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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1913)
I) tfrwnw HlMwIeaJ Stfii. a Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Itnln or snow Mnv, fM5j Mln. !Mt Proolp. Friday. ,1'J. rnrl)rii'iinil Tmr. DHliy Mi'Vnntll Vfr. MI3DFORD, ORHQOtf, FRIDAY, .TANlTAltY 17, 10U5- NO. 255, JURY FINDS LOUNSBERRY GUILTY " ? TRAIN BAIT CONVICTED ON TWO COUNTS Lounslirrry Fotuul Guilty of Rolililnn Malls nml uf Jcoi;inllzlii Lives of Passcrificrs lusnnlly the De fense. Drvrloprs at Trial That Prisoner Is Nut In Need of Money as Was Ably Orfriulril. KA.VBA8 CITY, Jnn. 17. I.ouns I'rtrry muit'iinnd to seven uud one tit lr yours In the ritderul prison this MfltiliitHin by JiiiIkd I'otiln. KA.NHAH CITY, Mo , Jnn 17. Wull UiHiiilivrir. (( .Mcdfnrd. Ore., i MiHVlchit In Hut Pulled MiuiiHi court limn IihIh) Iiii two count- nm of nibbing tlm imoIIh iiihI tho other of JiuipftrilliliiK (In' 1 1 von if mionnor. Insanity wiik liiiiiilinrr'N defemio. lh prlniHer Insisting Hint In illil not mttoiitlmr. nml Uml ho know nntliltiK nf the robbery until charged with llm crime. It developed nt the (rial Hint l.titiiMtinrry In tint In need nf mnnoy. Ha lit HHBHtfml quarter for lilit fn lu ll) Ml III bMt hotel linrn nml was rupioiwjited liy IiIkIi priced ciiiiiiki'I. Mr. I.iinberry rmnnlni'il at Iter liutlmud'M hMh ilimiiKhtiiit tho trlul. Tim iilillilrnn worn k)it nt llm hotel. tg JUOjODUU. . ftt llwlr. father' Liiiinnliarry onnut hero several Httra (ik. pureliHHcd a Irnrt nf land l(iun Jacksonville nml Central 1'iilnt nml not It nut In fruit trees. Ilo lutd iNttnblliihed n kooiI credit at thubHiik. always unit hi obligations. Ilvml iinlotly nml wan well thought nf. Ho oomutf nf well known plo inwr Dakota fmutly mill IiIh father In n prominent Hillti'lmi. Ilnliml been it railroad mull clerk before liornmlug mi niclmrdlit. At tlio lime nf hl capture, ho was supplied to Im iKiKt mi Imnl liunlntvuM unit hi arrest wa n it rout shock to hid friend. After Identification, Im cniifoMicil In having robbed tlio mull enr nl Hoddlng u year ago. Pourtooii wltncsiioH worn pub pueiinod fmm this section liy I.oiiun liurry nml tlio government to testify im In IiIm diameter T INAUGURAUBALL WABIIIN'OTON, Jnn. 17 Wash- liiKlnn society Ih Mill gasping tniluy over I'roidilent-Kh'rt Woodrow Wll unu'H request for tlio ulmllHlimont nf tlio Inauguration Imll. Tlio largo lu ll I roe t expense it pon tlio government with WIIhoh'h reason for nsklng tlio (iiiiIhhIoii nf tlio usual lili; function. Win. NiisIIh, chairman of tlio In niiKUinl committee, anil to whom WIIhoii'h rniiii'Ht wim tlltoctcil, In ml mlttoilly iioii-i1iibhoi) nvor tlio situ nt Inn. Ah NViihIiIiikIoii inorclimitH liiul miliHorllH'il 187.000 to liolp covor tlio oxpiiiiHo, hu ciillcil n mi't'tliiK of llio cnmiulttco tlila nftoiimon In enn fililor lliu umllor, It Iri HiiKKUrttml tin u way nut of that that an Informal ivcoptlou bo hold. 10 EE. AMIANY, N. V Jnn. 17. (Invor nor HuUor nnnoiiiu'cil tlilu aftoruoon that ho hail dochloil to punlon Knullto 11. Uraiult, who wuh miutuuciul to Knrvo thirty yoaru in Duniuunoru pillion, WILSON CUTS OU ANDSOCETYGASPS POINCARE ELECTED PRESIDENT OF FRANCE AMID STORMY SCENES AFTER TWO DOEL CHALLENGES French Premier Chosen mi Second B allot Over Jules Pains hy Aid of So clallsts Wild Confusion Follows Announcement of Result Takes 2000 Police to Maintain Order Clemcnceaii, Former Premier and Pains Rival Aspirant Doth Challcnijcd to Flijht Duel liy Winner. New executive flanks as One of the Ahlest Premiers In the History of the Republic Surceeds Arniand Fallleries and Will Do Ninth Presi dent Clrmrnceaii Asked to Explain His Challennr by Ministers. I'AUIH, .Inn. 17 -I'n'inlur Hay niouil I'olnnnro Mini clecti-il iilutti prliint of tin 1'ronnli lloiililr nt Vxrxiillh'H (IiIh nftitllioon to biicrxvi) I'roahliMit Ariimml CiiIIIitIcm In om nf Iho mint Ktulilmrilly coutiMitiid oli'O IIoim In Iho hlHtory of tln nitilili. HU oliH-ilon rnm on tlio nerouil Iml tot ami wim Hid lornilt of llm Mirlnl IhIm IiikIiik with tlio roiulllomi iiimn Imni of tlio Niitlonul AMnuuhly, llirnw- ItiK lliHlr iiiort to I'oluenro limtfail nf .lulu Piinm. inlnlntur of nurlcul turn, Iho l'riulur'n nounmt roiuprtl lur. I'oluriiro wan uhiMon on (ho wtc nml halliit, arnlil muiiom of tin; wlhlunt minfualon, nftor ho hail rlmllotiKoil to n iluol M. tlrornoM CliuiU'in:'au, a forninr iromlir, anil nftor u m-ooiul iIiihI chnlloiiKo litul liiiui inut to mi nilliMrt'iit of JiiIkh 1'ninn. I'nuiH pruviil lo Im I'oluoaro'N uuut Hi-rtuui rlul, hpt ho wn.injtrit. than 100 (titufi tirtliliul Iho pnMiilor on tin flral iKillot. Sii-iiiiiI llnllol h'lri'lK Itnyinuitil limlrny l'olnrnro wmi coimlilcri'il ono of tlio nlilcut promlorn rrtiuro ovor hail. Tlio flrnt hnllot reaulti'il: 1'ulii rnro, ISO: Juliw I'muti, 3S7; Di-h-clmnt'l. S; ltll.ut. 18; Vnllant, C8; HrntlorliiK. XI Tlio iimnhor of vol on nri'iNHMry to oh'ct tjr4a7- Au I'llllorlal In toitny'n Kxcchor that MlulBtor of Jimtlco llrlnml ami MlnUlor nf I'lniinco Kllntz lutvo ilo tnmnti'il that Clomounxtu oxplnln IiIh rhnlli'iiito to l'olnrnro, ami that tlio profpoi'U of a iluul ili'poiulml nil Clo inoiironii. Tlio HHroml tin Hot romiltoil nrt fol Iowa: I'olniiiio, 4S.1; I'iiiiih, "'Jf: Valllnnt (H)clnllnt), r,9. Thcro woro novornl Houttoroil votOH nml nomo not votlitK- Tlio total vntn of tlio an Di'iulily wan s7a. Nitmhui)' for n rholro t37. Tlio tt'llora nnnounrcil tho robiilt E EMPLOYERS TO PAY IN CASH HAI.KM, Ore., Jan. 17. (lovornor WeHt'a proposed moiiHiiro to pinko It n felony fur n hiiIooii keeper to eitHh a cheek will not ho necessary It u bill framed by tho Intercuts of the wiiKo-eamer and Introduced by Hep resentntlvo Upton Is paBsoil. Uptun'u hill rciptlreH omployeiH to pay wanes In cash Instead of hy check. Tho bill uiukeH nn exception In rimcH whoro tho employees tiro not working In tho unmo city In which tho main officii of tho employing firm Ih jiltuntml, COUNCIL TO ACT E i Tlio city council toot In upcctal uchhIoii, probably for tho last time, Friday afternoon to piihb n building code mid flro ordinance, ciealliiR tho office of liulldlug Inspector mid pro- vldliu; Htrlugent leiuilutlon for build ItigH. Tho chief of tho flro depart ment Ih inailo building liiBpeetot' un der thu orillunuro. Tho now tidiiilulHtratlon will tako offlco n i) U voek, arnlil i.d'iicii of ftri'at ontlninlanni nml rnufiialou. I.oiik heforo tho Inhl Iml hit wtiHt t'ORl, It wan n for'Knc con rlimlon t tint I'olncaro wuh uufrly flocti'il, nml piiiiiltihioiiluni rolsnot!. Wlhl Kri'iiiM In TariH Tho two tliuiiiHiiiil pullco whu nuanloil tho iniliico nml tho trnfflr Hiioh lii'twoi'ii It ami I'arlH, hml nil thoy roulil ilo to hold In chr-ak.lhf Jiililllnni HplrltH of tho I'olmro nd lu'ront. M. l'olnrnro wnltoil In tho Vcr nnlltca pnhiro only Ioiir onoiigh to re rclvo tho rnnKrntulntloiiH of his friends nml tlu'ii with tho inumbora of lilt cahlni't ul out for I'nrlH on a Hpoclnl train. Am ho loft tlio an Nt'luhly hull ho waa clvon a tri'tucii doiiH ovation hy tho rrowda, who In tholr frouilod Illicit HplrltH nlinoHt inulihcd hliu. Tho Mci'iio In tho HtroMa of I'nrln. wIhi u Iho ri'fliilt.ot ;hq diUon Ih nino known, woro nlliiont ludHrrUi nlilr. Tho IVciifh olocl a pronldi-nt hut onro In novon yoarH mid hovoii year'a onllniiilanm U vontod nl that time I'AIIIR. Jan. 17. Thero wan no rholro on tho first hnllot today nt YorttallloH, whoro lunmlicru of the sciiati', slttliiK iih tho national n Homhly. Tho voto ntoed: I'olncaro, HSl; I'aniH. 3.18; scattering, 151. About 437 voloa tiro niroiiiry for a uholco. 1'AUIH. Jan. 17. A president of Pranco Ih to ho chosen today nt Vorsnllk'H, hut tho national assem bly deadlocked In (tin balloting for a riindldnto. Tho two lendliiK cnndl dnteR aro frontier llnymoml I'olncaro mid JulOH I'nuiH, who, until bin reslK natlon today, wtm uilnlBter of agricul ture. In n statement tills nfternoon 1'nmH (Coutluued on pbro 3.) OI.Y.M1MA, Wash., Jan. 17 To equip every child In tho Mute of Washington with such Industrial training as will enable htm to fight tho battle of life, not only after his schooldaya aro over, but even In a partial measure, during bchool days, Ih tho object of a bill introduced by lteprenentntlvo T, J. Corkory of Spo kane. Corkery provides, as nart-of tho public Hchnol Hystem, vocational, In dustrial, and continuation school. Tho latter aro Intended to furnish persons an opportunity to Imiulro In formation concerning the science and nrt of tho trades In which they are engaged. Tlio bill also provides for co-operutlvo schools, to allow needy pupils to uttoud school part of tho time and ho employed part of tho time, Tho bill extends compulsory educa tion so that children between 15 mid 17 must receive schooling for nt least flvo houiH per week. THOUSANDS OF DUCKS FROZEN JN THE PONDS SAN HEItNAKWNO, Cnl., Jnn. 17 TIioiimiiihIh of tltuikA nml oilier witter fowl are frozen in tlio ieo of Uig Ueitp Vulley Inke, necording to word hroujjlit here loilny hy Jim Jef I'ricH and a puiiy of huiiter.s return ing from tlio region. Several hunting purllcH Hlnrlcil for I he lake today. FURTHER EXTENSION OF SCHOOL SYSTEM The Bull Moose and the Grand Old Party Getting Together MR. MUNSEY'S "HOLDING COMPANY'! IN N REFUSES TO PROTECT GIRLS NKW YOHK, Jnn. J 7 Twelve pretty Hurnurd College girls, led by Miss Klrchbay of Columbia University today volunteered their services to guard 75,000 girls, among tho 200, 000 garment workers on strike here, against white slave "cadets. Their offers were accepted and the young women, all members of wealthy fami lies, were assigned to duty at the principal shops where thoy also will do picket duty. Angered by tho missionary efforts of whlto slavers, women strlko lead era today urged Mayor Gaynor to swear tho lu as special women policemen. Ilo decllnod. "It Is a mUcrnblo shame," said rtoiui llhink, chairman of tho wo man's strlko committee. "Wo have been refused proper protection, and now wo must tako tho matter Into our own hands and provldo our own police. Wo must protect our girls against cadets. Wo cannot let thu 75,000 girls now out of work go un guarded. Wo havo pleaded In vain with tho mayor and tho police. I havo a list of SO women who wish to do police duty." STATE TO ENTER FIRE INSURANCE BUSINESS 8AM3.M, Ore., Jan. 17. To havo tho state Insure Its own buildings against flro is tho unique purpose of n bill Introduced loilny by Hepre sentatlvo It. W. Hagood of l'ortland. appropriating jaG.OOO a year fur ten yearn to create a stato flro Insurance fund. Tho proposed fund would bo untlor tho board of control mid Is to bo drawn upon In enso tho stato should loso any public building, uppnrtus, appliances, fiirntturo or fixtures by flro. FROM VILEiCADETS Ay Wrfi iFt r j& J jet PirJHJCiiavvT rraftavvwavvvlBaKr fl m Hji o- x j WIN BETRAYS mm UPON ID CHARGE I'OKTLANI). Ore. Jnn. 17 Sher iff Jttdd W. Hoyd. of lied Bluff, Cnl.. Ih In Portland today with a warrant chnrgiug John Torgerson with kill ing James Miller at Vina, Cal., De cember A last. Torgerson Is lu jail hero on a government charge of rob bing fbur postofflces In Southern Ore gon. Mrs. Arthur Dletz, of Vina. Cal.. who with her two children, were with Torgerson nt lloscbure;, Ore., when ho was arrested by postofflce Inspectors, mid who accompanied tho party to l'ortland, has mado an affi davit for United States District Attor ney McCourt, lu which eho swore (hut Torgerson had told her ho killed Mlllor. United States District Attorney Mc Court today stated that ho was dis posed to turn Torgorson over to tho California authorities, but beforo do ing bo ho would present Torgorson's case to tho federal grand Jury so that in enso of Torgorson escaping on tho charge of killing MlUor, ho could bo returned to Oregon to stand trial for post offlco robbing. Tho evidence in Torgorson's enso will bo presented to the federal grand jury Into today or tomorrow, MANY WOMEN VOTE AT PHOENIX ELECTION IMioenix elected n coiifclnhle nml three eouneilmen nt ita minimi elec tion Wednesday. William Wright was elecleil constable in n field of three, iho oul office fop which thero wuh any competition. Tim cnuncil mon elected wero Guy Tlmihher, Henry Sehaffer, mill Dr. Mulmgrou. One hundred voles wero cast, two- thirds of wltiuh wore by women, 4ZZlS.fA"J ACTUAL OPERA HON. ' i WANT'S EM NOW SAI.KM. Ore., Jan. 17. Represent ative John II. Cnrkln of Jackson cpunty Is one lawyer who does not object to women jurors. Quite to tho contrary, Mr. Cnrkln Is so strong ly lu favor of them that although two jury bills have been Introduced, lu tho houses, both excepting wo men from Jury duty, he has brought In a third one that specially calls for women being Included In the Jury venlro. Mr. Cnrkln would have women servo on Jurys right away. To this end his bill provides that until regis tration lists containing tho names of women electors can be made up, tho county court may select women to servo without reference to tho tax roll or tho poll book He also makes women ellglblo as grand Jurors, MYLIUS FREED ON NUW YOHK, Jan. 17. Edward P. Myllus, tho Kngllsh Journalist who was couvlctod of libeling King George and whoso deportation from Kills Island was ordered by Secrotary Nagel, obtained a writ of habeas cor pus from Judge Holt In Pedornl dis trict court today, restraining tho Im migration officials from carrying out Secretary Nngel's order until tho enso has been rovlowed by tho court, At torneys for Myllus presented a potl ttcn In which It was claimed that ho was Icing unlawfully deported, as his offeuso had boon purely a political one. Myllus will havo n hearing be foro Judgo Holt uoxt Friday. uMN WANS WOMEN ON S rfflflSJIMSE TO Joint Nole Framed by European Am bassadors to Porte Counsels Ces sion of Adrlanople and Aejjean Isles to Balkan Allies. Roumanla and Bul(jaria Amicably Ad just Differences Turks to Yield Ultimately. CON'STAXTLVOPMJ, Jnn. 17. The joint note framed by thn Euro pean nmbassadors relating to tho Balkan situation was delivered to tho Porto hero today. It was" definitely learned that while the noto Is not drastic. It advises Turkey to accept the term of peace proposed by tho allies. Including the cession of Arlan oplc and tho Aegean Islands. Roumanian Envoy Joncscu today started for Bucharest, bearing Bul garia's official roply to tho demand of Uoumanla for a rectification of. her frontier. Both Jonescu and Dr. Danotf, tho Bulgarian envoy. Insisted that tho two contrfes had amicably adjusted 'their differences, but neith er would dlxclosu tho contents of the note. Diplomats gathered hero In con ferences, which It Is hoped will end the Balkan-Turkish war, today are Idly awaiting thu action of Constjin-tlhbplr-mthmmtMmrttilff1"ljt-' kan allies that Adrlanople, and' pos sibly tho Islands uf tho Aegean Sen, must bo ceded as tho prlco of peace. So far as known here, tho Turkish Grand Council has not been called to gether In Constantinople. The Ger man ambassador hero nnd the repre sentatives of tho other powers, how ever, are said to bo in agreement on tho matter. It Id believed, that, sooner th.i rfgaln endure tho Balkan attack at TchatlJ.i nnd Adriai.oplo, Turkey ultimately will yield. SATrMt Ore., Jnn. 17. Governor West', veto of bill paused nt (hn Inst seion of the legisluturu" wns twice MtHtniiied thin morning by the home, hut after the noon rcco., (he hniiKU reeoiiMilered ilg nelioii in us tniuins ono of tho measures nml it was referred buck lo the fpcciul veto committee. The bill in question re duces tho pennlty for minppropriu tion of public fiiniK The other bill sustained nt the cur ly session wn one providine; for a Rceond choice in primary elections. Hy netinii of the house Iho eousideru tion of pix etocil bills had been made tho special ordor of hupinesi. So lively were tho debutes, however, that the liouo hml to put the others over until tho nfternoon session. Tho house will adjourn nt 3 o'clock this nfternoon until Monday morning nt 11 o'clock. In the first five days meinlior of tho house hnvo introduced W2 bills, three of which passed. In the senuto only four votes wero given to sustain tho veto of Clovornor Wot on two bills, one providing for nil emergency hoard to pass on ex penditures of stnto institiitiojiH, nnd tho other requiring that no warrants ho issued b.v, tho secretary of lut where no money hn-s boen appropri ated to meet them. GARRY HERRMANN RE-ELECTED CHAIRMAN OF COMMISSION I IM-II CHICAGO, Jan. 17. Satisfaction wns expresAcd today in )hu baseball circles hero over Iho re-election of. flurry llermiuun of Cjneiiiiiuti 3 ehairmuii of the national commission. John K. Hruec, Hcerotnry vun h!m ry-elccted. IS i HOPELESS WAR SENATEOE IS VETOES BUT HOUSE VOTES TO SUSTAIN Jta rw-4 ft I