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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1913)
t'.fc 4'lHtVf 44M Mf4w'ir'i't v.1!! - .- rv 8t14v svv V j i t 1 w page; twe: KtEPFOttP iAIXn TRIBUNE, TOPFORD, OREGON. SATURDAY. JANUARY 18. 1013. itit-Htit t -fc. - OCAL AND lu PERSONAL , v John Q (lore left on Friday's trfeln few for Southern Callforntn. on n Weeks visit. A. Conro Flero of Central Point district was nrntitiK thtiso who trnnt ncicd business In Moilfonl Prldaj Jltcnl homo mado bread nt tie- vor. ' V ' v' f WtIf Miller of Gold Hill wn lit Mcdford nnd Jncksonvlllo Friday. Mr. nnd Mm, II. O. Strntton ore ntJkifttf SolitHorrt Cnllfornln'nii ex tended vlstt. it ' J. Tanner will manago tlio Nulntbrltun rink from now on. Bim etal nitontlon to ladles. Open attor- nbantnnd i evening. Lesson morn Iiirs, Monday, Wednesday and Fri day Teachlne CO cents. 25 iU 12. Smith, who spent several month in AlciUonl, In the Interest of n' Wholesale fruit and nroduco con corn dolnR business nt Sacramento, Cat., returned to that city during the week. Ho sayo that the reason he shipped no apples front hero Is be cause he get more of the commercial varieties for less than $1 per box f. o. b. Mrs. M. M. Taylor of Jacksonville has been visiting the Misses Towno of riiocnlr. ' Fred Alton Halght (National Con servatory New York) teacher of piano and harmony, specialist In cor rect principles of touch and tech nique. Residence studio, 403 Oalt dalo avenuo, South, phono 72C2. MIm Lillian Crenshaw of Long Iloach Is anions the Californlans who nro visiting in Rogue river valley. . Mrs. W. 11. Coleman and Miss FIos slo Dunford were over from Jackson ville Friday morning. Dr. S. A. Lockwood and Dr. Myr tle S. Lockwood (regular physicians, not chiropractors) havo removed their offices from the llasklns' build ing to 232 E. Main street. 271 Mrs. Carl Webb of Portland Is vis iting In Medford. the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Elliott. To close them out, all cook stoves and ranges, at reduced prices, give us a call. F. W. Shaplcigh Hard ware Co., 28 South Central avenue. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Dillon and Mr, and Mrs. T. W. Stewart of Kla math county are making Rogue river valley a visit. For goodnes sake, tiara R, A. Holmes... tho Insurance aaaa write your Usmranc. He " ColoBtf Miindy.-lwhaa been Jn Portland for a short time, is at home again. Brine that old book with torn blading down and hare It rebound at the Mall Tribune office. CoaU but little. U Dr. J. S. Parson of Ashland passed through Medford one day this week, en- routo to Portland. 5, D. Weston, commercial photog raphera, negatives made any time or place by appointment Phone M. 1471. M. T. Mlnney, who went to PorU land with W. I. Vnwter and Colonel Mundy, has returned to Oakland, Cat., his home. He will bo in Med ford again before long. That famous old smoke the Trav eler. H. O. Wortman has returned from Northern California, where has has been shipping cattlo to outsido mar kets. B. Klura has moved his sign busi ness to the Hoyden alloy between S. Central and S. Dartlett. Mrs. W. K. Kcntner and her daugh ter are at Jacksonville visiting rela tives. Vapor baths and scientific mas sage for men and women. Dr. R. J. Lockwood, cbriopractor, 203 Qar nfttUCarey .Bldg. Phone 146, . Lowj York, who lion been Jn tbo Philippines, Australia and other plaeusslnce leaving here, is lu Rogue river (valley -again. As's for the Traveler cigar. E. E. Philips and a. C. ncach or Ashlfttul ,wor( business visitors Jn Medford during the week. Mrs. Halliday-Halght, pupil of Marchesl (Paris), Oscar Saongor (Now York) teaches the art of sing ing, tone placing and correct breath ing a specialty. Exponent of pure "Del Canto" of the Italian school concert, opera, oratorio. Individual lessons or In class (three Jn class) Residence studio, 403 Oakdale ave nuo, South, phono 72 C2. Frank Ray mado a trip to Jackson ville Friday morning. Fruit labolB In any color printed by the Mail Tribune. tt Mrs J. W. Morritt and ltor daugh ter, Miss Esther, were among their Medford friends Friday. Weeks & McGowan Co. t . UNDERTAKERS X.AJ1T ASSISTANT Say Flion 8371 Jflflit VbosMl r. W. Weeks 0071 . A. B. Orr, 309a Mrs. Harry Roberts of Central Point precinct has gone to San Diego, Cal., to bo with her mother, who wns stricken with paralysis. Mr. Roberts will follow later. "Curly" Wilson, dnputy sheriff, ami 8. S. Wnlch of Jacksonville, were In Medford Friday morning. Chris Ulrich of Jacksonville spent Friday In Medford nnd Ashland. Carkln & Taylor (John 11. Car kin and Qlonn O. Taylor), attorneys at-lnw, over Jackson County Dank building Medford. ' Harry Porter was among the .la lnndnGmpIro excursionists, en route from Spokane to Southern Califor nia. Ho formerly resided in Medford. Lincoln McCormlck wns in Jack sonville Friday, on legal business. Illalue Kltitu was n -justness vis itor ut Ashland Friday, Kodak finishing, the best at Wes ton's, opposite book store, E. L, Jones, tho well known minor. has gono to Nevada and tnny bo gone sometime. Ha has extanshe Inter ests In Hluo Lcdgo district. Mr. nnd Mre. W. Usshor ot Ash land nro In Medford this week. Julius Lnnduulst spent several hours in Jacksonville Friday, Collect those scattered sheets ot music you valuo and have them bound la book form at the Mall Tribune. tf R. K. Nclll of Spokane, presldont ot tho Koguclands company, is mak ing Medford a business visit. Mr. and Mrs. R. Hills havo gone to Portland, to locate. Charles F. Young mado a trip to Ashland Friday, returning in tho evening. The cigar that put O. K. in smoke the Traveler. W. H. Venable was among the trany who wero over from Applegate during tho week. D. Kdmondson arrived front Arkan sas one day this week nnd went tn 1115 Ilutto to visit his brother 11. F. C. Kdmondson-, whom ho has not seen for nearly slcty years. L. D. Purdy of Kaglo Point and D. S. Walker ot Roseburg are in Medford. A, E. Kellogg, county coroner, was In Medford Friday. He reports near ly a foot ot snow at Gold HIU. MIw W. Eldon ot Seven Oaks and Sirs. W. T. Roter of Central Point, wero recent visitors In Medford. W. M. Pratt was among those, ot our citizens who had business nt Jacksonville Friday. Miss Stella Jackson ot Grants Pass Is making a visit to friends In Med fori. ' , 'JSi Tucker, who has been spend iBgiMveral weeksdn litis section, left forltls homo nt Carbon, Cal. ."Friday Ho will return in a few weeks. Mis? Eva Nichols of Seattle and Mrs. Julia Le Barre of Portland wero among tho recent arrivals In Medford Friday. Miss Cora Patterson of Josephine comity, Is visiting with friends living near Medford and Jacksonville. Agents wanted, malq. or femalo to sell the star cream siphon brand now on the market. No limit to the amount of monoy to be made. For interview address W. 8., caro Mall Tribune. 2SG Court Hall loft Saturday afternoon for Los Angeles nnd Vernon whero ho will witness tho twenty-round bout next Saturday between Uud nndorson and Sammy Trott. Now York Llfo Insurance Co., C, Y. Tcngwald, Medford National Bank Bldg.. phone 3371. Don't Miss Major J. P. Clum's lec turo "Travel nnd Big Parade Motion Pictures" Friday evening, January 24th, 8:00 o'clock at tho Presbyter ian church. Admission 10c. Miss Lonsbcrry, assistant In the recorder's office, has gono to Salem to bo Representative Wcstcrlund's stenographer In the bouse o. repre sentatives. Tho Ladles' Aid society of the Pres byterian church will meet Tuesday afternoon in the chapel of tho church. Mrs. W. H. Gore will act as hostess. Leo Scott has returned from Beagle after a stay of eight months. Mrs. M. Rukes visited at Phoenix Friday. W. K. Faktim of Buncom spent Saturday In Medford. Ho reports heavy snow in tho mountains. E. L. Webster, of Soattio, has pur chased 80 acres of orchard land, four mllos north and east of Med ford. Tho tract is a part ot the A. D. Coulter Land and Orchard com pany's holdings and is planted to three and four-year-old fruit treou. Tho price paid was 24,000 nnd the salo was mado by Clius. I). Ho of STEAMSHIP URANIUM, WHICH. WITH 883 PASSENGERS ABOARD, STRUCK A LEDGE OP ROCKS OFF WAUFAfl Wk'.if JC2ST lMJSdJmgMSSB.-W. :sBSMf jh- iiijmm; i ..ft " i ' h . i 4 H Jt HI THIS UKLANIUM, v MICHIGAN 10 VOTE 0Sf FRApE m lNHIN(l, Mlelt., Jnn, IK. -That tho oliTtornt of Mlvhlumi will hodii lutvo mi opiKirtuiilty to votu agulii (in tho woman niiffrniin nnieiidiiiniit, which wiin ilef filled by it linirnw uinritlti In Inst November's oloctlon, is tho liollnf Dxprctutcd by lcIMntorn here toditj. "It Irt prapttrnlly nsiuiro'l Unit the limlNliitiiru will orili'r tho Hiitfrnuo uiiiendiiKMit ro-Biilimlttcd to Din vot ers kooii.' mild olie of tin lendprs. Suffr.iKo orKiiiiUntlonii tliriiiighout tho statu nro piepnrlutt for itnotliur vigorous rnmiialiiK, Tjui "anllH" nro also nrgniiUIng and luitlnlntorn uio heliu; flooded with petitions for mid against tho stilniilsidoii of tho amend ment nunln. 1 ' i ' ' 10 REVIVE CENTRAL PACIFIC HAN FltANOIHro, Jan, i8.ltn. hiihllltntloii of tho Coiituil Piiclflii riilltoiul, w 1 1 1 1 it presldont mill other ooriitlvo liemH locntiMl hero, In helm; coiiHldorml tudny by thu offlrlnln of that lino. TIiIh v'oilld iiionii thu in iiinviil of tho pruKKiit ufflcui'ri of tho miiipiiiiy front Umiihii. I'ltdi'i' the new pluii II Is prohnltto I'nHilduiit Wlllliiin Hproulo of tho lolilhiMi I'nelflo would lii'ml tho ('.'Html I'nelfle. wlillo Vlco-I'resldimt i 0. Mfforiuli'k of tho Moiitliiirii ln elfle would siiicihmI Hproulo. It ap pear certain toduy Hint tho Union Pacific) will neciiro tho Central Paci fic by Inane, hut It M curtain tho Southern I'ttrlflc will Insist on n good price for tho pilvlleitn of operating the Iliiu. f?'' WHAT kJifc'.v.'-fe'isS MEANS IHAIIt MMtH On the same ledeo of rocks and near the spot wle.e ilieAiinmle. of t!ie While Star line sncriflcftl more I Han undrml lives on April I. Wl. the s(enmlili I mulum, of ihc t milium Sti-nuHim tuoi.uii, liouiid from duller for Halifax. N S. Hid New ort.. Hed nil i n Unle -if re l. lU linli-t Iwlow III i is .11 11 iI.iimo futt 011 lv hiindnsl Jain Jnmiiiry 12. All if the KS.1 !at-ici x ! lukfii i.ff by iemiihii: , u wltliuut llu- lum nf u l.ui(acv was lu lomiuitiiu or tue vvL k e lift' CilpUUu E I PIANIST I0NLY FEWiSEE ER E JANUARY 24 A treat Is in store for Medford. Miss Olga Stceb tho world's greatest woman will ho hero ou Fri day January 21, at tho Nat under the auspices ot tho Greater Medford club. There will also be a reception at one ot the leading hotels In honor of Miss Stecb. Writers lu as widely separated places as Germany, England, Old Mexico and the United States, also Dr. Otto Ncltxel, the world's great est critic, together with tho space writers on hundreds of small papers, have compared Olga Stecb to nnd ranked her with the greatest pianists HELEN BUD WED of all times such as Liszt, Chopin, Rubinstein, Carre 110, Rudcnthnl, Go dowsky, Busoul nnd Pndorewskl. That finch praise should bo given a young woman scarcely past her twon-ty-sccond yonr, is enough to make tho most sapgulno skoptltiil. This won derful girl has, however, but to touch tho keys und play through ono of tho master works to remove any pos sible doubt as to her position among pianists. Tlit-ho samo writers and critics pronounce her America's greatest instrumentalist, our first great pianist. NEW YOftK. Jan, 18. I.c-m than n hundred j;tictR- nil of them mem bers of the Gould family, nnd friends of the elder branch will attend the wedding of MiK Helen .Miller Gould ami Fiiiley J. Shoimnl, nt L.vudliurnt, Miss Qould'ti country residence ul Turrylown, X. Y., selieiluleil to take place ut nooli next Wcdnemlny. The tlenirc of both imrllcs for ex treme simplicity Mill lie carried out nut only in tho performance bf the ceremony, but al-o iu detail of iIiyhh nnd other arriiiiKi-nients. The nnlv item to excilu eommeiit thus fur, ha been tho engagement of nu orchestra of forty pieces. Two minister, one of them Dr. Hu:K'll pastor uf iMUs (lould'M eliiirfh ot Turrytown, will orfielute. The bride will bo unattended, nnd Mr. Shepurd'rt best mutt will prolmbly be his brother, IniW J. Shcpurd. Following tho ecremony there will be n wedding breakfast nml tho cou ple will leave Miorlly nl'lensanl for n honeymoon tri over the Oould linen in tho liride'a private ear. STORM TIES UP TRAFFIC (Continued; from page 1.) LDI N LAW AGAN POSTPONED t.hl city. , MINER HUItlEI) IN HXOW HIJDE (Continued from page 1.) well, a mining man of Ban Francisco, and Davo Williams of Trinity Con fer, lost tholr lives Tuesday night at tho Donanzu King mlno, near Trin ity Center, according to belated tolo phono advices which reached hero to day. Williams' body was recovered, but' that of Trcadwcll lu still undor the slide, and rescuers, fearing a fur ther nvalnnchc. will make no effort to find it until tho weather settles. CHICAGO LEADS ALL IN PARCELS POSI WASHINGTON", Jnn. 18. Chicago led all cltit'H in llio number of parcel post jiackngci handled during thu first week of tho wystem, according to detailed figures made ub!io lod.iy by I'oslmiiKter General llitehcoek. Home of ihe cities mid the pack ugCK liundled were; Chicago rU,Hl; New York -130,-i)')l; Hoton 351,821; Hultimore !'.', 082; l'ittbbiug .'17,078 Cluveluud 121,112; Sun IVnnciHco 33,232; In- diniuipaliH 23,582; Blr. Tallin 1.13,5(11; grees. Tho possibility of continued warm rain and high tompcraturo caused considerable anxloty to rail road inci$ nnd a crew was sent from Medford to strengthen tho brldgo across Jackson creek ut Seven Oaks. Tho water thcro Saturday morning was six inches lower than It wns at midnight so Immediate, danger Ih not feared. Tho dear creek tompornry bridge has been shoved north a few font uud Is tilted on ono sfdo forming a sort of dam over which tho water Is rush ing nt tho highest point registered this year. There is homo danger If tho brldgo glvea way thut tho rush of tho pent up water will curry out ono ot tho power company's poles. The bridge Is cabled to tho shore to prevent Its being carried down stream where, should It got loose, it would batter down the storm sewer at Jack son street. Waters Am KuhMdlng -Orlffln creek Is flowing over its banks and n small portion of It all morning rnn down West Main Htrcet until It disappeared In tho newer ut thu comer of Main and Oakdale. Tho thermometer dropped Satur day morning until it reached 31 do grtxjn ut J o'clock tho barometer, In tho meantime steadily riHlng, In dicating a possible clearing of weath er. Tho wuters In doguo rlvor and tho creeks aro not so high today as thoy wero Inst night and havo not reached thq dnngeroiiH mark lu any Instance Should tho thaw from now on bo gradual there Ih ;io causo or alarm. The amount qf rainfall to duta Is 10.5 1 Inches, 3.09 Inches below tho normal rainfall tor tho corresponding time, City water users should boll tho wator before using as tho flood in thu Ilutto crook Intako has mud dled the city's supply. TO FARMERS AND ORCHHRDISTH. Cultivate your land' with a Motor Tractor. It will puy for itnolf In tho SUVlnir of horse rood anil hlrml Imln. Milwaukee 27,892, and Minneapolis Valley Motor & "Tractor Co., Valley 24,412. 1 Garage, Medford. After litlcuiiii; for x hunts to ihe reading of the Oakland building or- dmiiiiee, by City Attorney Noif, uv nmmrudfil by City Englnoer ArnnpU per and City Fire t'liicf Amnnii, the ellv eoiiiiiiil laid it on the tnble. The unlinniice minuted of 392 sections nnd ( wnt deemed by (he committee applicable, villi certain omijoiiH mid iilteriitioim, to olinnu. It bus lieeit elinmplunod for Movcml year by P. H. Cowloi, nnli-fli f agitator, null some Hindi law will probably be pimt. ed by (lie lunv oouueil. The fire otdiiuvuee providing for tho pretention of rtre, making the chief of the fire department 11 file marshal nnd providing puultio for properly owner who mniuiiiiu fire- trap, wns paxi'd. A motion by .Millar to nut the Mil uric of city attorney from 7.' to $.'il) n month, nnd city physician fiom WO to .'2.1 n mouth, met with no fnvor, and the rfiliiuiimiri were left for III now iidiiiiiitatrulioii. Mayor Ciiiioii'h final mcnge wn rend recommi'uding economy. Or. Stearns Ktibmitted liirt resignation nml Street Commmioner Maker ten dered bin, and alter hating brvf HjH'oeliOM by City Attnrnev S'eff mid P. II. Cowles, the old ndiniiiittratioii pained into history. SRUISER DENVER SAILS PROTECT AMERICANS SAN DIKGO, ('ul,, .Jan. 18.- The ( riiiher Denver i on her way today to Aenpuleo, .Moxico, to protect American interesU from an expected rebel attack. Sbo Nailed late jester day, liuviligbi-eii -delayed iu eonlliig. Merllol While I.lnlmcnt. Should bo In every homo, as Its Immediate Rppllcatlou to cuts, bruises, sprains nnd wounds gives In stant relief. It has no equal as a pain killer and healer. llasklns' Drug Storo. Tho joiniiiK lopMlKM' of tho cIi'UkkIsIh nnd nowspnpiM' 111011 of AmtM'ini in u unit mil or iinization known its the American DniK nud 1'niH.s AHMoi'iutioii. Tim Hnft'tfiiunlhitf of llu jiulilm spnrioiiH nml iiTcspunsililo propiinitionH with out iiiorit. Tlio providing for tho ptthlio of tho hrwl known romt'dios for iNum sptMiifio purpusc, (ionipoiiiidud by oxport plit'inistj? from provtstl forintiliirt only. Tho ability to mako tlio lowostt possible priot! on at't'oiint of tho largo ipmniitios nianii-fnoturod. Whon you ooo "Moritol" pin your fnith to it. It will not provo you falao. 1 1 'Propanition.s oxclusivoly iu Motlford liliON i. 11 ASK INS, DrnggiHl 11 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOil IttiNT New flvo room bunga low, modern In nvory respect Iibb largo bicoidiig porch. A very do- slrublo location. Address llox O. Jt euro Mall Tribune. 2C7 WANTUD Young girl willing to oc elinngo light work for good homo and small wages. Phono Wi'A, ar7 L enses Of Inferior quollty never ontor thla establishment. I insist upon (totting tho best, I pay for tho best, and if your glasses como from hero TIIICV Aiiinui: JIKHT DR. RIOKEBT ' Over Kontnor's Draperies, Wo carry a very eomnlote lino of dnipcrlos, Iac curtains. fUluris. elc,. ana do u cIihh.m of iitiholHlcriiiK. A special inuii tu look ariur UiIh work cxclUMlvaly umt will ,ivo uh kooU ywrvlco Is dokuIMu lo uct In uven tliu Uifc-tat oIIIcm, Weeks & McGowan Co. Avoid Impure Milk for Infants and Invalids Got HORLICK'S It means the Original and Genuine MALTED MILK tt utftem te 2tnitatwM The Food-Drink for all Ages. $1 Mich niDIc, malted grain, in powder form. For infants, tnvalidi and grnwing children. Pure nutrition, upbuilding the wholo body. Invigorate mining mothers and the aged. More hcaliliful than tea or coffee. Agrees vvitli die vvcakett digestion. Ktq it onyoUr sideboard at honic. A quick luncli prepared in a minute. Take no substitute. Ask for UOiUBCK'S. HORLICK'S Contains Pure Milk f- CLUB RATES For the Daily Mail Tribune and the Weekly Del Norte Triplicate J.60 a Year Tho Triplicate is iHiblinlicrt Weekly nt OrcHconl City, tho lni8tlii)W oonHt tiity about which many peoplo now wfoli inrornmlion. Tilly offor Ih open to all who now mib scribo or all who havo paid up ihoir sub Hci'iplion to Doc. 31, 3012, TWO PA'VlilRS FOIt A UVNAS ' OVJOR TJU3 milOb) Oh" ONI'! T Weekly Mail Tribune -Triplicate, $270 -' -j J l- s v V