuniiKora mid tho Wultors' Union. STEAMER WRECKED EW SAVED MOUSE APPROVES VTbH tak'wt) aBBBBBnMaBBal m( ',yfLr, M nYf Z'1 Hfc, V V1 S BBlBlBlBlHP' SiiiH aBBBaHaVah 'i jbbbbbbbbbbbm wTbpsV H jl Bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb - - ? bbbbbbbbbbV BBBBBBBBBBBS jUbBBBBBBBbH afBBBW V 4 1 BBBBBBBBBBbW .BBBBbH BBBBBBBBBBBIBBBBBkBSBBBBBBBBH fl P ""''-Jll aBBBBBBBBBBBBBaMP BBBBBBBBBbI BBBBBBBBSv3Qfta7iflBBBBBBl V t III BBBBBBBBBbIbWbW' aBBBBBBBBBBH ' A'jSarlSA " 1 'aBBBBBBBBBBBBBH V'.aaBBBBBBwlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB' M BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBu .'N' BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBU JOIW DJ.QGEIZlZZfo TBBBBBBBBBBB " "t M' tf BBBBBBmW BbbbbbbbbbV v bbbbbbbbuvX A bill lucorporatluc the Itockefpller I'oundiitlon, to ndmlnUtcr pldlantbroplc fund of 100,000,000. to be uo nnleil by John 1). Itockcfellcr, has brcu pael by the Hou-o by a rotu of IK! to 05. The tneniuro now goea to the Semite. II immiii a the lnrorurntgni to oduilnUtvr the fund John I). Jtockefeller, John O. UockjeMler, Jr.! ; IrederlcW T. Onten. KUrr J. Murphy. Harry Pratt Judnon. Simon Kltxner, Wwlu .V. Alderman, Wlckllffe ltos and Cbnrlea O. Heidi, nud riicIi ihtu "as Ibey may noclate with theiiHelvcK." .... . L , ... The objecrof tb foiindatluu b "lo pro mote the well belaB nnd to ndrnnce the civilization of the peoples or the fnltcil Slate mid IU torrllorles mid of forclKU lunda. la the insemination orknowledKe, In tho preTullua.aiiU relief jf kiitferliii: and la the promotion of clecuuynary and ph'djutbroplc uieaua of any aud alt of tlw elenieuU ut human t'n":r,Tjmj u rfntttn, a prorlajon prnhlbl.lru; the foiitidaljou addlnc to tho capital fund of llOOXto.OOO. and rorcUij. Ui Miwuuirufw 5f tu vutftv Imuuiorruin timi Tuud turrvnUy. ' T" POVERTY BLAMED Fl BY ROCKEFELLER XKV YORK. .Ian. 27 .John 1). Itoekofoller, .lr.'n huruaii of Mtcial hypeuo in today completing it in vesi;utioii of the social evil. Tlm impiiry lasted two years aud included onlv llie New York underworld. "Prostitution as now conducted in America mid Kurope is largely nuinV on-due. Women are ineruly his tools." Thin was the declaration here to day of John I), Itoekofoller, jr., in supplementing In plans for a bureau of social hygiene. "Answering the question of wheth er mi unfortunate woman i iho vic tim or a contributor to her own vicious- career, I sav unhesitatingly Hint in tho vast majoiity of cast's hho is the victim. 1'ioslitulion is run for profit these days and the profit i largo. "1 boliovo los than 2.1 per ecnl of (ho present prostitutes in America would have fallen if (hey had 'been given mi equal chance lo lead n pure life. Thai (hoy huvo been drugged into llm mire in such large numbers is due to a variety of uireumslanees, among which are poverty, low wages, improper homo conditions', lack of training mid a disiro to satisfy a natural craving for pretty things. While all of these tire contributing ouUM'fl, man is chiefly responsible for their fall." USES WWEM APPLE TREE BLOOM WASHINGTON, Jan. 27. W. V. Thomas, of this city, owns an orch n nl of 0000 young tipple trees in Maryland. Tho unseasonably warm weather has coaxed out the buds and there is danger of blooming. In case of frost the liees would bo iujinod. Mr, Thomas coiiMilted expo Us of Iho deparlmoiit of ugrieiiHure, and on their udvieo today shipped 100 tons of ico to (ho orchard. Tlio ice will bo broken up mid applied to tho roots of Iho trees in (he hope of chilling thorn, thus proven ling Iho sap from rising mid thereby keeping them from blooming, OR WOMAN'S FALL OF THE $100,000,000 John D ROCXEFELLEK: Jli 9& iMBii w(cv-r ' Xi Jlt-lVIf FLEXIfER. ThINBURN ROSS T SERVE FIVE WASHINGTON. Jan. 27. The sen tence of J. Thornbiiru Hoss, n Port land, Ore., banker, to five years In tho penitentiary for the nllfRed lnr cenry of J2SS.O00 of state funds wns affirmed today by tho supreme court or the United Stntes. 1'OIITLAXI). Ore.. Jnn. 27. J. Thornburn Hoss, who sentence wns todny confirmed by tho supremo court of tho United Stntes, was president of tho Tltlo Guaranty and Trust Co., which failed in 1907. He was found guilty of tho larceny of S2SS.000 la stnte school funds which were on de posit lu tho bank. Ho was sentenced to five years' Imprisonment nnd tho payment of a flue, which If he had been compelled to serve out, would have made his prison term approxi mately 1000 years. Tho state supremo court Inter nf flrnied tho prison sentence but de cided that tho flno wns excessive. Tho affirmation of Hoss' sentence today marks tho close of one of tho bitterest court fights In tho history of Oregon. GRANGE ROAD BILL SALKM, Jnn. 27. A motion Intro duced by Kepresontntlro Clareuco Hoaniea to reconsider tho grange road bill, No. 103, was passed by tho house todny, This will reopen tho good ronds question. Tho granbo bill Is tho one rejected by tho people last fall, It is an en abling net to put the bonding net, for good roads Into effect. It wns passed by tho houso but was considered too cumbersome by (sua friends to good ronds legislation. Tho bill will probably bo n mended In reconsideration. Arcluluke Reiner Dying Y1KNNA, Jan. 27. Archduke Hniner, 87, n relative of Kmporor FriiiiR Joef, is icported dying bore today, K' bBL lBBBBBBBBBk BBBBBBBBBaKTBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBi sVaTM' M YEARS PRISON N D ROCKEFELLER FUND. rW hakry pratt JucaoK. "''r r t sj4 sitt 'GETTYSBURG HERO TO BE ARRESTED NKW YORK, Jan. 27 - When Sher iff llnrbnrger wa preparing to ar rest General Daniel K. Sickles, ae ettsfcl of being short $23,178 in his accounts as an official of the Stale Monument association, Sickles said: "Perhaps it will interest you to rend the euclo-ed pamphlet in which Lieut, (lenerul James Uiugstrect says I won the groat aud decisive battle of Oettysburg, and that Lieut, Gen eral Sheridan agree with General LongMrver." After the arrival of the note, Sieklex' attorney called on the sheriff aud the latter agreed not to remove tho general from his home if satis factory bonds wore furnished. ln lesn the bonds are produced, Sickles will be taken to the Ludlow Street jail today. Mrs. Sioklos, whom I he general ha invited to a conference today, sent him mi ultimatum that sho would not come (o his rescue unless be dis charge-. Miss Wilmenling, his house Keeper ior u eurs-, and Hint she leaves his bouse nt once. PASSES 7 BILLS SALEM. Ore., Jnn. 27 Sovon bills wore passed In tho houso today. In cluding four measures left ovor from tho last scbslon that have been car ried over tho governor's veto, this brings tho total number of bills so far passed by tho houso to 17, u rec ord never before equalled In tlm first fifteen days of nn Oregon legislative session. Tho most lmportnn uicnsuro en acted todny was a bill Introduced by Representative Forbes to make tho salury of nil circuit judges $4000 a your. A bill similar to this wns passed by tho last legislature and vetoed by Governor West. Tho other bills passed wero tliroo Introduced by tho couimltteo on revi sion of laws to roponl dead statutes In tho code. SHORTINA N EN NA SOCIALISTS OF MEDFORD A K E.I. Resolutions Adopted Declaring That Change In Management Would Be Mistake Party Declares Against Spoils System in City. Now Impossible for Mayer to Re move Market Master Who Has Made Market Success. The Medford Jocnl of the socialist party went on record in resolutions adopted Sunday nftcnioon o favor ing B. J. Runynrd an mnrkctmoster. In so doing the party nlnced itnelf squnrely against tin; spoils system. Their rcprocntntive, George II. Mil lar, councilman of the third ward, was instructed to remain againtt Iho appointment of any other man by tho mayor. Thin stand wns taken by Mr. Millnr nt the Inst meeting of tbo council when Mnyor Kifert submitted the name of L. Damon to suceeed Mr. Runynrd. Ilcoliitloni Adopteit This netion by Iho socialist; ex presses tho feeling of the people us u whole, Mr. Ruuvniil being given credit for putting the market where it Is today. Four couneilmen, Messrs. Campbell, Stewart, Sunimerville and Millar, nrc now standing against n change, making it iwjwHjjible for tlw mnyor to rcmore Mr. Runynrd. The resolution us adopted by k socialists follews: "Resolved, by local Medford of the socialist party of Oregon, in regnlnr meeting assembled, that the follow ing expression of opinion upon the pnHwed change in the post of innr ket master in the public service of the city of Medford, be nml the same is hereby ordered to bo spread tioti the minutes of this meeting, mid cop ies to be furnished to Iho public press of the city, and tb the socialist coun cilman from the third ward, Geo. II. Millar, for presentation to tho city council nt its next meeting: Is People's Market "The public market is the people's market. The producers who supply it, aud the consumers who patronize it, nre the people, nnd the only people who are directly and vitally concern ed in its nianagement mid operation. If they are satisfied (as they most certainly npear to ho satisfied) with the conduct of tho market nnd tho (Continued on page 3.) WEST PLANS TO T SALKM, Ore., Jnn. 27. Tho with drawal from sale for fiftv years of between .10,000 and oO.OOO acres of choice timber land in tho present Santinm National forest, which the state is to receive from the federal government in ehango for certain school sections, is the nurnose of a. bill introduced in the house todny by Representative Hngood. The measure has the urmrnval of Governor West, nt whose request it was prepared, The bill proposes lo (dace tho entiro tract under tho supervision of the state school of forestry. It is to ho iirtivi the management and control of tho hoard of reicntH of tho stnlo educational institution to which the forestry school is nttaehed. This U now nt the O. A. C. Tho passage of the bill would not menu that no timbor could be sold in this region. It would hnvo to bo sold, however, as tho forestry department should decide, with scientific cutting of surplus timber. The net revenue from the forest, but not less thipi 00 per cent of the lnonoy icccived from, tho snlo of tim ber must go jntu tho common sehiH'l fund, RUNYARD HOLD FOR FOR PEOPLE OF OREGON 3 i-1 i I 4: y .t